How to give yourself an injection in the thigh. How to properly inject yourself

The term “Dysbacteriosis” comes from the Greek “dys”, which means “negation” and the words “bacteria”, “bacteria or microorganism”. Intestinal dysbiosis is a quantitative and qualitative disturbance of the normal intestinal flora. The human intestine is populated by bacteria, about 2/3 of the contents of the large and small intestines are represented by microorganisms. A certain quantity and quality of such microorganisms constitute the normal intestinal microflora. Normal intestinal flora is a biomass of obligate (obligatory) microbes involved in the development of immunity. With intestinal dysbacteriosis, there is a disruption in the development of immunity, the colonization of foreign microorganisms, and the development of putrefactive flora instead of the normal one. As a result, putrefactive flora causes chronic inflammation of the intestines, with characteristic clinical manifestations. An imbalance between microorganisms is the background for the development of various intestinal diseases (the most dangerous, intestinal cancer).

Anatomy and physiology of the intestine

In order to understand in which anatomical structures dysbiosis occurs, let’s talk a little about the anatomy of the intestine.

The intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract, located in the abdominal cavity, originating from the pylorus of the stomach and ending in the anus. The length of the entire intestine is about 4 meters. It is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine, each of which has its own anatomical features.

  1. Small intestine, is the initial section of the intestine, consists of loops, longer than the thick one (from 2.2 to 4.4 m) and smaller in diameter (from 5 to 3 cm). The processes of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates take place in it. The small intestine begins at the pylorus of the stomach and ends at the ileocecal angle. The small intestine is divided into 3 sections:
  • The initial section is the duodenum, starts from the pylorus of the stomach, has the shape of a horseshoe, goes around the pancreas;
  • The jejunum is a continuation of the duodenum, it makes up approximately the initial 6-7 loops of the small intestine, the border between them is not pronounced;
  • The ileum is a continuation of the jejunum and is represented by the following 7-8 loops. It ends at a right angle into the initial part of the large intestine (cecum).
  1. Colon, is the final section of the digestive tract, where water is absorbed and formed feces are formed. It is located so that it borders (surrounds) the loops of the small intestine. Its wall forms protrusions (haustra), which is one of the differences from the wall small intestine. The length of the large intestine is about 150 cm and the diameter is from 8 to 4 cm, depending on the section. The large intestine consists of the following sections:
  • The cecum with the appendicular process is the initial section of the large intestine, located below the ileocecal angle, its length is from 3 to 8 cm;
  • The ascending part of the colon, is a continuation of the cecum, occupies the extreme right lateral position of the abdominal cavity, rises upward from the level of the ilium to the level bottom edge the right lobe of the liver, and ends with the right flexure of the colon;
  • The transverse colon starts from the right flexure of the colon (level of the right hypochondrium), passes in the transverse direction and ends with the left flexure of the colon (level of the left hypochondrium);
  • The descending part of the colon occupies the extreme left lateral position of the abdominal cavity. Starts from the left flexure of the colon, goes down to the level of the left ilium;
  • The sigmoid colon, 55 cm long, is a continuation of the previous section of the intestine, and at the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra it passes into the next section (rectum). The diameter of the sigmoid colon, compared with the diameter of the rest of the large intestine, is the smallest, about 4 cm;
  • The rectum, is the final section of the large intestine, has a length of about 18 cm. It starts from the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra (end of the sigmoid colon) and ends with the anus.

What is normal intestinal flora?

The human intestine contains microbes that are vital for human body. The approximate amount of normal intestinal flora is about 10 14 microbes, which corresponds to 2 kilograms and includes about 500 species of bacteria. The concentration of microbes in different parts of the intestine is not the same: in the duodenum and jejunum there are about 10 5 microorganisms in 1 ml of intestinal contents, in the ileum about 10 7 - 10 8, in the large intestine about 10 11 microorganisms in 1 g of feces.
Normally, the intestinal flora is represented by 2 groups of bacteria:

  • Obligatory bacteria bifidobacteria (comprise about 85-95% of the flora), lactobacilli (1-5% of the flora), Escherichia coli (Escherichia), enterococci, peptostreptococci) are always part of the normal flora;
  • Facultative bacteria (peptococci, staphylococci, yeast-like fungi, clostridia and others), they are optional and non-permanent representatives. They enter the intestines with insufficiently thermally processed food. This group of bacteria is often present in healthy people without causing any problems, but when immunity decreases, they multiply and develop various infectious intestinal diseases.

