“Spring Thoughts” by A. Fet

Ponomarenko Antonina Anatolevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Pokrovskaya secondary school No. 2

With. Pokrovsky Neklinovsky district, Rostov region

“The originality of Fet’s lyrics in revealing beauty spring nature»

This little work is addressed primarily to young teachers, as it contains systematized material on the analysis of Fet’s poems. Can be used to prepare students for Olympiads or during extracurricular activities.

Spring is an extraordinary time of year that inspires and has inspired many writers and poets, artists and composers.

Afanasy Fet wrote a lot about spring throughout his life. He even has a cycle of poems called “Spring”, but research work, which would show the originality of Fet's lyrics in depicting the beauty of spring nature, as such, there are no.

The purpose of this work is based on systematization different material, his generalizations to try to identify the originality of Fet’s lyrics, to identify what means and techniques the poet used that allowed him to stand out from the crowd greatest poets who wrote about spring.

Feta great poet made primarily by love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty. “We cannot help but marvel at how beautiful Fet’s nature is in all the iridescence of colors, sounds, fragrances, how beautiful a person is in all the complexity of his emotional impulses, in the strength of his affections, in the depth of his experiences,” notes in one of his works critic N. Lyubimov 1

A person can be considered as a part of nature, who is subject to its laws and dependent on it. In Fet’s poems V. Bryusov “read” human experiences, changes occurring in the human soul under the influence of nature. Fet, as a subtle psychologist, shows us how with the arrival of spring the mood and psychological state of a person changes, showing all its complexity. Before Fet, this did not exist in Russian literature. His lyrical hero experiences languor and happiness, joy and sadness, heartfelt and headache, anxiety at the same time. Other poets - Baratynsky, Pushkin, Maykov - do not have this.

Maikov is a major lyricist, a contemporary of Fet, often writes about spring, but his poems do not have such dialectics and complexity. We read in the poem “Spring! Exhibit the first frame...":

Life and will breathed into my soul:

There you can see the blue distance...

And I want to go to the field, to the wide field,

Where, walking, spring showers flowers!

We see that the lyrical hero rejoices at the arrival of spring, strives into a wide field, his soul experiences an impulse, a flight, in order to more deeply enjoy the arrival of spring.

In the poem "Spring":

Last tears

About the grief of the past

And the first dreams

About other happiness...

The poet also shows one feeling of the hero - a feeling of endless joy; Tears and grief disappear and immediately the first dreams of happiness appear. That is, in Maykov’s poems there is no expression human feelings, experiences, but only one-sidedly shows a person’s perception of spring, the influence of spring on a person.

1 –Lyubimov N. “Lyrics of Fet”, j-l “ New world", 1970, No. 12

With Fet, everything is much more complicated. The poet believes that against the backdrop of nature

You can't stand in front of eternal beauty

Don't sing, don't praise, don't pray.

(“She came, and everything in the area melts”)

The joy of nature’s renewal is transmitted to man at the sight of the first cranes:

But the news of rebirth is alive

Already there in the migratory cranes

(“It’s still spring fragrant bliss»)

... I opened the window,

Cranes were screaming in the steppe.

(“The ravine thundered all night”)

Blooming primroses:

O first lily of the valley! From under the snow

You're asking for sunshine...

("First Lily of the Valley")

and I want to believe in the impossible,

The impossible is dreaming again,

Unrealistic in our poor world,

And the chest sighs more joyfully and wider...

(“It’s still spring, as if”)

and I want to believe that you are loved, and

...that, like the world, love is endless...

("Spring Thoughts")

The poem “The neighboring ravine thundered all night” is interesting. Development topics coming according to principle emotional impact. Fet leaves it to us, the readers, to grasp state of mind the lyrical hero in the subtext, and not in the text itself, where it is not defined or named in any way. It’s all about the idea-feeling of this poem, the piercing longing into the distance:

And the power of thought carried away

Beyond the borders of our native land,

Fly to the vastness, off-road

Through the forests, through the fields, -

And beneath me spring tremors

The earth was echoing.

