Formulate a definition of the post office census observation object. Statistical observation plan and population census data

Appendix 1 contains copies of forms for the All-Union Population Censuses of 1979, 1989, as well as the All-Russian Population Census of 2002.
Having carefully examined and compared them with each other, answer the following questions:
a) What species does each of them belong to?
b) Define the object of each census.
c) What are the differences in the programs of these censuses?
d) What are the differences in the wording of age questions?
e) Indicate the differences in asking questions about marital status.
f) What are and what are the reasons for the differences in the formulation of questions about the occupations of the population in these censuses?
g) How else do census forms differ from each other?
h) Are there clues on the 2002 Census form? If so, in what questions and what content (complete, incomplete)? Fill out the 2002 Census form with information about yourself and other members of your household as of the critical moment (see Appendix 1). The critical moment is set as directed by the teacher. Classify the forms of answers to questions on the 2002 population census questionnaire (see Appendix 1). Present the classification results in the following table: List the questions on the census form of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, the answers to which must be given in the form of numbers. Formulate the definition of the object of observation:
a) census of post offices;
b) census of trading enterprises;
c) census of scientific institutions;
d) census of commercial banks;
e) census of hospitals, clinics and other health care institutions;
f) school census;
g) survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. Make a list of the most significant features of the following units of statistical observation:
a) farming;
b) residential building (for the housing census);
c) university;
d) library;
e) theater;
f) joint venture. What signs do you identify that should be recorded during:
a) surveys of an industrial company to study labor turnover;
b) surveys of the operation of urban transport in order to study the role of its various types in the transportation of passengers;
c) surveys of university students to study time budget. Formulate the object, unit and purpose of observation and develop a survey program:
a) kindergartens;
b) companies producing baby food;
c) gas stations; hotel complex in the region. Formulate questions to include in the observation form based on the following characteristics of objects of observation:
a) the number of employees in the company;
b) the size of the family;
c) family ties of family members;
d) gender and age of the person? Formulate the questions of the observation program and draw up a layout of the statistical form, as well as brief instructions for filling it out to study the dependence of academic performance on gender, age, marital status, living conditions and social activity of a university student when conducting a special statistical survey as of February 1, 2003. Indicate , what type of observation this is in terms of time, coverage and method of obtaining data. The trading company "Party" instructs you to develop a form for a questionnaire survey of customers in order to study the contingent visiting the company, satisfy their demand and spend time on purchasing the necessary audio and video equipment. Indicate what type of observation this is in terms of time, coverage and method of obtaining data. In order to study the opinions of students about the organization of the educational process at the university where you study, it is necessary to conduct a special survey. You need to determine:
a) object and unit of observation;
b) characteristics subject to registration;
c) type and method of observation;
d) develop a form and write brief instructions for filling it out;
e) draw up an organizational plan for the survey;
f) make observations in your student group and present the results in the form of tables. Determine the object and unit of observation of a one-time survey of public library readers. Develop a program and form for this survey. Develop a program and form for a one-time survey of the living conditions of university students in your city as of January 1, 2003, as well as an organizational plan for this observation. Make layouts of statistical observation forms in accordance with the programs you developed in task 2.8. In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted a microcensus of the population of the Russian Federation. What type of observation is this examination? In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted (through its bodies) a one-time survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. What type of statistical observation by time does this survey belong to? A consignment of goods has arrived at the wholesale trading base. To check its quality, a tenth of the batch was randomly selected and, through a thorough examination of each unit of product, its quality was determined and recorded. What type of observation (and by what criteria) can this inspection of a batch of goods be classified as? Statistical observation is carried out. Answers to questions on the observation form are recorded on the basis of documents containing