Miraak and Dovahkiin fanfiction. Dragonborn fight with Mirak and a lot of indecent words

After the protagonist reaches the Temple of Miraak, he will meet a girl named Freya, who is trying to reach the Nords from her village. After the conversation, Dovahkiin understands that Freya is trying to find out why so many on the island are becoming possessed and digging through some ruins.

Passing through the first corridor you can look into the neighboring rooms. There will be a lot of potions and some gold. Then further north until the hero reaches a room with a pressure plate that activates a trap. Along the way, Dovahkiin is attacked by two cultists, but they do not pose any particular danger. After dealing with them, the hero will go downstairs to the closed gate leading to the torture chamber. In order to open them, Dovahkiin just needs to pull the chain. Freya will notice something near the throne, but will consider that it will be impossible to get there. There will be a chest with loot. Then the draugr will begin to crawl out of their coffins, and then a couple of cultists will join them. However, for a well-pumped hero they do not pose a danger. Further, the Dovahkiin’s path lies down to the doors of the tomb, which open due to the handle to the left of the doors. The hero will encounter the same draugr and several traps, and after passing the “death room” Dovahkiin will find a small hall with bone bells, draugr and a cult adept.

The road ahead is quite narrow and leads to a bridge. There, the protagonist will encounter no less than six skeletons and draugr. You can also find a certain room in which there are spells from the school of alteration and witchcraft, as well as soul stones. Going down the stairs, Dovahkiin will discover the first Word of Power, the Incarnation of the Dragon. After the hero learns it, he will be attacked by draugr led by the gatekeeper. After the fight, but before moving on, you need to remove the key from the gatekeeper's corpse. There is a lever hidden in the dining room that opens a secret passage. Next you will come across a room with damaged books, and then a handle that opens the passage to the stairs. Ahead there will be a hall with a crowd of draugr and skeletons, and behind them a passage to the cherished goal.

After Dovahkiin reads the book, it will absorb him and transport him to Apocrypha, the plane of Hermaeus Mora. There, Dovahkiin will be met by none other than Miraak. After a slightly pretentious, but fortunately short monologue, he will order the Seekers to expel Dovahkiin. Before leaving Apocrypha, Miraak can be seen flying away on a dragon. After a little time, Dovahkiin will again find himself in the sanctuary, where a slightly agitated Freya will be waiting for him, who will ask the hero to go to her father and tell him about everything that happened. After this, the next quest, The Fate of the Skaal, will begin.

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Mirak,” Leah began, clinging to him in bed, “stop.” You know what's going on in Solstheim, right? People are suffering. - Do you think I will give up my goal because of this? - he grinned. - They will suffer now, but will do good for their future master. - Maybe we can get you out of here? No churches, no bloodshed. We’ll go to Skyrim together, we’ll live together and... “Shhh,” Mirak put his finger to her lips. - You started saying something a lot. She smiled back. Leah absolutely loves his slightly rough caresses. I like the kisses on the neck and how possessively he presses her to him. Miraak gets excited when she digs her nails into his back, when she looks at him with a look full of desire and passion. The bedroom was again filled with moans and hot sighs, those moments came again when both lovers drowned in pleasure, ceased to realize that there was something else besides “here and now.” Miraak, breathing deeply and steadily, looked at Leah again and, foreshadowing that she was about to say something, kissed her on the lips. He wanted silence at that moment, he wanted to get rid of the thoughts that had occupied his head for so many years. Realizing this, Leah smiled again and, clinging to him tighter, fell asleep.

Where did you get these scars? - The dragons have left their mark. However, I was still lucky. - This happened when you were already their priest? - No. Before. I was a teenager then. - Because of which? What have you done wrong to the dragons? - Not only me. All my family. But it's not that important. That day I was the only survivor. - Sorry... I didn't mean to. - Do not apologize. Too many years have passed, almost everything has been erased and forgotten. - No, it doesn’t matter. I shouldn't have gotten into your past. - I'm telling you, don't apologize. And now I want to teach you those Shouts that I know myself.

