What does g stand for? Acceleration of gravity

After studying a physics course, students are left with all sorts of constants and their meanings in their heads. The topic of gravity and mechanics is no exception. Most often, they cannot answer the question of what value the gravitational constant has. But they will always answer unequivocally that it is present in the law of universal gravitation.

From the history of the gravitational constant

It is interesting that Newton's works do not contain such a value. It appeared in physics much later. To be more specific, only at the beginning of the nineteenth century. But that doesn't mean it didn't exist. Scientists just haven’t identified it or recognized it exact value. By the way, about the meaning. The gravitational constant is constantly being refined because it is a decimal fraction with a large number of digits after the decimal point, preceded by a zero.

Precisely because this quantity takes such small value, explains that the effect of gravitational forces is imperceptible on small bodies. It’s just that because of this multiplier, the force of attraction turns out to be negligibly small.

For the first time, the value that the gravitational constant takes was established experimentally by physicist G. Cavendish. And this happened in 1788.

His experiments used a thin rod. It was suspended on a thin copper wire and was about 2 meters long. Two identical lead balls with a diameter of 5 cm were attached to the ends of this rod. Large lead balls were installed next to them. Their diameter was already 20 cm.

When the large and small balls came together, the rod rotated. This spoke of their attraction. Based on the known masses and distances, as well as the measured twisting force, it was possible to determine quite accurately what the gravitational constant is equal to.

It all started with the free fall of bodies

If you place bodies of different masses into a void, they will fall at the same time. Provided they fall from the same height and start at the same point in time. It was possible to calculate the acceleration with which all bodies fall to the Earth. It turned out to be approximately 9.8 m/s 2 .

Scientists have found that the force with which everything is attracted to the Earth is always present. Moreover, this does not depend on the height to which the body moves. One meter, a kilometer or hundreds of kilometers. No matter how far away the body is, it will be attracted to the Earth. Another question is how will its value depend on distance?

I found the answer to this question English physicist I. Newton.

Decrease in the force of attraction of bodies as they move away

To begin with, he put forward the assumption that gravity is decreasing. And its meaning is in inverse relationship from the distance squared. Moreover, this distance must be counted from the center of the planet. And carried out theoretical calculations.

Then this scientist used data from astronomers about the movement natural satellite Earth - Moon. Newton calculated the acceleration with which it revolves around the planet, and obtained the same results. This testified to the veracity of his reasoning and made it possible to formulate the law of universal gravitation. The gravitational constant was not yet in his formula. At this stage it was important to identify the dependency. Which is what was done. The force of gravity decreases in inverse proportion to the squared distance from the center of the planet.

Towards the law of universal gravitation

Newton continued his thoughts. Since the Earth attracts the Moon, it itself must be attracted to the Sun. Moreover, the force of such attraction must also obey the law described by him. And then Newton extended it to all bodies of the universe. Therefore, the name of the law includes the word “worldwide”.

The forces of universal gravity of bodies are defined as proportionally depending on the product of masses and reciprocals of the square distances. Later, when the coefficient was determined, the formula of the law took on the following form:

  • F t = G (m 1 * x m 2) : r 2.

It introduces the following notations:

The formula for the gravitational constant follows from this law:

  • G = (F t X r 2) : (m 1 x m 2).

The value of the gravitational constant

Now it's time for specific numbers. Since scientists are constantly clarifying this meaning, different years were officially accepted different numbers. For example, according to data for 2008, the gravitational constant is 6.6742 x 10 -11 Nˑm 2 /kg 2. Three years passed and the constant was recalculated. Now the gravitational constant is 6.6738 x 10 -11 Nˑm 2 /kg 2. But for schoolchildren, when solving problems, it is permissible to round it up to this value: 6.67 x 10 -11 Nˑm 2 /kg 2.

What is the physical meaning of this number?

If we substitute in the formula given for the law of universal gravitation specific numbers, then it will work out interesting result. In the particular case, when the masses of the bodies are equal to 1 kilogram, and they are located at a distance of 1 meter, the gravitational force turns out to be equal to the very number that is known for the gravitational constant.

