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Nikolai Mikhailovich Maksimovich
Life period

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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USSR 22x20px USSR
Russia 22x20px Russia

Type of army
Years of service

: Incorrect or missing image


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Job title

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Awards and prizes

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Since May 2016 - Head of the Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Russian Navy.

Candidate of Military Sciences, participant in many long hikes at nuclear submarines and surface ships.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree,
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree,


Married, has two sons.

Write a review of the article "Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Admiral)"



  • Portal "Northern Fleet - will not let you down."

Excerpt characterizing Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (admiral)

So quietly and peacefully “talking” with my grandfather, I completely did not notice how the same miniature old woman came up to me and sat down next to me on a small stump. I don’t know how long she sat with me like that. But when I returned to “normal reality”, I saw radiant, not at all senile, blue eyes looking at me tenderly, as if asking if I needed any help...
- Oh, forgive me, grandma, I didn’t even notice when you came up! – I said, very embarrassed.
Usually it was difficult to approach me unnoticed - some kind of inner feeling self-defense. But such boundless goodness emanated from this warm, sweet old lady that apparently all my “protective instincts” slowed down...
“I’m talking to my grandfather...” I said embarrassedly.
“Don’t be ashamed, dear,” the old woman shook her head, “you have a giving soul, this happiness is great and rare.” Don't be ashamed.
I looked with all my eyes at this frail and very unusual old woman, completely not understanding what she was talking about, but for some reason feeling absolute and complete trust in her. She sat down next to me, affectionately hugged me with her dry, but very warm hand like an old man, and unexpectedly smiled very brightly:
- Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine. Just don’t rush to find out the answers to everything... it’s too early for you, because in order to get answers, you must first know the right questions... And they haven’t matured for you yet...
Only many years later I was able to understand what this strange, wise old woman really wanted to say. But then I just listened to her very carefully, trying to remember every word, so that later more than once I could “scroll” in my memory everything that was not understood (but, as I felt, very important for me) and try to catch at least a grain of what could would you like to help me in my ever-continuing “search”...
“If you took on too heavy a load, you’ll break…” the old woman continued calmly, and I realized that she was referring to my contacts with the dead. - Not all people are worth it, dear, some must pay for their actions, otherwise they will unreasonably begin to believe that they are already worthy of forgiveness, and then your good will only bring evil... Remember, my girl, good should always be SMART. Otherwise, it is no longer good at all, but simply an echo of your heart or desire, which does not necessarily coincide with who the person you gifted truly is.
I suddenly felt uneasy... It seemed that this was no longer being said by a simple sweet old lady, but by some very wise and kind sorceress, whose every word was literally imprinted in my brain... She seemed to be carefully leading me along the “correct” path so that I , still small and stupid, did not have to “stumble” too often, performing her, perhaps not always very correct, “tender-hearted deeds”...
Suddenly a panicked thought flashed through my mind - what if right now she just disappears?!.. After all, I really wanted her to share as much as possible with me and teach me as much as possible!..
But I understood that this would be precisely the “getting something for nothing” on my part that she had just warned me about... Therefore, I tried to pull myself together, drowning out my raging emotions as best I could , and childishly rushed to honestly “defend” her rightness...
– What if these people simply made mistakes? – I didn’t give up. – After all, everyone, sooner or later, makes a mistake and has every right to repent of it.
The old woman looked at me sadly and, shaking her gray head, said quietly:
– Mistake is different from mistake, dear... Not every mistake is atoned for with mere melancholy and pain, or even worse, just with words. And not everyone who wants to repent should get their chance to do this, because nothing that comes for free, due to the great stupidity of man, is not valued by him. And everything given to him free of charge does not require effort from him. Therefore, it is very easy for someone who has made a mistake to repent, but it is incredibly difficult to truly change. You wouldn't give a criminal a chance just because you suddenly felt sorry for him, would you? But everyone who has insulted, wounded or betrayed his loved ones has already suffered for some reason, although an insignificant share, a criminal at heart. Therefore, “give” carefully, girl...
I sat very quietly, deep in thought about what this wonderful old woman had just shared with me. Only I, so far, could not agree with all her wisdom... In me, like in every innocent child, an indestructible faith in goodness was still very strong, and the words of the unusual old woman then seemed to me too harsh and not entirely fair. But that was then...
As if she had caught the train of my childishly “indignant” thoughts, she affectionately stroked my hair and said quietly:
“That’s what I meant when I said that you’re not yet ripe for asking the right questions. Don't worry, honey, it will come very soon, perhaps even sooner than you think now...
Then I accidentally looked into her eyes and literally got chills... These were absolutely amazing, truly bottomless, all-knowing eyes of a person who was supposed to live on Earth for at least a thousand years!.. I have never seen such ones. eye!

