What does the expression everything in the world is relative mean? A very insignificant share and purely on the one hand

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  • What is this world - absolute or relative? And what does it really mean? After all, it is quite possible that everything around us is just an illusion created by our consciousness. The meaning of the word “relatively” carries a huge number of definitions not only in philosophy, but also in religion, physics and even astronomy and geometry. Can there be only true values, or does their number always tend to infinity? To understand where this theory came from, we will have to delve into history for many thousands of years.

    History of the philosophy of relativity

    What does "relatively" mean? The interpretation of this word can be different and much deeper than it seems at first glance. This issue has been addressed by many great thinkers since ancient times.

    Relativity is a philosophical pragmatics that was studied in prehistoric civilizations. Enlightened people of ancient Greece believed that everything in this world is abstract. Thus, Socrates said: “I only know that I know nothing, but many do not even know this!”

    The beginning and end of existence, its true meaning - all this carries a hidden secret, covered in darkness. After all, any statement we make is true only in the system in which we find ourselves. In another it will be distorted or diametrically opposed. So, your left hand is on one side, and the person standing opposite has it on the other. If you are asked where the left side is, you will point in opposite directions and both will be right. This is

    This is how an illusion is created

    Sometimes in abstract paintings we can see an image of the meaning of the relativity of the universe, which is visualized by illusion.

    The Dutch artist Maurice Escher created a lithoraph that shows that the world is relatively located, depending on the point where objects are located in it.

    This creates an optical illusion that deceives us by showing the desired object from a certain angle. This is facilitated by shadows applied in a special way and lines running at a certain angle. So, we see that the same facet can have different interpretations of position, depending on the point of view of the beholder, which means relative to him.

    Absolute and relative

    The illusion of absoluteness is one of the main delusions of our life. Absolute is the antithesis meaning of the word "relatively." It implies the unconditional correct statement of any concept or phenomenon, while the world has an unstable structure, that is, it cannot be absolute. This thesis is true only if we are talking about some kind of closed frame of reference.

    Einstein's theory

    The theory of relativity carries many useful, hidden meanings. Many minds around the world have tried to solve these mysteries of the Universe. Einstein was even able to reduce this law of the universe into a mathematical formula. Some people still reject it. There is heated debate among scientists about whether this theory is actually true. Is it worth believing that the same system can be different, even if it moves in the same direction? Einstein argued that speed and direction depend entirely on the frame in which the reference is made. What does it mean that the points of definition behave relative to each other. This is how the thesis about the non-existence of a certain time appears. This became fundamental in the theory of the existence of the Universe. Time is not a constant quantity, but tends to infinity, like any other. This discovery changed the entire theory of science. It was known earlier, but it was Albert Einstein who was able to confirm this and derive the world-famous formula.

    "Everything in the world is relative." Albert Einstein.

    The meaning of thesis in everyday life

    In everyday life, everything is also relative. What does the definition mean? It can be easily compiled by looking at human behavior. It largely depends on where he lives and what culture he belongs to, and on the traditions of the family. A lot can be said about the relativity of our existence. In any system there are rules that are dictated to us by our immediate environment, country, traditions and customs, culture. We consider them correct, but for other nations it will become savagery. It is worth remembering that it is on this rule that the principle of tolerance rests.

    About religion and philosophy

    Dogmas such as relativity, the philosophy of good and evil, the measure of good and bad deeds, for which we will go to heaven or hell, take place in any religion. However, each religion sets its own norms and rules. In Christianity, the main collection of laws is the Bible.

    Whereas in Islam - the Koran. Such sacred books proclaim absolutes. However, one of the religions completely denies absolutism, adhering at its core to the dogma of relativity. In Buddhism there is no collection of rules; the religion itself is not based on divine confession. Believers follow the teachings of the Buddha, who was a living person and formulated the principles of spiritual harmony. Merging with the world, meditation, finding one’s own path - all this should predetermine the path of a person professing this religion. It is Buddhism that defines the individual as an autonomous unit, independent of others. It is the achievement of complete independence and immersion in nirvana and harmony that is the goal set by the Buddha.