relevant information. What is this type of observation called? The editors of the magazine, wanting to find out readers' opinions about the magazine and their wishes for its improvement, sent out a questionnaire with a request to answer the questions contained in it and return it to the editorial office. What is this observation called in statistics? During the 2002 population census, responses to the questions on the census form were recorded based on the responses of the persons interviewed. What is this type of observation called? What is the name of the census worker who surveys the population and fills out census forms? During the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, enumerators visited each family and recorded each individual family member and his answers to the questions on the census form on the census forms. What is this method of observation called? It is planned to conduct a census of livestock on households. What method and type of observation (according to the source of information) would you prefer for this census? Motivate your choice. It is necessary to conduct a one-time survey of the use of equipment in textile enterprises. In what way do you know should the statistical authorities conduct this survey? Motivate your choice. Determine the place, time and bodies for conducting statistical observations:
a) accounting for foreign exchange transactions of commercial banks;
b) a sample survey of the budgets of pensioner families;
c) accounting of citizens’ incomes and sources of their income, which is carried out by tax inspectorates at the end of the calendar year;
d) recording immigrants in order to determine their socio-demographic composition, purpose of entry and country of departure. Using logical control, check the following answers to the questions on the population census questionnaire:
a) last name, first name, patronymic - Ivanova Irina Petrovna;
b) gender - male;
c) age - 5 years;
d) are you currently married - yes;
e) nationality - Russian;
f) native language - Russian;
g) education - secondary specialized;
h) place of work - kindergarten;
i) occupation at this place of work - nurse.
In the answers to which questions, erroneous entries are most likely made? Can any of them be fixed? In one of the census sheets of the population census, which had a critical moment of 0 hours from 08 to 09 October 2002, the following entries were made:
a) last name, first name, patronymic - Sergey Ivanovich Petrov;
b) gender - male;
c) age - 50 years old, born in the 4th month of 1925;
d) is currently married - no; k) nationality - Russian;
e) education - secondary;
g) place of work - outerwear studio;
h) occupation at this place of work - accounting, public group - worker. />Indicate which of the answers do not agree with each other. Using counting (arithmetic) control, check the following data obtained from statistical reporting on the work of the kindergarten:
a) total children in kindergarten - 133;
b) including: in senior groups - 37, in middle groups - 43, in junior groups - 58;
c) out of the total number of children: boys - 72, girls - 66.
If you have identified a discrepancy between some numbers, do you think there is sufficient reason to make an appropriate adjustment? Check the following data on revenue from servicing the population by telecommunications enterprises in the city area and give the most likely explanation for the discrepancy between the numbers that you found (thousand rubles):
Total revenue - 255
Including from: sales of envelopes, stamps, postcards and other types of goods - 150
subscriptions to periodicals - 200 sales of newspapers and magazines - 45 The population census was carried out from October 9 to October 16, 2002. The critical moment was 0 o'clock in the morning from October 8 to October 9.
The counter arrived: to family No. 1 - October 11. A person in this family died on October 10th. What should the counter do:
a) do not enter information about the deceased on the census form:
b) enter with a death note;
c) enter without a death mark; to family No. 2 - October 15 and went to the wedding. Two hours ago, the newlyweds returned from the registry office after registering their marriage (before that they were not in a registered marriage). What should the enumerator record in response to the question: “Are you currently married” about each spouse - is he or is he not? to family No. 3 - October 16. A child was born into the family on October 14. What should the counter do regarding this child:
a) be included in the census form;
b) not to be included in the census form; to family No. 4 - also October 16. One of the family members, when asked: “Is he currently married,” replied that he was not, and showed the enumerator a divorce certificate, which indicated that the marriage was dissolved on the first day of the census - October 9. Despite the interviewee's objections, the enumerator registered him as married. Did the counter do the right thing? The city department of state statistics received from the enterprise a “Report of an industrial enterprise on the implementation of the labor plan” for the second quarter of this year. It contains all the necessary information about the implementation of the labor plan, but there are no signatures of the relevant officials. Is it possible to send this report for development or not?