That is, the meaning of the gravitational constant is that it shows with what force such bodies will be attracted at a distance of one meter. The number shows how small this force is. After all, it is ten billion less than one. It's impossible to even notice it. Even if the bodies are magnified a hundred times, the result will not change significantly. It will still remain much less than one. Therefore, it becomes clear why the force of attraction is noticeable only in those situations if at least one body has a huge mass. For example, a planet or a star.

How is the gravitational constant related to the acceleration of gravity?

If you compare two formulas, one of which is for the force of gravity, and the other for the law of gravity of the Earth, you can see a simple pattern. The gravitational constant, the mass of the Earth and the square of the distance from the center of the planet form a coefficient that is equal to the acceleration of gravity. If we write this down as a formula, we get the following:

  • g = (G x M) : r 2 .

Moreover, it uses the following notations:

By the way, the gravitational constant can also be found from this formula:

  • G = (g x r 2) : M.

If you need to find out the acceleration free fall at a certain height above the surface of the planet, then the following formula will be useful:

  • g = (G x M) : (r + n) 2, where n is the height above the Earth’s surface.

Problems that require knowledge of the gravitational constant

Task one

Condition. What is the acceleration of free fall on one of the planets? solar system, for example, on Mars? It is known that its mass is 6.23 10 23 kg, and the radius of the planet is 3.38 10 6 m.

Solution. You need to use the formula that was written down for the Earth. Just substitute the values ​​given in the problem into it. It turns out that the acceleration of gravity will be equal to the product of 6.67 x 10 -11 and 6.23 x 10 23, which then needs to be divided by the square of 3.38 x 10 6. The numerator gives the value 41.55 x 10 12. And the denominator will be 11.42 x 10 12. The powers will cancel, so to answer you just need to find out the quotient of two numbers.

Answer: 3.64 m/s 2.

Task two

Condition. What needs to be done with bodies to reduce their force of attraction by 100 times?

Solution. Since the mass of bodies cannot be changed, the force will decrease due to their distance from each other. A hundred is obtained by squaring 10. This means that the distance between them should become 10 times greater.

Answer: move them away to a distance 10 times greater than the original one.

This term has other meanings, see G (meanings). A letter with a similar style: Ԍ Symbols with similar outline: ɡ · ց Latin letter G

G, g- the seventh letter of the basic Latin alphabet, called in Latin and German languages"ge", in French(and also, according to Russian tradition, in mathematics, physics, chess and other areas) - “zhe”, in English - “ji”, in Spanish- “heh.”

  • In biochemistry, G is a symbol for glycine and guanosine, also a type of protein (G proteins).
  • In anatomy, the G-spot is a small part of the anterior vaginal wall
  • In astronomy, G is a prefix for the preliminary designation of comets, asteroids and minor planets discovered from April 1 to April 15 of any year.
  • IN international system license plates Vehicle stands for Gabon.
  • In music, the note is G.
  • In finance, it refers to the Gillette company on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • In Masonic symbolism, the letter is associated with God (God, Gott) and geometry.
  • In programming languages, G is the programming language used in LabVIEW.
  • In physics, G is the gravitational constant and Gibbs energy, g is the unit of acceleration due to gravity, as well as the Lande multiplier (or g-Factor) and the metric of spacetime.
  • In postal codes, the first letter: in Canada, indicates the province of Quebec; in the UK - Glasgow.
  • In cinema G - rating General audiences according to the Motion Picture Association of America ratings system - “The film is shown without restrictions”


IN Etruscan alphabet, which formed the basis of Latin, the sound /g/ was denoted by a letter similar in spelling to C. Until the third century BC. e. V Latin the letter C represented both the /k/ sound and the /g/ sound. A relic of this dual designation is preserved in the tradition of abbreviating the Roman names Gaius and Gnaeus as C. And Cn. respectively.

Around the third century BC. e. added to the letter C horizontal line, receiving a new letter G. Written sources mention the inventor of the letter G - Spurius Carvilius Ruga, who taught around 230 BC. e., - the first Roman freedman to open a paid school.

It is noteworthy that the letter was placed in seventh place in the alphabet. In the archaic Latin alphabet, this place was occupied by the letter Z - by analogy with the Greek Ζ (zeta). In 312 BC. e. The censor Appius Claudius Caecus, who was engaged in the reform of the alphabet, removed this letter as unnecessary. By the time of Spurius Carvilius, the place of the seventh letter in the alphabet was still perceived as “empty”, vacant, and it was possible to place a new letter on it without bloodshed. The letter Z was returned to the Latin alphabet only in the 1st century BC. e., already at the end of the alphabet.