Dovahkiin could not stay in Apocrypha for too long. Before she left for the real world, they talked with Miraak about all the possibilities to get him out of captivity. Leah arrogantly suggested that the two of them, together with three dragons, go against Hermaeus Mora, which made the Dragon Priest laugh a lot. He immediately rejected this option, saying that “we need to come up with something more cunning.” True, so far he could not even imagine what they would do. Returning to Solstheim, Leah found herself lying on her bed, wrapped in a blanket, with Freya sitting next to her. The warrior seemed upset about something, but when she saw that her friend had opened her eyes, she brightened noticeably. - Finally! We thought you were about to die. “Thankfully, everything is fine,” she sighed with relief. -You still haven’t overthrown Miraak? Everything is the same, no changes... What happened there? “Freya,” the Dragonborn said dully, hesitating. She simply had no idea how to tell her that she and Miraak had not fought at all. Quite the contrary, she has become his ally and now she is only thinking about how to get him out and at the same time save her own life. - Listen, during all this time that I was in Apocrypha, I realized that Mirak is a good person. And he needs help. - What? - the shaman’s daughter was taken aback. - What are you saying? It was because of him that all the troubles befell my people! Leah bit her lip. She couldn't find words to justify him. Yes, Miraak seeks power, knowledge and power. It was because of these aspirations that he found himself trapped by Hermaeus Mora. - Listen, he taught me Shouts, with the help of which we can destroy Herma-Mora together! - Leah spoke passionately. - Understand? He will help us, he will free your people from the oppression of the Daedra. Freya,” Dovahkiin tried to smile, “just trust me.” Now the warrior fell silent. She gazed intently into the eyes of her interlocutor, and then simply stood up and walked towards the door. Only in the doorway did she turn around and say: “I have to talk to my father,” after which she left. Sighing heavily, Leah collapsed on the pillow and clasped her head in her hands. However, she did not expect that the Skaal would be easy to convince. Dovahkiin woke up in the middle of the night from a strange premonition. She couldn't describe it, but she felt something was wrong. Throwing her fur coat over her shoulders, the girl left her house and looked around. It would seem that night is like night, what is remarkable about it? Just what is that shining there in the distance? Leah squinted, but still couldn’t see, so she decided to come closer. “Come to me, mortal,” a viscous voice rang in her ears. Sticky like the waters of Apocrypha. - Hermaeus Mora? - she clarified. Although, it would be possible not to specify. Here and there, tentacles peeped out of space, and in the very center of this moving frame hovered a large eye. Leah felt as if they were trying to get into her soul. “Exactly,” the Daedra answered in the same tone. - I know that you and Miraak have become Very close. I also know that you are thinking about how to get him out of Apocrypha. - I will not fall for your tricks, Daedra! - Leah frowned. - Oh, what kind of tricks are there? I propose... an exchange. - Exchange? - Miraak has become too restless lately. It is unpleasant. His desire to break into your world and free himself from my control is exhausting. He had been a loyal, devoted servant for a long time, but why not replace him with a more loyal Dragonborn now? “Get closer to the point,” the girl snapped, feeling strong tension. So, now there will be a denouement. And Hermaeus Mora let out an unpleasant laugh. - It is within my power to release Miraak from Apocrypha. And I can give it to him knowledge . But every knowledge has its own price. - And what is the price of this knowledge? “If you give me the secrets of the Skaal, I will allow him to return to your world.” - And will you leave it forever? - I'll leave it forever. There was silence. Leah was afraid of getting Freya and her people into trouble, but she also understood that this was the only solution to the problem. The Skaal will give up their secrets to the Daedra, Miraak will be free and everything will work out. It would seem, what more could you want? But the girl understood perfectly well that there was something else here. She may not understand it yet, but Hermaeus Mora is too cunning and resourceful. “Come what may,” Leah decided, trying to suppress that unpleasant feeling of anxiety that stubbornly wanted to stir up doubts. “If he frees Miraak, then it will be worth it.” - Do you doubt that I will keep my word? - the Daedra understood. - Know, mortal, that Hermaeus Mora always keeps his promises! At the same time, his eye widened somehow terribly and disgustingly, causing Leah to get goosebumps. “I agree,” she replied. - You will have the secrets of the Skaal. - Reasonable. Take this,” one of his many tentacles brought up the Black Book - a little different, not the one that was kept at Freya’s house. When Dovahkiin accepted her, Herma-Mora continued: “This way it will be easier for us to communicate when you fulfill your part of the deal.” And now - see you soon. A greenish light flashed for a second, and when Leah opened her eyes, she found neither tentacles nor eyes in the air. Tiredly rubbing the bridge of her nose, she suddenly felt a strong attack of drowsiness, and therefore, together with the Book, she hurried to return to her home. The Skaal reacted negatively to Leah's idea. Many opposed, were indignant, and claimed that they would never reveal their secrets to the enemy. Only Storn and Freya were silent. The shaman thought, weighed the pros and cons, and finally called everyone to silence. “I knew that someday we would have to give our secrets to Herma-Mora,” he sighed heavily. - Father, are you sure? - Freya frowned. “It all depends on how confident you are,” the shaman turned to Leah, “that the return of Miraak and this whole deal will not harm us.” “I’m sure,” Dovahkiin answered. “Okay,” Storn nodded. “But while the Stones are desecrated, I am too weak to meet Herma-Mora.” Clean them up, and then we’ll do what we have to do. Leah swallowed. This will take, at best, two