How can you formulate the definition of an observation object:

1) census of the country's housing stock


Recall that the object of observation is understood as a certain statistical aggregate in which the socio-economic phenomena and processes under study occur. The object of observation can be a set of individuals (population of a region, country, persons employed at industry enterprises, etc.), physical units (cars, residential buildings), legal entities (enterprises, farms, commercial banks, educational institutions).

To determine the object of observation, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the population being studied. To do this, you should indicate the most important features that distinguish it from other similar objects. For example, for industrial enterprises, determine the form of ownership, organizational and legal forms of enterprises, industries and regions to be monitored.

1) Housing census

The boundaries of observation are the territory of the country; the object of observation during the housing census is the totality of residential buildings and premises of all forms of ownership, in which people were registered and actually lived at the time of the census. Observation time – critical date, as of which the housing stock is taken into account.

The observation unit is a residential building or premises.

2) Censuses of scientific institutions of the republic

The boundaries of observation are the territory of the country, the object of observation during the census of scientific institutions are organizations and institutions whose charter contains types of activities classified as scientific. Observation time – critical date, as of which scientific institutions are taken into account.

Test questions for the topic “Statistical observation”

1. Name the stages of statistical observation.

2. What is the essence of statistical observation?

3. What is an object and unit of statistical observation?

4. What is the purpose of drawing up a statistical observation plan?

5. What is a statistical surveillance program?

6. How does observation differ in terms of the scope of units in the observed population?

7. Name the types of incomplete observation.

8. Name the methods of statistical observation.

9. What errors can occur during the observation process, what ways are there to prevent and control them?

10. What is the name of a set of elements that have mass character, qualitative homogeneity, a certain integrity, interdependence of the states of individual units and the presence of variation?

11. Which statistical observation document defines the object and objectives of observation?

12. What is the name of the list of questions that must be answered in the process of statistical research about each unit of the population?

13. What is the unit of observation in a population census?

14. What is the name of a survey in which only a part of the population of interest to the researcher is registered according to some characteristic and the results obtained serve as a characteristic of the entire population?

Test assignments for the topic “Statistical observation”

Workshop 1. (according to Shmoilova and others)


1.1. Name the main stages in the evolution of the semantic content of the term Statistics.”

1.2. Indicate the name of the employee for whom collecting statistical data is a professional activity.

1.3. Name as an example the areas of socio-economic life of society studied by statistics.

1.6. What types (quantitative or attributive) do the following characteristics belong to:

A) the number of employees in the company;

B) family ties of family members;

C) gender and age of the person;

D) the social status of the depositor in Sberbank;

D) number of floors of residential premises;

E) number of children in the family;

G) retail turnover of trade associations.

1.7. Indicate which populations can be identified in a higher education institution for statistical study?

1.8. Indicate which statistical aggregates of credit institutions can be identified; spheres of the consumer market; peasant farms; construction production

1.9. What quantitative and attributive characteristics can be used to characterize the population of university students?

1.15. What signs - discontinuous or continuous - are:

A) the population of the country;

B) the number of marriages and divorces;

C) production of light industry products in value terms;

D) capital investments in value terms;

D) percentage of fulfillment of the plan for sold products;

E) the number of seats on the plane;

G) grain yield in centners per 1 hectare.

1.16. What types (qualitative or quantitative) are the following characteristics:

A) the worker’s wage category;

B) grade point;

B) form of ownership;

D) type of school (primary, junior high, etc.);

D) nationality;

E) marital status.

1.17. Name social groups based on their sources of livelihood.

Statistical observation

2.2. Fill out the 2002 Census form with information about yourself and other members of your household at the time of crisis (see online forms). The critical moment is set as directed by the teacher.

2.3. Classify the forms of answers to the questions of the 2002 population census questionnaire. Present the classification results in the following table:

2.5. Formulate the definition of the object of observation:

A) census of post offices;

B) census of commercial enterprises;

B) census of scientific institutions;

D) census of commercial banks;

D) census of hospitals, clinics and other institutions


E) school census;

G) survey of organizations on the composition of costs for


2.6. Make a list of the most significant features of the following units of statistical observation:

A) farming;

B) residential building (for the housing census);

D) library;

D) theater;

E) joint venture.

