All cycles of warrior cats in order of funds. Warrior Cats: Great Guides

The moon poured its light onto the smooth granite boulders. In the silence, only the splashing of black waves and the rustling of leaves on the other side could be heard.

Suddenly the darkness trembled and moved, and flexible dark shadows began to creep onto the rocks from all sides. Sharp claws flashed in the moonlight. The eyes flashed with a yellow alarming light in the darkness. And suddenly, as if obeying a secret signal, the shadows clashed with each other - and the rocks seemed to come to life. A furious cat fight began with howling, hissing and squealing.

Suddenly, a huge and shaggy black-brown cat emerged from this frantic whirlpool. With his powerful shaggy paws he pressed the large white marble one to the ground and screamed triumphantly:

Acorn! How dare you hunt on our lands? Sun Rocks are the original hunting grounds of ThunderClan.

WITH tomorrow, Claw, this is where we, River Cats, will hunt! - the marbled cat thrown to the ground hissed in response. Below, by the water, an alarming meow was heard:

Beware! Reinforcements are moving towards RiverClan!

Claw turned around and saw more and more wet shadows emerging from the dark water near the rocks. The River Clan warriors came ashore and, without even shaking themselves off, entered into battle.

Black-brown fixed his burning gaze on Acorn:

Yes, you swim like beavers, but neither you nor your warriors will ever rule in this forest!

He bared his teeth, and the cat lying under him shuddered all over.

But then, drowning out the voices of those fighting, a heartbreaking cry of a cat from ThunderClan was heard. The river cat pressed the black-brown warrior to the ground and was already reaching for her throat with his sharp teeth, from which river water was still dripping.

Tigerclaw heard the scream and let Acorn go. With a blow of his powerful paw, he threw the warrior away from the desperately screaming cat.

Hurry, Brush, run! - he ordered and turned to face the enemy from RiverClan. Brush jumped up and ran away, limping from the pain of her torn shoulder. Talon, who rushed to her rescue, hissed in pain: the cat from RiverClan scratched his nose. He almost went blind from pain and blood, but he was a brave cat. He rushed forward, defying the danger, and sank his sharp teeth into the enemy's hind paw. The river cat howled and tried to free himself.

Claw! - shouted a fighting cat with a red tail like fox fur. - There is no use in resisting! There are too many RiverClan warriors.

No, Furytail. ThunderClan doesn't give up! - Claw howled in response and in one leap he found himself next to Furytail. - This is our territory!

Blood poured onto his black, wide muzzle. He shook his head impatiently - and transparent scarlet drops sprinkled the granite rocks.

ThunderClan knows of your bravery, Tigerclaw, but we cannot afford large losses,” Furytail continued to insist. - Blue Star I did not expect that her warriors would meet such a countless horde of enemies. We will still have the opportunity to avenge today's defeat.

He looked into Claw's eyes with a long, unblinking gaze, then easily jumped onto a huge boulder that lay at the very edge of the forest.

Let's go, ThunderClan, let's go! - he howled.

With snorts and growls, the ThunderClan cats began to obediently approach Furytail.

The RiverClan warriors were surprised. This was a complete surprise to them. Did they really win so quickly? Acorn let out a cry of victory. Hearing him, the RiverClan warriors howled with delight, celebrating their victory with their herald.

Furytail looked around the ranks of his warriors. He waved his tail - it was a prearranged signal, and, obeying it, everyone fighting cats ThunderClan disappeared into the darkness behind the trees at the foot of the Sun Cliffs.

Claw was the last to go. At the edge of the forest, he slowed down and looked back at the blood-stained battlefield. He flashed his narrowed eyes furiously. He stood there for a while, and then jumped and disappeared into the dark depths of the forest, where his fellow tribesmen had already gone.

An old gray cat sat in a clearing deep in the forest and looked into the clear night sky. Around her one could hear measured breathing and the quiet stirring of sleeping cats.

A small, beautiful tricolor cat came out of the darkness into the clearing, quickly and silently stepping with soft paws.

The gray cat tilted her head in greeting.

How's Brush? - she meowed.

