We read speech therapy entertainment together in the older group. Speech therapy holidays and entertainment as a means of overcoming speech disorders in preschool children

Speech therapy leisure for children of the older group “How the Letter Eater stole the letters”

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery
Description of work: The final speech leisure scenario was developed for a senior speech therapy group with OHP. The content of leisure time reflects the relationship in the work of a teacher - speech therapist, educator, music director. The material will be useful for speech therapists and educators in working with children of the senior and preparatory groups to consolidate skills in speech development and literacy.

Target: summarize correctional work for the academic year in a festive atmosphere.
Correctional educational tasks:
Automate the correct pronunciation of given sounds in speech.
Improve grammatical structure speech (form relative adjectives, nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, cognates for the word fish, antonym words).
Improve sentence reading skills.
Correction and development tasks:
Develop gross and fine motor skills.
Improve intonation expressiveness.
Develop coherent speech phonemic awareness, thinking, memory.
Correctional and educational tasks:
To instill in children mutual assistance, empathy, and a sense of teamwork.
To develop in children an emotional response to what is happening.
Equipment: the book “Fairy Tales”, letters from the word TALES, blue fabric, flat images of fish, stones with puzzles, logs with sentences written on them, salad bowls and pots with vegetables, object pictures of animals and cubs, cards for the games “4 extra”, “Say” on the contrary,” a bucket with a fishing rod, leaves with elements of letters, markers, cards with written sentences.
Preliminary work. Automation of the pronunciation of set sounds in poetry and tongue twisters. Formation of words with the same root fish on individual lessons with a speech therapist. Unlearning finger gymnastics"In the forest", dance. Making costumes “River”, “Fisherman”, “Fairy of Flowers”, “Forest Fairy”, grandfather “Letter Eater”, gnomes, flower hats (bell, chamomile, cornflower, poppy, violet).

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music.
Speech therapist. Hello, dear guests! We invited you to our final speech celebration! Guys, but first, let's remember the secrets of correct and beautiful speech.
1 child. We always speak beautifully, boldly, but slowly.
2nd child. We speak clearly, clearly, because we are not in a hurry.
3 child. Speak smoothly and clearly as you exhale.
4 child. Before you speak, think about what you want to say.
Children stand in front of the mirror.

Articulation gymnastics.
If you believe in a fairy tale with all your heart,
Doors will open to a magical world!
Exercise "Window".
You can get there easily
On the magic carpet airplane
Hold your tongue wide and relaxed for a count of 1 to 10.
On a flying big ship
Or with Baba Yaga on a broom,
On a raft on the milk river
And riding on the Little Humpbacked Horse.
You can fly into a fairy tale on a firebird,
You can go for a ride on Koloboka,
"Delicious jam"
You can ride in like an Elephant on a Hedgehog.
Oh! It seems like we are already in a fairy tale...
Children sit on chairs.
Speech therapist.
Once upon a time there lived a boy.
He knew how to read.
And every evening with a book
He sat by the window.
A boy comes out with a book, sits on a chair, and “reads.”

Girls approach the boy.

Vitya, don’t sit at home
Better go out into the yard!
Don't bother me, I won't go
I want to read a book!
Vitya, who is it, look!
He comes to us and doesn’t knock...
Music is playing. Grandfather Bukvoed comes out.
Grandfather Bukvoed.
I'll take all the letters,
And I’ll spread it around the world.
The letter eater takes the letters from the book and leaves.
What should I do, where are the letters?
How can I find all the letters? (Crying).
Speech therapist. Children, can we help Vita?
Children. Yes.
Speech therapist.
We can't hesitate at all
Let's hit the road, friends!
Music is playing. Vitya walks through the hall and approaches the river. On blue fabric there are flat images of stones with puzzles, fish, and logs with sentences on the shore.

Speech therapist.
The river appeared in front of them on the way.
It’s hard for me, I’m tired.
Help me, friends!
Remove the stones!

Solving puzzles.
Speech therapist. We need to solve the puzzles and the stone can be removed from the river.
Children solve puzzles.