days. But she didn’t argue, she meekly agreed and immediately set off on her way. Freya went with her. For the first time, Leah regretted that she couldn’t open teleports and move to where she needed to go in one second. During the entire time she traveled to Apocrypha and back, her body had become accustomed to sudden changes and her health always remained stable. Now, it would seem, the most convenient option is teleport, but the spell remained unknown. - What are you thinking about? - Dovahkiin asked, in order to somehow defuse the silence that arose between her and Freya. She was distracted from contemplating the fire, near which she was sitting. Leah sat closer to her. “About Miraak,” Freya answered. “Are you really ready to do anything to let him out?” Even a deal with the Daedra? - Yes. He is our salvation. “I don’t understand why you say that,” she sighed. - Personally, it seems to me that you are very mistaken. We all make mistakes. - Why? “I just don’t believe that a person would give up his goal so easily.” Moreover, a person like Miraak. - You don't know him, Freya. - Maybe. But I know a lot of legends and tales, and there... “Those are legends and tales,” Leah snapped. - But still. As if it wouldn't get any worse. - It won't. When Miraak is free, we will defeat Herma-Mora. - Can you? You ? After all, you give yourself to him, you become his servant. Herma-Mora is very cunning and dangerous! - I know it. And ready for anything. With the Shouts that Miraak and I know, we can subjugate the dragons. We are truly strong, Freya. “I hope you understand who you’re dealing with.” - Quite. Still, Freya was not sure. Dovahkiin is too arrogant and trusts Miraak too much. Be that as it may, he is a former Dragon Priest, a current servant of the Daedra, who wants to once again subjugate all of Solstheim. The girl in love with him did not seem to see all this. Or she didn’t want to see. This was what alarmed the shaman’s daughter. Since it was already night, the travelers occupied their tents and tried to sleep. Clearing all the stones took three days. Three days of hard battles, I must add. After Leah influenced the Stones with the cry of “Submission of Will”, all the people who were under the influence of Miraak regained their minds and only had time to run in all directions, because at that very moment the water that surrounded the Stone became cloudy and out of it as if a terrible monster was growing. “Lurker,” Leah recalled. She saw these creatures in Apocrypha. Giant humanoid amphibians covered with scales. Strong. Having joined forces, Freya and Leah defeated them one after another, but after that they almost collapsed from fatigue. And finally, there was the last and most important Stone of the All-Creator - the Tree Stone. Having completed the same procedure, destroying the last lurker, Dovahkiin, satisfied with the work, was about to quickly leave for the Skaal village, but Freya stopped her. “He hasn’t cleansed himself,” she noted, somewhat frightened. - Look at the water... And indeed, the water still remained cloudy. Leah frowned. She used Scream! So what's up? After standing like that for a couple of minutes at the Stone, both girls agreed that they needed to talk to Storn. The shaman was sitting outside his house when they returned. Seeing Dovahkiin and his daughter, he, without allowing them to say anything, immediately nodded: “I feel that you have cleared the Stones.” But only one was not completely cleansed, right? “Yes, father,” Freya approached him. - But why did this happen to the Tree Stone? - Perhaps Miraak's influence is too strong. In any case, you guys are great. Thank you. Now I again feel the connection with the All-Creator,” and, looking at Leah, he stood up. - This will be enough to meet with Herma-Mora. Well, what then? It's time to meet him. Give me the Book, Leah. - Father, maybe it’s not worth it? - my daughter got excited. - Please, come to your senses! It is very dangerous. And is it worth it? “If I give him our secrets, Herma-Mora will leave us,” Storn smiled, a little hesitantly, but encouragingly. - He will release Miraak, they will leave with Leah. Is that what you say? - He looked at the Dragonborn. She nodded. - And the last Stone will be cleansed. And everything will work out. Don't worry, daughter. Everything will be fine. The warrior bit her lip, but retreated. She could not go against her father’s will, although she was terribly afraid for him. Meanwhile, Storn took the Black Book that Leah gave him. Together with her, he went to the center of the village, where he began to read. For the first couple of seconds nothing happened. Everyone watched the shaman with tension. But then everything happened so quickly that Dovahkiin was even taken aback. She was brought out of her confusion by the heart-rending cry of Freya, who rushed to her father: - No!!! Many tentacles that came straight out of the pages of the Book wrapped around the man. Some went right through the stomach. The shaman was convulsing, raised above the ground, blood dripping copiously onto the ground. The Skaal recoiled. Everyone except his daughter. She had already pulled out her ax and with tears in her eyes, with rage and fear distorting her face, she wanted to cut both the tentacles and the ill-fated Book. But Leah held her back. Hardly. “Oh, yeah,” came the unpleasant voice of Hermaeus Mora. Tentacles and the same eye, majestically looking at all the people, “bloomed” in space. - Finally, the secrets of the Skaal are mine! Congratulations, mortal,” he turned to Leah, “you have fulfilled your part of the deal.” You are a very... loyal creature. Now, go to Miraak. I will fulfill what I promised. The Daedra has disappeared. The tentacles enveloping the already dead Storn also disappeared. His body collapsed to the ground, and only then did the unfortunate daughter kneel before him and cry bitterly. No one broke the silence. Only Freya sometimes screamed and cursed Hermaeus Mora. Having calmed down a little, she raised a gloomy glance at Leah and said in a dull voice: “Go.” Finish what you started already. Dovahkiin pursed her lips, trying to suppress the tears welling in her eyes. Nodding, she picked up the Black Book from the ground and, opening it, was transported to Apocrypha as usual.

