River monitors of the Romanian Navy. State and prospects for the development of the Romanian naval forces (2013)

FOREIGN MILITARY REVIEW No. 10/2001, pp. 42-47


Captain 1st rank V. CHERTANOV

Higher military leadership Romania assesses the capabilities of its own armed forces to provide national security and national defense in the event of a medium-intensity conflict in Central and Eastern Europe (not to mention a more serious threat) as very limited. It is counting on a radical increase in defense capability not only with a focus on internal resources, but also through active participation in the European and Euro-Atlantic security system.

Romania hopes to join the North Atlantic Alliance no later than 2005 and become a member of the European Union (EU) another five years later, although the country's leadership is aware that internal and external factors could delay or prevent its transition to NATO membership .

Since the early 90s of the last century, the Romanian Armed Forces have been undergoing a process of deep military reforms: changes have been made to military legislation, the Ministry of National Defense has been restructured, the branches of the armed forces have been reorganized, total number personnel was reduced from 320 thousand to 126 thousand military personnel and 37 thousand civilian personnel, separate weapons modernization programs were initiated and military equipment. At the same time, significant efforts were aimed at organizing interaction with NATO forces within the framework of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program, to which Romania was one of the first to join in 1994, as well as as part of the stabilization forces (SFOR) in the Balkans.

At the beginning of 2000, “ Military strategy Romania" (developed by the Ministry of Defense) and a program for restructuring and modernization of the Armed Forces was approved, designed until 2010 (FARO 2005/2010). At its first stage (2000 - 2003), it is planned to practically complete the restructuring, to carry out a further reduction of the Armed Forces (up to 112 thousand military personnel) with recruitment as at professional basis(the number of contract soldiers and career military personnel will increase from 47 to 71 percent), and by conscription, and achieve minimum operational capabilities (including according to NATO standards) to ensure reliable defense of the country. The second stage of the program (2004 - 2007) will be focused on the modernization of weapons and military equipment (with a significant increase in allocations for this item defense budget) and achieving full operational capabilities. At the third stage (after 2007), it is planned to complete the bringing of types of armed forces into compliance with existing NATO standards and the implementation of plans for their re-equipment.

All these reforms are directly related to the country's naval forces, which are designed to protect the interests of the state in the Black Sea and the river. Danube and structured accordingly. They are led by the Chief of Naval Staff (also known as the commander) through his headquarters (Naval Base Constanta). Subordinate to him are the commands of the Black Sea Fleet, the Danube River Flotilla, Marine Corps, providing mainly coastal defense, and naval aviation. Number of personnel regular forces currently reaches, according to foreign press reports, 20,144 people (including about 10 thousand marines), including more than 12 thousand conscripts. The reserve component of the Navy includes 18 thousand people.

The naval fleet includes 30 warships, including: one submarine, a guided missile destroyer, six frigates, seven corvettes, nine river monitors, two minelayers and four base minesweepers; 73 combat boats: three missile, 27 torpedo, 18 river patrol and 25 river minesweeper boats; more than 30 auxiliary vessels, including two research vessels (used primarily as reconnaissance vessels), a training vessel sailing ship, four supply transports, eight river transports, four refueling tankers, four ship degaussing vessels, two ocean tugs and several harbor tugs, as well as a flagship boat.

Naval aviation is represented by an air squadron of IAR-316B Alouette III carrier-based anti-submarine helicopters (six) and five Mi-14PL Haze A base helicopters, which are based at the Tuzla air base.

Black Sea Fleet Command(headquarters at the Constanta naval base) organizationally unites five brigades: submarines, missile ships, anti-submarine ships, mine-sweeping ships and torpedo boats.

Submarine brigade exists almost nominally, since the submarine forces of the fleet are represented by the only diesel-electric submarine "Delfinul" (Fig. 1) of the "Kilo" type (Project 877E), transferred to Romania former USSR in 1986. The boat is not in a combat-ready state (requires repair and re-equipment) and is based in the Constanta naval base. The brigade was also assigned units of combat swimmers and divers and a group of support ships (vessels).

Missile ship brigade includes the guided missile destroyer Mareshesti (Fig. 2), three Zborul-class missile corvettes (Tarantul I, Project 1241 RE) and three Osa I-class missile boats (Project 205).

EM URO "Mareshest" was built in 1985 according to a national project at the shipyard V The Mangalia naval base is the largest surface ship in the Navy (total displacement 5,790 tons). In 1988, due to a lack of fuel and an understaffing of the crew, it was transferred to the category of non-combat ready, in the period from 1990 to 1992 it underwent modernization and again became part of the active fleet (based in the Constanta naval base). The ship is armed with SS-N-2C Styx anti-ship missiles (four twin launchers), torpedoes (two three-tube launchers), rocket launchers (two RBU 1200), 76- and 30-mm artillery installations, does not have anti-aircraft missile systems and therefore belongs to the subclass of URO destroyers conditionally, is equipped with a platform for basing two IAR-316B Alouette III helicopters. To date, he has made several deployments to combat service in the Mediterranean Sea.

Corvettes of the Zborul type (Tarantul I, Russian built in 1985, Fig. 3) were included in Romanian fleet in 1990 - 1992, armed with Styx anti-ship missiles and artillery mounts. Of the six RKA type "Osa I" received from the USSR in 1964 - 1965, one was replaced (in 1981) by a nationally built boat, and three were scrapped. The armament of the boats remaining in service is similar to that installed on the corvettes (see table). Both are based in the Mangalia naval base.

Anti-submarine ship brigade It is equipped with frigates of the Tetal type (four) and Tetal Improved (two) - the most combat-ready, as noted in the foreign press, ships in the fleet, as well as corvettes of the Democracy type (four). All of them are based in the Constanta naval base.

Both types of frigates are nationally built (Mangalia shipyard) 1983 - 1987 (the first four), 1989 and 1997 (the last two). The improvement of the ships of the second series consisted not only of installing more modern and high-speed artillery weapons systems, but also of changing the superstructure, as well as equipping a helicopter platform while maintaining the same hull and main power plant (GPU).

Corvettes of the "Democracy" type are former German minesweepers of the M 40 "Boot" project built in 1954 - 1956, converted in Romania between 1976 and 1983. The mine sweeping systems on them were dismantled, and on the fourth ship, Vice Admiral Ioan Georgescu, a small helicopter platform was built into the aft deck.

Brigade of mine-sweeping ships It consists of two minelayers (ZM) of the Kosar type, also used as floating bases for mine-sweeping forces and based in the Constanta naval base, and four base minesweepers (BTSH) of the Mushka type (Midia naval base). All ships were built at the national shipyard in the Mangalia naval base: ZM - in 1980 - 1981, BTShch - in 1987 - 1989. In addition to mine and anti-mine systems, they are equipped with artillery and anti-submarine weapons. The minelayer "Vice Admiral Ioan Murjescu" (tail number 271) is equipped with a helicopter platform on the aft deck, and the minelayer "Vice Admiral Constantin Babescu" (274) is equipped with a powerful cargo crane (Fig. 4).

Torpedo boat brigade performing the tasks of patrol forces in the Black Sea, based in the naval base of Mangalia. It includes 12 TKAs of the Epitrope type (Naluki), built in 1979 - 1982 at the national shipyard according to the RKA Osa project (with the replacement of the anti-ship missile launchers with torpedo tubes), and 15 of the Huchuan type (Romanian built in 1974 - 1983 and 1988 - 1990 - according to the Chinese project).

Auxiliary vessels fleet (except river fleets) are based in the Constanta naval base. They are equipped with anti-aircraft artillery mounts of 57, 37 and 30 mm calibers, 14.5- and 12.7-mm machine guns, and two supply transports (AE) of the Kroitor type ( full displacement 3,500 tons) are also armed with SA-N-5 Greil air defense systems (two quadruple launchers), RBU 1200 anti-submarine missiles (two five-tube ones) and can carry the IAR-316 Alouette III helicopter.

Cadets of the Naval Academy (at the Constanta naval base) undergo maritime practice on the sailing training ship "Mirna" (Fig. 5). The ship was built in Germany (Hamburg) in 1939 according to the type of sailing ships coast guard The USA "Eagle", the German "Gork Fock" and the Portuguese "Zagres", but has smaller dimensions (sail area 5,739 m2, can carry up to 140 cadets). In 1966 he passed major renovation at the shipyard in Hamburg, and in 1995 - 1997 it was repaired in Romania.