Computer encodings

In Unicode capital letter G corresponds to U+0047, lowercase g to U+0067. In ASCII codes, the capital letter G corresponds to 71, the lowercase g to 103, in binary system, respectively, 01000111 and 01100111. The EBCDIC code for capital G is 199, for lowercase g is 135. Numeric values ​​in HTML and XML are "G" and "g" for upper and lower case, respectively.

Gg Gg Gg Gg


International Code of Signals Flags


G is:

G 1) the seventh letter of the musical alphabet; name and letter designation of the VII stage that existed during the period early Middle Ages scale, basic the tone of which was the sound A. A sound lying a tone lower than the main one was then considered additional and was designated Greek. letter G. (gamma). Subsequently, when the place of the main diatonic tones the scale took S., the sound G. became the V step of this scale. In France, Italy and some other countries, along with the letter designation and more often it is used, the syllabic designation of the sound G. - sol (salt). Capital G. denotes the sound of a large octave, lowercase - a small one; for sounds of higher and lower octaves, additional numbers or dashes are used; so G1 or G indicates a counter octave sound, g2 or - second octave. To denote chromatic. modifications of a given scale level are added to the letter G. syllables; increasing it by a semitone is indicated by gis (English G. sharp; French sol dièse; Russian sol-sharp; Italian sol diesis), increasing it by 2 semitones is gisis (English G. double sharp; French sol double dièse; Russian G double-sharp; Italian sol doppio diesis), lowered by a semitone - ges (English G. flat; French sol bеmol; Russian G flat; Italian sol bemolle), by 2 semitones - geses (English. G. double flat; French sol double bemol; Russian sol double flat; Italian sol doppio bemolle). When denoting tonalities, the words dur and moll are added to the tonic sound designations, at the same time using a capital G for major and a lowercase G for minor; so, G-dur means G major, Ges-dur - G-flat major, g-moll - G minor, gis-moll - G sharp minor. In theoretical in works, tonality can be indicated by one letter; in this case G. means G major, g - G minor. Sometimes musicological theorists use the letter designation of triads; in this system G. means G major tonic. triad, g - G minor.
2) Key sign; the letter G has been used in this meaning along with other letters (see C and F) since its introduction into musical notation linear system. The letter G. was placed at the beginning of the staff at the level of the definition. ruler, thereby indicating the position in the staff of the sound of the first octave G (g1). Gradually, the outline of the letter G. as a key sign changed, and it took the form of the treble clef (sol clef) used in our time.
3) Abbreviation of French the words gauche (left); used in the notation m. g., that is, main gauche (left hand).
V. A. Vakhromeev.

Musical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, Soviet composer. Ed. Yu. V. Keldysh. 1973-1982.

E.g. This:


e. g.(abbreviated from lat. exemplary gratia- For example). In Russian, it is usually used in informal texts to shorten typed characters. Acceptable spellings: eg, e. g.

GIS is not a class of software, but a whole set of components that form a single system (e.g. hardware and software, spatial data, algorithms for their processing, etc.).

You should eat more foods containing dietary fiber, e.g. fruits, vegetables, bread.

see also

  • List of Latin abbreviations
  • i. e.
  • P.S.
  • Vice versa
Not to be confused with the Unified State Exam.


See translations and meanings in dictionaries:


The law of universal gravitation is valid for any two bodies. It states that the force with which two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are attracted is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them (the area of ​​application of the law for balls and point bodies), i.e.

F=G*m1*m2/r^2, where G=6.672*10^(-11) N*m^2/kg^2 - gravitational constant

Consider the planet Earth (mass M) and some body (mass m) that is located in close proximity from the Earth (at a distance much less than the radius of the Earth). That is, the Earth and this body will interact with force

This force will impart acceleration to the body. According to Newton's second law we have:

a=G*M/r^2. Let's take r equal to the radius Earth. Substituting the value of G and the mass of the Earth we get an acceleration approximately equal to

a=9.81 m/s^2. This value denoted by g and called the acceleration of gravity. Those. approximately

If we approach the question strictly, then g changes with a change in height, but these changes in height are so insignificant compared to the radius of our planet that this value of g is close to earth's surface proiyanta as a constant.


