The largest peninsula on earth. The largest peninsula in the world: description, features and interesting facts

Or an island, while others are surrounded by water. It is often difficult to determine the exact boundaries and area of ​​this geographical feature. There are detached, attached and accumulative peninsulas. This article provides a list of the ten largest peninsulas in the world with brief description and location on the map.

10. Taimyr

Area 400,000 km². The peninsula is located in the north of central Siberia, between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga. Located beyond the Arctic Circle, Taimyr is characterized by a harsh climate. Winter lasts 8 months. The landscape is presented and. Rocky lands with lichens and bushes give way to cedar forests. Lives in Taimyr reindeer, muskox, arctic fox, sable. Walruses set up rookeries on the coasts. Internal and external reservoirs are rich in fish. The territory of the peninsula belongs to Russia.

9. Balkan Peninsula

Area 505,000 km². The peninsula is located in the south. It dominates here mountainous terrain, the climate is humid and cool. In the south there are pine and oak forests, the north is represented by broad-leaved forests. The fauna is diverse, there are many representatives of, and. Among the mammals you can find wild boar, roe deer, deer, and bear. The peninsula is shared by 13 countries, including Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.

8. Iberian Peninsula

Area 582,000 km². The territory is located in southwestern Europe, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to the Pyrenees, the climate in different corners The peninsula has its own characteristics. The north and west are dominated by peat bogs and broad-leaved forests. To the south the flora takes on a Mediterranean character. There are groves of cork oak and dwarf palm trees here. In the interior, the landscape resembles a semi-desert. There are 25 species of birds. There are many reptiles and few have survived. You can meet deer, wild boars, mountain goats, and bears. The lands of the peninsula belong to Spain, France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.

7. Somalia

Area 750,000 km². The peninsula is located in the northeast. This area has an arid climate. Summer temperatures are +34˚C, which is why the flora is not very diverse. Rainforests grow along the banks of reservoirs. The rest of the land is covered with grass and bushes. The animal world has many faces, but some species are on the verge of extinction. Crocodiles, hyenas, lions, and buffalos live here. The peninsula belongs Federal Republic Somalia and Ethiopia.

6. Asia Minor

Area 756,000 km². The land lies in the west. It is washed by the Black, Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean seas. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus. Climate, January temperatures average +10˚C. Evergreen and broad-leaved forests grow on the mountain slopes, which merge into the zone of alpine meadows. The fauna is rich in reptiles, birds and fish. The peninsula belongs to Turkey.

5. Scandinavian Peninsula

The area is approximately 800,000 km². The territory is located in the northwestern part of Europe. The north and west of the peninsula are famous for their fjords, which form many islands and archipelagos. In the south and east there are dangerous underwater rocks. Climate for the most part moderate. Almost half of the territory is occupied by forests. There are coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests. The fauna is represented by deer, elk, foxes and hares. There are bird colonies on the coasts. sea ​​waters rich in fish. Norway, Sweden and Finland are located on the peninsula.

4. Labrador

Area 1.4 million km². The lands are located in eastern Canada. On one side it is surrounded Atlantic Ocean, and on the other - several bays. In the east they rise mountain ranges. The climate is cool, average summer temperatures do not exceed +18˚C. Most of the territory lies in the forest-tundra zone. Vegetable world represented by firs, larches, white spruces. Labrador is home to martens, foxes and muskrats. The peninsula belongs to Canada.

3. Hindustan

The area is more than 2 million km². The territory is located in the southern part of Asia. Hindustan lies in the equatorial monsoon belt. 90% falls during the summer annual quantity rains. Hinterland, closed by mountains, have a dry climate. The flora is an alternation with light forests. It is observed along the river banks. Most of tropical forests cut down, and the area is occupied by plantations. There are many representatives in Hindustan: tigers, spotted leopards. Amphibians, birds and reptiles are common. The peninsula is shared by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

