Dictation in the Russian language 9. Create sentence diagrams, indicating the type of subordinate clauses


For 9th grade students, control dictations are offered for two semesters and the end school year. Some dictations include additional tasks on the syntax of complex sentences.

Control dictation based on the results of the 1st half of the year

Well-mannered people

Well-mannered people respect human personality, and therefore are always condescending, soft, and polite. They are not only compassionate towards beggars and cats. They are sick in their souls and from what cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are sincere and fear lies like fire. 4 They do not lie even about trifles. They do not show off, they behave on the street the same way as at home, and do not throw dust in the eyes of the smaller brethren. They are not talkative and do not come out with frankness when they are not asked.

They do not humiliate themselves in order to arouse sympathy in others. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls so that in response they sigh and coddle them. They don’t say, “They don’t understand me,” because that has a cheap effect.

They are not vain. They are not interested in such fake diamonds as meeting celebrities.

To educate yourself and not stand below the level of the environment in which you find yourself, it is not enough to read Pickwick. This requires continuous day and night work, eternal reading, and study of the will. 4 (According to A. Chekhov.)

(152 words.)

Grammar task

Eagle Nest

One day, a herd of precious wild spotted deer, moving towards the sea, came to a narrow cape. We stretched a wire mesh behind them across the entire cape and blocked their path into the taiga. The deer had a lot of grass and bushes for food; all we had to do was protect our dear guests from predators such as leopards, wolves and even eagles. 4

From the height of the mountain, I began to look at the rock below and soon noticed that near the sea, on a high rock covered with the grass loved by deer, a female deer was grazing. Near her in the shadows lay a yellow circle. Looking through binoculars, I was soon convinced that it was a fawn.

Suddenly, where the surf threw its white fountains, as if trying to hit the dark green pines that were inaccessible to it, a huge eagle rose, soared high and rushed down. But the mother heard the sound of a falling huge bird, quickly grabbed and met it: she stood on her hind legs opposite the cub and tried to hit the eagle with her front hooves, and he, angry at the unexpected obstacle, began to advance until the sharp hoof hit him. 4 (163 words.)

Grammar task

Execute parsing the above proposals.


The luxurious tropical day was ending. The scorching heat subsided, and a gentle coolness wafted from the quiet ocean.

The sun quickly rolled towards sunset and soon lit up the distant horizon with a blazing glow, coloring the sky with magical tints of all sorts of colors and colors, sometimes bright, sometimes delicate, and filling with the brilliance of purple and gold both the strip of the ocean and the naked tops of the volcanic mountains of the high green island, sharply outlined in transparent clarity of air.

Blowing black clouds of smoke from its white chimney, the “Kite” approaches the foaming breakers, which turn white like a wavy silver ribbon near the island. These mighty ocean waves crash noisily against a barrier that has risen thanks to the centuries-long work of small polyps from the invisible depths of the ocean, against a narrow surface strip of a ring-shaped coral reef all the way to the island.

Slowing down, the Kite flew through a narrow passage of the reef, left the ocean behind and found itself in the calm of a lagoon, smooth as a mirror and blue as turquoise. This lagoon, surrounded on all sides, is an excellent harbor, in the depths of which, immersed entirely in greenery and sparkling under the rays of the setting sun with the red-golden shine of its white huts and red embankment buildings peeking out from behind the mighty foliage, nestles Small town- the capital of the kingdom on the islands. (176 words.)

House in the garden

A huge old maple towering above everything southern part the garden, visible from everywhere, became even larger and more visible: it was dressed in fresh, thick greenery.

The main alley became higher and more visible. The tops of its old lindens were covered with a pattern of young foliage, rose and stretched over the garden in a light green ridge.

And below the maple lay something solid, curly, fragrant, creamy in color.

And all this: the huge lush top of the maple, the light green ridge of the alley, the wedding whiteness of apple trees, pears, bird cherry trees, the blue of the sky, and everything that grew in the gardens, and in the ravine, and along the side linden alleys and paths, and under the foundation the southern wall - everything amazed with its density, freshness and novelty.

In the clean green yard, the vegetation growing from everywhere seemed to make the house seem smaller and more beautiful. It was as if he was waiting for guests: all day long both the doors and windows were open in all the rooms: in the white hall, in the blue old-fashioned living room, in the small sofa room hung with oval miniatures, and in the sunny library, a large and empty corner room with old icons and low bookcases. And everywhere, various green trees, sometimes light, sometimes dark, sometimes emerald, looked into the rooms. (179 words.)


The night was dark. Although the moon had risen, it was hidden by thick clouds covering the horizon. Perfect silence reigned in the air. Not the slightest breeze rippled the smooth surface of the sleeping river, which quickly and silently rolled its waters to the sea. Here and there a light splash could be heard near the steep bank from a lump of earth that had separated and fallen into the water. Sometimes a duck flew over us, and we heard the quiet but sharp whistle of its wings. Sometimes a catfish floated to the surface of the water, stuck out its ugly head for a moment and, lashing the streams with its tail, sank into the depths. Everything is quiet again.

Suddenly a dull, prolonged roar is heard and does not pass for a long time, as if freezing in a silent night. This deer wanders far, far away and calls for a female. The hunter’s heart trembles at this sound, and a proud bagel quietly making its way through the reeds is clearly visible before his eyes.

Meanwhile, the boat glides imperceptibly, propelled by the careful blows of the oars. The tall, motionless figure of Stepan looms vaguely on the horizon. Its long white oar moves silently back and forth and is only occasionally transferred from one side of the boat to the other. (According to I. Bielfeld.)

Horn sounds

That morning, for the first time in my life, I heard a shepherd's horn playing that amazed me.

I looked in open window, lying in a warm bed and shivering from the chill of the dawn. The street was flooded with the pink light of the sun rising behind the houses. Then the gates of the courtyard opened, and the gray-haired shepherd owner, in tar-smeared boots and a tall hat that looked like a top hat, walked out into the middle of the still deserted street. He put his hat at his feet, crossed himself, put a long horn to his lips with both hands, puffed out his thick cheeks - and I shuddered at the first sounds: the horn began to play so loudly that it even rattled in my ears. But that was only the case at first. Then he began to take it higher and more pitifully, and suddenly he started playing something joyful, and I felt happy.

The cows mooed in the distance and began to creep up little by little, and the shepherd still stood and played. He played with his head thrown back, as if he had forgotten about everything in the world. The shepherd caught his breath, and then admiring voices were heard on the street: “What a master! And where does he have so much spirit from?” The shepherd probably also heard this and understood how they were listening to him, and he was pleased with it. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(172 words.)

Mikhailovsky House

You can judge its owner by the house, and often, by looking at a person, you can imagine his home. But sometimes it happens that a house and its owner, by nature and by nature, appearance are the complete opposite of each other, and then both the house and its inhabitants look sad. Everything bears the stamp of some kind of anxiety and disorder. But it also happens that a person becomes so close to his home that it is difficult to understand where the home ends and the inhabitants begin.

Restoring Mikhailovsky House, I thought a lot about Pushkin’s home, trying to really imagine how it was arranged and what it looked like. After all, Pushkin himself and his friends who visited him in the village were so stingy with stories about this house!

And then somehow I imagined: back there, in the south, Pushkin forced the heroes of his “Onegin” to live in the same village, surrounded by the same nature, among which he now had to live himself in Mikhailovskoye. There, in the south, he dreamed of an old manor house, which would be located on the slope of a hill, surrounded by meadows, behind the meadows there are always noisy dense groves, a river, a huge neglected garden...

(S. Geichenko.)

Control dictation based on the results of the 2nd half of the year


In the thirties, on hills overgrown with juniper and pine trees, next to Indian huts, a famous man - a writer, artist, naturalist - built himself a home. He drew up the construction plan himself, chose the logs and stones himself, and, like the carpenters, did not let go of the ax. He chose a wild, uncomfortable place so that he could live the rest of his days in nature, not yet trampled by man...