    Each person, being born as an individual, is absolutely free and independent. Whereas over time, he immerses himself in the framework necessary for existence in a given society. What does "relatively" mean to Buddhists? The theory of relativity says that there is simply no absolutely right behavior, since every action will be right for one person and relatively wrong for another. This is why the concept of guilt and responsibility does not exist in Buddhism. These concepts are not true and were imposed by society. This religion preaches patience and takes average values ​​to understand right or wrong actions. Striving for harmony between extremes is the main dogma. Rituals and monks allow them to get as close as possible to the desired state of immersion in the correct niche of consciousness.

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    “Things aren’t so bad for people because everything is relative.”

    One of them says famous quotes A. Einstein

    Really in this world!

    Both good and evil...

    And justice...

    And beauty...

    And the distance...

    And the size...

    And age...

    And time…

    And our problem! And in other conditions and in comparison with other circumstances, it may not be a problem at all, and maybe even a gain!

    When assessing a situation, we always correlate the information received with other sources, opportunities, opinions... As they say: “Everything is learned by comparison!”

    Let's try!

    If I tell you that it is 18ºC outside now. And I’ll ask: “Is it warm or cold!” Each of you will answer in your own way. And the answer will depend on the time of year you are thinking about, on your location at a certain latitude of the globe (tropics or north pole), etc., even on your well-being and mood.

    And if I ask: “Is forty years a lot or a little?” A fifteen-year-old will answer that this is terrible. And eighty-year-old, you are still just a child.

    Here I remember one story: My five-year-old son once asked: “Mom, when you and dad were little, did dinosaurs still live?” My husband and I couldn’t stop laughing and told this story to everyone we knew, interpreting, of course, in my own way, that we are already as ancient as dinosaurs!

    What about good and evil? – that’s where the great relativity lies! These two qualities always go hand in hand. For example: one of the mothers takes very good care of the child, she is always there: she will tell him, hold him, protect him from troubles, even do difficult tasks for the child - everywhere she will “lay out a soft pillow for him.” What is she doing? Good or bad for a child? And in life, how will he survive on his own, learn to overcome difficulties, acquire his own work and communication skills?

    Look at the picture first from a close distance and then move away

    And the amount of money always depends on your requests. As needs grow, so does the required amount. For some, 10 thousand is a lot, but for others, even a million is not enough.

    Everything is relative!

    There are many metaphors and parables to support this. Here is one of them:

    How to make a line shorter

    One day, the great Indian Emperor Akbar came to court, drew a line on the wall and then asked the members of the court: “How can I make this line shorter without touching it?”
    Everyone was silent. But one person laughed. This was the famous joker Birbal. He got up, went to the wall and drew his own line above the line that Akbar had drawn, larger than the first, and said: “So I made your line shorter without touching it, because size and length are relative things.”

    And another interesting fable

    On a very frosty winter day, a small sparrow was sitting on a frozen road. He was no longer able to fight the cold and was slowly freezing. I could no longer jump or fly. Just a little more and the sparrow would have been gone. Suddenly, a cow appeared on the road, which the owner was driving to a warm shelter. As she passed by, she dropped a huge pile of manure. The sparrow was completely hidden. The manure was warm, and the little bird slowly warmed up! The sparrow felt so warm and good that he chirped cheerfully with happiness. A cat ran past. She heard a bird chirping, crept up, pulled the bird out of the pile of manure and “Am!” - ate a sparrow.

    The moral of this story is this: not everyone who does evil is the enemy who pushes you into shit. And not every friend who does good is the one who gets you out of this shit! It was said very rudely, but to the point.

    Folklore also confirms the fact of the relativity of these concepts from the point of view of different cultures and mentality. For example: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German”

    What about beauty? Remember the fairy tale Thumbelina, when the beetle found a beautiful bride and decided to marry her, but his desires quickly disappeared, since the rest of the insects considered the Thumbelina simply ugly!

    “Where everyone is hunchbacked, a beautiful figure becomes ugliness.” Honore de Balzac

    This relativity is confirmed by the views of different nationalities on this concept.

    Look at these photos and answer the question: “How bad are you living?

    And now about our complaints and problems in the verses of E. Asadov:

    Oh, how relative everything is in this world!
    Here is a student looking out the window sadly,
    The student’s soul is very dark:
    I screwed up two subjects in the exams...

    Well, someone would tell him now:
    - Eh, weirdo, would I like your sorrows?
    I have eliminated “tails” hundreds of times,
    If you encounter the betrayal of sweet eyes -
    You would hardly sigh today because of twos!

