Ancient cities of Antarctica. An ancient city discovered in Antarctica

Some countries have laws that seem funny or even ridiculous to us. For example, in France it is prohibited to park flying saucers in vineyards. Australians are prohibited from going out in dark clothes and with their faces smeared with shoe polish. And housewives in one US state are prohibited from breaking more than four plates a day. Now imagine that there is a village in the world whose residents are required to have their appendix removed if they want to stay here!

Welcome to Villa las Estrellas!

At first glance, this small settlement, located on King George Island, seems completely ordinary: there are residential buildings, a school for children, Postal office and even a church. But can you imagine that in order to live in your city, you have to undergo surgery? But the residents of Villa las Estrellas (which translates from Spanish as “star town”) can. In order to settle here, they have to have their appendix removed. Moreover, this requirement even applies to children over six years old!

What is the reason?

What explains this strange requirement? To understand this, you need to know about geographical location villages: this Chilean settlement is located on the territory of Antarctica! The nearest major hospital where patients can be treated medical care, is located more than a thousand kilometers from Villa las Estrellas. In order to get there, you will need to overcome the snow-covered island and swim across the raging waves (with huge ice floes, of course) of the Southern Ocean. Well, or just get on a plane, which, of course, is not so easy to organize - weather here are truly harsh (and even extreme). Note that the winds that blow here often reach speeds of 200 kilometers per hour! In addition, quite often the settlement suffers from hail.

By the way, it is precisely because of the climatic conditions and remoteness from civilization that potential residents of the village must undergo a thorough psychological examination. Only by proving to experts that they can live here for a very long time can people move to a settlement on the island.

Are there really no doctors on the island?

Of course, Villa las Estrellas has several medical workers. But none of them are surgeons! There is a hospital in the village, but a doctor works here general practice. This means that he does not have the appropriate qualifications to provide surgical care and perform operations. So in case emergency the patient will have to wait at least 2-3 days to get to Mainland and get specialist help. To do this, a huge military aircraft, the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, takes to the skies. By the way, the landing strip for him is gravel.

Who lives in the village?

Villa las Estrellas is currently home to hundreds of residents. These are mainly military men - representatives of the Chilean air force and their families. Scientists and researchers of Antarctica also live here. And yes, each of them will never face such a problem as appendicitis! It is also not recommended to become pregnant here. No, of course, no one can prohibit residents from having children, but the birth of a baby in this village is often complicated. And therefore local residents try not to take risks.

Why do people choose William las Estrellas?

It would seem that this place is simply buried under snowdrifts; these are not the best climatic conditions, endless cold even in summer and wind. Besides, to settle here on for a long time, you need to undergo surgery... Who would even want to live here? However, there is no end to those interested! The fact is that the Chilean government offers significant financial incentives for settlers willing to spend several years in this remote settlement. This is a real gold mine!

However, there is something else: women who live here with their husbands never cease to rejoice in the fact that they spend much more time with their families. Indeed, in families where the father is a military man, children sometimes stop recognizing their own father, so often he goes on long business trips. So you can be sure: family life she's really nice and happy here!

How did this village even appear?

Villas las Estrellas was founded in April 1984. Then Augusto Pinochet ruled. The main motive for the appearance of the village was the long-running rivalry between Chile and Argentina. A short time after the founding of the settlement, the first child was born here. Juan Pablo Comacho was not only born on this snowy island, but was also conceived here!

Typically, about 80 people live in the village on King George Island in winter; in summer, their number almost doubles. For the most part, these are employees of the President Eduardo Frei Montalva station and their families. In Villa las Estrellas, 14 residential buildings have been built, with an area of ​​72 and 90 square meters. Children can go to kindergarten In addition, there is a school here. There are 15 children studying there, two teachers work with them.

In addition, the village has a library, a church, a Chilean Air Force hospital, a supermarket, Gym and even a souvenir shop! It is also important that on the territory of Villa las Estrellas there is television, radio, the Internet and, of course, mobile communications. And penguins roam freely on the streets!