The heroine’s aspiration into the distance, the flight of her thoughts, impulses in the spirit of Maykov are replaced by the opposite mood - the heroine invariably returns to earth, remembering the deep connection with her, remembering that there is a person close to her

... you are here, my good genius,

A friend experienced in troubles.

Feta’s talent expresses this complexity very clearly and musically. In the stanza “Flying to the vastness, the roadless...”, the poet completes the selection of vowel sounds and sometimes rapid, sometimes slow strokes of the rhythm with the infinity of space, the speed of flight, making it possible to clearly distinguish the roar of the spring earth, swelling with juice.

For Fet, the connection between what happens in the inner world of a person and phenomena outside world is undeniable, and he never tires of emphasizing this connection.

In the poem “Don't wake her up at dawn,” the heroine's increased emotionality is felt. The girl rejoices, dreams, even a bright blush lies on her cheeks, speaking of a surge of vitality:

Morning breathes on her chest,

Brightly shining on the pits of the cheeks...

...the morning burns on the cheeks...

By repeating himself, the poet seems to draw attention to this. The girl’s heart yearns for love, anxiously awaits this feeling. She dreams of something joyful, but not yet clear, alarming, so

She became paler and paler,

My heart beat more and more painfully,

That's why her sleep is restless:

And her pillow is hot,

And a hot, tiring dream...

The poet selects a rare epithet to characterize sleep - “tiring.”

To tire means to bring into a state of fatigue, weakening of strength.

The unusualness and surprise of this epithet is that, as a rule, hard, prolonged work leads to a state of fatigue and weakening of strength. And sleep usually invigorates a person and gives him new strength. This is a unique find, a rarity. Only a talented poet can find such a bright and unusual epithet. In these experiences of the heroine one can feel the music of life, which is why this poem became a romance.

The musicality of this poem is created by the repetition of words (anaphora), repetition of sounds, and full-sounding exact rhyme. An additional sounding image – the image of a loudly whistling nightingale – contributes to the melody.

In the poem “Still May Night” we again encounter a combination of opposites. The poem is filled with a premonition of something tragic. This is what Fet goes for, combining the joy of the arrival of spring, delight with a feeling of anxiety, fear of death. Even in the songs of the nightingale one can feel anxiety and love:

... And in the air behind the song of the nightingale

Anxiety and love spread.

In the 1st-2nd stanza there is a contrast between winter and spring:

From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzards and snow

How fresh and clean your May leaves!

What a night! Every single star

Warmly and meekly they look into the soul again,

And in the air behind the nightingale's song

Anxiety and love spread.

Before us are two poles, on one of which there is warmth and meekness, and on the other, “anxiety and love,” which creates the impression of tension. The word “anxiety” expresses a state filled with anxiety, vague forebodings, and anticipation. In the 3rd stanza the tension intensifies:

Birches are waiting...

They are shaking...

Fet uses simple ones here unexpanded proposals, as if emphasizing the growing tension; the chosen verbs convey this feeling of tension very well. Just as a person experiences a nervous trembling in anticipation of something, so, perhaps, birch trees tremble in anticipation, tense.

(characteristic of Fet) spring renewal. The poet creates a multifaceted image of a newlywed maiden:

So to the newlywed virgin

And her attire is joyful and alien

And between the lines you can immediately feel the lurking sadness of the possibility of the “last song”:

Again I come to you with an involuntary song,

Involuntary and the last, perhaps...

that is, the poet does possible connection rebirth with death.

So, if you read the poem from the 1st stanza to the last, you can see an increasingly intensifying contrast - the technique of gradation.

The motifs of death that appear in some of Fet’s spring poems seem unexpected from this poet, a recognized singer of spring serenity:

But this heart will stop beating

And nothing will be loved

(“It’s still spring, as if…”)

But in the poem “Spring is Outside,” the poet writes:

“You’ll survive another spring!”

Such a struggle of death with birth, mortal with eternal, finite with infinite inevitably ends in the victory of a new spring:

...And unconscious power

Its triumph rejoices.

(“I was waiting. The bride – the queen...”)