This symbol means numeric value acceleration when a body is in free fall. The explanation is quite simple. If a body is placed at a certain height above the Earth's surface and then released, due to the force of gravity, the body will begin to fall, accelerating all the time, that is, picking up speed. The symbol g describes the rate at which this speed will increase.

In life, we often come across this concept when the conversation turns to overload of pilots or astronauts. They experience an overload of so much g. The rough value of this value is ten meters per second squared, or, more precisely, g = 9.78 m/s²


The letter g in physics means: acceleration of gravity. This value is equal to nine point eight meters per second squared. Only seconds are squared. To make it easier to solve the problem, this value is taken as ten whole numbers.


In physics, the small letter g stands for the acceleration of gravity. Simply put, g is the acceleration that objects acquire as they approach the Earth. This value is not constant, it is slightly larger at the poles (since the Earth's radius is smaller) and slightly smaller at the equator. The difference is less than 1%, and the approximate value is g=9.81 m/s^2.


In the system of units, G is equal to 9.80665 m/s².

At the Earth's equator and at the poles, the values ​​are slightly different, but close to those indicated above and the acceleration is always directed towards the center of the Earth.

This value depends on the height above sea level from where the body falls and depends on geographical latitude where the body falls from..


The acceleration of gravity is considered to be equal to nine point eight meters per second squared. This value is designated by the letter "g". This value can change but very little, therefore it is customary to use 9.81 for calculations


In physics, the symbol g denotes the acceleration of gravity, because all bodies that have different weights, but when falling, have the same acceleration, and it is always directed downward vertically. The value of g is 9.81 m/s*2


G in physics means acceleration due to gravity. g=9.81 m/s^2. With a change in height, g may change, but these changes are so insignificant that this value of g near the earth’s surface is accepted as a constant.

Letter g in physics they denote the acceleration of gravity. At our latitudes g=9.78 m/s², and near the equator this value is 9.83 m/s².

Also, the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity depends on the height above sea level.

g or acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8. It may differ in different areas of planet Earth. Also in the school curriculum and Unified State Exam assignments often the acceleration due to gravity is rounded to the nearest 10.

What does category G mean in cinema?

Yerlan q

MPAA rating system
1. What is the MPAA rating?
The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) pioneered a rating system that helps parents evaluate whether certain films are appropriate for their children to watch.
Currently the MPAA rating system is as follows:
Rated G - No age restrictions
Rated PG - Parental Attendance Suggested
Rating PG-13 - Not recommended for children under 13 years of age
Rated R - Under 17s must be accompanied by an adult
Rating NC-17 - Viewing prohibited for persons under 17 years of age

On my phone, instead of the usual Internet sign “H”, “G” and “E” also appear. What do they mean and what’s the difference?! ?

Diy lobos

H-HSDPA-14.4 Mb/s; E -EDGE - 474 kb/s also called egprs; g- just gprs speed is even lower ---- all these are different data transfer protocols over the cellular network with different speeds = these protocols are supported by your phone and depending on the external cellular equipment, your phone shows in which zone of the cellular network you are located

The letter H means that the phone operates in the HSDPA standard - the fastest data transfer mode
"G" is GPRS - the very first, slowest.
"E" - This is EDGE, a technology for faster data transfer than GPRS. Whether EDGE belongs to 2G or 3G networks depends on the specific implementation. While EDGE phones of class 3 and below are not compatible with 3G, phones of class 4 and above can theoretically provide higher throughput than other technologies claimed to be 3G

The appearance of different symbols - the phone is trying to bad conditions reception hold at least some channel (descending - H - E - G)

Recently, a group of Australian scientists compiled an extremely accurate gravitational map of our planet. With its help, researchers have determined which place on Earth has the most great importance acceleration of free fall, and in which - the smallest. And, what is most interesting, both of these anomalies turned out to be completely different from those previously expected.

We all remember from school that the magnitude of the acceleration of gravity (g), which characterizes the force of gravity, on our planet is equal to 9.81 m/sec 2 . But few people think about the fact that this value is average, that is, in fact, in each specific place the object will fall with faster or slower acceleration. Thus, it has long been known that at the equator the force of gravity is weaker due to the centrifugal forces that arise during the rotation of the planet, and, consequently, the value of g will be less. Well, at the poles it’s the other way around.

