An entertaining simulation of Einstein's special theory of relativity in an aquatic environment.

At the beginning of 2012 on the site Cornell University Our article on simulating relativistic time and kinematic effects of STR was published. A year before this international conference PIERS in Marrakesh (Morocco) we gave a report on the same topic. In 2012, published by E-book Partnership electronic variant books "An Entertaining Simulation of the Special Theory of Relativity using methods of Classical Physics" on English language, and the URSS publishing house published the book “Entertaining imitation of the special theory of relativity using classical physics” in Russian. The report will be devoted to the simulation described in our book. The book examines the behavior of objects that, being slow-moving, nevertheless behave according to laws similar to the laws special theory relativity. By elementary means classical physics relativistic time and relativistic effects of Einstein’s special theory of relativity are simulated - Lorentz contraction, time dilation, relativistic Doppler effects, Skobeltsyn-Bell effect, relativistic addition speeds Lorentz transformations are obtained. Ways to simulate four-dimensional space-time are shown. The simulation clearly demonstrates the simplicity and “down to earth” nature of the special theory of relativity. From the simulation that produces Lorentz transformations, it follows that this model can use “four-dimensional formalism”, which does not differ from the Minkowski formalism. Those. the most primitive model leads to the possibility of describing the “principle of action” of this model in four-dimensional space-time. After the publication of the books, we discovered that by clarifying the definition of the concept of simulated time and introducing certain conditions, the artificially introduced previous works the maximum speed of watercraft appears as a natural consequence of these conditions. Those. the speed of the boats in the simulated time becomes limiting “in itself.” This achieves an imitation of the limiting nature and constancy of the signal speed (the speed of light), which will also be discussed in the report.

About the book
From the authors
The essence of imitation in brief
I. Objects and the principle of imitation
II. Technical equipment on barges. the main task technical means
III. Symmetry of recording from a stationary and from a moving barge the processes of sand entering the barges
IV. Simulation of time on individual barges. Regular and simulated tenses
V. Simulation of Lorentzian reduction of distance between moving elements
VI. Group clock synchronization R And R"
VII. Simulation of symmetry of relativistic effects
VIII. Speed ​​addition
IX. Simulation of the simplest effects of non-inertial bodies
X. Simulated "space-time"
Annex 1. Direct comparison of sand loading speeds on barges
Appendix 2. Doppler effect in direct comparison of sand loading speeds on barges
Appendix 3. An analogue of the twin paradox in a direct comparison of sand loading speeds on barges
Appendix 4. Simulating the Doppler effect using simulated time

Dedicated to Einstein's special theory of relativity and its applications a large number of books, brochures and articles by himself different levels- from strict, extremely mathematized and intended for specialists of a narrow profile to popular science. Much of the popular books on special relativity are written in an entertaining form, using examples of Einstein's trains or rockets racing relative to each other at sub-light speeds and populated by nimble observers. This form is possible due to the fact that, despite all the complexity of the special theory of relativity itself and its applications, its primary foundations and principles are extremely simple and clear. The simplicity and clarity of the foundations of the special theory of relativity became the reason that non-specialists joined the discussion of problems that actually exist in the special theory of relativity, which, as a rule, are of an interpretative and terminological nature. And if specialists, for example, do not raise the question of the validity of the Lorentz transformations at all, the Lorentz transformations in practice have confirmed their validity not only in theoretical physics, but also in engineering calculations - then among non-specialists there are many people who are ready to question the validity of both the Lorentz transformations and the provisions that follow from them about Lorentz contraction and time dilation. The latter would not be worthy of mention (in a democratic society everyone has the right to choose an object of faith) if skepticism in the consideration of relativistic kinematics had not penetrated into methodological materials that claim to be serious. An example of this is the “Recommendations for the presentation of SRT taking into account the requirements of the Standard”, posted on the Internet on the “Physics” website of the educational and methodological newspaper of the publishing house “First of September”. The recommendations first note that “the question of measuring the length of a moving body is not an easy one,” then mentions the effect of visual preservation of the shape of a ball discovered “50 years after Einstein’s death.” different systems reference and finally, taking into account this effect, the conclusion is made that “the only correct, in our opinion, solution in such a situation is to refuse to present this issue and all the tasks associated with it.” Next, the remark is made: “It should be noted that we are not aware of any direct application of the formula [formula] in practice.”

