Smart thoughts from Osho. Osho quotes about the meaning of life

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I have prepared Osho quotes about happiness for you. This man's personality is a bit controversial, but many of his statements are worth listening to. I hope his quotes on happiness will help you in finding your source of happiness.

You don't have to look for happiness - you have to be it.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice.

Anyone who can be happy alone is real personality. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage.

Eating, drinking, having fun is wonderful in itself; There is nothing wrong. But this is not enough. You'll soon get tired of it. Only a very mediocre mind can continue to find happiness in this.

Life is dialectical. You cannot always be happy because then happiness will lose all its meaning. You cannot be in harmony all the time, because then you will not know what harmony is.

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. But you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.

People who know happiness are those who are in tune with changing life, those who can love even bubble, shining in the sun, creating little rainbows. These are the people who know more about happiness than others.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason?
Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; You don't need a reason to be happy.

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you; this is a natural phenomenon. It is just like the air, just like the sky.

Happiness is a state of non-comparison.

Happiness comes from feeling needed.

True happiness is here and now. It has nothing to do with the past and the future.

Happiness doesn't need reasons. Unhappiness requires reasons; happiness is simply natural. Being joyful is completely natural. But it takes time to understand this.

In order to be happy, you need to be filled with happiness. You need to become happiness itself. Only happiness can attract happiness. Don't we see that an unhappy mind can only seek misery, even when it is very difficult to find?

To have a peak, you need a valley.
To feel happiness, you need unhappiness.
To know yourself you need peace.

A person is happy only when he is like a flower, like a lotus - delicate and soft.

Happiness is not conditional: you don’t need anything to be happy.
You just need to be alive, and you have it, you already have it.
You need to be conscious - and you already have that.

There is only one happiness in this world - and that is the happiness of being yourself.

When happiness has a reason, it will not last long. Joy without any reason will remain forever.

Illustration: silentlights

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

Osho's teachings can be imagined as a chaotic mosaic composed of elements of Buddhism, yoga, Taoism, Greek philosophy, Sufism, European psychology, Tibetan traditions, Christianity, Zen, Tantrism and many other spiritual movements intertwined with his own views. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are initially dead, and living currents are constantly undergoing changes and improvement.

This is probably the main advantage of his teaching - it does not give ready-made quick answers to all questions, but only provides rich foundation, which initially gives a good start for finding your own path and forming your own conclusions.

Throughout his life, Osho had different names. This is quite characteristic of the traditions of India and conveys the essence of his spiritual activity. The name he received at birth was Chandra Mohan Jain. Later they began to call him Rajneesh, his childhood nickname. In the 60s they began to call him Acharya (“ spiritual teacher"") Rajneesh, and in the 70-80s - Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh or simply Bhagwan (“enlightened one”). He called himself by the name Osho only in Last year of his life (1989-1990). In Zen Buddhism, "Osho" is a title that literally translates as "monk" or "teacher". So in history he remained Osho, and it is under this name that all his works are published today.

  1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.
  2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and observe. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong, good and bad for him. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.
  3. We are all unique. No one has the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but that is how you will benefit greatly.
  4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door.. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, a sunset or a sunrise... Be open to hear it.
  5. The desire to be unusual is the most common desire. But relaxing and being ordinary is truly unusual.
  6. Life is a series of riddles and secrets. It cannot be foreseen or predicted. But there are always people who would be satisfied with life without secrets - fear, doubts and anxieties would go away with them.
  7. First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation to see if someone will knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No - that's also good. Only with such an attitude can you start a relationship.
  8. If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering only comes from taking life seriously. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.
  9. Courage is moving into the unknown, despite all the fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.
  10. You change every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. Everything changes. Nothing stands still. But it takes very discerning eyes to see this. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Listen more consciously. Awaken yourself.
When you feel like everything is boring, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.
Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

All our lives we learn something, get to know ourselves and look for what can make us happy. However, the essence of what we are looking for lies on the surface and sometimes there is no need to search. How to achieve happiness and harmony? How to become successful and loved? The answers to these questions were once given by a famous spiritual leader Osho. By following his advice, you will quickly find yourself and your meaning in life.

