Particle discharges are form-forming. Word-forming and form-forming particles

The Russian language is very complex and includes a huge number of words. Philologists divide this whole multitude, as a rule, into ten groups - into parts of speech, each of which has its own characteristics. characteristic features, distinguishing it from the rest. This division allows, to some extent, to systematize the language. IN main group, in turn, two more subgroups are distinguished: function words and Functional words in the Russian language include conjunctions and particles: about one of the types of the latter we'll talk in the article.

Particles - used to give additional meaning to a sentence and form new ones grammatical forms words. All particles are divided into two types: formative and semantic.

Shaping particles are part of verb form one of two moods: conditional and imperative. Verb conditional mood is formed with the help of the particle “would” (“b”) and carries the meaning of an action, the commission of which was possible in the past or will be possible in the future. No other form-forming particles take part in the formation of the form. Examples of verbs: I would go, I would do, I would wear and so on.

Gives a hint of encouragement to action, command. Formative particles included in the form of this mood: yes, come on (let's), let, let. Examples of verbs in the imperative mood: let's go, let him do it, let him go and so on. The particle "yes" should not be confused with the connective and "yes". Compare: yes you say; say, don't be shy.

In addition to verbs, formative particles affect the forms of adjectives and adverbs, forming their comparative degrees. Particles of this type include: more, less, most. Examples of adjectives and adverbs in comparative and superlative degrees: more beautiful, less clear, the best and so on.

Formative particles correspond to the same as all words related to this part of speech: their form does not change, they are not members of the sentence (particles of the type analyzed in the article can be considered components verbs whose mood they change).

The following are sentences with formative particles, showing examples of their use. I wouldn't go there for anything in the world. She would do anything. I would say what I think about this, but I'd better refrain. Yes do what

want to. Yes, tell him that he is wrong. Let's go to the lake on Sunday. Let's spend the evening at the theater. Let's first discuss the situation and only then decide what to do. Let him explain his behavior. Let him solve his problems on his own. Let him do at least something useful. Let him say whatever is on his mind. This is the most wonderful gift I have ever received. You are the most disgusting person in the world. He is more successful than his neighbor. This city is much dirtier than my hometown. This restaurant serves less salty dishes. I'd like to meet someone less narcissistic.

§1. general characteristics particles

Particle is service part speech.

Once upon a time, linguistic tradition contrasted particles of speech with parts of speech (small function words - big words with independent meaning) and included all function words. Then it was realized that prepositions and conjunctions are separate classes of words, each with its own functions. And the term particle began to be used in a new way, in a narrower meaning.

Like all “small” words, particles have a number of important features:

1) do not change themselves,
2) are not members of the sentence (but some particles may be part of them).
What distinguishes them from other dependent words is that they serve to convey a wide range of additional meanings, emotions, feelings, assessments of the speaker. Without particles, especially those present in frequency in colloquial speech, the Russian language would be less rich. Let's compare:

Really he didn't call? (surprise) ≠ He didn’t call? (question)
Just I dreamed about this! (clarification, underlining, expression) ≠ This is what I dreamed about (neutral message)
What the night! (exclamation, assessment) ≠ Night. (nominal sentence)

Even from these examples it is clear that the particles are very diverse. In this case, as for all function words, the determining factor for particles is their function (role), according to which they are divided into formative and semantic.

§2. Shaping particles

There are very few form-forming particles.
These are particles: let, let, let, yes, come on. They serve to form the conditional and imperative moods.

Not if it rained, we We'd spend the whole day outside.

Particle would serves as an indicator of the conditional mood of the verb. This is a verb form component. The particle is included in the predicate along with the verb form. This means that formative particles will be included in the members of sentences.

Let's go out of town!

Particle Let's - index imperative mood. Let's go- this is an incentive to joint action. Here this is the predicate of a definite-personal sentence.

This means that formative particles are particles involved in the formation of the conditional and imperative moods of the verb. In a sentence, they appear together with the verb, even if they do not stand next to each other, and are one member of the sentence (separate particles cannot be members of the sentence).

§3. Meaning particles. Places by value

The bulk of Russian particles are semantic particles. Because they can express wide range values, it is important to know into which digits they are divided by value.