Game "Correct the sentence."
Speech therapist. To cross the river, you need to build a bridge. There are logs on the shore. Correct the sentences and we will build a bridge from logs.

The river gives the first letter.
Speech therapist.
Guys, guess who is on the shore
Sitting with a fishing rod in the morning
And is he watching the float?
Children. Fisherman.
A fisherman enters with a bucket and fishing rod.
I'm a funny fisherman
I catch a fish on a hook.
I have one for every fish
The worm is ready.

Game "Name the word family."
Speech therapist. Guys, let's form words from one family for the word fish. For every word the fisherman will catch a fish.
Children name the words: fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fisherman, fishing, fisherman, fish, fisherman, fisherman). A fisherman uses a fishing rod and a magnet to catch fish from the river.

Oh thank you for helping
Catch a lot of fish.
It's time for me to say goodbye to you,
And return home with the catch.
The fisherman gives the second letter.
Speech therapist.
Received the letter Vitya,
He hurried on his way.

Speech therapist.
Where are we?
There's a big carpet lying there,
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
Lies by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and red!
Children. To the meadow.

Speech therapist. The mistress of the meadow is the Fairy of Flowers.
To the music, the Flower Fairy enters with a basket containing pictures of animals and babies.

Fairy of Flowers.
Hello, friends!
Meet me - Fairy!
I always live in flowers
And I drink flower nectar.
Girls wearing flowered hats come out.
I'm wearing a fashionable blue hat
The bell is mischievous.
Who I won't meet -
I bow to the ground.
I am a daisy with a golden heart,
I have a tall stem.
I'm blue like a river
Sun-warmed cornflower.
I am the brightest, the scarletest
My petals are like flames
I am a red poppy, I bloom only for a day
And I really love the sun!
I am a young violet!
I am sprouting at the edge of the forest.
Fragrant and tender
Our eyes are good!

Game "Which one?"
Educator. Choose the words: bell “Which one?”
Children. Blue, delicate, fragrant, fragrant.

Game “Name it kindly”
Educator. I will name the flowers, and you will say the same words affectionately. Blue cornflower.
Children. Little blue cornflower.
Children call them: little white daisy, little blue forget-me-nots, etc.
Fairy of Flowers.
In the meadow, there are countless flowers!
There are cornflowers, daisies,
The colors of the dawn are scarlet,
There is a blanket in the poppies.
blue bell,
Everyone shakes their head,
Dear little bug,
Sat on a chamomile.
Butterflies and bumblebees are happy,
That the flowers have bloomed! (L. Aleynikova)
Moths, come quickly!
And pollinate the flowers!

Dance of flowers and moths.

Game “Help Mom Find Her Cubs”
The Fairy of Flowers gives children pictures of animals and babies.
Educator. Birds and animals with their young came out onto the meadow.
To the music, children walk around the hall and look for a pair (goat - kids, etc.). Each child makes a sentence based on their picture.
1 child. The hare has babies.
2nd child. Chickens from a hen.
3 child. The horse has a foal.

The Fairy of Flowers gives the third letter.
Speech therapist.
Received the letter Vitya
He hurried on his way.
Music is playing. Vitya walks through the hall.
Speech therapist.
It's green and thick
He's tall and big
Sometimes it’s spruce, sometimes it’s oak,
That is aspen-pine.
Come to green house -
You will see miracles in it!
Where are we?
Children. In the forest.

Speech therapist.
In the forest the mistress is different.
The Forest Fairy lives here.
To the music, the Forest Fairy enters with a basket containing cards for the game “4 extra”.

Forest Fairy.
Hello, dear guests! Glad to see you!
Sorceress - Forest Fairy
I'm the boss here in the forest.
I know and can do everything,
I eat strawberries and drink dew.