Russia, Russia Retired


Since May 2016 - Head of the Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Russian Navy.

Candidate of Military Sciences, participant in many long-distance cruises on nuclear submarines and surface ships.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree,
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree,


Married, has two sons.

Write a review of the article "Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Admiral)"



  • Portal "Northern Fleet - will not let you down."

Excerpt characterizing Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (admiral)

“Both,” said Nesvitsky. “No, but what I would like,” he added, chewing the pie in his beautiful, moist mouth, “is to climb up there.”
He pointed to a monastery with towers visible on the mountain. He smiled, his eyes narrowed and lit up.
- But that would be good, gentlemen!
The officers laughed.
- At least scare these nuns. Italians, they say, are young. Really, I would give five years of my life!
“They’re bored,” said the bolder officer, laughing.
Meanwhile, the retinue officer standing in front was pointing something out to the general; the general looked through the telescope.
“Well, so it is, so it is,” the general said angrily, lowering the receiver from his eyes and shrugging his shoulders, “and so it is, they will attack the crossing.” And why are they hanging around there?
On the other side, the enemy and his battery were visible to the naked eye, from which milky white smoke appeared. Following the smoke, a distant shot was heard, and it was clear how our troops hurried to the crossing.
Nesvitsky, puffing, stood up and, smiling, approached the general.
- Would your Excellency like to have a snack? - he said.
“It’s not good,” said the general, without answering him, “our people hesitated.”
– Shouldn’t we go, Your Excellency? – said Nesvitsky.
“Yes, please go,” said the general, repeating what had already been ordered in detail, “and tell the hussars to be the last to cross and light the bridge, as I ordered, and to inspect the flammable materials on the bridge.”
“Very good,” answered Nesvitsky.
He called to the Cossack with the horse, ordered him to remove his purse and flask, and easily threw his heavy body onto the saddle.
“Really, I’ll go see the nuns,” he said to the officers, who looked at him with a smile, and drove along the winding path down the mountain.
- Come on, where will it go, captain, stop it! - said the general, turning to the artilleryman. - Have fun with boredom.
- Servant to the guns! - the officer commanded.
And a minute later the artillerymen cheerfully ran out from the fires and loaded.
- First! - a command was heard.
Number 1 bounced smartly. The gun rang metallic, deafening, and a grenade flew whistling over the heads of all our people under the mountain and, not reaching the enemy, showed with smoke the place of its fall and burst.
The faces of the soldiers and officers brightened at this sound; everyone got up and began observing the visible movements of our troops below and in front of us - the movements of the approaching enemy. At that very moment the sun completely came out from behind the clouds, and this beautiful sound of a single shot and shine bright sun merged into one cheerful and cheerful impression.

Two enemy cannonballs had already flown over the bridge, and there was a crush on the bridge. In the middle of the bridge, having dismounted from his horse, pressed with his thick body against the railing, stood Prince Nesvitsky.
He, laughing, looked back at his Cossack, who, with two horses in the lead, stood a few steps behind him.
As soon as Prince Nesvitsky wanted to move forward, the soldiers and carts again pressed on him and again pressed him against the railing, and he had no choice but to smile.
- What are you, my brother! - the Cossack said to the Furshtat soldier with the cart, who was pressing on the infantry crowded with the very wheels and horses, - what are you! No, to wait: you see, the general has to pass.
But furshtat, not paying attention to the name of the general, shouted at the soldiers blocking his way: “Hey!” fellow countrymen! keep left, wait! “But the fellow countrymen, crowding shoulder to shoulder, clinging with bayonets and without interruption, moved along the bridge in one continuous mass. Looking down over the railing, Prince Nesvitsky saw the fast, noisy, low waves of Ens, which, merging, rippling and bending around the bridge piles, overtook one another. Looking at the bridge, he saw equally monotonous living waves of soldiers, coats, shakos with covers, backpacks, bayonets, long guns and, from under the shakos, faces with wide cheekbones, sunken cheeks and carefree tired expressions, and moving legs along the sticky mud dragged onto the boards of the bridge . Sometimes, between the monotonous waves of soldiers, like a splash of white foam in the waves of Ens, an officer in a raincoat, with his own physiognomy different from the soldiers, squeezed between the soldiers; sometimes, like a chip winding through a river, a foot hussar, an orderly or a resident was carried across the bridge by waves of infantry; sometimes, like a log floating along the river, surrounded on all sides, a company or officer's cart, piled to the top and covered with leather, floated across the bridge.
“Look, they’ve burst like a dam,” the Cossack said, stopping hopelessly. -Are there many of you still there?
– Melion without one! - a person walking nearby in a torn overcoat said winking cheerful soldier and hid; another, old soldier walked behind him.
“When he (he is the enemy) begins to fry the taperich on the bridge,” the old soldier said gloomily, turning to his comrade, “you will forget to itch.”
And the soldier passed by. Behind him another soldier rode on a cart.
“Where the hell did you stuff the tucks?” - said the orderly, running after the cart and rummaging in the back.
And this one came with a cart. This was followed by cheerful and apparently drunk soldiers.
“How can he, dear man, blaze with the butt right in the teeth…” one soldier in an overcoat tucked high said joyfully, waving his hand widely.

    Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people named Maksimov, Nikolai. Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich: Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (admiral) (born 1956) admiral, former commander Northern Fleet. Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (athlete) (b.... ... Wikipedia

    Maksimov, Nikolay- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Maksimov. Nikolai Maksimov: Maksimov, Nikolai Alexandrovich: Maksimov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1880 1952) Soviet botanist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Maksimov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1826 ... Wikipedia

    Maksimov- Contents 1 Origin of the surname 2 Men 2.1 A ... Wikipedia

    List of commanders of troops of military districts and fleets (Russia)- The list includes commanders of military districts and fleets (as well as Caspian flotilla) in the territory Russian Federation Russia, since 1991. Contents 1 Far Eastern Military District ... Wikipedia

    List of holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree- Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree This is a list of holders of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree (after the date there is the number of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, cat ... Wikipedia

    Knights of the Order of St. George IV class M- Knights of the Order of St. George, IV class, starting with the letter “M.” The list is compiled in alphabetical order of personalities. Last name, first name, patronymic are given; title at the time of award; number according to the list of Grigorovich Stepanov (in brackets number according to the Sudravsky list);... ... Wikipedia

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    Nakhimov Naval School (St. Petersburg)- This article is about the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg. For all the Nakhimov schools that existed in the USSR, see Nakhimov School... Wikipedia

    Execution of Nikolai Romanov's family

    Execution in the Ipatiev House- Nicholas II with his family. From left to right: Olga, Maria, Nikolai, Alexandra, Anastasia, Alexey and Tatyana (Livadia, 1913) Execution royal family execution of the former Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his family and the murder of servants in the basement of Ipatiev’s house in... ... Wikipedia

(b. 1972) - graduate of Moscow Pedagogical University.

Honored Master of Sports (water polo).

Winner of the Games good will(1994, 1998), bronze medalist of the World Championships (1994), European Championships (1997) and World Cup (1995).

Silver medalist of the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney (2000).

The first coach is A. Ruchkin, currently - M. Riisman.

Member of the national team since 1993.

Plays for the VFSO Dynamo team, Moscow.

  • - a famous artist, the son of a poor artisan; studied in St. Petersburg. theater school. After Duras he performed in the roles of lovers and young rakes, and after the death of the tragedian Karatygin took over part of his repertoire...
  • - artist from St. Petersburg drama troupe, brother of Alexei M., author of several vaudevilles: “Hungry in Love”, “Enchanted Bears”, “First We Died, Then We Got Married”, “...

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  • - Chairman of the Yaroslavl regional organization war veterans, bureau member Russian Committee war veterans; born August 3, 1929; has a higher education legal education; participant of the Great Patriotic War...

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  • - Maksimov, Alexey Mikhailovich - painter, student of K. Bryullov. Studied at the Academy of Arts...

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  • - Maksimov, Gavriil Mikhailovich - artist of the St. Petersburg Drama Troupe, brother of Alexei Maksimov, author of several vaudevilles: “Hungry in Love”, “Enchanted Bears”, “First They Died, Then...

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  • - Maksimov, Nikolai Vasilievich - fiction writer, ethnographer and correspondent, brother of S.V. Maksimova. After graduating from the naval corps, he served in the navy. Participated in the Serbian-Turkish war of 1876....

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  • - Maksimov, Nikolai Yakovlevich - philologist, graduated in 1853 from the Main Pedagogical Institute...

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  • - artist from St. Petersburg drama troupe, brother of Alexei M., author of several vaudevilles: “Hungry in Love”, “Enchanted Bears”, “First They Died, Then They Wed”, “The Adventure on the Eve of the Betrothal”, from...
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  • - writer, brother of the ethnographer S.V.M. After graduating from the naval corps, he served in the navy...

