Minimum vocabulary for the exam in English. Section “Vocabulary and Grammar” in the Unified State Examination in English

“This... little jackdaw... stole an Olympic ruble from me! He needs to be taken to the clinic immediately for experiments!”

And the question of how to prepare for tasks 32-38 from the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section of the Unified State Exam in English stole a lot of nerve and brain cells from me. And in this article I will explain who is to blame, why and what to do with this very task. I will also give advice on preparation and recommend textbooks that will help with this preparation.

general information

After reading it, it is clear that although is used to contrast two ideas within a sentence and is not separated by a comma. However, however stands at the beginning of a sentence and is separated by a punctuation mark. Obviously, answer #1.

IN task 34 You will need knowledge of the synonymous series say, speak, talk, tell (these synonyms are becoming classics; I have seen them in tests more than once). This difference is well explained Sergey Chernyshev. In addition to the information he shares in the video, I make students learn a few common combinations with these verbs (like tell the difference, the clock says). They can be taken from Muzlanova’s Unified State Examination book. Section “Grammar and Vocabulary”.

Now let's look at the meaning of the sentence with a gap and the meaning of the sentence looks at us - “the experts told the engineer to forget about this idea.” After familiarizing yourself with the difference between synonyms, it is clear that say or tell are suitable in meaning. But if the gap contained said, then after it there must be a preposition before the addition - said TO Roebling. Therefore, we choose No. 2, told.

IN task 35 the student is “caught” knowing or not knowing the idiom “deep in his heart”. How would we translate it into Russian? Probably its equivalent is the expression “deep in the soul,” so the adjective deep suggests itself as a pass. The idioms far, full, long - “far, full, long in the heart” would not inspire confidence in me.

IN number 36 again synonyms, with two groups – join/unite, share/divide. They have different meanings - the first two mean unification, the last two mean separation. Let’s pay attention to what comes after the gap – “... his dream with someone else.” It is unlikely that I will unite the dream, rather I will share it with someone. Consequently, the choice is narrowed down to share and divide. Here you will need knowledge of the compatibility of words (I will tell you how to acquire this secret knowledge below, in the paragraph about preparation).

By the way, you can google compatibility (alas, not during the exam). Type divide a dream into the search field. The only query that appeared was divide a dream into syllables, literally - divide the word “dream” into syllables.

Roebling was unlikely to engage in philological examinations, so let’s dig further and look at the word share. As soon as we enter the first letter of the word dream, a hint from Google appears, where the desired combination of share a dream is in first place. The correct answer is No. 3.

Task 37 again tests knowledge of the control of the verb, moreover, the verb after which to can come. Open the dictionary – succeded IN, handled smth, maintained smth, managed TO. The correct option is No. 4.

And in number 38 again a stable phrase - ... the first time. “Like a virgin, hey! touched for the very first time…” Madonna sang in my head and I found the correct answer. And for those who didn’t sing, you’ll have to remember or guess! Answer #4, for.

In the article, English tutor Otradnoye gives recommendations on how to acquire the vocabulary necessary to pass the Unified State Exam.

It is impossible to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English without a certain vocabulary. This is completely understandable and there is nothing to discuss here. There are only two questions: what specific vocabulary is required, and how can it be acquired?

No one knows a clear answer to the first question posed, because it does not exist.

But on the second question, more definite things can be said.
Firstly, in a year such a vocabulary can be acquired with such effort that this is practically an impossible task, especially for a modern teenager. The optimal period for acquiring a sufficient supply of English words is three years, but it is clear that the earlier targeted preparation begins, the better.
What do I mean when I say “focused preparation”? You can show the student typical tasks of the Unified State Examination in English or the State Examination, and explain the requirements for learning English words that they impose.