This interesting situation finds an explanation in the statement of the poet himself in a letter to L.N. Tolstoy dated February 3, 1879: “Every time I write a poem, it seems to me that this is the tombstone of the muse. Lo and behold, there’s a smell of light coming from the grave again, and you’ll write. I’m not even looking for it, but I remember the feeling and the time that there could be no end to the poems, all you have to do is shake the bottle and it will burst the cork.”

In the poem “I am glad when from the bosom of the earth,” Fet conveys the joy of joining the life of nature in the spring, in the days of “spring thirst.” The hero rejoices at the ivy crawling along the stone fence of the balcony, and happily watches the family of little birds, where

caring mother feeds babies. But this joy bordering on envy

Don't I envy you?..

associated with the recognition of the life of nature as wiser and more majestic, in contrast to human life.

This complexity human characters in interaction with nature gives the impression of the action of some mysterious forces. Fet often expressed the idea that ordinary, everyday life base, meaningless, boring; what is the main content human life– suffering. There is only one mysterious sphere of true, pure joy that reveals itself to the chosen ones - this is the sphere of beauty, its special world. This is the beauty of love and the beauty of nature, especially in spring. “Fet in his field is a poet of rare emotionality, the power of an infectious feeling, and at the same time a feeling of light, life-affirming,” 1 noted Bukhshtab in one of his works.

For Fet, the arrival of spring is always something mysterious for a person, mysterious, incomprehensible, giving new strength to a person like a kind of deity. But this cannot be mysticism, since Fet was a materialist and this is proven by the detail, specific images present in his lyrics. The poet admires hummocks, ravines, streams - this is his realism. These cranes, streams, and whiny lapwing are important to him. But all this is accompanied by mystery. In the poem “The willow is all fluffy” there is some mystery, ambiguity, a hint of the awakening of vital forces:

Some kind of secret thirst

The dream is inflamed...

And in original version Fet had:

...That life has a secret thirst

The dream is inflamed...

those. the mystery is not explained, but rather intensified. The joy of renewal is transmitted to man; he rejoices, sometimes without knowing why:

1 –Accounting staff “Russian poets”, Art. lit - ra, L., 1970, p. 104

The idle crowd makes noise,

People are happy about something...

For Fet, spring is something unearthly, a kind of deity:

It’s still spring, as if unearthly

Some kind of night spirit owns the garden...

At the same time, the poet shows “our poor world” with a garden, with the blue skies, with an alley in which the trills of nightingales can be heard. But still, the power of spring, which has such an inspiring effect on a person, remains an eternal secret for Fet.

Fet deliberately does not clarify this secret in his poems: for him the main thing is to show the mood, this is the impressionism of the poet. He tries to express his impression of spring, so the secret is not revealed, and this makes Fet’s lyrics even more attractive.

This mysterious force refreshes, renews a person, renews his strength, brings him a joyful feeling:

The garden is all in bloom

Evening on fire

So refreshing – makes me happy!

Here I stand

Here I come

I'm waiting for a mysterious speech.

This dawn

This spring

So incomprehensible, but so clear!

(“The garden is all in bloom”)

Here we encounter mutual exclusion - this is very typical of Fet’s lyrics. He boldly goes towards this alogism, this oxymoron - a combination of definitions that are opposite in meaning, as a result of which a new semantic quality arises, always containing an element of surprise. Perhaps the poet considers spring to be in a broad sense incomprehensible - it is not possible for a person to understand the power of spring, that mechanism of influence on a person, why is it that in spring people’s feelings manifest themselves more clearly? And it can be clear as a natural phenomenon.

Due to the fact that there is so much contradictory in nature and the impact of nature on humans is so contradictory, the problem of spring diversity and variability arises in the spring, especially in April.

There is no stability or constancy in Fet's poems; he likes to show the transitivity and fragility of his surroundings. It is no coincidence that in his poems the poet depicts spring as a smooth transition from winter to summer.

It is typical for Fet loving relationship to every remote corner of nature, the ability to find the unusual, the poetic where many would see gray everyday life and everyday life. Fet strives to record any changes in nature. His nature is as if on the first day of creation: thickets of trees, a light ribbon of a river, the peace of a nightingale, a sweetly murmuring spring...