  • Don't take everything too seriously. This behavior can become a burden for you. Learn to laugh more, laughter is as holy as prayer.
  • Any action leads to a result. If you want to achieve something, just be attentive and vigilant to yourself. Successful and mature man- this is the one who, in the course of observing himself, has found what is good for him and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. In this case, he becomes authoritative. Even if everyone around him says that he is doing wrong, nothing will change for him, since he has personal experience on which he can rely. It's enough.
  • Every person is unique. Don't ask others what to do, what is right and what is wrong. Our life is like an experiment, during which we discover what is good and what is bad. By making mistakes, you gain experience that will also benefit you.
  • The desire to be different and unusual is a common human desire. And relaxing and becoming ordinary is a truly extraordinary act.
  • Life, according to Osho, is great secret, which cannot be predicted. But many people strive to make their lives predictable. In a predictable life there is stability, there is predestination. A person strives for a predictable life because there is no fear in it, there is no doubt in it. But will there be an opportunity for further growth in such a life? If you don't take risks, can you grow? If there is no fear, will you be able to strengthen your consciousness and cultivate fortitude? If there are no mistakes, will you know where you need to go? If there is no devil in your life, will you be able to know God?
  • Everything changes every moment. Man is like a river. Today it flows in one direction, tomorrow in the other. You will not meet the same face twice as it changes. You don't need keen eyesight to see this. Listen to yourself, your consciousness. It's all about attitude. Awaken yourself if you have stopped and feel that something is in your life goes on not this way. Wake up. Pinch yourself, yourself, not the other person. Open your eyes and listen to your consciousness.
  • Don't expect anything. To wait means to admit the possibility that you will be deceived, betrayed, or used. First become secluded and take joy and pleasure from yourself. If someone comes to you, good. If no one comes, then you are not missing anything because you are not waiting for anyone.
  • Live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, look for yourself and enjoy life! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    05.08.2014 09:22

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Osho’s words shoot into our hearts like arrows and cannot leave us indifferent. We are either strongly against it or completely agree.
We are amazed, surprised by their directness, honesty and openness.
We are accustomed to living in cunning and deception. We put on pink glasses and invent suffering.
Osho's words are a cure for "unreality" - an anti-sleeping pill.

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Start looking for what you are.

You are not your faces. Start looking for your real face - the face you had before birth, which you will have again after death.

Between birth and death you have many faces that do not belong to you. It's time to step out of the expectations of others. Don't fulfill people's expectations, because this is subtle slavery. Your mother wants you to act this way, and your father wants you to act differently, and society wants something else from you.

Everyone wants something and demands it from you. No one leaves you alone, no one wants you to do what you like. Now is the time. Do your own thing, get out of all this slavery. The whole point of sannyas is that you are declaring your freedom, declaring that you will be yourself, no matter the cost or consequences. And you won't be a failure, I can promise you that. You will not be a loser, you will be endlessly enriched. You are not here to fulfill the expectations of others. You are here to lead your true life. Osho "Guest"

Master Zuse

I heard one of the most wonderful stories about the Hassidic master Zus. About seven hundred years ago, a great master and mystic of advanced years named Zusya, crowned with glory, died on his bed.

His students and admirers asked him if he was afraid to die. “I’m afraid,” Zusya answered them, “I’m afraid to see the one who created me.” - How can you be afraid? - the students were surprised, - after all, you have lived such an exemplary life.

You, like Moses, brought us out of the wildness of ignorance. You, like Solomon, judged us wisely. Zusya explained: “When I see the one who created me, he will not ask whether I was Moses or Solomon.” He will ask if I was Zusya. This is one of the most beautiful stories. Meditate on it. Zusya says: “God will not ask me whether I was Moses or Solomon; he will ask me whether I was Zusya.” Osho "Guest"


Thought is manifestation; the absence of thought is the unmanifest.

If your gestalt consists only of thoughts, you will know nothing but the ego. The ego is here called the “arrogant heart.” Then you remain just a heap of thoughts. This accumulation of thoughts gives you a sense of self, a feeling that 'I am'.

Unconsciousness and awareness

The only thing that exists is a state of unconsciousness, ignorance.

I wouldn't call it evil, it's certain situation, challenge, adventure. Existence is not evil, existence is only if you are surrounded by thousands of temptations, if unknown aspirations are calling you, if a huge desire for knowledge arises in you... And the only thing that can hinder you is your unconsciousness, unawareness. It is also a great challenge to overcome this. Become more conscious, become more aware, become more alive.

Let all your juices flow. Don't hold back. Respect your nature, love yourself and don't worry about unimportant things. Move into the depths of life without fear, explore it. Yes, you will make a lot of mistakes - so what?

A person learns only by making mistakes. Yes, you will have a lot of them - so what? Only by making mistakes does a person find the right way out.

Before knocking on the right door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. It's part of the game.

Realizing your essence is not a serious matter.

It comes to you in complete relaxation, in a relaxed state of being, in playfulness.