    Only the third person
    He would smile: - Youth... People, people!..
    I would like your sorrows! Love forever...
    Everything passes in the light. The snow will melt,
    And there will be spring in my soul again!

    Well, if all the joys are behind you,
    If age blows with a dreary cold
    And you sit helpless and gray-haired -
    Nothing can get worse!

    And in the patient’s room, looking around,
    He would smile sadly: - Well, they said!
    Age, age... Forgive me, my dear friend.
    I would like all your hardships and sorrows!

    Stand here, leaning on crutches,
    Or wallow for years (believe me),
    Far from the fun and joys of everyone,
    This is probably worse than even death!

    Only those who are no longer in the world,
    If you gave them the floor now, they said:
    - Why are you moaning about your troubles?
    You breathe, you see white light,
    We would like all your sorrows and sorrows!

    There is only one eternal empty limit...
    You got used to it and simply forgot,
    That, whatever your lot,
    If everyone appreciated everything they had,
    How wonderfully you would live in the world!

    In conclusion, only positive things:

    How beautiful the world is and what a feeling of great omnipotence in childhood, and how slowly time passes there. Let's ! It's so simple! Because !

    And a joke:

    Employee Characteristics and Their True Importance :

    • Dynamic worker - always hanging around somewhere
    • Possesses presentation skills - lies well
    • Sociable - talks a lot on the phone
    • Treats work as the main priority in life - such a bore that he can’t even find a wife
    • The soul of the company - supports every corporate party, booze
    • Self-employed - no one knows what he is doing
    • Thinks quickly - always has excuses ready
    • Possesses balanced judgments - only reasons, but does not make decisions
    • Approaches complex tasks rationally - knows how to push difficult work onto others
    • Shows attention to detail - hoarder
    • Has leadership skills - yells the loudest at meetings
    • Has a sense of humor - knows a lot of dirty jokes
    • Focused on career growth - ready to do any dirty tricks for the sake of a career
    • Loyal to the interests of the company - such an ass that he can’t find a job anywhere else
    • Strives for promotion - treats employees to chocolates and beer, often makes compliments
    • Calm character - sleeps at work
    • Provides great value to the company - usually shows up for work on time

    It is welcome and permitted to reprint and distribute materials from the site, provided that their authorship is indicated and the text remains unchanged, provided there is a link to our site. Moreover, the link must be working!

    On May 11, 1916, Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity was first presented..

    They say that Albert Einstein, this brilliant mind of the 20th century, came up with his theory on a tram. It was there that he began to think about the conclusions that different observers could draw when they were in different frames of reference. Even such immutable quantities as duration, time and distance will depend on the location in space and time occupied by the observer.
    While traveling peacefully on a Bernese tram, the scientist came to the conclusion that if the tram was accelerated to near the speed of light, time would flow slower and slower, and then stop completely.

    Such an interesting theory required mathematical confirmation. Einstein had at his disposal hundreds of inexplicable facts that experimental physics had accumulated at that time. They all required a scientific explanation. These effects were partially described by the special theory of relativity, developed and published by Einstein in 1905. A rigorous mathematical substantiation of the new theory came after eleven years of hard work, and the general one was presented in wide scientific circles. General relativity is much more complex and applies to all frames of reference. General Relativity makes the world amazing - to the three usual coordinates, it adds a fourth - time. The space-time continuum turns out to be curved under the influence of the forces of universal gravity. All this was new and unusual for generations of scientists who perceived the world according to the laws of classical mechanics. But well-founded mathematical scientific calculations did their job, and the theory was accepted by all the leading physicists of the world.

    Time after time, scientists confirm the correctness of general relativity, and on its basis they make new discoveries.

    And recently, versions have appeared about the contribution of Einstein’s first wife Mileva Maric to the theory of relativity.

    "Mileva Maric (1875 - 1948) was born in Titel, Vojvodina, in the north of ex-Yugoslavia. At the age of 21 she entered the Zurich Polytechnic, the same year as Albert Einstein, who was three and a half years younger. She was the only student on the course. The Zurich Polytechnic was then something like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so Mileva must have been a very competent applicant, especially considering that she was a woman.Having met, Albert and Mileva fell in love with each other.