In addition, if you think about it, according to the law of gravity, near large masses the force of attraction (should be greater, and vice versa. Therefore, in those parts of the Earth where the density of the components composing it rocks exceeds the average, the value of g will slightly exceed 9.81 m/s 2 , where their density is not particularly high, it will be lower. However, in the middle of the last century, scientists different countries carried out measurements of gravitational anomalies, both positive and negative, they found out one interesting thing - in fact, near big mountains the gravitational acceleration value is below average. But in the ocean depths (especially in the trench areas) it is higher.

This is explained by the fact that the attraction effect of the mountain ranges is completely compensated by the deficit of mass beneath them, since under areas with high relief there are accumulations of matter of relatively low density everywhere. But the ocean floor, on the contrary, is composed of much denser rocks than mountains - hence higher value g. So we can safely conclude that in reality earth gravity is not the same throughout the planet, because, firstly, the Earth is not an ideal sphere, and, secondly, it does not have uniform density.

For a long time scientists were going to draw up a gravitational map of our planet in order to see exactly where the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is greater than the average value, and where it is less. However, this became possible only in this century- when numerous measurements of accelerometers from NASA and the European Space Agency satellites appeared - these measurements accurately reflect the gravitational field of the planet in an area of ​​​​several kilometers. Moreover, there is now the possibility of normal processing of this entire unimaginable array of data - if an ordinary computer would spend about five years on this, then a supercomputer can produce the result after three weeks of work.

All that remained was to wait until there were scientists who would not be afraid of such work. And recently it happened - Dr. Christian Hurt from Curtin University (Australia) and his colleagues were finally able to combine gravity data from satellites and topographic information. As a result, they got detailed map gravity anomalies, which includes more than 3 billion points with a resolution of about 250 m in the area between 60° north and 60° south latitude. Thus, it covered approximately 80% of the earth's land mass.

I wonder what this map put an end to the traditional misconceptions, according to which the smallest value of the acceleration due to gravity is observed at the equator (9.7803 m/s²), and the largest (9.8322 m/s²) at the North Pole. Hurt and his colleagues have identified a couple of new champions - so, according to their research, the smallest attraction is observed on Mount Huascaran in Peru (9.7639 m/s²), which is still not located on the equator, about a thousand kilometers to the south. And the highest value of g was recorded on the surface of the Arctic Ocean (9.8337 m/s²) in a place one hundred kilometers from the pole.

"Huascaran was somewhat of a surprise because it is located about a thousand kilometers south of the equator. The increase in gravity with distance from the equator is more than offset by the height of the mountain and local anomalies," said lead author Dr. Hurt. Commenting on the findings of his group, he gives the following example - imagine that in the area of ​​Mount Uskaran and in Arctic Ocean A man falls from a height of one hundred meters. So, in the Arctic it will reach the surface of our planet 16 Moscow time earlier. And when a group of observers who recorded this event move from there to the Peruvian Andes, each of them will lose 1% of their weight.

Length and distance converter Mass converter Bulk and food volume converter Area converter Volume and units converter in culinary recipes Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Efficiency Converter Number Converter to various systems notation Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Exchange rates Dimensions women's clothing and shoes Sizes of men's clothing and shoes Converter angular velocity and rotational speed Acceleration Converter Angular Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Volume Converter Moment of Inertia Converter Moment of Force Converter Torque Converter Converter specific heat Combustion (by mass) Converter of energy density and specific heat of combustion of fuel (by volume) Converter of temperature difference Converter of coefficient of thermal expansion Converter of thermal resistance Converter of specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat capacity Energy Exposure and Power Converter thermal radiation Density converter heat flow Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flow Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration Converter in Solution Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Converter surface tension Vapor permeability converter Vapor permeability and vapor transfer rate converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level (SPL) converter Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Brightness converter Luminous intensity converter Illuminance converter Resolution converter computer graphics Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Converter electric charge Linear Charge Density Converter Converter surface density Charge Converter bulk density Charge Converter electric current Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Voltage converter electric field Converter electrostatic potential and voltage converter electrical resistance Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts and other units Magnetomotive force converter Voltage converter magnetic field Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Absorbed dose rate converter ionizing radiation Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Imaging Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Molar Mass Calculation Periodic table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 gravitational acceleration [g] = 980.664999999998 centimeter per second per second [cm/s²]