2. Indochina

The area is about 2.4 million km². The peninsula is located in southeast Asia, between water pools Quiet and Indian. The terrain of the territory is varied: mountainous areas give way to plateaus and lowlands. Indochina is located in and climatic zone. Tropical forests coexist with mangroves, but most of the natural vegetation has been replaced by cultivated plants. Animals include monkeys, tigers, rhinoceroses, and wild cats. Indochina is home to Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

1. Arabian Peninsula

The area is about 3.25 million km². The peninsula is located in southwest Asia. Under the influence of continental tropical air, the peninsula has low precipitation all year round. The relief is represented by deserts, lowlands, plateaus and mountain ranges. There are no permanent bodies of water here. The main plant crops are date palm and coffee tree. Savannah-type vegetation appears on the mountain slopes. The fauna is similar to the fauna of neighboring regions of Europe and Africa. Here you can meet jackals, antelopes, gazelles, fennec foxes, and leopards. The world of reptiles is diverse. On Arabian Peninsula located in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Arabian and it seems that sand is all around and everywhere. Warm waters washing the Red Sea, blue waves rush to the coast. Before us is the largest Arabian Peninsula on the planet.
It is located in southwest Asia.

The peninsula is washed by the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the south, the Red Sea in the west, and the Persian and Oman Gulfs in the east. The largest peninsula in the world covers an area of ​​more than 2,700,000 sq. km, capable of accommodating 10 countries like Italy, 7 like Germany and 4 like France.

The largest peninsula on earth Arabian on the map

Created using Yandex.Maps tools

Saudi Arabia, also called the “land of two mosques,” stretches across most of the peninsula. Every year, pilgrims from all over the world come here to perform the Hajj to the shrines of Islam - Medina and Mecca. In addition to this country, other countries are located on the peninsula: Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar Kuwait, United United Arab Emirates and Oman.

Almost the entire territory of Arabia has tropical air. There are generally warm winters and hot, dry summers. Dust storms and prolonged droughts are common occurrences for Arabians.

Nature of the Arabian Peninsula

The Arabian Peninsula is rich oil fields. Oil production is good source income of many countries of this peninsula. There are also huge natural gas reserves here.

The most important animal for Arabs is the horse. Local horses are very strong, hardy and fast. The camel also brings a lot of benefits. It is not for nothing that it is called the “ship of the desert”, as it transports heavy cargo and people, and also produces meat, milk and wool.

The largest peninsula on earth is Arabian - The population of the Arabian Peninsula is estimated only approximately and in 2010 it was 65 million people. Most of them are concentrated in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. People on the Arabian Peninsula live an average of 74 years. The largest ethnic group is the Arabs. Iraqis, Indians and representatives of South Asian people also live here. The spoken language is mostly Arabic, but English is also widely spoken.

Time and the development of technology have had little impact on the way of life of the peoples living in central Arabia. As in ancient times, residents are engaged in crafts, agriculture, and cattle breeding. But this does not apply to the coastal zones of the peninsula, where the main oil pipelines go out and there is active development and production of expensive fuel.

Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula video

The part of land that is washed by water three sides, is called a peninsula. What types of it exist? Where is the world's largest peninsula? Why is he interesting?

Types of peninsulas

The peninsulas can receive absolutely different shapes. Some of them are elongated with a thin, even strip, others are bent with a hook or protrude forward in a semicircle. In any case, they represent a part of land (an island or mainland), which protrudes deeply into the water and is washed by it on three sides.

Of course, this is a very subjective concept, because, by and large, the territory of Western Europe may also fit its description. Nevertheless, the largest peninsula in the world in geography is considered to be the Arabian.

Depending on their origin, peninsulas are distinguished:

  • separated - is a continuation of the continent, forming a single geological structure(Apennine);
  • joined - a piece of land that joined another continental platform (Hindustan);
  • accumulative - formed by sediments that connected the island and the mainland coast (Budagi, Veslovsky Peninsula).

The sharp end of the peninsula is usually called the cape. The most famous in the world are: Horn, Agulny, Tenaron, as well as Cape Dezhnev, Good Hope, Prince of Wales.