    In one of his letters to Mileva, Einstein wrote: “How happy and proud I will be when we finally achieve the successful completion of our work on relative motion (The Theory of Relativity - author’s note).” John Stachel notes in his book "Einstein and Ether Drift experiments" (1987): "This comment makes us ask the awkward question of what kind of involvement Maric had in developing the theory."

    Mileva spent the winter semester of 1897-1898 in Heidelberg (Germany). In one of her letters to Einstein, she talked about the great interest that she had in reading materials about the relationship between the speed of movement of molecules and the distance between their collisions, a topic that became one of the fundamental aspects of Einstein’s research on Brownian motion. Einstein admired Mileva's quiet independence and intellectual ambition. He considered himself very lucky when he met her: “A creature equal to me, just as strong and independent.” Later, when Einstein was working on the electrodynamics of moving bodies, he repeatedly wrote to Mileva about the Theory of Relativity: “our work on relative motion.” "our theory".

    Mileva became pregnant. In 1902, she gave birth to a daughter, Lieserl, about whom nothing is known. Maria Dokmanovich, a translator of Mileva's letters, conducted an investigation trying to find out the fate of Lieserl. Most likely, the girl was given up for adoption a few weeks after birth, in 1902, to avoid the scandal associated with being born out of wedlock. Due to these events, Mileva was unable to pass the diploma exam at the institute.

    Albert and Mileva got married on January 6, 1903 (why not a few months earlier, so that there would be no need to abandon their daughter?). Mileva's marriage gave birth to two sons - Albert and Edward. Mileva completely subordinated her professional plans to her husband’s professional success, working as his assistant. This work did not give her the opportunity to complete her own graduation project, while Albert defended himself satisfactorily.

    Mileva Maric's biography Im Schatten Albert Einsteins: Das tragische Leben der Mileva Einstein-Maric (In the shadow of Albert Einstein: the tragic life of Mileva Einstein-Maric) says: "Russian physicist A.F. Ioffe, in his "Memoirs of Albert Einstein" notes , that the manuscripts of works published in 1905 were signed as “Einstein-Marich”. Ioffe, being an assistant to V.K. Roentgen, had the opportunity to see the manuscripts that were sent to him by the publisher Annalen der Physik for review, and which were subsequently lost.” Mileva was listed as a co-author on the original manuscript of a paper on the Theory of Relativity in 1905.

    In fact, Joffe said of the manuscript: “Its author was Einstein-Marity” and added, believing that this was the name of Albert Einstein: “an unknown employee from the Berne patent department.” Ioffe did not know that Mileva had by that time changed the Serbian surname “Maric” to the Hungarian version “Mariti”. Thus, Ioffe could claim that the manuscript was signed “Einstein-Marity” only if he himself saw it, since Einstein did not speak out about this in any of his biographies.

    After the publication of The Theory of Relativity, Einstein repeatedly demonstrated that his knowledge of experiments Michelson-Morley ( the purpose of the experiments conducted from 1881 to 1887 by Michelson and Morley was to determine the speed of the Earth relative to a theoretical substance known as the luminiferous ether) and the works of H.A. Lorenz were quite limited. Meanwhile, knowledge of these works and experiments was fundamental and necessary for the creation of the Theory of Relativity. There are no records of Einstein regarding these works, except for his letters to Mileva, as if this was an exclusively private topic for conversation with her. Einstein's insufficient familiarity with the Michelson-Morley and Lorentz experiments makes it quite logical to assume that it was Mileva Maric who was an expert in this field, and that she supplied her husband with the necessary information, which means that she, like her husband, could be the author Theories of Relativity.

    Christopher Bjerkness in the book "Albert Einstein - INCORRECTABLE PLAGIATOR" (2002) says:
    “It is clear that Albert Einstein was not the sole author of the 1905 manuscript on the “principles of relativity.” His wife, Mileva Maric, may have been a co-author or sole author of the work. Although the work was presented at the beginning as either a co-authorship between Mileva Einstein-Marity and Albert Einstein , or as the work of Mileva Einstein-Marity, Albert's name was the only one under which the work was eventually published.
    Mileva and Albert had previously co-authored scientific papers, and Albert then highly valued Mileva's cooperation. Ms. Senta Trömel-Plötz has presented extensive written sources that show both Albert's shameless appropriation of Mileva's work and her tacit subjugation."