Initial value

Converted value

decimeter per second per second meter per second per second kilometer per second per second hectometer per second per second decameter per second per second centimeter per second per second millimeter per second per second micrometer per second per second nanometer per second per second picometer per second per second femtometer per second per second attometer per second per second gal galileo miles per second per second yard per second per second feet per second per second inches per second per second gravitational acceleration acceleration of free fall on the Sun acceleration of free fall on Mercury acceleration of free fall on Venus acceleration of free fall on the Moon acceleration of free fall on Mars acceleration of free fall on Jupiter acceleration of free fall on Saturn acceleration of free fall on Uranus acceleration of free fall on Neptune acceleration of free fall on Pluto acceleration of free fall on Haumea seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h seconds for acceleration from 0 to 200 km/h seconds for acceleration from 0 to 60 mph seconds for acceleration from 0 to 100 mph seconds for acceleration from 0 to 200 mph

Volume charge density

More about acceleration

General information

Acceleration is the change in speed of a body per certain segment time. In the SI system, acceleration is measured in meters per second per second. Other units are also often used. Acceleration can be constant, for example the acceleration of a body in free fall, or it can change, for example the acceleration of a moving car.

Engineers and designers take acceleration into account when designing and manufacturing cars. Drivers use knowledge of how quickly their car accelerates or decelerates while driving. Knowledge of acceleration also helps builders and engineers prevent or minimize damage caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration associated with impacts or jolts, such as in car collisions or earthquakes.

Acceleration protection with shock-absorbing and damping structures

If builders take into account possible accelerations, the building becomes more resistant to shocks, which helps save lives during earthquakes. In places with high seismicity, such as Japan, buildings are built on special platforms that reduce acceleration and soften shocks. The design of these platforms is similar to the suspension in cars. Simplified suspension is also used in bicycles. It is often installed on mountain bikes to reduce discomfort, injuries, as well as damage to the bicycle due to sudden shock accelerations when moving on uneven surfaces. Bridges are also mounted on suspensions to reduce the acceleration that vehicles driving on the bridge impart to the bridge. Accelerations caused by movement inside and outside buildings make it difficult for musicians to music studios. To reduce it, the entire recording studio is suspended on damping devices. If a musician sets up a home recording studio in a room without sufficient sound insulation, then installing it in an already constructed building is very difficult and expensive. At home, only the floor is installed on hangers. Since the effect of acceleration decreases with increasing mass on which it acts, instead of using hangers, the walls, floor and ceiling are sometimes weighted down. Ceilings are also sometimes installed suspended, since this is not so difficult and expensive to do, but it helps to reduce the penetration of external noise into the room.

Acceleration in physics

According to Newton's second law, the force acting on a body is equal to the product of the body's mass and acceleration. Force can be calculated using the formula F = ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. So the force acting on a body changes its speed, that is, gives it acceleration. According to this law, acceleration depends not only on the magnitude of the force that pushes the body, but also depends proportionally on the mass of the body. That is, if a force acts on two bodies, A and B, and B is heavier, then B will move with less acceleration. This tendency of bodies to resist a change in acceleration is called inertia.

Inertia is easy to see in Everyday life. For example, motorists do not wear a helmet, but motorcyclists usually travel with a helmet, and often with other protective clothing, such as padded leather jackets. One of the reasons is that in a collision with a car, the lighter motorcycle and the motorcyclist will change their speed faster, that is, they will begin to move with greater acceleration than the car. If he is not covered by the motorcycle, the rider will probably be thrown out of the seat of the motorcycle, since it is even lighter than a motorcycle. In any case, the motorcyclist will receive serious injuries, while the driver will receive much lesser injuries, since the car and driver will receive much less acceleration in the collision. This example does not take into account the force of gravity; it is assumed to be negligible compared to other forces.

Acceleration and circular motion

For a body that moves in a circle with speed same size- variable vector speed, since its direction is constantly changing. That is, this body moves with acceleration. Acceleration is directed towards the axis of rotation. In this case, it is in the center of the circle, which is the trajectory of the body. This acceleration, as well as the force causing it, is called centripetal. According to Newton's third law, every force has an opposing force, acting in the opposite direction. In our example, this force is called centrifugal. It is she who holds the trolleys on the roller coaster, even when they move upside down on vertical circular rails. Centrifugal force pushes the trolleys away from the center of the circle created by the rails, so that they are pressed against the rails.