The largest peninsulas on Earth

If you look closely at the maps of the continents, you will notice that the coasts of Eurasia are the most severely dissected. Most large peninsula, accordingly, is located right here. It takes approximately 3.2 million square kilometers.

Other world record holders are presented in the table:



Area in thousand sq. km.


Eurasia (Asia)


Eurasia (Asia)


Eurasia (Asia)


North America


Eurasia (Europe)


Eurasia (Europe)


Eurasia (Europe)

Asia Minor

Eurasia (Asia)

Eurasia (Asia)


Eurasia (Asia)

Arabian Peninsula

The largest peninsula by area is located in Asia. It houses the richest countries in the world: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar, as well as parts of Jordan and Iraq. The peninsula was once connected to Africa by land, but since 1869 the Suez Canal has become the dividing line between them.

Its border in the north lies approximately within latitude 30. From the south it is washed by the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, from the west by the Red Sea, and the eastern shores are bathed in the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf.

The width of the peninsula stretches for 2.8 thousand kilometers. It is home to about 124 million people. In geopolitical terms, it plays very important role, as it contains large oil and gas deposits.


The largest peninsula of Eurasia is home to kilometers of sultry deserts made of stone or sand. Its western relief is elevated and dotted with plateaus and plateaus up to 2300 meters high. From north to south, the height increases, and the mountain ranges become increasingly dissected. In the east, the plateau, on the contrary, is lowered, and the height of the area does not exceed two hundred meters.

In the southwest it stretches Mountain chain. Here it is highest point peninsula, Mount of the “Prophet Shuaib” or An-Nabi Shuaib. It is located on the territory of Yemen and is part of the Yemen massif. The peak rises to 3666 meters.

In the northeast is the Harrat al-Sham volcanic field. It stretches from southern Syria, through all of Jordan, to northwestern Saudi Arabia. About 800 volcanic cones are scattered over an area of ​​40 thousand square kilometers.

Climate and inland waters

The climate of the largest peninsula is mainly tropical dry, in the north (up to southern Syria) it becomes subtropical. Its territory is always dominated by dry and hot air masses. Precipitation occurs rarely; if it does occur, it is most often short-term and heavy downpours. In some areas there haven't been any for years.

There is no clear change of seasons here. But in summer it becomes especially hot, and sandstorms. The temperature at this time sometimes reaches 40 degrees, and in the hottest point, the Tihama desert, up to 55 degrees. Stable precipitation occurs only on the slopes of the Yemen and Oman mountains.

In winter in the north, up to 300 mm of precipitation comes with cyclones. Temperatures range from 10-13 degrees Celsius, and frosts occur in January.

The climatic conditions of the largest peninsula are not conducive to the formation of rivers. Most of them occur during rainstorms and dry out quickly after they end. The water network is very sparse; reservoirs are located mainly in the southeastern regions. In many areas, underground springs are located close to the surface, which partly save the situation. However, there are not enough of them and water for the needs of the population has to be desalinated.


The outer slopes of the Arabian mountains are well moistened. They are dotted with mimosas, dragon trees, sycamores, tamarind trees and milkweed. In oases near the mountains there are acacias, tamarisks and other vegetation. On slopes with abundant rainfall there are terraces with cereals, coffee plantations and orchards.

The remaining parts of the peninsula are dominated by desert and semi-desert vegetation. It is represented by cereals, low shrubs, wormwood and succulents. Vast areas covered with stones and shifting sands are devoid of any vegetation.

In terms of animal composition, the peninsula has much in common with Africa. Predators such as hyenas and jackals hunt gazelles and antelopes here. The rodent hyrax is found in Syria, leopards live in the mountains, and the fennec fox lives in the deserts. Vipers, cobras, chameleons, and scorpions are found in abundance.


Despite the hot climate and desert landscapes, the largest peninsula is visited by millions of tourists. All countries on the peninsula are Arab, and the main religion of the majority of the inhabitants is Islam. The peninsula is home to mosques of varying ages and architecture, and the cities of Medina and Mecca are centers of world pilgrimage.