The house turned out to be quite spacious, similar to an Asian one - with a flat roof and a long porch made of rough-hewn logs on stilts. Everything is brought here by the taste and lifestyle of the owner. The window is large and next to it is very tiny, looking out of the stonework like an embrasure. The porch is filled with wooden, Indian-made figurines of some gods, goggle-eyed people and bright red angry bears.

Here's a big room full of books and paintings. A chair near the table with a carved greeting: “Welcome, my friends!” Guests sat in this chair: artists, writers, scientists who came here. But more often the Indians sat in the chairs. They lived here on the hills, and the doors of the house were open for them at any hour.

Sometimes Seton-Thompson did not sign letters to the Indians and friends in the East, but drew the trail of a wolf - this meant a signature. (According to V. Peskov.)

(172 words.)

How Chekhov worked

Chekhov's life was subordinated to writing. Those who lived next to Chekhov guessed that something was always seething inside him. inner work. It seemed that his senses were constantly fixing in his memory expressions, conversations, colors, sounds, smells.

Chekhov wrote down much of what he noticed around him in his notebook, making notes at home, at dinner, at night, on a boat, in the field. When this book was not at hand, he wrote down on anything: on a piece of paper, business card, on the back of a letter addressed to him.

Chekhov said that the theme is given by chance. This meant that Chekhov did not invent topics while sitting in his office at his desk. But he did not wait for the opportunity to come to him. The writer himself met the opportunity, always looked for it, persistently tracking down the topic, like a hunter tracking down his game.

Much of Chekhov’s life was explained by the search for these cases: sudden absences from home, unexpected departures, hours spent in night tea shops, hospitals, hotels in provincial towns, and railway stations. Lines from notebooks turned into sketches for future works, then into a draft, covered all over with corrections and insertions. The manuscripts of all the real masters are crossed out length and breadth. Chekhov knew well that writing is simply the most difficult thing. (According to A. Roskin.)

Near the house

If in the morning you wake up from a strange knocking on the glass and, getting up, see a tit on the windowsill, do not be surprised - a guest has come from the forest. If you want to wake up every morning to the sound of a tit’s bell (and this is the best of alarm clocks), put a piece of lard (necessarily unsalted) - you are guaranteed constant friendship between tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches.

In autumn, a lot of living creatures gather near the house. Swallows, before flying away, and starlings, before disappearing, always visit the nest or native birdhouse - they sit and whistle. Not like in the spring - they whistle quietly, thoughtfully, as if they are remembering something. If there is a rowan or viburnum bush growing near the house, expect blackbirds, waxwings, and bullfinches. And look closely on the ground: mice have appeared, a nimble weasel, a mouse hunter, a hedgehog rustling leaves in the garden at night. And our old and reliable friends - the tits are almost never absent, they are in plain sight all day. When you hear them, you will breathe deeper and smile once again. (According to V. Peskov.)

Final control dictation for the academic year

Dangerous path

No matter how the lieutenant hurried the soldiers on the last kilometers of the road, dawn still found them in a bare snow-white field on the approaches to the highway. 4

Taking advantage of the predawn twilight, Ivanovsky walked another kilometer. With ever-increasing risk, he approached a thread of road barely visible on the slope and suddenly saw cars descending from a hill on it. The lieutenant almost cried out in frustration: some fifteen minutes were not enough to get to the other side. 4 To console himself, he first thought that the cars would soon pass, and they really quickly disappeared into the distance, but then some kind of horse-drawn train appeared, then two black, squat cars jumped out from behind a hillock to overtake him. It became clear: the traffic was intensifying, crossing the highway unnoticed was out of the question.

Then Ivanovsky, not approaching the highway, but not moving away from it, turned sharply to the side, onto a nearby bare hillock with a sparse mane of bushes.

Spending last strength, the skiers climbed the slope of the hillock, almost falling out of the wounded man, and the lieutenant, overcoming the pain that had become familiar, slid wearily towards the bushes that were already nearby. (165 words.)

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Forest Lake

Behind the roadside bushes rose a mixed forest. On the left side shone mysteriously black water. We were only waiting for a path so that we could rush along it into the depths of the forest and find out what was there. And then the path came across.

Before we had time to take two hundred steps along it, the loud, angry yelp of a little dog stopped us. Not far away there was a forester's hut.

The forester invited us into the house and wanted to make arrangements for the table. But we said that we didn't need anything and that we had quit high road only to find out what kind of water glitters between the trees.

The water began about fifty steps from the threshold, but much lower than it, since the house stood on a hillock. The narrow boat we boarded was so light that under the weight four people plunged into the water to the very edges. A lake of extraordinary beauty surrounded us. The dark green oaks and linden trees that overgrown the lake shores were clearly reflected in the still water. 4 Rare and clear, like stars, white lily flowers rested on the water. Each flower was so sharply shaded by the blackness of the lake mirror that we usually noticed it two or three hundred meters away. 4 (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Define Types subordinate parts in complex sentences.

Mikhailovsky Park

I traveled almost the entire country, saw many places, amazing and heart-tugging, but none of them possessed such sudden lyrical power as Mikhailovskoe. It was deserted and quiet there. There were clouds above. Below them, across the green hills, across the lakes, along the paths of the hundred-year-old park, shadows passed.

Mikhailovsky Park is a hermit's shelter. This is a park designed for solitude and reflection, where it is difficult to have fun. 4 He is a little gloomy with his centuries-old spruce trees, tall, silent and imperceptibly passes into centuries-old desert forests as majestic as himself. Only on the outskirts of the park, through the darkness that is always present under the arches of old trees, will a clearing suddenly open, overgrown with shiny buttercups, and a pond with quiet water.

The main charm Mikhailovsky Park in the cliff above Sorotya and in the house of nanny Arina Rodionovna... The house is so small and touching that it’s even scary to climb onto its dilapidated porch. 4

And from the cliff above Sorot you can see two blue lakes, a wooded hill and our eternal modest sky with clouds sleeping on it...

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Warm evening

The warm, windless day has faded. Only far on the horizon, where the sun had set, the sky still glowed with crimson stripes, as if it had been smeared with broad strokes of a huge brush dipped in blood. Against this strange and menacing background, the jagged wall of the coniferous forest was clearly depicted as a rough, dark silhouette. And here and there the transparent round tops of bare birches sticking out above it seemed to be painted on the sky with light strokes of delicate greenish ink. A little higher up, the pink glow of the fading sunset, imperceptibly for the eyes, turned into a faint shade of faded turquoise...

The air had already darkened, and the trunk of each tree stood out in it. Sometimes you could hear an invisible beetle buzzing in a deep bass voice, flying somewhere very close, and how it, dryly plopping against some obstacle, immediately fell silent. 4

Here and there silver threads of forest streams and swamps flashed through the thicket of trees. The frogs poured into them with their hasty, deafening screams; the toads echoed them with a rarer, melodic hoot. Sometimes a duck flew overhead with a timid quack, and you could hear a little snipe flying from place to place with a loud and short bleat. 4 (According to A. Kuprin.)

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Determine the types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Natural world

A person impoverishes his spiritual life if he arrogantly looks down on everything living and nonliving that is not endowed with his human mind. 4 After all, the life of people, no matter how complex it may be, no matter how far our power over the world around us extends, is just a particle of the life of nature. After all, what we know about her today is so little compared to the mysterious, amazing and beautiful that we still have to learn about her. 4

Maybe find out today, when it is important for a person to connect in his mind the latest data about elementary particles, about the “black holes” of the Universe with the snow-white daisies in forest glades, with luxurious, pulsating constellations overhead, somewhere in the middle of the endless steppe.

We are still interested in the habits of animals and birds - strange overseas ones and ours, familiar from childhood. We are interested in many things: why such a dense animal as a bear is easy to train; isn't he threatening gray wolf inclusion in the Red Book (where scientists list animals that are in danger of extinction from the face of the planet); how quickly rock crystal crystals grow and why the leaf of the common plantain is considered healing. (According to I. Akimushkin.)

(169 words.)

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Determine the types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Dear, cherished

With the sound of a heavy downpour, flashing with lightning, a thundercloud fell into the forests. There is still a rumble there, the short summer rain continues to fall. It brightened up all around and splashed Sun rays followed by the cloud, and a seven-color rainbow appeared in half the sky over the forests. 4

For me, since childhood, it carries two mysteries. Firstly, where did this word come from - from the arc or from joy? Secondly, where and how can one find its base?

