Laboratory work measuring the acceleration of rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Laboratory work: measuring the acceleration of a body under uniform acceleration

LESSON PLAN (2 hours)

Lesson topic: « Laboratory work No. 1 “Measurement of body acceleration during uniformly accelerated motion.”

Type of activity – practical

Lesson objectives:

Purpose of the work: calculate the acceleration with which a ball rolls down an inclined chute. To do this, measure the length of movement s of the ball per known time t. Since in uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

1. Organization of the lesson

1) mark those absent in the class register;

2) mbilization educational activities students:friendly attitude of the teacher and students, quickly integrating the class into a business rhythm, organizing the attention of all students

2. Work progress

then by measuring s and t, you can find the acceleration of the ball. It is equal to:

No measurements are made absolutely accurately. They are always produced with some error due to imperfection of measuring instruments and other reasons. But even if there are errors, there are several ways to carry out reliable measurements. The simplest of them is calculating the arithmetic mean from the results of several independent measurements of the same quantity, if the experimental conditions do not change. This is what we propose to do in this work.

Measuring tools: 1) measuring tape; 2) metronome.

Materials: 1) gutter; 2) ball; 3) tripod with couplings and foot; 4) metal cylinder.

Work order

1. Strengthen the gutter using a tripod in an inclined position at a slight angle to the horizontal (Fig. 175). At the bottom end of the gutter, place a metal cylinder in it.

2. Having released the ball (simultaneously with the metronome strike) from the upper end of the groove, count the number of metronome strikes before the ball collides with the cylinder. It is convenient to carry out the experiment at 120 beats of the metronome per minute.

3. By changing the angle of inclination of the chute to the horizon and making small movements of the metal cylinder, ensure that between the moment the ball is launched and the moment it collides with the cylinder there are 4 metronome beats (3 intervals between beats).

4. Calculate the time the ball moves.

5. Using a measuring tape, determine the length of movement s of the ball. Without changing the inclination of the trough (the experimental conditions must remain unchanged), repeat the experiment five times, again achieving coincidence fourth strike metronome with the ball hitting a metal cylinder (the cylinder can be moved a little for this).

6. According to the formula

find the average value of the displacement modulus, and then calculate the average value of the acceleration modulus:

7. Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table:

Experience number

s, m

sav, m





t, s

asr, m/s2

In rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

where S is the path traveled by the body, t is the time it takes to travel the path. Measuring instruments: measuring tape (ruler), metronome (stopwatch).

The laboratory setup and procedure for performing the work are described in detail in the textbook.


t, s

S, m














average value





Calculation of errors

Accuracy of instruments: Measuring tape:

  1. Physics lesson plan in 9th grade

Subject: Laboratory work No. 1“Measurement of the acceleration of a body during uniformly accelerated motion.”

Physics teacher at KSU " high school No. 13": Ganovicheva M. A.

Educational learn to measure acceleration under uniform acceleration straight motion; experimentally establish the relationship of paths, traversed by the body with uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion over successive equal intervals of the body.

Developmental: promote the development of speech, thinking, cognitive and general educational skills: planning actions, preparing workplace, document the results of the work; promote mastery of scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis.

Educational: to form a conscientious attitude towards academic work, positive motivation for learning, communication skills; contribute to the education of humanity and discipline.

Lesson type: Reinforcement lesson theoretical knowledge.

Form: Research.

  1. Lesson plan:
  2. I. Organizational stage.
  3. 2. Stage of updating basic knowledge.
  4. 3.Stage independent work students.
  5. 4. Reflection.
  6. 5.Final stage.

Material support for each group: report form; instructions cut into phrases;

laboratory trough metal long 1.4 m, metal ball with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, metronome, ruler.

During the classes:

  1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Establishment work discipline. Marking absentees. Communicate objectives and lesson plan. Dividing a class into groups using the method random selection.

    Because Today you are working in groups, everyone must try to do their part of the work as well as possible. Let's check the d/z. Each group member answers the questions after paragraph 5 to his comrades.

Let's talk about TB. To prevent accidents, instruments on the demonstration table should be placed in such a way that during experiments there is no possibility of flying parts getting into students.

Before you begin the work, understand the progress of the work by listening to the teacher.

To create a dialogue, I offer students instructions for completing laboratory work, cut into phrases. Appendix 2. This required students not just to reproduce previously acquired knowledge, but to reveal the logic scientific research.

Students were asked to discuss practical task, outline ways to solve it, implement them in practice and, finally, present the result found jointly.

Which involved developing the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts (build complete and clear statements) and understand a partner (listen to him, grasp not only the immediate meaning of his phrases, but also their meaning).

Glue the instructions together, fill in the blank lines and columns.


1. Be attentive, disciplined, careful.

2. Do not leave your workplace without the teacher's permission.

3. Place instruments, materials, and equipment at the workplace in order; there should be no foreign objects on the table. Handle the metal ball carefully! Do not overtighten the tripod couplings!

If you find any malfunctions in the condition of the devices you use, please notify your teacher.