Some of the most expensive and elite resorts are also located here. In the UAE there are not only five, but also seven-star hotels (Burj Al Arab), tall skyscrapers, the largest shopping and entertainment center The Dubai Mall, the Dubai Palm Islands, etc.

In Oman, you can scuba dive, watching the life of coral reefs, visit the most popular Muttrah Corniche market, the Royal Opera House and Art Jalali Fort, built by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

On the Arabian Peninsula, excursions are organized to local deserts, each of which has its own characteristics. Rub El Khali is one of the largest in the world, dotted with velvet dunes, the Nefud desert in the north has bright yellow, almost orange sands, and the surface of El Hamad is covered with fragments of limestone and silicon, granite boulders.

The largest peninsula in Russia

The Taimyr Peninsula is located between the Khatanga and Yenisei gulfs, in the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory. This is the northernmost peninsula on the continent, extreme point which is Cape Chelyuskin.

It lies within the arctic and subarctic climate zones. There is piercing cold and permafrost here. Temperatures in winter reach minus 60 degrees. There are often snowstorms.

The Byrranga Mountains run from southwest to northeast and divide it into two large parts, leaving plains in the south and mountain ranges in the north. A South part It is represented by swampy terrain with tundra vegetation and lakes. The largest of them are Taimyr and Pyasino.

There are no cities on Russia's largest peninsula. It contains only villages and urban-type settlements: Talnakh (48 thousand people), Kayerkan (22 thousand people), Dikson (600 people), Karaul (800 people), etc. There are many abandoned settlements, and the number of residents in those still operating is greatly reduced.

The earth's land has a wide variety of coastlines, including peninsulas: among them there are very long, elongated narrow strip, there is also a curved hook. The most expressive form - an elegant boot - has the well-known Apennine Peninsula. Peninsulas may be part big continent or a small island - this is the name given to stretches of land protruding far into the sea, connected to the “continent” by a wide or very narrow isthmus. To a certain extent, even the concept of a peninsula fits Western Europe, but it is too large and is therefore considered part of the continent of Europe.

1. Arabian Peninsula (3,250,000 sq. km)

The largest peninsula is located in southeast Asia, as if it shares it with Africa. From the west it is washed by the waters of the Red Sea, from the south by the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The lion's share of the Arabian Peninsula is under the control of Saudi Arabia, besides which there are other Arab countries: Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain.
On the Arabian Peninsula it is almost always sunny; during the day there is sweltering heat, literally driving all residents under their roofs. There is not much natural beauty here, since 80% of the land is desert, but there is a lot of oil and gas. In general, the typical landscape of the Arabian Peninsula resembles deserts East Africa. The main population of the peninsula are Arabs, slightly diluted with foreigners (Egyptians, Filipinos, Indians, Pakistanis), and there are very few Europeans there.

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2. Indochina Peninsula (2,413,620 sq. km)

On the southeastern side of Asia is the second largest peninsula - the Indochina Peninsula. This is the name given to him by Europeans. When the British and French plowed the waters between Asia and Australia, when they looked at the inhabitants of this peninsula, they found in them features of the Indian and Chinese ethnic groups, which is why they called this land Indochina. From the west this peninsula is washed by the waters Indian Ocean(Andaman Sea), and from the east - Pacific Ocean(South China Sea). Many rivers flow through the peninsula, since the local climate is very humid. Thanks to this, Indochina is much more picturesque than the Arabian Peninsula.
On the territory of this peninsula there are several states whose culture has quite a few common features. These include Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, most of Myanmar and a piece of Bangladesh. There are similar religions and writing, and some peoples have common traditions. But more important for local residents what makes them special, different from neighboring peoples. Therefore, life on the peninsula is replete with a variety of colors; an incredible synthesis of cultures is felt here, although residents tend to adhere to their clearly defined boundaries.