According to an old belief, there, at the foot of the rainbow, treasures of countless treasures are buried. Is that why it shimmers so brightly? Isn’t that the only reason it can make you smile? I thought what a blessing it would be to visit the cherished foothills! Only at no time has there been a person who has been there.

A lot has changed over the years. I haven't been looking for the bottom of the rainbow for a long time. I know for sure that the rainbow rests on its native land, rich in countless treasures. 4 That’s why its overflows are bright, that’s why there’s an echo of joy in its very name.

Much changes, but the rainbow remains the same. And it doesn't fade. Just as beautiful as in her childhood years. This is happiness. (According to F. Polenov.)

Grammar task

Parse the given sentences.

Find a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses and draw up a diagram of this sentence.


1) So, it has come - the long-awaited winter! 2) It’s good to go for a run in the frost on the first winter morning! 3) The streets, yesterday still gloomy like autumn, are completely covered with burning snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. 4) A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, frost covered the branches of poplars. 5) If you look along the street, which stretches out like a smooth ribbon, or if you look close, you look around - everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow...

6) Occasionally a rising breeze pricks your face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! 7) What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air! 8) No matter how prickly the frost is, it is also pleasant. 9) Isn’t that why we all love winter, because it, just like spring, fills our chests with an exciting feeling.

10) Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. 11) It’s so easy to breathe and your soul feels so good that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly way to this wonderful winter morning:

− 12) Hello, long-awaited, cheerful winter! (143 words.)


1. From sentences 3–4, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

From sentence 7, write down the word with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root.

Write down the phrase (sentence No. 7) based on management.

Write down the phrase (sentence No. 9) built on the basis of agreement.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence No. 8.

Write down the grammatical bases of sentence No. 10.

From sentence No. 3, write down a separate common agreed upon definition.

From sentence No. 5, write down a separate common agreed upon definition.

Among sentences 8–11, find a complex one with a coordinating and subordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

Among sentences 6–7, find a compound one. Write the number of this offer.

Indicate the SPP number with an adverbial concessive clause.

Name a way to form words in a friendly, tight way.


1) When I remember my father, I always feel remorse. 2) It seems that he did not appreciate and love him enough. 3) Every time I feel guilty that I know too little of his life. 4) I didn’t bother to recognize her when I could! 5) I try and cannot understand what kind of person he was.

6) And he was amazing with some wonderful talent of his nature.

7) That winter I was twenty years old, and he was sixty. 8) My youthful powers have just blossomed, no matter what. 9) And his whole life was behind him. 10) And no one that winter understood as he did what was in my soul, did not feel the combination of sorrow and youth in it.

11) It was a sunny day, and the snow-lit courtyard looked tenderly out the office window.

12) Father took the guitar and began to play something he loved and loved. 13) His gaze became firm and cheerful in harmony with the gentle joy of the guitar, muttering with a sad smile about something dear and lost, about the fact that everything in life passes and is not worth tears.

(According to I. Bunin.)

(152 words.)


From sentences 8–10, write down the word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root.

From sentences 11–13, write down the word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root.


None of the plants can be only evil for a person. It’s just that a person handles it ineptly - it defends itself, and due to ignorance it is classified as harmful. For example, nettles grow everywhere and constantly remind you of their existence. You're weeding a garden bed and suddenly you burn your fingers. If you step off the side of the road, you might hit a bush with your foot, and when the fragrant raspberries ripen, you can’t avoid encountering nettles. Raspberries themselves are prickly and even took this burning plant as their neighbor.

Why, exactly, do nettles bite so much? It turns out that both the tetrahedral stem and the leaves are all completely strewn with burning hairs - a kind of syringes. The tip of the stinging hair, impregnated with silica, easily breaks off, the sharp end injures the skin, and the contents of the hairs—a caustic liquid—get into the wound.

However, the benefits of stinging nettle are much greater than the harm, but unfortunately, not everyone knows this. Nettle is a real treasure trove of vitamins. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins; you can use them to make vitamin-rich salads and cook cabbage soup. Just remember: you need to collect them before and immediately after flowering, otherwise the beneficial properties will disappear.

(169 words) (According to T. Gorovaya)

9th grade

In the spring forest

Just recently, in the first ten days of April, it looked like winter. But then warm winds blew, the sun's rays splashed more cheerfully from the cloudless sky, and under their pressure the streams of melt water rustled louder.

Ruffled ice on forest rivers rises higher and higher. It has already become fragile, white and is about to move downwards, crushing the congestion.

There is still snow in the forests, but it is very loose: when you step in, the wet grains fall off and ring like shards of glass. If only there would be a night or two of warm rain, and there would be no trace left of the snow cover!

Like a fairy-tale hero, the awakening forest begins to straighten its mighty shoulders. Over there, on a drying hillock, a yellow light lit up. This coltsfoot, one of the first flowers, welcomes the young spring. This early flower is very delicate, and it blooms only with the appearance of the sun.

As soon as it rolls towards the horizon and the evening coolness fills the air, the coltsfoot flowers curl up and the yellow light goes out until the next morning. On rainy days, do not look for this flower; its yellow basket is closed. Coltsfoot - medicinal plant, leaves collected at the end of spring are used in medicine.

9th grade


Of the many sounds of the earth: the singing of birds, the fluttering of leaves on the trees, the crackling of grasshoppers, the murmur of a forest stream - the most cheerful and joyful sound is the song of the larks. Even in early spring, when there is loose snow on the fields, but the first dark thawed patches have already formed in some places during the warming up, our early spring guests arrive and begin to sing.

Rising into the sky in a column, fluttering its wings, permeated through with sunlight, the lark flies higher and higher into the sky, disappearing into the shining blue. The song of a lark welcoming the arrival of spring is amazingly beautiful. Many great composers in their musical works tried to portray this joyful song...

The life of larks is connected with the warm earth. In the fields, among the green seedlings of grain, they make their hidden nests, hatch and feed their chicks. Larks never sit on tall trees and avoid dense, dark forests. From the shores warm sea Before taiga forests, larks live in fields cultivated by humans. Over the wide steppe, over fields and meadows, their joyful songs can be heard almost all summer.

In past times, our mothers baked larks made from dough in Russian ovens. With larks in our hands, we cheerfully ran out to the river bank to watch the earth awaken.

9th grade


Every peasant job must have its own talent. But nowhere is it more evident than at mowing, because here everyone stands in a row, one behind the other, and you can immediately see who is capable of what. Each village knows its best mowers, and they themselves know that they are the best mowers, and are secretly proud of it.

Each of us, the children carrying breakfast, has a father or an older brother working in the meadow, and everyone wants him, and not someone else, to go ahead and lead the entire stretched chain.

The mowers rejoiced when they saw us coming down the hill. However, none of them abandoned the swath in the middle, but, having reached the end, they wiped the scythe with a bunch of wet grass, and if the swath led to the river, then they dipped the spit in sleepy water. The small herbs stuck to it will wash off the scythe, and when you throw the scythe over your shoulder, river drops will flow from the sharp toe.

Having laid freshly cut grass under them, the mowers will sit down to have breakfast, but not very close to each other: on the one hand, so as not to go far, but on the other hand, they are afraid: what if the neighbor’s pancakes turn out to be whiter than ours! However, such dispersal of the mowers does not prevent them from exchanging jokes.

Without fail (it’s customary) each mower will leave both pancakes and milk in a half-liter bottle. After walking two or three hundred paces, we sit in a circle and begin our breakfast.

(179 words.) (According to V. Soloukhin.)

9th grade

Real friendship

Every person is unique on earth. Each person has his own character, which, of course, develops not only on its own, but primarily under the influence of the environment - parents, school, society and friends, because friendship, real friendship- a person’s reward is precious.

Sometimes it is stronger and more faithful than family ties. It has a special effect on human relations in extreme, disastrous circumstances: only true, devoted friends carry a fighter out of the battlefield, risking their lives. I had such friends in the war, and I have them in my present life and in literature, and I try to pay for devotion with devotion, for love with love.