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"Maksimov, Nikolai Mikhailovich" in books


From the book The Most famous travelers Russia author Lubchenkova Tatyana Yurievna

NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH PRZHEVALSKY The ancestor of the Przhevalsky generation was considered a Zaporozhye Cossack named Parovalsky. This Cossack, Karnila Anisimovich, showed courage in the battles of Polotsk and Velikiye Luki, for which in 1581 he was awarded the nobility

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Great Russian Tragedy. In 2 volumes. author Khasbulatov Ruslan Imranovich

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich “...Vladimir adopted Svyatopolk..., but Svyatopolk had only the audacity of a villain: - he killed all the sons of Vladimir... Tormented by melancholy, this monster fell into relaxation and could not sit on a horse... Driven by heavenly wrath, Svyatopolk in a state of confusion

PEGOV Nikolay Mikhailovich


PEGOV Nikolai Mikhailovich (04/03/1905 - 04/19/1991). Candidate member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953. Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953. Member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b) - CPSU in 1939 - 1986. Member of the CPSU in 1930. Born in Moscow in the family of an employee. Russian. Labor activity started in 1919

SHVERNIK Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Most closed people. From Lenin to Gorbachev: Encyclopedia of Biographies author Zenkovich Nikolay Alexandrovich

SHVERNIK Nikolai Mikhailovich (05/19/1888 - 12/24/1970). Member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee from 10/16/1952 to 03/05/1953 and from 06/29/1957 to 03/29/1966. Candidate member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Party Central Committee from 03/22/1939 to 10/05/1952. and from 03/05/1953 to 06/29. 1957 Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks from 04/09/1926 to 04/16/1927 and from 07/13/1930 to 03/05/1946.

Zverintsev Nikolay Mikhailovich

author Apollonova A. M.

Zverintsev Nikolay Mikhailovich Born in 1924 in the village of Monastyrshchina, Kimovsky district Tula region in the family of a teacher. At the age of seven, he lost his father and moved with his mother to the Efremovsky district. After graduating from Nikolskaya junior high school, he worked as Pozhilinsky’s secretary

Lazkov Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book Tula - Heroes Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Lazkov Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1924 in the village of Berezovka, Bogoroditsky district, Tula region. Graduated from 9 classes at Casanova high school. In August 1942 he was drafted into Soviet Army. After a short military training took part in battles with

Tregubov Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book Tula - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Tregubov Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1919 in the town of Uzlovaya, Tula region. After graduating from high school, he entered the Kachin Pilot School. In Great Patriotic War participated from June 22, 1941. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on April 13, 1944.

SHOKHIN Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the author's book

SHOKHIN Nikolai Mikhailovich Nikolai Mikhailovich Shokhin was born in 1913 in the village of Luzino, Moskalevsky district Omsk region in a peasant family. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1946. After graduating in 1925 primary school worked on his father's farm. In 1930

FOREGGER Nikolai Mikhailovich

From book silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 3. S-Y author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

FOREGGER Nikolai Mikhailovich present fam. Greifenthurn;6(18).4.1892 – 8.6.1939Director, choreographer. In 1918 he organized the Four Masks Theater in Moscow, in which he staged “An Evening of French Farces” with the participation of I. Ilyinsky and A. Ktorov. In 1920 he headed the workshop "Mastfor" ("Workshop

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book The Fall of the Tsarist Regime. Volume 7 author Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich

Nikolai Mikhailovich NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH (1859-1918), adjutant general, general inf. according to Guards infantry, historian, senior son of field general V. book Mich. Nick. (1832-1909) and c. book Olga Fed., ur. hertz. Badenskoy, grandson Nick. I, cousin Uncle Nick. II. Vlad. them. “Grushevka” in 75 thousand dessiatines, Nick. acad. gene. PC. From 1875 to the Life Guards.

Golushko Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages national history). book 1 (from the KGB of the USSR to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) author Strigin Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Golushko Nikolay Mikhailovich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of national history). book 2 (from the Ministry of Bank of the Russian Federation to the Federal Grid Company of the Russian Federation) author Strigin Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Golushko Nikolai Mikhailovich Biographical information: Nikolai Mikhailovich Golushko was born in 1937 in Kazakhstan. Higher education, graduated in 1959 Faculty of Law Tomsk State University. Worked in the prosecutor's office, then in the authorities

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (N-O) author Brockhaus F.A.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Nikolai Mikhailovich – Grand Duke, son led. book Mikhail Nikolaevich, b. 14 Apr 1859, colonel, commander of the 16th Grenadier Mingrelian His Imp. Highness's leader. book Dmitry Konstantinovich regiment, chief of the 3rd Guards. artillery brigade and 82 infantry

Maksimov Nikolay Alexandrovich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(MA) of the author TSB

Nikolai Mikhailovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NI) by the author TSB