Finger gymnastics “In the forest”
Fir trees grow in the dense forest
Fingers intertwined thumbs- crown.
And evil, evil wolves roam.
Show "clicking mouth"
Sometimes a bunny runs by
Show bunny ears.
And the tree branch will tremble.
The fingers are bent - “paws”.
Sometimes the bear is clubfooted
Fingers intertwined, thumbs - muzzle
He will touch the tree with his paw.
And the old hedgehog, its prickly side,
He sleeps under the tree,
Curled up into a ball.
The fingers are folded into a ball.

Game "Fourth wheel"
The fairy hands out cards for the children to play. Children find extra item and explain. The Forest Fairy gives the fourth letter.

Forest Fairy. It's time to say goodbye to you. But I want to introduce you to my old friends, fairy-tale gnomes.

Gnome 1.
Hello, dear friends!
Gnome 2.
We are two cheerful gnomes,
We live for hundreds of years
In our beautiful house
Soup is waiting for us at lunch.

Game "What salad?"
Educator. For lunch, the gnomes prepared cabbage salad. What salad?
Children. Cabbage.
Children name salad and soup based on pictures.

Game "Say the words backwards."
Educator. Dwarves love to play word games backwards. Shall we play with them?
The teacher shows pairs of pictures and says a word. Children choose a word that has the opposite meaning.

Dwarves give the fifth letter.

Speaking tongue twisters.
Speech therapist. Let's sit on a hill and tell tongue twisters.
Children pronounce tongue twisters learned in individual lessons. Grandfather Bukvoed enters to the music.
Grandfather Bukvoed.
Outwitted, that's it!
I was happy early.
I’ll give you the letters now,
Guess them first.
And don't think it's easy
Will cope with the task for you.
The letter eater disappears.

Game “Complete the letters”
Speech therapist. Grandfather Bukvoed gave us the letters, but they were broken. Take markers and complete the letters.
Children draw parts of the letters on pieces of paper.

A collection of scenarios for special holidays, entertainment and leisure activities aimed at solving problems of speech development; to consolidate acquired skills correct pronunciation. Interesting ideas For effective solution tasks such as: improving skills sound analysis and synthesis; formation of skills to correctly pronounce sounds and words, compose sentences; development of self-control over one’s own speech. Speech therapy holidays and leisure activities, the scenarios of which are based on popular TV shows and quizzes. Events in the format of adventure games - “quests” and “adventure games”. Concrete experience of the successful use of theatrical performances and sports competitions at speech festivals.

Holidays useful for speech development.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1258.
All sections | Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios

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Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Orlova Antonina Sergeevna
Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzhan cityOGOBU "Orphanage No. 1"


  • Create a positive emotional attitude in children.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge of lexical topics“Wild animals”, “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, “Toys”.
  • Reinforce your knowledge of primary colors.
  • Practice clapping the rhythmic pattern of a word, in correct use nouns singular genitive case.
  • Develop expressive speech when reading poetry, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills.
  • Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to please other people.

Material: Toys: Little Bunny - Stepashka, bear, horse, spinning top, drum, car, ball, doll, matryoshka; a wonderful toy bag; a bucket with dummies of vegetables and fruits (according to the number of children), a tray and a basket; didactic game“Collect flowers by color”, CD with children's songs, music center; Stuffed Toys by the number of children; cord, soft cubes; tea and treats for children.


Because of the dark gray clouds,

The sun came out

AND cheerful sun Ray

He looked at us through the window.

The sparrow chirped

Thin, loud, ringing:

He invites the guys

For a bunny's birthday.

What do you guys think, where does the bunny live? (In the woods)

Stand next to each other ( children stand next to each other)

Let's hit the road!

Along a winding path

Our legs hurried. (walking like a snake)

Here we come to a forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher (walking with a high hip lift)

Let's jump over the bumps, ( jumping forward)

Through branches and stumps.

We walked through the forest for a very long time,

So we came to the hares.

(children sit on chairs)

Our bunny, Stepashka, lives here.

And here he is. (show the bunny toy)

You all know that gifts are given on birthdays.

You will find out what they gave to our Stepashka if you guess the riddles.

He beats the shot and calls the guys together.


