Time for yourself, beloved. How to find time for yourself

We often encounter the phenomenon of lack of time and energy. You all probably know that if a woman feels tired and is in a bad mood, then those around her will also be sad. The atmosphere in the house depends on it. How a woman feels internally is how her cohabitants will feel too. A tired woman is the result of an incorrect routine, prioritization and reluctance to receive help from loved ones. Why? And I will try to describe this in this article.

I myself sometimes feel tired, but I still always try to find time for myself. This is the main principle that women often miss. “I’d rather do this, that, and that first, and then I’ll take care of myself, if I have time” - this is a wrong opinion. Unfortunately, there are many who have their priorities wrong. If so, then she will not have the inspiration to do things, she will be in a bad mood and it turns out that even if she does something, she may not get any pleasure from fulfilling her duties at all.

“Laziness is an excellent indicator of a true desire to do something” Unknown author

The first time after giving birth, I couldn’t cope with everything I planned for the day. Sometimes I didn’t have enough time for household chores. It depressed me. Order in the house is another component of a girl’s good mood. If everything is tidy at home, then everything in my head is also organized, and I am in a satisfied state. I think that every girl has noticed that if she is in a bad mood, she stands and somehow everything gets better on its own, and her soul becomes lighter.

Over time, I learned to cope with everything on my own and now, when our baby is still 2 months old, I have time to bake (sometimes even every day), cook, wash, iron, take care of the baby, take time for myself, and walk with my son. on the street and have also resumed writing articles - this is the main part of the work that I do in a day.

The main thing you need to pay attention to: if you suddenly don’t have time, If you don’t feel well or simply don’t have time, leave your household chores, you will return to this as soon as you come to your senses, pay attention to your main priorities. At the moment for me it is: the baby, me and my husband.

My husband and I noticed that our son is completely dependent on my inner state. If I’m nervous or just don’t feel well, then he’s worried too, starts being capricious and attracts attention to himself in every possible way. If I’m in a great mood, internally satisfied and calm, then he feels great accordingly.

Therefore, to keep my beloved boys in a good mood, I try recharge from within by devoting and enjoying what you love. For example, my favorite thing to do is bake. This is what inspires me. Delighting your loved ones with your culinary skills means being filled with happiness from within. I think every girl has her own favorite thing, something in which she feels inspired. This is what she needs to take up from time to time in order to be in good shape, and not be discouraged and tired.

My husband also inspires me a lot. This is another principle to consider. Find that person who will inspire you with good advice, praise and approval, and sometimes even criticism or comments. This is what allows us to grow, and not wither away like a plant in a flower pot if it is not looked after.

You also need to be able to ask loved ones for help. If you don’t have time for something, or lack time, or you would simply like to be helped - ask, ask and ask! Don’t be afraid that you’re annoying someone or waiting for them to figure it out themselves. We sometimes think a lot about one thing or another and often not what the other person really thinks. A woman is all the more prone to weakness, and if she allows herself to be helped, she feels a huge supply of energy from this. Therefore, if you suddenly feel that you need support, ask and don’t be afraid of it.

“He who does not knock will not be opened” Unknown author

Don't let your affairs get to the point of being overwhelmed. Then it will be very difficult for you to clear everything out if you are busy every day. Believe me, if you little by little spend time every day for those things that tend to accumulate, it will be much easier for you to deal with it, and your mood will only improve.

How do I cope with baby care and responsibilities? Like many mothers who manage to do everything. Namely, as soon as the baby falls asleep, not a minute is wasted, I run to do things that need me. This has done me good, now I appreciate every minute I have during the day. And caring for the baby - from which I am charged with positivity, and doing planned things, from which I also enjoy.

Love what you do and then you will not have any internal contradiction, you will be satisfied with everything that surrounds you.

Can you find some free time for yourself during the day? If the answer is yes, how do you go about it? Many people complain that they have a catastrophic lack of time for themselves, and they themselves waste it. In order not to do this, in order not to waste a few minutes on everyday life or doing nothing, and also in order to finally find time for your hobbies or family, you need to know how to properly organize your day.