2.12. In order to study the opinions of students about the organization of the educational process at the university where you study, it is necessary to conduct a special survey. You need to determine:

A) object and unit of observation;

B) characteristics subject to registration;

C) type and method of observation;

D) develop a form and write brief instructions for filling it out;

D) draw up an organizational plan for the survey;

E) make observations in your student group and present the results in the form of tables.

2.17. In 1994, the State Statistics Committee of Russia conducted (through its bodies) a one-time survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs. What type of statistical observation by time does this survey belong to?

2.18. A consignment of goods has arrived at the wholesale trading base. To check its quality, a tenth of the lot was randomly selected, and through a thorough inspection of each unit of goods, its quality was determined and recorded. What type of observation (and by what criteria) can this inspection of a batch of goods be classified as?

2.19. Statistical observation is carried out. Answers to questions on the observation form are recorded on the basis of documents containing relevant information. What is this type of observation called?

2.20. The editors of the magazine, wanting to find out readers' opinions about the magazine and their wishes for its improvement, sent out a questionnaire with a request to answer the questions contained in it and return it to the editorial office. What is this observation called in statistics?

2.21. During the 2002 population census, responses to the questions on the census form were recorded based on the responses of the persons interviewed. What is this type of observation called? What is the name of the census worker who surveys the population and fills out census forms?

2.22. During the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, enumerators visited each family and recorded each individual family member and his answers to the questions on the census form on the census forms. What is this method of observation called?

2.26. Using logical control, check the following answers to the questions on the population census questionnaire:

A) last name, first name, patronymic – Ivanova Irina Petrovna;

B) gender – male;

B) age – 5 years;

D) are you currently married – yes;

D) nationality – Russian;

E) native language – Russian;

G) education – secondary specialized;

H) place of work – kindergarten;

I) occupation at this place of work is a nurse.

In the answers to which questions are errors most likely made? Can any of them be fixed?

2.27. In one of the census sheets of the population census, which had a critical moment of 0 hours from 08 to 09 October 2002, the following entries were made:

A) last name, first name, patronymic – Sergey Ivanovich Petrov;

B) gender – male;

C) age - 50 years old, born in the 4th month of 1925;

D) is currently married – no;

D) nationality – Russian;

E) education – secondary;

G) place of work – outerwear studio;

3) occupation at this place of work – accountant;

I) social group – worker.

Indicate which of the answers do not agree with each other.

2.28. Using counting (arithmetic) control, check the following data obtained from statistical reporting on the work of the kindergarten:

A) total children in kindergarten – 133;

B) including: in senior groups - 37, in middle groups - 43, in junior groups - 58;

C) out of the total number of children: boys - 72, girls - 66.

If you have identified a discrepancy between some numbers, do you think there is sufficient reason to make an appropriate adjustment?

2.29. Check the following data on revenue from servicing the population by telecommunications enterprises in the city area and give the most likely explanation for the discrepancy between the numbers that you found (thousand rubles):

Total revenue – 255.

Including from:

sales of envelopes, stamps, postcards and other types of goods – 150,

subscriptions to periodicals – 200,

sales of newspapers and magazines – 45.

2.30. The population census was carried out from October 9 to October 16, 2002. The critical moment was 0 o'clock in the morning from October 8 to October 9. The counter arrived:

1) to family No. 1 - October 11. A person in this family died on October 10th. What should the counter do:

A) do not enter information about the deceased on the census form;

B) enter with a death note;

C) enter without a death mark;

2) to family No. 2 - October 15 and went to the wedding. Two hours ago, the newlyweds returned from the registry office after registering their marriage (before that they were not in a registered marriage). What should the enumerator record in response to the question “Are you currently married” about each spouse:

A) consists;

B) is not a member;

3) to family No. 3 – October 16. A child was born into the family on October 14. What should the counter do regarding this child:

A) enter into the census form;

B) not to be included in the census form;

4) to family No. 4 – also on October 16. One of the family members, when asked: “Is he currently married,” replied that he was not, and showed the enumerator a divorce certificate, which indicated that the marriage was dissolved on the first day of the census - October 9. Despite the interviewee's objections, the enumerator registered him as married. Did the counter do the right thing?