Students perform laboratory work, draw conclusions from it, and fill out a report form. Annex 1. If students master the logic of scientific research, then they will glue the instructions together in the order presented below.


Assemble the installation according to the drawing

Release the ball from the top end of the chute

Measure the distance h - the height of the upper end of the gutter and the distance S traveled by the ball.

Calculate the time t of the ball's movement based on the number of metronome beats.

Calculate the acceleration of the ball

Change the slope of the gutter and repeat the experiment two more times.

Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table.


Number of metronome beats

Driving time


Calculate the average acceleration.

Write down the conclusion: what you measured and what the result was.

The teacher conducts a consultation individual work and accepts the report and responses to Control questions the first group to complete it in time. These students then act as the teacher and take reports from the following groups.

4. Reflection.

Well, our lesson is coming to an end. In the atmosphere and environment in which we worked today, each of you felt differently. And now I would like you to evaluate how internally comfortable you felt in this lesson, each of you, all together as a class, and whether you liked the work that we did today.

5.Final stage.

Now let's evaluate your work together in today's lesson. Groups and grades are named. Each of you was in a group during the lesson and the grade received today is given the same to each group member. We will assign groups for the next lesson. You will perform an experiment performed many times by Galileo to determine the acceleration of falling objects. Groups receive an advanced task: find information about Galileo, assign roles and plan the group’s work.

Annex 1

Lab Report #1

Measuring the acceleration of a body during uniformly accelerated motion

Groups 9 “__” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of the work: to measure the acceleration of a ball rolling down an inclined chute.

Equipment: metronome, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix 2


We assembled the installation according to the drawing

Released the ball from the upper end of the chute

We measured the distance S traveled by the ball.

We calculated the time t of the ball's movement based on the number of metronome beats.

Calculated the acceleration of the ball

We increased the angle of the chute and repeated the experiment again.

The results of measurements and calculations were entered into a table.


Height of the upper end of the gutter, m

Number of metronome beats

Driving time


The average acceleration was calculated.

Laboratory work No. 1

Measuring the acceleration of a body during uniformly accelerated motion.



Movement in which the speed of a body changes over equal periods of time is called uniformly accelerated. The main characteristic of uniformly accelerated motion is acceleration: , which shows the rate of change in speed. The acceleration of some bodies can be determined experimentally, for example, the acceleration of a moving ball along a chute. For this, the equation of uniformly accelerated motion is used:
. If
, That
. When measuring values, some errors are allowed, so you need to carry out several experiments and calculations and find the average value .


  • gutter;

  • ball;

  • tripod with couplings and foot;

  • metal cylinder;

  • ruler;

  • stopwatch.


4.1 Assemble the installation.

4.2 Launch the ball from the upper end of the chute, determine the time of movement of the ball before colliding with the cylinder located at the other end of the chute.

4.3 Measure travel length ball.

4.4 Substituting values and , determine the acceleration , substituting into the equation

4.5 Without changing the angle of inclination of the chute, repeat the experiment 4 more times, determine the value for each experiment .

4.6 Determine the average acceleration value:

4.7 Record the results of measurements and calculations in a table.

4.8 Complete the work, draw a conclusion, answer test questions, solve the problem.


Experience no.

Path length

Sn, m

Movement time tn, s


Average acceleration value



IN this section it is necessary to write down the calculations for each experiment and write down the value



8.1 What is it instantaneous speed? average speed? How are they determined?

8.2 Write the equation of uniformly accelerated motion and free fall tel.

8.3 Solve the problem:

A body is thrown vertically upwards initial speed 30 m/s. In how many seconds will it be at a height of 25 meters? (Explain the meaning of the answer).

Subject: Laboratory work No. 1 “Measurement of the acceleration of a body during uniformly accelerated motion.” Physics teacher of KSU “Secondary School No. 13”: Ganovicheva M. A.
Objectives: Educational - learn to measure acceleration during uniformly accelerated linear motion; to experimentally establish the ratio of the paths traversed by the body during uniformly accelerated rectilinear movement over successive equal intervals of the body. Developmental: to promote the development of speech, thinking, cognitive and general educational skills: plan actions, prepare the workplace, formalize the results of work; promote mastery of scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis. Educational: to form a conscientious attitude towards academic work, positive motivation for learning, communication skills; contribute to the education of humanity and discipline. Lesson type: Lesson on consolidating theoretical knowledge. Form of delivery: Research work.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational stage.

2. Stage of updating basic knowledge.

3. Stage of independent work of students.

4. Reflection.

5.Final stage.

Material support for each group:report form; instructions cut into phrases;

laboratory metal trough 1.4 m long, metal ball with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, metronome, ruler.