At the same time, there is no contradiction between the effect of visual preservation of the shape of the ball and the Lorentz contraction. This effect is well known to specialists and is known as the Terrell-Penrose effect. Moreover, the visual preservation of the shape of the ball was theoretically predicted (the effect was not observed experimentally) taking into account the metrological Lorentz contraction, i.e. taking into account the effect following from the Lorentz transformations.

In this regard, the book by V.N. Matveev and O.V. Matveev is very timely. Being entertaining in genre, it differs from many books of this kind in that it does not consider the kinematic effects of SRT themselves, but similar effects, modeled by the authors using the example of groups of barges that are at rest and moving on the surface of the water with the “terrestrial effects” that are familiar to us. " speeds. Due to its entertaining nature, the book is intended primarily for those who, having gained knowledge from popular literature, perceived relativistic phenomena as almost mysterious and beyond the scope of our earthly ideas about material world. The brochure, so to speak, brings fantasy lovers down from heaven to the sinful earth. In presenting the material, the authors abandoned the use of techniques with observers, replacing the latter with instruments ( technical means). This technique allowed us to reduce the taint of subjectivity present in publications using observers. The same technique made it possible to simulate relativistic time, on the scale of which simulation devices operate and observers cannot operate in principle.

The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. The possibility of simulating the basic kinematic phenomena of relativistic mechanics in a medium, shown in the book, should not be correlated with the existence of a world environment. Firstly, this possibility is consistent with the formal identity of the Lorentzian and Einsteinian pictures of the world, known to specialists, and secondly, described in this book simulation covers only a small fraction of the phenomena considered in the special theory of relativity and does not extend, for example, to dynamics and electrodynamics.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
laureate of State Prizes
and Lomonosov Prize 1st degree,
Honored Scientist of Russia

Moscow, June 2011

In the Soviet scientific literature the problem of clock synchronization, if mentioned, was in in general terms. In popular articles, and in specialized literature This central problem of Einstein's entire special theory of relativity (SRT) received negligible attention. Apparently, because of this, many in Russia today, perhaps “by inertia,” either do not realize the importance of the issue of clock synchronization, or are generally extremely poorly informed about its essence. One of us literally pulled out a more or less detailed description of the synchronization problem from a heap of literature in the 60s and 70s of the last century. These were separate articles, Marder’s popular book “The Clock Paradox” and A.A. Tyapkin’s article in UFN.

The problem with clock synchronization is the use in SRT to synchronize clocks of the principle of equality of the speed of light in opposite directions, while it is fundamentally impossible to verify this equality experimentally. To measure the speed of light from a point A exactly IN, and then from the point IN exactly A and compare these speeds, you need to have at points A And IN synchronously running clocks. However, synchronize clocks at points A And IN In Einstein's way, it is impossible to do otherwise than by assuming, even before measuring these velocities, that these velocities are equal. Naturally, after implementing this assumption, they become equal in terms of measurement results.

It is impossible to measure speed without synchronizing a couple of clocks at a point A, and then moving some of them to the point IN, since the result of synchronization and measurement of the speeds of light v AB and v BA respectively from the point A exactly IN and vice versa turns out to depend on the speed with which the clock is transported from one point to another. If, when synchronizing clocks using the transfer method, the transported clocks in different cases transfer from at different speeds, then the speed measurement results v AB and v BA will be different in different cases. For example, after transferring hours from A V IN at a speed close to the speed of light, the subsequently measured speed v AB will be arbitrarily large, and the speed v VA is as close as you like to c/2. With such synchronization, light comes almost instantly from a point A exactly IN, but it moves back twice as slow as usual. At very slow speed transfer v AB and v VA will be equal to each other.