Digits by value:

  1. Negative: not, neither, not at all, far from, not at all
  2. Interrogative: really, really, whether (l)
  3. Demonstratives: this, over there, here, in (colloquial)
  4. Clarifying: exactly, exactly, directly, exactly, exactly
  5. Restrictive-excretory : only, only, exclusively, almost, solely
  6. Exclamation marks: what the, well and how
  7. Reinforcing: after all, even, really, after all, not, well, yet, and, yes, but
  8. Doubts: hardly, hardly, hardly

Do not confuse:

1) Particles and, ah, yes- homonymous to coordinating conjunctions.
AND do not say! AND do not ask! AND do not wait! (Here And- reinforcing particle)
Yes do not say! Yes do not ask! Yes don't wait for him, he won't come! (yes - reinforcing particle)
A, come what may! ( A- reinforcing particle)

2) Particle -That homonymous with the suffix -to in indefinite pronouns: someone, some and so on.
He -That knows what he's saying! We- That we know... Ivan -That knows... (here -That- particle)

3) Particle How homonymous with the pronoun How.
How breathes well after a thunderstorm!, How it's horrible!, How I feel bad! (Here How- exclamation particle)
How is the word written? ( interrogative pronoun)
I don't know, How this word is written. (relative pronoun)


Some particles may belong not to one, but to different categories, for example: whether or not etc. Compare:
In the house neither souls (= no one, negative) ≠ There were no souls in the room neither souls (amplification)
Tell me you called whether anyone? (interrogative) ≠ Will come in whether is he today? Will have time whether? (doubt)

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it correct to consider particles as an independent part of speech?

  2. Is the part of speech variable?

  3. Can particles be part of sentences?

  4. What particles can be included in the members of a sentence?

    • Semantic
    • Form-building
  5. What particles help form the imperative and conditional moods?

    • Semantic
    • Form-building
  6. Particles are formative or semantic Not And neither?

    • Semantic
    • Shape-forming
  7. The formative or semantic particles are: if only, let, let, yes, come on -?

    • Semantic
    • Shape-forming

1) let him, let him, let him, let him serve to form forms of the imperative mood;

2) would– for the formation of forms subjunctive mood;

3) more, less serve as a means of forming comparative forms;

4) formative particles with enhancing meaning: the most, the most., the most, the most are a means of education superlatives in combination with adjectives;

5) particles it was, it happened in combination with the future and present forms of verbs, they change the meaning of verb forms: it will come out at night...

  • - defective interfering viruses that have lost a portion of the parental genome. Replication of DI particles is possible only in the presence of a helper virus, the rate of reproduction of which decreases...

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  • - kappa particles, k particles - kappa particles, .Defective DNA-containing phage particles formed by kappa symbiotes ...

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  • - they are also helions of the nucleus of helium atoms, formed on early stages « big bang"; contain 4 nucleons, of which 2 are protons and 2 neutrons...

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  • - a-particles, - nuclei of helium atoms emitted by certain radioactive nuclei. They consist of two protons and two neutrons, tightly bound together by nuclear forces...

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  • - quantum particles– microparticles that obey the laws quantum mechanics. - polarized particles - microparticles in which the totality of spins has a certain preferred direction...

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  • - unchangeable words having in the sentence various functions. In that in a broad sense words under Ch. also mean adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - lexico-grammatical category of words that serve to express the speaker’s attitude to what is being expressed, as well as to form certain grammatical forms...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - part of speech - a category of function words to express various semantic shades of a single word in a sentence or a whole sentence...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - § 48. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of unimpacted particles “not” and “nor”. These particles differ in meaning and use. 1. The particle “not” is used for negation, for example: I didn’t say that. I didn't talk about this...

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  • - see affix...
  • - A range of function words that add additional semantic or emotional nuances to sentences and individual words. By meaning, the following are distinguished: 1) expressing different semantic shades of words in speech...

    Dictionary linguistic terms

  • - The auxiliary part of speech, conveying shades of lexical and syntactic meanings, clarifying and specifying the meaning of lexical and syntactic units...
  • - 1) let, let, come on, let serve to form forms of the imperative mood; 2) would – to form forms of the subjunctive mood; 3) more or less serve as a means of forming comparative forms...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • Morphemics. Word formation: Dictionary-reference book

  • - plural particles Small hard grains that make up...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - According to tradition, these include the infinitive affixes -т, -ти on the grounds that: 1) they are found in unchangeable word forms: play, think; 2) do not express syntactic relations between words in a sentence...