It is worth saying that this locality- one of two in Antarctica with a permanent population. It is also interesting that most countries in the world do not recognize Chile’s sovereignty over this territory! 24 countries that are also present at this icy continent, own only temporary research stations here.

Average annual temperature here it is -2.3 degrees, but there are also especially harsh winters when the thermometer shows a temperature of -47! Despite the fact that the street is not particularly cozy, and the smells are very unpleasant (exhaust and chemical gases, toilets), the buildings are warm and comfortable. On the walls in public buildings you can see numerous photographs and memorial plaques, informing about past expeditions and visitors. Even the legendary scientist Stephen Hawking once visited this icy kingdom!

An ancient structure in Antarctica.

From the editor: the author, who specializes in searching for anything (mostly missing aircraft), based on data from satellite photographs, this time made a new sensational discovery, and demands to take it seriously.

According to the author, this mountain range most likely was born as a result of a strong volcanic activity in that area of ​​Antarctica. Moreover, quite recently this array was hidden centuries-old ice, But Greenhouse effect and global warming have made it possible to see what was hidden for tens of thousands of years in a row.

If you look at the photo of this piece of land from 1999, you can see that at that time there was nothing in the photographs except ice and snow; all these “artifacts” appeared only after 2010. At the same time, they were recorded absolutely by accident, as a result of the usual cartographic work of satellites.

As the user found out, this area of ​​Antarctica, called Queen Maud Land, belongs to Norway. Until 1967, several scientific stations were located there. Big works were carried out during the Third Reich. It was there, according to subsequent research by science fiction writers, that the legendary base of Germany, called New Swabia, was laid. However, no traces of the existence of such a base were ever found.

Meanwhile, many believed in the existence of the mythical New Swabia. The Wikipedia reference reads as follows: New Swabia (German: Neu-Schwabenland or Neuschwabenland) is the territory of Antarctica (“German Antarctic sector” between 4°50" and 16°30" E), in which Nazi Germany during the period from January 19, 1939 to May 8, 1945, it made territorial claims. Formally from the data territorial claims Germany has not refused to this day.

In 1947, the US Navy conducted the Highjump Antarctic Expedition under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd. However, due to losses, the expedition was curtailed. The official halt is due to difficult climatic conditions, however, there are other versions.

Currently, in territories south of 60° S. w. The Antarctic Treaty is in force, prohibiting the militarization of the region. The German Neumayer III station has been operating on the territory of Queen Maud Land since 2009. She gained fame due to an incomprehensible glow recorded by her webcams, which, according to ufologists, is another proof of the existence of UFOs. This base is located near the Schirmacher Oasis.

Schirmacher Oasis is an area in the central part of the Princess Astrid Coast. It is an ice-free area of ​​the oasis of approximately 35 km², separated from the Lazarev Sea by the Nivlisen ice shelf, about 80 km wide. Coordinates 70° 45′ 0″ S, 11° 40′ 0″ E, - from the artifact found by a citizen journalist, 627 kilometers in the direction of the South-West.

Well, Queen Maud Land (Norwegian Dronning Maud Land) is a vast area on Atlantic coast Antarctica, the sector between 20° west and 44° 38" east longitude, which is claimed by Norway, is its dependent territory. The area is about 2,500,000 km². It is predominantly a zone of ice shelves up to 200 km wide, adjacent to the continental ice shelf in the south cover. From the Princess Martha Coast to these rocks there are 208 kilometers. The last station there was from 1950 to 1967. In those years, the rocks discovered in the photographs were under a thick layer of ice. Therefore, no one has ever described them.

Among the rocks, I discovered in the photo the outlines of huge pyramids, which do not look very much like natural formations. Moreover, according to auto research, the shape of the objects he discovered is identical to the pyramids in Mexico, left over from the disappeared Inca civilization.