2.31. The city department of state statistics received from the enterprise a “Report of an industrial enterprise on the implementation of the labor plan” for the second quarter of this year. It contains all the necessary information about the implementation of the labor plan, but there are no signatures of the relevant officials. Is it possible to send this report for development or not?

2. The 2002 All-Russian Population Census was conducted from October 9 to October 16, 2002, as of 0 o’clock from October 8 to October 9. The counter arrived:

a) to family No. 1 - October 10. A child was born into this family on October 9. Should the census taker enter information about the newborn child on the census form?

b) to family No. 2 - October 15. In this family, a family member died on October 14th. Does the enumerator have to enter information about the deceased on the census form?

c) to family No. 3 - October 16. In this family, on October 12, the newlyweds registered their marriage at the registry office. What answer should the enumerator record to the question on the census form "Marriage Status"

3. Using logical control, check the following answers to the questions on the population census questionnaire:

Using counting (arithmetic) control, check the following data received from kindergarten. Draw a conclusion.

A) Total children in kindergarten - 133

b) Including: in senior groups – 37,

in average – 43,

in juniors – 58

V) Of the total number of children: boys - 72,

girls – 66



5. Formulate the definition of the object of observation, the unit of observation:


on the topic "Statistical observation"

1. Give examples of various types of statistical observation based on media data (over the last 5-7 years)






2. Develop program and methodological questions of statistical observation on the topic of your choice, format it in the form of a table:

Organizational plan for statistical observation

Event Dates Responsible

Terminological dictionary

Statistical observation- mass, systematic, scientifically organized observation of the phenomena of social and economic life, which consists of recording the characteristics selected by each unit of the population.

Purpose of observation- obtaining reliable information to identify patterns of development of phenomena and processes.

Observation object- statistical aggregate in which the studied socio-economic phenomena and processes occur.

Unit of observation- a component element of an object that is a carrier of characteristics subject to registration.

Reporting unit- the subject from whom data about the observation unit comes.

Surveillance program- a list of signs (or questions) to be recorded during the observation process.

Statistical form- a uniform document containing the program and observation results.

Critical moment (date)- day of the year, hour of the day, as of which the registration of characteristics should be carried out for each unit of the population under study.

Duration (period) of observation- the time during which statistical forms are filled out.

Reporting- the main form of statistical observation, with the help of which statistical authorities, within a certain period of time, receive from enterprises, institutions and organizations the necessary data in the form of legally established reporting documents, sealed with the signatures of persons responsible for their provision and the reliability of the collected information.

Census- specially organized observation, repeated, as a rule, at regular intervals, in order to obtain data on the number, composition and condition of the object of statistical observation for a number of characteristics.

Register surveillance- a form of continuous statistical observation of long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, a stage of development and a fixed end.

Direct observation- recorders, by directly measuring, weighing, counting or checking work, etc., establish the fact to be recorded, and on this basis make entries in the observation form.

Documentary method of observation- is based on the use of various types of documents, usually of an accounting nature, as a source of statistical information.

Survey- a method of observation in which the observed information is obtained from the words of the respondent.

Current observation- observation, when changes in relation to the phenomena being studied are recorded as they occur.

One-time examination- information is given about the quantitative characteristics of any phenomenon or process at the time of its study.

Continuous observation- obtaining information about all units of the population under study.

Partial observation- only part of the units of the population being studied is subject to examination.

Accuracy of statistical observation- the degree of correspondence of the value of any indicator, determined from statistical observation materials, to its actual value.

Observation error- discrepancy between the calculated and actual values ​​of the studied quantities.