I look through and read each of my books, and every line, and my actions through the eyes of my friends, especially those at the front, so that I would not be ashamed in front of them for poorly, dishonestly or sloppily done work, for lies, for dishonesty.

There were and are and, I hope, there will always be more good people in the world than bad and evil people, otherwise there would be disharmony in the world, it would be warped, like a ship loaded with ballast or garbage on one side, and would have capsized and sank long ago.

(175 words) (According to V. Astafiev)

9th grade

Piano sounds

Anna sat on a bench in the garden, in the place where the window of the room where the piano stood looked out, and listened to what seemed to be a musical story about herself. They could hear the chirping of cicadas, the flapping of the wings of a dove flying into the air, the cry of a night bird, the distant ringing of a bell from a village two kilometers from their house.

Sometimes a slight cracking of the tightly fitted parquet floorboards could be heard when someone passed through the rooms in the evening silence. By the crunch of gravel in the garden, one could know in which direction her father was walking, taking lonely walks in late hour. When Anna was lying in bed and the window in her room was open, she could not sleep from a vague and incomprehensible excitement about what she heard in the sounds of the piano, in the distant tinkling of bells.

In addition to the feeling that she had recovered after a very long and serious illness, Anna now felt for the first time how calm and happy life could be. She sat down at the table and began to compose. Unbeknownst to her, pages followed pages, and visual memories appeared before her, then everything was filled with sounds.

(180 words) (According to G. Gazdanov)

9th grade


It touches me when people thank me for the good I have done. I am grateful when they do good things to me. But I am deeply outraged when someone who has done me good expects gratitude from me. Then all his goods are devalued, I want to pay him with interest for what he has done and turn away.

In the Crimea, in Koktebel, I had a Bulgarian acquaintance, a strong economic man. For some offense, committed more out of stupidity, he was exiled to the North. I worked hard for him and managed to arrange for him to be released for two years. ahead of schedule. He came to thank me: he laid out a pound of grapes, several heads of sheep’s cheese, three liters of grape wine. No matter how I refused, I had to accept: I felt that by refusing I would severely offend him.

In the fall we left our dacha. The train ticket has already been taken. My wife was very unwell, and she asked the Bulgarian’s daughter, Anka, to come to us on the day of departure to help pack our things. On the morning of that day, a crying Anka came running and said that she could not come: her father told her to go with him to the forest to collect acorns for the pigs. Whatever she said, at what difficult situation he would put us at his door, he didn’t want to listen to anything.

He appreciated the service I rendered him, honestly thanked me for it according to the tariff, and considered all his relations with me to be over. From this day on I hate grateful people.

(198 words) (According to V. Veresaev)

9th grade


Every year, one of the most famous flower gardens in the world, located in Denmark, hosts an exhibition of tulips. The homeland of tulips is Turkey, and not Holland, as many people think.

The tulip, whose cup resembles a turban, originally grew as a wild flower, then for centuries was used in Turkish art as a decorative element. In the capital Ottoman Empire Huge gardens planted with tulips were created.

The first bulbs of the precious flower were brought to Europe by travelers and diplomats. When a tulip reaches the continent, people fall passionately in love with it and become a cult. It reached its peak of fame in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb was equal to the cost of a painting or sculpture by a famous master. The tulip is considered one of the wonders of nature that should be represented in the garden of every self-respecting collector.

The Dutch began to grow it with such diligence that, in a certain sense, they appropriated this flower for themselves. Searches for the rarest tones and shades, including the mythical black (blue and black tulips do not exist in nature), incredible experiments for obtaining hybrid varieties - this is only part of the legendary story, the hero of which is this delicate flower.

(163 words)

Additional task

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:

Every year in one of the most... (1 option); When a tulip hits the continent... (option 2).

2. Title the text. Determine its topic and main idea. Write a coherent argumentative text about this.

9th grade

"I knew friendship..."

Life brought Pushkin into contact with a variety of people: poets and writers, intelligent and famous warriors, officers and outstanding thinkers, actors, artists and musicians. And among all these different people I found friends: some for life, others for brief moments. But both of them, illuminated by Pushkin’s glory, who went through life with him or who just met him, are dear to us: their destinies, characters, their relationships with Pushkin allow us to better understand and feel Pushkin's lyrics, and the personality of the poet himself.

Pushkin's friends were not only people with whom he generously shared his thoughts and feelings, the inexhaustible riches of his genius, but also people from whom he received constant feedback, impulses for creativity and ordinary human support. No wonder Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, the poet-teacher, poet-predecessor and at the same time Pushkin’s elder and caring friend, who came to his rescue every time, called: “We all need to unite to help this future giant grow, who will outgrow us all.”

Friendship was a constant moral, spiritual, creative support in the lives of these people, allowing them to withstand any life circumstances. Without a feeling of friendly support, participation, dedication, and loyalty, neither a person nor a person can be understood.

(182 words) (According to A. Terentyeva.)

9th grade


The radiant sun after the cold weather caressed the city. Spring mood and among Moscow sparrows. There is no end to the enthusiastic tweeting. We spent the winter, cheered up, and became cheerful. And their appearance changed.

Usually in the spring, all birds change their feathers. And sparrows change plumage without losing feathers.

Muscovites took a closer look and, generally speaking, do not notice the sparrows. But these are special birds in the world of birds. They have three advantages over all the birds in the world. The first is the most revealing example of repainting an outfit without the usual shedding. Secondly, they are the most numerous birds on our planet. Third, only sparrows do not live in cages and do not fall into the traps of bird catchers, justifying the saying: “You can’t fool an old sparrow with chaff.”

The city sparrow is an incapable singer. But he’s a terrible bully, a fighter and a smart guy. This is what happened in Moscow. One frosty January day, attracted by the warmth, a sparrow flew into the metro lobby. The feathered passenger hovered over the ticket offices for a long time and went down to the trains at the Smolenskaya station. At the feet of people he chirped and begged for a reward: and cereal. The metro station employees decided to catch him and release him when it gets warmer. What is it here! Nothing can lure you into a cage! The sparrow liked it in the metro: no frost, no snow, they feed you during the day, and in the mornings and evenings while cleaning you can drink and swim in the water. All the fun! So I lived in the metro all winter, and flew away in the spring.

(207 words) (According to D. Zuev.)


None of the plants can be only evil for a person. It’s just that a person handles it ineptly - it defends itself, and due to ignorance it is classified as harmful. For example, nettles grow everywhere and constantly remind you of their existence. You're weeding a garden bed and suddenly you burn your fingers. If you step off the side of the road, you might hit a bush with your foot, and when the fragrant raspberries ripen, you can’t avoid encountering nettles. Raspberries themselves are prickly and even took this burning plant as their neighbor.

Why, exactly, do nettles bite so much? It turns out that both the tetrahedral stem and the leaves are all completely strewn with burning hairs - a kind of syringes. The tip of the stinging hair, impregnated with silica, easily breaks off, the sharp end injures the skin, and the contents of the hairs—a caustic liquid—get into the wound.

However, the benefits of stinging nettle are much greater than the harm, but unfortunately, not everyone knows this. Nettle is a real treasure trove of vitamins. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins; you can use them to make vitamin-rich salads and cook cabbage soup. Just remember: you need to collect them before and immediately after flowering, otherwise the beneficial properties will disappear.

(169 words) (According to T. Gorovaya)

9th grade

In the spring forest

Just recently, in the first ten days of April, nature looked like winter. But then warm winds blew, the sun's rays splashed more cheerfully from the cloudless sky, and under their pressure the streams of melt water rustled louder.

Ruffled ice on forest rivers rises higher and higher. It has already become fragile, white and is about to move downwards, crushing the congestion.

There is still snow in the forests, but it is very loose: when you step in, the wet grains fall off and ring like shards of glass. If only there would be a night or two of warm rain, and there would be no trace left of the snow cover!