Second, as a netizen notes, the construction is even larger. Reminds me huge building, with a large platform and geometrically correct steps. Coordinates 73°42"46.11"S, 4°16"33.97"W

According to the author, nowhere else in Antarctica are there such picturesque and anomalous rocks. Basalt rocks, volcanic tuft, granite, perhaps there are fossilized remains of trees. Absence visible ice and snow, the researcher associates with the fact that somewhere hot steam is coming out of the ground from volcanic activity. And erosion of the rock would allow a layer of soil to form. Thus, this piece of land could theoretically be quite suitable for living.

By the way, on the map of Admiral Piri Reis (Turkey, 16th century), it is the Queen Martha coast that is drawn free of ice and snow. It is worth emphasizing that at the time the map was created, Antarctica had not yet been discovered at all.

Moreover, no one in the world saw the outline of the Southern mainland Earth. However, there is no ice on the Piri Reis map. But according to official data, ice bound Antarctica millions of years ago. But where did the medieval admiral get his information?

“Thus, perhaps everything I hypothesize is real,” concludes the author of the study (in fairness, it is worth noting that it is rather superficial - note “Reedus”). - Any of you can find this place on your own. Even if only in photographs, but study it in detail. Perhaps you will find something that even I did not notice. I think the time spent is worth it. If the pyramid and the building (or whatever it is?) really exist, then their value is simply enormous. And if they are not there, then on the map Google Earth Another funny artifact will appear. Coordinates of the find: Pyramid: 73°42"35.72"S, 4°17"5.01"W and possibly the oldest building on Earth: 73°42"46.11"S, 4°16"33.97"W. And, by the way, icebergs do not form at a distance of 370 kilometers from the coast. Especially in rocky areas. So, there is nothing natural in this artifact. This place should really be explored. But official science like this headache" need not. Maybe there is a philanthropist who would like to find this abandoned city? If you’re lucky, any expenses will be worth it.”

Relief and ice cover

Antarctica is the most high continent Earth, average height The surface of the continent above sea level is more than 2000 m, and in the center of the continent it reaches 4000 meters. Most of this height is made up of a permanent ice cover of the continent, under which the continental relief is hidden and only ~5% of its area is free of ice - mainly in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains: islands, sections of the coast, the so-called. "dry valleys" and individual ridges and Mountain peaks(nunataks) rising above the icy surface. The Transantarctic Mountains, crossing almost the entire continent, divide Antarctica into two parts - West Antarctica and East Antarctica, which have different origins and geological structure. In the east there is a high (highest elevation of the ice surface ~4100 m above sea level) ice-covered plateau. West Side consists of a group of mountainous islands connected by ice. On the Pacific coast are the Antarctic Andes, whose altitude exceeds 4000 m; the highest point of the continent - 4892 m above sea level - the Vinson Massif of the Sentinel Ridge. In West Antarctica there is also the deepest depression of the continent - the Bentley Trench, probably of rift origin. The depth of the ice-filled Bentley Trench reaches 2555 m below sea level.

The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on our planet and is approximately 10 times larger in area than the next largest, the Greenland Ice Sheet. It contains ~30 million km³ of ice, that is, 90% of all land ice. It is dome-shaped with the surface increasing in steepness towards the coast, where it is flanked in many places by ice shelves. The average thickness of the ice layer is 2500-2800 m, reaching a maximum value in some areas of East Antarctica - 4800 m. The accumulation of ice on the ice sheet leads, as in the case of other glaciers, to the flow of ice into the ablation (destruction) zone, which acts as coast of the continent (see Fig. 3); the ice breaks off in the form of icebergs. The annual volume of ablation is estimated at 2500 km³.

The peculiarity of Antarctica is big square ice shelves (low (blue) areas of West Antarctica), accounting for ~10% of the area above sea level; these glaciers are the source of icebergs of record sizes, significantly exceeding the size of the icebergs of the outlet glaciers of Greenland; for example, in 2000, the largest known ice cap broke off from the Ross Ice Shelf. this moment(2005) iceberg B-15 with an area of ​​over 10,000 km². IN winter period(summer in the northern hemisphere) area sea ​​ice around Antarctica it increases to 18 million km², and in summer it decreases to 3-4 million km².

