Filter groups in contact. Keyword list filter

Very often there are situations when the administrations of communities in VKontakte are unable to keep track of all the comments on photos, videos and other posts. This is especially annoying when one of the users wrote an offensive or obscene comment and you would like to delete it. However, now it has become much easier to do this.

The VK administration introduced special function, which will be able to independently delete comments that you do not want. These can be either obscene words or others, keywords you specify, or even entire phrases. Thus, managing the community will become much easier. We will talk in more detail about such a function as the VKontakte comment filter today.

Mat tracking filter

If you are a community administrator on VK, you are most likely interested in this feature. After all, people don’t always write comments on the topic. So, how to activate this function. To do this, go to the community management section. In the first tab you will have two options available.

The first of them was created specifically for filtering obscene words. Here you don’t need to enter the words themselves directly: all possible swear words are already entered into the system, and if a match is found, the system will automatically delete it. It is worth noting that this dictionary was compiled by experienced philologists and linguists, as well as with the help personal experience VK workers.

However, some not particularly swear words like “bitch” or “ass” will not be removed. This category also includes encrypted swear words in which one or more letters are changed to another letter or symbol. Obscene words misspelled entries will also not be deleted. This system is capable of recognizing swear words in four languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian and Kazakh.

Keyword filter

The second option for filtering inappropriate language in your community is more personal. By selecting the second option in the community management section, you can independently enter words or phrases, separated by commas, that you do not want to see in your community.

Please note that it is very important to remember to put commas between phrases. If one of the phrases needs a comma due to spelling rules, then simply ignore it. For example, instead of the phrase “Come in if something happens,” you need to enter “Come in if something happens,” and the phrase “Come in if something happens” will be deleted. If you inadvertently enter this phrase with a comma, its parts will be deleted separately: “Come in” and “If anything.” So be extremely careful when entering prohibited words and phrases. By the way, if you are interested in all the new products from VK, be sure to check out our article about

Additional information about filters

To track deleted comments, there is a special “Activity Log” option that can be found in the community management section. It will appear as soon as you activate one of the filters. Here you can see all comments that were deleted by the system. Also here you can return comments if you see that they did not pass the filter by mistake.

As for the requirements for words and phrases included in filters, here's what to remember:

  • You can only use the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet to write words;
  • The word cannot be less than two characters;
  • Words in the filter are saved even when it is turned off;

Applies to: Forefront Protection for Exchange

Keyword filtering helps you identify unwanted e-mail messages by analyzing the contents of the message body as it is being delivered by the transport scan. (Keyword filtering is only available for transport scanning.) By creating keyword lists, you can filter messages based on a variety of words, phrases, and sentences.

For maximum flexibility, you can create your own lists of keywords for which to scan.

To create a new keyword list

    In the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console, click Policy Management, and then under the Filters section, click Filter Lists.

    In the Filters – Filter Lists pane, click the Create button.

    In the Select Filter Type dialog box, select Keyword and then click Next.

    In the Filter Details dialog box, specify the filter list name and filter details:

    1. In the Filter list name box, type a name for the new list.

      In the Filter criteria box, type a word or phrase to be included in the filter list, and then click Add. You can repeat this step in order to add multiple words or phrases, or you can add multiple words or phrases on the same line, separated by a comma. There is no limit to the amount of items that you can include in the list.

      You can edit items in a keyword filter list by double-clicking the item, editing the item, and then pressing ENTER. You can delete items from a keyword filter list by selecting the item and then clicking Remove. You can also import items into a keyword filter list (for more information, see Importing items into a filter list), including sample keyword lists (for more information, see Using example keyword lists), and export items from a keyword filter list (for more information, see Exporting items from a filter list). For more information about syntax rules, see About keyword filter list syntax rules.

      Indicate the Minimum unique keyword hits. This setting enables you to specify how many unique keywords must be matched for the action to be taken. The default is one (1). For example, you have set the minimum unique keyword hits value to 3. The word "wonderful", which is in the list, appears three times in the message. However, no other keyword in the list appears at all. The keyword filter has not been matched, because only one keyword in the list was matched when a minimum of three are required.

      Click Next.

    In the Target dialog box, configure how do you want the filter list to be applied to the Hub/Edge Transport Scan:

    1. To enable the filter list for use with the transport scan job, using the Enabled drop-down list, select Yes(this is the default).

      To configure the action that FPE should take when a keyword filter is matched, using the Action drop-down list, select Skip detect, Purge, Identify in subject line(the default), Identify in message header, or Identify in subject line and message header. For more information about these options, see Configuring the action when a filter is matched .

      To configure FPE to quarantine messages and attachments when the filter is matched, using the Quarantine files drop-down list, select Yes. Quarantining for filters is enabled by default. Enabling quarantining causes deleted attachments and purged messages to be stored, allowing you to recover them. However, worm-purged messages are not recoverable.

      To configure notifications when the filter is matched, using the Notifications drop-down list, you can select Never send notifications to prevent the sending of the Keyword filter matched notification, even if it is enabled. Otherwise, when Use notification settings is selected (this is the default), FPE uses the configured Keyword filter matched notification settings.

      You can perform keyword filtering on inbound, outbound, and internal mail by selecting their respective check boxes under Apply the filter list to these message types. By default, these settings are enabled.

      If you want to configure FPE to scan all inbound e-mail messages, ensure that the Inbound check box is selected. A message is designated as inbound if it originated from or relayed through an external server.