I'm spinning, I'm spinning,

And I'm not too lazy to turn around

Even all day.


They kick him, but he doesn't cry!

They throw him - he jumps back.


Blue eyes, golden curls,

Pink lips.


She doesn't need a driver at all,

You start it with the key.

The wheels will start spinning;

Place it and she will rush.

(wind-up machine)

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.

(matryoshka dolls)

The mane is thick,

sonorous horseshoes,

I scream,

I want to take the guys for a ride.


The funny animal is made of plush,

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And make him a den.

(Teddy bear)

(Children guess riddles, toys are displayed)

Stepashka likes to play with his toys, and we will play with him.

3. Game “What toy did Stepashka hide?” (“What is gone”)

Do you want Stepashka to return the toy? Then clap its name.

(children clap the name of the toy, the toy is returned to its place)

Do you like to play with toys? Stepashka invites you to dance with his toys.

4. Game "Dance with a toy"

(Children with toys dance to cheerful music. When the music stops, children with the toy sit down and “fall asleep”)

5. - Our Stepashka loves flowers very much. We wanted to give him a multi-colored bouquet, but the mischievous wind tore off the petals of the flowers.

Help collect flowers for Stepashka.

Game "Match a flower by color."

6. Game “Help Stepashka lay out the treats.”

While you were having fun, Stepashka was preparing a treat for the guests. I didn't have time. ( There are dummies of vegetables and fruits on the table) Let's help him arrange the vegetables and fruits. We put all the fruits in the basket and the vegetables on the tray. ( Children run up to the table, take one item at a time and take it to another table: vegetables on a tray, fruits in a basket)

The treat is ready!

7. Now let's give Stepashka our favorite poems.

Reading poetry. (4-5 children)

8. Surprise moment : And now our birthday boy invites you to taste his treats. (tea party for children)

More on this topic:

This entertainment is designed to take place in the second half school year when children have a certain stock of knowledge and skills.

Entertainment is provided in the music room, with the participation of the music director.



Abstract of speech therapy entertainment

For children of the preparatory group.


Compiled by: Zheltysheva Natalya Nikolaevna

Teacher speech therapist

village Mortka

Speech entertainment - one of the current types of work with preschoolers.

Game tasks help to cultivate interest in the environment, stimulate cognitive activity preschoolers. Promoting the development of thinking and speech activity, the game relieves stress, develops communication functions, verbal communication.

The competitive nature of the entertainment makes children more active and helps keep everyone interested. Alternation game tasks And musical breaks helps maintain interest; changing activities is a preventive measure for fatigue, since children with speech pathology have increased fatigue.

By using computer presentation Information is provided to children in a colorful, attractive form, which arouses interest in children and contributes to their activation.

This entertainment is designed to be carried out in the second half of the school year, when children have a certain reserve of knowledge and skills.

Entertainment is provided in the music room, with the participation of the music director.

Speech therapy entertainment for children




DIRECTION: Cognitive-speech.


  • "Socialization"
  • "Cognition"
  • "Music"


  • Communicative
  • Gaming
  • Motor
  • Musical (singing, dancing)



  • systematize the knowledge acquired by children in speech classes;
  • develop the grammatical structure of speech, enrich vocabulary, develop

Interest in words, speech, expanding knowledge and horizons;

  • develop memory, speech attention;
  • develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, and analyze.


  • develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory;
  • develop correct posture, coordinate movements, and navigate in space.


  • cultivate independence, self-control, mutual assistance.


Petals with letters Ш,К,О,Л,А, with tasks from fairy-tale heroes; baskets according to the number of syllables, object pictures - “balls”; ball, multimedia equipment.


A seven-flowered flower with letters is attached to the flannelgraph.

SLIDE 1 Speech therapist: Attention! Attention! Today we are playing the game “What? Where? When?”, and the seven-flowered flower will help us. I suggest you all be experts.

Fairy-tale heroes play against experts, and we find out which fairy-tale heroes are during the game.

So, let's greet our experts.

The speech therapist tears off the petal with the letter “k”.