So what is the “correct” clock transfer speed? This question cannot be answered, and, in particular, for this reason, clock synchronization in different points space is carried out in the service station by light signals, and not by moving them from one point to another. The equality of the speeds of light in opposite directions seems to many today to be an obvious “fact,” but there is no reason to prefer a priori slow transportation of clocks to fast transportation.

It should be noted that in practice the problem of the speed of light in one direction is not pressing, since in reality measurements of the speed of light are made using a single clock and a mirror. With this method, this single clock measures the time interval between sending light pulse to the mirror and receiving the pulse that returned after reflection from the mirror in starting point. Speed ​​is measured by twice the distance between the watch and the mirror and the time it takes the light to travel there and back. The speed measured in this way, strictly speaking, is the average speed on the way there and back - after all, the speed there may not be equal speed back. The equality of this average speed to a constant c is an experimental fact.

There are no clock synchronization problems when measuring average speed. No matter how we synchronize the second clock, measured without assumptions average speed light on the way there and back would be equal to constant c. This is obvious, since the result of the experiment does not depend on the clock readings at the point IN, nor from the very presence of them there.

It is often said that the speed of light in one direction was measured by Roemer. Oddly enough, Roemer's speed is also a speed obtained under the implicit assumption of equality of the speeds of light in the opposite direction. The fact is that Roemer and Cassini discussed the motion of Jupiter’s satellites, knowingly assuming that the space of observers is isotropic. The fact that Roemer actually measured the speed of light, implicitly making the assumption that the speed of light was equal back and forth, was shown by the Australian physicist Karlov.

The assumption of the equality of the speed of light from A V B speed from B V A was considered by Poincaré, and it was this assumption that became the main postulate of Einstein's 1905 paper, although it is not presented as a postulate, but as a “definition” preceding Einstein’s two principles, which are often called postulates. In a later work, Einstein called this “definition” an assumption, and noted that it applies not only to the speed of light, but also to speed in general. In this work, Einstein wrote: “But if speed, in particular the speed of light, is fundamentally impossible to measure without arbitrary assumptions, then we have the right to make arbitrary assumptions about the speed of light. Let us now assume that the speed of propagation of light in emptiness from a point A exactly B equal to the speed of light passing from B V A" True, unlike Poincaré, who adhered to a conventionalist point of view, Einstein, mentioning the impossibility of measuring speed in one direction without arbitrary assumptions, was inclined to consider the arbitrary assumption of inequality of the speed of light in opposite directions unnatural and "extremely unlikely."

It is often said that the equality of speeds there and back is obvious, since space is isotropic, and the inequality is not obvious. This is wrong. What the light needs to move from a point A exactly IN takes longer than moving from B V A, also obvious if, for example, point A is in the stern, and the point IN in the nose of a spaceship moving relative to us, and we, not from the inside, but from the outside, monitor the process of the movement of light from A V IN and back. Both equality and inequality of the times of light propagation from a point A exactly IN of a given ship and vice versa can in principle be detected from many other reference frames moving relative to a given frame, even if the clocks of these systems are synchronized in an Einsteinian way. So on what basis is the clock synchronization in the ship carried out without taking into account the objective results of observing the behavior of light inside the ship, obtained from different reference systems outside the ship?

In the 60s and 70s of the last century, in abstract journals there were often references to foreign works, which considered variants of the special theory of relativity, based on the assumption of inequality of the speed of light in opposite directions. These options were called e-SRT and described in a consistent way everything that is described by SRT. True, most of them were more “heavy” and less convenient than Einstein’s version, since they violated the requirement of the invariability of the mathematical form of writing laws in different reference systems. Most of the works of these authors were not directed against Einstein’s version, but showed the consistency of the unconventional approach. The authors of these works sought, by violating the mathematical beauty of STR, to reveal its physical content and solve the mystery of the speed of light in one direction. Why doesn't nature allow us to measure the speed of light in one direction without arbitrary assumptions! Is this a coincidence or something deeper? The developers of alternative theories have not given an answer to this question.