There is a right that only monsters say out loud (c) There is a moral in everything, you just need to be able to find it! (c) |multifendom party "For Adequate"|

A little bit of Dragonborn.

In general, I have to say that there were more glitches than the game.

1) Comrade Dovahkiin got so drunk. that he did not climb into the hollow of Tel Mithryn. More precisely, I climbed, but got stuck tightly when trying to go between stages. Someone ate too many dragon souls.

2) Fight with Miraak. A fight between two cheaters - whose console is cooler.
Well, we've arrived, the battle has begun...
But...... he takes it, runs away, appears in the center of the arena, becomes incorporeal, absorbs the dragon's soul and that's it! He does not come out of incorporeality!
Okay, crap war, the main thing is maneuvers, enter this into the console: player.placeatme 0010feed . Then a dragon appears, we kill it, Miraak absorbs its soul and leaves the sycophant mode. We repeat this action if Miraak is like a piss again.
And then again and again. The whole arena is littered with mowed down dragons, and Miraak is pissing and pissing to go into a fair fight.
Okay, after 3 I sent the dragon away and got out.
I received ten seconds of souls from lightning from both hands....
And with all his might he dived into the black water.
Damn... it's a half-baked suicide. It's somewhere under the arena, but you can't reach it.
Okay, console, tcl and with the help of the Daedra we climb to it. Through two textures into a cute little... CAMERA?! Okay, don’t care, let’s dance... I mean, give the asshole a bream in this cell.
Issued? Well done! He says Wuld and is transported upstairs. We get to it again through the textures, again using the console.......
He’s sick again, I don’t know where from, because he ate all the dragons in sight. Does everyone remember about the piss-off regime? It is active again and does not go away... We all know what to do: enter into the console: player.placeatme 0010feed
This creature... jumps into the water again...
But then Fucking Muzzle finally realizes that it’s his way out and yells:
“Muhaha, you won’t run away from me, you won’t hide,” and Miraku makes an attatata. We listen to their squabble..... Then a book pops up.....
What? who said we're leaving? Again tcl, looking for the fucking skeleton of Miraak (on the second texture, by the way), collecting his junk. Now you can activate the book. Congratulations, the most glitchy battle is over.

