America is on the moon for a year. Americans on the Moon: true or false? The moon rocket couldn't fly to the moon

At the end of last week, American scientists released data according to which the majority of participants in manned flights to the Moon died from severe cardiovascular diseases, while for other astronauts this cause of death is much less common. According to researchers, this is a consequence of the radiation dose received in space. The news caused a mixed reaction, and the debate about the reliability of NASA's lunar program flared up again. At the request of the Life editors, Vitaly Egorov, popularizer of astronautics and press secretary of the Dauria Aerospace company, spoke about the main misconceptions and stereotypes that constantly accompany many discussions about people on the Moon.

1. The lunar landing was filmed on a sound stage

NASA, of course, had pavilions with a mock-up of the lunar module and an imitation of the lunar surface. There was a test site where lunar craters were simulated. But all this was created and used to train astronauts, so that unusual conditions would be more familiar to them and allow them to work more efficiently. This is a normal stage of preparation for any mission. In the same way, Soviet lunar rover drivers trained at the training ground in Crimea and on the volcanoes of Kamchatka. And not in order to fake pictures from the Moon, but to be prepared for what awaits them there. Those images that are officially listed as lunar are actually taken on the Moon and can be analyzed for consistency with satellite images of the lunar surface.

The myth “they filmed in a pavilion” is adhered to by many Russian cosmonauts and space specialists who have no doubt about the authenticity of the American flights to the Moon. Our cosmonauts say: “They flew, but some details of the landing could have been filmed on Earth and shown just for clarity - what it was like there.” In my opinion, this position is partly forced, as our specialists protect themselves from the need to explain all sorts of controversial aspects of photo and video shooting with a waving flag or the absence of stars in the sky and the like.

2. The flag is waving, but the stars are not visible

A frequently encountered argument in discussions, which, in the opinion of its arguers, should prove a conspiracy. But, firstly, actually flying to the Moon and filming the Moon landing are two different things, and one does not exclude the second. Secondly, you need to know the conditions on the surface a little better and watch videos and photos more carefully. As for the flag, everything is simple, the astronaut just waves it with his hand. If you watch not five seconds of filming of the flag installation, but take a longer recording - they are all now published on the YouTube video service - then you can see a direct connection between the “draft” and the astronaut who approaches the flag. He grabbed the flag - the wind rose, let go of the flag - the wind died down. And so on several times.

As for the stars that are not in the photo from the Moon, this can also be explained simply: they landed during the day. Although the sky on the Moon is black, the cameras were set to shoot in daytime conditions, because the brightness of the Sun on the Moon is even higher than on Earth. If you look at the footage taken on the International Space Station, you will also not see stars in the black sky if the filming was carried out on the sunny side of the Earth.

3. Films with video recording of the first landing disappeared

This myth has some basis, although it does not fully correspond to reality. All photographs and videos taken by cameras on the lunar surface by the Apollo 11 expedition have been preserved and have now been published. The footage of the live television broadcast, which was conducted from the Moon to the NASA receiving station and distributed to various television studios, was re-recorded. Since everyone saw the television broadcast, and the recordings of these frames were stored in television studios, NASA did not particularly value magnetic coils with broadcast in its archives and from light soul re-recorded them when the need arose in the 80s.

They only realized it in the 2000s: as it turned out, the recordings at television studios remained with a great loss of quality, while NASA stations received a higher-quality signal. The broadcast sources were never found, so they tried to improve the quality with the help of specialists from Hollywood. Therefore, Hollywood now officially took part in the preparation of recordings of the lunar landing, and this is openly written on the NASA website. However, this does not cast doubt on the fact of the first landing and the five subsequent ones, the records of which were no longer lost.

4. After the completion of the lunar program, the Saturn 5 rocket disappeared without a trace.

A myth based on the fact that it is now impossible to resume production of this rocket, since all the performers and contractors of this system have long disappeared or changed their direction of activity. In addition, the difference in the capabilities of the rocket of the 60s, which launched 140 tons into low Earth orbit, and modern rockets, whose record is only 28 tons, is very surprising.

The Saturn 5 itself has not disappeared; NASA has two samples of the rocket, which are located in museums Space Center them. Johnson (Houston) and Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral). Plus, there are several dozen F1 engines, which provided the outstanding capabilities of the rocket. Now NASA has a small group that is engaged in reverse engineering: based on surviving samples, it develops a new version of the engine using modern technologies. But this work is not a high priority because NASA has engines that are superior to the F1 in a number of ways.

In a similar way, the Soviet N1 and Energia missiles “disappeared.” Now, if there is a conversation in Russia about creating a super-heavy rocket, they talk about work practically from scratch, and not a return to the Soviet legacy.

The most important contribution of the lunar program remained in the form of the enormous experience of US space technology developers, who were able to translate it into the Space Shuttle program. If NASA's entire lunar program took place in Hollywood, then America simply would not be physically able to implement the space shuttle program. Let me remind you that if you count the shuttle itself, the Space Shuttle system launched up to 90 tons into low Earth orbit.

5. Now America doesn’t have its own rocket engines, which means it didn’t have them before

The successful sale of Russian RD-180 and RD-181 engines in the United States created a misconception among some Russians that America had forgotten how, or even did not know how, to make rocket engines.

Here, too, it is easy to dispel doubts with two simple facts: The most powerful Delta IV Heavy rocket to date is American, and it is powered by American RS-68 engines.

These engines are oxygen-hydrogen and are inherited from the Space Shuttle program. Their problem is high cost, therefore it is more profitable for the United States to buy Russian ones.

The most powerful rocket engines of our time - more powerful than the F1 and RD-171 - are solid propellant SRBs, which also remained from the shuttle. The SRB is now being installed on the new super-heavy rocket SLS, which should launch 70 tons into low Earth orbit. SRBs were the reason why NASA did not resurrect the F1.

For more applied problems like launching satellites or supplying the ISS, the United States uses both Russian engines and American Merlin from SpaceX.

6. Taking off from the Moon requires a rocket and a spaceport, but they weren’t there.

Actually they were. The lunar landing module was not only a means of soft landing, but also a take-off device. The upper part of the module was not only a cabin for astronauts, but also a launch rocket, and the lower part of the landing module acted as a cosmodrome.

To launch from the surface of the Moon and enter lunar orbit, much less energy is required than to launch from Earth, since there is less gravity, no atmospheric resistance, and a small payload mass, which is why large rockets can be dispensed with.

7. All lunar soil has disappeared or is being carefully hidden by NASA

During six lunar landings, astronauts were able to collect and deliver 382 kilograms of lunar samples. Most are now stored at the Lunar Sample Laboratory in Houston. About 300 kilograms are now truly inaccessible for research: they are stored in a nitrogen atmosphere, so that terrestrial conditions, first of all, atmospheric oxygen, did not lead to changes or destruction of the samples. At the same time, about 80 kilograms of samples are available for study by scientists around the world, including Russian ones, and if desired, you can find scientific publications, which compare lunar meteorites, samples from Soviet stations, and samples returned by Apollo astronauts.

In Russia, anyone can see a few grains of lunar soil at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow. There is both Soviet and American lunar soil.

Some soil samples delivered by the Apollo program were indeed stolen or disappeared into museums and institutions, but this is a small percentage of the total delivered. moon rocks and dust.

For those interested in the topic, I can recommend a photo report by the young Russian cosmonaut Sergei Kud-Sverchkov, who visited the Lunar Sample Laboratory excursions and posted photographs on his blog.

8. Cosmic radiation should kill everyone

Today the press often discusses cosmic radiation along the way. In the context of these conversations, the question is raised about how people flew to the Moon if radiation is so dangerous.

To understand the difference in flight conditions, it is worth remembering that a flight to Mars takes a year and a half, and a flight to the Moon under the Apollo program takes less than two weeks. If you carefully study the results of studies of the influence of cosmic radiation during a flight to Mars, you can find out that during 500 days of flight an astronaut will receive a dose approximately one and a half times higher than the permissible dose.exposure level. If for astronauts this level corresponds to a 3 percent increase in the threat of cancer, then a flight to Mars already provides 5 percent of this threat. By comparison, smokers increase their risk of cancer by 20 percent.