Anyone, even a very busy person, can set aside at least half an hour a day for themselves. This is not difficult to do if you organize yourself correctly and use every free minute to your advantage. Then you won’t have to constantly sacrifice something important in order to get everything done.

But even if you find 30 minutes, what can you do in that time? In fact, it may be more than enough, especially if you think about the fact that a whole 3.5 hours will work out per week. You need to use them wisely to achieve the most important and secret thing - your dreams. Below are ways to organize yourself so you can find this wonderful time. Everyone can choose what they like and find their own way, the main thing is to perform these actions systematically until they become a habit.

Because you can watch it for days, regardless of what is shown there. Therefore, you need to reduce the time you spend sitting in front of the computer and TV today. Ideally, stop watching it altogether, although in most families or companies, watching some shows, programs, films or series is a tradition. In this case, try to replace such spending time with another, more useful activity than just watching TV, for example, going to a museum or a walk in the park. As a last resort, you can choose your favorite TV show and watch only it, but no more than an hour a day.

Make the most of your time waiting, queuing, or traveling

Especially if you live in a big city where traffic jams are a common everyday situation that can last an hour or more. You can, for example, read a book or listen to recordings, audio books, or learn languages ​​if you are driving. If you are traveling by train, get your work done so that when you get home you can spend time with yourself or your loved ones.

When you are expecting a child from the circle, also use this time profitably: take your laptop with you, make important calls, listen to interesting information, read a book that you haven’t gotten around to for a whole month. Do not return home and then go pick up your child again an hour later; this is not advisable.

People now spend a lot of time sleeping

To feel comfortable, 7-8 hours a day is enough; for some people, even 6 hours is enough to get enough sleep and be alert. Therefore, do not sleep for a long time, and when you wake up, get up immediately. You can wake up earlier than usual, so you will have a quiet half hour of time in silence and alone with yourself. Train yourself to get up and go to bed earlier to catch as much daylight as possible. This will give you energy and help you work productively and get more done throughout the day.

Organize your life correctly

Try to discipline yourself as much as possible: always leave everything tidy after yourself, set aside a day for cleaning, put things in their place. Then you won't have to clean things up every day. Try to prepare meals for several days to reduce the time it takes to prepare each day. Eat more fruits and vegetables: this will not only save you time (since you don’t need to cook them), but will also improve your health (they are very healthy).

Are your own interests low on your list of priorities? We'll tell you what to do.

If you just can’t find the strength to start taking care of yourself and only promise yourself that everything will change in the future, try using the following rules, advises Ekaterina Mirimanova, author of the “Diet 60” system, a person who once parted with exactly half her weight and has looked great ever since:

Hurry up slowly

Life doesn’t change on its own, free time doesn’t appear by magic. Often the thought of changing our daily routine weighs on us so much that we are afraid to take any steps towards something new. Try not to make sudden movements. Don't promise yourself to change in one day, start running every morning, go to the gym three times a week, and the rest of the time do your face and body at home. It doesn’t happen that one day a person wakes up completely different for no apparent reason.

Don't make a drama out of your life

It would be naive to expect a good ending from a film that is sad throughout. Conversely, a funny movie usually ends on an optimistic note. So why do most of us constantly try to make a psychological thriller out of our lives? Our appearance, emotional state and our life are in close, continuous relationship. And this cannot be ignored. With our words, thoughts, and also, and this is an important point, our actions, we can change our lives beyond recognition. And it depends only on ourselves which direction - better or worse.

Avoid self-criticism

Don’t let the most important person to you, who is with you from your first to your last breath, the person from whom every cell of your body expects unconditional love (this person is you, if you haven’t guessed it yet), criticize yourself constantly and put him in life situations that he does not deserve.