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"shape-forming particles" in books

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A particle is an auxiliary part of speech, which, without having its own completely independent lexical meaning, gives different shades to words and sentences or serves to create forms of words.

Particles do not change, do not have an independent lexical meaning and are not members of sentences, but can be part of sentences.
The main area of ​​use of particles is oral speech, fiction and journalism with elements of colloquial speech. The use of particles in speech makes statements more expressive and emotional. Excessive use of particles leads to speech clogging and loss of semantic accuracy.

The main role of particles (general grammatical meaning) is to introduce additional shades into the meanings of other words, groups of words or sentences. Particles clarify, highlight, and strengthen those words that are necessary for more exact expression contents: « Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already the sun shone less often.» ( Pushkin A.S.) Already- a particle with an intensifying value.

Particles arose later than other parts of speech. By origin, the particles are related to in different parts speech: with adverbs ( only, only, barely, just, right and etc.); with verbs ( let, let, come on, let it be, it would be, after all, you see and etc.); with unions (oh, yes, and, well and etc.); with pronouns ( everything, it, what for, then, this, itself etc.), with interjections ( there, well and etc.). Some particles are not related to other parts of speech by origin: here you go and etc.

There are few particles in the Russian language. In terms of frequency of use, they are in the first hundred of the most used words (the same as , conjunctions and some pronouns). This hundred most frequent words includes 11 particles ( no, same, here, only, yet, already, well, neither, even, whether, after all ).

Comparison with other parts of speech

In their structure and functions, particles are similar to adverbs, conjunctions and interjections.

Particles are different from significant parts speech to those who have no lexical meanings, therefore particles are not members of the sentence, but can be part of the members of the sentence. Particles differ from prepositions and conjunctions in that they do not express grammatical relations between words and sentences, i.e. the particle never connects anything.

At parsing the particle is highlighted together with the word it refers to or is not highlighted at all.

In the science of the Russian language there is no consensus according to particle classification. Classifications may vary among different authors.

Particle discharges.

According to their meaning and role in a sentence, particles are divided into categories.

  • formative,
  • negative,
  • semantic (modal).

Shaping particles

- particles that participate in the formation of certain forms various parts speech (verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns).

  • Particles that serve to form verb inflections:
    • imperative mood - yes, let (let), come on (let's) :long live, let him go, let's (let's) go;
    • subjunctive (conditional) mood - would(b): said would, helped would , put on b ; What would did not happen.
      Particle would(b) may appear before the verb to which it refers, after the verb, may be separated from the verb in other words: I b went to work. I wanted would live in Moscow. I did more would better. I would made it even better.

    Particles let, let, let, yes, come on (let's go) are part of the verb form and are part of the same part of the sentence as the verb, and are underlined with it. The formative particle is a component of the verb form and is written with the verb when morphological analysis verb as part of speech.

  • Particles that form forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, names of states - more, less : more important, less important; more Interesting, less boring.
    The meaning of the comparative degree can be enhanced by particles more And All : more scarier All more interesting.

When forms are formed, particles become closer to morphemes: more important (the degree of comparison is formed using a suffix) - more important (the degree of comparison is formed with the help of a particle).

Postfixes are not particles -sya(-s), -that, -either, -something And no, neither as part of negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, participles and adjectives, regardless of merged or separate writing. It is necessary to distinguish the particle -That And -That : Which -That, Where -That ( ) - I -That I know everything. (particle)


In Babaytseva’s complex on the Russian language, some other authors (Glazunov, Svetlysheva) proposed a different approach, where -something, -either, -something - attributed to word-forming particles and form pronouns and adverbs : who - someone, someone, anyone, anyone; what - some, some etc. Negative particles are also classified as word-forming particles Not And neither : who - no one, no one; when never, never etc. In this case, the particles turn into .
Using a particle Not words are formed with opposite meaning: friend - foe, happiness - misfortune.
Some words without Not no longer exist: bad weather, slob, ignorant, impossible and etc.
These questions should be clarified with your teacher.

Negative particles

No, neither- the most frequent particles. Besides: no, not at all, not at all.