3. Hindustan (about 2,000,000 sq. km)

Since this peninsula is not connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus, its boundaries, like its area, cannot be more or less accurately determined. It, like a stalactite, grows from the middle of the southern coast of Asia. Previously, the entire peninsula was occupied by India, but after the British divided their colony, Pakistan and Bangladesh also appeared there.
The climate here is not as humid as in Indochina, it is hotter and drier. On both sides, the coast of the peninsula is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean - the Arabian Sea from the west and the Bay of Bengal from the east.
Large reserves of iron ore have been discovered in Hindustan, coal and other minerals. India's own oil reserves have helped India develop a powerful oil refining industry. There are six million-plus cities on the territory of Hindustan. The beautiful, diverse nature and ancient history of this peninsula began to attract a huge number of tourists every year. Therefore for Lately The development of tourism infrastructure has also made significant progress here.

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4. Labrador (1,600,000 sq. km)

This peninsula is on the eastern side North America. It is quite picturesque, so travelers from different countries. Labrador is crossed by many rivers and is also very rich in lakes. There is a diverse flora, thanks to which it is abundant and animal world peninsula (foxes, muskrats, lynxes).
Since Labrador is located in northern latitudes, then it does not involve a beach holiday, because the climate here is quite harsh. In winter there are frosts below 35 degrees, while in summer the air almost never warms up above 15 degrees. The climate here is humid, the weather is often chilly, but at the same time, there is not much rainfall here. The north of the peninsula is covered with snow in winter, although in the south it can rain heavily at this time.

5. Scandinavian Peninsula (800,000 sq. km)

The Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest in Europe, located in the north of the continent. Its territory is mainly occupied by Sweden and Norway, partly Finland and even a tiny part of Russia are located here. The nature of the peninsula attracts with its northern beauty, so there are always many travelers here. The Scandinavian Peninsula is washed by the Barents Sea from the north, the Norwegian Sea from the west, the North Sea from the southwest, and the Baltic Sea from the south and southeast.
On the territory of the peninsula there are different climatic zones: If the south has a maritime climate, then the north has a subarctic climate. The peninsula is mainly covered coniferous forests(pine, spruce), but there are also broad-leaved and mixed forests. The fauna of the peninsula is rich, and there is a lot of fish in the surrounding seas. The Scandinavians created many parks and nature reserves.

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6. Somalia (750,000 sq. km)

This largest peninsula on the Dark Continent is also called the Horn of Africa. It is limited from the north by the waters of the Gulf of Aden, and from the east by the waves of the Indian Ocean. In the northeast, the peninsula ends at Cape Guardafui. The climate on this peninsula is harsh, arid, the local fauna and flora are represented by many species, but some of them are now on the verge of extinction. Of the 250 species of reptiles remaining on the planet, over 90 can be found on the Somali peninsula. In addition to the country of the same name, the peninsula contains part of Ethiopia, as well as Eritrea and Djibouti. International reserves were organized here and National parks. But local grasslands are severely depleted, so only 5% of the original habitat of many species remains.

7. Iberian Peninsula (600,000 sq. km)

It also has a second name - the Iberian Peninsula. There are 5 countries on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula: the lion's share Spain occupies, then Portugal and, interspersed, Andorra, Gibraltar (controlled by Great Britain) and a piece of France. The Iberian Peninsula was known to the ancient Phoenicians three thousand years ago. It is possible that they gave the name to this land. They called their Iberian colony "I-spannim", that is, "The Coast of Rabbits", from which the name Spain was born.
The peninsula is mainly covered with plateaus average height 1000-1500 m. It is located in the subtropical climate zone. There are warm winters (+8-12 degrees) and hot summers (+25-28 degrees).