Remember that there are no trifles in beauty

There are no insignificant moments in self-care and beauty. Every detail, every little thing is important. It is women who are attentive to them who seem the most stylish and attractive. Everything is important: how you sit, how you chew, how you laugh, how you speak, how you smell.

Try to look at yourself from the outside more often

Take a closer look at your gait and posture in the reflections of shop windows, instead of running past with your eyes on the sidewalk. If you like some gestures of your friends or famous people, why not borrow them? A graceful throwing of the head while laughing or pouting of the lips, raising the eyebrows. Sometimes such cute little things are very memorable to others and make us truly feminine.

Don't leave your body unattended for too long

Look in a large, well-lit mirror more often (preferably in the nude). After just a couple of weeks of practice, what seemed blatantly noticeable to us will not be perceived as so terrible. And in another month, your self-confidence will increase several times. This will happen provided that we don’t say nasty things to ourselves! On the contrary, we strive to encourage ourselves and notice the positive changes that happen to us. And they will definitely happen if we constantly take care of ourselves.

Take time for yourself every day

Everyone knows that relationships with a partner need to be built constantly. We show other people frequent signs of attention, but for some reason we forget about ourselves. You don't have to promise to spend two hours a day on yourself starting tomorrow. Start today, even if you only have a few free minutes, but you will spend them on yourself. Whether it is a mask, or a scrub, or a massage is not so important. The main thing is to do at least something and try to make daily procedures bring joy. We do them with the thought that by doing them we become much more beautiful, and that we are pleased to take care of ourselves, we take care of ourselves. This attitude increases the effectiveness of any procedure.

Spend money on yourself

You probably feel a desire to pamper your child, your beloved man or your pet? And most often this desire comes true. So why don't you try to pamper yourself? Allocate money from the family budget that you will spend on yourself personally - this is a matter of principle.

Absolutely each of us has complexes. Moreover, if suddenly now we vehemently deny the presence of these, then their depth is even stronger than one might assume. There are no absolutely perfect people and that's okay. If God liked perfection, he would not have created people at all.

In our age of technological development, the issue of lack of time is becoming more and more acute. Our priorities have changed over time, because if you think about how our great-grandmothers lived, it becomes a little creepy. In their time there were no washing machines or dishwashers, no diapers, no multicookers, or other useful and very “time-freeing” things. And at the same time they managed to do everything: take care of the house, take care of the family, do handicrafts and spend time for themselves, their beloved. Yes, in our age, many people’s priorities have changed, additional interests have appeared, and women have taken on many other problems and concerns on their shoulders. As a result, the question of how to find time for yourself, your loved one, becomes very relevant.

Who among us has not encountered such a phenomenon as a lack of energy and time? I want to do so many things, learn so many things, figure out so many things... But in reality it turns out that so much effort has been put in, but nothing has really been done, but I no longer have the strength or desire to do anything, and it’s too late, it’s high time go to sleep. The woman feels tired, irritable, and her mood deteriorates, which is transmitted to the whole family. What mood a woman has, so will the whole family. A tortured woman is a woman with incorrect priorities, with an incorrect daily routine and who does not receive (does not want to receive) help from loved ones.

The principle of many women - “first I will do this and that, and then, if there is time, I will take care of myself” - is fundamentally wrong. After all, a woman who does not receive inner satisfaction will have nowhere to get inspiration to get things done.

How to make time for yourself -

what should be done?

Of course, there is no ideal solution to this issue that suits everyone, because everyone has their own life, their own problems, opportunities and obligations. Let's collect all the possible effective secrets of saving time, and choose which ones are right for you, the main thing is to look at your problems from the outside and act according to a strictly planned plan.

  • Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In the first, list the actions on which you spend energy, in the second, the actions through which you draw energy. Naturally, there will be significantly more points in the first column. Carefully study the list and remove unnecessary ones or delegate tasks from the first column and add additional items to the second. And the most important thing, follow the indicated points. In the column where you get your energy, there should be items such as your desired daily routine, healthy procedures for the soul and body, communication with friends, and perhaps even a glass of red wine once a week.
  • Make it a rule don't get discouraged and don't waste your time . Spend your time moving and being as productive as possible so that you can make time for yourself in the evening. By allowing yourself to be lazy and put off important things until later, you run the risk of getting used to such a routine and accumulating a huge cart of unresolved issues.
  • Find someone who will inspire you personal example, practical advice, approval and, of course, constructive criticism. After all, this is what does not allow us to relax, allows us to develop, and not degrade and waste away.
  • Don't let backlogs pile up like a snowball. It’s better to pay little attention to important matters every day - your mood will improve and things will get done in a timely manner. And to clear out the accumulated cases, you will need to expend completely different forces and nerves.
  • Feel free to delegate household responsibilities to your loved ones. Do you really think that you are the only one who can wash the dishes in the house? If you don’t have free time or you just like it when your family helps you, don’t be shy, ask them for help, don’t wait until they figure it out themselves, believe me, if they haven’t figured it out yet, they won’t guess it. A woman who allows herself to help feels the support of loved ones and receives an additional supply of energy.
  • Love what you do , your daily worries. It is very important to get satisfaction from everyday worries. Even if you have to finish work unfinished in the office at home, find a way to set yourself in the right mood. Place a candle and a glass of red wine next to your computer, place your bare feet in a basin of sea sand under the table, or give yourself some other amenity to make work a pleasure, or at least not so disgusting.
  • Try to combine things whenever possible . For example, before preparing dinner, take a couple of minutes to make and apply a homemade mask to your face, and then, during a break or after finishing cooking, wash it off. As a result, you have delicious, fresh food and a refreshed, prettier appearance. Or, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, call people with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but really want to, but you don’t have time for this. So here it is! Has your baby fallen asleep? Don't waste precious minutes, take care of yourself and other important things.
  • Take your lunch break for yourself , go to a hairdresser or beauty salon. This will lift your mood and increase your productivity.
  • Pump yourself up with audiobooks on your favorite topics, trainings and other courses and listen to them while commuting to and from work, walking with a stroller, cooking, gardening, etc. If your brain is “overloaded” and cannot perceive information, but you want to unwind, play a light genre or relaxing music.
  • Limit the duration of “time sinks” , which include TV and computer.
  • Love yourself , learn to say to your dear family “I love you very much, but please, at these hours of such and such days, please free me from such and such matters and responsibilities.”
  • And most importantly - no remorse about the fact that you spent your free time on yourself, your beloved. That your husband, who is also tired, is sitting with the children at home, that you do not spend all your free time with your children, that the house has not been properly cleaned for a week. By depriving yourself of the pleasures of life and relaxation, you are depriving your family of this. After all, a wife and mother simply must be healthy, cheerful and optimistic about life. Even when spending time on yourself, you can take two roads: the first is to waste your nerves and energy on worries, the second is to abstract yourself and recharge with positive energy for your own pleasure. You have earned the right to take care of yourself a little, because the husband does not need a wife who is fading before his eyes and has given up on herself, and the children do not need a nervous mother who breaks down at them over trifles.

Every hour freed up as a result of these actions, you can spend on yourself, your loved one - having relaxing spa treatments, doing what you love, writing a book, mastering a new profession, learning to play a musical instrument, etc.

Today’s article is about a painful issue for many mothers - how can a woman find time for herself?
When you have a husband, children, household chores, how to find time, not get irritated, manage everything and still look bad?
like a scarecrow, but rested and attractive?
This article is not intended to be a “tip of the year” title. This is more of a reminder to myself, because even knowing all these capitals
truths, sometimes you forget them very quickly and step on the same rake again and again.
Finding time for yourself is not only possible, but also necessary!

Family, children, husband - how to manage everything?