Like a fairy-tale hero, the awakening forest begins to straighten its mighty shoulders. Over there, on a drying hillock, a yellow light lit up. This coltsfoot, one of the first flowers, welcomes the young spring. This early flower is very delicate, and it blooms only with the appearance of the sun.

As soon as it rolls towards the horizon and the evening coolness fills the air, the coltsfoot flowers curl up and the yellow light goes out until the next morning. On rainy days, do not look for this flower; its yellow basket is closed. Coltsfoot is a medicinal plant; leaves collected at the end of spring are used in medicine.

9th grade


Of the many sounds of the earth: the singing of birds, the fluttering of leaves on the trees, the crackling of grasshoppers, the murmur of a forest stream - the most cheerful and joyful sound is the song of the larks. Even in early spring, when there is loose snow on the fields, but the first dark thawed patches have already formed in some places during the warming up, our early spring guests arrive and begin to sing.

Rising into the sky in a column, fluttering its wings, permeated through with sunlight, the lark flies higher and higher into the sky, disappearing into the shining blue. The song of a lark welcoming the arrival of spring is amazingly beautiful. Many great composers tried to depict this joyful song in their musical works...

The life of larks is connected with the warm earth. In the fields, among the green seedlings of grain, they make their hidden nests, hatch and feed their chicks. Larks never sit on tall trees and avoid dense, dark forests. From the shores of the warm sea to taiga forests, larks live in fields cultivated by humans. Over the wide steppe, over fields and meadows, their joyful songs can be heard almost all summer.

In past times, our mothers baked larks made from dough in Russian ovens. With larks in our hands, we cheerfully ran out to the river bank to watch the earth awaken.

9th grade


Every peasant job must have its own talent. But nowhere is it more evident than at mowing, because here everyone stands in a row, one behind the other, and you can immediately see who is capable of what. Each village knows its best mowers, and they themselves know that they are the best mowers, and are secretly proud of it.

Each of us, the children carrying breakfast, has a father or an older brother working in the meadow, and everyone wants him, and not someone else, to go ahead and lead the entire stretched chain.

The mowers rejoiced when they saw us coming down the hill. However, none of them abandoned the swath in the middle, but, having reached the end, they wiped the scythe with a bunch of wet grass, and if the swath led to the river, then they dipped the spit in sleepy water. The small herbs stuck to it will wash off the scythe, and when you throw the scythe over your shoulder, river drops will flow from the sharp toe.

Having laid freshly cut grass under them, the mowers will sit down to have breakfast, but not very close to each other: on the one hand, so as not to go far, but on the other hand, they are afraid: what if the neighbor’s pancakes turn out to be whiter than ours! However, such dispersal of the mowers does not prevent them from exchanging jokes.

Without fail (it’s customary) each mower will leave both pancakes and milk in a half-liter bottle. After walking two or three hundred paces, we sit in a circle and begin our breakfast.

(179 words.) (According to V. Soloukhin.)

9th grade

Real friendship

Every person is unique on earth. Each person has his own character, which, of course, develops not only on its own, but primarily under the influence of the environment - parents, school, society and friends, because friendship, true friendship, is a precious reward for a person.

Sometimes it is stronger and more faithful than family ties. It influences human relationships with particular force in extreme, disastrous circumstances: only true, devoted friends carry a fighter out of the battlefield, risking their lives. I had such friends in the war, and I have them in my present life and in literature, and I try to pay for devotion with devotion, for love with love.

I look through and read each of my books, and every line, and my actions through the eyes of my friends, especially those at the front, so that I would not be ashamed in front of them for poorly, dishonestly or sloppily done work, for lies, for dishonesty.

There were and are and, I hope, there will always be more good people in the world than bad and evil people, otherwise there would be disharmony in the world, it would be warped, like a ship loaded with ballast or garbage on one side, and would have capsized and sank long ago.

(175 words) (According to V. Astafiev)

9th grade

Piano sounds

Anna sat on a bench in the garden, in the place where the window of the room where the piano stood looked out, and listened to what seemed to be a musical story about herself. They could hear the chirping of cicadas, the flapping of the wings of a dove flying into the air, the cry of a night bird, the distant ringing of a bell from a village two kilometers from their house.

Sometimes a slight cracking of the tightly fitted parquet floorboards could be heard when someone passed through the rooms in the evening silence. By the crunch of gravel in the garden, one could know in which direction her father was walking, taking lonely walks at a late hour. When Anna was lying in bed and the window in her room was open, she could not sleep from a vague and incomprehensible excitement about what she heard in the sounds of the piano, in the distant tinkling of bells.

In addition to the feeling that she had recovered after a very long and serious illness, Anna now felt for the first time how calm and happy life could be. She sat down at the table and began to compose. Unbeknownst to her, pages followed pages, and visual memories appeared before her, then everything was filled with sounds.

(180 words) (According to G. Gazdanov)

9th grade


It touches me when people thank me for the good I have done. I am grateful when they do good things to me. But I am deeply outraged when someone who has done me good expects gratitude from me. Then all his goods are devalued, I want to pay him with interest for what he has done and turn away.

In the Crimea, in Koktebel, I had a Bulgarian acquaintance, a strong economic man. For some offense, committed more out of stupidity, he was exiled to the North. I worked for him, and managed to arrange for him to be released two years ahead of schedule. He came to thank me: he laid out a pound of grapes, several heads of sheep’s cheese, and three liters of grape wine on the table. No matter how I refused, I had to accept: I felt that by refusing I would severely offend him.

In the fall we left our dacha. The train ticket has already been taken. My wife was very unwell, and she asked the Bulgarian’s daughter, Anka, to come to us on the day of departure to help pack our things. On the morning of that day, a crying Anka came running and said that she could not come: her father told her to go with him to the forest to collect acorns for the pigs. No matter what she said, what a difficult situation she would put us in by not coming, he didn’t want to listen to anything.

He appreciated the service I rendered him, honestly thanked me for it according to the tariff, and considered all his relations with me to be over. From this day on I hate grateful people.

(198 words) (According to V. Veresaev)

9th grade


Every year, one of the most famous flower gardens in the world, located in Denmark, hosts an exhibition of tulips. The homeland of tulips is Turkey, and not Holland, as many people think.

The tulip, whose cup resembles a turban, originally grew as a wild flower, then for centuries was used in Turkish art as a decorative element. In the capital of the Ottoman Empire, huge gardens planted with tulips were created.

The first bulbs of the precious flower were brought to Europe by travelers and diplomats. When a tulip reaches the continent, people fall passionately in love with it and become a cult. It reached its peak of fame in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb was equal to the cost of a painting or sculpture by a famous master. The tulip is considered one of the wonders of nature that should be represented in the garden of every self-respecting collector.

The Dutch began to grow it with such diligence that, in a certain sense, they appropriated this flower for themselves. The search for the rarest tones and shades, including the mythical black (blue and black tulips do not exist in nature), incredible experiments to obtain hybrid varieties - this is only part of the legendary story of which this delicate flower is the hero.

(163 words)

Additional task

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:

Every year in one of the most... (1 option); When a tulip hits the continent... (option 2).

2. Title the text. Determine its topic and main idea. Write a coherent argumentative text about this.

9th grade

"I knew friendship..."

Life brought Pushkin into contact with a variety of people: poets and writers, intelligent and famous warriors, officers and outstanding thinkers, actors, artists and musicians. And among all these different people, Pushkin found friends: some for life, others for short moments. But both of them, illuminated by Pushkin’s glory, who went through life with him or just met him, are dear to us: their destinies, characters, their relationships with Pushkin allow us to better understand and feel both Pushkin’s lyrics and the personality of the poet himself.

Pushkin's friends were not only people with whom he generously shared his thoughts and feelings, the inexhaustible riches of his genius, but also people from whom he received constant feedback, impulses for creativity and ordinary human support. No wonder Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, the poet-teacher, poet-predecessor and at the same time Pushkin’s elder and caring friend, who came to his rescue every time, called: “We all need to unite to help this future giant grow, who will outgrow us all.”

Friendship was a constant moral, spiritual, creative support in the lives of these people, allowing them to withstand any life circumstances. Without a feeling of friendly support, participation, dedication, and loyalty, neither the personality nor the poetry of Pushkin can be understood.