Her wounds are deep, Blue Star,” answered the tri-colored one, settling down next to her on the grass, cold from the night dew. - But she is young and strong, she will recover quickly.

What about the rest?

They will get better too.

Blue Star took a deep breath:

We were lucky, this time we did not lose a single warrior. You are a very good healer, Spottedleaf.

She raised her head again and began to look at the stars.

I'm very worried about today's defeat. Since I became leader. ThunderClan has never been defeated in own lands“,” she purred quietly. - For us, apparently, the time has come Hard times. The season of new leaves is coming to an end, and we have few kittens. If we want to survive, we will need new warriors.

But the year is just beginning,” Motley Leaf calmly noted. - There will be a season of green leaves - there will be new kittens.

The gray cat moved her broad shoulders.

May be. But while we train the kittens and prepare warriors from them, a lot of time will pass. If ThunderClan intends to defend their lands, they need new warriors, and quickly.

Are you looking to StarClan for an answer? - Spottedleaf meowed respectfully.

Trying to follow Blue Star's gaze, she raised her head and began to peer into the milky-white scattering of stars quietly flickering in the black sky.

In times like these, we really need advice. Our warrior ancestors must help us. Have you spoken to StarClan? - asked Blue Star.

No, I haven't talked to him for several weeks. Suddenly, a fallen star streaked across the sky above the very tops of the trees. Spottedleaf's tail twitched, her fur bristling.

Blue Star watched her closely, but said nothing. Spottedleaf continued to look up. After a few minutes, she lowered her head and turned to Blue Star:

It was a message from StarClan,” she purred. Her gaze became mysterious and distant, her voice sounded dull: “Only fire will save our tribe.”

Fire? - asked Blue Star.

But all cats are afraid of fire! How can he save us?

Spottedleaf shook her head.

Don't know. But that's StarClan's answer. The leader of the ThunderClan did not take her blue eyes off the healer.

“You’ve never been wrong before, Spottedleaf,” she meowed.

What StarClan said will happen. Fire will save our tribe.

It was very dark. Ryzhik felt that someone was nearby. The kitten opened its eyes wide, as if trying to shine through the thick undergrowth. The place was unfamiliar to him, but strange smells beckoned him further into the shady thicket. His stomach growled - he remembered that he was hungry. He breathed deeper to take in the scents of the forest more fully. The sour smell of rotten leaves mixed with the alluring aroma of some small furry animal.

Suddenly something gray flashed in front of him. Ryzhik froze and listened. Someone was hiding in the leaves - there were no more than two tails before him. Ryzhik guessed that it was a mouse: with his sensitive fluffy ear he caught the rapid beating of a tiny heart. He swallowed his saliva, calming his greedily growling stomach. He'll eat soon. Ryzhik began to slowly press himself to the ground, preparing to jump. He was downwind of the mouse and knew that it was unaware of his presence. IN last time Having determined the place where the mouse was, Ryzhik sharply leaned back, crouched on his hind legs, and jumped, throwing up a heap of fallen leaves around him.

The mouse ran to the hole, but Ryzhik got ahead of it. He threw it into the air, picking it up with his sharp claws - the mouse described a curve in the air and slammed to the ground. She lay stunned, but alive. Then she tried to run, but Ryzhik again picked her up and threw her away, but a little further. This time the mouse managed to run a few steps until Ryzhik caught up with it.


Get wild!

Fire and Ice

Forest of secrets

Raging elements

Dangerous path

Battle for the forest



Moon rise


star Light




Sign of three

Dark River

Les Miserables


Long Shadows



Fourth Squire

Moon Omen

Forgotten Warrior

Main hope


Sun trail

Thunder Rising

First battle

Dazzling Star


Firestar Mission: Redemption

Firestar Mission: Resurrection

Bluestar Prophecy: The Beginning

Bluestar Prophecy: The Choice

SkyClan's Fate: Doubt

Fate of SkyClan: Decision

Meteor's Promise (volume 1)

Meteor's Promise (volume 2)

Yellowfang's Secret (volume 1)

Yellowfang's Secret (volume 2)

Starbeam's Revenge (volume 1)

Starbeam's Revenge (volume 2)

Untold Stories (collection of short stories)