The standard situation is that you are on maternity leave with one or two, three (more???) children. You have a husband and a lot of household responsibilities.
Moreover, all this work is not paid, not encouraged, moreover, some friends or relatives believe that being on maternity leave is
It's like relaxing at a resort.
And only you know that the last time you got enough sleep - I don’t remember when, there’s always a huge to-do list in my head, but about manicures, pedicures,
other joys of life and shopping are remembered with difficulty or only with children under the arm.

First you need to calm down. And come to terms with, accept the inevitable, so to speak. If you do not have a nanny, kindergarten, cleaner and maid,
then congratulations! You will not be able to keep up with everything planned, accept this as a fact.

Cleaning in a family with children is like shoveling snow during a snowfall.

This is a completely accurate phrase. Because if you have a baby in the house, then he will constantly throw something around, spill it, clean it up
maybe several times a day (this happens to me regularly)
What can be done? Accustom your child to help as early as possible using the Montessori technique (haha, yeah!)
That is, involving the child in the process of household chores, giving him feasible work - making the bed, collecting toys, sweeping, washing dishes.
Of course, everything will not work out right away, especially if we are talking about children 2-3 years old, and sweeping or washing dishes in this case is more of a game than a help.
But that's great too! After all, at this time you will have your hands free and you can clear away another rubble.

Older children should also help their parents. I don’t know what I would do without my Masha, who takes on most of the household chores.
And there is no need to beg or beg her, it goes without saying that mom needs to help collect toys after the youngest one or wash the dishes, wash the floor.

When it comes to your home, it's best to get rid of any clutter as soon as possible. Carpets, clutter of furniture - all this will not only complicate the cleaning process, but also
harmful because it collects dust.

Set aside one day a week when you clean “generally”, and then just try to maintain it. Can't set aside this day?
Well, to hell with it, do what you can. You don’t have the energy, but do the dishes sit in the sink overnight? Well, never mind. Wake up, wash yourself, and there’s no point in reproaching yourself.

If you have guests and your place is not very tidy, then you don’t need to apologize every minute, and it’s clear that it’s hard for you. You have children. If
people don’t understand this, then why do you need to communicate with such people???

Gadgets and other helpers

If possible, buy everything that can help you manage household chores faster and more efficiently. Robot vacuum cleaner, dishwasher,
multicooker, blender, yogurt maker, silicone baking molds.
Learn more about silicone molds. They are very convenient because nothing sticks to them, you can quickly sausage some
vegetables with meat or chicken with cream, whatever, put it in the oven and take it out ready.

Minimize, simplify. You don’t need to cook Babylons with a hundred and five dishes and then hate everyone because your back and legs fall off.

How to learn to remove unnecessary things from your life?

You probably have a to-do list. I don't believe it's not. Read it and think about what you could do without, survive? take this item off the list
For example. I hate ironing. And I don't iron. Yes, I live in warm climates, where most things don’t wrinkle much, but still, you can
Steam yourself by ironing for more than one hour. Of course, if the item is very wrinkled and I or my family needs to wear it, I will iron it.
But no. Why should I change myself? I don't like it - I don't do it. I don’t have time, I don’t want to.

There is no need for this - “at any cost!” No one needs it, not you, not your children, not your husband.

Quarrels, irritation and conflicts - how to avoid?

If you think that only you, like a slave in the galleys, work hard, wash, clean, polish and cook, and still don’t have time to do anything, but
Tanya, Manya, Anya have everything beautiful, clean and starched, and the husband is well-fed and happy, the children are clean and new, and truffles with artichokes every day,
so this is nonsense and self-deception.

Either these Tanya, Mani, Anya have assistants, or everything is not as smooth as it seems to you at first glance.

It probably happens that the husband works, and then comes and washes the floors, cooks borscht and looks at him with love, but I haven’t met anyone like that.

Moreover, I will tell you a story that my mother observed. One of her neighbors decided that her husband could and should do everything, everything.
He cooked borscht and soups for her, cleaned, walked with the children, went to the store and everywhere. And she always found something to scold him for.
I won’t bore you with the details, he went to his neighbor in the stairwell, a kind and sweet woman who cooked borscht herself and was grateful to him for any help.