If annoying modernity sometimes invades this closed world, it immediately loses its practical meaning and takes on the character of decoration. For Fet, nature is not a “soulless face”, it is a thinking, animated, spiritual being.

Fet is original and bold in everything, even bold to the point of insolence in his epithets, metaphors and comparisons. His metaphors are precise, expressive, and fresh. We will find in his poems a “swarm of clouds”, “smoke of clouds”, “round dance of trees”...

Fet only needs one clear detail to depict early spring with its morning frosts:

...Even before dawn the cart rattles

On the frozen path...

Fet is characterized by extreme brevity. It does without subordinate clauses and introductory clauses

sentences - he endows the main color with an epithet that determines its shade, and thus achieves extreme compactness:

The beauty of the steppe is standing

With a bluish blush on her cheeks...

(“More fragrant bliss of spring”)

For Fet, in poetry, everything that was close to the means of musical influence was of particular value: rhythm, selection of sounds, melody of the verse. The vast majority of his poems do not know strophic standards - they combine lines that differ not only in the number of feet, but also in their type. For example, it connects iambic with amphibrach, which was unacceptable in classical versification.

The analyzed poems allow us to identify a number of features of A. Fet’s lyrics and his artistic method:

A) characteristic features of the impressionistic style (impressionistic laconicism),

B) the effectiveness of fleeting impressions,

C) taking unexpected angles,

D) lack of clarity of elusive moments

D) musicality

E) principle internal order seemingly random strokes

In addition, 3 main features can be distinguished in Fet’s lyrics:

1 – problem “man and spring”

2 – problem “mysterious and real in nature”

3 – the problem of lightness, instability of the spring world, giving rise to a diverse form

These 3 features are closely intertwined and make up the originality of Fet’s lyrics in revealing the beauty of nature in spring.

List of used literature:

1. N. Lyubimov. Journal “Russian Speech”, 1978, No. 1

J - l "New World", 1970, No. 12

3. L. Ozerov “A.A. Fet" (about the skill of the poet) Knowledge. M., 1970

4. N. Sukhova " Lyrical poetics Feta" L. Nauka. 1994

5. Afanasy Fet. Poems by Eksmo, 2005

Thanks to the fact that Fet lived in the village for many years, he loved and subtly understood nature. Therefore, more than half of his works are full of descriptions of forests, meadows, fields and other magnificent landscapes that surrounded Afanasy Afanasyevich in childhood. These poems painted colorful, naturalistic pictures of native nature, rich in specific features.

In the smallest details of beautiful rural landscapes, fleeting moods and shades of human feelings were reflected: “the dark delirium of the soul, and the unclear smell of herbs” harmoniously merged for the poet into something whole. Musicality poetic language made it possible to convey correctly internal state the author – delight, tranquility, amazement, etc.

The man in Fet’s poems lives in the same rhythm with nature: he awakens and rejoices (“I came to you with greetings…”, 1843), dreams and fantasizes (“The willow is all fluffy…”, 1844), plunges into thoughts and dreams (“ It’s still spring – as if unearthly…”, 1847), reveals the tenderness of love (“Whisper, timid breathing…”, 1850). Psychologism in the works of Afanasy Afanasyevich

combined with refined lyricism and constituted the key theme of all literary activity.

The poet never addressed pressing social issues: he did not criticize the authorities, did not call for the struggle for the people's happiness. Secrets of the existence of nature and inner world the man was completely absorbed by Fet’s attention, displacing political and social problems from his heart.

Many contemporaries criticized Afanasy Afanasyevich for such “indifference” and called him “the singer of the nightingale and the rose,” not realizing how important it is to know and understand different faces human self to begin the struggle to transform society. After all, such a struggle invariably comes down to the breaking of personalities. For example, in the poem “Far away is a light beyond the river...” (1842), the poet reveals the deep motives that force a person to set out on a journey in the midst of silence and grace. This is an unquenchable thirst for movement towards a dream, which appears in the form of an alluring light:

So what? Why not go?

Will you wait in the evening

Again both desires and boats,

Oars and fire across the river?

Fet, thus, turned out to be deeper and higher than his short-sighted critics, and therefore rightfully took a prominent place among the galaxy of great Russian poets.


  • feta lyrics analysis
  • Analysis of Fet's poem, the willow is all fluffy
  • analysis of the feta poem it’s still spring as if unearthly
  • analysis of the poem feta village
  • lyrics feta analysis

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Natalia Artificial intelligence(368007) 1 year ago

Again the birds are flying from afar
To the shores that break the ice,
The warm sun goes high
And the fragrant lily of the valley awaits.

Up to the cheeks of the rising blood,
And with a bribed soul you believe,

We are in the midst of tender nature,
As seen walking low
Us the cold sun of winter?

Among those assessments and reviews from which such a high poetic reputation of Fet was formed in these years, there is one that can be called the crown of his poetic glory - this is a brief but “expensive” expression by Leo Tolstoy: “And where did this good-natured fat officer come from?” is there such an incomprehensible lyrical audacity, a characteristic of great poets?” The value of this review is all the greater because it was caused by one of those poems that form the very core of Fetov’s work - his “spring songs”.

For Fet, the triumph of spring” is inseparable from the belief that “like the world, love is endless”; and “love” and “blood” are an eternal pair, and the poet is not embarrassed by the “banality” of the rhyme, because he feels it in his heart:

Again, nothing can calm your heart
Up to the cheeks of the rising blood.

Fetovskie spring poems amazed the reader with the elemental power of love attraction: “We can safely say that in the Russian language there has never been such an image of spring bliss, reaching the point of pain.”

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts"

Often spring in lyrics acts as the personification of rebirth, awakening, a symbol of the birth of a new life. This time of year brings with it joy and extraordinary elation, giving hope for a better future.

Fet dedicated many poems to spring. Among them are “The willow is all fluffy”, “It’s still spring’s fragrant bliss”, “I came to you with greetings”, “The first lily of the valley”, “The depth of heaven is clear again”, “It’s still spring - as if unearthly”, “ It’s still a May night”, “What an evening! And the stream." Most of them are imbued with delight associated with the arrival of spring. Lyrical hero, like the nature around it, welcomes the changes taking place. Perhaps he does not fully understand why spring gives birth to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent him from surrendering to them completely.

The poem “Spring Thoughts” begins on a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive spring as a time of hope and love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to a description of the landscape. The poet talks about birds flying from afar, breaking ice on the shores, the warm sun waiting for the fragrant lily of the valley to bloom. The second stanza reflects the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero. The landscape he observes gives rise to bright feelings and emotions.

His heart is worried, blood rushes to his cheeks. It seems that love, as endless as the world, is very close, is about to come and pull you into its whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that reigned in the first two. From the final stanza it becomes clear that in winter the lyrical hero had a close relationship with a certain woman. Most likely, there was a rift between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, among the soft nature, they will become close again. Nevertheless, he is not abandoned by hope for future happiness.

“Spring Thoughts” by A. Fet

“Spring Thoughts” Afanasy Fet

Again the birds are flying from afar
To the shores that break the ice,
The warm sun goes high
And the fragrant lily of the valley awaits.

Again, nothing can calm your heart
Up to the cheeks of the rising blood,
And with a bribed soul you believe,
That, like the world, love is endless.

But will we get so close again?
We are in the midst of tender nature,
As seen walking low
Us the cold sun of winter?

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts"

Often spring in lyrics acts as the personification of rebirth, awakening, a symbol of the birth of a new life. This time of year brings with it joy and extraordinary elation, giving hope for a better future. Fet dedicated many poems to spring. Among them are “The willow is all fluffy...”, “It’s still spring’s fragrant bliss...”, “I came to you with greetings...”, “The first lily of the valley”, “The depths of the sky are clear again...”, “It’s still spring - as if unearthly...", "It's still a May night", "What an evening! And the stream..." Most of them are imbued with delight associated with the arrival of spring. The lyrical hero, like the nature around him, welcomes the changes taking place. Perhaps he does not fully understand why spring gives birth to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent him from surrendering to them completely.

The poem “Spring Thoughts” begins on a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive spring as a time of hope and love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to a description of the landscape. The poet talks about birds flying from afar, breaking ice on the shores, the warm sun waiting for the fragrant lily of the valley to bloom. The second stanza reflects the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero. The landscape he observes gives rise to bright feelings and emotions. His heart is worried, blood rushes to his cheeks. It seems that love, as endless as the world, is very close, is about to come and pull you into its whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that reigned in the first two. From the final stanza it becomes clear that in winter the lyrical hero had a close relationship with a certain woman. Most likely, there was a rift between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, among the soft nature, they will become close again. Nevertheless, he is not abandoned by hope for future happiness.

In all three stanzas, Afanasy Afanasievich repeats the word “again”. Thanks to this, the reader gets a feeling of the cycle of life, the constant repetition of things and phenomena. Every year spring comes, the snow melts and people reach for warm sun plants, every year people fall in love and break up. The world exists according to laws that have been in effect for hundreds of years. Minor details change, but the fundamentals remain unshakable. The lyrical hero is just a grain of sand in vast universe, a small part of the eternal cycle. However, he also has the right to happiness, to love, to the joy awakened in spring.

Comparative analysis of poems by Fet and Tyutchev

Afanasy Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts" is imbued with hope, anticipation of spring, and expectation of love. And if in this poem spring is presented as a simple but beautiful phenomenon, then “Spring” by Fyodor Tyutchev -

Light, blissfully indifferent,
As befits a deity.

Tyutchev created a certain sublime image that no one can resist.

But if you look for similarities in these poems, you can see that both Fet and Tyutchev glorify spring. They just do it differently.

For Fet, spring brings with it love, warmth and peace. People's blood "rises", a person begins to believe in love. At the same time, for Fet, spring can cause involuntary pain with “endless love.”

For Tyutchev, spring is immortal. She obeys only her own laws and rules. But, although she is somewhat indifferent, Tyutchev’s spring helps people:

Come, with its ethereal stream
Wash your suffering chest.

Epithets for Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts": to the shores that break the ice; the sun is warm; fragrant lily of the valley; ascending blood; bribed soul; love is endless; in the midst of tender nature; cold sun. Comparisons: like the world, love is endless.

Epithets for Tyutchev's poem "Spring": strict tests; bright, blissfully indifferent; faded springs; fragrant tears; the ocean is boundless; the cheerful, autocratic, life-giving ocean; a stream of ethereal; suffering chest; divine-universal life. Comparisons: fresh as the first spring; life is like the ocean. Metaphors: the hand of fate oppresses; deception is tormenting; wrinkles roam the forehead; the gaze shines; there are many clouds wandering; springs of life; roses sigh (personal); the nightingale sings (personal); life is spilled; game and sacrifice of life.

In Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts" there is interrogative sentence(last stanza of the poem). There are no ellipses or exclamatory sentences. The verse flows smoothly. There are many sounds in the poem [l], [l], [r].

In Tyutchev's poem "Spring" there are several exclamatory sentences, many semicolons, one ellipsis at the very beginning of the second stanza. "Spring." The author gives us the opportunity to think and imagine it. There are also a few dashes. The poem is dominated by hard consonants [d], [p] and hissing consonants [sh], [sch], [z].

I really liked both poems. Each has its own charm. Although Fet’s poem “Spring Thoughts” is still closer to me. Tyutchev’s spring is too cold and indifferent. Reading Fet’s poem, I imagined a Russian girl, simple, but still beautiful and giving love and warmth.

Maria 7. 2011

Listen to Fet's poem Spring Thoughts

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“Spring Thoughts” Afanasy Fet

Again the birds are flying from afar
To the shores that break the ice,
The warm sun goes high
And the fragrant lily of the valley awaits.

Again, nothing can calm your heart
Up to the cheeks of the rising blood,
And with a bribed soul you believe,
That, like the world, love is endless.

But will we get so close again?
We are in the midst of tender nature,
As seen walking low
Us the cold sun of winter?

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Thoughts"

Often spring in lyrics acts as the personification of rebirth, awakening, a symbol of the birth of a new life. This time of year brings with it joy and extraordinary elation, giving hope for a better future. Fet dedicated many poems to spring. Among them are “The willow is all fluffy...”, “It’s still spring’s fragrant bliss...”, “I came to you with greetings...”, “The first lily of the valley”, “The depths of the sky are clear again...”, “It’s still spring - as if unearthly...", "It's still a May night", "What an evening! And the stream..." Most of them are imbued with delight associated with the arrival of spring. The lyrical hero, like the nature around him, welcomes the changes taking place. Perhaps he does not fully understand why spring gives birth to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent him from surrendering to them completely.

The poem “Spring Thoughts” begins on a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive spring as a time of hope and love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to a description of the landscape. The poet talks about birds flying from afar, breaking ice on the shores, the warm sun waiting for the fragrant lily of the valley to bloom. The second stanza reflects the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero. The landscape he observes gives rise to bright feelings and emotions. His heart is worried, blood rushes to his cheeks. It seems that love, as endless as the world, is very close, is about to come and pull you into its whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that reigned in the first two. From the final stanza it becomes clear that in winter the lyrical hero had a close relationship with a certain woman. Most likely, there was a rift between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, among the soft nature, they will become close again. Nevertheless, he is not abandoned by hope for future happiness.

In all three stanzas, Afanasy Afanasievich repeats the word “again”. Thanks to this, the reader gets a feeling of the cycle of life, the constant repetition of things and phenomena. Every year spring comes, the snow melts and plants reach for the warm sun, every year people fall in love and break up. The world exists according to laws that have been in effect for hundreds of years. Minor details change, but the fundamentals remain unshakable. The lyrical hero is just a grain of sand in a vast universe, a small part of the eternal cycle. However, he also has the right to happiness, to love, to the joy awakened in spring.

He lived in the village for many years, he loved and subtly understood nature. Therefore, more than half of his works are full of descriptions of forests, meadows, fields and other magnificent landscapes that surrounded Afanasy Afanasyevich in childhood. These poems painted colorful, naturalistic pictures of native nature, rich in specific features.

In the smallest details of beautiful rural landscapes, fleeting moods and shades of human feelings were reflected: “the dark delirium of the soul, and the unclear smell of herbs” harmoniously merged for the poet into something whole. The musicality of the poetic language made it possible to accurately convey the author’s inner state - delight, tranquility, amazement, etc.

The man in Fet’s poems lives in the same rhythm with nature: he awakens and rejoices (“I came to you with greetings...”, 1843), dreams and fantasizes (“The willow is all fluffy...”, 1844), plunges into thoughts and dreams (“ It’s still spring - as if unearthly...”, 1847), reveals the tenderness of love (“Whisper, timid breathing...”, 1850). Psychologism in the work of Afanasy Afanasyevich was combined with sophisticated lyricism and constituted the key theme of all literary activity.

The poet never addressed the burning issues social issues: he did not criticize the authorities, did not call for the fight for the people's happiness. The mysteries of the existence of nature and the inner world of man completely absorbed Fet’s attention, crowding out political and social problems from his heart.

Many contemporaries criticized Afanasy Afanasyevich for such “indifference” and called him “the singer of the nightingale and the rose,” not realizing how important it is to know and understand the different facets of the human self in order to begin the struggle to transform society. After all, such a struggle invariably comes down to the breaking of personalities. For example, in the poem “Far away is a light beyond the river...” (1842), the poet reveals the deep motives that force a person to set out on a journey in the midst of silence and grace. This is an unquenchable thirst for movement towards a dream, which appears in the form of an alluring light:

So what? Why not go? Will you wait in the evening again for desires, and a boat, Oars, and fire across the river?

Fet, thus, turned out to be deeper and higher than his short-sighted critics, and therefore rightfully took a prominent place among the galaxy of great Russian poets.

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