2 collection of short stories

Specialist. publication about Bramblestar


Hollyleaf's History

Prediction of the invisible star

Cloudstar's Journey

Fury of the Claw

Leafpool's Wish

Silence of the Dove


Secrets of the Tribes

Tribal Heroes

Tribal laws

Tribal battles

Introduction to Tribes



The Lost Warrior

Warrior's Sanctuary

Return of the Warrior


Scourge - the path to power


Looking for a home

Escape from the forest

Main choice


Disturbed peace

To the aid of the tribe

Warrior's Heart





The rescue

Beyond the Law

After the flood

Film "Warrior Cats"

Response from English series editor (and co-creator) Vicki Holmes: “Unfortunately, there are no plans to make a Warrior Cats film. Although this has been discussed more than once with the heads of film companies. True, this does not mean that the film will never happen, but it’s better not to set yourself up for it. The fact is that now animated films are mostly comedic, which both adults and children can laugh at, something like “Shrek” or “Cars”. The film "Warrior Cats" should be much more dramatic, and it should be about life and death, which is not true modern trends animations. The manga style that is most suitable for “Warrior Cats” is also not the most popular right now. So we can only hope." Managing director Chris Snowdon later stated that the film would be made in 3D, but as this takes time, it would not be released anytime soon. As we understand it, the film will be released as soon as all the books on “Warrior Cats” are finished, and it will be released around 2016. Currently, it is reported that no studio has yet bought the film rights to the “Warrior Cats” series from Erin Hunter. However, fans of the books are engaged in cartooning activities on the Internet. One of the first cartoons was released in November 2011. Each series corresponds to chapters and sections of the book. Fan videos and cartoons can be found on Internet search engines. One of the most famous and best directors is AlliKatNya.

Erin Hunter is the common pseudonym of several authors (currently four!) of the book epic about the life of wild cat tribes “Warrior Cats”. Initially, two writers were named this way - Kate Currie and Cherith Baldry, so as not to confuse readers of their common book series, individual works which could end up on different shelves bookstores or libraries.

Kate Keri(Kate Carey)- born November 4, 1967 in England. For some time - about 12 years - she lived in Scotland, but since 2004 she returned to her native land. Kate loves animals very much and is well versed in motivating cat behavior. Describing battle scenes, she is not afraid of the bloodiest scenes. To find new habitats for the heroes of “Warrior Cats,” he and Cherith Baldry often walk through the forest. In describing the events and characters of the characters, Kate is helped not only by observing her cats, but also by observing people. Kate Carey is the author of Become Wild, Fire and Ice, The Last Airbender, Breaking Dawn, and The Sign of Three.

Kate Carey is the author of the volumes "Get Wild!", "Fire and Ice", "The Raging Element", "Dawn", "The Sign of Three", "Dark River", "Eclipse", " Long echo", "Voices in the Night", "The Greatest Hope", "The First Battle", "The Divided Forest", "Star Trail", "Bluestar's Prophecy", "Meteor's Promise", "Starbeam's Revenge" and "The Vision of the Fluttering Butterfly" from the “Warrior Cats” series and “River Of Lost Bears” from the “Wanderers” series.

Cherit Baldry(Cherith Baldry)- was born in 1947 in Lancaster, England, and grew up on a farm surrounded by many pets, including cats. For some time, Cherit worked as a teacher, but, having taken up writing books, she left the profession. Cherith loves to write books about “Warrior Cats” from the point of view of the cats themselves, looking at everything as if through their eyes. Her favorite topic in history and literature is Camelot, the world of King Arthur and his noble knights. Therefore, epic battles, martial law, ceremonies and traditions in the behavior of characters are the main themes of her books in the “Warrior Cats” series. Both Kate Carey and Cherith Baldry are interested in various beliefs, especially in their pagan form, astrology, ancient history. Cherith Baldry is the author of The Forest of Secrets, The Perilous Path, The Battle for the Forest, Midnight, Moonrise, Starlight, Twilight, Sunset, and The Message.