(182 words) (According to A. Terentyeva.)

9th grade


The radiant sun after the cold weather caressed the city. Moscow sparrows are also in a spring mood. There is no end to the enthusiastic tweeting. We spent the winter, cheered up, and became cheerful. And their appearance changed.

Usually in the spring, all birds change their feathers. And sparrows change the color of their plumage without losing their feathers.

Muscovites took a closer look and, generally speaking, do not notice the sparrows. But these are special birds in the world of birds. They have three advantages over all the birds in the world. The first is the most revealing example of repainting an outfit without the usual shedding. Secondly, they are the most numerous birds on our planet. Third, only sparrows do not live in cages and do not fall into the traps of bird catchers, justifying the saying: “You can’t fool an old sparrow with chaff.”

The city sparrow is an incapable singer. But he’s a terrible bully, a fighter and a smart guy. This is what happened in Moscow. One frosty January day, attracted by the warmth, a sparrow flew into the metro lobby. The feathered passenger hovered over the ticket offices for a long time and went down to the trains at the Smolenskaya station. He chirped at the feet of people and begged for a reward: bread and cereal. The metro station employees decided to catch him and release him when it gets warmer. What is it here! Nothing can lure you into a cage! The sparrow liked it in the metro: no frost, no snow, they feed you during the day, and in the mornings and evenings while cleaning you can drink and swim in the water. All the fun! So I lived in the metro all winter, and flew away in the spring.

(207 words) (According to D. Zuev.)

The collection presents holistic and adapted dictation texts for intermediate and final control of knowledge of students in grades 9-11. The texts are accompanied by grammar exercises.

The collection is addressed to Russian language teachers working in grades 9-11.



Galina Olegovna Danilina, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Uchkhozskaya Secondary School" of the Krasnoslobodsky district of the Republic of Mordovia

The collection presents holistic and adapted dictation texts for intermediate and final control of knowledge of students in grades 9-11. The texts are accompanied by grammar exercises.

The collection is addressed to Russian language teachers working in grades 9-11.

Explanatory note

Dictation is one of the main forms of control in the Russian language. This type of work is a very effective test of students' spelling and punctuation literacy.

A collection of dictations in the Russian language is addressed to teachers working in grades 9-11. The dictation texts presented in the collection are intended for organizing lessons to control the knowledge acquired by students. Grammar tasks to texts help students prepare for a number of State Examination and Unified State Examination tasks.

The collection uses both complete and adapted texts from literary and journalistic works, as well as materials from popular Internet sites that meet the standards of modern literary language, understandable and accessible in content to students.

Dictation samples are compiled in accordance with the requirements school curriculum basic level.

The collection contains dictations for all basic spellings and punctuations of the school course.

A selection of test dictations for grade 9.

Job No. 1.

Type of work:

Target: checking the level of knowledge of students for the 8th grade course.

1. The ability to find simple and complex sentences in the text.

2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

3. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 4. General literacy, calligraphy.

5. Derivative analysis of words.

6. Phonetic analysis of words.


Having destroyed the anthill, Teddy moved on, crossed a wide hill covered with dry spruce forest with bare tops, passed through a ravine, came across a raspberry patch and did not emerge from it until the evening.

At first, Teddy was frightened by the raids of hazel grouse and wood grouse, the splashing of fish in small lakes, the noise of the forest, and the crackling of moose passing by. He was frightened by unfamiliar terrible smells, sharp and barely audible. But he, overcoming fear, endlessly explored all the sounds and smells, so that, having met them another time, he would meet them halfway, or leave, or not pay attention at all.

There was one happy circumstance in his present life that he was not aware of at first: he did not need to fear anyone except man. He was not afraid of wolves, lynxes, or tiny martens - all those terrible creatures that harm small animals and birds. No one touched him, and he did not need to hide or run away, feeling the light and terrible tramp of the chase behind him. On the contrary, everyone was afraid of him, because here, in the forest, he, without knowing it, was the largest and most dangerous animal. (According to Yu. Kazakov)

Grammar task:

1) Parse the sentence:

Option I - Having destroyed the anthill, Teddy moved on, crossed a wide hill covered with dry spruce forest with bare tops, passed through a ravine, came across a raspberry forest and did not emerge from it until the evening.

Option II - At first, Teddy was frightened by the raids of hazel grouse and wood grouse, the splashing of fish in small lakes, the noise of the forest, the crackling of moose passing by.

2) Derivative analysis of words:

Option I - spruce, passed.

Option II - towards, raspberry bush.

3) Phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - ruin.

Option II - spruce.

Job No. 2.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: checking students' knowledge level at the end of the 1st quarter.

Questions to be checked:

1. Syntactic analysis of compound and complex sentences.

2.Drawing up diagrams of complex sentences.

3.Morphemic parsing words

4. Definition of subordinating connections in phrases.

5. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 6. General literacy, calligraphy.

Raspberry Mountains.

The Raspberry Mountains are one of the best corners of the Northern Urals. They are not particularly tall, but this does not prevent them from forming the center of a huge mountain cluster. The ancient Bashkir name of these mountains was somehow lost, but they got their current name due to the fact that raspberries grow in abundance along the ridges. And such raspberries cannot be compared with forest raspberries, but when ripened in the sun, these mountain raspberries acquire a special taste.

Raspberry Mountain offers a one-of-a-kind view. The mountain lakes alone can only be counted up to a hundred, and this gives the picture a very special character, as if some underground sea were covered by mountains. These lakes go far into the blessed Bashkir steppe. They are distinguished by their depth, beautifully torn coastline, the mass of islands, clear water and, finally, the fact that they are all connected to each other by channels, making up one huge reservoir from which rivers going into the steppe take water.

In general, the chain of mountain lakes constitutes the main beauty of the eastern slope of the Urals, being at the same time an inexhaustible supply of manpower.

Grammar task:

1) Option I - Find a complex sentence, parse it syntactically, make a diagram.

Option II - Find a complex sentence, parse it syntactically, make a diagram.

2) Morphemic analysis of words:

Option I - they say, torn, eastern.

Option II - compose, inexhaustible, enormous.

3) Determine the type of subordinating connection in the phrase:

Option I – Raspberry Mountains.

Option II – manpower.

Job No. 3.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.


Questions to be checked:

1) Syntactic analysis of compound and

complex sentences.

2) Determination of the type of subordinate clauses.

3) Drawing up diagrams of complex sentences.

4) The difference between conjunctions and allied words.

5) Morphemic analysis of words.

6) Morphological analysis of words.

7) Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 8) General literacy, calligraphy.

Creaky floorboards.

The house has dried out from old age. He stood in a clearing in a pine forest, and the pine trees radiated heat all summer.

Tchaikovsky liked this wooden house. The rooms smelled faintly of turpentine and white carnations, which bloomed in abundance in front of the porch. Disheveled and dried out, they resembled shreds of fluff stuck to the stems.

The only thing that irritated the composer was the creaky floorboards. To get from the door to the piano, you had to step over five rickety floorboards. From the outside it must have looked funny when the elderly composer made his way to the piano, peering at the floorboards with narrowed eyes.

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard one or the other floorboard crackling and singing. It was reminiscent of an orchestra before an overture, when the orchestra members were tuning their instruments. Now in the attic, now in a small hall, now in the glassed-in hallway, someone was touching the strings. Tchaikovsky caught the melody in his sleep, but when he woke up in the morning, he forgot it. He strained his memory and sighed. What a pity that the night noise wooden house You can't lose now! Play a simple song of a parched tree, window panes with fallen putty, the wind knocking a branch on the roof.

But someday he will embody all this in his music.

(According to K. Paustovsky.)

Grammar task:

  1. Determine the type of subordinate clauses:

Option I – in paragraph 3.

Option II - in paragraph 4.

  1. Morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - lose, make your way, knock.

Option II - step over, they reminded, from the collapsed one.

3) Morphological analysis of words:

Option I – waking up;

Option II – crackling.

Work No. 4.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: checking students' knowledge level.