The design of the spacecraft should also be taken into account. The lunar module did not have additional radiation protection, but its casing included an aluminum body, a hermetic shell, and multilayer thermal protection, which created an additional screen from cosmic particles. However, only 40 percent of the lunar module area directly protected pilots from space conditions. In other areas of the surface they were additionally covered by a multi-meter service compartment with equipment and rocket fuel and a landing module.

We should not forget about Soviet and then Russian experiments to study cosmic radiation. Now the Phantom and Matryoshka experiments are being implemented on the ISS, and the Phantom flew to the Moon in Zond-7, which made it possible to assess the degree of damage to humans by streams of cosmic particles. In general, the conclusions are encouraging: if there are no solar flares, then you can fly. If it were not possible, then Roscosmos probably would not have been working on the lunar program for the end of the 2020s and would not have made plans to build a lunar base.

Political leaders of the USSR immediately congratulated the United States on its successful lunar program, and Russian cosmonauts and scientists still express confidence in the reality of landing people on the Moon. Conspiracy believers have to explain this somehow in order to remain committed to their idea. And so the idea was born that the USSR was also in the conspiracy. As arguments in favor of a conspiracy, facts from the history of our countries that relate to the period of détente of international tension are usually cited: arms limitation, trade cooperation, the Soyuz-Apollo program.

Although Soviet Union has no longer existed for a quarter of a century; of course, there is no documentary evidence of any of his participation in the Lunar Conspiracy. Moreover, not a single piece of evidence has appeared from contemporaries that could confirm the fact of such a conspiracy. Although now, it would seem, nothing stands in the way of bringing the Americans to clean water.

10. No one saw traces of astronauts on the Moon, and the “landing site” is forbidden to be examined and studied

The most powerful modern telescopes on Earth are unable to see traces of the lunar landing. They can see surface features measuring 80-100 meters, which is much larger than the size of the lunar module. The only way seeing lunar modules and traces of astronauts means sending a satellite to the Moon or a lunar rover to the surface.

Over the past 15 years, satellites from Europe, India, Japan, China, and the USA have been sent to the Moon. But only the NASA LRO satellite was able to see it more or less qualitatively. The detail of his images is up to 30 centimeters, it allows you to see the lunar modules, scientific equipment on the surface, paths trodden by astronauts, and traces of lunar rovers.

Satellites of India and Japan tried to examine traces of American landings, but the detail of their cameras at 5-10 meters did not allow them to see anything. The only thing that was possible was to identify the so-called halo - a spot of light soil that arose from the impact of the rocket engines of the landing stages. Japanese scientists, using stereo photography, were able to recreate the landscapes of the landing sites, and they showed full compliance with what is visible in the photographs of the astronauts: large craters, mountains, plains, faults. In the 60s there was no such technology, so it would not have been possible to simulate the landscape in the pavilion.

In 2007, the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition was announced for the development of a private lunar rover, which must reach the Moon and cover a certain distance. The winner should be paid up to $30 million. The competition offers an additional $2 million Legacy Award to the team whose rover can photograph one of the Apollo lunar modules or Lunokhods. Fearing that hordes of private robots will rush to historic landing sites, NASA has issued recommendations not to get too close to the landing sites, so as not to trample the astronauts' footprints and damage historical monuments. Currently, only one of the competition teams has announced that they are going to take a look at the Apollo 17 landing site.

In 2015, a group of space engineers appeared in Russia who undertook to develop a microsatellite capable of reaching the Moon and photographing the Apollo landing sites, Soviet Lunas and Lunokhods with a quality exceeding NASA LRO. Funding for the first part of the work was sought through crowdfunding. There are no funds yet to continue the work, but the developers do not intend to stop and hope for the support of large private investors or the state.

Each nation individually and all of humanity as a whole strives only forward to conquer new horizons in the field of economic development, medicine, sports, science, new technologies, including the study of astronomy and space exploration. We hear about big breakthroughs in space exploration, but did they really happen? Did the Americans land on the moon or was it just one big show?


Having visited " National Museum Aviation and Cosmonautics of the USA" in Washington, anyone who wants to verify that the American spacesuit is a very simple dressing gown, hastily sewn. NASA states that the spacesuits were sewn at a factory for the production of bras and underwear, that is, their spacesuits were sewn from the fabric of panties and they supposedly protect from the aggressive space environment, from radiation that kills humans. However, maybe NASA really has developed ultra-reliable suits that protect from radiation. But why then was this ultra-light material not used anywhere else? Not for military purposes, not for peaceful purposes. Why not was assistance provided with Chernobyl, albeit for money, as American presidents like to do? Well, let’s say perestroika had not yet begun and they didn’t want to help the Soviet Union. But, for example, in 1979 in the USA at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant “There was a terrible accident at the reactor unit. So why didn’t they use durable spacesuits developed using NASA technology to eliminate radiation contamination - a time bomb on their territory?

Radiation from the sun is harmful to humans. Radiation is one of the main obstacles in space exploration. For this reason, even today all manned flights take place no further than 500 kilometers from the surface of our planet. But the Moon has no atmosphere and the level of radiation is comparable to outer space. For this reason, both in a manned spacecraft and in a spacesuit on the surface of the Moon, astronauts had to receive a lethal dose of radiation. However, they are all alive.

Neil Armstrong and the other 11 astronauts lived an average of 80 years, and some are still living, like Buzz Aldrin. By the way, back in 2015 he honestly admitted that he had never been to the moon.

It is interesting to know how they were able to survive so well when a small dose of radiation is enough to develop leukemia - blood cancer. As we know, none of the astronauts died from cancer, which raises only questions. Theoretically, it is possible to protect yourself from radiation. The question is what protection would be sufficient for such a flight. Engineers' calculations show that to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation, the walls of the ship and spacesuit needed to be at least 80 cm thick and made of lead, which, naturally, was not the case. No rocket can lift such weight.

The suits were not just hastily riveted together, but they lacked simple things necessary for life support. Thus, the spacesuits used in the Apollo program completely lack a system for removing waste products. Americans either had plugs in during the entire flight different places They endured it, didn’t pee or poop. Or they immediately recycled everything that came out of them. IN otherwise they would simply suffocate from their excrement. This does not mean that the system for removing waste products was bad - it was simply absent.

Astronauts walked on the moon in rubber boots, but it is interesting to know how they did it when the temperature on the moon ranges from +120 to -150 degrees Celsius. How did they obtain the information and technology to make shoes that could withstand wide ranges of temperatures? After all, the only material that has the necessary properties was discovered after the flights and began to be used in production only 20 years after the first landing on the Moon.

Official chronicle

The vast majority of space images from NASA's lunar program do not show stars, although Soviet space images have an abundance of them. The black empty background in all photographs is explained by the fact that there were difficulties with modeling starry sky and NASA decided to completely abandon the sky in its images. When the US flag was planted on the moon, the flag fluttered under the influence of air currents. Armstrong straightened the flag and took a few steps back. However, the flag did not stop fluttering. The American flag fluttered with the wind, although we know that in the absence of an atmosphere and in the absence of wind as such, a flag cannot flutter on the Moon. How could astronauts move so quickly on the Moon if gravity is 6 times lower than on Earth? An accelerated view of astronauts jumping on the Moon shows that their movements correspond to movements on Earth, and the height of the jumps does not exceed the height of jumps in conditions gravity. You can also find fault with the pictures themselves for a long time regarding the differences in colors and minor mistakes.

Lunar soil

During the lunar missions under the Apollo program, a total of 382 kg of lunar soil was delivered to Earth, and samples of the soil were presented by the American government to leaders of different countries. True, all regolith, without exception, turned out to be a fake of terrestrial origin. Part of the soil mysteriously simply disappeared from museums; another part of the soil, after chemical analysis, turned out to be terrestrial basalt or meteorite fragments. Thus, BBC News reported that a fragment of lunar soil stored in the Dutch museum Rijskmuseulm turned out to be a piece of petrified wood. The exhibit was given to Dutch Prime Minister Willem Dries and after his death the regolith went to the museum. Experts doubted the authenticity of the stone back in 2006. This suspicion was finally confirmed by an analysis of lunar soil carried out by specialists from the Free University of Amsterdam; the expert conclusion was not reassuring: the piece of stone is a fake. The American government decided not to comment on this situation in any way and simply hushed up the matter. Similar cases also occurred in the countries of Japan, Switzerland, China and Norway. And such embarrassments were resolved in the same way, the regoliths mysteriously either disappeared or were destroyed by fire or the destruction of museums.