Normal composition of bacteria in the intestines

  • bifidobacteria – 10 9 - 10 10 CFU/g;
  • lactobacilli – 10 7 – 10 8 CFU/g;
  • bacteroids – 10 7 – 10 9 CFU/g;
  • Escherichia – 10 6 – 10 8 CFU/g;
  • peptococci and peptostreptococci – 10 5 – 10 6 CFU/g;
  • eubacteria – 10 3 – 10 5 CFU/g;
  • staphylococci - 10 3 CFU/g;
  • streptococci – 10 4 – 10 5 CFU/g;
  • clostridia – 10 5 – 10 7 CFU/g;
  • yeast-like mushrooms – 10 9 – 10 10 CFU/g;
  • opportunistic enterobacteria - 10 3 CFU/g.

Functions of normal intestinal microflora

  1. Protective function is to prevent the colonization of foreign microorganisms in the intestines, which can cause various infectious intestinal diseases. Microbes (bifidobacteria) of the normal intestinal flora produce special substances (lactic and acetic acid), which suppress the development of foreign microbes. In order to gain a foothold foreign bacteria on the intestinal mucosa, they need to displace the normal flora, but the latter interfere with this process, since the place is already “occupied”.
  2. Immune stimulation, due to bifidobacteria, is to stimulate the formation of antibodies and other substances (cytokines, interferons) involved in the development of immunity.
  3. Removal of toxins (detoxification function), consists in the absorption of various toxins (phenols, heavy metal compounds and others) by bifidobacteria of the intestinal flora.
  4. Digestive function, bacteria of the intestinal flora are involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, into amino acids, fatty acids and monosaccharides. They also enhance intestinal motility, preventing the development of constipation.
  5. synthesis function, Bacteria of normal intestinal flora are involved in the formation of vitamins (B, K, C), some acids, and enzymes.
  6. Regulatory function those. flora bacteria regulate gas composition intestines, water-salt metabolism, cholesterol and others.
  7. Anticarcinogenic (anticancer) effect, consists in the absorption of cancer cell precursors by bifidobacteria.
  8. Antiallergic effect, occurs with the help of lactobacilli.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

The 1st degree and most often the 2nd degree of intestinal dysbiosis do not manifest themselves clinically.
Symptoms characteristic of 3rd and 4th degree intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. Abnormal stool:
  • Most often it manifests itself in the form of loose stools (diarrhea), which develops as a result of increased formation of bile acids and increased intestinal motility, inhibiting the absorption of water. Later, the stool becomes unpleasant, putrid odor, mixed with blood or mucus;
  • With age-related (in older people) dysbiosis, constipation most often develops, which is caused by a decrease in intestinal motility (due to a lack of normal flora).
  1. Bloating, due to increased formation of gases in the large intestine. The accumulation of gases develops as a result of impaired absorption and excretion of gases by the altered intestinal wall. A swollen intestine may be accompanied by rumbling and cause unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity in the form of pain.
  2. Cramping pain associated with an increase in pressure in the intestines, after the passage of gas or stool, it decreases. With dysbiosis of the small intestine, pain occurs around the navel; if the large intestine suffers, the pain is localized in the ileal region ( Bottom part abdomen on the right);
  3. Dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite are the result of impaired digestion;
  4. Allergic reactions, in the form of itchy skin and rashes, develop after consuming foods that usually do not cause allergies, is the result of insufficient antiallergic action, disturbed intestinal flora.
  5. Symptoms of intoxication: there may be a slight increase in temperature up to 38 0 C, headaches, general fatigue, sleep disturbance, are the result of the accumulation of metabolic products (metabolism) in the body;
  6. Symptoms characterizing vitamin deficiency: dry skin, seizures around the mouth, pale skin, stomatitis, changes in hair and nails and others.

Complications and consequences of intestinal dysbiosis

  • Chronic enterocolitis, is a chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines, developing as a result of prolonged action of pathogenic intestinal flora.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis of B vitamins and others. This group of complications develops as a result of impaired digestion and absorption in the intestines.
  • Sepsis(blood infection), develops as a result of pathogenic flora from the intestines entering the patient’s blood. Most often, this complication develops when the patient fails to seek treatment in a timely manner. medical care.
  • Peritonitis, develops as a result of the aggressive action of pathogenic flora on the intestinal wall, with the destruction of all its layers and the release of intestinal contents into abdominal cavity.
  • Addition of other diseases, as a result of decreased immunity.
  • Gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, develop as a result of the spread of pathogenic intestinal flora through the digestive tract.
  • Reducing the patient's weight, develops as a result of impaired digestion.

Diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis

The diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, an objective examination and the results of microbiological examination of stool.

  1. Using an objective examination, which includes palpation of the abdomen, pain is determined along the small and/or large intestine.
  2. Microbiological examination of stool: carried out to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis.

Indications for microbiological examination of stool:

  • Intestinal disorders last a long time, in cases where it is not possible to isolate a pathogenic microorganism;
  • A long period recovery after acute intestinal infections;
  • The presence of purulent-inflammatory foci that are not amenable to antibiotic therapy;
  • Impaired bowel function in individuals undergoing radiotherapy or exposure to radiation;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions (AIDS, cancer and others);
  • Lag infant V physical development and others.