The Antarctic ice sheet formed about 14 million years ago, apparently facilitated by the rupture of a bridge connecting South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, which led, in turn, to the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Western Wind Current) and the isolation of Antarctic waters from the World Ocean - these waters make up the so-called Southern Ocean.

Seismic activity

Antarctica is a tectonically calm continent with little seismic activity, manifestations of volcanism are concentrated in western Antarctica and are associated with the Antarctic Peninsula, which arose during the Andean period of mountain building. Some of the volcanoes, especially island volcanoes, have erupted in the last 200 years. The most active volcano in Antarctica is Erebus. It is called “the volcano guarding the path to the South Pole.”


Antarctica has an extremely harsh cold climate. The absolute pole of cold is located in East Antarctica, where temperatures down to −89.2 °C were recorded (the area of ​​the Vostok station).

Another feature of the meteorology of East Antarctica is katabatic winds, caused by its dome-shaped topography. These stable southerly winds arise on fairly steep slopes of the ice sheet due to the cooling of the air layer near the ice surface, the density of the near-surface layer increases, and it flows down the slope under the influence of gravity. The thickness of the air flow layer is usually 200-300 m; because of large quantity icy dust carried by the wind, horizontal visibility in such winds is very low. The strength of the katabatic wind is proportional to the steepness of the slope and greatest strength reaches on coastal areas with a high slope towards the sea. The katabatic winds reach their maximum strength in the Antarctic winter - from April to November they blow almost continuously around the clock, from November to March - at night or when the Sun is low above the horizon. In summer, during the daytime, due to the heating of the surface layer of air by the sun, katabatic winds along the coast cease.

Data on temperature changes from 1981 to 2007 show that the temperature background in Antarctica changed unevenly. For West Antarctica as a whole, an increase in temperature has been observed, while for East Antarctica no warming has been detected, and even some negative trend has been noted. It is unlikely that the melting process in Antarctica will increase significantly in the 21st century. On the contrary, as temperatures rise, the amount of snow falling on the Antarctic ice sheet is expected to increase. However, due to warming, more intense destruction of ice shelves and acceleration of the movement of Antarctica's outlet glaciers, throwing ice into the World Ocean, is possible.

Inland waters

Due to the fact that not only the average annual temperature, but also in most areas even summer temperatures in Antarctica do not exceed zero degrees, precipitation there falls only in the form of snow (rain is an extremely rare occurrence). It forms a glacial cover (snow is compressed under its own weight) with a thickness of more than 1700 m, in some places reaching 4300 m. Antarctic ice concentrated up to 90% of all fresh water Earth.

In the 90s of the 20th century, Russian scientists discovered the subglacial non-freezing Lake Vostok - the largest of the Antarctic lakes, having a length of 250 km and a width of 50 km; the lake holds about 5,400 thousand km³ of water.

In January 2006, geophysicists Robin Bell and Michael Studinger from the American geophysical observatory Lamont-Doherty discovered the second and third largest subglacial lakes, with an area of ​​2000 km² and 1600 km² respectively, located at a depth of about 3 km from the surface of the continent. They reported that this could have been done sooner if the data Soviet expedition The years 1958-1959 were analyzed more carefully. In addition to these data, satellite data, radar readings and measurements of the force of gravity on the surface of the continent were used.

In total, as of 2007, more than 140 subglacial lakes were discovered in Antarctica.


The biosphere in Antarctica is represented in four “arenas of life”: coastal islands and ice, coastal oases on the mainland (for example, the “Banger Oasis”), the nunataks arena (Mount Amundsen near Mirny, Mount Nansen on Victoria Land, etc.) and the ice sheet arena .

Plants and animals are most common in the coastal zone. Ground vegetation on deprived of ice areas exists mainly in the form various types does not form mosses and lichens and does not form a closed cover (Antarctic moss-lichen deserts).