The country's merchant fleet, according to Lloyd's register, numbers 325 ships with a total tonnage 1 220,556 brt.

Danube Flotilla(headquarters in PB Braila) consisting of two brigades has nine river monitors ( gunboats) types “Brutar” (six, Fig. 6) and “Ko-Gelnicanu” (three), 18 patrol boats of the VB 76 “Monitor” type, before 25 minesweeper boats of type VD 141, two groups of combat divers and several small auxiliary vessels (river transport, ship demagnetization vessels). The ships, boats and vessels of the flotilla are dispersed among the river bases of Braila, Tulcea, Sulina, Giurgiu, Galati and Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

The gunboats were built at the national shipyard in the Mangalia naval base between 1986 and 1993 (six of the first type) and in 1993 - 1996 (three of the second). Their artillery weapons, in addition to anti-aircraft systems, include 100-mm artillery guns (in armored tank turrets) and 122-mm unguided rockets (VM-21 installations). Patrol boats of the VB 76 "Monitor" type (with a displacement of 127 tons) were built at the same shipyard in 1976 - 1978, armed with a 76-mm gun, two coaxial 14.5-mm machine guns and an 81-mm mortar.

River minesweepers type VD 141 (displacement 97 tons) were built at the Drobeta-Turnu Severin shipyard between 1976 and 1984 specifically for use on the Danube. They are designed not only for trawling, but also for laying minefields and are armed with two coaxial 14.5 mm machine guns and mines (up to six).

The Danube flotilla is provided by eight river transports of the Braid (AG) type with a displacement of 240 tons, built in 1967 - 1970 (at the shipyard in PB Braila). Four ship demagnetization vessels (ADG/AGI) built in 1972 - 1973 and 1989 are used both for their intended purpose (serving ships with a displacement of up to 3,000 tons) and as reconnaissance vessels (including for transporting groups of combat divers).

Marine Corps Command(headquarters at the Constanta naval base) organizationally unites, according to foreign military press reports, two mechanized, motorized infantry and artillery brigades, as well as an air defense regiment, an anti-tank division and a reconnaissance battalion. The MP is armed with 120 main battle tanks of the TR-580 type, 208 armored fighting vehicles and 138 artillery guns of 130 mm caliber (used as part of four coastal defense divisions), as well as 57.37 and 30 mm (equip six air defense divisions). Limited landing capabilities of the Navy amphibious assaults it is planned to make up for the purchase of landing hovercraft DKVP. According to the Jane's Fighting Ship reference book, one such DKVP was allegedly built at the Mangalia shipyard in 1998.

Direction of combat training and prospects for the development of the Navy. The priority task of the country's naval forces is at this stage is to achieve operational cooperation with the NATO Navy within the framework of the Partnership for Peace program. It is envisaged, in particular, for the regular participation of Romanian warships and auxiliary vessels in standard PfP exercises, as well as the organization vocational training naval officers in the alliance countries (mainly in France). Since January 1994, the country's navy has taken part in 53 exercises of the Cooperative Partner and Sea Breeze series. The fleet command intends to intensify this type of activity in support of the government's aspirations for NATO membership.

The military committee of the bloc demands that Romania ensure the deployment of the following naval forces to participate in operations under the PfP program: one surface anti-submarine ship (which also has certain air defense capabilities), two minesweepers, a team of combat divers with a supporting vessel, six river armored boats (or monitors) ) and one river tug. By the end of 2001, ships and boats that meet the necessary requirements must be ready to practice basic tactical tasks in cooperation with NATO forces, including the ability to establish and constantly maintain surveillance of the surface, underwater and air conditions using standard technical means. By the end of 2003, ships intended for deployment outside Romania's operational areas for the purpose of participating in PfP activities or providing collective defense to member countries must be fully compliant with all NATO standards, as well as meet specific requirements and regulations ( by ship class). The fulfillment of these conditions, ensuring the operability of the Romanian Navy with the fleets of the bloc countries, is given paramount importance.

Other important tasks of the Navy continue to include maintaining the combat readiness of formations, units and ships of the fleet to ensure national security and defense of the country from possible aggression from the sea. According to the requirements of the command, the operational and tactical training of fleet forces is aimed at achieving such a degree of combat effectiveness that would eliminate surprise of an attack, ensure the emergency deployment of ships directly from their base areas and seize the initiative in the difficult conditions of modern combat operations at sea, both independently and jointly with others. types of armed forces. In the annual cycle of organizing combat training, it is planned to reach the level of 60-day stay of ships at sea.


The main modernization programs of the Navy include the creation of an integrated command and control and communications system, the updating of ship weapons systems and the further development of at-sea resupply capabilities (mobile logistics support). By 2005, the Romanian military leadership intends to complete the deployment of a surveillance, reconnaissance and control system for shipping in the Black Sea. Measures are planned to improve the basing system and logistics support of the fleet with the development of infrastructure and conditions for logistics and maintenance of ships in bases and ports.

IN long term(by 2010) the Romanian naval forces, in accordance with the new structure of the country's armed forces, should, according to representatives of their command (in particular, in the person of the chief of staff of the Navy), be represented by a joint operational command, the navy - two flotillas on the Black Sea sea, river (Danube) flotilla, equipped with anti-submarine, patrol and mine-sweeping ships, as well as the necessary auxiliary vessels. Current plans provide for the construction at national shipyards of a frigate, an artillery ship and two landing ships(or boats), purchase abroad of several surface combat ships, missile and patrol boats. In particular, the possibility of acquiring two destroyers URO type "Spruance", four frigates URO type "Oliver H. Perry" and two small submarines (in France).

Naval aviation is expected to undergo significant development, with plans to include three reconnaissance and six patrol aircraft, as well as up to 20 anti-submarine and nine transport helicopters.

The Ministry of Defense and the Headquarters of the Navy, recognizing that the anti-aircraft and anti-submarine capabilities of the fleet do not yet meet NATO standards, and the system of combat command and control of forces requires radical modernization, intend as a matter of priority to bring the combat capability of formations and ships to the level of full participation in the actions of multinational forces within the framework of the Euro-Atlantic partnership and equip them with new means of communication that fully ensure participation in joint and combined operations in the alliance’s area of ​​​​responsibility and beyond.

The totality of the Ground Forces. The Air Force and Navy of the Republic of Romania form the Armed Forces of Romania, designed to defend the freedom, independence and territorial integrity of the state.

The strength of the Armed Forces (AF) of Romania is 71,400 people, plus 79,990 in reserve. The ground forces have 42,600 military personnel, the air force - 8,400, the navy - 6,900 and 13,500 serve in the joint forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is General Nicolae Ionel Ciuke. He reports directly to the Minister of National Defense. In wartime Supreme Commander-in-Chief becomes the president of the country.

In 2006, Romania abolished general military duty and the transition to a contract army took place.


The Romanian Ground Forces include three infantry divisions and three separate brigades. This is the 1st "Dhaka" Infantry Division. It includes the 1st mechanized brigade“Vasiliy Lupu”, 2nd Infantry Brigade “Rovine”, 2nd Mountain Infantry Brigade “Sarmizegetuza”.

The 2nd Infantry Division consists of the 9th, 15th, 282nd mechanized and 3rd engineer brigades.

4th Infantry Division "Jemina" - 18th Infantry, 61st Mountain, 81st Mechanized Brigades).

Separate brigades: 6th SSO, 8th artillery, 10th engineering.

The Romanian Army is mainly in service with outdated technology. The tank fleet includes 250 Soviet T-55, 42 TR-580, 145 TR-85 and TR-85M1 “Bison” (TR is a Romanian modification of the same T-55). The newer 30 T-72 tanks are out of action.

Infantry fighting vehicles - 124 BMP MLI-84 and MLI-84M "Kunitsa" - are a copy of the Soviet BMP-1. In addition, there are 75 Romanian-designed MLVM units available for mountain rangers.

With the exception of 31 new Swiss MOVAG Piranha IIIC armored personnel carriers and 60 Max-Pro armored all-terrain trucks, the rest of the armored personnel carriers are locally produced: 69 VZZ Zimbru units, 384TAV-71, 161 TAV-77, 388TAVS 79. All of them are a reworking of the extremely outdated Soviet BTR-60.