Additional material

Concepts related to the formation of an information base
Concepts Characteristics
Information Derived from the Latin word “explanation, exposition.” This is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, man and machine, the exchange of signals in the animal and plant world.
Statistical information A set of information of a social and economic nature, on the basis of which functions such as accounting and control, planning, management and statistical analysis are carried out.
Sources of statistical information These are state statistics bodies, organizations conducting sociological surveys, etc.
Requirements for statistical information These are: 1) accuracy, completeness and representativeness of the information received about socio-economic processes and phenomena; 2) compliance with the research objectives (the same information is adequate for solving some problems and is not adequate for others); 3) reliability of information as the degree of correspondence of statistical information to the displayed reality; 4) mass scale, obtaining a sufficient volume of the population under study for analysis; 5) systematic collection and processing of information; 6) a scientific approach to information based on methods of knowledge of reality and the general provisions of statistics as a science; 7) adequacy of information to the essence and nature of the phenomena being studied.
Other types of information (besides statistical) that a statistician should use These are: 1) accounting data (that is, continuous recording of the presence and movement of material and financial assets of the organization); 2) data from operational and technical reporting (that is, a set of recorded individual events and facts immediately at the time of their occurrence), reflecting the technological state of the object at a particular point in time; 3) data from sociological research, which is characterized by the influence of the subjective factor, the need to take into account group, class, social motives, interests, etc.

Section 3. Summary and grouping of statistics

Lesson topic Methodological support for the lesson Literature Note (independent work)
Tasks and types of statistical summary. Grouping method in statistics Visual aid - Distribution series Ch. 3. Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.5 -
Distribution series in statistics Ch. 3. Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.5 Textbook, ed. I.G. Small Theory of Statistics p.78-109 3 hours Solving problems on grouping statistical data. Performing tasks on constructing distribution series and their graphical representation. Select examples of distribution series and tables from newspapers and magazines
Construction of distribution series and their graphical representation. Collection of problems Ch. 3 Paragraphs 3.1-3.2, 3.4 -

The student should know:

ü main methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and visually presenting information

ü concepts: statistical summary, grouping of statistical data, distribution series.

ü types of reports

ü types of groups

ü grouping characteristics.

ü Sturgess formula

The student must be able to:

ü collect and register statistical information;

ü build attribute and variation distribution series, simple and complex groupings.

ü determine the elements of the variation series.

ü determine the size of the interval.

ü perform regrouping of statistical data.

ü build graphs of distribution series

Section plan:

Topic 3.1. Objectives and types of statistical summary

1. Concept of statistical summary

2. Methodological issues of statistical groupings, their significance in economic research

3. Objectives of statistical groupings, their types

Topic 3.2. Distribution series in statistics

5. Statistical distribution series

6. Statistical tables

7. Development of predicate statistical tables

8. Basic rules for compiling tables

Questions for self-control

1. What are the first and second stages of statistical research and what is their significance?

2. What types of reports do you know? Give them a brief description.

3. What is called statistical grouping and grouping characteristics?

4. What types of groups do you know? Give them a brief description.

5. What is the significance of the grouping method in the analysis of statistical data?

6. What main problems are solved by the researcher using the grouping method?

7. What is the role and significance of classifications? Give examples of the most important classifications?

8. What groups are called combinational? Give an example?

9. What is the difference between a combinational grouping and a multidimensional one?

10. How is grouping performed if the grouping characteristic is discrete?

11. In what cases is it necessary to determine grouping intervals based on quantitative characteristics?

12. How is the number of groups and the boundaries of the intervals between them determined?

13. What are the grouping intervals and how to accurately define their boundaries. Give examples.

14. What is called secondary grouping, in what cases do you have to resort to it and how to get new groups based on existing ones?

15. What are statistical distribution series and by what criteria can they be formed?

16. How are variational distribution series divided and on what features are they based?

17. What is the methodology for constructing discrete and interval distribution series? Give examples.

18. What are the functions of statistical tables?

19. What types of tables exist for constructing the subject?

20. List the basic requirements for the design of tables.

Practice test

on the topic “Summary and grouping of statistical data”

1. Students of higher educational institutions are divided into correspondence, full-time and evening students. This grouping is:

a) typological:

b) structural;

c) analytical.

2. In order to study the relationship between students’ performance and their age, an analytical grouping is carried out. Data should be grouped by:

a) student performance;

b) age of students.