One of the main arguments of opponents of the lunar conspiracy is the recognition by the Soviet Union of the fact of the Americans landing on the moon. Let's analyze this fact in more detail. The United States understood perfectly well that it would not be difficult for the Soviet Union to make a refutation and provide evidence that the Americans never landed on the moon. And there was plenty of evidence, including material evidence. This is the analysis of lunar soil, which was transferred by the American side, and this is the Apollo-13 apparatus caught in the Bay of Biscay in 1970 with full telemetry of the Saturn-5 launch vehicle, in which there was not a single living soul, not a single astronaut. On the night of April 11-12, Soviet fleet, the Apollo 13 capsule was lifted. In fact, the capsule turned out to be an empty zinc bucket, there was no thermal protection at all, and its weight was no more than one ton. The rocket was launched on April 11 and a few hours later on the same day, the Soviet military found the capsule in the Bay of Biscay.

And according to the official chronicle American apparatus flew around the Moon and returned to Earth allegedly on April 17, as if nothing had happened. At that time, the Soviet Union received irrefutable evidence that the Americans had faked the moon landing, and it had a fat ace up its sleeve.

But then amazing things began to happen. In the midst cold war, when a bloody war was going on in Vietnam, Brezhnev and Nixon, as if nothing had happened, met like good old friends, smiled, clinked glasses, and drank champagne together. This is remembered in history as the Brezhnev Thaw. How can we explain the completely unexpected friendship between Nixon and Brezhnev? Apart from the fact that the Brezhnev thaw began quite unexpectedly, behind the scenes, there were gorgeous gifts that President Nixon personally gave to Ilyich Brezhnev. So, on his first visit to Moscow, the American president brings Brezhnev a generous gift - a Cadillac Eldorado, hand-assembled by special order. I wonder what merits actually top level Does Nixon give you an expensive Cadillac when they first meet? Or maybe the Americans were indebted to Brezhnev? And then - more. At subsequent meetings, Brezhnev is given a Lincoln limousine, and then a sporty Chevrolet Monte Carlo. At the same time, the silence of the Soviet Union about the American lunar scam could hardly be bought with a luxury car. The USSR demanded to pay big. Can it be considered a coincidence that in the early 70s, when the Americans allegedly landed on the moon, the construction of the largest giant, the KAMAZ automobile plant, began in the Soviet Union. It is interesting that the West allocated billions of dollars in loans for this construction, and several hundred American and European automobile companies took part in the construction. There were dozens of other projects in which the West, for such inexplicable reasons, invested in the economy of the Soviet Union. Thus, an agreement was concluded on the supply of American grain to the USSR at prices below the world average, which negatively affected the well-being of the Americans themselves.

The embargo on Soviet oil supplies to Western Europe was also lifted, and we began to penetrate their gas market, where we are still successfully operating to this day. Apart from the fact that the United States allowed such activities profitable business with Europe, the West, in fact, built these pipelines itself. Germany provided a loan of more than 1 billion marks to the Soviet Union and supplied large-diameter pipes, which at that time were not produced in our country. Moreover, the nature of warming demonstrates a clear one-sidedness. The US is doing favors for the Soviet Union while getting nothing in return. Amazing generosity, which can easily be explained by the price of silence about the fake moon landing.

By the way, recently the famous Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who everywhere defends the Americans in their version of the flight to the Moon, confirmed that the landing was filmed in the studio. Indeed, who will film the epoch-making opening of the hatch by the first man on the moon if there is no one on the moon?

Busting the myth that Americans walked on the moon is not just an insignificant fact. No. The element of this illusion is interconnected with all the world's deceptions. And when one illusion begins to collapse, the rest of the illusions begin to collapse after it, like a domino principle. It is not only misconceptions about the greatness of the United States of America that are crumbling. Added to this is the misconception about the confrontation between states. Would the USSR play along with its irreconcilable enemy in the lunar scam? It's hard to believe, but, unfortunately, the Soviet Union played the same game with the United States. And if this is so, then it now becomes clear to us that there are forces that control all these processes that are above the states.

Is the flight to the moon a giant step for humanity or a worldwide hoax? Crimean scientist analyzes American flights to the Moon

According to NASA, the National Aeronautics Agency and outer space USA, supported by the American government, in 1969, humanity made a qualitative leap in its development: the Apollo 11 space expedition took place, during which astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first earthlings to set foot on the surface of the Moon. According to NASA, in 1969 -1972. 12 astronauts visited the Moon during six Apollo missions. Another 15 visited lunar orbit.

Was there a flight to the moon?

The first doubts about the authenticity of the lunar expeditions were expressed even during the period of their implementation by some US citizens, including those who worked at NASA, who pointed out a number of oddities around the lunar project, as well as signs of forgery in films and photographic materials of the expeditions. In subsequent years, the number of arguments put forward by specialists in space technology, photography and filming, and cosmic radiation, questioning or denying NASA's version, has increased. If in the first “post-lunar” years NASA sometimes responded to critics, then such statements were subsequently stopped. A NASA representative gave this “logical” explanation: the volume of criticism is so great that there is not enough time to respond to it. It is not surprising that the arguments of skeptics, presented in a huge number of newspaper and magazine articles, books and during television programs, and the response silence of NASA led to an increase in the number of skeptics who consider the Apollo project a scam. Thus, currently about a quarter of Americans do not believe in the reality of landing a man on the moon. Let's look at some of the oddities that raise doubts about NASA's version.

Couldn't the moon rocket fly to the moon?

To implement the Apollo project, the Saturn 5 rocket was created in 1967, capable, according to NASA, of launching 135 tons of cargo into low-Earth orbit. None of the later ones have such power. space systems, including the Shuttle, a reusable system developed in the United States by the mid-80s and capable of placing 30 tons of payload into orbit around the Earth. Nevertheless, the active life of the Saturns turned out to be surprisingly short and was limited to participation in the lunar program. Maybe Saturns are much more expensive than Shuttles? Not at all, especially considering the well-established production of the former and the enormous expenditure of money and time on the development of the latter.

At comparable prices, launching an equal payload into space using the Shuttles turned out to be more expensive than using the Saturns.

Or maybe today there is no need to launch large payloads into space? There is such a need in particular when creating space stations. And there are a lot of interesting things on the Moon, for example, an isotope of helium, which is promising as a source of thermonuclear energy. But maybe the Saturn 5 is an unreliable rocket? On the contrary, if you accept NASA's version, it is extremely reliable. All of its manned launches were successful.

But the Shuttles turned out to be not so trouble-free, despite the fact that near-Earth flights, for which they were used, are an order of magnitude simpler in technical terms than flights to the Moon and back. Disasters that occurred with the Shuttles that claimed the lives of 14 American astronauts, forced NASA management to abandon their further use. Having abandoned, for unknown reasons, the Saturns in 1973, and then the expensive and unreliable Shuttles, the United States was left, so to speak, with nothing. And today, Americans rent Russian Soyuz spacecraft for flights to the ISS. The same ones that were created in the USSR even before the flights to the Moon. NASA did not put forward any reasonable explanation for the “retirement” of its own rockets, unsurpassed in power and reliability. Skeptics give the following explanation for this strangeness: in reality, Saturn 5 was unable to launch into space even the minimum cargo required for lunar expeditions. In addition, the rocket was extremely unreliable. It could not participate in any flights to the Moon and was used only to simulate lunar launches. Therefore, after the early termination of the Apollo program, the production and use of Saturn rockets was stopped, and the remaining three rockets were sent to museums. At the same time, he stopped working for NASA in 1972. chief designer worthless Saturns - von Braun.

Did the rocket engine fail?

The F1 rocket engine used on the Saturns had, according to NASA, a thrust of 600 tons. The most powerful rocket engine, the RD-180, used in our time and created in the USSR, has less thrust and has worse thrust/weight and thrust/size characteristics compared to the F1. The reliability of the F1 engine, like the Saturn 5 rocket, is the highest: not a single failure during all flights to the Moon and previous manned lunar and near-Earth flights! It would seem that F1 should have long life. And if it was modernized, then over the past 45 years after its creation it would have been possible to further increase its power and reliability. However, the best rocket engine of all time, the F1, died at the same time as the best rocket of all time, the Saturn.