Antarctic animals are completely dependent on the coastal ecosystem of the Southern Ocean: due to the paucity of vegetation, all food chains coastal ecosystems begin in the waters surrounding Antarctica. Antarctic waters are especially rich in zooplankton, primarily krill. Krill directly or indirectly form the basis of the food chain of many species of fish, cetaceans, squid, seals, penguins and other animals; There are no completely land mammals in Antarctica; invertebrates are represented by approximately 70 species of arthropods (insects and arachnids) and nematodes living in soils.

Terrestrial animals include seals (Weddell, crabeater seals, leopard seals, Ross seals, elephant seals) and birds (several species of petrels, two species of skuas, Adélie penguins and emperor penguins).

In the freshwater lakes of continental coastal oases - “dry valleys” - there are oligotrophic ecosystems inhabited by blue-green algae, roundworms, copepods (cyclops) and daphnia, while birds (petrels and skuas) fly here occasionally.

Nunataks are characterized only by bacteria, algae, lichens and severely suppressed mosses; only skuas, following people, occasionally fly onto the ice sheet.

There is an assumption about the presence in subglacial lakes of Antarctica, such as Lake Vostok, of extremely oligotrophic ecosystems, practically isolated from the outside world.

In 1994, scientists reported a rapid increase in the number of plants in Antarctica, which seemed to confirm the hypothesis of global warming climate on the planet.

The Antarctic Peninsula and its adjacent islands have the most favorable climatic conditions on the mainland. This is where the only ones grow flowering plants region - Antarctic meadow grass and Quito colobanthus.

Exploring Antarctica

The first ship to cross the Antarctic Circle belonged to the Dutch; it was commanded by Dirk Geeritz, who sailed in the squadron of Jacob Magyu. In 1559, in the Strait of Magellan, Geeritz's ship lost sight of the squadron after a storm and went south. When it dropped to 64° S. sh., was found there high ground. In 1671 La Roche discovered South Georgia; Bouvet Island was discovered in 1739; in 1772 Indian Ocean Yves-Joseph Kerglen, a French naval officer, discovered the island named after him.

Almost simultaneously with the voyage, Kerglen set off from England on his first trip to Southern Hemisphere James Cook, and already in January 1773 his ships “Adventure” and “Resolution” crossed the Antarctic Circle at the meridian 37°33′ E. d. After a difficult struggle with ice, he reached 67°15′ S. sh., where he was forced to turn north. In December 1773 Cook again went to South ocean, on December 8 crossed it and at the parallel 67°5′ S. w. was covered in ice. Having freed himself, Cook went further south and at the end of January 1774 reached 71°15′ S. sh., southwest of Tierra del Fuego. Here an impenetrable wall of ice prevented him from going further. Cook was one of the first to reach the south polar seas and, having encountered solid ice in several places, declared that it could not be penetrated further. They believed him, and for 45 years polar expeditions did not undertake.

In 1819, Russian sailors F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev on the war sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny” visited South Georgia and tried to penetrate deep into the South Arctic Ocean. For the first time, in January 1820, almost on the Greenwich meridian, they reached 69°21′ S. sh.; then, going beyond Arctic Circle, Bellingshausen walked along it to the east to 19° east. d., where he crossed it again and reached in February 1820 again almost the same latitude (69°6′). Further east, he rose only to the 62° parallel and continued his path along the outskirts floating ice. Then, on the meridian of the Balleny Islands, Bellingshausen reached 64°55′, and in December 1820 reached 161°w. d., passed the southern polar circle and reached 67°15′ S. latitude, and in January 1821 reached 69°53′ S. w. Almost at the 81° meridian, he discovered the high coast of the island of Peter I, and having gone further east, inside the southern polar circle, the coast of Alexander I Land. Thus, Bellingshausen was the first to complete a complete voyage around Antarctica at latitudes from 60° to 70°.

After this, the study of the coast of the continent and its interior began. Numerous studies were carried out by English expeditions led by Ernest Shackleton (he wrote the book “The Most Terrible Campaign” about them). In 1911-1912, a real race to conquer the South Pole began between the expeditions of the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and the Englishman Robert Scott. Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole; a month after him, Robert Scott's party arrived at the cherished point and died on the way back.