Cherith Baldry is the author of The Forest of Secrets, The Dangerous Path, The Battle for the Forest, Midnight, Moonrise, Starlight, Twilight, Sunset, Les Miserables, and Long Shadows ", "Sunrise", "The Fourth Squire", "Omen of the Moon", " Forgotten Warrior", "The Squire's Trial", "Sun Trail", "Thunder Rising", "Dazzling Star", "Firestar's Mission", "SkyClan's Fate", "The Secret of Yellowfang" and "Bramblestar's Storm" from the Warrior Cats series. , as well as the books Bear Lake, The Last Wilderness, Spirits in the Stars, Island Of Shadows, The Melting Sea and Forest Of Wolves from the Wanderers series.

Victoria Holmes(Victoria Holmes)- editor of the “Warrior Cats” series. She not only revises and prepares new texts in the series for publication, but is also considered its full author, as she develops and coordinates the overall storyline of all the books in the series and each of them separately, according to which Kate Carey and Cherith Baldry write them. In addition, it is Victoria who is responsible for the integrity of events and the coherence of the storylines of individual characters. Victoria Holmes personally conducts most promotions and meetings with readers and answers their questions.

Victoria has written guidebooks "Heroes of the Tribes", "Law of the Tribes", "Battles of the Tribes" and "Memory of the Tribes" and electronic novellas "Hollyleaf's Story", "Omen of the Mistystar", "Cloudstar's Journey", "Talon's Fury", "Desire" Leafpool", "Dovewing's Silence", "Mapleshade's Retribution", "Goosefeather's Curse" and "Ravenpaw's Farewell" (Warrior Cats series).

Tai Sutherland(Tui T. Sutherland)- born July 31, 1978 in the USA. The children's author, who worked under the pseudonym Heather Williams, lives in Boston, Massachusetts. In the “Warrior Cats” series, she wrote a guide book “Secrets of the Tribes”. Together with Victoria Holmes, Kate Carey and Cherith Baldry, he is currently working on their new general series in the “animal fantasy” genre “Seekers” about the adventures of bears, which is scheduled for release by OLMA Media Group in 2009.

Ty Sutherland with Victoria Holmes, Kate Carey and Cherith Baldry is currently working on their new general animal fantasy series, “Wanderers,” about the adventures of bears.

Special thanks to Victoria Holmes. Dedicated to the following tribemates who have proven that they are BIG Warrior Cat fans: Cameron Dresdner, Kelly Freer, Daley Jackson, Ellie Lang-Ree, Cassidy Stoler, Daniel Truckshull, Audre Young.

Guide to the Warrior Cats series

Translation by Veronica Maximova

Illustrations by Leonid Nasyrov


Once upon a time there lived four tribes of cats in the forest. In ancient times they came to these beautiful lands and settled freely on them, choosing each territory suitable for hunting. So they lived and lived... although, wait, what are we saying? At first there were not four tribes, but five! The Fifth Tribe had to leave because the Twolegs had taken over their territory.

Are you saying we forgot someone else? That's right, mysterious cats living high in the mountains, behind the wall of an ever-flowing waterfall. What are they? Oh this is very interesting story! The ancestors of these cats once lived on the shore of the lake, but they had to leave their native land for fear of black and white dogs, who liked chasing cats much more than guarding sheep.

What became of the four cat tribes from the forest, you ask? They suffered the same fate as the fifth tribe. Twolegs invaded their territory and began cutting down trees to build a new Thunderpath. The tribes left their ruined homes and, after long wanderings, settled on the shores of the lake, where their predecessors, the Ancients, about whom they knew nothing, once lived.

But wherever the cats lived, they were surrounded by the past, part of which was sometimes revealed, and then the settlers discovered nearby traces of their distant ancestors. Let's visit them, sit on the sidelines, listen to their stories...


Blue Star's Tale

The character of ThunderClan cats was influenced by their territory - dense forest and vast thickets rich in game. My warriors are rightfully considered the best predators of the cat tribes: only they can turn into silent invisible creatures, tracking down furry and feathered game. Only they can walk on fallen leaves and dry branches without making a sound. And also - jump from a place with such force that it can easily knock an adult rabbit off its paws!