    In letters to friends, Einstein boasted: “I treat my wife like a servant whom I cannot drive away.” In a letter to Mileva dated 1914, Einstein sets out to her his conditions for family life:
    "1. You will ensure that
    - my underwear and bed linen were clean and in order
    - I was served food three times a day in my office
    - my bedroom and office were kept clean and tidy, and that no one but me touched my desk
    2. You will refuse any communication with me, except that which must be maintained in public. In particular, you will not claim that I
    - stayed at home with you
    - accompanied you on trips
    3. You will have to solemnly promise that
    - you will not expect any feelings on my part and will not reproach me for their absence
    - you will answer me immediately as soon as I contact you
    - you will unquestioningly leave both my bedroom and my office at my first request
    “You will not denigrate me in front of my children, neither in word nor in deed.”
    (published in Le Monde November 18, 1986)

    At the time of writing this letter, Einstein was already in a relationship with his cousin Elsa, who was younger than Mileva.
    Mileva and Albert began living separately in 1914, and divorced in 1919, at which time Albert married Elsa Einstein Lowenthal.
    Mileva was awarded custody of the children. A clause was added to the divorce agreement stating that Einstein agreed to pay Mileva the amount of any Nobel Prize that might be awarded to him in the future. This agreement was kept secret by Einstein for a long time. One can imagine how Mileva, fed up with lies and submission, says to her ex-husband: “Either you give the children and me the money that you receive as a bonus, and leave the glory for yourself, or I will tell everyone the truth.”

    After the divorce, Einstein completely stopped communicating with his son Edward, who had schizophrenia. Mileva took care of him alone throughout his life. When she was dying, Einstein instructed his eldest son, Albert, to write to “his insane mother” that “she should not worry about anything, including Edward.” After Mileva's death, Einstein placed his youngest son in a psychiatric hospital, where he died. His father never visited him.

    The years spent married to Mileva were Einstein's most fruitful years. After 1914, his physics became conservative, research into scientific literature ceased, and innovative ideas like the Theory of Relativity dried up. Researchers believe that the creative ideas belonged to Mileva, and that when she disappeared from Einstein's life, his genius disappeared too. Physicist Evan Harris Lorent believes that Mileva was the author of the basic principles of the theory of relativity.

    In 1987, Einstein's letters to Mileva were published. Most of them belonged to the last period of their relationship, many letters dating back to the beginning of their relationship were destroyed by Einstein. 13 of Einstein's 43 letters to his wife refer to her work or co-authorship. Einstein never explained how he came up with the idea of ​​the Theory of Relativity: “The secret of creativity is the ability not to disclose your sources” (A. Einstein).

    The consequences of the fact that the recognized author of the modern physical and mathematical concept of the structure of the universe may be a woman, and not a man, are significant. Einstein represents the archetype of the male genius. His image has become a household image of an absent-minded scientist, too busy with his creative inner world, who should not be disturbed by his wife and children, who are completely unable to understand his transcendental task. We can imagine millions of women sacrificed for the triumph of their husbands. Researchers, artists, women philosophers, women authors of scientific and literary works, who first become co-authors, then assistants, and then completely ex-wives, forgotten and deceived by the men to whom they dedicated their lives. How funny the stereotype of a man proud of his achievements seems to us, whose wife, between dirty plates and diapers, scratches on a piece of paper equations that he will later flaunt to the world.

    I want to dedicate this book to Mileva, to all Milevas past, present and future, with the hope that they will discover new concepts of the universe and be recognized, loved and respected by their partners.
    I must admit that at one time I chose natural science to understand the Theory of Relativity, perhaps in imitation of Einstein. Now I understand that in reality I would like to imitate Mileva, but Mileva of another, future happy and equal world."

    In my opinion, this is one of the most significant statements in the World. Few people think about the meaning of this brilliant phrase. The maximum, as a person sees it, for the most part, is related to physics. But it is most deeply connected with all life.
    Movement, time, perception... Everything is considered relative to something. And conclusions are drawn based on this consideration. But are the conclusions correct? I have long noticed that there is something much more hidden here, at first glance everything seems so complicated, but when you realize the essence, everything becomes ridiculously simple. And why don't people notice this? It's so simple! Such thoughts come to me more and more often.
    I do not claim to be the ultimate Truth, I will only present my thoughts and conclusions drawn on the basis of these thoughts. Maybe I’m making a mistake somewhere, just like any other person. Everyone brings a piece of Their understanding into this World.