The artillery consists of six self-propelled guns2S1 "Gvozdika", 18 units of 122-mm self-propelled gun M89 (on the MLI-84 chassis, with a 2S1 turret), more than 720 towed guns and howitzers, 133 units of 122-mm APR-40 MLRS ( Romanian version of the BM-21 "Grad"), 54 units of Israeli-made 122/160-mm MLRS LAROM, more than 260 120 mm mortars. In addition, there are 23 Soviet anti-tank self-propelled guns SU-100 of Czechoslovak production.

Anti-tank weapons include 138 anti-tank systems - 90 Malyutka, 48 Konkurs, 208 M77 guns (100 mm). The air defense of the ground forces includes Soviet air defense systems: 40 PU "Kub", 24 "Osa" and Romanian - 40SA-95 (licensed "Strela-1" on the TAVS-79 chassis). At present, all of them have practically lost their combat effectiveness. 297 SA-94 MANPADS (a copy of the Soviet Strela-2), 36 German Gepard self-propelled guns, 42 anti-aircraft guns remain in service: 24 Swiss GDF-203 (20 mm), 18 Soviet (37 mm).


The fleet is based at two naval bases (Constanza and Mangalia) and six bases on the Danube River - Braila, Galati, Giurgiu, Sulina, Tulcea, Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

The administrative management of the Navy is entrusted to the headquarters of the Navy (Bucharest). Operational management formations and units of naval forces in Peaceful time exercises command of the Romanian Navy fleet (Constanza naval base). Whenever crisis situation or with the outbreak of war, an operational control center for naval operations (COCAN) is formed on the basis of the fleet command.

The Romanian Navy has four corvettes, three frigates, five mine ships, six combat boats and several auxiliary vessels. Navy reserve - 60 ships and boats. The helicopter group is represented by three carrier-based IAR-330 Puma helicopters. Stationed on the Danube river flotilla. It consists of three river monitors, Project 1316, five Brutar-type river patrol boats and nine river armored boats. The Navy also includes a battalion of Marines.


The Romanian Air Force has following structure: General Headquarters of the Romanian Air Force, Air Force Operations Center, four air bases (71,86,95th Air Base and 90th Transport Air Base), 1st Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, 70th Aviation Engineering Regiment, 85th Signal Regiment, training ground Air Force Kapu Midia. In addition, the Air Force includes three educational institutions. Fighter aviation is represented by one type of aircraft - the MiG-21, built in the 1960-1970s. In the 1990s, they were modernized in Israel, but the aircraft's service life has already been almost completely exhausted. Currently, 98 MiG-21s are formally combat-ready. Of these, no more than 36 are in service, the rest are in storage. There are 14 MiG-29s in storage, rendered completely unfit for combat. To replace the MiG-21, F-16A/B fighters will be purchased from Portugal and the United States.

The Navy, as one of the branches of the Romanian armed forces, is primarily intended to protect national interests states in the Black Sea and on the river. Danube. Within the framework of the North Atlantic Alliance, the Romanian Navy also solves the entire range of tasks assigned to them by the NATO Command in Europe (headquarters in Naples, Italy).

In peacetime, the naval forces are entrusted with the following main tasks:

- monitoring the situation in territorial waters and the Black Sea economic zone;
- ensuring freedom of navigation on the Black Sea and the river. Danube;
- support for the actions of border police units;
- patrolling the territorial waters of Romania;
- participation in peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operations conducted under the leadership of NATO, the EU and the UN;
- search and rescue of crews of ships in distress.

In wartime, the Navy performs the following tasks:
- repelling enemy attacks in the coastal direction;
- security and defense of objects of strategic and operational importance;
- protection of sea and river communications;
- organization of anti-amphibious defense of the country’s coast in the event of enemy amphibious landing operations;
- support for the actions of ground forces in the coastal direction and in the river delta. Danube.

IN combat strength The Navy has 16 warships, 20 combat boats, and 16 auxiliary vessels. The Navy reserve has 60 ships and boats. The number of personnel of the Romanian Navy is 8 thousand people.

The basing and logistics system of the Romanian naval forces includes two naval bases (Constanza and Mangalia) and six bases on the river. Danube (Braila, Galati, Giurgiu, Sulina, Tulcea, Drobeta-Turnu-Severin).

Administrative control of the forces and assets of the country's Navy in peacetime and war is entrusted to the headquarters of the Navy (Bucharest). Operational control of formations and units of the naval forces in peacetime is carried out by the command of the Romanian Navy (Constanza naval base), and in the event of a crisis situation and the outbreak of war - the joint operational command of the national armed forces through the operational control center for naval operations (COCAN) formed on the basis of the fleet command - Centrul Operational de Conducere a Actiunilor Navale).

Organizational structure of the Romanian Navy

The organizational structure of the Navy includes the command of the fleet (consisting of flotillas and divisions of ships and boats) and formations of central subordination (see diagram).

Fleet Command (Navy Base Constanta) subordinated: a flotilla of frigates, a river flotilla, three divisions of warships and boats ( patrol ships, missile corvettes, minesweepers and minelayers).

As part of the frigate flotilla (Navy Base Constanta) includes: frigates "Mareshest" (tail number F 111), "Regel Ferdinand" (F 221), "Regina Maria" (F 222) and the support ship "Constanza" (281). The helicopter group is armed with three carrier-based IAR-330 Puma helicopters.

Frigate "Marasesti" (F 111)

Displacement: standard 4754 t, full 5795 t.
Maximum dimensions: length 144.6 m, beam 14.8 m, draft 4.9 m.
Power plant: four-shaft diesel - 4 diesel engines with a total power of 32,000 hp.
Maximum speed: 27 knots
Weapons: 4x2 P-20 (P-15M) Termit anti-ship missile launchers, 4 Strela MANPADS launchers, 2x2 76 mm AK-726 AU, 4x6 30 mm AK-630 AU, 2x12 RBU-6000, 2x3 533 mm TA (6 torpedoes 53-65), 2 anti-submarine helicopters IAR-316 “Alouette-Z” or 1 helicopter IAR-330 “Puma”.
Crew: 270 people (25 officers).

A multi-purpose ship of its own design, until 2001 it belonged to the class of destroyers. Originally called "Muntenia". During the design, the designers made serious mistakes, relating, first of all, to ensuring the stability of the ship. In 1988, the destroyer, which never fully completed the test program, was mothballed. In 1990-1992 it underwent re-equipment, during which, in order to increase stability, part of its superstructures was cut off, the chimney and masts were shortened, and the heavy Termit anti-ship missile launchers were moved to the deck below, and special cutouts had to be made in the sides and deck for the bow complexes. At the same time, the obsolete RBU-1200 was replaced with the more modern RBU-6000 and turrets were installed under the Strela MANPADS. The destroyer entered testing again in 1992 under the new name “Mareshesti” - it was renamed in memory of the major battle between Russian-Romanian and German-Austrian troops that took place in the summer of 1917.

During the construction of the ship, technologies used in civil shipbuilding were widely used. All weapons and radio-electronic equipment were Soviet-made, and at the time the Mareshesti was put into operation, it looked clearly outdated. The ship was equipped with the universal MR-302 Rubka radar, the Harpun anti-ship missile target designation radar, the Turel and MR-123 Vympel artillery fire control radars, the Nayada navigation radar, and the Argun sonar. There were also 2 PK-16 passive jamming launchers. At the same time, the ship did not have a command and control system - for such a large combat unit of the fleet in the 1990s this was already considered unacceptable.

In order to bring the classification of ships to NATO standards, in 2001 the EM URO "Mareshesti" was officially classified as a frigate. It is now equipped with the INMARSAT SATCOM satellite communications system, as well as previously missing on-the-go refueling equipment. Used primarily as a training ship.

Frigate "Regel Ferdinand" (F 221)

Frigate "Regina Maria" (F 222)

Displacement: standard 4100 t, full 4800 t.
Maximum dimensions: length 146.5 m, beam 14.8 m, draft 6.4 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft gas turbine scheme COGOG - 2 gas turbines " Rolls-Royce» “Olympus” TMZV with a power of 50,000 hp. and 2 Rolls-Royce “Tupe” RM1C gas turbines with a power of 9900 hp. with separate operation of engines.
Maximum speed: 30 knots
Cruising range: 4500 miles at 18 knots.
Weapons: 1x1 76-mm AU "OTO Melara", 2x2 324-mm TA, 1 anti-submarine helicopter IAR-330 "Puma".
Crew: 273 people (30 officers).