Questions to be checked:

1. Syntactic analysis of complex sentences with different types of connections.

2. Morphemic analysis of words

3. Morphological analysis of words

4. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime.

5.General literacy, calligraphy.


If fate ever makes you happy, and in the summer you go down to a swamp, and then along a narrow bridge you cross a river overgrown with sedges and water lilies with the gentle name Konoplyanochka, then at the edge of a small forest you will hear a restless melodic murmur.

It is always different: at dawn, under the quilted fog, the sounds are quieter, softer, more meek than on a sunny hot day, when the water, diluted with heavenly blue, becomes azure, more transparent, and seems more resonant. The wind blows over the forest

- the stream calms down and hides. And when the water surface is touched by trickles of rain, the music of the stream cannot be described, it is so beautiful in the autumn weather. When the trees drop their golden leaves onto the water, the murmur can be heard both sad melodies of parting with summer and cheerful chants about magical necessity winter holiday before the riot of the coming spring.

The stream gurgles to the delight of everyone. And maybe that’s why he has such a beautiful name – Zhurcheyok. (According to P. Dudochkin.)

Grammar task:

1) I option – Syntactic analysis of 1 sentence.

Option II - Parsing 2 sentences

2) Morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 – hear, unique.

Option II - calms down, cheerful.

3) Morphological analysis of words: option I - this. Option II - him.

Work No. 5.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: final

Questions to be checked:

1.Suggestions are complex syntactic construction with coordinating and subordinating connections. Punctuation marks in it.

2. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

3. Types of subordination in a complex sentence.

4. Derivative analysis of words.

5. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

6. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 7. General literacy, calligraphy.

Morning in the steppe.

Previously spring morning– cool and dewy. Not a cloud in the sky. Only in the east do the pre-dawn clouds still crowd, turning pale and melting with every minute. The sun will now float out there in a fiery glow. The entire vast expanse of the steppe seems to be sprinkled with fine golden dust. In the thick lush grass, diamonds of coarse dew tremble here and there, shimmering and flashing with multi-colored lights. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers. The gorse turns bright yellow, the bells turn modestly blue, whole thickets of fragrant chamomile turn white, the wild carnation glows with crimson spots. In the morning coolness there is a bitter, healthy smell of wormwood, mixed with the delicate, almond-like aroma of dodder. Everything shines, luxuriates and joyfully reaches for the sun. Only here and there in deep and narrow ravines, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse bushes, wet bluish shadows still lie, as if reminding of the bygone night. High in the air, invisible to the eye, larks flutter and ring. The restless grasshoppers have long since raised their hasty, dry chatter. The steppe woke up and came to life. She seems to be breathing with deep, even and powerful sighs.

(According to P. Dudochkin.)

Grammar task:

  1. Parse the sentence:

Option I - “In the thick lush grass, here and there, diamonds of coarse dew tremble, shimmering and flashing with multi-colored lights.”

Option II - “Only here and there in deep and narrow ravines, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse bushes, there still lie, as if reminding of the bygone night, wet bluish shadows.”

  1. Derivative analysis of words:

Option I – high, turning pale.

Option II - joyfully, shimmering.

  1. Determining the type of connection between words in a phrase:

Option I – write down a phrase with the connection agreement.

Option II - write down a phrase with the connection management.

A selection of dictations for grade 10

Job No. 1.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: checking the level of knowledge of students for the 10th grade course.

Questions to be checked:

5.Word formation.

7. Grammatical features of adverbs and prepositions.

Time spending: 45 minutes.

Dangerous profession

1) In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and filmmakers often cross the line of reasonable risk.

2) It is not dangerous, but almost impossible to photograph wolves in nature. 3) It is dangerous to photograph lions, and very dangerous to photograph tigers. 4) It is impossible to say in advance how the bear will behave - this one is strong and, despite general idea, a very active animal. 5) In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a mother bear and her cubs were grazing. 6) The calculation was that the father and mother were no longer so jealous of their offspring. 7) But I was wrong... 8) When the camera clicked, capturing the two babies, the mother, dozing somewhere nearby, rushed towards me like a torpedo. 9) I understood: under no circumstances should I run - the animal will rush after me. 10) The remaining man on the spot puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking intently at me, rushed after the baby.

11) When photographing animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, not get into trouble. (123 words)

Grammar tasks:

Option 1.

1. Write out a word formed by a prefix from 1 sentence.

2. Write down adverbs from 1-2 sentences.

3. Write out a phrase with an adjacency connection from 1 sentence.

4. Syntactic analysis of sentence 11.

Option 2.

2. Write out a derived preposition from sentence 4.

3. Write out a phrase with an adjacency connection from sentence 2.

4. Syntactic analysis of sentence 10.

Job No. 2.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: checking students' knowledge level.

Questions to be checked:

1. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

3. General literacy, calligraphy.

5. Word formation.

6. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

7. Grammatical features of the participle.

8.Grammatical features of auxiliary parts of speech.

Time spending: 45 minutes.

Dictation text.

1) An experienced person is irresistibly attracted to the vast expanses of his native Russian nature. 2) Perhaps that’s why I was and am so passionate about hunting. 3) In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in poetic forest overnight stays, a blond, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

4) People who break ties with nature cannot feel completely alone. 5) As in a dreamy childhood, the beautiful sunny world is still revealed to them. Everything is pure, joyful and free in this dazzling world! 6)And, as in the distant days of childhood, white and golden flowers sway above the head of a tired traveler, lying down to rest after a tiring hike, and a buzzard hawk circles high in the sky, looking for the way.

7) After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds frozen motionless in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm native land to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world...

(136 words).

Grammar tasks

Option 1

1. Write out from 1 sentence a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

2. Write out a phrase with a subordinating connection, agreement, from 1 sentence.

3. Write out the participle from sentence 3. Give them a grammatical description.

4. Parse 3 sentences of the text.

Option 1

1. Write out from 4 sentences a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

2. Write out a phrase with a subordinating connection from sentence 4: adjacency. 3. Write out all the functional parts of speech from sentence 7. Give them a grammatical description.

4. Perform a syntactic analysis of the 7th sentence of the text.

Job No. 3.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: final test of students' knowledge at the end of the year.

Questions to be checked:

1. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

3. General literacy, calligraphy.

5. Word formation.

6. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

7. Morphological analysis of the participle.

8. Grammatical features of prepositions and particles.

Time spending: 45 minutes.


1) Dubechnya - that’s the name of our first railroad station- was located seventeen miles from the city. 2) For several hours I walked there, and along the entire road the winter and spring crops were brightly green, covered in the morning sun.

3) In Dubechnya, the inside of the station was plastered and the upper floor was built near the water pump. 4) It was quite hot, and the workers wandered listlessly through the piles of wood chips and debris. 5) Not a single tree was visible around.

6) After walking for two hours, I noticed that telegraph poles were running somewhere to the right from the station, which ended half a mile away at a white stone fence. 7) The workers said that there was an office there, and after thinking, I decided that I needed to go there.

8) It was an old and, as it turned out, long-abandoned estate. 9) Through the gate one could see a spacious courtyard overgrown with weeds and an old manor house with a high roof, red with rust.

10) Behind the old house there was a large garden, already wild, drowned out by overgrown grass and bushes. 11) The garden thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow, descending to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows. 12) Near the mill dam there was a reach, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with

the thatched roof, frogs croaked furiously. 13) On the other side of the river there was the village of Dubechnya. 14) The Blue Reach beckoned, promising coolness and peace. 15) And now all this: the reach, the mill, and the cozy banks belonged to the engineer. (186 words)

Grammar task.

Option 1.

1. Write out from 1 sentence a phrase with a subordinating connection agreement.

2. Write out all the prepositions from 1-2 sentences.

3. Parse 2 sentences.

4.Execute morphological analysis the words "covered".

Option 2.

1. Write out from sentence 2 a phrase with a subordinating connection: adjacency.

2. Write out all the particles from 3-5 sentences.

3. Perform syntactic analysis of sentence 6.

4. Perform a morphological analysis of the word “overgrown”.

A selection of dictations for grade 11

Job No. 1.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: control check students' knowledge level.

