Nietzsche quotes about happiness. Best Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

Good day everyone! And we continue our line of quotes from great people. Today we will talk about Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - thinker, philologist, composer. Nietzsche's philosophy includes a special assessment of the present time, which questioned the basic principles of existing forms of morality, religion, culture and generally accepted forms of communication, which were subsequently reflected in the philosophy of life. Most of Nietzsche's writings do not lend themselves to unambiguous understanding, and therefore cause a lot of controversy.

If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of a judge dispensing justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love.

If you want to go high, use your own legs! Don't let yourself be carried around, don't sit on other people's shoulders and heads!

Those who fight monsters should take care not to become a monster themselves. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

Independence is the destiny of the few. She is the privilege of the strong

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

Better an enemy made of a single piece than a friend glued lightly.

Truth is not verbose; words are never enough for a lie.

Either you move up one step today, or gather your strength to move up that step tomorrow.

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

There is nothing attractive about herds, even if they run after you.

Between religion and real science there is no kinship, no friendship, no enmity: they are on different planets.

Only those who have felt fear in their hearts have courage; who looks into the abyss, but looks with pride in his eyes.

The smartest people, like the strongest, find happiness in places where others would only find disaster: in a labyrinth, in severity towards themselves and others, in difficulties. They enjoy power over themselves: for them asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct.

No winner believes in chance.

The actor has spirit, but little conscience of spirit. He always believes in what he makes others believe in - he believes in himself!

Knowledge is one of the forms of asceticism.

If gods existed, how could I bear that I am not a god?

All gods are symbols and intricacies of poets!

God is a kind of assumption.

Marriage is the most abused form of sexual life.

To grow not only in breadth, but also to grow upward - may the garden of marriage help you in this, my brothers!

A good marriage rests on the talent for friendship.

I have always noticed that spouses who make up a bad couple are the most vindictive: they are ready to take revenge on the whole world because they can no longer separate.

You are entering into a marriage: be careful that it does not become a conclusion for you! You are in too much of a hurry when entering into a marriage, and the consequence is the dissolution of the marriage bond!

Marriage may seem just right for people who are incapable of either love or friendship and who willingly try to mislead themselves and others about this deficiency - who, having no experience of either love or friendship, cannot be disappointed and the marriage itself.

Marriage: this is what I call the will of two to create one, greater than those who created it. Marriage is mutual respect and honoring of this will.

You were not yet looking for yourself when you found me. This happens to all believers; and that is why all faith means so little.

Look at the believers! Who do they hate the most? He breaks the tablets of their values, destroys and transgresses, but he is a creator.


Every moment being begins; Around each “here” there rotates a ring-shaped “there”. The middle is everywhere. The path of eternity is crooked.

The love of power is the demon of people. Give them everything - health, food, housing, education - and they will be unhappy, capricious, because the demon waits, waits and wants satisfaction. Take everything away from them and satisfy their demon - they will be happy.

Whoever is attacked by his time is not yet sufficiently ahead of it - or behind him.

Since time is infinite, infinity has already passed up to the present moment, that is, every possible development should have already taken place. Therefore, the observed development must be a repetition.

Those who love and create are who have always been the creators of good and evil. The fire of love and anger burns on the name day of all virtues.

When you have risen above praise and blame and your will desires to command all things as the will of a lover, then your virtue arises. When you despise a soft bed and everything pleasant, yet easily fall asleep even next to the luxurious beds of sissies: then your virtue arises.

As soon as we transgress the average measure of human kindness by one step, our actions cause distrust. Virtue rests precisely “in the middle.”

“Love your neighbor” means first of all: “Leave your neighbor alone!” And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties.

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for you must be an arrow and a striving for the Superman for him.

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend.

But if you have a suffering friend, become a place of rest for his suffering, but at the same time a hard bed, a camp bed: this is how you can best help him.

Even the broadest soul, my brothers, what pitiful lands this is!

Woman is God's second mistake.

A woman knows little about honor. Let it be her honor to always love more than they love her, and never be second in love.

A woman understands children better than a man, but there is more childishness in a man than in a woman.

Who does a woman hate the most? The iron said to the magnet: “What I hate most of all is that you attract without having enough strength to drag with you.”

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.

A man should beware of a woman when she hates: for in the depths of his soul he is only angry, but she is filthy.