3. The population living in any territory is divided into groups according to social status. The resulting series is called:

a) variational;

b) attributive;

c) alternative;

d) discrete;

d) interval.

4. A summary in statistical observation is called:

a) combining population units into certain groups that have their own characteristic features, common features and similar dimensions of the characteristic being studied;

b) a special stage of statistical research, during which primary materials of statistical observation are systematized;

c) an object characterized by numbers.

5. Grouping is:

a) ordering of population units according to a selected characteristic;

b) breakdown of population units into groups according to essential characteristics;

c) generalization of individual facts.

6. A grouping that reveals the relationships between phenomena and their characteristics is called:

a) analytical;

b) structural;

c) typological.

7. A grouping in which a heterogeneous population is divided into homogeneous groups is called:

a) analytical;

b) structural;

c) typological.

8. A group built according to three characteristics is called:

a) near the distribution;

b) simple;

c) combinational.

9. The grouping feature when constructing an analytical group is:

a) factorial;

b) effective;

c) factorial and effective.

10. The basis of the grouping may be:

a) attributive feature;

b) quantitative trait;

c) both attributive and quantitative characteristics.

11. Groups are distinguished by:

a) organizing data collection;

b) by the number of grouping characteristics;

c) according to the depth of material processing.

12. A distribution series constructed on a qualitative basis is called:

a) attributive;

b) continuous;

c) numerical.

13. Variational distribution series is a series constructed:

a) by attribute;

b) on a quantitative basis;

c) both attributively and quantitatively.

14. In the theory of statistics, using the grouping method, they study:

a) statistical dependencies between phenomena;

b) regression dependencies;

c) dynamics of processes.

15. In the theory of statistics, the statistical summary program includes the formation of:

a) objects of observation;

b) reporting units;

c) groups and subgroups.

16. A discrete variation series is graphically depicted using:

a) landfill;

b) histograms;

c) cumulates.

17. Accumulated frequencies are used when constructing:

a) landfill;

b) histograms;

c) cumulates.

18. Interval is:

a) the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the characteristic in the aggregate;

b) the difference between the upper and lower limits of the characteristic values ​​for one group;

c) the difference between the number of units (frequencies) of neighboring groups.

19. The distribution series is:

a) a set of features arranged in a certain order;

b) differentiation of population units according to one of the characteristics;

c) units of the population, arranged in order of age or decreasing values ​​of the characteristic.

20. Ranking means:

a) determining the limit (interval) of changes in the values ​​of a varying characteristic;

b) quantitative assessment of the degree of variation of the characteristic being studied,

c) arrangement of all values ​​in ascending (or descending) order.

Practical tasks

on the topic “Summary and grouping of statistical data”

Related information.

"I affirm"

Head Department of Economics

Ph.D., Associate Professor

K.A. Artamonova

"____" _________ 2010

Individual tasks

in the discipline "Statistics" for third-year full-time students

branch of MGOU in Voskresensk

(specialty 080116 “Mathematical methods in economics”

Lesson 1 “Statistical observation. System of state statistical observation in the Russian Federation Summary and grouping of statistical materials Statistical tables and graphs" - 2 hours

  1. List the questions on the 2004 Census that need to be answered in numerical form.

  2. Formulate a definition of the object of observation: a) census of post offices; 6) census of commercial enterprises; c) census of scientific institutions; d) census of commercial banks; e) census of hospitals, clinics and other health care institutions; f) school census; g) survey of organizations on the composition of labor costs?

  3. Make a list of the most significant features of the following units of statistical observation: a) farms; b) residential building (for the housing census); c) university; d) libraries; e) theater; e) joint venture. What signs would you identify that should be recorded when conducting: a) a survey of an industrial company to study labor turnover; b) surveys of the operation of urban transport in order to study the role of its various types in the transportation of passengers; i) surveys of university students to study time budget?

  4. Formulate the object, unit and purpose of observation and develop a program: a) survey of kindergartens; b) surveys of companies producing baby food; c) inspections of gas stations.