Rules for collecting stool for microbiological research: before collecting stool, 3 days before, it is necessary to be on a special diet, which excludes products that increase fermentation in the intestines (alcohol, lactic acid products), as well as any antibacterial drugs. The feces are collected in a special sterile container equipped with a lid and a screwed-in spoon. To correctly evaluate the results, it is recommended to conduct the study 2-3 times, with an interval of 1-2 days.

Degrees of intestinal dysbiosis
There are 4 degrees of intestinal dysbacteriosis:

  • 1st degree: characterized by a quantitative change in ischerichia in the intestine, bifidoflora and lactoflora are not changed, most often not clinically manifested;
  • 2nd degree: quantitative and qualitative changes ischerichia, i.e. a decrease in the amount of bifid flora and an increase in opportunistic bacteria (fungi and others), accompanied by local inflammation of intestinal areas;
  • 3rd degree: change (decrease) in bifido and lactoflora and development of opportunistic flora, accompanied by intestinal dysfunction;
  • 4th degree: the absence of bifid flora, a sharp decrease in lacto flora and the growth of opportunistic flora, can lead to destructive changes in the intestine, with the subsequent development of sepsis.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Drug treatment

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis is carried out with the help of drugs that restore normal intestinal flora and correct other disorders in the body (using enzymes, sorbents, vitamins). The dosage, duration of treatment and group of drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the degree of dysbacteriosis. Below are the dosages of drugs for adults; for children, the dosage depends on the weight and age of the child.
Groups of drugs used for intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. Prebiotics- have a bifidogenic property, i.e. contribute to the stimulation and growth and reproduction of microbes that are part of the normal intestinal flora. Representatives of this group include: Hilak-forte, Duphalac. Hilak-forte is prescribed 40-60 drops 3 times a day.
  2. Probiotics (eubiotics), these are preparations containing living microorganisms (i.e. bacteria of normal intestinal flora), they are used to treat grade 2-4 dysbiosis.
  • 1st generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Lifepack probiotics. They are liquid concentrates of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and are not stored for long (about 3 months). This group of drugs is unstable under the influence of gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to their rapid destruction and the intake of insufficient concentrations, main drawback 1st generation probiotics. Bifidumbacterin is prescribed orally, 5 doses of the drug 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals;
  • 2nd generation drugs: Bactisubtil, Flonivin, Enterol. They contain spores of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, which in the patient’s intestines secrete enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, stimulate the growth of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, and also suppress the growth of putrefactive flora. Subtil is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals;
  • 3rd generation drugs: Bifikol, Linex. They consist of several types of bacteria from the normal intestinal flora, and therefore are highly effective compared to the previous 2 generations of probiotics. Linex is prescribed 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • 4th generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin forte, Biosorb-Bifidum. This group of drugs consists of bacteria of normal intestinal flora in combination with an enterosorbent (with activated carbon or others). Enterosorbent is necessary to protect microorganisms when passing through the stomach, it actively protects them from inactivation by gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. Bifidumbacterin forte is prescribed 5 doses 2-3 times a day, before meals.
  1. Symbiotics(Bifidobac, Maltodophilus) , are combined preparations (prebiotic + probiotic), i.e. simultaneously stimulate the growth of normal flora and replace the missing number of microbes in the intestines. Bifidobac is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, with meals.
  2. Antibacterial drugs, are used for the 4th degree of intestinal dysbiosis, to destroy pathogenic flora. The most commonly used antibiotics are: tetracyclines (Doxycycline), cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone), penicillins (Ampiox), nitroimidazoles: Metronidazole, prescribed 500 mg 3 times a day, after meals.
  3. Antifungal drugs(Levorin) , are prescribed if there are yeast-like fungi such as Candida in the stool. Levorin is prescribed 500 thousand units 2-4 times a day.
  4. Enzymes, are prescribed in case of severe digestive disorders. Mezim tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day, before meals.
  5. Sorbents, are prescribed for severe signs of intoxication. Activated carbon is prescribed 5-7 tablets at a time, for 5 days.
  6. Multivitamins: Duovit, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Diet for intestinal dysbiosis

Diet therapy is an important point in the correction of intestinal flora. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, it is first necessary to avoid the use of alcoholic drinks, spicy, fatty foods, smoked foods and products that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines: sweets (cakes, candies, and others), homemade pickles, sauerkraut. Secondly, you need to eat fractionally, at least 4 times a day. Try not to drink water while eating, because it dilutes the gastric juice and the food is not digested enough. Eliminate from the diet foods that increase flatulence (gas formation) and intestinal motility: legumes (beans, peas, soy and others), bran bread, carbonated drinks. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet through boiled or stewed meat (lean). Try not to eat fresh bread; dry it a little before eating.