    Time and movement

    I'll start with the simplest thing - movement . We get all our knowledge about movement at school. Formulas, calculations... Movement (movement) of one object is possible only relative to another. I'm standing on the sidewalk, a car is moving past. It moves relative to me. Two cars are moving parallel to each other at the same speed; they do not move relative to each other, they are motionless. It's all clear and simple. But if we consider movement together with such a concept as time? Consider it very carefully and consciously?

    What is time? Does it exist? Here's what the encyclopedia tells us, briefly:

    « Time- one of the basic concepts of philosophy and physics, a conditional comparative measure of the movement of matter, as well as one of the coordinates of space-time along which the world lines of physical bodies are drawn.
    In philosophy, this is an irreversible flow (flowing only in one direction - from the past, through the present to the future), within which all processes existing in existence, which are facts, take place.»

    Conditional comparative measure of the movement of matter, that is, the measure conditional , And comparative , which means it is determined by relationship .

    Man created periods regarding the observation of the “rising” and “sunset” of the Sun, the “appearance” and “waning” of the Moon, that is, the “movement” of these objects relative to the Earth. These periods are day, night, week, month, year... The day was divided into an equal number of units - hours, which, in turn, were divided into an equal number - minutes, and so on. That is, time is a creation of the human mind and is an illusion.
    Let's look at an example of how a person perceives time. I am at point “A”, in city “A”, I need to get to another point, city “B”. For me, “B” is the future, as if it does not yet exist. I start my movement. As we move away from “A”, “A” moves into the past, in the temporal and spatial concept “A” moves away from me. “B”, as it approaches, seems to become closer to my present. I arrived at “B”, it became the present, “A” became the past. Now let's consider this movement in space and time relative to something larger, for example, from such a height that both points are visible to us at the same time.

    “A” and “B” exist simultaneously, nothing disappears, nothing appears. Everything happens at this very moment - Here and now . Only my movement occurs, relative to these points and relative to those objects that I pass as I move. I observe the passage of time only with the help of a chronometer and noticing the change of day and night - the movement of the Earth around its axis. Let's rise higher, to a level where our planet is visible as a ball in the infinity of space. I, “A”, “B” and everything that is on the planet, from this angle, is perceived as existing simultaneously, Here and now!
    And so on, as the song says: “Higher and higher and higher...”. So does time exist? Or does it only exist in our minds? I suggest you draw your own conclusions.

    Don't go to extremes.

    With the help of the concept of relativity, a lot can be understood.
    But what does everything described above have to do with the Spiritual Search, you ask? I will answer - straight! And not only to the Spiritual side of life, but to the whole, whole life . People generally go two ways:

    First- life “out of habit”, according to “instructions”, conditioning, concepts received from the moment of birth. With this approach, a person is inclined to blame anyone for all his problems, but not himself! I think this is what Buddha meant when he said that life is suffering.

    Second- the path of spiritual development, when everything worldly is rejected. Hence the departure from life into monasteries, caves, and so on. Only God, the Soul, the Existence is valued... everything else is not considered significant at all, it is suppressed. Including the body.

    But there is also third way - The path of harmonious development . Where a person sees himself as an undivided, harmonious whole - body, mind, spirit. And he uses all these components correctly, understanding what is what.

    I looked at the first two paths in detail; I followed the first one for a long time, without thinking that there might be something else. This path did not bring much good, or rather, the good was taken for granted, and the bad was rejected, not accepted, and it was not seen why it was happening.

    Many people come to the second path because of the unbearable suffering that life “presents”. People begin to seek solace in religions, to look for answers there. And there they are already waiting! The client is ripe, so to speak, he can be used. At the same time, a person is completely cut off from the ability to think independently. Everything is already ready, all the answers are already in the scriptures. In general, this is better than the first way, but here you go to the other extreme. From hoarding to rejection of life itself. You are running from worldly concepts to "spiritual" ones.