Our ancestors were cats, perfectly adapted to hunting in dense forests. They were not frightened by the branches covering the sky, they were not stopped by the need to fight in close quarters, among trunks and thorns, unable to escape from the advancing enemy. A true Thunder Warrior does not run from danger, but boldly rushes towards it! Yes, our territory forces us to fight in close combat, and this gives us strength and self-confidence. The forest is the best home for us.

Only the Martial Law allowed the Thundercats to become a true tribe, and no tribe defends it with such fervor as ours! For we know for sure that only the Military Law can protect us from injustice, cruelty and senseless wars. The military law tells us to go around our borders every day, but strictly prohibits us from hunting on someone else's territory. Our neighbors can call the Thundercats cowards all they want because we are trying our best to avoid border disputes, but let them try to tell us this to our faces, or even better, test our courage in battle! We fight for our borders as desperately as others, but war for ThunderClan is the last resort for resolving a dispute. We believe that following the Military Law, common to all tribes, will always help resolve the matter peacefully.

When we lived in the forest near the Twolegs, we constantly fought with RiverClan over the Heated Stones. A long time ago, these boulders were an island in the middle of the river, and they could only be reached by swimming. It is not surprising that no one except the River Cats then laid claim to these stones! But over time, the river changed its course, and it became possible to reach the Heated Stones by land. And then they should have gone to ThunderClan, but these mouse-headed fish eaters, these upstart River cats began to meow that it was so dishonest, and refused to give us our stones in peace. And so began the endless clashes between our tribes. Most often, ThunderClan won, and that's saying something! When we are sure that our cause is just, we fight like lions!

Living close to Twoleg territory, Thundercats are more aware of life outside the tribal boundaries than anyone else. We often encounter domestic cats and strays crossing our lands. Well, there are different destinies. I always tried to make the ThunderClan cats see their neighbors as cats like themselves. You shouldn't judge a cat just by where it was born. And among the tribes there are traitors with black hearts, and among those who do not believe in the Star Tribe, there are many noble brave men. The military law can be taught to anyone, but not everyone is capable of courage and mercy.


Bluestar led ThunderClan before Firestar. This proud cat was infinitely devoted to her fellow tribesmen. The youth of Bluefur, as she was called at that time, was overshadowed by terrible grief. First, her mother, Moontail, died during an attack on WindClan, and soon the sister of the future leader of ThunderClan, Whitemane, died on the Thunderpath. Grief always accompanies loneliness; the orphaned Bluefur moved away from her fellow tribesmen and did not notice how she fell in love with the River Warrior Acorn. But their happiness was short-lived. Bluefur realized that her heart belonged only to ThunderClan, she found the strength to break with her lover, not yet knowing what awaited his kittens.

The right to become a leader was given to this cat at a high price. Having learned that the ambitious Sharpclaw was aiming for the position of ThunderClan herald, Bluefur decided to take this post herself, confident that, having become leader, he would plunge his fellow tribesmen into senseless bloody wars. Because of this, Bluefur had to give up her three newborn kittens, giving them to their father to raise in RiverClan. It was a bitter cold, and one of the kids died. Acorn raised his son and daughter as loyal Rivercats, and when they became warriors, they received the names Stone and Mistyfoot.

What about Blue Star? She told her fellow tribesmen that her children had been kidnapped by a hungry badger. Having overcome the pain of separation, she first became a herald and then the leader of the ThunderClan.

Bluestar was still a student when the healer Goosefeather shared with her a mysterious prophecy: “Like fire, you will shine throughout the entire forest, but beware: even the most strong fire may die from water." Time passed, ThunderClan, due to the incessant battles for their territories, constantly needed new warriors and squires, and one day Blue Star found another source of fire and the future salvation of the tribe - a glorious domestic kitten named Ryzhik with fur the color of flame.

The time for testing was approaching. Treacherous Claw, the herald of the Thundercats, was exiled from the tribe for attempting to kill its leader. Having harbored a fierce hatred for his former fellow tribesmen, he, having become the leader of the Shadow Tribe, set a pack of hungry dogs on the Thunderstorm Camp. That day, Bluestar gave her last, ninth life for ThunderClan, luring a pack of dogs to the edge of the gorge and forcing them to jump down. So the former Bluefur found her death in the water, as the healer Goosetail predicted.