Let a woman be a toy, pure and graceful, like a precious stone, shining with the virtues of a world not yet created.

For too long a slave and a tyrant have been hidden in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

In a woman's conscious love there is suddenness, lightning, and darkness next to the light.

Good and evil, rich and poor, high and low, and all the names of values ​​- all this will become a weapon and will militantly assert that life must overcome itself again and again!

Some people fail in life: a poisonous worm gnaws at their heart. May they use all their strength to make death a better success for them!

Life is a source of joy; but wherever the crowd drinks, the springs are poisoned.

But if life needs height so much, then it also needs steps, as well as the contradiction of the steps and those ascending them! Life wants to ascend and, ascending, to overcome itself.

The one who answered the question: “Why live?” - will be able to tolerate almost any answer to the question: “How to live?”

And you, my friends, say that there is no dispute about tastes? But all life is a dispute about tastes!

And if a friend does you harm, say this: “I forgive you for what you did to me; but how can you forgive the evil that you have caused yourself by this act?”

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, it’s enough to tell some truth about him.

Truly, like the sun, I love life and all the deep seas. And this is what I call knowledge: so that everything deep rises to my height!

Oh, how many great ideas whose action is like a blacksmith's bellows: from them a person inflates and becomes even more empty.


The world revolves not around those who invent new noise, but around the inventors of new values; it rotates silently.

Art makes life bearable by shrouding it in the haze of impure thinking.

Ten times a day you must find the truth, otherwise you will seek it at night, and your soul will remain hungry.

The knower is reluctant to plunge into the water of truth, not when it is dirty, but when it is shallow.

Any truth that is kept silent becomes poisonous.

It is not at all so easy to find a book that has taught us as much as a book written by ourselves.


Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos.

We know very little and study poorly: that is why we must lie.

Even the cup of the highest love contains bitterness.

Love your neighbors as yourself - but first become those who love themselves - loves with great love, loves with great contempt!

To love and perish: this combination is eternal. The will to love means readiness to die.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves. And truly, this is not a commandment for today and tomorrow - to learn to love yourself. On the contrary, of all the arts it is the most subtle, the wisest, the highest and requires the greatest patience.

Many brief madnesses - that's what you call love. And your marriage puts an end to many short madness - one big and long stupidity.

Therefore, I want them to sincerely say to each other: “We love each other; Let's see if we continue to love! Or is our promise wrong? Give us time and a short union to see if we are fit for a true union! It’s a great thing to always be together!”

Where you can no longer love, you must pass by!

Squalor in love is willingly masked by the absence of someone worthy of love.

My brothers, I urge you to love those who are far away and not those who are near.

Those who have hitherto loved a man most have always caused him the greatest pain; like all lovers, they demanded the impossible from him.

Every great love does not desire love, it desires more.

Great love is higher than suffering, for what it loves, it still longs to create!

There are giving natures and there are rewarding ones.

People who strive for greatness are, as usual, evil people: this is their only way of enduring themselves.

People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves.

Superficial people must always lie because they have no substance.

Eleven-twelfths of all the great men of history were only representatives of some great cause.

Let people strive towards the future with thousands of bridges and paths, and let enmity and inequality grow more and more between them: this is what my great love inspires me with. Let them invent ghostly images and symbols in their enmity, and then the greatest battle will take place between them.

I walk among them and keep my eyes open: people have become smaller and smaller. And the reason for this is their teaching about happiness and virtue. They are moderate in virtue and want comfort. And only moderate virtue is compatible with comfort.

In the world, the best things still mean nothing until there is someone who will present them on the stage: the crowd of these presenters calls them great people.

Most people are too stupid to be selfish.

May man be freed from revenge: here is the bridge leading to the highest hope, and the rainbow sky after a long storm.

You are young and dream of a child and marriage. But answer me: are you such that you have the right to desire a child?... Have you overcome yourself, are you the master of your feelings, are you the master of your virtues?... Or is it the animal and the need of your nature that speaks in your desire? Or loneliness? Or dissatisfaction with yourself?

When the good moralize, they cause disgust; When the wicked moralize, they cause fear.

Morality is the importance of man over nature.

The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation of falling in love with the foolish.

You all served the people and popular superstition, you illustrious sages! - and not the truth!