A husband is also a person :) Try to understand and forgive him if he does not help you the way you would like. But in general, it should be noted that it’s not bad when
everyone has their own “anchors”. That is, those matters that are assigned to a person.
Your husband doesn't like to cook or doesn't know how to cook? OK! Let him take out the trash, laundry, children to classes, walks, or anything else.
You can always find suitable options.

I don’t know how it is in your family, in mine, conflicts occur most often when I’m tired, have taken on an exorbitant load of worries, and forgot to eat.
By the way, a very important point about eating. When a person is hungry, he is especially irritable and angry. I'm hypotensive, if I don't eat on time, I fall down
blood sugar and severe migraines, irritation, etc. begin.
So feed yourself and your family on time and you will be happy!

Let me repeat about the burden of worries. Is there a list? Divide things into small ones if you have children with you, small children who need attention (big ones need it too),
then we use the so-called 15-minutes for business (a well-known theme from Fly Lady).
That is, we allocate no more than 15 minutes for each task. There is a lot you can do in this time. Wash the dishes, wash the floor, take a break, then return to some task.

Cooking and cleaning - how to do it in time?

We buy groceries once a week, usually nothing has time to spoil during this period, not even perishable milk.
Always have a strategic supply of snacks on hand. This is either some kind of frozen food (dumplings, dumplings, etc.) or
all kinds of cuts - ham, cheese, sausage.
So that if you weren’t able to cook something and didn’t have time, you could have something to snack on.

If your refrigerator allows it, freeze it. Freeze everything. I freeze soups, sauces, even cutlets.

Prepare simply, cook for a couple of days. Having a pot of soup ready will give you a break for a couple of days.
Even the second course can also be made one for two days, for example, cutlets with potatoes or stewed vegetables with or without meat.

I’m clear about soups. I think soup is necessary; I feed my children and husband soups every day. By the way, children love the so-called
“Jok” is such a light Thai soup - rice in chicken broth, it is often eaten in the morning in Thailand.

Cleaning. Every day the same places “sag” - the floor, dishes, sweeping and disassembling things. Usually this is what takes time.
I have already learned to deal with the most problematic areas as quickly as possible, which I advise you to do as well. Don't try to be on time
If a child smears the entire window while playing with paints, it will not fall apart if you wash it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
You need to learn to tell yourself - stop. And don't worry.

Time killers - let's get rid of them!

You know where time goes. In Internet. Social networks, check email, answer email, surf websites, everyone has a similar list.
Or, for example, you decided to find something useful - some quick recipes, options for educational games with children, in general - what you need!
Measure your time. If you couldn’t find it in 10 minutes, goodbye. Next time. You can hang out on the Internet for hours!
And this will be absolutely wasted time, despite the fact that it all began as a search for something absolutely important.

I deleted all kinds of entertainment applications. I don’t use Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. I don't make empty talk about anything
I don’t get stuck in hundred-page holivars and so on.
And a lot of time was freed up!

For my work on the Internet, I set a time and try to stick to a schedule.
And if it doesn’t work out, I don’t blame myself, I just start from scratch.

The same goes for movies, TV and even books. Reading books is a luxury. I allow myself to read
before bed, when I read to my daughters at night or during the daytime nap, I can read it myself while they fall asleep.

Time for yourself - how to find it?

Now comes the most important thing. We are all glad that we have children. Children are the best thing
happen to a person. It’s so interesting to watch them, invest your mind, experience, skills, love into them, but
where is the line when children are beautifully dressed and shod, smart and beautiful, and the mother is a sick monster?

If you have very little time and do not regularly visit manicure and pedicure salons, I, as always, advise
If you don’t even have time for a home manicure-pedicure, it’s better to cut your nails and not paint them at all than to walk around with peeling nail polish.

Don't have time for hairstyles and a hairdresser? Just wash your hair and comb your hair.