Acceleration and gravity

The gravitational attraction of planets is one of the main forces that acts on bodies and gives them acceleration. For example, this force attracts bodies located near the Earth to the surface of the Earth. Thanks to this force, a body that is released near the surface of the Earth, and on which no other forces act, is in free fall until it collides with the surface of the Earth. The acceleration of this body, called the acceleration of gravity, is 9.80665 meters per second per second. This constant is denoted g and is often used to determine the weight of a body. Since, according to Newton’s second law, F = ma, then the weight, that is, the force that acts on the body, is the product of mass and acceleration of gravity g. Body mass is easy to calculate, so weight is also easy to find. It is worth noting that the word “weight” in everyday life often denotes a property of the body, mass, and not strength.

Gravity acceleration - different for different planets and astronomical objects, since it depends on their mass. The acceleration of gravity near the Sun is 28 times greater than on Earth, near Jupiter it is 2.6 times greater, and near Neptune it is 1.1 times greater. The acceleration near other planets is less than on Earth. For example, the acceleration at the surface of the Moon is equal to 0.17 acceleration at the surface of the Earth.

Acceleration and vehicles

Acceleration tests for cars

There are a number of tests to measure the performance of cars. One of them is aimed at testing their acceleration. This is done by measuring the time it takes a car to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers (62 miles) per hour. In countries where they do not use metric system, check acceleration from zero to 60 miles (97 kilometers) per hour. The fastest accelerating cars reach this speed in about 2.3 seconds, which is less than the time it would take a body to reach this speed in free fall. There are even programs for mobile phones, which help calculate this acceleration time using the phone's built-in accelerometers. However, it is difficult to say how accurate such calculations are.

The effect of acceleration on people

When the car accelerates, passengers are pulled to the side, opposite movement and acceleration. That is, back when accelerating, and forward when braking. During sudden stops, such as during a collision, passengers are jerked forward so violently that they can be thrown out of their seats and hit the car's trim or window. It is even likely that they will break the glass with their weight and fly out of the car. It is because of this danger that many countries have passed laws requiring seat belts to be installed in all new cars. Many countries have also mandated that the driver, all children, and at least the front seat passenger wear seat belts while driving.

Spacecraft move with great acceleration when entering Earth's orbit. The return to Earth, on the contrary, is accompanied by a sharp slowdown. This not only causes discomfort for the astronauts, but is also dangerous, so they pass intensive course training before going into space. Such training helps astronauts more easily endure overloads associated with high acceleration. High speed aircraft pilots also undergo this training as these aircraft achieve high acceleration. Without training, sudden acceleration causes blood to flow out of the brain and loss of color vision, then side vision, then vision in general, and then loss of consciousness. This is dangerous, since pilots and astronauts cannot control the plane or spacecraft. Until overload training began mandatory requirement in the training of pilots and astronauts, high acceleration overloads sometimes resulted in accidents and death of pilots. The training helps prevent loss of consciousness and allows pilots and astronauts to withstand high acceleration for longer periods of time.

In addition to the centrifuge training described below, astronauts and pilots are taught a special technique for contracting the abdominal muscles. At the same time, the blood vessels narrow and less blood enters the bottom part bodies. Anti-G suits also help prevent blood from flowing out of the brain during acceleration, since the special pillows built into them are filled with air or water and put pressure on the stomach and legs. These techniques prevent the blood from flowing out mechanically, while centrifuge training helps a person increase endurance and habituation to high acceleration. The centrifuge itself is a horizontal tube with a cabin at one end of the tube. It rotates in a horizontal plane and creates conditions with high acceleration. The cabin is equipped with a gimbal and can rotate in different directions, providing additional load. During training, astronauts or pilots wear sensors and doctors monitor their indicators, such as their heart rate. This is necessary to ensure safety and also helps monitor people's adaptation. In a centrifuge, it is possible to simulate both acceleration under normal conditions and ballistic re-entry into the atmosphere during accidents. Astronauts who undergo centrifuge training say they experience severe chest and throat discomfort.

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