From the middle of the 20th century, the study of Antarctica began on an industrial basis. On the continent different countries numerous permanent bases are being created, all year round leading meteorological, glaciological and geological research. On December 14, 1958, the third Soviet Antarctic expedition, led by Evgeniy Tolstikov, reached the South Pole of Inaccessibility and established a temporary station there, the Pole of Inaccessibility.


Due to the severity of the climate in Antarctica there is no permanent population. However, there are scientific stations. The temporary population of Antarctica ranges from 4,000 people in summer (about 150 Russians) to 1,000 people in winter (about 100 Russians).

Antarctica has been assigned the top-level Internet domain .aq and the telephone prefix +672.

11.10.11 Much has always been associated with the deserted icy Antarctica unsolved mysteries. The famous American polar explorer, pilot and rear admiral Richard Byrd (1888 - 1957) had the opportunity to lead several successful expeditions to this continent. There are well-founded assumptions that during these travels he had to face something in highest degree amazing and mysterious.

The fourth expedition took place in the summer of 1946 - 1947. 13 ships took part in it, with more than 4,700 people on board: scientists, engineers, military specialists... The expedition was led by the naval department. Officially, she pursued exclusively scientific purposes. However, it was in the area under study, on the territory of the so-called New Swabia (now the land of Queen Maud), that during the Second World War the Oasis base was allegedly located, where the Germans created and tested some kind of secret weapon. According to rumors, these were supersonic discs driven by rocket engines, and perhaps nuclear engines!

This version was first put forward in his publications by a certain Ernst Zündel. True, he referred to fantasy novel former SS Oberscharführer Wilhelm Landig's "Idols against Thule", published in 1971. Zündel claims that the "disc-car base" was built by the Germans in 1938-39. Captain Alfred Ritscher was appointed responsible for the expedition.
Dancing Presidents

Today, the German authorities completely deny the existence of any information about “secret Nazi weapons in Antarctica.” And yet, was it not his traces that Admiral Byrd was trying to find? Is it not by chance that the operation he led was code-named “Highjump” - “High Jump”? It was assumed that German discos took off and landed vertically...

It is unknown whether Baird managed to find anything at that time. IN last time he visited Antarctica in 1955. A book written by Amadeo Giannini and published in 1959, two years after the admiral’s death, describes sensational details: “Near the pole, the rear admiral noticed a strange spot that shone either yellow or red, then in purple.

Approaching it, the pilot noticed something similar to a mountain range. Baird flew over it and saw (as it seemed to him at first) a mirage - forests, rivers, meadows, where mammoth-like animals grazed. And also strange aircraft that resemble flying saucers, and... something reminiscent of cities with buildings that seem to be carved from crystal. The external thermometer began to warm up sharply until it froze at a stunning mark of +23 ºС. And this is on South Pole! Radio communication with the Earth did not work..."

Baird's wife, who read his logbook, said that the rear admiral, during one of his flights over the mainland... came into contact with representatives of a civilization unknown to us, thousands of years ahead of us in its development! Residents Antarctic country resembled people, but were more beautiful and spiritual.

There were no wars between them; they mastered new types of energy that made it possible to start vehicle engines, obtain food and light as if from nothing. Brothers in intelligence told Byrd that they had tried before to establish contact with the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth, but people responded to them with hostility, shot down their aircraft... And now they are ready to help humanity only when our world is on the verge of self-destruction.. .

After showing Baird their achievements, the natives helped him return to familiar world. Upon his return, it turned out that his plane burned 2,750 “extra” kilometers of fuel...

The competent authorities convincingly advised the admiral not to tell anyone about what he saw and established strict control over him for the rest of his life. Perhaps that is why Baird subsequently never spoke publicly about UFOs or contacts with other civilizations, and in the books he himself wrote - “Little America” and “Alone” - there is no hint of any sensational discoveries. However, according to Mrs. Baird, events last trip her husband filmed it and described it in detail in his secret diaries, whose whereabouts are unknown to anyone today.

Did the truth exist ancient civilization Antarctica? Read about the sensational discoveries of scientists under the “eternal” ice.

The Earth holds countless secrets, the existence of which humanity does not even suspect. Most of those that have already been discovered find recognition and understanding many years after their discovery.

They often become pieces of a large “puzzle” - a discovery that can change the usual understanding of the world. For example, encounters with UFOs and remains of humanoids discovered in different parts of the planet can now be perceived as evidence of the existence of a civilization that considered Antarctica its home...

What do Antarctica and Mars have in common? What a question...

Antarctica, located at the South Pole of the Earth, is least associated with the Red Planet, which people are so eager to get to. At least that's what it seems at first glance, since upon closer examination they show striking similarities.

Antarctica has approximately the same climatic conditions as Mars: its only difference from the distant planet is an excess of oxygen.

The temperature on the surface is almost the same, because polar stations Critical frosts are regularly recorded in this region.

No less curious is the fact that the surface of Antarctica was much less often photographed than the soil of Mars. 99% of the sixth continent is covered eternal ice, the thickness of which in some areas reaches 4.5 km.

Almost two centuries have passed since the discovery of Antarctica in 1820 by Bellingshausen and Lazarev, but negligible information has been collected about it.

The same ones rare photos caught the eye of Joseph Skipper, a virtual archaeologist from the USA, who studies hard-to-reach places on the planet and the universe using photos taken by satellite.

Dead city and pyramid

First strange find, discovered by Skipper in Antarctica, there were bones and a skull of unknown origin, which he discovered in the ice, which man had never even reached before.

Looking through NASA images, Joseph discovered a system of passages visible under the ice.

His guesses were confirmed after an expedition under the command of Alfred Ritscher set off for Antarctica. Its participants told the whole world about the existence systems underground tunnels under Antarctica. In just a week they managed to discover in the rocky terrain of the continent dead city and the pyramid.

In the center of this settlement, which seems to have frozen hundreds of centuries ago, there are monuments with ancient records in a language incomprehensible to earthlings, symbols and drawings reminiscent of the image Easter Island stone idols. The different parts of this “city” were again connected by a system of underwater canals.

What was Hitler looking for in Antarctica?

More recently, information was made public confirming that Hitler knew about these tunnels and was trying to find the key to unraveling their secrets. They were sent 5 submarines, of which one, according to official data, was able to travel at least 800 meters along such an underwater channel.

Having plunged into the ice of the central part of Antarctica, the submarine, unexpectedly for the crew members, surfaced on the surface of a high mountain, in a warm lake.

The path to it was strewn with the same stone slabs and pillars with inscriptions that were discovered in the ancient city.

Another submarine managed to discover man-made mines with smooth walls, as if processed by grinding tools.

Hidden in the mines are animal statues and two more desert cities with artificial passages to the surface of the Earth through caves.

The submarine, which managed to remove some of the found artifacts, sank under mysterious circumstances.

Expedition of Jacques Cousteau

The same fate befell the members of Jacques Cousteau's expedition. He explored underwater caves and also noticed mystical inscriptions and stone figures, but lost half of his team in the ice.

In 1983, researchers from the USSR visited these caves, took photographs and sketches of runic records. They say that upon returning to Moscow, they finally deciphered the recordings, but this data is still classified.

Of course, no one will be surprised by the fact that their boat was damaged by something inexplicable and left by them in Antarctica.

Who created settlements near Antarctica and left them there?

Some scientists are inclined to believe that the sixth continent is the once sunken Atlantis, covered with a layer of ice.

Discoverer Joseph Skipper doesn't think so, because the artifacts he discovered include a flying saucer and a rift shaped like an underground landing strip.

People were not able to build what was built under the ice in Antarctica - only a much more developed civilization could cope with the implementation of such an idea.

She also built pyramids in Egypt, identical in shape to those built from ice in Antarctica.

Currently, Europe and the United States are forming an expedition to Antarctica, which will have to confirm or refute scientists’ guesses.