Questions to be checked:

3.Word formation.

4. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

5. Grammatical features of conjunctions and pronouns.

6. Types of connections between parts of a complex sentence.

7. Simple complicated sentence.

8. Introductory words.

9. Expressive means of vocabulary.

Time spending: 90 minutes.


1) Clouds appeared over the mountains - at first light and airy, then gray, with ragged edges. 2) And the sea immediately changed colors - it began to get dark.

3) Clinging to the forested mountain peaks, the clouds sank lower and lower, captured gorges and hollows, and turned into heavy, impenetrable clouds. 4) Only the mountains seemed to be holding them back now, but the mountains could do nothing: a gray veil was creeping from mountains to the sea.

5) The clouds came from the mountains, sank lower and lower, towards the sea. 6) They, as if reluctantly, covered the water with haze - from the shore and further. 7) They crawled not only along the slopes where the houses of the upper streets were nestled, but also covered the lower, main street with fog. 8) The drivers turned on their headlights and gave horns more and more often. 9) And the trains were now moving along, humming nervously, with their lanterns lit.

10) The sea grew dark from the shore. 11) Quiet, seemingly hidden, with a smooth surface and a barely audible surf, it began to appear in white, then black spots, or incomprehensible stains, as if other water had been thrown into it from the air.

12) The wait lasted an hour. 13) Thunder struck in the mountains, and torrents of rain poured down, and the sea went wild. 14) It flooded the shore, crashed against the concrete embankment, against stairs and blocks of rocks, it thundered and shuddered, groaned and delighted, cried and roared.

15) The sky above the sea became neither gray nor black, but somehow unnaturally brown. 16) Lightning cut the sky, now to the left, now to the right, now in front, now behind, now somewhere above the very shore. 17) The sea swallowed them up, swallowed them up along with the brown sky and thunderclaps. (232 words.)

Grammar task

1 option

1. Determine how the word “below” is formed (2 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. Write out the conjunctions from paragraph 2.

3. Write out from paragraph 1 a subordinating phrase with an adjacency connection.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find a sentence with an introductory word. Write him out.

5. Among the sentences in paragraph 3, find one that includes a subordinate clause. Write the number of this offer.

6. Among the sentences in paragraph 6, find a metaphor.

Option 2

1. Determine how the word “expectation” is formed (5 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. Write out the indefinite pronouns from paragraph 6.

3. Write out a phrase with the connection agreement from 1 sentence.

4. Among the sentences of 1-2 paragraphs, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this complex sentence.

5. Among the sentences of paragraph 5, find a complex non-union sentence

Write the number of this offer.

6. Among the sentences of paragraph 6, find personification.

Job No. 2.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: control check of students' knowledge level.

Questions to be checked:

1. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 2. General literacy, calligraphy.

5.Word formation.

6. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

7.Knowledge of grammatical features of prepositions and adverbs.

8.Complicated simple sentence. Separating applications and definitions.

9. Lexical meaning of words.

Time spending: 90 minutes.


1) Orlik in the past was a large craft settlement. 2) Skilled shoemakers, fur coat makers, coopers, blacksmiths, and tailors lived and worked here. 3) Women and girls embroidered, crocheted, knitted, bobbin, and wove carpets and runners.

4) Crocheting is a bright, unique phenomenon of national culture. 5) Its history takes us to the distant past. 6) At first, knitting was an exclusively male craft, and the hook looked like an even, smooth stick. 7) Then we made a protrusion at the end so that the thread would not slip, so it became much easier to work. 8) Time passed, and this activity completely passed into the hands of women. 9) With the help of a simple tool - a hook - products of extraordinary beauty and grace are created.

10) In Orlik and the surrounding villages, from time immemorial, very beautiful things have been crocheted: window curtains and tablecloths, bedspreads and pillow covers, lace for sheets, pillowcases, and towels.

11) There are so many lace makers, so many patterns. 12) They shared with each other, omitted something, added something of their own, the result was something new, individual. 13) From under sensitive, nimble hands comes a magical canvas, a thin openwork miracle. 14) How much soul, how many feelings are put into it!

15) The constant companion of the craftswomen was the Russian song, lively and cheerful, drawn-out and sad. 16) It flows freely from the cramped hut, and they ring and beat and cherished dream, and desire, and hope. (179 words)

Grammar task

1 option

1. Determine how the word “knitting” is formed (2 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. Write out all the prepositions from paragraph 4.

3. From paragraph 5 of the last sentence, write down a phrase with the connection adjacency.

5. Among the sentences in paragraph 5, find one that has a separate definition. Write his number.

6. Among the sentences of paragraph 1-2, find one that includes a subordinate clause of purpose. Write the number of this offer.

7. Define lexical meaning the words “cooper” (2nd sentence of 1st paragraph).

Option 2

1. Determine how the word “companion” is formed (5 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. Write out the adverbs from paragraph 2.

3. Write out a phrase with the connection management from paragraph 1, 3 sentences.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find the indefinitely personal. Write the number of this complex sentence.

5. Among 1-2 paragraphs, find one that contains standalone application. Write his number.

6. Among the sentences of paragraph 3-4, find a sentence with homogeneous members and

a general word. Write the number of this offer.

7. Determine the lexical meaning of the word “lacemaker” (4 paragraphs, 1 sentence).

Job No. 3.

Type of work: dictation with grammar task.

Target: final control test of students' knowledge level for the Russian language course.

Questions to be checked:

1. Compliance with a uniform spelling and punctuation regime. 2. General literacy, calligraphy.

3. Two-part and one-part sentences. Types of one-part sentences.

4. Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in it. Types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

5. Complicated simple sentence. Separating applications and definitions.

6. Types of connections between words in a phrase.

7.Knowledge of grammatical features of pronouns.

8. Word formation.

9. Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology.

Time spending: 90 minutes.

Child education

1) To continue yourself in your child is great happiness. 2) You will look at your child as the only, unique miracle in the world. 3) You will be ready to give everything to make your son feel good. 4) But don’t forget that he must be, first of all, a person. 5) And the most important thing in a person is a sense of duty to those who do good to you. 6) For the good that you give to a child, he will experience a feeling of gratitude, gratitude only when he himself does good for you - father, mother , in general for people of older generations.

7) Remember that children's happiness is selfish in nature: he perceives the good and blessings created for the child by his elders as something self-evident. 8) Until he felt and experienced own experience that the source of his joys is the work and sweat of his elders, he will be convinced that his father and mother exist only to bring him happiness. 9) It may turn out that in an honest working family, where parents dote on their children, giving them all the strength of their hearts, the children will grow up to be heartless egoists.

10) How can you ensure that the grains of gold that you give to your son turn into gold placers for other people? 11) The most important thing is to teach a child to understand and feel that for every spark of his joys and blessings, someone burns his strength, his mind; Every day of his serene and carefree childhood adds more worries and gray hairs to someone. 12) When your child is born, teach him to see, understand, feel people - this is the most difficult thing.

According to G. Sukhomlinsky. (181 words)

Grammar task:

1 option

1. From paragraph 1, write down a word that is formed by a prefix.

2. From paragraph 2, write out the possessive pronoun.

3. From sentence 3, write out a subordinating phrase with an adjacency connection.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 1, find difficult sentence, which includes a one-component impersonal. Write the number of this complex sentence.

5. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find one that has a separate definition. Write his number.

6. Among the sentences of paragraph 3, find a complex sentence with consistent submission subordinate clauses. Write the number of this complex sentence.

7. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause. Write his number.

8. Write out phraseological units from 2 paragraphs.

Option 2

1. From paragraph 1, write down a word that is formed in a suffix way.

2. Write out the attributive pronouns from paragraph 3.

3. Write out a phrase with the connection agreement from sentence 6.

4. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find a complex sentence that includes a one-part impersonal sentence. Write the number of this complex sentence.

5. Among the sentences of paragraph 2, find one that contains a separate circumstance. Write his number.

6. Determine the type of subordination in sentence 9.

7. Among the sentences of paragraph 3, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause. Write his number.

8. Write down contextual antonyms from paragraph 3.