Cheaters frankly infuriate me - bosses are enemies) no, seriously))) First Verg from DMK 5, now Miraak.
This infection uses link mode, uses dragons as health bottles... and quickly moves into an area inaccessible to the player.

And anyway... I suddenly feel sorry for the dragons. A proud ancient race that ruled over humans? Sure sure. Now they are just pawns in the hands of two dragon-born mages. Miraak uses dragons as bottles of potion. Such big flying bottles...
And yes... console code player.placeatme 0010feed
This isn't fucking funny. Are they dragons or a snack?

By the way, has anyone else experienced problems like this? How was this fight actually supposed to go? without the console, jumping into the chamber below and forgiving perversions?

Leah tremblingly recalled her first meeting with Miraak. Returning to the real world after the Apocrypha, she felt very bad, and therefore Freya, the daughter of a shaman in a Skaal village, almost dragged her to her people. There they came out to the Dragonborn, put her on her feet and offered her to live with them for now. But Leah knew for sure that doing nothing now was very dangerous. What exactly is Miraak up to? And what to do to her? Not seeing any changes on Solstheim yet, Leah and Freya wandered around and took a closer look at everything that was happening. “Judging by what I read in your books,” said Dovahkiin, “I was brought into Apocrypha.” This is where Miraak is now. “Apocrypha,” her companion even bared her teeth. - Herma-Mora lives there. Leah nodded. -What do you think Miraak needs? - she asked. - Don't know. But he was up to something bad. It turns out that it was he who desecrated all the Stones and subjugated my fellow tribesmen. “He definitely needs to be killed,” Freya spoke out quite sharply. Of course, Dovahkiin understood her. The warrior was angry for her family and friends, but she did not meet him. She didn't hear his voice, didn't feel his breath on her skin. Leah could confidently say that she would not want to kill Miraak. “Did I also fall under his influence?” - the girl bit her lip. But, sighing, she quickened her pace, trying not to think about the priest, and hurried after the shaman’s daughter, who had already managed to go ahead. Leah somehow couldn’t sleep that night. She tossed and turned from side to side and could not understand what was happening to her. Before that, she slept like the dead, and it was this night that exhausted her. “Come to me, Dragonborn,” she suddenly heard a low voice in her head. His voice! - Come to me now...” Leah sat up in bed. The body was trying to get up and pull out the Black Book that was in the hut of Storn the Climber, Freya’s father. Before leaving the Temple, the girls took the Book and hid it in the village. With a great effort of will, Dovahkiin was able to lie down again and, wrapped in a blanket, simply forced herself to sleep. No, she won't give in to Miraak! Let him play with her as much as he wants, but she will destroy him and help the Skaal and all of Solstheim. As Leah suspected, even the dragons here were subservient to Miraak. One of them attacked the girl while she was wandering through the forest. Fortunately, she had sufficient dexterity and power of both Destruction magic and various Shouts, which helped her overthrow the dragon. Having broken all the trees nearby with its powerful wings, exploding the ground with sharp claws in its dying convulsions, the lizard finally froze. Leah was ready to accept his soul when she suddenly heard laughter next to her. She even jumped in surprise. “Thank you,” Miraak said. More precisely, his spirit is transparent and vibrating in the air. “I just needed new souls.” Only now Leah noticed that the soul of the dragon she had defeated was not heading towards her, but towards Miraak. She almost choked with indignation and, wiping the sweat from her forehead, shouted: “Fus Ro Yes!” But this had no effect on the Dragonborn. He just laughed even louder. -Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending? - he grinned mockingly. - In any case, see you later. I hope you kill as many dragons as possible and I will absorb all their souls. He disappeared, and Leah, full of indignation and anger, rushed as fast as she could to the Skaal village. She's tired of these games. Tired of thinking about this arrogant priest. How she wanted to put him in his place! And she was determined to do it. Having found her friend among her fellow tribesmen, Dovahkiin demanded that she be given the Black Book. - For what? - Freya was wary. - I have to meet Miraak. I can't do this anymore. Something needs to be done. The girl’s eyes sparkled with anger, her cheeks were flushed, and she herself was all