Former British frigates F95 London and F98 Coventry of the Broadsward class. Purchased in the UK on 01/14/2003 and renamed "Regina Maria" and "Regele Ferdinand" respectively. Arrived in Romania after refitting in 2004-2005. Currently, Broadsword-class frigates of several modifications are also in service with the navies of Brazil and Chile.

Before leaving for Romania, the ships underwent major mechanical overhauls in Portsmouth. Weapons and electronic equipment have undergone significant simplification. Thus, missiles (Exocet anti-ship missiles, Sea Wolf air defense missile systems) and artillery were completely removed from both frigates; Only TAs have survived. Instead of the dismantled one, one 76-mm OTO Melara gun was installed. The composition of the radio-electronic equipment became as follows: BIUS "Ferranti" CACS 1, universal radar "Marconi" type 967/968, navigation radar "Kelvin & Hughes" 1007, optoelectronic artillery fire control system "Radamec" 2500, sub-surface sonar "Ferranhomson" type 2050 The electronic warfare system includes two 12-barrel 130-mm Terma passive jammers.

Support ship "Constanza" (281)

Displacement: standard 2850 t, full 3500 t.
Maximum dimensions: 108x13.5x3.8 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft diesel with a power of 6500 hp.
Maximum speed: 16 knots
Weapons: 1x4 PU MANPADS "Strela", 1x2 57-mm AU, 2x2 30-mm AU AK-230, 2x4 14.5-mm machine guns, 2x5 RBU-1200, 1 IAR-316 "Alouette-Z" helicopter.
Crew: 150 people.

Floating base and transport of ammunition, has cellars and cranes for transportation and transfer to warships missiles, torpedoes and artillery shells. Built in Romania at the shipyard in Braila, entered service on September 15, 1980. Electronic weapons: MR-302 “Rubka” radar, MR-104 “Lynx” and MR-103 “Bars” artillery fire control radars, “Kivach” navigation radar and “Tamir-11” sonar. The same type as the Constanza, the Midia PB, which entered service on 02/26/1982, has now been withdrawn from combat service and is used as a blockade.

Deck-based helicopters IAR-330 "Puma".

50th Patrol Ship Division (Mangalia Naval Base) includes: corvettes "Admiral Petr Berbuneanu" (260), "Vice Admiral Eugen Rosca" (263), "Rear Admiral Eustatio Sebastian" (264), "Rear Admiral Horia Machelariu" (265), as well as torpedo boats " Smeul" (202), "Vigelia" (204) and "Vulcanul" (209).

Type 1048 corvette "Admiral Petr Bărbuneanu" (260)

Type 1048 corvette "Vice Admiral Eugen Rosca" (263)

Displacement: standard 1480 t, full 1600 t.
Maximum dimensions: length 92.4 m, beam 11.4 m, draft 3.4 m.
Power plant: Maximum speed: 24 knots
Cruising range: 1500 miles at 18 knots.
Weapons: 2x2 76mm AU AK-726, 2x2 30mm AU AK-230, 2x16 RBU-2500, 2x2 533mm TA (53-65 torpedoes).
Crew: 80 people (7 officers).

Designed and built in Romania at the shipyard in Mangalia, they entered service on 02/04/1983 and 04/23/1987, respectively. Equipped with Soviet-made weapons. According to the official classification, they are considered frigates. Equipped with Soviet-made weapons. According to the official classification, they are considered frigates. A total of 4 ships were built, but two - "Vice Admiral Vasile Scodrea" (261) and "Vice Admiral Vasile Urseanu" (262) - have now been withdrawn from the fleet. The composition of radio-electronic weapons: radar MR-302 "Rubka", artillery fire control radar MR-104 "Lynx" and "Fut-B", navigation radar "Nayada", sonar MG-322. There are also 2 PK-16 passive jamming launchers.

Type 1048 M corvette "Rear Admiral Eustatiu Sebastian" (264)

Type 1048 M corvette "Rear Admiral Horia Machelariu" (265)

Displacement: standard 1540 t, full 1660 t.
Maximum dimensions: length 92.4 m, beam 11.5 m, draft 3.4 m.
Power plant: four-shaft diesel with a power of 13,200 hp. Maximum speed: 24 knots
Cruising range: 1500 miles at 18 knots.
Weapons: 1x1 76-mm AU AK-176, 2x6 30-mm AU AK-630, 2x12 RBU-6000, 2x2 533-mm TA (53-65 torpedoes), runway for anti-submarine helicopter IAR-316 “Alouette-Z”.
Crew: 95 people.

Corvettes (according to the official classification - frigates) of Project 1048M were designed and built in Romania at the shipyard in Mangalia. They entered service on December 30, 1989 and September 29, 1997, respectively.
They represent a development of Project 1048 with more advanced weapons and a runway for a helicopter. True, there is no hangar on the ships. Construction of the second corvette - "Rear Admiral Horia Macelaru" - in 1993-1994. was frozen, but later it was finally completed.
The ships are equipped with Soviet-made weapons. The composition of radio-electronic weapons: radar MR-302 "Rubka", artillery fire control radar MR-123 "Vympel", navigation radar "Nayada", sonar MG-322. There are also 2 PK-16 passive jamming launchers.

Torpedo boats

Displacement: total 215 t.
Maximum dimensions: 38.6 x 7.6 x 1.85 m.
Power plant: three-shaft diesel - 3 M-504 diesel engines with a total power of 12,000 hp.
Maximum speed: 38 knots
Cruising range: 750 miles at 25 knots.
Weapons: 2x2 30mm AU AK-230.4x1 533mm TA.
Crew: 22 people (4 officers).

Built at the shipyard in Mangalia; the entire series consisted of 12 units, which entered service in 1979-1982. They are a copy of the Soviet Project 205 missile boats, but with torpedo tubes instead of missiles. To date, 9 units have been scrapped; the last three are also being prepared for decommissioning. Equipped with the NC "Baklan" detection radar and the MR-104 "Lynx" artillery fire control radar.
The Project 205 missile boats (6 Soviet-built and 1 Romanian-built units) that were part of the Romanian Navy were withdrawn from service until 2004.

150th Missile Corvette Battalion(Mangalia naval base) the missile corvettes "Zborul" (188), "Peskarushul" (189) and "Lastunul" (190) were demolished. In addition, it includes a battery of coastal anti-ship missile systems "Rubezh" consisting of eight launchers.

Missile corvettes "Peskarushul" (189) and "Laestunul" (190).

Displacement: standard 385 t, full 455 t.
Maximum dimensions: 56.1 x 10.2 x 2.5 m.
Power plant: two-shaft combined type COGAG-2 afterburning gas turbines M-70 with a total power of 24,000 hp and 2 main gas turbines M-75 with a total power of 8000 hp. with an opportunity collaboration engines.
Maximum speed: 42 knots
Cruising range: 1600 miles at 14 knots.
Weapons: 2x2 PU anti-ship missiles
P-15M “Termite”, 1x4 PU “Strela” MANPADS, 1x1 76mm AU AK-176M and 2x6 30mm AU AK-630M.
Crew: 41 people (5 officers).

Representatives of a series of large missile boats of Project 1241 (“Molniya”), in various modifications, built in the USSR and Russia from 1979 to the present. RKA were built in Rybinsk; transferred to Romania in December 1990 (No. 188) and in November 1991 (No. 189 and No. 190, in the USSR Navy they had the designations “R-601” and “R-602”). The Romanian Navy is officially classified as a missile ship (Nave Purtatoare de Racchete). Equipped with the universal Harpoon radar, the MR-123 Vympel artillery fire control radar, and two PK-16 passive jamming launchers.

Coastal anti-ship missile system "Rubezh"

River Flotilla (PB Brăila) unites two divisions - the 67th river monitors and the 88th river armored boats.
67th Division includes river monitors of Project 1316 - "Mihail Kogalniceanu" (45), "Ion Bratianu" (46), "Lascar Katargiu" (47) and river artillery boats "Rahova" (176), "Opanez" (177), "Smyrdan" (178), "Posada" (179), "Rovinj" (180).

River monitor of project 1316 "Mihail Kogalniceanu" (45)

Displacement: standard 474 t, full 550 t.
Maximum dimensions: 62.0 x 7.6 x 1.6 m.
Power plant: two-shaft diesel with a power of 3800 hp.
Maximum speed: 18 knots
Weapons: 2x4 PU MANPADS "Strela", 2x1 100-mm AU, 2x2 30-mm AU, 2x4 14.5-mm machine guns, 2x40 122-mm RZSO BM-21.
Crew: 52 people.