8. Asia Minor (506,000 sq. km)

This peninsula at the western tip of Asia is also called Anatolia, and its territory is now completely occupied by Turkey. The ancient Greeks called this land Anatolia (sunrise, east) because it was from there that the sun rose for them. The name “Asia Minor” was first used by Paul Orosius, a Christian historian, in one of his works. By this, he sought to separate the region that the Apostle Paul converted to Christianity from the rest of pagan Asia.
WITH different sides Asia Minor washed various seas: The Black Sea - from the north, the Marmara Sea - from the northwest, the Mediterranean - from the south, and from the west - also the Mediterranean, but called the Aegean. In recent decades, Russians have studied the territory of Asia Minor well, as Turkey began to offer very high-quality and inexpensive holidays on its coasts. Many compatriots are familiar with the names of such resorts as Antalya, Alanya, Belek, Kemer, Side and others.
The climate here is quite mild: in January average temperature is at +5 degrees, but in summer it can be very hot here - up to 30 and even 35 degrees hot, and sometimes it can be +40 degrees. Most often, the most intense heat is observed on the southern coast of the Anatolian Peninsula.

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9. Balkans (505,000 sq. km)

In southern Europe there is a large Balkan peninsula. It is washed from different sides by waters Mediterranean Sea(Aegean, Ionian, Adriatic seas), Marmara and Black seas. On west coast Balkans coastline strongly indented, forming countless bays and bays, mostly with steep, rocky shores. On the contrary, with east side the banks are flatter and straighter. Most of the peninsula is occupied by the Balkan Mountains, which have medium and low altitude.
The Balkan Peninsula has become home to many states: first of all, Greece, then Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, and former Yugoslavia, fragmented into a handful of small countries (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and even a piece of northeastern Italy ended up in the Balkans. At one time, the Ottomans called the local mountains the word “Balkan,” which means “high mountain range covered with forests,” this name stuck, and the peninsula itself began to be called the same. IN central regions and in the north of the peninsula there is a temperate continental climate with rather cold and snowy winters and dry and hot summers. But in the west and south of the peninsula the climate is Mediterranean subtropical, where after a hot summer comes a rather mild winter. As for the northeast of the Balkans, the climate there varies from continental to subtropical.

10. Taimyr (400,000 sq. km)

In the very north of the Eurasian continent between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga in the ice of the Northern Arctic Ocean an impressive piece of land juts out - the Taimyr Peninsula. To the north of it they were frozen in eternal ice islands of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, from where it’s already a stone’s throw to North Pole. Taimyr is the largest peninsula in Russia. It is limited to the north by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. And the northernmost tip of Taimyr, Cape Chelyuskin, is also the northernmost continental point in all of Eurasia.
Even many adults have the vaguest idea where this peninsula is located. It really can’t be called a “tourist Mecca”. The polar region is dominated by a harsh arctic climate; even in summer it never gets warmer than +10 degrees. Administratively, Taimyr belongs to the national district of the same name, which is part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The entire territory of the peninsula is occupied by rugged desert mountain ranges.

Arabian Peninsula

Sand... It seems to be everywhere here. Several palm trees. Or maybe a whole oasis, saving in this deserted desert. The Bedouins saddled camels, and the women black clothes hurrying about their business. Here comes the warm Red Sea. Its soft blue waves roll onto the lonely coast. Arabian Peninsula. Here, the religious peace and humility that reigns in the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina intersect with the idle fun and relaxation of tourists in Dubai. This is what it is, the largest peninsula in the world.

The Arabian Peninsula is located in southwest Asia. Its borders are washed by the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the south, the Red Sea in the west, and the Persian and Oman Gulfs in the east. The area of ​​the largest peninsula in the world is more than 2.7 million square meters. km. Such a vast territory could accommodate Italy 10 times, Germany 7 times or France 4 times.

Most of the Arabian Peninsula is occupied by Saudi Arabia, also known as the “land of two mosques.” Every year, pilgrims from all over the world perform the Hajj to the shrines of Islam - Mecca and Medina.

Saudi Arabia and climate

The capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, from a small town with a population of 160 thousand people over the past half century has become major metropolis. Now 4.8 million people live in the “city of gardens” (this is how its name is translated from ancient Arabic). Rapid development capital occurred in the wake of the “oil boom”, because colossal deposits of “black gold” were discovered in Saudi Arabia. Oil exports turned the country into a wealthy modern state.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula includes countries such as Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and one of richest countries Middle East - United Arab Emirates.