“Skeptics” among rocket specialists explain this oddity by the fact that the technical principles inherent in the design of the F1 were initially flawed, which did not make it possible to provide the thrust necessary for flights to the Moon. By the way, the failure of the lunar engine, which was still in the design stage, was predicted by the great Sergei Korolev. The real power of the F1, according to skeptics, could only be enough to lift the half-empty body of the Saturn from the ground, underfilled with fuel, to simulate a lunar launch. The reliability of the weak F1, according to experts, was below average. That's why NASA wisely wrote it off and never used it again after the end of the lunar epic. But what engines do Americans use today on their powerful Atlas rockets? The United States uses RD-180 rocket engines purchased from Russia or manufactured in the United States using Soviet-era technology received from Russia. When in the early 90s, in the ecstasy of unity with the world community on the basis of universal human values, Russia laid out to the Americans its scientific and technical secrets from the times of the “closed” USSR, they were shocked: the Russians, many years ago, were able to bring into reality what American rocket scientists had been unsuccessful in achieving fought long years and which was abandoned, considered impracticable. For scientific and technical documentation on the RD-180 engine, the United States paid Russia 1 million in green pieces of paper - the current price of a three-room apartment in Moscow.

Strange things with lunar soil

According to NASA, lunar expeditions brought about 400 kg of lunar soil to Earth from different points on the Moon. Compared to 300 grams of regolith, a mixture of lunar dust and rubble, delivered by Soviet automatic machines, the high scientific value of the American samples was determined by the fact that they belonged to the bedrock of the moon. It would seem that the United States should have distributed a significant portion of lunar rocks to the best laboratories in the world so that they could carry out an analysis and confirm: yes, this is soil from the Moon. However, the Americans showed surprising stinginess. Thus, USSR scientists were provided with 29 grams of rock, but not indigenous rock, but in the form of dust, which unmanned vehicles are quite capable of delivering to Earth in small quantities. At the same time, in exchange, out of its 300 g of regolith, the USSR gave the United States one and a half grams more. Other scientists from different countries were even less fortunate: they were given, as a rule, from half a gram to two grams of regolith, and with the condition of return. The results of studies of American samples published in the scientific press either refer to regoliths, or do not allow them to be identified as lunar, or lead to doubts. Thus, geochemists from the University of Tokyo established that the lunar samples presented to them by NASA remained in the state for a gigantic period of time. earth's atmosphere, which is almost impossible to explain under the assumption of the formation of samples under lunar conditions. French researchers, studying the reflective characteristics of the American and Soviet samples, concluded that only the latter has light reflection characteristics corresponding to the albedo of the lunar surface. A comedic sensation, which for some reason did not get much attention from “free journalists,” was the recent report by Dutch scientists that a sample of lunar soil, solemnly presented by the US Ambassador to the Prime Minister of Holland in 1969, turned out to be a piece of petrified terrestrial wood. There were no comments from donors. But NASA decided to no longer provide lunar soil to researchers. The explanation is this: we should wait until more advanced research methods appear, and in the meantime preserve the lunar soil for future generations of scientists. NASA doesn't believe that future astronauts will be able to go to the Moon and bring back soil samples?

So, instead of publicly inviting the world's leading laboratories to conduct a comprehensive study of hundreds of kilograms of lunar soil samples using the latest methods and widely publish the results, a taboo has been placed on the study of samples. Strange, isn't it? Skeptics have the following explanation: the United States does not have genuine stones, because they have never been to the Moon, and subterfuges are invented to stop further revelations.

Where did the original lunar filming go?

Without responding to numerous accusations of falsification, NASA nevertheless sometimes reacts to them by silently removing ridiculous pictures or individual fragments from its websites, or even simply correcting details in photographs. Thus, noticed by skeptics in one of the NASA photographs, the distinct letter “C” on the “moon” stone, which is used to mark props in the American film world, suddenly disappeared from the photograph. The photo, in which the shadows of objects intersected, which is impossible in sunlight, was simply cropped. And so on. Let us dwell only on some of the oddities associated with the “lunar movie”.

Probably everyone saw on TV the exit from the lunar module to the surface of the Moon by astronaut N. Armstrong, who uttered the legendary phrase about “a small step for man and a giant step for all mankind,” and drew attention to the extreme low quality images that make it difficult to see a certain figure going down the stairs. NASA explained: these frames were taken on Earth from a monitor screen in Houston, and the poor quality was because the image was broadcast from the Moon. However, for some reason they were in no hurry to show magnetic tapes with high-quality images directly filmed on the Moon. With each new lunar expedition, the situation repeated itself: NASA did not show the original lunar photographs. To answer perplexed questions - why aren’t they showing high-quality footage? — NASA replied that everything has its time, a special storage facility is being built for the originals of priceless video recordings, after which copies will be made from them and shown to the general public. Years passed. And now, 37 years later, NASA announced that the original recordings of man's first step on the lunar surface were lost, along with the recordings of all other lunar expeditions. The trail of 700 boxes containing more than 10,000 magnetic tapes was lost before 1975, according to NASA. So, it turns out that why high-quality video recordings were not shown - they seemed to disappear into thin air! Well, it happens. It is a pity, however, that it was the recordings made on the Moon and during the flights there and back that were lost, while for some reason the much less valuable terrestrial recordings of the astronauts’ training, their rest, being with their families, ceremonial launches to the Moon, and even more were perfectly preserved. ceremonial meetings upon return. In 2006, NASA created a special commission to search for the missing films. Since then there has been silence. They're probably still looking. Strange, isn't it? Skeptics explain it this way: the film is dynamic, so it is almost impossible without computer technology to pass off filming made on Earth as lunar. Such technologies did not exist during the Apollo era. And photographs are static; it is much more difficult to detect deception from them. This is why, skeptics say, NASA "lost" moon movies”, but saved high-quality “lunar photographs”. By the way, in the years since the lunar epic, NASA has repeatedly reported about the loss of lunar soil. It looks like the moment is not far off, say skeptics, when NASA will announce: everything has been stolen, so conduct further research moon rocks is impossible. Just as it is impossible to see the missing original recordings of people on the Moon.

Why is there no independent verification?

Modern technology makes it possible to photograph objects located on it with a resolution of about 0.5 meters from near-Earth orbit from a height of several hundred kilometers from the surface of the planet. When photographing the lunar surface from lunar orbit, the absence of an atmosphere not only improves visibility, but also allows for much higher resolution by reducing the orbital altitude to tens of kilometers. This makes it possible to receive from lunar probes not only a clear image of the Apollo landing modules remaining on the Moon, which are about five meters in size, but also the lunar vehicles left there by lunar expeditions and even traces of astronauts in the lunar dust. In the last decade, several countries have successfully launched lunar probes that have repeatedly flown over NASA's stated landing areas.

Information from dated May 5, 2005: “The European Space Agency ESA unexpectedly stopped publishing images of the Moon obtained by the SMART-1 research probe. The agency previously said that one of the most important elements of the probe's scientific program is the "inspection" of the Apollo lunar landing sites, as well as other American and Soviet vehicles. This would put an end to the bitter debate and accusations that NASA is lying....

At the same time, it is known that the device continues to actively function... The program for searching for Apollo landing sites is not mentioned at all, despite the fact that the presenter directly stated this earlier scientific specialist ESA research program Bernard Foing... In addition, it has just now become clear that research vehicles, even from Mars orbit, are capable of successfully finding on the surface long-lost landing vehicles, the landing sites of which were only approximately known to scientists. These devices are much smaller in size than the Apollo fragments that were supposed to remain on the Moon, and Martian winds and sandstorms significantly complicate the task."

During the Kagui lunar probe mission, which ended in the summer of 2009, the Japanese media were lively discussing the Apollo issue. However, hopes of finally receiving independent confirmation of the historical achievement of the United States did not materialize. “Kaguya” was able to film even the previously inaccessible bottom of a lunar crater, saw water on the Moon, and many other interesting things. However, although he flew hundreds of times over the American landing sites, for some reason he did not provide any information about what he saw.