shabby. Looking at Leah’s unsightly state, Freya strongly doubted that she should be allowed near the Book now. Fortunately, Storn came to her aid, who also doubted that Dovahkiin was acting wisely. “Just give me the Book,” she said nervously. - I know what I do. But the Skaal never allowed it. Leah had to come to terms with it. Temporarily. At night, when everyone had fallen asleep, Leah got out of her house and quietly entered the shaman. Fortunately, she didn’t wake up anyone, but she had to tinker with finding the Black Book. At first, in the dark, she picked up the completely wrong book, but she caught herself in time and continued searching. Finally, when the path to Mirak was in her hands, Leah tried to quietly slip out into the street, but heard Freya’s angry, slightly hoarse voice: “Put it back in place.” “I need to see him,” Dovahkiin pressed the Book to her chest. She winced when Storn lit the candles, but in time she saw his daughter approach her with an outstretched hand. Leah jumped back as if scalded. She realized that she simply had no other choice but... - No! - Freya screamed as the Dragonborn opened the Book. As soon as she read just one word, creepy tentacles that came from the dilapidated pages wrapped around the girl’s neck and dragged her into Apocrypha. This time Leah landed more successfully: in a whole mountain of leaves, which softened the fall. Rolling out of there, she found herself almost at Miraak’s feet. “Well,” he shrugged, “apparently, this was the only way to force you to come here?” - I hate it when people make fun of me! - Dovahkiin jumped to her feet and stretched out her arms in front of her, pointing her palms at the enemy. - Let's get this over with, Miraak! Do you think that you are the only invincible and unsurpassed Dragonborn here? Let's see! A flame burst out of her hands - strong and, which was dangerous with such an enemy as Miraak, blocking her view. Leah didn't see him dodge. She didn’t see how deftly and quickly he approached her, appearing sharply and frighteningly in her field of vision. The dragon priest twisted the girl’s arms and hit her under the knee so that she immediately fell. Wincing, Dovahkiin jerked with all her might, but Miraak held it painfully tightly. - You still can’t understand who you’ve contacted, Leah. - How do you know my name? - she was a little surprised. - What difference does it make now that... Miraak did not expect the captive to twitch so much, and therefore did not immediately realize when she tore off his mask with a random movement. And she was stunned. The right side of his face - from forehead to cheek - was disfigured by severe burns. Shaking his head so that his rather long dark hair hid the injury, he grabbed the mask, but Dovahkiin managed to grab it with her fingers. Miraak raised his gray eyes to her and, seeing some semblance of horror, suddenly became angry. - Stop! Look at me... - Shut up! - the man almost growled, angrily tearing out the mask. The Dovahkiin shuddered, and Miraak, hiding his burns, calmed down a little and rose to his feet. “I believe our meeting is over,” he said coldly. - It's time for you to go to Solstheim. - Mirak, wait! No need! After all, you... - No need? - the priest repeated in the same tone. - Just don’t talk about “we need to talk”, “now I understand that you are not what you seem” and all that kind of stuff. I am exactly the way you see me. And you don’t need to feel sorry for me because of this,” with a sharp gesture he touched the right side of the mask. Leah could swear that even through those slits she could see his eyes sparkling. And Miraak nervously paced back and forth near her. - What? Do you want to know where I got these burns from? Okay, I'll tell you, because after this you're unlikely to return to Solstheim... alive. - What? - Scary already? Come on, look at me! - He approached her very close. Leah wanted to pull away, but Miraak roughly grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. Then, taking off the mask and throwing it somewhere to the side, he brought his face so close to hers that she began to feel his frequent angry breathing on her skin. -Are you scared, hmm? You think that I'm ugly and that's why I'm never I’m not expecting success, that everyone hates me? You're wrong. You make mistakes, just like everyone else! But Leah felt no fear. She felt completely different. She was magnetically drawn to this man. And he seemed to feel it too. Both fell silent, looking longingly into each other's eyes. Miraak turned his gaze to the girl’s slightly parted lips and, exhaling, whispered: “Daedra take you!” Why was the Dragonborn I was supposed to kill... turned out to be a woman? And he kissed her, hugging her tightly.