  5. Formulate questions for inclusion in the observation form based on the following characteristics of the objects of observation: a) the number of employees in the company; b) the size of the family; c) family ties of family members; d) gender and age of the person?

  6. It is planned to conduct a census of livestock on households. What method and type of observation (according to the source of information) would you prefer for this census? Motivate your choice.

  7. It is necessary to conduct a one-time survey of the use of equipment in textile enterprises. In what way do you know should a statistical agency conduct this survey? Motivate your choice.

  8. Using logical control, check the following answers to the questions on the population census questionnaire:
a) last name, first name, patronymic - Ivanova Irina Petrovna:

b) gender - male;

c) age - 5 years;

d) are you currently married - yes:

e) nationality - Russian;

f) native language - Russian;

g) education - secondary specialized;

h) place of work - kindergarten;

i) occupation at this place of work - nurse.

In the answers to which questions, erroneous entries are most likely made? Can any of them be fixed?

9. The following data are available on the size and composition of the population of Russia (at the beginning of the year, million people).

Total population: 1997 - 147.1; 1998 - 146.7; 1999 I. - 146.3; 2000 - 145.6; including the urban population: 1997 - 107.3; 1998 - 107.1; 1999 - 106.8; 2000 - 106.1.

Construct a statistical table characterizing the dynamics of the size and composition of the population of Russia.

10. The following data are available on the size of the permanent population of Russia (at the beginning of the year, million people).

Total permanent population: 1998 - 146.7; 1999 - 146.3; 2000 - 145.6. Of the total permanent population, the number of people under working age was: 1998. - 31.3; 1999 - 30.3; 2000 - 29.1. The working-age population is as follows: 1998 - 84.8; 1999 - 85.6; 2000 - 86.3. The rest of the population includes the population over working age.

Construct a statistical table characterizing the dynamics of the permanent population of Russia and its age composition.

11. There is data on monthly wages of crew workers

Personnel Number











compliance with standards











per month, rub.



4 650






To identify the dependence of workers' wages on the percentage of fulfillment of production standards, it is required to carry out an analytical grouping of the brigade workers according to the percentage of fulfillment of production standards, distinguishing three groups: a) workers fulfilling the norm up to 105.0%; b) workers fulfilling the norm from 105 to 110%; m) workers who fulfill the norm by 110% or more.

Based on the completed grouping, build a group table.

Formulate a conclusion.

12. The following data is available for the group of industrial enterprises for the reporting year.

Enterprise No.


products, million rubles

Average annual cost of fixed assets

million rubles

Average number of employees, people.

Profit, million rubles

























































  1. group enterprises by production volume, taking the following intervals: a) up to 600 million rubles; b) from 600 to 1200 million rubles; c) 1200 million rubles. and more;

  2. for each group and for all enterprises in general, determine: the number of enterprises, the volume of production, the average number of employees, the average output per employee;
3) present the grouping results in the form of a statistical table.

Formulate a conclusion.

13 According to task 4, group enterprises according to the cost of fixed assets, taking the following intervals: cost of fixed assets: a) up to 12.0 million rubles; b) from 12.0 to 18.0 million rubles; c) from 18.0 million rubles. and higher.

For each group and in general for all enterprises, determine: the number of enterprises, the average annual value of fixed assets, the volume of production, the amount of profit, as well as the volume of production per 1 million rubles. the cost of fixed assets and the amount of profit per 1 million rubles. value of fixed assets. Present the grouping results in the form of a statistical table.

Formulate a conclusion.

14 Design layouts of group and combination tables with a complex development of the predicate to characterize the business activity of commercial banks in the Russian Federation. Formulate table headings. Determine: a) subject and predicate; b) grouping characteristics that are advisable to form the basis for grouping the subject of tables: c) indicators that are advisable to include in the predicate in order to more fully characterize the object.

15 According to data on freight turnover by types of public transport in Russia for 2000 - 2001. build diagrams: A) square; b) circular; c) sectoral.

(billion t km)




All types of transport





















inland waterway