Cats are warriors

The series is divided into four mini-series (cycles), each of which contains six books. The first cycle “Warriors” began to be published in 2003, starting with the book “Become Wild!”, which appeared in Russian in November 2003. The second cycle - “New Prophecy” was published in 2005. The first book is called "Midnight".

As an offshoot of the series, the first additional volume to the series, “Firestar’s Quest”, in Russian - “Message”, was released. In the Russian edition, this book follows "Sunset", but according to storyline is located between "Battle for the Forest" and "Midnight".

The first book of the third cycle " The power of three"The Sign of Three" The Sight; literal translation - “Look”) appeared in 2007, in Russian - in March 2008. The second book in the series, “Dark River,” was published in Russian in October, and the third, “Les Miserables,” was published in January 2009. The continuation of the cycle - the books "Eclipse" and "Long Shadows" - in Russian is planned for 2009, "Sunrise" and "The Fourth Squire" - for 2010.

The first book of the fourth series "The Sign of the Stars" "The Fourth Squire" (eng. The Fourth Apprentice), will appear on English language November 24, 2009.

Also went to english books in manga style: “The Lost Warrior”, “Warrior’s Refuge”, “Return of the Warrior”. There are no plans to publish them in Russian yet - the rights to them belong to a different publishing house than the text “Warrior Cats” and are not for sale. But fans translated them anyway. The manga books “In the Woods” and “Escape from the Forest” about the cat Sasha and Tigerstar have also been released in English, and the manga “Return to the Tribes” will appear soon. Manga books about the life of Gorely are planned to be released - it will be a trilogy.

Books of the series

Warrior Cats: The Original Series

The first, main series of the “Warrior Cats” series tells about the adventures of Ryzhik, a young domestic cat who was accepted into ThunderClan as an apprentice under the name Ogonyok. As the series continues, he becomes a warrior, receiving the name Fireheart, a herald, and eventually the leader of ThunderClan under the name Firestar.

  • Book 1: Get wild! (Into the Wild)
  • Book 2: Fire and Ice (Fire and Ice)
  • Book 3: Forest of Secrets (Forest of Secrets)
  • Book 4: Raging elements (Rising Storm)
  • Book 5: Dangerous path (A Dangerous Path)
  • Book 6: Battle for the forest (The Darkest Hour)

Warrior Cats: New Prophecy

The second cycle of the series, the main characters of which are six cats belonging to different tribes:

  • ThunderClan: Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight (later Squirrelflight)
  • Shadow Tribe: Tawnypelt
  • Wind Tribe: Rook (later Rook)
  • RiverClan: Swallow and Hurricane

Events take place approximately a year after the Battle of the Forest. All the tribes are in grave danger, and the main characters find a new home for their tribes, and then take their tribes into it.

  • Book 1: Midnight (Midnight)
  • Book 2: Moon rise (Moonrise)
  • Book 3: Dawn (Damn)
  • Book 4: Star Light (Starlight)
  • Book 5: Twilight (Twilight)
  • Book 6: Sunset (Sunset)

Warrior Cats: Power of Three

The series is about three young cats named Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw, the grandchildren Tigerstar and Firestar, the sons and daughter of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. The first time they are mentioned in a veiled manner is in "Sunset", in the form of a prophecy given by Bluestar to Leafpool, in which the Storm Leader says that these three will change the healer's life. Then SkyClan's SkyClan predicts to Firestar in the book The Message that they will become the three most powerful cats and because of them his loyalty to the Clan will be tested. In "The Sign of Three", Spottedleaf tells Jaypaw that he has the power to change the fate of ThunderClan, and that his gift is stronger than the sharpest claw. The events of the first book in the series, “The Sign of Three,” take place ten months after “Sunset.”

  • Book 1: Sign of three (The Sight) - published in Russian in March 2008.
  • Book 2: Dark River (Dark River) - published in Russian in October 2008.
  • Book 3: Les Miserables (Outcast) - published in Russian in January 2009.
  • Book 4: Eclipse (Eclipse) - in Russian sold since June 2009.
  • Book 5: Long Shadows (Long Shadows) - scheduled for October 2009.
  • Book 6: Sunrise (Sunrise) - scheduled for January 2010.