One of the authors of this brochure tried to answer these questions. By 2000, he wrote the book “In the third millennium without physical relativity?”, published in the same year by the CheRo publishing house. In the book, on the principle of equality of assumptions of equality and inequality of the speed of light in opposite directions, a way to solve the problem of synchronization and the related problem of dependence of the dimensions inherent in the body itself is proposed physical quantities bodies from reference systems.

The solution to the problem of relativistic quantities was carried out by clarifying the concept of “object” and considering an object as a set of subobjects (objects of a higher degree of specificity), each of which has not relative, but absolute sizes. The existence of such subobjects is due to the relativity of simultaneity.

Clarification of the concept " physical object" turns out to be sufficient to get rid of the relativity of the sizes of physical quantities without involving a selected frame of reference or the world environment. For this reason, the author considered the question (at least for himself) resolved, and an appeal to the world environment was unnecessary. And the solution turned out to be even more unexpected, which we came to in the process of our collaboration on the development of the approach described in the book “Into the third millennium without physical relativity?” We discovered the possibility of modeling relativistic effects using the simplest methods of pre-Einstein classical physics using the example of the movement of objects in a material environment. At the same time, for modeling we did not need to consider movement at speeds comparable to the speed of light. In the model, the effects are clearly manifested at ordinary “terrestrial” speeds with which we deal in our Everyday life. The possibility of modeling the effects of STR with the involvement of the environment and the absence of such models in other options makes us take a fresh look at the old and seemingly once and for all solved problem of the existence of the world environment.

The brochure you are holding in your hands describes a theoretical model of SRT, which we also call a simulation of SRT. The brochure is part of a book that we expect to write and publish in the near future. In the brochure, using the example of people swimming at normal speeds in aquatic environment barges, shuttles and boats are simulated by Einstein's service station. To simulate it, we didn't need anything other than the most basic rules of classical physics. We hope that after reading the brochure, you will see how simple the foundation of the theory, now called SRT, is. After this, won’t you come to the conclusion about the artificial nature of the openwork four-dimensional mathematical superstructure that adorns this primitively simple foundation? Time will show.

We do not show in the brochure all our considerations that led us to the construction of the simulation discussed in the book. However, we would like to note that the imitation is not built on fiction for the sake of fiction, but on our ideas about how interactions occur in the material world, the elements of which are not connected with each other by anything other than interactions through “emptiness.”

The brochure includes an introduction, main part, applications and conclusion. In addition, we included in the brochure a chapter “The essence of imitation in brief”, which we placed before the introduction. This chapter is addressed to specialists and trained readers who are able to grasp the essence of imitation by its brief description. Less advanced readers should skip this chapter and refer to subsequent material. On the first reading, you don't have to refer to the appendix material. In the future, the reader will be able to either independently verify the statements made in the main part without detailed explanations(this is not difficult to do), or refer to the applications.

Vadim Nikolaevich MATVEEV

He graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute in 1965. For more than 30 years he was engaged in research activities and the development of the principles of physical photography (electrophotography). Supervised research work; participated in the creation of electrophotographic machines (copiers) and systems. He was the chief designer of the first small-format electrophotographic color copying apparatus in the USSR. He is the author of a number of works and more than two dozen inventions in the field of electrophotography.

Oleg Vadimovich MATVEEV

Graduated from Vilnius Technical University majoring in electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes" in 1993. One of the founders and main shareholder (until 2011 - director) of the company "Sinerta LDC", specializing in the processing and recovery of cartridges for copiers and printers.