Speech therapist: Dear experts! To find out which fairy-tale hero is playing against you, look at the picture; Who owns the jar of jam? SLIDE 2 -3

Children. Carlson.

Tasks are offered on behalf of fairy-tale heroes.

SLIDE 4 Carlson: Dear experts! Listen carefully to the words, determine the last sound. Describe the sounds.


Mosquito, fence, ax ([p] - consonant, hard, sonorous);

Sock, teapot, ball ([k] - consonant, hard, deaf);

Fox, candy, spring ([a] - vowel);

Children listen to the words, determine the last sound, and characterize the sound.

SLIDE 5 The experts successfully completed the task and the score becomes 1:0.


Speech therapist: To find out who is playing against you, listen to the riddle:

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a beautiful hat,

The girl forgot her name

Well, guess what her name was?


Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist. :Little Red Riding Hood plays against experts.

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear experts. Help me get things in order

Arrange the pictures in baskets:

Pictures with 1 syllable in the title go into the first basket; in the second - pictures whose names have two syllables; in the third - ...three syllables; in the fourth - pictures whose names have four syllables.

Children put pictures in baskets.

SLIDE 7 - The experts completed the task and the score becomes 2:0.

Children, under the guidance of a music director, sing the song “Solar Drops”

The speech therapist tears off a petal with a letter"l".

Speech therapist: Listen carefully to the sound recording and guess which fairy-tale character has prepared a task for you.

A recording from the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and that’s it, that’s it, that’s it” sounds, Piglet’s voice: “Where’s my


- Piglet plays against the experts. SLIDE 8

Piglet: Dear experts! I will “throw” sounds at you, and you will collect them into words:

k, o, t, - CAT,

l, i, s, a - FOX,

w, a, r, s - BALLS,

in, o, l, k - WOLF,

s, k, a, z, k, a - TALE,

g, n, o, m - GNOME

The experts successfully completed Piglet's task.

SLIDE 9 The score becomes 3:0.

The speech therapist tears off a petal with a letter"A".

Speech therapist. Look at the picture - what is this? SLIDE 10

Children. Shoes.

Speech therapist. Who do they belong to? l

Children. To Cinderella. SLIDE 11

Speech therapist. Cinderella plays against the experts.

Cinderella: Dear experts! I really love fairy tales. I want to check if you know fairy-tale characters well?

SLIDE 12 - What is the name of the postman from Prostokvashino?

SLIDE 13 - In what fairy tale? main character- is the traveler made of flour?

SLIDE 14 - What was the old man’s first wish that the Goldfish fulfilled?

SLIDE 15 - What serves as fuel for Emelya’s car?

SLIDE 16 - Who held onto the granddaughter in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

SLIDE 17 - What kind of barbel gave the animals the goad?

SLIDE 18 - What always wins in a fairy tale?

SLIDE 19 - The experts completed the task. The score becomes 4:0.

The speech therapist tears off a petal with the image of a treble clef.

And now a musical break.

Children, under the guidance of a music director, dance the “Barbariki” dance.

The speech therapist tears off a petal with a letter"sh".

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?

SLIDE 20 Children. Pinocchio.

Buratino: I want to play the game “Say the other way around” with you:

(The game is played with a ball)

Thick - thin

High Low

Hot Cold

Wide narrow

Long short

Sell ​​- buy

Friend - enemy

New - old...

Speech therapist. Difficult task, but experts do not give up.

SLIDE 21 Completed the task. The score becomes 5:0 in favor of the experts.

Now we will try to decipher the word of fairy-tale heroes.

There are letters on our petals. Listen: Sh, K, 0, L, A. What word, have you guessed?

SLIDE 22 Children. SCHOOL.

Speech therapist: What awaits you ahead...

Children. School.

Speech therapist. And you, experts, future...

Children. Pupils.

SLIDE 23 Speech therapist. Fairy-tale heroes thank you for have a nice game and give you a magic chest.