Particle NOT plays a major role in expressing negation and gives the following meanings:

  • negative meaning to the whole sentence: This will not happen.
  • negative meaning to an individual member of a sentence: In front of us was not a small, but a large clearing.
  • positive meaning, statement (via double negative with not): could not help but help, i.e. should have helped; I couldn't help but say.

Most often negative particle Not is part of the predicate: At night did not have rain. ( did not have- predicate) I Don't know. (Don't know- tale.)

NI particle gives:

  • negative meaning in a sentence without a subject: Neither from place!
  • strengthening of negation in sentences with the word not (no), which expresses the main negation: Around No neither souls. Not it is seen neither zgi. In the sky No neither clouds. Sometimes neither used without Not : In the sky neither clouds.
  • strengthening and generalizing any statement made in the main clause (for this, in subordinate clause particle is used neither ): What neither (= everything) would do, everything would work out for him. Where neither (= everywhere) you look, there are fields and fields everywhere.
  • When repeating the particle neither becomes important coordinating (conjunctive) conjunction : Neither Sun, neither air won't help me. ( neither - union)
  • Negative particles include words No. It is used when there is a negative answer to a spoken or unspoken question: Want? No . To strengthen the negative word No repeated or used before a negative predicate: No, I don’t want to.
    Particle No corresponds in its role to the affirmative particle in the sentence Yes : Will you go? Yes .
  • not at all, not at all, not at all .

It is necessary to distinguish neither (not) prefix, particle and conjunction. The prefix is ​​written together ( someone, no one, no one). The particle and conjunction are written separately: no not a soul (particle, strengthens negation); Neither (conjunction) rain, neither (union) snow couldn't stop him.

Semantic particles

Semantic (modal) particles are particles that introduce various semantic shades into a sentence (clarify, emphasize, intensify), express the feelings and attitude of the speaker.

Particle groups by value:

  • Adding shades of meaning:
    • interrogativewhether, really, really :
      Really This is true? Is it true whether This? Isn't it do you disagree with me?

      Isn't it And really often act as synonyms: Is it (is it really) did not you recognize me? But they can also have different meanings.
      In sentences with isn't it doubt is expressed, the speaker seems to be arguing with the interlocutor, confident in the inadmissibility of the fact: Isn't it can I lie?
      In sentences with really Doubt and surprise appear: Really did he deceive us?
    • index fingershere (and here), there (and there), here and, there .
      Highlight the item you need to pay attention to: Here my village.
    • clarifyingexactly, just, almost, almost, exactly, exactly, exactly : Exactly she told me about it. Just he knew about it.
      Particles exactly , just serve to highlight the most important information.
    • express allocation, limitation(restrictive-excretive) - only, only, exclusively, almost, solely : I am not sick, only) a little tired.
  • particles that express the feeling and attitude of the speaker:
    • exclamation marks particles - what the, how , Well: What a soul! How amazing! Gee!
      These particles express admiration, surprise, and indignation.
      Particle How has a homonym How - pronoun How and union How .
      Particle How Usually used in exclamatory sentences: How evenings in Russia are delightful!
      Pronoun-adverb How used in interrogative sentences and is a member of the proposal : How are you feeling? How - circumstance.
      Union How - in complex sentences: I will tell you, How to live on.
    • express doubthardly, hardly: Barely whether this will do. Hardly he will agree.
    • amplifiers particles - even, well, neither, well, really, after all, only, only and etc.
      Particles highlight words in a sentence: Masha knows each other only famous monuments. ( Only - an intensifying particle, in a sentence it is part of the definition only known).
      Some particles of this discharge can perform the role of unions : The moon has become brighter, the stars or They just turned blue. Particle or highlights the word stars and connects the first and second sentences.
    • express relaxation of requirements — —ka.
      In combination with imperative verbs, this particle softens the meaning of the verb: Do It! - Do It -ka .


  • Day and night the cat is a scientist All walks around the chain. (A. Pushkin) - intensifying meaning
  • Well what the neck, what thelittle eyes! (I. Krylov) - exclamation value
  • Yeslong live the sun,Yesdarkness will hide (A. Pushkin) Let the brown one burst stronger. (M. Gorky) - forms the imperative form of the verb
  • Same word, but not the samewouldsaid. - forms the subjunctive form of the verb.
  • What we were talking about before only thought, now they have brought it to life. We just thought -only not an adverb, not a conjunction, since it does not connect anything, but enhances the meaning of the verb (they thought, but did not do). Therefore it is a particle.

Particle– this is a service part of speech, which serves to express shades of meaning of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms. Particles do not change and are not members of the sentence. (In school grammar, however, it is customary to emphasize negative particle Not together with the word to which it refers; This is especially true for verbs.) Depending on the additional values ​​transmitted, the following are distinguished: semantic particles (Here He, approximately two), modal particles (Yes, we have met, Well, go) and formative particles, which convey various grammatical meanings: Let coming. Yes Hello participants of the rally!

Basic semantic particles





Index fingers

there, here it is and etc.

point to objects, phenomena

1. Here bream, offal, Here sterlet piece(I. Krylov). 2. Doctor's profession - This feat, it requires self-sacrifice, purity of soul and purity of thoughts(A. Chekhov).


exactly, almost, exactly, exactly and etc.

clarify a word or expression

Mother almost didn't pay attention to me(I. Turgenev).


only, just, only, just and etc.

give a word or group of words a restrictive connotation

Who am I? What am I? Only a dreamer, the blue of his eyes lost in the darkness...(S. Yesenin)


even, after all, same, and, neither and etc.

emphasize certain words

Even the clerk made some kind of disapproving sound(L. Tolstoy).


really, really, really, really and etc.

express the question in interrogative sentences

Isn't it can I doubt it?(L. Tolstoy)


not, nor, no, not at all, not at all, not at all and etc.

express denial.

Particle No used when the answer to a question is negative and is separated by a comma

Independence, a sense of freedom and personal initiative in science Not less needed than, for example, in art or commerce(V. Chekhov).

« So will you come to us? – “ No, I won’t come"(L. Tolstoy).


yes, exactly, that's right and etc.

express a statement

“Already married?” – “ Yes, I started my third year with Filippovki"(L. Tolstoy).

Separated by a comma.


as, as if, as if, as if, exactly and etc.

express comparison.

Used with a predicate

1. Dubrovsky as if woke up from sleep(A. Pushkin). 2. Ripe rye How golden sea.

Exclamation marks

what the, how, oh and etc.

express emotions

1. Darling, How good! Well what the neck, what the little eyes!(I. Krylov). 2. To you, Kazbek, O guardian of the east, I, wanderer, brought my bow(M. Lermontov).

Shaping particles

Grammatical form



Imperative verb

let, let, yes, come on

Let the crowd will trample my crown: the singer’s crown, the crown of thorns!(M. Lermontov)

Verb conditional

would, b

I b forever forgot taverns and poetry wouldI stopped writing(S. Yesenin)

Obsolete form of the past tense of the verb


We have begun was talk about something new district leader, when suddenly Olga’s voice was heard at the door: “Tea is ready”(I. Turgenev).

Modal particles




Expression of will (same meaning for formative particles)

Let it go, well, well, let it go, let it go, let it go

No, It's not you that I love so passionately(P.)

Attitude to action: question, statement, denial, comparison

Yes, no, or whatever

You know whether are you a Ukrainian night? ( G.) Go ahead How You know.


What the, sir

Well what the neck, what the little eyes! (Kr.)

TO formative Particles include particles that serve to form the conditional and imperative forms of the verb. These include the following: would(conditional mood indicator), let, let, yes, come on(indicators of the imperative mood). Unlike semantic particles, formative particles are components of the verb form and are part of the same part of the sentence as the verb, and are emphasized along with it even when placed in a non-contact manner, for example: I would not late if would it didn't rain .

Semantic particles express semantic shades, feelings and attitudes of the speaker.

Some studies also identify other groups of particles, since not all particles can be included in these groups (for example, supposedly, they say).

Particle neither acts as a negative in constructions impersonal offer with the predicate omitted ( In the room neither sound) and as an intensifier if there is already expressed denial (In the room Not audible neither sound). When repeated, the particle neither acts as a repeating coordinating conjunction (Can't hear it in the room neither rustles, neither other sounds).

Postfixes are not particles - Xia (-sya), -this, -either, -something and consoles Not And neither as part of negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, as well as participles and adjectives, regardless of whether they are written together or separately.

A semantic particle - That must be distinguished from the word-forming postfix - That, acting as a means of forming indefinite pronouns and adverbs. Let's compare: Which- That, Where- That (postfix) – I- That I know where to go(particle).