The climate of the Arabian Peninsula is not striking in its diversity. Most of Arabia is dominated by tropical air. Winter here is warm, the temperature rarely drops below +14 C. Only on Far North, when cold winds rarely penetrate the peninsula, the thermometer can drop to 0. Summer is predominantly dry and hot. The air warms up to 35-45 C. Rains are expected on the peninsula in a way that can only be expected in the Sahara. There is very little precipitation: in the south - about 50 mm. per year (sometimes there is no rain for several years in a row), in tropical zones - about 100 mm. The southwest and southeast of the peninsula are a little more fortunate - here, on the mountain slopes, 500-700 mm falls. annual precipitation. Prolonged droughts and dust storms- phenomena familiar to Arabians.

Oil and other resources of the peninsula

Oil is the main wealth of the Arabian Peninsula. It was the extraction of this valuable fuel that breathed life into the capital of Arabia and many other cities of the peninsula. Entire countries, such as Oman, Qatar, and the UAE, live on income from the sale of “black gold.” The most large deposits oil is concentrated on the Persian Gulf coast.

Saudi Arabia and the peninsular states closest to it have huge reserves of natural gas. Qatar closes the top three leading countries with proven deposits of “blue fuel”. It is the third country in terms of gas supply after Russia and Iran.

In addition to oil and gas, potash and table salt, limestone, gypsum, marble and iron ore are mined on the Arabian Peninsula.

Facts about the Arabian Peninsula

The soils on the peninsula are predominantly sandy. In the south there are red-brown soils, in the lowlands - saline soils. In some places there are gray soils and gray-brown soils. The flora here, despite the dominance of primitive sandy soils, is diverse. Food for livestock, aloe and euphorbia grow among the desert sands. In the mountains you can find forests of acacias and mimosa. At an altitude of 1500-1800 m, olive trees, pistachios and various shrubs feel great. Fruit, coffee and grain are grown on the mountain slopes. In the lowlands of the Red Sea there are numerous oases where the main plant is the date palm. In some places there are grapes and coconuts.

The fauna of the Arabian Peninsula is similar to that of Africa. Reptiles, rodents, ungulates and even predators - there was a place for everyone on the peninsula. The desert area is home to jerboas, lizards, chameleons, snakes and even antelopes and gazelles. In short, animals capable for a long time do without water. On the slopes of the mountains lives a small, rabbit-like animal - the hyrax. You can also find a baboon in the mountains. Of the large mammals, wolves, foxes, hyenas, panthers and leopards are widespread.

The most important animal for Arabs is the horse. Arabian horses are hardy, strong and fast. The camel is no less important on the peninsula. This “ship of the desert” transports people and heavy cargo, provides milk, meat and wool.

Fauna of the Arabian Peninsula

The bird world is represented by guinea fowl, partridges, larks, as well as plowshares, hawks and falcons. In the steppes and deserts you can find the ostrich, and on the coast - the stork and pelican.

The main pest of these fields is locusts. It devastates lowlands and destroys crops. However, this insect can also become prey for the Arab. After all, the Bedouins eat locusts as food. Breeding in the deserts of Arabia, it migrates to other Asian countries.

Residents of the peninsula

The population of the entire Arabian Peninsula as a whole cannot be determined. Through basic calculations, one can obtain only an approximate value of 65 million people in 2010. Of them the largest part lives in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Average duration life on the Arabian Peninsula - 74 years. The most numerous ethnic group are Arabs. Also, Indians, Iraqis and South Asian peoples have found their home here. They speak on the peninsula mainly in Arabic, but English is also widely spoken.

The lifestyle of the people inhabiting central part Arabia, has changed little over time and the development of new technologies. Here residents are still engaged in cattle breeding, irrigated agriculture, and crafts. What can't be said about coastal areas peninsulas where the main oil pipelines go and where active work for the extraction of valuable fuel. Ports are being built on the coast, industry and construction are actively developing.

Ekaterina Katina, Samogo.Net