Never make your meditation a serious activity, otherwise you will inevitably miss it. Play with it. I'm the first person to say that. All religions have told you to be serious. That's why they killed millions of people, destroyed their spirituality, made them tense, anxious, deathly ill. And in an attempt to find their innermost essence, people engaged in all kinds of unnecessary ascetic practices, which are nothing more than torture of a masochist.

I teach you playfulness. This is your essence. Even if you want to lose it, you cannot lose it.

What's the rush? And what kind of seriousness? Be playful, be light. Banse has missed out on his great effort to find the innermost essence of his being. Effort is a barrier. Effortlessness...When you sit silently, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself. You should not misunderstand this herb. Banse says: sit silently, undisturbed, effortless, doing nothing.

When the time is ripe, which means when your tensions have all disappeared... spring comes and your essence grows by itself. You don't have to do anything; it just explodes into a stunning revolution. All that was unnecessary rubbish within you will burn away, and all that was truth within you, pure twenty-four carat gold, will shine with a magnificent brilliance. But this happens only in a relaxed state, in perception. Osho "Zen mystery and poetry"

Third Eye

This is one of the most important discoveries of the mystics - that right between your eyebrows a door opens;

In India this place is called the “third eye”. These two eyes look outward. Right between the eyebrows, exactly in the middle, there is an eye, a place of perception, sensitivity. When it opens, your inner world is made absolutely clear to you. You know that you are not the body, you are not the mind.

For the first time you will recognize your identity as a witness. It leads you to the beyond, the mysterious and the amazing.

Life ahead is full of joy, full of dance, wonderful music.

You spill out, beaming with pure gold. You have found a treasure of treasures. This was a search for the entire East, the entire Eastern genius. Osho "The Mystery and Poetry of the Beyond"

What does our birth depend on?

Have you ever thought about this - that your birth did not depend on your decision? Nobody asked you. Firstly, there was no one else to ask then. Your birth was from the unknown; out of nothing you were born.

It didn't depend on your decision. And one day you will return again to the unknown; it will be after your death. And this will also not depend on your decision. And between birth and death sometimes glimpses of love come; and they will all come from the same unknown. They will also not depend on you. In fact, whatever you do will be an obstacle.

There are things that can only appear because of you, and there are things that can only appear when you are not there.

There are things that can only be done in deep non-action: birth, death, love, meditation. Everything that is beautiful just happens to you - remember that! Remember this firmly. You can't do it yourself. Osho "The Way"

Zen - philosophy or theology?

I don’t consider Zen to be a philosophy or theology, it is closer to poetry, to music, to painting, to dance, to singing.

This is not renouncing life, it is enjoying life with all your heart. And once you get deeply involved creative style life, the beyond opens its doors. I will simply call it "transcendent" because all the other words that have been used are contaminated by the old religions, but "transcendent" is still pure; and because poetry, a creative act, which at its peak transforms you and leads you to the doors of mystery. This whole existence is a mystery; only for blind people everything is clear.

If you have eyes, then everything is mysterious and there is no explanation. The deeper you go into it, the more mysterious it becomes. And there is no bottom to the depth, it is bottomless. You can go on and on and on; the mystery becomes more mysterious, more colorful, more fragrant, but you do not come to the end where you can find an explanation for it.

Unless a person treats existence as a mystery, he will not be able to live his life in ecstasy.

Zen "Sacrament and Poetry"

Listen to your heart

If you are brave, listen to your heart. If you are a coward, listen to your head. But there is no heaven for cowards.

Heaven opens its doors only to the brave. Everyone is filled with love. If there are no obstacles, then the spring of love begins to flow in all directions without a specific address. Be grateful to existence, enjoy wonderful life surrounding you. Love - because it is unknown whether tomorrow will come. Don't put off everything beautiful until tomorrow. Live intensely, live totally, here and now. Osho "Diamond Placers"

Consciousness is never lost.

It simply mixes with other objects.

So the first thing to remember is that it is never lost, it is your nature, but you can focus it on whatever you want. When you get tired of directing it to money, to power, to prestige, then the great moment in your life when you want to close your eyes and focus your consciousness on its own source. On where it came from, on the roots - at the same turning point, your life will be transformed.

Osho "Diamond Placers"

True Sage

“Grace is in existence itself. She's just here. It's part of life. Nobody gives it to you, but it can be yours. No one is stopping her from reaching you, only you can stop her. It's about you.