(TREATS or gifts)


  1. Lapkovskaya V.P. Volodkova I.P. Speech entertainment in kindergarten. Collection of scripts for working with children 5-7 years old M: 2008
  2. images.yandex.ru/
  3. http://m.images.yandex.ru/search?text=%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0 %B5+%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8
  4. Ushakova O.S. Make up a word. Speech games and exercises. M.: 2001
  5. Bystrova G.A. Sizova E.A. Speech therapy games and tasks. S.-P. 2001

Goal: Development articulatory motor skills, speech breathing.

1. Development of a directed air stream, articulatory motor skills.

2.Form a free, smooth, extended exhalation using special exercises.

3. To develop, by imitating the speech of an adult, the ability to pronounce small phrases or meaningful segments in one exhalation.

Equipment: slide accompaniment, games for the development of speech breathing: tubes for holding breathing exercises, the author's multifunctional manual for the development of speech breathing, bowls with straws, trays, a replaceable unit for soap bubbles.

Progress of the event

The music hall is decorated with colorful balloons and flags. The music starts playing and the Fairy appears.

Teacher speech therapist : "Hello guys! Today we invite you on an exciting journey through a magical meadow. So that we don’t get lost, let’s practice our speech breathing.”

1. Warm-up game “Sing the vowels A OU I E” using ICT.

Teacher speech therapist:“Do you guys like fairy tales? Fairy tales can be funny and sad, kind and not so good, but always with good ending. In fairy tales, good always wins. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers).

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

Treats butterflies, bumblebees,

He heals birds and animals,

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor... (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round and ruddy side,

Rolled... (gingerbread man)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water,

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Bu-ra-ti-no).

She is kind, smart, beautiful and sweet,

And her name comes from the word “ash”

Who is this? (Cinderella).

I can recognize an animal by the tracks of any animal,
And a giraffe and a cow, and a beetle and a sparrow!
Whose traces are these that wind around the forest roads?
It's the nosebug and the wildhorn walking through the forest,

What cartoon is this funny heroine from?

(Masha and the Bear).

Teacher speech therapist: « Guys, I know that you are learning to hear and pronounce sounds correctly, to distinguish similar sounds. And now we will do gymnastics for our lips and tongues, and our friends “Masha and the Bear” will help us. (A multimedia presentation is turned on, where the characters perform gymnastics)

2.Articulation gymnastics with Masha.

Teacher speech therapist:“Let's demonstrate the dexterity of our fingers, repeat after me the movements with your fingers:

Fingers are a friendly family; they cannot live without each other.

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one -

Our little finger. You forgot your index finger.

So that our fingers can live together, we will connect them

And perform the movements.

We will show you the horns of a goat, and even the antlers of a deer,

We won't forget about the bunny, we'll use our ears.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

Teacher speech therapist: « And now, guys, let’s train our fingers to the music, because competitions await us ahead.”

3. Finger games in audio recording: “Family”, “Five Fishes”, “Tea”.

Teacher speech therapist: “Well, now it’s time to have some fun! I suggest playing the games “Our hands are not for boredom”... (performed to music)

4. Games for the development of speech breathing:

"Put the ball into the goal"

Goal: to develop a long, targeted air stream.

Execution: stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time onto a cotton ball lying in front of the child, driving it between two cubes standing in front of the table.

Guidelines: 1. make sure that your cheeks do not puff out. To do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers. 2. Push the ball in with one exhalation, avoid an intermittent stream.

"Blow your testicles onto the plates"

Goal: to develop a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue.

“Blow the ball into the goal”, “Blow the car into the garage” using the author’s manual.

Teacher speech therapist: « Well done! Smart and kind guys. And you also know how to have fun! I want to invite you to dance." (Music sounds. Children dance).

5.Dance exercises according to the method of E. Zheleznova in audio recordings.

Teacher speech therapist : “Our journey through the clearing has come to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten

Music is playing. The children leave.



Speech therapy entertainment

"Visiting a fairy" Have a beautiful speech»

(with kids middle group)

Prepared by speech therapist teacher N.P. Bryndina.