In this book, in an entertaining form, relativistic time and the relativistic effects of Einstein's special theory of relativity are simulated using the elementary means of classical physics --- Lorentz contraction, time dilation, relativistic Doppler effects, the Skobeltsyn--Bell effect, relativistic addition of velocities. Lorentz transformations are derived. Ways to simulate four-dimensional space-time are shown.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers --- from schoolchildren who are not indifferent to physics to specialists involved in or interested in modeling and interpreting the kinematic effects of the special theory of relativity.

About the book

A large number of books, brochures and articles of various levels are devoted to Einstein's special theory of relativity and its applications - from rigorous, extremely mathematical and intended for specialists of a narrow profile to popular science. Much of the popular books on special relativity are written in an entertaining form, using examples of Einstein's trains or rockets racing relative to each other at sub-light speeds and populated by nimble observers. This form is possible due to the fact that, despite all the complexity of the special theory of relativity itself and its applications, its primary foundations and principles are extremely simple and clear. The simplicity and clarity of the foundations of the special theory of relativity became the reason that non-specialists joined the discussion of problems that actually exist in the special theory of relativity, which, as a rule, are of an interpretative and terminological nature. And if specialists, for example, do not raise the question of the validity of the Lorentz transformations at all - the Lorentz transformations in practice have confirmed their validity not only in theoretical physics, but also in engineering calculations - then among non-specialists there are many people who are ready to question the validity of the transformations Lorentz, and the following provisions about Lorentz contraction and time dilation. The latter would not be worthy of mention (in a democratic society everyone has the right to choose an object of faith) if skepticism in the consideration of relativistic kinematics had not penetrated into teaching materials claiming to be serious. An example of this is the “Recommendations for the presentation of SRT taking into account the requirements of the Standard”, posted on the Internet on the “Physics” website of the educational and methodological newspaper of the publishing house “First of September”. The recommendations first note that “the question of measuring the length of a moving body is not an easy one,” then the effect of visual preservation of the shape of a ball in different reference systems, discovered “50 years after Einstein’s death,” is mentioned, and finally, taking this effect into account, it is concluded that “the only The correct solution, in our opinion, in such a situation is to refuse to present this issue and all related tasks.” Next, the remark is made: “It should be noted that we are not aware of any direct application of the formula [formula] in practice.”

At the same time, there is no contradiction between the effect of visual preservation of the shape of the ball and the Lorentz contraction. This effect is well known to specialists and is known as the Terrell-Penrose effect. Moreover, the visual preservation of the shape of the ball was theoretically predicted (the effect was not observed experimentally) taking into account the metrological Lorentz contraction, i.e. Taking into account the effect following from the Lorentz transformations.

In this regard, the book by V.N. Matveev and O.V. Matveev is very timely. Being entertaining in genre, it differs from many books of this kind in that it does not consider the kinematic effects of SRT themselves, but similar effects, modeled by the authors using the example of groups of barges that are at rest and moving on the surface of the water with the “terrestrial effects” that are familiar to us. " speeds. Due to its entertaining nature, the book is intended primarily for those who, having gained knowledge from popular literature, perceived relativistic phenomena as almost mysterious and beyond the scope of our earthly ideas about the material world. The brochure, so to speak, brings fantasy lovers down from heaven to the sinful earth. In presenting the material, the authors abandoned the use of techniques with observers, replacing the latter with devices (technical means). This technique allowed us to reduce the taint of subjectivity present in publications using observers. The same technique made it possible to simulate relativistic time, on the scale of which simulation devices operate and observers cannot operate in principle.

The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. The possibility of simulating the basic kinematic phenomena of relativistic mechanics in a medium, shown in the book, should not be correlated with the existence of a world environment. Firstly, this possibility is consistent with the formal identity of the Lorentzian and Einsteinian pictures of the world, known to specialists, and secondly, the simulation described in this book covers only a small fraction of the phenomena considered in the special theory of relativity and does not extend, for example, to dynamics and electrodynamics .

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
laureate of State Prizes
and Lomonosov Prize 1st degree,
Honored Scientist of Russia

Edition: cover.
Parameters: format: 60x90/16, 114 pages.