Warrior Cats: Special Editions

  • Message (Firestar's Quest)

Finally there is peace between the tribes. Firestar is proud of the strength and unity of the ThunderCats. All four tribes prosper, raising new generations and not fighting over borders. But Firestar's dreams begin to be haunted by nightmares about screaming cats running from something terrible. With the unexpected help of an old friend, he learns a secret: StarClan, his ancestors, whom he always unconditionally trusted, lied to him. Firestar has to be accepted important decision. Will he be able to leave his native forest to go in search of the truth that is buried in the distant memory of all four tribes? Firestar and Sandstorm set off on a long and dangerous journey.

  • Blue Star Prophecy (Bluestar's Prophecy)

The book will tell about the life of ThunderClan before Firestar, when Bluestar was the leader.

  • SkyClan: Rebirth (SkyClan: Reborn)

The story of how SkyClan developed after Firestar and Sandstorm left.

Warrior Cats: Great Guides

  • Secrets of the Tribes (Secrets of the Clans)
Origin and appearance of tribes. Military law. Characteristics of cats of each tribe, their famous leaders and healers. Stories from StarClan cats. Review of old and new territory each tribe, a story on behalf of the leader or warrior of the tribe, Cats and other characters living outside the territory of the tribes, Healers and main medicines warrior cats Violators of the Military Law and their fates Myths and legends associated with the ancestors of warrior cats - the lion, tiger and leopard. The main prophecies of the tribes in the stories of those to whom they were given

The book “Secrets of the Tribes” was published in Russian in November 2008. The book is in color and larger in size.

  • Tribal cats (Cats of the Clans)

The book “Cats of the Tribes” was published in the original on June 24, 2008. Presented here in summary on behalf of Kamnestaz - the Storyteller of Sharp Stones - the stories of the most famous heroes“Warrior Cats” - cats of different tribes. Total 40 short stories. Its release in Russian is possible in the fall, it will be called “Heroes of the Tribes.”

  • Law of Tribes (Code of the Clans)

Will be released in June in English.

Warrior Cats: Manga

When the Twolegs destroyed the forest, Graystripe, while trying to help his friends, was captured by the invaders. In the house of a certain Twoleg, Graystripe essentially becomes the house pussy. But this is not his way. The forest is calling him, and he himself strives to leave. Together with his new friend Millie, who supports his desire to go in search of his native tribe, he will try to find traces of the Thundercats.

  • Warrior's Hideout (Warrior's Refuge)

Graystripe and Millie face many obstacles as they search for ThunderClan. Millie finds it difficult to get used to wild life. Brave cats find temporary shelter, but a conflict with strangers threatens to separate the travelers forever!

  • Return of the Warrior (Warrior's Return)

Graystripe and Millie find old territory ThunderClan, where Twoleg monsters have already ravaged the forest. Graystripe fears that all of his Clanmates have been killed or captured by Twolegs. Millie insists they must continue searching. old friend Ravenpaw shows travelers the path the tribes took many moons ago. But new dangers haunt them...

  • Origin of Scourge (The Rise of Scourge)

The fourth book of the manga tells a completely different story. When the domestic cat Tiny crossed the path of the forest cats who were defending their territory, they left scars on his body, and in his soul a painful and unquenchable anger. Having achieved a certain respect and even worship among the vagabonds and loners in the dirty brick alleys of Twoleg territory, Tiny changes his name to Scourge. From now on, his actions are guided only by the dream of bloody retribution.

Film "Warrior Cats"

Unfortunately, there are no plans to create a Warrior Cats movie. Although this has been discussed more than once with the heads of film companies. True, this does not mean that the film will never happen, but it’s better not to set yourself up for it. The fact is that now animated films are mostly comedic, which both adults and children can laugh at, something like “Shrek” or “Cars”. The film "Warrior Cats" should be much more dramatic, and it should be about life and death, which does not correspond to modern trends in animation. The manga style that is most suitable for “Warrior Cats” is also not the most popular right now. So we can only hope.



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    Warriors Collection of books of the first two cycles in English

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