But the Indian Chandrayaan probe seems to have been lucky

Message from dated 09/05/09: “Leading researcher Prakash Shauhan reported that the probe photographed an image of the landing site of the American Apollo 15 spacecraft.” While studying the disturbance on the lunar surface, Chandrayaan-1 discovered traces of Apollo 15 being on the Moon... However, Shauhan added that Chandrayaan-1 has a camera whose resolution is not enough to distinguish the traces astronauts, noting that such pictures could be taken by the American LRO apparatus.”

The “disturbance on the lunar surface” looks like a tiny whitish speck in the photo from the probe and for some reason is interpreted as the landing stage of the lunar module. “Tracks of the lunar rover” look like a thin, barely noticeable squiggle.

For many years, NASA did not respond to proposals to film the Apollo landing sites and thereby confirm its lunar theory. And finally, 40 years later, NASA presented space images from the LRO probe of the five Apollo lunar landing sites. Alas, the quality of these photographs turned out to be no better than those of the Indians. Therefore, skeptics, and not only them, exclaim to NASA: damn it! You managed to transmit beautiful photographs from Mars, from the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. But where are the normal photos from the Moon, which is hundreds of times closer to us?

Skeptics explain oddities with inspections of Apollo landing sites in the following way. The devoted allies of the United States - Europe and Japan - having not found any traces of Americans on the Moon, did not disgrace their senior partner by exposing them. NASA's examination of itself for cosmic deception cannot be taken seriously. And for what kind of sins the Hindus took upon themselves - only God knows. It should be noted that they left themselves an escape route, mentioning some kind of “disturbance of the lunar surface.” When the lunar deception is revealed, the Hindus will be able to disown: they say they interpreted the “outrage” incorrectly. Skeptics note that reports of photographs from Chandrayaan and LRO appeared a week after the scandal in the Netherlands with the “moon rock”, which turned out to be a petrified piece of wood.

Decades after the US lunar triumph, American experts concluded that going to the Moon was very dangerous, if not impossible. Thus, experts from the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that the quality and reliability of information on the surface of the Moon is outrageous and inferior even to the available data on the surface of Mars, which does not allow landing on the Moon with a sufficient level of safety. But forty years ago there were even fewer such maps, yet the Apollos, according to NASA, landed on the Moon many times without any problems. How did they do it? There is nothing to be surprised here, skeptics believe, because no one has ever landed on the Moon.

Is landing on the moon still impossible today?

The head of NASA's meteoroid environment office said that real quantity meteorites falling on the Moon is four times higher than predicted by previously developed computer models. But these models were created on the basis of observations and measurements carried out by the Apollo crews! Why did they turn out to be so wrong? Because, skeptics believe, no one has made any observations of meteorites on the Moon for the reason that no one has ever been to the Moon.

Several years ago, the United States set out to return to the Moon. However, problems arose. “NASA considers it necessary to carry out missions that fly around the Moon without landing on it and return the landing compartment to Earth to study the features of entering the atmosphere at such high speeds - at present they are “not entirely clear to NASA” (Space News message dated January 31, 2007). Well well! Once everything was clear and presented no difficulties; nine expeditions returned from the Moon or from lunar orbit without a hitch. And after 40 years, it became unclear how to land astronauts returning from the Moon to Earth?

“Bush's lunar program faced an unexpected obstacle: its creators forgot about x-ray radiation Sun. Suddenly it turned out that it is simply impossible to move on the Moon without heavy radiation “umbrellas”. (“Astronomy, Aviation and Space”, 01/24/07, Wed, 09.27, Moscow time). It turns out that scientists from the Laboratory of Lunar and Interplanetary Research in Arizona have found that the likelihood of cancer for astronauts on the Moon is very high, moreover, staying on the Moon in a spacesuit with the Sun active can be fatal. How so? After all, 27 Americans spent time on the Moon, in its vicinity, on the way to the Moon and back to total hundreds of hours, but none of them suffered from radiation, despite the fact that powerful flares on the Sun occurred more than once during lunar expeditions. The health of some astronauts is enviable. Thus, 72-year-old Edwin Aldrin punched the famous TV presenter when he invited the astronaut to swear on the Bible that he flew to the moon. They refrained from fighting, but the other five astronauts, to whom the TV presenter approached with the same proposal, also refused to swear.

“The 2011 budget draft prepared by the Barack Obama administration essentially closes the Constellation space program by returning the United States to the Moon. So, George W. Bush's much-publicized program is being phased out." Russian newspaper" - federal issue No. 5100 (21). Here you go! Instead of using the already proven, proven, extremely reliable Saturn lunar rocket and the Apollo capsule, for some reason they spent about nine billion dollars on creating a new Ares lunar rocket and a new Orion crew capsule. After which they realized that today flights to the Moon are impossible in the same way as 40 years ago?

Was there a “moon conspiracy” between the USA and the USSR?

Supporters of NASA's lunar version ask skeptics the key question: if the lunar epic is a grand hoax of the United States, then why was it not exposed by the USSR, which participated in the lunar race of the last century and was the leader in it, and was also in a state of "cold war" with the United States ?
And why are some of the glorious Soviet cosmonauts defending the NASA version if it is false?

Skeptics answer: there was a conspiracy between the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the United States. Without a guarantee of non-disclosure on the part of the USSR, the United States simply could not commit a scam. The USSR “sold” the Moon to the USA. According to skeptics, a number of events, including strange ones, are connected with this conspiracy.

1) 1967-69 - the beginning of the policy of détente. In 1972, President Nixon, who arrived in Moscow, signed or planned to sign 12 agreements between the USA and the USSR, extremely beneficial for the Soviet Union.

2) Agreements on missile defense and strategic weapons removed a considerable part of the burden of the arms race from the USSR.

3) The embargo on the supply of Soviet oil and gas to Western Europe was lifted, and currency flowed into the USSR.

4) Supplies of large volumes of American feed grain to the USSR began at prices lower than world prices, which allowed the USSR to significantly increase the production of meat and dairy products and caused discontent in the United States itself, as it led to rising food prices.

5) At the expense of the United States, chemical plants were built in exchange for their finished products. The USSR received modern enterprises without investing a penny.

6) The USSR’s refusal in 1970 to prepare a manned flight around the Moon on the Proton rocket with the Soyuz spacecraft.

Skeptics explain this refusal by the fact that if the flyby had taken place, the USSR would have had to answer the question: did they see Soviet cosmonauts American landing sites on the moon? The USSR could not limit itself to the silence provided for by the conspiracy. He would have to either withdraw from the conspiracy, or take the path of outright lies, confirming the American version.

7) In 1970, a Soviet ship caught an empty model of the Apollo capsule being lowered to Earth in the Atlantic. There is a photo of the layout on the Internet taken by a Hungarian journalist. The USSR quietly transferred a mock-up of the capsule to the United States, which, according to skeptics, serves as direct confirmation of the existence of collusion.

8) In 1974, despite the objections of specialists and managers space industry The leadership of the USSR curtailed the Soviet lunar program and the development of the N1 lunar rocket. The explanation is the same as in paragraph 6): as a result of the conspiracy, flights to the Moon for the USSR were, in fact, ordered.

9) In 1975, flights to the Moon and Soviet automatic stations were stopped. Since then, neither the USSR nor present-day Russia have approached the Moon.

Skeptics conclude: Russia, as the successor of the USSR, is fulfilling its obligations under the “lunar conspiracy” of the late 60s of the last century.

10) In 1975, the Helsinki Treaty was concluded, which affirmed the inviolability of borders in Europe after the war. He removed all possible claims against the USSR regarding the “occupation” Western Ukraine, Bessarabia, East Prussia, Baltic states.

The first and only joint orbital flight "Soyuz-Apollo", which took place in the same 1975, was needed by the United States, according to skeptics, as an indirect confirmation on the part of the USSR of the US space victory.

Some skeptics suggest that the United States had serious compromising evidence against the leadership of the USSR, which contributed to the conspiracy. If we accept this assumption, then, in my opinion, something connecting the dissolute daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Galina Brezhneva, a lover of diamonds, wine, men and “ beautiful life", With American intelligence. Such a connection could be the result of provocation American intelligence agencies. The publication of compromising evidence threatened the USSR with an unprecedented international scandal. In the face of his threat, taking into account US proposals that were also beneficial for the USSR, including the policy of détente, the USSR leadership agreed to a conspiracy.