During the classes:

    Organizational moment.
Greetings. Establishing work discipline. Marking absentees. Communicate objectives and lesson plan. Dividing the class into groups using random selection.
    Because Today you are working in groups, everyone must try to do their part of the work as well as possible. Let's check the d/z. Each group member answers the questions after paragraph 5 to his comrades.
Let's talk about TB. To prevent accidents, instruments on the demonstration table should be placed in such a way that during experiments there is no possibility of flying parts getting into students. Before you begin the work, understand the progress of its implementation by listening to the teacher. To create a dialogue, I offer students instructions cut into phrases performing laboratory work Appendix 2. This required students not just to reproduce previously acquired knowledge, but to reveal the logic of scientific research. Students were asked to discuss a practical task, outline ways to solve it, implement them in practice and, finally, present the result they found together. This involved developing the ability to clearly express their thoughts ( construct complete and clear statements) and understand your partner (listen to him, grasp not only the immediate meaning of his phrases, but also their meaning). Glue together the instructions, fill in the empty lines and columns.


1. Be attentive, disciplined, careful.2. Do not leave your work area without the teacher's permission.3. Place instruments, materials, and equipment at the workplace in order; there should be no foreign objects on the table. Handle the metal ball carefully! Do not overtighten the tripod couplings! If you find any malfunctions in the condition of the devices you use, please notify your teacher.
Students perform laboratory work, draw conclusions from it, and fill out a report form. Annex 1. If students master the logic of scientific research, then they will glue the instructions together in the order presented below.


Assemble the installation according to the drawing

Release the ball from the top end of the chute

Measure the distance h- the height of the upper end of the gutter and the distance S traveled by the ball.

Calculate the time t of the ball's movement based on the number of metronome beats.

Calculate the acceleration of the ball

Change the slope of the gutter and repeat the experiment two more times.

Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table.


Calculate the average acceleration.

Write down the conclusion: what you measured and what the result was.

The teacher conducts individual consulting work and accepts the report and answers to test questions from the first group to complete the task. These students then act as the teacher and take reports from the next groups. 4. Reflection Well, our lesson is coming to an end. In the atmosphere and environment in which we worked today, each of you felt differently. And now I would like you to evaluate how internally comfortable each of you felt in this lesson, all together as a class, and whether you liked the work that we were doing today. 5. Final stage. Now let's Let's evaluate your work together in today's lesson. Groups and grades are named. Each of you was in a group during the lesson and the grade received today is given the same to each group member. We will assign groups for the next lesson. You will perform an experiment performed many times by Galileo to determine the acceleration of falling objects. Groups receive an advanced task: find information about Galileo, assign roles and plan the group’s work.

Annex 1

Lab Report #1

Measuring the acceleration of a body during uniformly accelerated motion

Groups 9 “__” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of the work: to measure the acceleration of a ball rolling down an inclined chute.

Equipment: metronome, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix 2


We assembled the installation according to the drawing

Released the ball from the upper end of the chute

We measured the distance S traveled by the ball.

We calculated the time t of the ball's movement based on the number of metronome beats.

Calculated the acceleration of the ball

We increased the angle of the chute and repeated the experiment again.

The results of measurements and calculations were entered into a table.


The average acceleration was calculated.



Purpose of the work: calculate the acceleration with which a ball rolls down an inclined chute. To do this, measure the length of movement s of the ball over a known time t. Since in uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

Then, by measuring s and t, you can find the acceleration of the ball. It is equal to:

No measurements are made absolutely accurately. They are always produced with some error due to imperfection of measuring instruments and other reasons. But even in the presence of errors, there are several ways to make reliable measurements. The simplest of them is calculating the arithmetic mean from the results of several independent measurements of the same quantity, if the experimental conditions do not change. This is what we propose to do in this work.

Measuring tools: 1) measuring tape; 2) metronome.

Materials: 1) gutter; 2) ball; 3) tripod with couplings and foot; 4) metal cylinder.

Work order

1. Strengthen the gutter using a tripod in an inclined position at a slight angle to the horizontal (Fig. 175). At the bottom end of the gutter, place a metal cylinder in it.

2. Having released the ball (simultaneously with the metronome strike) from the upper end of the groove, count the number of metronome strikes before the ball collides with the cylinder. It is convenient to carry out the experiment at 120 beats of the metronome per minute.

3. By changing the angle of inclination of the chute to the horizon and making small movements of the metal cylinder, ensure that between the moment the ball is launched and the moment it collides with the cylinder there are 4 metronome beats (3 intervals between beats).

4. Calculate the time the ball moves.

5. Using a measuring tape, determine the length of movement s of the ball. Without changing the inclination of the trough (the experimental conditions must remain unchanged), repeat the experiment five times, again ensuring that the fourth beat of the metronome coincides with the impact of the ball on the metal cylinder (the cylinder can be moved a little for this).

6. According to the formula

Find the average value of the displacement modulus, and then calculate the average value of the acceleration modulus:

7. Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table:

Experience number

In rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

Where S is the path traveled by the body, t is the time it takes to travel the path. Measuring instruments: measuring tape (ruler), metronome (stopwatch).

The laboratory setup and procedure for performing the work are described in detail in the textbook.

Average value


Calculation of errors

Accuracy of instruments: Measuring tape:


Let's calculate the absolute errors:

Let's calculate the relative error:

Absolute error of indirect measurement:

The acceleration found as a result of the work can be written as follows:

But given this absolute error The last digit in the ACP value has no meaning, so we’ll write it like this.