    This cup passed me by. Maybe because there was nothing beyond “bad” in life, I was not driven into the hopelessness of existence. I had an interest in learning about life. As I wrote earlier, the catalyst was one of Master Osho’s books. She gave the impetus that began my movement in search of the Truth.

    Now we can talk about the theory of relativity in Spiritual, Holistic, Harmonious development.

    As I already said, we come into this World as a holistic Being. The spirit comes through the body, then the Personality is formed. Having traced the entire path of the formation of a person as a personality, one can understand that the Personality itself is an acquired thing, it is changeable, one might even say impermanent. It can be called illusory.

    Man is born a blank slate. The environment “makes” his personality. Name, habits, knowledge... That is, whether you are a representative of the Negroid race, Mongoloid, or some other race, that is, the Spirit manifested in one of these bodies, born, albeit on the territory of Ukraine, having received all the knowledge, concepts and conditions of this country, you You will differ from the natives only in appearance. You will speak the language of this country, you will think the same way as other residents of this country. In the same way, a Ukrainian born in Japan and raised there will differ from the Japanese only in appearance.

    Let's take more. If a person lived for some time in Ukraine, and, say, at the age of 20 he came to Japan, and, discarding his past, studied the language, traditions, received a different name... That is, he completely identified himself with the representatives of this country, then after some time, he, one might say, acquired a different personality.

    Realizing all of the above, you can understand further. There is such an understanding that only that which manifests itself in this world through the body is true, the rest is an illusion. That is, everything that changes and is impermanent is an illusion. For now I take into account only the person, without affecting the rest of the world. I don't completely agree with this. Existence manifests itself through the body, the body changes constantly, and disappears with its death - yes. Personality is formed and changeable - yes. Existence (spirit) is constant - yes. But one should not single out the Being, discarding the body and personality. You just need to understand where and what has its place.

    "The body is the temple of God" - gold words! Why neglect the body? Why mock this temple, destroy it, and not maintain it in order? Why all these asceticisms, mortifications of the flesh... In the same way, increased attention to the “building” and the desolation of the “interior” are unacceptable. The facade is beautiful, but inside... you look inside and you feel disgusted! A person, like a building, must be beautiful both inside and outside.

    And to maintain order there must be a “manager”, an “observer”. This is the spirit, the Existing, That... It is necessary to control and observe not only the body, but also emotions and thoughts.
    The mind must be an instrument in the hands of the spirit, wandering thoughts must be dispelled. This can be done, but not through effort, but through understanding. The manifestation of the observer, the controller, is possible only with the help of meditation. When you observe the mind, the flow of thoughts, the emergence of emotions, without getting involved, you become aware of the presence of the observer. And you understand all of the above. And if you act relative to the observer, then everything in life falls into place. You understand that emotions can exist, there is nothing wrong with them, they do not need to be suppressed, driven into the “depths”. You understand how they are formed, from what and for what reasons, you trace the entire path from the beginning to complete dissolution. It’s the same with thoughts - a constant “bazaar”, dialogues with oneself. With tracking and understanding, the “bazaar” stops by itself. The mind becomes a tool, a helper.

    There is such an opinion of authoritative Masters that I respect. I do not agree with them, if we understand this expression directly. I don’t know how the enlightened ones see the World, I can’t judge how right I am regarding their vision. I speak for myself.

    In short, this is how I understand it: The world is illusory relative to our perception . It does not disappear anywhere when we fall into deep sleep, everything that surrounds us exists, it does not appear with our awakening. We manifest ourselves with awakening, or rather awareness manifests itself, the body is in place, it lies peacefully on the crib.
    Awareness begins to perceive the surroundings, the world. But the way it perceives is an illusion. Perception occurs through the senses, processed by the mind and presented to the perceiver. The purity of perception of envy depends on the purity of the mind. The mind reflects like a mirror; a polluted mirror reflects distorted, incomplete, illusory. Zen Masters say: "Keep your mirror clean" . This all applies to both visible (material) objects and sensory objects. Let's look at two examples:

    1. Material objects. Here the purity of perception depends on the “tuning, quality” of the organs of perception. That is, for one person an object may appear blue, for another it may appear green. The color of the perceived object depends on the organ of vision. If color vision is impaired, a person will see differently. That is, the same object is perceived differently by different people. The object is present, but we do not see it in the same way. And if you compare how a person and other creatures perceive it... A spider, a salamander, a dog... have a completely different perception. We can only guess how they see the same object.
    It’s the same with smell, touch, and so on. What is a stench for one is a divine aroma for another. What is cold for one is hot for another.
    Conclusion - perception is not constant, not the same. This means that it can be classified as illusory.