Try to cook all food with herbs (parsley, dill and others), as it enhances the effect of normal intestinal flora against pathogenic ones. Products that enhance the restoration of intestinal microflora include: wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, fresh vegetables or salads, non-acidic fruits. Indispensable products for restoring normal intestinal microflora are all lactic acid products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and others. You can also use special products that are enriched with biocultures: yoghurts, biokefirs and others. Applesauce has excellent prebiotic properties, and it also has an astringent effect and is recommended for diarrhea. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir.

Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis

In the first place in the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis is the correct use of antibiotics, which are one of the main causes of disruption of the normal flora. Antibiotics should be used strictly according to indications, after the results of a bacteriological examination with an antibiogram. In order to select the dose of an antibiotic for a particular patient, the attending physician must take into account the age and weight of the patient. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate by taking antibiotics for minor illnesses (for example, a runny nose). In cases where you have been prescribed long-term antibiotic therapy, you must take them in parallel with prebiotics, with periodic monitoring of the state of the intestinal flora (microbiological examination of stool).
In second place for the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis is a balanced diet and a rational regimen.

In third place are all acute and chronic diseases that lead to intestinal dysbiosis, primarily diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. General strengthening therapy for patients with chronic diseases. Timely treatment of such diseases can reduce the number of patients with intestinal dysbiosis.

Persons who are exposed to occupational hazards (radiation) should include fermented milk products in their diet.

Is there any intestinal dysbiosis at all? Does such a disease exist?

Officially, such a diagnosis does not exist. Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but always a consequence of some other diseases. A change in the composition of the intestinal microflora in itself is not the main problem. Usually, once the underlying disease is cured, dysbiosis goes away on its own. If the symptoms continue to bother you, the person is not fully treated. In such a situation, it is pointless to continue the fight against dysbiosis - you need to look for the root cause.
Western doctors never give this diagnosis to their patients. IN Russian healthcare Dysbacteriosis is mentioned in the document entitled “Standards (protocols) for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system,” approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 125 dated April 17, 1998. But even here it does not appear as an independent disease, but only in connection with other intestinal diseases .
Surely, when you took a blood test, you heard terms such as “increased leukocytosis”, “increased ESR”, “anemia”. Dysbacteriosis is something similar. This is a microbiological concept, one of the manifestations of the disease, but not the disease itself.

How is intestinal dysbiosis designated in the ICD?

International Classification of Diseases(ICD) - a document that lists all possible diseases person, each assigned its own code. In the ICD there is no such concept as dysbiosis. A doctor who makes such a diagnosis for a patient finds himself in a difficult situation - after all, he must indicate the code in the medical documentation.
Most often, such doctors use two codes: .
Sometimes dysbiosis is a temporary condition, for example, in travelers, especially if they have poor personal hygiene. “Foreign” microflora enters the intestines, which a person does not encounter at home.

Which doctor treats intestinal dysbiosis?

Since dysbiosis is not an independent disease, it is necessary to look for the original cause, and then begin treatment with an appropriate specialist.
Most often, diseases that lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora should be treated by an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist. A number of diseases are treated by a general practitioner in adults and by a pediatrician in children.

What is the best treatment for intestinal dysbiosis?

Since such a diagnosis does not exist, “treatment of dysbiosis” is a meaningless term, in principle.
Although, relevant recommendations still exist - they are specified in the OST 91500.11.0004-2003 standard. It was put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2003 N 231. This document proposes to treat dysbacteriosis with the help prebiotics And eubiotics, antibacterial And antifungal drugs.
But the effectiveness of these drugs against dysbiosis has not been proven. In the same OST there is the following phrase: “the degree of persuasiveness of evidence is C.” This means that there is not enough evidence. There is no evidence on which to recommend treatment of dysbiosis with these drugs.
Here it is once again appropriate to remember that doctors who work in clinics outside the CIS never give such a diagnosis to their patients, much less prescribe treatment against dysbiosis.

Is there a connection between intestinal dysbiosis and thrush?

Thrush, or candidiasis- a disease that is caused yeast-like fungi sort of Candida.
The infection can develop in any organ. In this regard, candidiasis of the skin and nails, oral mucosa (this form is called thrush), intestines, and genitals is isolated. The most severe form of the disease is generalized candidiasis, or candidal sepsis when the fungus infects the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs.
Candida – fungi opportunistic. They are not always capable of causing infection, but only under certain conditions. One of these conditions is decreased immunity. Thrush may well be combined with intestinal damage, which leads to dysbiosis. There is, in fact, a connection between these two conditions.
IN in this case The same reasons lead to the development of thrush and intestinal dysbiosis - decreased immunity and fungal infection. They need to be treated.

Is it possible to use folk remedies to treat intestinal dysbiosis?

Traditional medicine, if proven remedies are used correctly, can improve the condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. But it can only be used as a supplement to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Due to the fact that the topic is inflated and very popular, “remedies against dysbacteriosis” are offered by all kinds of traditional healers, healers, manufacturers of dietary supplements, and MLM companies. Food producers did not stand aside either.
As already mentioned above, dysbiosis as a disease does not exist, it does not have its own specific symptoms, and it cannot be cured without eliminating the root cause. Therefore, first of all, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination, establish the correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

What can a dysbacteriosis test show?

Most reputable doctors and scientists deeply doubt the informativeness of microbiological analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis. That's it certain reasons:

  • The concept of “normal microflora” is very vague. Nobody knows the exact standards. Therefore, if you force anyone healthy person get tested, many will have dysbacteriosis “revealed.”
  • The content of bacteria in feces differs from their content in the intestines.
  • While the stool is delivered to the laboratory, the composition of the bacteria present in it may change. Especially if it is collected incorrectly, in a non-sterile container.
  • The composition of microflora in the human intestine can vary depending on different conditions. Even if we take the analysis in different time in the same healthy person, the results can vary greatly.

With dysbacteriosis, a change in the quantity and composition of the intestinal microflora is observed, and the number of microbes necessary for digestion decreases, while pathogenic microorganisms are very actively growing and multiplying. For this disease, the correct treatment is to use agents that increase the volume of friendly microorganisms. For this purpose, special preparations have been created that restore the intestinal microflora, they are called probiotics.

All these drugs are divided into four categories - these are four generations.

Categories of drugs for the intestines

  • The first generation is a classic monocomponent product that contains only one strain of bacteria. These include: lactobacterin, colibacterin.
  • Second generation - self-eliminating antagonists: biosporin, bactisubtil, sporobacterin, etc.
  • The third generation is combined, multicomponent drugs, that is, containing several strains of bacteria. They also include additives that enhance the effect of bacteria. This group includes: linex, acipol, bifi-form, acylact, bifiliz.
  • The fourth generation is live bacteria immobilized on a sorbent, representatives of normal flora. This group includes sorbed bifid-containing probiotics: probifor and bifidumbacterin forte.

Common drugs for restoring intestinal microflora

The drug is a probiotic that contains specially prepared colonies of microorganisms. One sachet of the drug contains at least 500 million microorganisms, as well as 0.85 grams of lactose.

How to restore the intestinal microflora with this drug?

Bifidobacteria present in the drug suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms that are in the intestines during the period of dysbacteriosis. Also, the number of bifidobacteria increases due to lactose, which is food for friendly microbes. Bifidumbacterin is used to change the bacterial flora of the intestine, for chronic diarrhea and for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The drug is also used for retarded growth and development of young children. As an additional remedy, the drug is used for various diseases acute and chronic (escherichiosis, dysentery, salmonellosis, rotavirosis). There is evidence that the drug is effective for allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma in young children.

A probiotic that is on the list of the most used drugs in the world. Linex contains three types of microorganisms - bacteria that inhabit the intestines of any healthy person, and the number of which is at least twelve million. When they reach the intestines, microorganisms correct the microflora and cure dysbacteriosis. Microorganisms themselves produce vitamins B, E, K, C, as well as folic acid. In addition, microorganisms reduce the acidity of the body by assimilating carbohydrates from the human diet, thereby creating unfavourable conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic microbes, and the absorption of vitamin D, iron and calcium occurs better. The drug also promotes food processing, which is important when introducing complementary foods and feeding children under three years of age, when the body cannot yet produce all the necessary enzymes. This bowel medicine is used for various types dysbiosis - both with dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics and with vaginal candidiasis.

A probiotic containing spores of microorganisms that are found in a healthy human intestine. The spores are not sensitive to the stomach environment and, over time, when they enter the intestines, they develop into the form of adult microorganisms. The use of this drug for the intestines corrects the bacterial balance in the intestines, activates the production and receipt by the body of vitamins B and PP. Bactisubtil is used for dysbacteriosis that appears after taking antibiotics, radiation or chemotherapy, as well as for acute or long-term intestinal diseases (for example, colitis, entercolitis), for nutritional allergies, diarrhea of ​​various types and atopic dermatitis.

Many body functions depend on the quality of the intestines. Any deviation in condition can lead to serious pathological processes in the absence of proper treatment. An important role is played by intestinal microflora, which consists of bacteria beneficial to the body. They help digestion and protect the body. Therefore, with the development of dysbiosis, many are interested in how to restore the intestinal microflora, but before finding out about this, it is recommended to find out the causes and symptoms characteristic of this process.

Causes of imbalance

A violation of the intestinal microflora cannot appear without affecting the body. Therefore, attention should be paid to the presence of predisposing factors. The reasons for the development of dysbiosis are considered:

  • Taking medications;
  • Malnutrition, frequent consumption of unbalanced, freeze-dried foods, lack of a recommended regimen;
  • Low level of immune defense, especially if a person suffers an infectious pathology;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Absence active image life, work in a sitting position;
  • Intoxication;
  • Abuse bad habits, for example, smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Development of gastritis, ulcers, and other pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Surgical interventions.

The reasons for the occurrence of pathogenic flora, most often, gradually affect the intestines. Sudden changes can happen extremely rarely, for example, when taking antibiotics.

Symptoms of disorders

To make sure that there are reasons for concern, 2-3 signs are enough. Therefore, if they are detected, it is not recommended to delay treatment. Violation of intestinal microflora manifests itself:

  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Heartburn;
  • Bloating;
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • Partial or complete loss of appetite;
  • Changes in the condition of the skin are not better side, the skin becomes covered with acne and acquires a grayish tint;
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor from oral cavity, which does not depend on the condition of the teeth;
  • Low level of immune protection;
  • Frequent colds or flu;
  • Failure of any organ if dysbiosis is in an advanced stage.

At the first stage of the disease there are no serious signs of the development of malaise. The second stage is characterized by the manifestation of diarrhea or constipation. At the third stage, it is difficult to cure dysbiosis, since bacteria can enter the bloodstream and completely infect the human body. The combination of several symptoms is a reason to contact a doctor for treatment recommendations.

Diagnostic methods

Only a doctor can diagnose dysbiosis. Therefore, you should not thoughtlessly start taking products to restore microflora. The doctor will collect information about the symptoms, their duration, and degree of manifestation. He will perform palpation in order to initially exclude concomitant diseases, after which he will prescribe a series of tests. Be sure to carry out blood tests for general biochemical analysis, feces, to determine the possible cause and extent of the disease. If necessary, an endoscopy is performed, in which a smear is taken from the intestinal walls to determine the bacteria. Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, fluoroscopy, irrigoscopy or gastroscopy procedures are less commonly prescribed as informative ways to assess the condition of the intestine.

These measures are necessary, because without knowing which bacterium has infected the intestines, it will not be possible to find effective treatment. It is important to remember that any negative manifestation diseases must be stopped before they occur serious complications, for example, intoxication of the body.

Recovery methods

It will take a certain period of time to restore the intestinal microflora; in mild cases, 3 weeks remain; in severe circumstances, it may take several months until complete recovery. To improve bowel function you will need individual approach. Medicines are prescribed in accordance with the symptoms of the pathological process and the cause of its development. Without identifying the cause of the disease, it will not be possible to select an effective treatment method; because of this, the therapy will be incomplete.

You will need to go through a series of treatment measures. First of all, they consist in eliminating emerging pathogenic microorganisms. After this, you need to restore the intestinal flora in order to normalize the processes of food digestion and absorption of beneficial elements from food. The final stages of therapy are agents that restore intestinal motility, medicinal components that will stimulate intestinal reactivity.

Most often, three types of medications are prescribed to restore intestinal microflora. These agents are prebiotics, probiotics, symbiotics. The main difference between probiotics and other medications is that they contain live bacteria that are capable of functioning in the intestines. In this case, probiotics are divided into monocomponent (Vitafor, Probifor, etc.) and multicomponent types (Bifiform, Linex, etc.)

Prebiotics (Lactusan, Duphalac) are characterized by helping the body produce its necessary bacteria. Symbiotics (Bifidubakterin multi, Hilak Forte) are considered a complex remedy. They combine the qualities of probiotics and prebiotics, which allows them to effectively influence the body.

It is important to remember that there are degrees of dysbiosis at which the help of probiotics will be useless. It is not recommended to combine monocomponent types of probiotics with therapeutic measures when using antibacterial drugs. The use of such drugs has certain age restrictions.

Prebiotics, on the contrary, have positive qualities; for example, they are used in combination with antibacterial therapy and are allowed to be taken by children. In addition to medicines, herbal medicine, diet therapy and preventive measures.

Many people are interested in how to restore intestinal microflora folk remedies. There is no definite answer, since traditional medicine is aimed at getting rid of the unpleasant manifestations of pathology. Traditional medicine recipes are not able to completely influence the very cause of the disease. When using traditional medicine recipes, it is important to remember that restoring the intestinal microflora using folk remedies is permissible only after receiving recommendations from a doctor. Therefore, funds should be selected carefully, taking into account all individual characteristics, possible allergic reactions to the components.


Among the herbs that restore microflora, the collection of lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile, and flax is widely known. Mix 2 tablespoons of herbs, then add a spoonful of the mixture to half a liter of boiling water. Daily norm is half a glass before each meal. This product has an analgesic effect and helps to accelerate the restoration of flora.

A decoction is prepared from burnet root to restore intestinal microflora and digestive functions. You should take 300 grams of crushed fodder, pour a glass of boiling water, and then simmer over low heat for no more than ten minutes. The course of therapy with this remedy is a month, take a spoonful every couple of hours.

It is believed that wild garlic and garlic have a lot of beneficial properties. Many people recommend taking them as medicine. The easiest way is to eat a couple of cloves of garlic every day. You can prepare a remedy for dysbiosis. For example, for a liter of flax (olive) oil you will need to take 5 medium heads of garlic. Chop the garlic, mix with oil, leave to infuse for about three days, then take the medicine on an empty stomach every morning.

Product for children

Children, adults or elderly people are allowed to take this medicine. It has high efficiency, while having a pleasant taste. To do this, mix dried apricots, honey and prunes in approximately equal proportions. It is better to grind dried fruits to a puree state. You need to eat it in a spoon before your first meal in the morning or after your last meal at night.

Cabbage brine

Half a glass of cabbage brine before eating will help restore the intestinal microflora faster. It is important to remember that this remedy has contraindications, especially in the presence of pathologies of the stomach or intestines.

Oat porridge has an enveloping property, which prevents food particles from injuring the intestines. It is better to use porridge that requires cooking, as it has more beneficial properties. You are allowed to add honey or dried fruits.


Braga or mash is used to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria. To prepare it, you will need to use a liter of water, stir 20 grams of honey and sugar in it, and then add half a spoonful of yeast. Let it brew for about an hour, then drink 2 glasses at once. It is advisable to take the first dose in the morning, so that the other 2 doses are taken in the afternoon and evening.

It will not be possible to treat dysbiosis without following a diet. Therefore, it should be taken into account certain rules food and drink. First of all, you should divide your food intake into 4-6 times per day. It is better to avoid heavy loads on the intestines during this period, so eating at night is prohibited. It is not recommended to wash down meals with water or drinks for half an hour. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily. For children, this norm is calculated separately.

You will need to give up at least temporarily:

  • Fried, salted, pickled, spicy, smoked;
  • Sweet, rich, spicy;
  • Fat meat;
  • Strong drinks, especially those containing alcohol;
  • Soda;
  • Confectionery, freeze-dried food.

Should be used:

  • Dairy, fermented milk products;
  • Porridge;
  • Soups with light broth;
  • Turmeric, coriander, onion, garlic, wild garlic;
  • Steamed lean meat;
  • Compotes, jelly;
  • Fruits, vegetables, fresh or cooked;
  • Cumin, dill, flaxseeds.

The diet will not only make it easier for the damaged intestines to work, but will also speed up the healing process and will be beneficial to the entire body. Therefore, you should not avoid it; after a while you can return to your usual way of eating.

To improve your health, it is recommended to follow all doctor’s instructions. You should not eat on the run and eat food that is considered harmful, at least reduce its consumption. Normalize your rhythm of life and the risk of intestinal problems will significantly decrease.

The human body is inhabited by many tiny “tenants”. Collectively this the whole system with its irreplaceable functions. It weighs about 2 kg. Consists of 10 14 cells, which is tens of times the number structural elements the owner himself.

The favorite habitat of microorganisms is the intestines. Useful types help in the breakdown and absorption of food, in maintaining biochemical balance. Pathogenic bacteria they are not interfered with, but only for the time being. Various factors this “idyll” can be disturbed. Read on to find out how to restore it.

Who lives in the intestines

According to scientists, more than 500 species of tiny living creatures live in the lower parts of the digestive canal. Taken together, this is a fragile system of relationships between the human body and its symbionts, which can easily be disrupted in a few days. But it can take months or even years to restore healthy microflora.

It is formed by anaerobes (organisms living in conditions of oxygen deficiency or its complete absence). About 95% of them are populations of clostridia, peptostreptococci, veillonella, lactobacilli, bacteroides and bifidobacteria.

Among the aerobes in the large intestine live:

  • Lactose-negative enterobacteria, represented by serrations, citrobacters, and proteas.
  • Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, recognized as opportunistic pathogens.
  • Staphylococci. Come from environment. Restore nitrogen compounds.
  • Enterococci. Carry out fermentation processes.
  • Escherichia coli. Breaks down lactose, produces vitamin K and B groups, inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, stimulates the formation of antibodies.

The inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract are divided into obligate and opportunistic (facultative) parts.

The most significant representatives the first group are:

  • Bifidobacteria that form the luminal and parietal flora of the large intestine. They dominate the microbial landscape in infants who are fortunate enough to be breastfed.
  • Lactobacilli are responsible for the pH of the environment. They suppress the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. The waste product of lactobacilli is lactic acid.

How microflora is formed

The intestinal microflora can be quickly restored by simultaneous intake of pro- and prebiotics. The former are prescribed for preventive purposes after prolonged therapy with antibacterial compounds. The doctor determines the treatment regimen for dysbiosis and its duration on an individual basis. The choice of medications often falls on tablets dosage forms. We present the most popular and sought-after drugs for restoring microflora:

The list begins with a multicomponent medicine containing enterococci, lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as prebiotics, without which their reproduction is impossible. Indicated for both adults and children. Doctors believe that this is the most effective remedy that can improve intestinal microflora. Price: 200-500 rub.


A cheap drug that is particularly effective and safe. Used in the treatment of dysbiosis in children and pregnant women. The basis of the drug consists of acidophilic lactobacilli. Packaging costs from 170 rubles.


Inexpensive product (RUB 120). Available in the form of capsules with lactobacilli. Does not combine with antibiotics. Contraindicated for candidiasis and individual sensitivity.

Bifidumbacterin Forte

It is even prescribed for infants. Contains appropriate microorganisms and lactose. The release form affects the cost of the medicine, which varies from 120 to 300 rubles.


A drug that ensures absorption, that is, the binding of toxins and the improvement of intestinal microflora due to activated carbon, populated by bifidobacteria. Compatible with antibiotic treatment. At the pharmacy it costs up to 250 rubles.

Capsules price 350 rub. per package, they deliver beneficial microorganisms to the intestines. Consist of lactic acid enterococci and bifidobacteria longum to stabilize the pH in the digestive canal.


A drug for restoring intestinal microflora. Available in powder form, it is used in the treatment of dysbiosis in the youngest patients. Increases immunity. Package price from 500 to 650 rubles.

Hilak Forte

Prebiotic, which is a mixture nutrients and beneficial microbes. It is especially effective in the treatment of elderly patients diagnosed with dystrophy of the digestive canal. Costs from 200 to 450 rubles.


The drug has 2 release forms: suspension and tablets, respectively, for small (from 3 years old) and adult patients. Can be taken for prophylaxis in parallel with antibiotics. Average price - 150 rub.

Despite the safety of the drugs, only a doctor prescribes treatment based on the condition and medical history of a particular patient.

By the way, experts believe that beneficial microorganisms contained in medications cannot improve the microflora. They are unable to reach the lower intestines because they cannot withstand the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid and bile. Unimpeded entry beneficial bacteria Only candles are provided to the destination.

Folk remedies

We offer popular recipes for dysbiosis that give positive and quick results.

Grind a mixture of honey, dried apricots and prunes and take 1 tbsp daily. l.

An excellent tool is a mash for which you will need:

  • warm water - 1 l;
  • sugar and honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 2 g.

Infusion time - 2 hours. It should be drunk in one gulp between meals. The incoming fermentation bacteria will quickly destroy harmful microbes.

  • Restoration of microflora is possible with the help of buckwheat or oatmeal, supplemented with sour apples or dried fruits.
  • Rose hips and cranberries strengthen the immune system.
  • Garlic, preferably whole, gets rid of pathogenic microbes.
  • Beets cleanse the walls of the digestive canal from waste and toxins and thereby save from dysbiosis.
  • You can use Antonovka puree. Take for several days.
  • Decoctions of mint and sage, which have antimicrobial properties, will have a certain effect.
  • If dysbiosis is accompanied by constipation, you will need aloe and senna to enhance intestinal motility. They should not be taken during pregnancy, so as not to provoke premature birth. After senna, pain in the abdominal area is possible.
  • In the evening, prepare a mixture of oatmeal, kefir and dried fruits, and in the morning eat a healthy and tasty breakfast that normalizes the balance of bacteria in the digestive canal.


If the problem cannot be solved using folk remedies, it remains the right way- nutritional correction using a special diet.

You can restore your intestines if:

  1. Include lactic acid products in the menu.
  2. Avoid alcohol, as well as pears, bread, cabbage and legumes.
  3. Maintain a balance of carbohydrates and proteins. The former provide energy, and the latter perform construction, protective and other functions.
  4. Fruits, prunes, beets and oatmeal, rich in fiber, will help prevent severe constipation.
  5. Follow your diet.

The diet should include foods high in oligo- and polysaccharides. Babies receive them from breast milk. Carbohydrates undergo enzymatic breakdown with the help of lacto- and bifidobacteria. Vegetables and cereals are rich in them, in particular:

  • oatmeal;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • garlic and onion.

From fruits:

  • berry crops;
  • pomegranate;
  • apricot;
  • banana.

The bifidogenic probiotic raffinose is present in peas and beans; burdock and dandelion roots, pear and chicory are rich in inulin. Fiber is also a polysaccharide; microorganisms feed on it. Dietary fiber has an antibacterial effect against pathogenic species. Their digestion is accompanied by the formation organic acids, improving the condition of the mucous membrane and promoting the absorption of calcium and magnesium ions.

For constipation

To move food quickly, you need foods that are high in fiber. Among them are apple or apricot puree, boiled eggplant, carrots, cauliflower and white cabbage. Bran has a good effect.

For diarrhea

A compote made from blueberries, a decoction of pomegranate or oak bark will solve the problem. Dishes for diarrhea should be warm and pureed.