      If you want to configure FPE to scan all outbound e-mail messages, ensure that the Outbound check box is selected. A message is designated as outbound if at least one recipient has an external address.

      If you want to configure FPE to scan all internal e-mail messages, ensure that the Internal check box is selected. A message is designated as internal if it originates from inside your domain and all the recipients are located inside your domain.

      For more information about configuring internal and external (inbound) addresses in FPE, see Identifying external and internal addresses .

      You can globally configure all keyword filters for inbound and outbound mail; for more information, see Globally configuring keyword filter lists for inbound and outbound mail. All inbound and outbound filtering settings are enabled by default. If you disable the global inbound or outbound setting, then the specified message direction is disabled for all keyword filter lists. If the global setting is enabled, but you disable the inbound or outbound setting for the specific filter, then the message direction is disabled only for that filter list. This feature is useful because it enables you to target a specific message direction (the one that is not disabled) for testing purposes for individual filter lists.

      Click Create.

      The filter list you just created appears on the Filters – Filter Lists pane.

    Click Save.

For more information about viewing and managing this filter list and others, see Viewing and managing filter lists.

You can apply keyword filtering within hyperlinks by completing the following steps:

    Apply Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Hotfix Rollup 3. You can find information about Hotfix Rollup 3 at Description of Hotfix Rollup 3 for Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange.

    Create the SkipHtmlTags extended option. Set the extended option to false . To do this, access the Forefront Management Shell (click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Forefront Server Protection, and then click Forefront Management Shell) and issue the following command (case sensitive): new-fseextendedoption -name SkipHtmlTags -value false . For more information about using cmdlets for FPE, see

Good afternoon. Social network VKontakte continues to amaze. The main innovation last week became the appearance of the VKontakte obscenity filter. Now community administrators will be able to completely clear their groups and public pages of obscene language.

In order to activate the filter, you need to go to the VK community where you are an administrator or moderator. Then click on the “community management” or “page management” button to go to settings.

There you will be greeted by a pop-up notification about the innovation from the social network. networks:

“Comment filter

A tool has become available to VKontakte communities that allows you to automatically delete comments containing obscene language, as well as comments with specified keywords.”

Now you can either hide the notification or proceed to configure the filter.

Filter for obscene expressions and filter by keywords are enabled and configured on the first tab in the group or public settings – “INFORMATION”:

Find the line in the very middle of the page - “ age restrictions" Here you will be asked to set the approximate age of the participants who are the target audience of your community.

You can choose 3 options -

  • Up to 16 years old
  • 16 years and older
  • 18 years and older

The default value is “Under 16 years old”.

By clicking on the “more about restrictions” button, you can get detailed help. Bringing its contents here:

Please indicate the correct age restrictions according to existing system ratings. This will help your community be on the site without violating the User Agreement.

Up to 16 years old
The community may contain:
- episodic depiction/description of cruelty or violence (except sexual) without a naturalistic depiction of the process of violence and subject to expressions of compassion or condemnation;
- image/description that does not encourage antisocial actions;
- occasional mention (without demonstration) of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, provided that a negative attitude is expressed and an indication of the danger of their use;
- episodic non-naturalistic depiction/description of sexual relations between a man and a woman, with the exception of acts of a sexual nature.

16 years and older
The community may contain:
- repeated use swear words;
- mention (without demonstration) of drugs and other psychotropic substances;
- image/description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, illness, death without a naturalistic showing of their consequences;
- depiction/description of cruelty or violence (except sexual) without a naturalistic depiction of the process of taking life or causing injury;
- non-offensive erotica.

18 years and older
The community may contain:
- obscene language;
- naturalistic, detailed depiction/description of sexual relations, including acts of a sexual nature (pornography);
- image/description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, illness, death;
- depiction or description of cruelty or violence.

As you can see, the filters are quite tough. As soon as you set one of them, you can proceed to setting up the comment filter.

Check the box next to “Enable obscenity filter.” The obscene language filter detects obscene words and expressions and deletes comments on the community wall that contain them. I suspect that VKontakte has its own database of so-called “STOP WORDS” and it will only grow and be replenished in the future.

The filter is removed obscene language so far only in 4 languages ​​– Russian, English, Ukrainian and Kazakh.

As soon as you check the second box - “Enable keyword filter”, you will activate your own dictionary of obscene expressions, which you can add at your discretion. For the specified keywords there will be<удаляться комментарии на стене сообщества. Слова должны быть перечислены через запятую. Слово может содержать латиницу, кириллицу, цифры и пробел. Слово не должно быть короче двух символов.

You can also use this filter to get rid of specific spam that is specific to your community. Let's say someone spams you all the time with your website URL. Add it to your list of keywords and forget about the spammer once and for all.

Do not forget that many “foul-speakers” will try to resort to creative approaches to writing obscene words - using the Latin alphabet, replacing letters with numbers, etc. It is unlikely that such expressions are included in the general list of STOP WORDS, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to manually enter them into your own dictionary.

To control the filtering and deletion of comments, a new tab was introduced - “event log” (action log). As soon as you activate the filters, the magazine tab appears in the group or public settings.

This is something of a second level of moderation, where you can manually sort comments - delete them or restore those that fell under the “accidental” filter. You can also blacklist the author here.

All the functions described in the article are already working normally. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Thank you for your attention.