    2. Objects of the senses. Emotions, thoughts... In order not to talk for a long time, I will give this example - Two familiar people meet, one of them passes by, with a sullen look, without noticing or saying hello to the second. The first, not knowing the true reasons for his friend’s behavior, begins to draw far-fetched conclusions: “He’s offended by me for something, he didn’t want to say hello, what did I do to him?” This thought process can last for hours. A person will stress himself out more and more, asking himself questions and answering them himself. As a result, he may come to the conclusion that his acquaintance has become his worst enemy and is preparing some kind of dirty trick against him, and become so imbued with him that, apart from hatred and rejection, he will no longer feel anything for this acquaintance. But the true state of affairs is that his friend simply felt unwell, and he also punctured a tire on his car and had to go to the service center, be late for an appointment... You never know what else. Here, in the end, is a real illusory vision of the situation.

    This is how a person lives all the time in these illusions, with a clouded, sleeping consciousness. Conducts constant dialogues with himself in his head, completely submitting to their conclusions, following their instructions, immersing himself in raised emotions, acting from such a state. And this state in no way reflects the true state of affairs.
    Hence the lack of understanding of what is happening and how, why it is happening, psychosis, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, suffering.

    The world is what it is

    The world is what it is, no more and no less. He is not dualistic. Duality is created by the mind.

    Good, evil... Evil does not exist, just as darkness does not exist. There is only the absence of goodness and light. Kahlil Gibran, through the mouth of his Prophet, said:

    « And one of the elders of the city said : Tell us about Good and Evil.
    And he answered: I can talk about the good in you, and not about the evil. After all, what is
    evil, if not good, tormented by its own hunger and thirst? Truly,
    when good is hungry, it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts
    it drinks even the waters of death.»

    If you think very deeply about this issue, you can understand that a person comes into this world with good. As he grows up, he may lose it, depending on his environment, relationship, and so on. When good is completely lost, a monster grows. So who is to blame for its appearance? Who is to blame for the fact that Hitler killed so many people? I'm not trying to justify it, I'm trying to show the essence of things. Initially, Hitler wanted to become an artist, he was rejected, not accepted into the Academy of Arts, and was told that he had no talent. Even if he could not paint such paintings as Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo... But it was his passion, his desire. He could paint mediocre paintings, but put his soul into them. I think they would be much more beautiful than some of the paintings by modern, fashionable artists exhibited in contemporary art galleries. Then he decided to try his hand at architecture; he wanted to turn his energy into a creative direction. He was rejected there too... And he was forced to go into politics. And politics has nothing to do with creation. This is the most deceitful and dirty activity created by humanity. As a result, one of the bloodiest wars in the entire history of mankind. Millions killed, maimed...

    What to do with all this? There is a way out; it is simple to describe, but difficult to understand and implement. Description? Please purify your mind, make it a servant. When the mind becomes completely calm, a pure, non-illusory vision will come. To achieve this, become an observer and act as a master, that is, live from the True Self. I am . Become your own Light , as Krishnamurti said.

    “Be who you are. There is nothing to condescend or manifest. It is only necessary to lose the ego. That which IS is always present here. Even now you are THAT and not separate from Him. The emptiness is visible to you, and you are here to see it. Why wait? The thought “I haven’t seen it yet,” the hope of seeing and the desire to gain something are all the work of the ego. You are caught in the snare of the ego. The ego says all this, not you. Be yourself - that’s all!”

    “Reality is simply loss of ego. Destroy the ego by searching for its authenticity. Since the ego has no real existence, it will spontaneously disappear, and the Reality will then shine forth in Itself. This is the direct method, while all other methods are done only with the help of the ego.”

    “There is no greater mystery than this: by the being of Reality we strive to achieve Reality. We think there issomething that hides our Reality, and that it must be destroyed before Reality is conquered. This is a ridiculous misconception. The dawn will come when you yourself laugh at your past efforts. That which will arise on that day of your laughter is already present here and now.”
    Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi