My favorite topic is about nature. Essay on the topic favorite corner of native nature

Theme description: Native nature has a huge place in human life. An essay on the theme of a corner of nature characterizes the image native nature, its beauty and pristineness, the role of nature and man, as well as man’s attitude to his nature.

The theme of the essay “My favorite corner of nature” is an appeal to one’s patriotic feelings towards one’s native nature, as well as a limitless field of reasoning in search of the natural unity of man with nature.

My favorite place of nature

Communication with nature has important for every person. And if you have a place where it is always quiet, calm, the grass is green and a piece of blue sky can be seen through the trees, then you should certainly be happy.

Our native land is always dear to our hearts, it is a place where you feel protected, and if you want to relax after school activities, then you go to your favorite corner of nature, chosen since childhood. It’s also good if a cool river gurgles nearby, rolling small pebbles, the trees rustle with their crowns, and in the summer, working bees buzz above the flowers. The heart instantly softens from such sincerity and beauty, and all problems fade into the background. Even during the day you couldn’t solve a complex geometry problem, and after school you run away to your own corner, lie down on soft grass and watch how the clouds serenely run across the sky, chew a blade of grass, dream, listen to your favorite music.

Only my closest friends sometimes share this quiet joy with me, but more often than not I come into my own. secret place one. Sometimes I want to think about something or just forget for a while, and completely merging with nature helps me do this. The wind, tangled between the branches, tears off green leaves, throwing them on my face, the steppe oats tickle my ear, a bird chirps about something, probably also enjoying the sun and warmth.

Everything happens and changes so quickly in my world that I get tired of changes, and in my favorite corner of nature Life is going at its own pace. They crumble in autumn yellow leaves from the aspens, and stripped trees tremble defenselessly in the wind. A snail slowly crawls along a leaf and hides in a house at the slightest touch, a hard-working ant drags a straw into its little mound, reminding me of postponed matters. Thus, by comprehending the secrets of nature, I gradually grow up and learn to appreciate the most precious thing - my homeland.

It’s good in your native land in the hot summer, and cold winter when I, blushing, run to a familiar clearing along a snowy path. Here everything remains unchanged: the old stump, covered with honey mushrooms during the mushroom season, and the red rowan, the berries of which lie like red beads on the snow. This is a place you want to return to again and again, sit by the fire, watch the dew sparkle on the grass at dawn, or the thick fog fall on the river in the evening.

I know that here I am always welcome to old acquaintances: ancient oak trees that provide thick shade, and red squirrels hiding between the leaves. I don't think I have any idea who is throwing down the pieces of bark and nut shells. When I leave, I always leave them some kind of gift, and when I come again, it’s gone. Remembering this cozy place that is always waiting for me, I want to say: “I have a favorite corner of nature,” and smile at my thoughts.

The most a nice place on earth is motherland. How many interesting things happened here, how much pleasant memories connected to this place! Here is a nice house where my mother was waiting for me from school. You return home and there are fragrant pancakes with milk on the table. Could anything be tastier!

No matter where in the world a person finds himself, he will never forget his native land. And, of course, each of us has a favorite corner of nature in our homeland. This is the most beautiful place where you can be alone with yourself. So for me this is a forest with a small river. Why is this place so attractive? I remember winter days, when a blizzard swirls, the trees put on a luxurious snow-white outfit, the sun shines bright sun. The forest path becomes light and spacious, the snow crunches underfoot. How pleasant it is to wander through such a forest, admire its decorations, and plunge into your dreams. The walk leads to a beautiful clearing where we often spend time with friends. This is my favorite cozy corner. It's good to visit here alone. Tender sun, blue sky, green grass. And how beautiful the rowan looks here. From spring to autumn she is elegant. Every day the berries on it become brighter and more orange. And then rowan bonfires flare up on the forest edge. They burn for a long time and illuminate the forest clearing with their brightness. Flocks of blackbirds fly here for a merry feast. Isn't it nice to enjoy the beauty of such a corner of nature? Near the rowan tree, an aspen trembles with its leaves. We all know that aspen trees constantly tremble as soon as there is even a slight breeze. Thin long petiole to which it is attached leaf blade, contributes to this condition of the tree. The wind twists the leaves of the aspen the way it wants, which is why it trembles. Amazing tree! It seems that because of his movement the forest simply comes to life.

Of course, in my favorite forest you can find other wonderful places, but it was this clearing that I remember most. Every time I go there I enjoy it. It is very important to notice the beauty of our native nature, to look closely and see its secrets.

I would also like to note that next to my favorite forest clearing there flows a river, near which we spent everything early childhood. If you look closely, it seems that the river is bordered by extraordinary lace, which seems to have been created by the hands of skilled craftswomen. This amazingly beautiful lace is created by birch trees and spreading willows, thickets of reeds and poplars. You come to such a clearing, lie down on the grass and look at the sky, trusting own dreams running clouds, watching them fade away Sun rays and play with bunnies in the trees, in the water, in the foliage.

Therefore, we can say that a favorite corner of our native nature is the most wonderful place for each of us. This place is hidden from prying eyes. Here you can sit in silence, stay with your thoughts and dreams. Or you can sit with friends around the fire. Nature always helps us understand ourselves. And we want to return to our native lands again and again. This place will remain in the heart of every person forever.

Every summer I go to the village to visit my grandmother. In this village I have many friends with whom we walk and go swimming in the river. My grandmother showed me this clearing for the first time. She said that she passes by her when she goes to pick mushrooms in the forest.

It happened when I came to my grandmother for autumn holidays, she takes me with her and we go mushroom hunting together. We specially stop to rest in this colorful clearing. Near the river itself there is a willow and several other trees that create shade in hot summer weather. In this shade, my friends and I hide from the sun and play ball or other games. This is my favorite corner. I like to swim in the river and then relax in the meadow. Sitting in this beautiful corner of nature, you can hear frogs jumping in the water.

I really like this clearing covered with green grass. It happens that after the rain early in the morning we go out with friends to play and you can see how beautifully the dew glistens on the grass. Early in the morning the river is calm and quiet.

Option 2 My favorite corner of nature essay

Since childhood, my parents took me to the forest. I always liked walking in the forest, inventing fairy-tale heroes or imagine existing heroes. I read in a book that a goblin lives in the forest and if he doesn’t like a person, he will confuse him and will not let him leave the forest. But so far I haven’t been able to meet him, apparently he likes me.

In the forest, the soul and body rest. Everyone thinks that a child cannot have stress, but this is not true, and it is by being in such places that you can relax. Of course, I have been to other places, but the forest is my favorite corner of nature, which I would never exchange for anything. Probably every person has a place where he can relax not only with his body, but also with his soul.

Option 3 My favorite corner of nature 7th grade

All people love to relax in nature. Some go to the forest on their day off, others go to the country, and some enjoy a walk in the nearest park.

I also really like to spend summer holidays in the village with my grandmother. This is where the real nature is! Forest, field, river. It is on this river that I have my favorite corner. It grows on the shore a big tree. Grandma said it was a weeping willow. She lowers her branches to the shore and into the water. Under them it looked like a small house. I often climb there, sit on the warm sand, and look at the fast flow of water. I feel comfortable and calm there.

Option 4 for writing an argument My favorite corner of nature, grade 9

Every person has his favorite place at home, in the city, in nature. The most pleasant thing is to be in nature. It is not only good for your health, but also for your soul. Only here you can be in pleasant solitude and silence, think, dream. After all, sometimes it’s so important to be completely alone and think about some important matters. Such a place is often some treasured corner of nature. And everyone has their own.

When asked about your favorite corner of nature, thoughts of a summer overgrown meadow immediately come to mind. Summer is probably the best favorite time years for most people. And a summer meadow is the most beautiful place where you can find such a variety of herbs. It’s so nice to relax in this colorful sea of ​​plants, lying down right on the ground. The grass will serve as a wonderful soft mattress, and colorful butterflies and dragonflies flying before your eyes will replace the most beautiful paintings.

The meadow is especially beautiful in July. At this time, the grass is already quite large, many flowers have bloomed, and all the insects have woken up. It seems that you are completely alone here, but you are not. What kind of living creatures can you find here? There are so many colors in the meadow, all the butterflies flock to this variety of colors. It's so nice to watch the hardworking ants and bees at work. Grasshoppers chirp somewhere in the distance, and if you try to find them, they will quickly gallop away from you. Various bugs and insects are running about their business, completely not noticing you.

And what a bewitching and alluring aroma emanates from all kinds of herbs in the meadow. Every blade of grass, every leaf smells special. You can drown in this inimitable combination of smells. You won't find this anywhere else. No other perfume smells so tender and so especially familiar.

You can lie for a long time and look at the clouds slowly floating by. The most interesting thing is to come up with what this or that cloud looks like. At this moment, time freezes around, a complete merger with nature occurs.

The sun appears in the meadow from the very early morning and does not disappear until late in the evening. Therefore, you can come here and spend the whole day. Don't forget to take something to eat and drink with you. It is also very pleasant to read your favorite book in the meadow. Nobody or anything will interfere here.

If a small stream flows next to the meadow, then the pleasure from nature increases significantly. And how beautifully the water rolls from pebble to pebble! After relaxing in the meadow, it is so nice to refresh your face and hands a little in the cool, murmuring water.