The point is not to “ask and pray to God: “Thy mercy be.” The simple fact is that grace is achieved if you do not create armor around yourself. There may be armor of sin, there may be armor of holiness. This must be understood: armor can be golden, armor can become iron. The main thing: in armor you are inaccessible to grace. “The sinner also creates his own armor. He thinks: “Other people don’t bother me. I live the way I like. Damn this society.” He is a rebel, he sins just to establish his “I”, and he could say: “I am” “this is me, the iron “I”. And the believer’s “I” is golden. But gold or iron does not matter .

Who do I call the "true sage"? The true sage is the one who has no armor, no shelter, who is not protected by anything. The true sage is the one who is open to existence, it can flow through him, open to the winds, open to the sun, open to the stars. The true sage is deep emptiness. Everything passes through him, there are no obstacles to anything.” Then every moment is grace. Every moment is an eternity. Every moment is God. And this God is not something separate from you, it is"

What is love?

What you call love is not love. What you call love can be anything, but it is not love. It could be sex. There may be a thirst to possess. It can be lonely. Could be an addiction. There may be a thirst for power. It can be anything, but it is not love.

Love does not seek to possess. Love has nothing to do with anyone else; it is the state of your existence. Love is not an attitude. A relationship is possible in it, but “it is not a relationship.” There may be an attitude, but she is not limited to it. She is beyond him, she is greater than him.

Love is a state of existence. When she is a relationship, it cannot be love, because there are two. And when two "I"s meet, it is inevitable constant conflict. So what you call love is constant struggle. Sometimes, it’s true, you get tired and don’t fight, but now you’re rested and ready again. It's rare for love to flow. On the contrary, it is almost always an ego trap. You are trying to control someone else, he is trying to control you. You try to control the other, he tries to control you. This is not love. This is politics. This is a game of power. Hence there are so many misfortunes due to love. If this were love, earth would have to become heaven. Something is not noticeable."


Quotes and Aphorisms 06.08.2017

Dear readers, today we have a very deep and soulful theme- about the meaning of life. At some point we all become interested in similar questions, and then we turn to sages such as Osho for answers. Surely everyone is familiar with this name and many have come across Osho quotes online, and someone may have read books compiled from his lectures. However, not everyone knows that Osho is far from being such an unambiguous and benevolent person as he is sometimes presented. So let's find out more about him.

At birth in 1931, he was named Chandra Mohan Jain, then changed his name to Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, which means “He who is blessed is God.” He left this world 27 years ago as Osho, translated from Hindi as “Oceanic, dissolved in the ocean.”

The life of this Hindu mystic was very eventful and contradictory. He criticized socialism, Christianity and Mahatma Gandhi personally. He promoted free love relationship(he was even called the “sex guru” and “scandal guru”). He founded “special” settlements, the inhabitants of which were considered dangerous sectarians. He was banned from entering 21 countries! And only after his death, many realized that Osho’s activities are not only shocking, and that the “oceanic” man himself is not an over-aged hooligan, but passionate, interested in many things, truly deep personality. This is also indicated by his quotes about life.

In fact, Osho's teachings are a combination of Buddhism, yoga, Taoism, Sikhism, Greek philosophy and much more, even Christianity, which he did not particularly like, as well as personal experience. Osho said a lot of wise, important things, and in the books compiled on the basis of conversations with him (and there are more than a thousand such books), everyone will find something for themselves.

Osho's worldview

Osho's worldview is reflected in his statements:

“I don’t have a system. Systems can only be dead. I am an unsystematic, anarchic flow, I am not even a person, but simply a process. I don’t know what I told you yesterday.”

"Truth is outside specific forms, installations, verbal formulations, practitioner, logic, and its comprehension is carried out by a chaotic rather than systematic method.”
“My message is not a doctrine, not a philosophy. My message is a kind of alchemy, a science of transformation."

Many of Osho’s lectures were paradoxical, but on this occasion he said the following: “My friends are surprised: yesterday you said one thing, and today you said something else. What should we obey? I can understand their confusion. They only grasped at the words. Conversations have no value for me, only the spaces between the words I speak are what are valuable. Yesterday I opened the doors to my emptiness with the help of some words, today I open them with the help of other words.”

Still, Osho's speeches reflecting his views are valuable for modern culture. I suggest we read into best quotes Osho...

Oh happiness

Osho believed that everything that happens to you should be accepted with ease. This will avoid suffering. Osho quotes about life help you see where true happiness lies.

“What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? Because in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.”

“There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret for the past, anxiety for the future, and ungratefulness for the present.”

“If you are rich, don’t think about it, if you are poor, don’t take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.”

“Don’t look for the best, but look for your own. After all, the best will not always be yours, but yours will always be better...”

Love is what's inside

Love is what's inside. Osho quotes about love are very sincere. Objects of passion can change, the main thing is freedom and joy, although in principle, they can be preserved in an alliance with one partner. But tormented by love experiences, giving up something significant for yourself, is the wrong approach.

“Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.”

“If you can have freedom and love at the same time, you don't need anything else. You have everything - what life was given for.”

“If you catch a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but cannot. And make it so that she could fly away, but didn’t want to.”

“If you want to love a person forever, you cannot go near him for a minute.”

“Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving it. By giving, you receive. There is no other way..."

“Love never hurts anyone. If you feel that love hurts, it means that something else is hurting, but not your love experiences. If you don’t understand this, then you will continue to move in the same vicious circle.”

“When you are sick, call the doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love.”

“If you love, but you are not there, let go. If you are loved, but you are not, evaluate and take a closer look. If the love is mutual, fight.”

“Love knows how to go into the unknown. Love knows how to throw away all guarantees. Love knows how to rush into the unfamiliar and unknown. Love is courage. Trust love."

"You must know that freedom is highest value, and if love doesn’t give you freedom, then it’s not love.”

“The mind is a very businesslike, calculating mechanism; it has nothing to do with love.”

“There is really no reason why a woman should wait for a man to take the initiative. If a woman is in love, she should make the first move. If the man did not respond, she should not feel humiliated.”

Make life around you beautiful!

The idea is simple: you must always go forward and upward and discover something new! Both around you and in yourself. Inspirational Osho quotes will support you along this path.

“The only person on earth we can change is ourselves.”

“Make as many mistakes as possible, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow."

“Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift.”

“Whenever you are faced with a choice, be careful: do not choose what is convenient, comfortable, respectable, recognized by society, honorable. Choose what resonates in your heart. Choose what you would like to do, no matter the consequences.”

“You only need one thing - to be natural, as natural as your breathing. Love your life. Don't live according to any commandments. Don't live according to other people's ideas. Don't live the way people demand of you. Listen to your own heart. Become silent, listen to the small, small voice within you and follow it.”

“All the values ​​that a person dreams of are hidden inside him.”

“You must constantly engage in purification: if you notice some nonsense idea in your head, cleanse yourself of it, throw it away. If your mind is pure and clear, you can find a solution to any problem that arises in your life.”

“Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until you experience it yourself, it is never true.”

“Dedicate your life to beauty. Don't devote it to the disgusting. You don't have much time, you don't have much energy to waste. It’s simply stupid to waste such a small life, such a small source of energy on anger, sadness, hatred, jealousy.”

“Only one thing is constant in the world, and that is change. Everything else changes, except changes.”

“We have inherited not only the mind of millions of past years. We have also inherited the madness of millennia.”

“If you have become a river, you cannot help but become an ocean!”

About communication

All this “socialization” is an illusion. Understand yourself and share your most secret things with loved ones who are ready to understand you.

“Give yourself the luxury of not interacting with unpleasant people.”

“Loneliness is a state when you are sick of yourself, tired of yourself, tired of yourself and you want to go somewhere and forget yourself in someone else.”

“No one can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they are talking about themselves.”

“The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar is heard in your heart - the roar of freedom."

“Society will give you everything if you give it your freedom.”

A smile is the main weapon!

High spirits are the basis of our existence. And a smile is the main weapon!

“Have you ever noticed that man is the only animal that laughs?”

“People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.”

“Becoming too serious is the greatest misfortune.”

“There comes a time in your life when you step away from drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. You forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the rest. Life is so short, live it nothing but happily. Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. To be alive is a gift, and to be happy is your choice.”

“Truth is not a dogma, but a dance.”

Difficulties are good for us

Isn’t it too easy not to take problems that arise to heart? It's difficult, yes. But we should remember that difficulties are good for us.

“You are a big fan of causing problems... just understand this and suddenly the problems will disappear.”

“No matter what happens, everything is fine.”

“Fighting with others is only a trick to avoid internal struggle.”

“Heaven is where the flowers of your true Self bloom. Hell is where your Self is trampled on and something is imposed on you.”

“Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. To be alive is a gift, and to be happy is your choice.”

“Peace comes to you as it comes from you.”

Osho suffered from many illnesses, for example, he had to be treated for diabetes and asthma in the USA, and at the time of his death the philosopher was only 58 years old. So there is no doubt that he spoke about life this way not because it was easy and cloudless for him. But because he really understood that there was no other way but to fall and rise again, and rejoice, and be grateful for everything.