Built at the shipyard in Turnu Severin according to a Romanian design, they entered service on 12/19/1993, 12/28/1994 and 11/22/1996, respectively. Officially classified as monitors (Minitoare). Armed with turrets with a 100 mm gun and a nationally developed 30 mm artillery gun.

River artillery boats of the "Grivitsa" type

Displacement: total 410 t.
Maximum dimensions: 50.7 x 8 x 1.5 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft diesel with a power of 2700 hp.
Maximum speed: 1 6 knots
Weapons: 1x1 100 mm artillery gun, 1x2 30 mm artillery gun, 2x4 and 2x1 14.5 mm machine guns, 2x40 122 mm RZSO BM-21, up to 12 min.
Crew: 40-45 people.

Built at the shipyard in Turnu Severin in 1988-1993; The lead “Grivica” (“Grivica”), which entered service on November 21, 1986, has now been decommissioned. Production ships differ from the lead ship in increased hull length and reinforced weapons (a coaxial 30-mm machine gun and two four-barreled machine guns have been added). Officially classified as large armored boats (Vedete Blindante Mari).

88th river armored boat division equipped with nine river patrol boats (side numbers 147-151, 154, 157, 163, 165) and an artillery boat (159).

River patrol boats type VD-12

Displacement: full 97 t.
Maximum dimensions: 33.3 x 4.8 x 0.9 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft diesel 870 hp
Maximum speed: 12 knots
Weapons: 2x2 14.5 mm machine guns, trawls, up to 6 min.

Built in 1975-1984; the series consisted of 25 units (VD141 -VD165). Initially used as river minesweepers, they have now been converted into patrol boats with a change in tactical numbers. They are gradually being withdrawn from the fleet.

146th minesweeper and minelayer division (Constanza naval base) includes the basic minesweepers "Lieutenant Remus Lepri" (24), "Lieutenant Lupu Dinescu" (25), "Lieutenant Dimitrie Nicolescu" (29), "Second Lieutenant Alexandru Accente" (30) and the minelayer "Vice Admiral Constantin" Belescu" (274).

Basic minesweeper "Junior Lieutenant Alexandru Accente"

Displacement: total 790 t.
Maximum dimensions: 60.8 x 9.5 x 2.7 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft diesel with a total power of 4800 hp. Maximum speed: 17 knots.
Weapons: 1x4 PU MANPADS "Strela", 2x2 30-mm AU AK-230, 4x4 14.5-mm machine guns, 2x5 RBU-1200, trawls.
Crew: 60 people.

Built at a shipyard in Mangalia according to a Romanian design; The main one was laid down in 1984, and went into operation in 1987-1989. Equipped with acoustic, electromagnetic and contact trawls. The ships' hulls are made of low-magnetic steel. Electronic weapons: radar "Nayada", "Kivach", MR-104 "Lynx" and sonar "Tamir-11".

Minelayer "Vice Admiral Constantin Belescu"

Displacement: total 1450 t.
Maximum dimensions: 79.0 x 10.6 x 3.6 m.
Power plant: twin-shaft diesel with a total power of 6400 hp.
Maximum speed: 19 knots
Weapons: 1x1 57mm AU, 2x2 30mm AU AK-230, 2x4 14.5mm machine guns, 2x5 RBU-1200,200 min.
Crew: 75 people.

Built at a shipyard in Mangalia according to a Romanian design, it entered service on November 16, 1981. The radio-electronic weapons include the MR-302 "Rubka" radar, the MR-104 "Lynx" and MR-103 "Bars" artillery fire control radars, and the Tamir-11 sonar system. Vice Admiral Constantin Balescu is currently used as a command ship/base for minesweepers. The same type “Vice-Amiral loan Murgescu”, which entered service on 12/30/1980, has now been withdrawn from the Navy. On the basis of the minelayer project, the hydrographic and research vessel Grigore Antipa was built at the same shipyard in Mangalia in 1980.

Formations of central subordination include: 307th Marine Battalion, 39th Diver Training Center, Naval Logistics Base, 243rd Gallatis Electronic Surveillance Center, Marine hydrographic department, center for information training and software modeling, center for computer science, center for naval medicine, naval academy "Mircea cel Batrin", naval non-commissioned officer training school "Admiral I. Murgescu".

307th Marine Battalion (Babadag) is a mobile unit of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations independently or jointly with ground forces units as part of amphibious assaults and sea defense operations. The battalion's strength is about 600 people.

It consists of ten units: two amphibious assault companies (capable of landing from watercraft), two air assault companies on armored personnel carriers, artillery and anti-tank batteries, reconnaissance, communications and logistics platoons, as well as an engineer platoon. The battalion is armed with armored personnel carriers TAWS-79, TAWS-77 and 120-mm M82 mortars.

39th Diver Training Center (Navy Base Constanta) solves reconnaissance and special tasks in the interests of the General Staff and Headquarters of the Romanian Navy. Reconnaissance tasks include: conducting underwater reconnaissance coastal strip enemy territory, tracking the movement of ships and their location in anchorages.

Special tasks, both in peacetime and in wartime, are associated with mining enemy ships in roadsteads and at bases, ports and hydraulic structures, bridges; preparation of crossings and landing sites; conducting anti-sabotage combat; search and destruction of mines and landmines; ensuring the recovery and evacuation of sunken military equipment; participation in ship repairs (change of propellers, repair of outboard fittings, steering devices, etc.).

The organizational center includes: the 175th division of combat swimmers, a mobile detachment of divers rapid response, two laboratories - hyperbaric (allows you to simulate divers diving to a depth of up to 500 m) and research, a department for repair and testing of diving equipment, a communications and logistics department. The center is assigned to: the sea tug "Grozavul", the diving vessel "Midiya", the search and rescue vessel "Grigore Antipa" and the diesel submarine "Dolphin" (project 877 "Varshavyanka").

Diesel submarine "Dolphin" (Project 877 "Varshavyanka")

Displacement: surface 2300 tons, underwater 3050 tons.
Maximum dimensions: length 72.6 m, beam 9.9 m, draft 6.2 m.
Power plant: single-shaft diesel engine with full electric propulsion, 2 diesel generators DL42MH/PG-141 with a power of 2000 kW, 1 electric motor PG-141 with a power of 5500 hp, 1 low-speed electric motor PG-166 with a power of 190 hp.
Maximum speed: surface 10 knots, submerged 17 knots.
Cruising range: in RDP mode 6000 miles at a speed of 7 knots, underwater economic 400 miles at a speed of 3 knots.
Weapons: 6 bow 533-mm TA (18 TEST-71 torpedoes and 53-65 or 24 mines), 1 Strela MANPADS launcher.
Crew: 52 people (12 officers)

Export modification of Project 877 submarines (Varshavyanka), built for the USSR and Russian Navy. "Dolphinul" was ordered in 1984 and became the second (after the Polish "Ozel") submarine of this type, delivered to a foreign customer. Until 04/08/1986, it was listed as part of the USSR Navy under the tactical number “B-801”, arrived in Romania in December 1986. Submarines of projects 877E and 877EKM, in addition to Poland and Romania, were built for the navies of Algeria, India, China and Iran. The design of the submarine is double-hull, single-screw. Has 2 rechargeable batteries of 120 cells each. Immersion depth - 300 m, autonomy - 45 days. The radio-electronic weapons include the BIUS MVU-110E “Murena”, the GAK MGK-400E “Rubicon”, and the MRP-25 surveillance radar. According to a number of sources, the submarine "Dolphinul" needs repairs and is currently in a non-operational condition (there are no batteries).

The combat swimmers-saboteurs are equipped with diving apparatus LAR-6 and -7 from Drager (Germany), as well as equipment for underwater work from Beuchat (France), Seeman sub (Germany) and "Coltri sub" (Coltri sub, Sweden).

Naval Logistics Base (Navy Base Constanta) intended for logistics support of naval forces, repair of ship weapons and military equipment. It includes: a naval weapons storage center, three military warehouses, four logistics sections, a communications center and an engineering company. About 40 reserve ships and boats, as well as special and auxiliary vessels, are assigned to the logistics base. The base's vehicle fleet includes 200 vehicles.

Panorama of the Constanta naval base.

243rd radio-electronic surveillance center "Gallatis" (Constanza naval base) designed to control maritime and airspace in the area of ​​operational responsibility of the national naval forces, electronic warfare and organization information support both the naval headquarters and the leadership of the armed forces.

The Marine Hydrographic Directorate (NMB Constanta) deals with the problems of maritime cartography and navigation, oceanography and issues of delimitation of maritime zones. In order to ensure navigation safety, a developed system of navigation equipment was created. More than 150 objects have been deployed on the country’s coast, including seven light beacons (Constanza, Mangalia, Tuzla, Midia, Gura, Portitsei, Sfyntu, Gheorghe, Sulina), one radio beacon (Constanza) and four fog alarms (Constanza, Mangalia, Tuzla and Sulina). The department consists of five departments: hydrography and oceanography, maritime cartography, lighthouse service and navigation safety, meteorology and research. At his disposal are the hydrographic vessel "Hercules" and two lifeboats.

Center for Information Training and Software Modeling (National Base Constanta) organizes events for individual combat training of Navy personnel in various military specialties and helps to increase the level of general information training of military personnel as a whole. It allows you to practice the combat coordination of crews (combat units and subunits) without involving the material part of ships (weapon systems).

As a training and material base, the center has deployed automated specialist workplaces based on personal computers - combat crew posts. Here it is possible to assess the initial operational situation, simulate possible options for its development and develop recommendations for the use of fleet forces depending on the assigned tasks.

Informatics Center (National Base Constanta) intended for information support of naval units and units. He coordinates the functioning of the information infrastructure in all formations of the naval forces, collects, processes and analyzes data in the interests of ensuring information security Navy. The center also administers existing and installs new local computer networks in units and divisions of the Navy, their special technical support, as well as support for the official information portal of the Navy on the Internet (www.navy.ro), ensures interaction with similar centers of other types and structures of the armed forces.

Naval Medical Center (Constanza) deals with issues of medical support for personnel of the Romanian Navy, conducts Scientific research in the field of treatment and prevention of occupational diseases of a number of naval specialists, in particular in the interests of the 39th diver training center. The center has the necessary staff of medical specialists, medical rooms and laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

At the Naval Academy "Mircea cel Batrin" (Naval Base Constanta) Specialists from all levels of management of the national naval forces are being trained. It has an advanced training school "Vice Admiral Constantin Belescu", designed to train officers at the command and staff level of the Navy. The academy has at its disposal the training transport ship "Albatross" and the sailing brig "Mircha".

Sailing brig "Mircea"

The non-commissioned officer training school "Admiral Ion Murgescu" (Naval Base Constanta) trains specialists in the following specialties: navigation, ship artillery systems, anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile weapons, underwater weapons, hydroacoustics, ship power plants, electrical equipment.

The service life of most naval ships and boats is more than 20 years. According to Romanian experts, up to 30% of them need medium and major repairs, and about 60% need current ones. Due to obsolescence and physical wear and tear of power plants, navigation systems and communications equipment, as well as financial restrictions, the purchase of spare parts and modernization in the combat strength of the Navy remains only minimally required amount warships and auxiliary vessels.

In peacetime, the main forces and assets of the Navy are located at naval bases and deployment points in constant combat readiness. Monitoring of the situation within the boundaries of the operational zone of responsibility is carried out by the forces and means on duty consisting of:
- on the Black Sea: one frigate class ship, one auxiliary vessel each in the naval bases of Constanta and Mangalia, one diving vessel;
- on the river Danube: one monitor or river artillery (patrol) boat, one auxiliary vessel each at the Tulcea and Braila bases.
In the event of a crisis situation and the outbreak of war, measures are envisaged to replenish formations and units personnel, weapons and military equipment and their deployment from places of permanent deployment to areas of operational destination.

Prospects for the development of the Navy

The construction of the national naval forces is carried out in accordance with the “Strategy for the Development of the Armed Forces of Romania”, designed for the period until 2025. Its main directions are:

Improving the organizational and staffing structure, bringing it to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance;
- achieving compatibility with the navies of other NATO member states;
- maintaining ships and boats in readiness to ensure the fulfillment of their assigned tasks;
- increasing the combat capabilities of the Navy by modernizing warships in the interests of increasing their maneuverability, firepower, reducing the level of physical fields, improving weapons, technical means of navigation and communications, reconnaissance and electronic warfare, radar and hydroacoustics;
- purchase of new military equipment;
- exclusion from the Navy of ships and boats, the repair and further maintenance of which are not economically feasible.

During this period, the Romanian Navy envisaged the implementation of a number of important targeted programs. First of all, this is the completion of the deployment of an integrated system of communications, surveillance and control of the surface situation of the Navy (2013). The implementation of this project began in 2007 with the commissioning of a new information system for the combat control of the country's naval forces (MCCIS - Maritime Command, Control and Information System). This system provided a direct connection to the headquarters of the Romanian Navy through dedicated optical, radio and radio relay communication channels to the automated control system of the headquarters of the NATO Naval Forces Command in Naples naval base.

Currently (with financial support from the United States), the second stage of the project is being completed, which provides for the commissioning of two coastal HFSWR radar stations (produced by the Canadian division of the Raytheon Corporation), capable of detecting surface targets in difficult weather conditions and in conditions of enemy electronic countermeasures at a distance up to 370 km. According to Western experts, the commissioning of modern radars will allow the Romanian command to bring the maritime situation monitoring system into compliance with NATO criteria, as well as ensure the necessary security of the area located in the area. Deveselu village of the American military base, where by 2015 it was planned to place three batteries of Standard-3 interceptor missiles global system ABOUT USA.

The following programs are aimed at improving the structure of the naval personnel and the combat capabilities of the naval forces:

1. Carrying out the second stage of modernization of the frigates "Regel Ferdinand" and "Regina Maria" (until 2014), which involves replacing power and energy plants, as well as equipping the ships with more powerful onboard weapons.

At the first stage of modernization, the main part of the work is to re-equip frigates with new weapons systems, modern means navigation, communications and fire control completed British company"BAE Systems" at Naval Base Portsmouth (UK). In particular, the ships were equipped with modern anti-submarine systems Terma Soft-Kill Weapon System DL 12T and automated system ship control CACS 5/NAUTIS FCS.

In addition, the ships are equipped with new: BAE Systems Avionics MPS 2000 communication and navigation systems - GDMSS Inmarsat B, Sperry Marine LMX 420 GPS, Sperry Marine Mk 39.

According to calculations by the Romanian Ministry of National Defense, the total cost of work on the second stage of modernization of frigates could be about $450 million.

2. Acquisition for the Navy of four multi-purpose missile corvettes (until 2016), four minesweepers (until 2014), a support ship and four river-sea class tugboats (until 2015).

3. Modernization of three missile corvettes in service with the 150th missile corvette division (until 2014), in order to ensure compatibility of their equipment and weapon systems with ships of a similar class from other NATO countries.

4. Restoring the combat capability of the submarine "Dolphin" (until 2014), which has been in an uncombat-ready state for the past 15 years, and the crew has completely lost professional skills in its operation. Since September 2007, the boat has been assigned to the 39th Diver Training Center. To restore its combat capability, first of all, its power plant and running gear must be overhauled, the batteries must be replaced, and then the communications equipment must be modernized and partially replaced.

The command of the Romanian Armed Forces is working on the issue of forming the underwater component of the Romanian fleet. In this regard, along with the commissioning of the Dolphin submarine, the possibility of purchasing three more ultra-small submarines (until 2025) is being studied.

The implementation of all planned programs in a timely manner will, according to the estimates of the command of the Romanian Navy, significantly increase the balance of the ship composition and the combat capabilities of the fleet forces, including with their participation in the NATO Allied Naval Forces operations in Cherny and Mediterranean seas, as provided for in the Charter of the Alliance.

Materials used: “Foreign military review", 2013, No. 4. pp. 67-75.

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The frigate ROS "Regina Maria" (F 222), formerly HMS "London" (F95), is a Type 22 frigate of the Romanian Navy, which was acquired by Romania in early 2003.

The frigate HMS London (F95), during the construction of Bloodhound, is the fourth in the second series of six Type 22 ships to be built for the Royal Navy. In total, 14 ships of type 22 of three modifications were built for the Royal Navy of Great Britain, including: 4 ships of the first series, six ships of the second series and four ships of the third series.

The frigate was built at the Yarrow Shipbuilders Limited (YSL) shipyard located in Scotstown, Glasgow on the River Clyde. The construction order was signed on February 23, 1982. Laid down on February 7, 1983. Launched on October 27, 1984. Delivered to the customer on February 6, 1987. Put into operation on June 05, 1987. The construction cost was approximately £159 million. At the request of the Lord Mayor of London, it was renamed "London".

During the first Gulf War in 1991, she was the flagship of the Royal Navy. target group.

On January 14, 1999, the frigate was decommissioned, and on January 14, 2003, it was sold to Romania. Between 2003 and 2005, the frigate was undergoing modernization. On April 21, 2005 he was introduced into the navy Romania and renamed "Regina Maria", in honor of Queen Maria of Romania, wife of King Ferdinand I of Romania.

Main characteristics: Total displacement 4900 tons. Length 148.1 meters, beam 14.8 meters, draft 6.4 meters. Maximum speed 30 knots, economical 18 knots. Cruising range 4500 nautical miles. Crew 205 people, including 18 officers.

Armament: 76.2 mm universal ship mounted 76/62 Oto Melara Super-Rapid gun.

Air wing: IAR-330 Puma Naval helicopter.

On 14 July 2005, the frigate left Nelson Naval Station, Portsmouth, UK, bound for Romania. On July 25, he arrived at the port of Constanta.

19 February 2015 with a US Navy guided-missile destroyer which departed Naval Station Norfolk on 22 August 2014 for a planned deployment to the US 6th Fleet area of ​​responsibility.

According to a report dated March 18, as part of the NATO task force SNMG-2 in international exercises with ships of the Romanian Navy, consisting of: frigate, frigate ROS "Axente" (M 30), corvette and corvette. From May 25 to 28 with a US Navy guided missile destroyer. From October 12 to 15 in the western part of the Black Sea in international waters of the “PASSEX” type, in which warships of the Navies of Romania, Bulgaria, the USA, Ukraine and Turkey took part. From November 11 to 12, he took part in joint naval exercises, which took place in the territorial waters of Romania and in the international waters of the Black Sea. From Romania, the mine ship Locotenent Dimitrie Nicolescu (DM 29) and the Project 1241 missile boat Zborul (NPR-188) also took part in the exercises. From the Royal Navy destroyer

The naval forces, as one of the branches of the Romanian armed forces, are intended mainly to protect the national interests of the state in the Black Sea and on the river. Danube. Within the framework of the North Atlantic Alliance, the Romanian Navy also solves the entire range of tasks assigned to them by the NATO Command in Europe (headquarters in Naples, Italy).

In peacetime, the naval forces are entrusted with the following main tasks:
- monitoring the situation in territorial waters and the Black Sea economic zone;
- ensuring freedom of navigation on the Black Sea and the river. Danube;
- support for the actions of border police units;
- patrolling the territorial waters of Romania;
- participation in peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operations conducted under the leadership of NATO, the EU and the UN;
- search and rescue of crews of ships in distress.

In wartime, the Navy performs the following tasks:
- repelling enemy attacks in the coastal direction;
- security and defense of objects of strategic and operational importance;
- protection of sea and river communications;
- organization of anti-amphibious defense of the country’s coast in the event of enemy amphibious landing operations;
- support for the actions of ground forces in the coastal direction and in the river delta. Danube.

The Navy has 16 warships, 20 combat boats, and 16 auxiliary vessels. The Navy reserve has 60 ships and boats. The number of personnel of the Romanian Navy is 8 thousand people.

Naval basing and logistics system Romania includes two naval bases (Constanza and Mangalia) and six bases on the river. Danube (Braila, Galati, Giurgiu, Sulina, Tulcea, Drobeta-Turnu-Severin).

Administrative control of the forces and assets of the country's Navy in peacetime and war is entrusted to the headquarters of the Navy (Bucharest). Operational control of formations and units of the naval forces in peacetime is carried out by the command of the Romanian Navy (Constanza naval base), and in the event of a crisis situation and the outbreak of war - the joint operational command of the national armed forces through the operational control center for naval operations (COCAN) formed on the basis of the fleet command - Centrul Operational de Conducere a Actiunilor Navale).

The organizational structure of the Navy includes the command of the fleet (consisting of flotillas and divisions of ships and boats) and formations of central subordination (see diagram).

Subordinate to the fleet command (Naval Base Constanta) are: a flotilla of frigates, a river flotilla, three divisions of warships and boats (patrol ships, missile corvettes, minesweepers and minelayers).

The frigate flotilla (Constanza naval base) includes: frigates "Măreşesti" (tail number F 111), "Regel Ferdinand" (F 221), "Regina Maria" (F 222) and the support ship "Constanza" (281). The helicopter group is armed with three carrier-based IAR-330 Puma helicopters.

The river flotilla (PB Braila) unites two divisions - the 67th river monitors and the 88th river armored boats.

67th Division includes project 1316 river monitors - "Mihail Kogalniceanu" (45), "Ion Bratianu" (46), "Lascar Katargiu" (47) - and river artillery boats "Rahova" (176), "Opanez" (177), "Smyrdan" " (178), "Posada" (179), "Rovinj" (180).

88th Division River armored boats are equipped with nine river patrol boats (side numbers 147-151, 154, 157, 163, 165) and an artillery boat (159).

The 50th division of patrol ships (naval base Mangalia) includes: corvettes "Admiral Petr Berbunya-nu" (260), "Vice Admiral Eugen Rosca" (263), "Rear Admiral Eustaciu Sebastian" (264), "Rear Admiral Horia Machelariu" (265), as well as torpedo boats "Smeul" (202), "Vige-lia" (204) and "Vulcanul" (209).

IN 150th Division missile corvettes (naval base Mangalia) the missile corvettes "Zborul" (188), "Peskarushul" (189) and "Laestunul" (190) were demolished. In addition, it includes a battery of coastal anti-ship missile systems "Rubezh" consisting of eight launchers.

146th Division minesweepers and minelayers (Constanza naval base) includes the base minesweepers "Lieutenant Remus Lepri" (24), "Lieutenant Lupu Dinescu" (25), "Lieutenant Dimitrie Nicolescu" (29), "Junior Lieutenant Alexandru Accente" (30) and the minelayer "Vice Admiral Constantin Belescu" (274).

The centrally subordinate formations include: 307th Marine Battalion, 39th Diver Training Center, Naval Logistics Base, 243rd Gallatis Electronic Surveillance Center, Marine Hydrographic Directorate, Information Training and Software Modeling Center, Computer Science Center, Military Center -naval medicine, naval academy “Mircea cel Batrin”, naval non-commissioned officer training school “Admiral I. Murgescu”.

307th Marine Battalion(Babadag) is a mobile unit of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations independently or jointly with ground forces units as part of amphibious assaults and seacoast defense operations. The battalion's strength is about 600 people. It consists of ten units: two amphibious assault companies (capable of landing from watercraft), two air assault companies on armored personnel carriers, artillery and anti-tank batteries, reconnaissance, communications and logistics platoons, as well as an engineer platoon. The battalion is armed with armored personnel carriers TAWS-79, TAWS-77 and 120-mm M82 mortars.

39th Diver Training Center(Navy Base Constanta) solves reconnaissance and special tasks in the interests of the General Staff and Headquarters of the Romanian Navy. Reconnaissance tasks include: conducting underwater reconnaissance of the coastal strip of enemy territory, tracking the movement of ships and their location in mooring areas. Special tasks, both in peacetime and in wartime, are associated with mining enemy ships in roadsteads and at bases, ports and hydraulic structures, and bridges; preparation of crossings and landing sites; conducting anti-sabotage combat; search and destruction of mines and landmines; ensuring the recovery and evacuation of sunken military equipment; participation in ship repairs (change of propellers, repair of outboard fittings, steering devices, etc.).

The organizational center includes: 175th Division of Combat Swimmers, a mobile squad of quick response divers, two laboratories - hyperbaric (allows you to simulate divers diving to a depth of 500 m) and research, a department for repair and testing of diving equipment, communications and logistics departments. The center is assigned to: the sea tug "Grozavul", the diving vessel "Midiya", the search and rescue vessel "Grigore Antipa" and the diesel submarine "Dolphin" (project 877 "Varshavyanka"). The combat swimmers-saboteurs are equipped with diving apparatus LAR-6 and -7 from Drager (Germany), as well as equipment for underwater work from Beuchat (France), Seeman sub (Germany) and "Coltri sub" (Coltri sub, Sweden).

Naval Logistics Base(Navy Base Constanta) is intended for logistics support of fleet forces, repair of ship weapons and military equipment. It includes: a naval weapons storage center, three military warehouses, four logistics sections, a communications center and an engineering company. About 40 reserve ships and boats, as well as special and auxiliary vessels, are assigned to the logistics base. The base's vehicle fleet includes 200 vehicles.

243rd radio-electronic surveillance center "Gallatis"(Constanza naval base) is designed to monitor sea and air space in the area of ​​operational responsibility of the national naval forces, conduct electronic warfare and organize information support for both the naval headquarters and the leadership of the armed forces.

The Marine Hydrographic Directorate (NMB Constanta) deals with the problems of maritime cartography and navigation, oceanography and issues of delimitation of maritime zones. In order to ensure navigation safety, a developed system of navigation equipment was created. More than 150 objects have been deployed on the country’s coast, including seven light beacons (Constanza, Mangalia, Tuzla, Midia, Gura, Portitsei, Sfyntu, Gheorghe, Sulina), one radio beacon (Constanza) and four fog alarms (Constanza, Mangalia, Tuzla and Sulina). The department consists of five departments: hydrography and oceanography, maritime cartography, lighthouse service and navigation safety, meteorology and research. At his disposal are the hydrographic vessel "Hercules" and two lifeboats.

Center for Information Training and Software Modeling(Navy Base Constanta) organizes events for individual combat training of Navy personnel in various military specialties and helps to increase the level of general information training of military personnel in general. It allows you to practice the combat coordination of crews (combat units and subunits) without involving the material part of ships (weapon systems).

As a training and material base, the center has deployed automated specialist workplaces based on personal computers - combat crew posts. Here it is possible to assess the initial operational situation, simulate possible options for its development and develop recommendations for the use of fleet forces depending on the assigned tasks.

Informatics Center(Constanza naval base) is designed to provide information support to naval units. He coordinates the functioning of the information infrastructure in all naval formations, collects, processes and analyzes data in the interests of ensuring the information security of the Navy. The center also administers existing and installs new local computer networks in parts and divisions of the Navy, their special technical support, as well as support for the official information portal of the Navy on the Internet (www.navy.ro), ensures interaction with similar centers of other types and structures of the armed forces strength

Naval Medical Center(Constanza) deals with the issues of medical support for the personnel of the Romanian Navy, conducts scientific research in the field of treatment and prevention of occupational diseases of a number of naval specialists, in particular in the interests of the 39th Diver Training Center. The center has the necessary staff of medical specialists, medical rooms and laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

IN naval academy"Mircea cel Batrin" (Navy Base Constanta) is training specialists at all levels of management of the national Navy. It has an advanced training school "Vice Admiral Constantin Belescu", designed to train officers at the command and staff level of the Navy. The academy has at its disposal the training transport ship "Albatross" and the sailing brig "Mircha".

Non-commissioned officer training school "Admiral Ion Murgescu"(Navy Base Constanta) trains specialists in the following specialties: navigation, ship artillery systems, anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile weapons, underwater weapons, hydroacoustics, ship power plants, electrical equipment.

The service life of most naval ships and boats is more than 20 years. According to Romanian experts, up to 30% of them need medium and major repairs, and about 60% need current ones. Due to obsolescence and physical wear and tear of power plants, navigation systems and communications equipment, as well as financial restrictions on the purchase of spare parts and modernization, only the minimum required number of warships and auxiliary vessels is retained in the Navy's operational strength.

In peacetime, the main forces and assets of the Navy are located at naval bases and deployment points in constant combat readiness. Monitoring of the situation within the boundaries of the operational zone of responsibility is carried out by the forces and means on duty consisting of:

On the Black Sea: one frigate class ship, one auxiliary vessel each in the naval bases of Constanta and Mangalia, one diving vessel;
- on the river Danube: one monitor or river artillery (patrol) boat, one auxiliary vessel each at the Tulcea and Braila bases.

In the event of a crisis situation and the outbreak of war, measures are envisaged to replenish formations and units with personnel, weapons and military equipment and their deployment from places of permanent deployment to areas of operational assignment.

Prospects for the development of the Navy. The construction of the national naval forces is carried out in accordance with the “Strategy for the Development of the Armed Forces of Romania”, designed for the period until 2025. Its main directions are:

Improving the organizational and staffing structure, bringing it to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance;
- achieving compatibility with the navies of other NATO member states;
- maintaining ships and boats in readiness to ensure the fulfillment of their assigned tasks;
- increasing the combat capabilities of the Navy by modernizing warships in the interests of increasing their maneuverability, firepower, reducing the level of physical fields, improving weapons, technical means of navigation and communications, reconnaissance and electronic warfare, radar and hydroacoustics;
- purchase of new military equipment;
- exclusion from the Navy of ships and boats, the repair and further maintenance of which are not economically feasible.

During this period, the Romanian Navy envisaged the implementation of a number of important targeted programs.

First of all, this is the completion of the deployment of an integrated system of communications, surveillance and control of the surface situation of the Navy (2013).

The implementation of this project began in 2007 with the commissioning of a new information system for the combat control of the country's naval forces (MCCIS - Maritime Command, Control and Information System). This system provided a direct connection to the headquarters of the Romanian Navy through dedicated optical, radio and radio relay communication channels to the automated control system of the headquarters of the NATO Naval Forces Command in Naples naval base.

Currently (with financial support from the United States), the second stage of the project is being completed, which provides for the commissioning of two coastal HFSWR radar stations (produced by the Canadian division of the Raytheon Corporation), capable of detecting surface targets in difficult weather conditions and in conditions of enemy electronic countermeasures at a distance up to 370 km. According to Western experts, the commissioning of modern radars will allow the Romanian command to bring the maritime situation monitoring system into compliance with NATO criteria, as well as ensure the necessary security of the area located in the area. Deveselu village of the American military base, where by 2015 it was planned to deploy three Standard-3 missile defense batteries of the US global missile defense system.

The following programs are aimed at improving the structure of the naval personnel and the combat capabilities of the naval forces:

1. Carrying out the second stage of modernization of the frigates "Regel Ferdinand" and "Regina Maria" (until 2014), which involves replacing power and energy plants, as well as equipping the ships with more powerful onboard weapons.

At the first stage of modernization, the main part of the work to re-equip the frigates with new weapons systems, modern means of navigation, communications and fire control was carried out by the British company BAe Systems at the Portsmouth naval base (UK). In particular, the ships were equipped with modern anti-submarine systems Terma Soft-Kill Weapon System DL 12T and an automated ship control system CACS 5/NAUTIS FCS 3. In addition, the ships were equipped with new: BAE Systems Avionics MPS 2000 communication and navigation systems - GDMSS Inmarsat B , Sperry Marine LMX 420 GPS, Sperry Marine Mk 39.

According to calculations by the Romanian Ministry of National Defense, the total cost of work on the second stage of modernization of frigates could be about $450 million.

2. Acquisition for the Navy of four multi-purpose missile corvettes (until 2016), four minesweepers (until 2014), a support ship and four river-sea class tugboats (until 2015).

3. Modernization of three missile corvettes in service with the 150th missile corvette division (until 2014), in order to ensure compatibility of their equipment and weapon systems with ships of a similar class from other NATO countries.

4. Restoring the combat capability of the submarine "Dolphin" (until 2014), which has been in an uncombat-ready state for the past 15 years, and the crew has completely lost professional skills in its operation. Since September 2007, the boat has been assigned to the 39th Diver Training Center. To restore its combat capability, first of all, its power plant and running gear must be overhauled, the batteries must be replaced, and then the communications equipment must be modernized and partially replaced.

The command of the Romanian Armed Forces is working on the issue of forming the underwater component of the Romanian fleet. In this regard, along with the commissioning of the Dolphin submarine, the possibility of purchasing three more ultra-small submarines (until 2025) is being studied.

The implementation of all planned programs in a timely manner will, according to the estimates of the command of the Romanian Navy, significantly increase the balance of the ship composition and the combat capabilities of the naval forces, including with their participation in NATO naval operations in the Black and Mediterranean seas, as provided for in the charter of the North Atlantic Alliance.