Don't walk around like a slob all day in pajamas and pants with blisters on the knees. Why is it accepted with us
leaving the best “for the exit?” Which exit?
Wear beautiful things at home, those that you like yourself in.

In general, it’s better to teach your family that mom also needs to take care of herself. What mom needs
at least once a week go out with your friends for a walk or go shopping. This is fine.
You are not a slave or a maid, you also need to rest and there is nothing to let sit on your neck.

Find what you like and give yourself a holiday and relief. I like to drink coffee in the morning, and my husband drives me
drink it and admire our beauty around us. At this time I have time to chat with him and relax.

my favorite "morning" place

Many mothers are such that they are ready to dissolve in their children, in an attempt to give them all the best, the very
progressive, but for myself later.
I struggle with this quality of mine. Not very successful so far.

Understand! The most important thing for children is that their mother is nearby! Just because you are with them, they already feel good. They
and they will develop, grow and mature looking at you. Do you want them to be proud of you?
Or do you want them to be embarrassed by their mother, who looks older than her age, with saggy cheeks from constant irritation?
and an “apron” instead of abs? Take time to improve yourself mentally and physically.

Sports - how can a mother and children find time for sports?

Next point. Everyone has time to train. No need to argue. Eat.
There may be no motivation, desire, etc. But there is time.

Anyone can find 15-30 minutes a day, but are too lazy to do it.
And this amount of time is enough to get yourself in order.

I'm lazy, very, very!!! I have a gym three meters from my apartment. You need to go to the pool and take a walk
three meters and pedal for half an hour. And then you can dive into the pool and swim.
Do you think I do this? Nothing like this.

I'm lazy. I can't bring myself to do it. But for some reason I study normally at home.
If anyone is interested, I will tell you how and why, but you can always allocate 20-30 minutes.
When my youngest starts jumping on me during training, I just do the exercises with her.
She really likes yoga asanas and using weights or dumbbells, too.
result -5 kg ​​in 6 months. Slowly, without rushing anywhere, without diets and self-flagellation. This is a good result for me.
The last time I weighed 50 kg was in high school. And this is not the limit. There is still a lot of work ahead on myself.

Bottom line - you can whine, blame the heavy bone, genetics and stars, or you can just grit your teeth and force
do something yourself.
Something regular is better than regular nothing.

We plan to do everything in time

I try to plan all our hikes, trips, and entertainment in advance. This is another point that will help
keep you peace of mind.
Everything is simple here - if you don’t decide, they decide for you.
Usually, when I ask my people, where do you want to go? Should I go eat? Take a walk? Either silence begins, or
So just make a decision, don’t wait for someone to start generating super ideas.

Time for love

Oh, the last point, but not the least important. Important, very important!

Don't forget not only about yourself, don't forget about your husband. He also has children, worries,
business, he also needs to rest and relax with you.

If the opportunity allows, I just pick up and leave with my husband to the nearest interesting place, with an overnight stay.
Just to shake things up and change the scenery. In this case, the children stay with their grandmother.
Do you think I don't think about children? Constantly! I call my mother a hundred times, who already stops picking up the phone and writes
I get angry text messages.

If you have no one to leave your children with overnight, ask your grandparents or friends for at least a couple of hours, give them
remember how it was before - go to the movies, sit in a cafe, just the two of you.

Find time to talk, watch something together without even leaving home, what am I teaching you?
A husband and wife should be like-minded people, on the same wavelength.
Don't let resentment consume you. Anything that doesn’t suit you, discuss it. Share with each other, no one
has telepathic abilities, especially since it is better for men to always be specific.
And not - “Oh, that’s it!”

Forgive, forget, don’t sulk and don’t let yourself be offended by any nonsense.
In order to keep up with everything, so that there is peace and harmony in the family, not much is needed.
Get enough sleep, eat on time, exercise, accept everything that happens to you with love and gratitude.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

And finally, it’s impossible to do everything. humble yourself. Learn to grow zen (if you have more than two children, you probably already learned).
Live with pleasure, get joy and happiness from life!