1 Verbs must be taught with the appropriate preposition, or prepositions, if there are several of them. Examples:
Depend on = depend on
Look for = look for
look at = look at

2 Learn adjectives with prepositions:
Famous for = famous for
angry with = angry with
Popular with = popular with

3 Be sure to combine English words into groups, preparing for the word formation part of the test already at the level of memorizing words.
Agree with/on
disagree = disagree
agreement = agreement
agreeable = pleasant,
agreeable to (standards) = meeting (standards),
agreed = agreed

The paths to effectively learning English, as well as any other language, are, in fact, well known. The only question is that they inevitably require their own investments. It is the desire to find a magical method that allows you to learn English in general, and English words in particular, that is often a stumbling block for many people.
There is no one best method for learning English words, even if we are talking about an individual person. Getting used to any method is inevitable, and, as a result, a decrease in its effectiveness. The best technique seems to be a combination of different methods.

For example, you use classic cards, where a word in English is written on one side, a translation on the other, and an example sentence. You can combine this method with some computer program, for example Learn Words or ABBYY Lingvo Tutor. As a third component, it makes sense to look at online services for learning English words, for example, LingQ. The student of words should not lose the freshness of perception - this is the only constant principle, everything else is subject to dynamic change.

And one more obvious consideration, however, is often overlooked. When learning English words, be sure to evaluate the importance of the word. Moreover, such an assessment should consist of the importance of the word specifically for you, and its objective frequency. Internet search engines will help you evaluate the latter. How this can be done is described by me in the article “Internet search as a means of checking word frequency.”

Modern conditions of the information explosion, naturally, leave their mark on the study of languages ​​in general, and English in particular. They require the student to take a much more active position and have a greater influence on the learning process than before. More creativity if you want. Ultimately, all this is aimed at increasing the efficiency of learning English. Proper organization of the process will reduce costs and reduce training time, which is what we all strive for.

It is impossible to pass the final exam of the Unified State Exam in English without well-planned preparation and a rich vocabulary.


Unfortunately, no one will say how many specific words a student needs to know or learn to successfully pass the Unified State Examination in English, since FIPI, the organization that compiles Unified State Examination tasks, has never provided official information on this issue. It is also difficult to compile statistics for training variants from FIPI textbooks, since the difficulty levels in different preparatory textbooks are different. different years do not match. Perhaps no one needs such statistics, because the student still just needs to learn all the new words that come across in the training variants.

Structure of the Unified State Exam vocabulary in English

The vocabulary of each part of the Unified State Examination test in English differs in stylistic characteristics and belonging to different lexical groups. As we recommended earlier, the student should keep a separate notebook with words for each

Unified State Exam module: 1) Oral part; 2) Letter to a friend; 3) Essay; 4) Vocabulary and grammar; 6) Listening; 7) Reading. In this case, the approach to memorizing words will be systematic, and repeating words on the eve of the exam will be more effective.

Oral part

The necessary vocabulary for success in the USE oral exam in English should consist of two parts: clichés and thematic groups. The first include phrases such as “I keep this picture in my photo album because...”, “Both images show...” and “The main difference is...”. Clichés must be learned by heart. Knowledge of the vocabulary of thematic groups is necessary so that the student is ready to describe and compare photographs on any topic. For example, if during the exam you need to compare photographs of sports competitions, then without knowing words such as athletes, spectators, arena, sports events and many others, the answer on the exam will not be complete.

A letter to a friend

A letter to a friend is a conversation with a friend in written form, so this task requires spoken English and informal vocabulary: short words and sentences, which it is advisable to reduce if possible.


Firstly, in contrast to the Letter to a Friend task, the lexical component of the essay includes words of official and scientific English.

Secondly, to successfully write an argumentative essay, knowledge of thematic vocabulary is also necessary.

Thirdly, the essay will not be logical and consistent if it does not contain introductory phrases and cliché phrases characteristic of a given written work, such as “Firstly,... Secondly,...”, “I do not share this opinion...” and “Consequently.” , …” .

Vocabulary and grammar

Firstly, in addition to English grammar, this section The Unified State Exam tests knowledge of the principles of word formation in the English language.

Example. The festival was well-organized and its …………. (attract) were exciting.

Answer. attractions

Secondly, knowledge of phrasal verbs is tested.

Example. Many people have to learn how not to……out of patience easily.

Answer options. 1)go; 2) run; 3)grow; 4)become

Answer. Run out of

Thirdly, knowledge of the use of prepositions and set expressions with and without prepositions is tested.

Example. The street food here is improving by …….. and bounds.

Answer options. 1) gaps; 2)jumps ; 3)leaps; 4) numbers

Answer. By leaps and bounds


The vocabulary of the Unified State Examination (USE) listening needs to be trained and replenished while preparing for the exam. The main problems in this testing may be not only the appearance of new unfamiliar words, but also the incorrect pronunciation of already familiar ones.


Texts for the exam task of the Unified State Examination Reading most often represent excerpts from literary works. They are not easy to read at a fast pace under exam conditions if there are too many new unfamiliar English words. Examples of literary works, excerpts from which are used in the Unified State Exam materials in English: Buying gloves at Gibraltar by Mark Twain, Yellow paint by Robert Luis Stevenson and others.

What should be taken into account when completing tasks B11 - B16 (Word formation)?

When performing this task, check word formation skills– knowledge of the composition of the word and the main method of word formation – affixations, i.e. forming words using prefixes and suffixes.

  • After reading the sentence, translate it into Russian and determine what part of speech is missing. This can be a noun, verb, verbal forms (, participle), adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral. For example, if it is a noun, then the gap may be preceded by an article or an article or an adjective, if it is an adverb, then it usually comes after the verb, etc.
  • Determine whether the word has negative or positive value. In the case of a negative meaning, you need to choose a negative prefix or suffix that matches the word.
  • Next, you need to change the word on the right and corresponding to the gap into the desired form. For example, in the sentence “It was a large-scale, program-controlled machine which could make a very complex _____. CALCULATE » the missing word is a noun, since the gap is preceded by an adjective with an article. Indefinite article indicates that the missing word is a singular noun - « calculation » .
  • After completing the tasks, read the entire text again to make sure it is correct. educated forms. Transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.

Take note!!!

To prepare for tasks B11-B16, repeat the prefixes and suffixes that are used to form various parts of speech. You can use the following resources:

Be sure to complete the exercises on word formation rules in your school textbook. You can also use online resources:

What is the strategy for completing tasks A22–A28 (advanced level)?

Tasks A22-A28 refer to higher level tasks. When performing them, knowledge of English vocabulary is tested, with an emphasis on word combinability. You are offered a text with gaps; for each missing word is presented multiple choice of four lexical items.

  • Read the entire text to understand its general content. Look at the possible fill-in-the-blank words.

For example, for a sentence « She was too excited to do any _______ that morning » The following words are suggested to you: A) homework ; B) household ; IN) housework ; G) housewife . We immediately rule out options B) And G): household - household, house, household; housewife – household . To choose the correct option from the remaining two, you need to know the meaning of the words: A) homework And IN) housework . Homework homework, lessons, homework. Housework - housework, housework. Therefore, the correct option is housework : She was too excited to do any housework .

  • After completing the tasks, transfer your answers to the Answer Form.

Take note!!!

Of course, to complete tasks of increased complexity you need to have good vocabulary. Need to know lexical compatibility words

To successfully complete tasks of increased complexity, you should repeat sections of the school textbook that present thematic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, set phrases, and prepositional phrases. It is necessary to practice doing exercises with multiple choice. To do this, you can also refer to online resources:

You should also have good spelling skills. Remember that if a spelling error is made, the answer option will not be counted. How to learn to write without spelling errors? The best way is to write dictations. For example, you can memorize a fragment of text from an English textbook, and then reproduce it in written form, speaking it out loud. Check the written text with the original.