Regarding the defense of the NASA version by some Soviet cosmonauts, skeptics suggest considering the following:

1) The astronauts limit themselves to the statement that “the Americans were on the Moon,” but do not try to refute the specific arguments of the skeptics. By the way, in view of the obvious forgery of “lunar film materials,” in particular, American flags fluttering in the lunar wind on the atmosphere-less Moon, the cosmonauts are forced to admit that these materials were “filmed” on Earth.

2) Cosmonauts are military people. They swore an oath to keep state secrets known to them. And the collusion between the USSR and the USA is still protected as greatest secret both the USA and Russia.

3) Astronauts are people too, there are also selfish individuals among them, not all of them could resist the temptation to support NASA’s lies, not without benefit. One of the former cosmonauts, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, who visited the USA many times and was friends with American astronauts, is now deputy director of a large bank and one of richest people Russia, even expressed his admiration for the oligarch Abramovich, who managed to make a multi-billion dollar fortune out of thin air.

4) Among Russian cosmonauts there are cautious skeptics who do not show off their skepticism for the reason stated in paragraph 2.

Americans on the Moon - a great breakthrough or a space scam?

To this day, there are a lot of rumors and gossip about whether Americans were on the Moon. What caused them?

Rene's statement

American engineer Ralph Rene, a former member of the Mensa corporation, which included people with exclusively high intelligence. However, Rene himself very categorically told the newspapers that he left the club because “he had never met greater idiots than there in the world.”

And yet, he himself stated that he had an IQ indicator that was registered in only 2% of Americans. And so Rene threw all his intellect into solving this mystery: were the Americans really on the moon or was it all a lie? At least in his book, Ralph unequivocally stated: “There was no landing of man on the moon. Films and photographs about this event are fake. Filming took place on Earth in a special pavilion.”

What was the reason for such a statement? Desire to become famous? Prove that his mind is capable of making anyone believe that white is black and vice versa? Create a buzz around your book and make good money from it?...

Most likely, both this and that, and the third. Moreover, in his work he cited some rather interesting facts that no one had previously paid much attention to.

“When I first saw a film about how our astronauts plant a flag on the Moon,” wrote the newly minted expert, “I noticed that the banner was swaying slightly, as if from a light blow of wind. However, even this obvious oddity did not make me immediately think about where the wind comes from where there is no air? They told me that the United States landed a man on the moon, and I believed that this was the holy truth..."

But oddities did not stop accumulating, forcing one to think about the seemingly obvious facts. Taking a closer look at how the astronauts were driving around the Moon on a lunar rover, Rene noticed that the stones, flying out from under the wheels, fall at the same speed as they would on Earth, although it is known that on the Moon the force is six times less gravity, which means the stones should fall, respectively, more slowly...

Soon, the inquisitive researcher found himself in the hands of the album “America on the Threshold,” full of luxurious large-format color photographs. At this point Rene began to examine the problem literally under a magnifying glass. And with high magnification I was able to notice many more things that were not quite ordinary.

“For example, take a picture of the descent module after splashdown,” says Rene. - The plastic antenna is clearly visible in the photo. Not telescopic, not retractable, but plastic. How was she able to withstand the passage of the device through the dense layers of the atmosphere, where it (as the instruments show) heats up to 630 °?

And here is another discovery: the lunar photographs show a completely black sky - not a single star. Where could they have gone? Yuri Gagarin, having been in space, called the stars unblinking and huge. That's how it should be. Even from our planet, through the polluted atmosphere, we can see and photograph stars. Why did they disappear above the surface of the Moon? Perhaps because it is impossible to simulate a picture of a real sky in a pavilion?..."

Then Rene unearthed another oddity. In the book of astronaut Aldrin, one of the participants in the lunar expedition, there is such an episode. He was describing a party where they showed a film about astronaut Fred Hayes trying to climb into a lunar lander. And when he almost succeeded, the step literally crumbled under him... “But Fred Hayes was never on the moon! - says Rene. - His only flight was participation in the Apollo 13 program, which, due to an accident on board, never managed to land on the Moon. Where, when, by whom was Fred Hayes “on the Moon” filmed?”

And then the researcher recalls a feature film showing the odyssey of Apollo 13 with such authenticity that the viewer has no doubt about the authenticity of the footage. But all the filming of this feature film actually took place in the pavilion...

According to the Capricorn scenario?

Such are the doubts and accusations. How real are they? Let's now analyze the conclusions of Rene himself and see what we can get from this.

So, Rene assures that American astronauts never landed on the Moon, but limited themselves to a scenario that was well shown in another feature film - “Capricorn-1”. There, the Americans, according to the plot, were supposed to land on Mars. But at the last moment it turned out that the life support system could provide a resource for no more than a week. Then the crew, just before the launch, is pulled out of the ship and sent to a secret base in the Arizona desert, where they film reports “about the conquest of Mars” in the pavilion.

Let's begin our investigation by pointing out that Ralph himself is by no means original in his conclusions and statements. "We Never Went to the Moon: America's $30 Billion Fraud" is the title of Williams Kaysing's book. former boss produced by one of their enterprises, which was once engaged in the development of rocket engines for the American space agency. It was published by Desert Publication, Arizona, in 1990.

In it, the author questions the fact of the landing on the moon by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin and subsequent scientific expeditions. NASA, he writes, was experiencing certain financial and technical difficulties at that time. And so, to demonstrate to American taxpayers and the world our superiority, to get ahead in the lunar race Soviet side, and started an unprecedented “show”.

Technically, the project, which received the code name ASP (Apollo Simulation Project), according to the author of the book, was carried out at a heavily guarded military base in the Nevada desert, 32 miles east of the town of Mercury, where an underground filming pavilion of incredible size was built. Lunar landscapes, models of the Earth and the Sun, operating spacecraft- Hollywood producers never even dreamed of such an environment. A staff of thousands of highly qualified specialists in the field of filming, sound recording and directing, cameramen and technical advisers worked day and night to record footage that has now become textbook.

The spacecraft launches themselves, according to Kaysing, were carried out automatically, without crews. To distribute the reports, they used a communication system that has no analogues to this day, which distributed recorded audio and television stories to the receiving antennas of all tracking centers in North America, Australia and Africa. And at the end of the “flight,” a special plane dropped a capsule with astronauts by parachute in a predetermined area of ​​the Atlantic.

So, as we can see, Ralph Rene, despite his intelligence, did not come up with anything fundamentally new. However, he may have discovered in this case those particulars that Kaysing missed, but which make his investigation more reliable?

Alas, not at all. Imagine that everything he said was true and such a filming pavilion actually existed. So would the scriptwriters, who worked out to the smallest detail panoramas with the participation of the moving Earth and Sun in them, forget about the stars in a creative frenzy? Unlikely. They are not visible in photographs for one simple reason: intensity solar lighting on the surface of the Moon is so large that the photographic latitude of the film is not enough to simultaneously show astronauts literally flooded with sunlight and relatively faintly luminous stars.

Interesting detail: Rene refers to Gagarin’s opinion. So, as it became known relatively recently, during his flight Gagarin simply could not see the stars due to the unsuccessful design of the window. It glared, and the first cosmonaut on Earth could only see his own reflection in it, and not the night sky. So his story about large unblinking stars is just one of the creative fantasies suggested to him by terrestrial “scriptwriters”. There were, as you already know, others...

However, for us in this case, the only important thing is that Rene himself is by no means sinless in his statements and conclusions. At times he even contradicts himself. On the one hand, he says; that modern computer technology and graphics make it possible to accurately reproduce something that never happened in reality, on the other hand, it claims that the simulators of the lunar expedition made mistake after mistake...

Okay, let’s assume that there was a mishap with the stones flying out from under the wheels, which no one simply paid attention to. But how, I wonder, was the newly minted expert able to establish that the stones were falling “at the wrong speed”? How did he discover that the picture shows a plastic antenna? This can be difficult to understand even after touching this or that object - the paint often hides the texture of the material - but here is a categorical conclusion based on the photograph...

Now the moment with the crumbling step. Yes, Hayes didn't actually go to the moon. But we should not forget that all astronauts, without exception, underwent training on earth-based simulators. And all their exercises were recorded on video and film. So such a record may well exist in nature. And we just have to find out who is being disingenuous in his books - astronaut Aldrin, who consciously or unconsciously forgot to mention that the movie was shot during training, or Rene himself, who did not deign to allow such an interpretation because it destroys his concept?

And finally, the last thing. Kaysing, and after him Rene, assure that this terrible secret has not become public to this day only because all its participants are bound by a terrible oath, subscription, etc. And those who did not agree to remain silent soon found his death under very strange circumstances. However, Rene says that “not many people were actually aware of what was happening.” Oh?!

Let's try to figure it out. Of course, the astronauts themselves knew everything - both those who flew and those who did not fly, but who were preparing for the flight - and this, according to the most conservative estimates, is about 50 people. Then there are flight support employees, operators of the ground control center, the leadership of NASA, the CIA, the Pentagon, some from the White House administration, operators, pilots who transported the astronauts to the secret base and back, employees of the base itself...

In general, at the very least, there will be about 300–500 people. And some of them would probably want, like Kaysing and Rene, to warm their hands on the “fried” facts. Moreover, it would be possible to do this quite anonymously, simply by selling the details of this story - real, not imaginary, such that even the most sophisticated mind cannot come up with - to some newspaper. Neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post would skimp on paying for this kind of sensation...

We should not forget about another cohort of attentive observers. These are employees of our special services who closely monitored the American flights. Exactly like they are behind ours. The capabilities of our intelligence officers are evidenced by at least this fact: all the information about the next step to create by the Americans atomic bomb in a maximum of a week they ended up on I. Kurchatov’s desk. And the bomb was probably guarded no worse than the lunar project...

To say that ours were silent only because the Americans sold us grain cheaply in return, as Rene claims, is simply ridiculous. The Soviet government could starve at least half the country - this has already happened in history. But to miss out on your political gain and not catch your main opponent in such a big lie? Never!

The truth will come out anyway...

All this was told (and shown) in more detail and clearly in the television film “The Far Side of the Moon,” which recently aired on Channel One.

Our leading experts - pilot-cosmonaut Georgy Grechko, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. Marov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. Shevchenko and others explained in detail and convincingly why clear traces remain on the Moon, which is why the flag fluttered, installed on the Moon, etc.

We can add to this the following interesting fact. At the beginning of 2004, when the whole world was watching television reports of American Mars rovers, “ TVNZ" drew attention to this oddity.

When Spirit began to transmit images of the surrounding landscape from the landing platform, the Americans could not praise enough the clarity of the resulting image. And in fact, the sharpness turned out to be such that on one of the stones the number “194” suddenly appeared quite clearly.

Where?! Was it really the Martians who took inventory of their property and marked the stones with numbers?...

No one has been able to get an articulate answer to this question from NASA specialists. The mysterious image of the ill-fated stone immediately disappeared from the NASA website. And as if in return it would follow official message about the failure of the rover's equipment.

“Spirit” was silent for three days. Then he responded to requests from Earth again. But the signals coming from it are so weak and incomprehensible that experts are talking about a computer program failure or even a more serious failure. Realizing that they couldn’t expect any intelligible explanations from the experts, the writing fraternity tried to explain themselves how the numbers on the stone could appear. Only the most desperate ufologists would risk saying that these marks could have been left by “little green men.” Sensible people have finally come to this hypothesis.

This is not the first time that an alien stone with a mark has appeared on television. More than 30 years ago, the letter “C” suddenly appeared on the image of one of the moon rocks. But then it turned out that one of the American astronauts decided to leave this unforgettable memory of himself on Selena. His joke, however, forced independent experts and journalists to take a closer look at all the video recordings of transmissions from the Moon. All this led to many even doubting: were the Americans on the moon? Weren't all the shots filmed in a special pavilion, as mentioned above?

The widow of the famous director Stanley Kubrick added fuel to the fire by saying that before his death, her husband supposedly confessed to her: it was his team that filmed lunar reports commissioned by NASA.

Let's leave this statement on her conscience. But filming actually took place at the training ground during astronaut training. And they also came in handy in the end.

The fact is that the costs of flights were enormous, and interest in them was rapidly falling. If a minute of advertising in the first lunar reports was worth many millions of dollars, then in the last broadcasts from the Moon no one wanted to advertise anymore - Americans at that time preferred to watch baseball matches and feature films broadcast on other TV channels.

And then, they say, the TV bosses, in order to somehow revive the lunar TV reports, began to insert into them fragments filmed at the earth’s “lunodrome” during testing of this or that technology. This is how spectacular but strange footage appeared in the reports, alarming experts...

By the way, the situation was probably similar in the case of the Mars rover. After all, it was announced that the Spirit, worth $300 million, had made a safe landing and was gathering energy into its batteries for the subsequent forced march. At this time, President Bush gave a speech about the prospects for the future exploration of the Moon and Mars. It's time to ask Congress for new appropriations for future space research, and then it suddenly turns out that the Mars rover is faulty... What to do?

And the footage that was once taken during ground testing of space technology was probably used again. But in a hurry, they overlooked it, and a stone with ill-fated numbers ended up on the TV screen...

Who will dot the dots?

And the final point in this story, apparently, will have to be put... by the Chinese. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. According to plans published at the time by the Xinhua news agency, Chinese astronauts intend to land on the Moon within the next 10 years. Then we may find out whose traces they will find on the surface of Selene. And will they discover anything at all...

In general, be that as it may, another chapter will be added to the lunar epic.

UFO on the Moon?

Let me finish this story about the “exposure” of the Americans with this excursion into the past. Do you know what was the reason for the failure of Apollo 13? According to official version, after launch from Earth, one of the gas cylinders on the ship exploded. But this explosion, according to the unofficial version, was caused by none other than aliens... They, they say, did not want the Americans to land this time, because they were carrying a compact nuclear charge with them to detonate it on the Moon. The aliens' lunar base could have suffered from this, so they tried to ensure that the landing did not take place this time.

By the way, rumors that Americans constantly had to deal with UFOs and their inhabitants on the Earth’s natural satellite are very persistent. They were born immediately after Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon.

“Wow, so many of them!” - they say, he said, looking around, and immediately switched to the secret code, reporting to NASA management about what he saw.

Our specialists had the opportunity to check how true this rumor is. The fact is that during the preparation of the American-Soviet Apollo-Soyuz expedition, Armstrong came to the USSR. I even got to see his watch at the Star City Museum. “They cost a million dollars,” explained the lady guide. And she added that during these hours, which visited the Moon with its owner, one billionaire gave Armstrong a check with a six-digit figure, but he refused the money. And he donated the watch to the museum in memory of his stay on Russian soil.

Whether this is true or not, we’ll leave it to the conscience of the guide and Armstrong himself. But I believe that our cosmonauts took advantage of the opportunity and questioned Armstrong in detail about his stay on the Moon.

By the way, NASA leaders have not confirmed the presence of contacts with aliens through official channels.


Exactly 40 years ago, on July 20, 1969, a team of American astronauts led by Neil Armstrong carried out the first flight to the Month.

And yet I wonder why there have been no more flights in 40 years?
Why did the USA and the USSR simultaneously stop flying to the Moon?

Even more incomprehensible was the subsequent abandonment of this method of research altogether. What is hidden behind such a decision? Maybe someone's specific threat? We don't know this. However, soon the Americans stopped flying to the Moon, although they seemed to be close to building a lunar town and a lunar cosmodrome... Strange things are also happening with vehicles launched to Mars. Accuracy of launch and the ability to adjust the direction of flight now seem to be things that go without saying. However, one after another the stations pass at an unimaginable distance from their destination, in another case - just before the most crucial moment (exit to the planet) - the connection suddenly disappears forever... The Americans also experienced this during expeditions to Mars and Venus.

Something became clear after the revelations of former NASA employees - the famous space designer Maurice Chatelain, as well as academician Berger and Professor Valle... The former published the book “Our Ancestors Who Arrived from Space,” and the professor and academician - “The Book of Mysteries”... At one time there were theories (much of which were made up out of thin air) that lunar craters are former cities and other artificial structures. We will not dwell on them, but the authoritative statement of the famous astronomer Sagan, made by him in the early 60s, is worth mentioning. The scientist believed that the cavities discovered under the surface of the Moon, one of which is 100 cubic kilometers (!), are quite suitable for the existence and development of biological species.

In 1963, American astronomers discovered giant luminous and moving objects on the Moon, the dimensions of which are impressive: length 5 kilometers, width 300 meters. The Flagstaff Observatory recorded 31 such objects! And many smaller objects. However, back in 1968 (before the Apollo II flight), NASA itself published a directory of lunar anomalies, which mentioned giant domes, craters, walls, trenches appearing and disappearing, as if by themselves, moving geometric figures of various “colors” and so on A total of 579 unexplained observations are named, an analysis of four centuries of work with the Moon by scientists and amateurs.Geometric figures were mentioned by the British astronomer Birt in 1871 in his own catalog of mysteries of the Moon.

Thus, after Neil Armstrong’s memorable “small step,” the Moon became not closer to us, but much further away.

Government policies regarding keeping the truth about UFOs secret from the general public are well described and documented in several books by renowned astronomers such as Allen Hynek (US Air Force UFO consultant), Major Donald Keyhoe , Timothy Good (his book “Top Secret” and many other professional researchers. One of the undisputed experts we can trust is Christopher Kraft, former director of NASA. He gave us the following recording (after leaving his post at NASA), taken in Houston during the Apollo 11 lunar mission:

ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speak from the moon: “These are giant things. No, no, no... This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about it!”

FLIGHT CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): “What... what... what? What the hell is going on there? What's happened?"

ASTRONAUTS: “They are here below the surface.”

FLIGHT CONTROL: “What’s there?” The connection was interrupted... the control center is calling Apollo 11.“

ASTRONAUTS: “We saw several guests. They were there for a while, checking the equipment.“

FLIGHT CONTROL: “Repeat your last message.”

ASTRONAUTS: “I say that there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side of the crater.“

FLIGHT CONTROL: “Repeat… repeat!”

ASTRONAUTS: “Let us probe this sphere... 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so much that I can’t do anything. Should I take it off? My God, if those damn cameras pick up something... what then?

FLIGHT CONTROL: “Can you film anything?”

ASTRONAUTS: “I don’t have any more film on hand. Three shots from the “saucer”, or whatever this thing is called, ruined the film.“

FLIGHT CONTROL: “Regain control!” Are they in front of you? Are you hearing any noises from the UFO?”

ASTRONAUTS: “They landed here! They are here and they are watching us!”

FLIGHT CONTROL: “Mirrors, mirrors... can you adjust them?”

ASTRONAUTS: “Yes, they are in the right place. But those who built these ships can arrive tomorrow and remove them. Once and for all."

It is logical that if government agencies discovered secret UFO bases, they would keep it secret from the public, and also develop a “cover story” to hide the truth about the Moon. However, the problem was that the witnesses were “talking” to our Department regarding alien affairs.

Among the experts who informed us about life on the Moon and the discoveries of astronauts were Farida Iskiovet, a former UFO consultant to the President of the United Nations, the mysterious Mr. English, who took a top secret photograph for NASA, and lunar astronauts, former commander of Naval Intelligence Mark Huber, who knew a large amount of top secret information, Sergeant Willard Wannal, who served in military intelligence(Army Intelligence), Major Wayne S. Aho, serving in military intelligence, provided UFO research materials to Congress for consideration, Dr. James Hurrah of the NASA space program, and others who have classified clearances. I have personally spoken with all of the above mentioned researchers.

Increased interest in life on the Moon captured public opinion after radio reports about the experiments of Marconi Tesla, who tried to transmit radio signals to the Moon and get a response to them, this actually happened. After this, American, British and French astronomers reported flashes of light, flickering and even moving lights on the surface of the Moon. During the 20-30 years, you can find numerous reports about this kind of phenomena in a variety of newspapers and magazines, which can still be found in libraries. This interest reached its apogee when the eminent expert in aerial phenomena, the Pulitzer Prize, who defeated astronomer John O'Neill, publicly announced the discovery of an artificial “bridge” on the Moon. There were other witnesses who observed a 12 mile long “bridge” that was not previously there and which later disappeared for unknown reasons (was it too noticeable?). This incident occurred in the early 1950s.

Many Jemeny and Apollo astronauts reported seeing UFOs during their flights. Thus, astronaut Gordon Cooper publicly admitted that he had observed a controlled vessel of extraterrestrial origin (we have seen his photographs of UFOs). James McDivitt also took photographs of UFOs while orbiting the Earth, we saw them. while the orbiting Earth and we saw them too. The Soviet space program in the 1960s, intended to set a new record for time in orbit, was strangely interrupted after the ship took its position. Private researchers with powerful radio equipment claimed that Soviet cosmonauts were escorted into orbit by UFOs that surrounded them and began throwing them back and forth as if the Soviet ship were a ball. The astronauts, panicking, were ordered to immediately return back to Earth.

During the 50s, a large number of UFOs seen on Earth returned to the Moon. Their trajectories were tracked by secret government surveillance facilities located in the Arizona and Nevada deserts, as well as in underground bases located inside the mountains. WE HAVE A PHOTO OF A DISH SHAPED VESSEL FLYING OVER THE SURFACE OF THE MOON taken by a citizen astronomer. Sergeant Willard Vannail, who investigated a UFO landing in Oahu while serving in military intelligence, showed us 8 or 10 clear, glossy photographs of a silvery spacecraft hovering above the lunar surface. Its size was estimated at several miles and was said to be a MOTHERSHIP, designed to transport many thousands of people between solar systems or galaxies within long periods time in conditions of complete self-sufficiency (autonomous mode)!

In the period from 1950 to 60s. civilian astronomers noticed new movements on the Moon, light anomalies, constant light sources usually located inside craters, along with mysterious cross-shaped flashes.

Soviet and American spacecraft (orbiting the Moon) began photographing mysterious structures on the Moon discovered by NASA. There were scientists, such as Fred Steckling, who demanded an explanation from the so-called “civil agency”. It's amazing how NASA could release these photos WITHOUT COMMENTS! Many structures could only be seen at higher magnification.

The American spacecraft RANGER II sent 200 photographs of lunar craters with domes inside. These domes were not new. They were reported in the media French astronomers approximately 48 years ago. The 33 photos of the dome on the Moon sent by Lunar Orbitter 2 were released without comment in Washington D.C. in 1967. On July 1, 1966, NASA officially admitted in the media that the astronauts saw a UFO, however, later denied this information (for those who collect official reports According to UFOs, it will not be difficult to find a large number of contradictory statements proving the concealment of the truth). None of this stopped astronaut Gordon Cooper from publicly declaring, “I believe in aliens because I saw their spacecraft with my own eyes” (during Gemeni's flight 16). Our “Blair cuspids” file contains photographs taken from lunar satellites, which show strange spiers forming regular geometric shapes. A tall white spire similar to the Washington Monument has been photographed on the lunar surface, along with mysterious straight paths or tracks that run straight through craters, hills, valleys and piles of rocks. Some of the domes had flashing lights.

The few NASA photos we saw showed a long, cigar-shaped object lying on the surface of the Moon that was later missing from other photos. We saw a photo of the pyramid on the dark side ( back side). THE DARK SIDE is always hidden from our eyes and telescopes and, apparently, is an ideal place for aliens to build a secret spaceport. Lack of atmosphere is not a problem when we think of domes with artificial environment. Even NASA admits that scientists have the technology (but not the billions of dollars) to build artificially air-conditioned underground bases like those the military builds for itself.

Astronaut Edward Mitchell confidentially told Farida Iskiowet, a representative of our Department, that he saw a UFO on the Moon.

In 1978, a mysterious, stocky man with the appearance of a typical agent appeared in Maui, calling himself Mr. English. I cannot tell you his full name. He had a TOP SECRET security clearance from NASA. He told me that he was a staff photographer for the Apollo program, photographed the wreckage of a crashed disk in a hangar at a secret Air Force base in Texas, and saw a UFO during the astronauts' flight. He gave us a large amount of data on UFOs and admitted that the astronauts