In a real man there is always hidden a child who wants to play. Find a child in him, a woman!

God gave us music so that we would first of all be drawn upward by it.

Even when the people are moving backwards, they are chasing the ideal - and they always believe in some kind of “forward”.

No people could survive without making an assessment of what is good and what is evil; in order to survive, he must evaluate differently than his neighbor. Much that is called good by one people is considered shame and reproach by another... Much of what is called evil here was clothed in the purple of honor there.

This fear, ancient and primordial, finally becoming refined and spiritualized, is now, it seems to me, called science.

It is not what prevents us from being loved, but what prevents us from loving fully that we hate most.

And most of all they hate the one who can fly.

Misfortune has escaped you; Enjoy this as your own happiness!

There is no more cruel misfortune in human destiny than when the rulers of the earth are not the first among their subjects. And then everything becomes false, perverse, terrifying.

I walk among the people and keep my eyes open: people do not forgive me for the fact that I do not envy their virtues.


Human society is an attempt, a long quest; It is looking for the one who commands!


For one, loneliness is the escape of the sick, and for the other, it is an escape from the sick.

Be indifferent when accepting anything! Show honor by accepting, that’s what I advise those who have nothing to give.

Submission has the toughest skin.

You will rarely make a mistake if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and minor ones to fear.

Every action continues to build us, it weaves our colorful robe. Every action is free, but clothing is necessary. Our experience is our clothing.

With the help of the truth, you can deceive and take you anywhere.

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, you just need to tell some truth about him.

There is a right by which we can take away a person's life, but there is no right by which we can take away his death.

The best way to start the day well is to wake up and think if you can bring joy to at least one person today.

Since people existed, man has rejoiced too little: only this, my brothers, is our original sin! And if we learn to rejoice more, then we will best forget how to offend others and invent all kinds of sorrows.

You should only talk about women with men.

Whenever prudence says, “Don’t do this, it will be misinterpreted,” I always act contrary to it.

Jealousy is the wittiest passion and yet still the greatest stupidity.

As soon as a religion gains dominance, all those who were its first followers become its opponents.

The believer finds his natural enemy not in the free thinker, but in the religious man.

Anyone thirsting for fame must part with honor in advance and master the difficult art of leaving on time.

Even in death, your spirit and virtue must glow, like the evening dawn over the earth: otherwise your death did not work out well for you.

Many die too late, and others die too early. The teaching: “Die on time!” will still seem strange.

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.

The desire for the herd is older than the attraction of one’s own “I”: and while a good conscience means the will of the herd, only a bad conscience will say “I”.

This is the advice I give to kings, and churches, and to everything that has become decrepit from the weight of years and weakened in virtue: let yourself be overthrown! And you will return to life again, and virtue will return to you!

Voluptuousness: it is innocent and free for free hearts, a garden of happiness on earth, a festive abundance and a gift of the future from its abundance.

Voluptuousness: this is a sweet poison only for the withered, but for those who have the will of a lion, this is a great heartfelt reinforcement, the wine of all wines, reverently preserved.

Voluptuousness: this is the greatest bliss, a symbol of the highest happiness and the highest hope.

My brother, if happiness accompanies you, then you have only one virtue, and no more: then it will be easier for you to cross the bridge.

There is much more happiness in the world than the eyes clouded with sadness see, if you only count correctly and do not forget those pleasant moments that every day of human life is rich in, no matter how hard it may be.

A man’s happiness is called “I want.” A woman’s happiness is “He wants.”

Every little happiness should be used like a sick bed: for recovery - and nothing else.

And at dawn Zarathustra laughed in his heart and said mockingly: “Happiness is running after me. This is because I don't chase women. And happiness is a woman.”

The man of “modern ideas”, this proud monkey, is terribly dissatisfied with himself - this is undeniable. He suffers, and his vanity only wants him to “suffer with him.”

Whoever wants to learn to fly must first learn to stand, and walk, and run, and climb, and dance: you cannot learn to fly right away!

The best must rule, and the best wants to rule! And where the teaching says otherwise, there are not enough better ones.

Only for creation you must study!

Wanting something and achieving it is considered a sign of strong character. But even without wanting something, still achieving it is characteristic of the strongest, who feel themselves to be fate incarnate.

I love the brave: but it’s not enough to be a slasher, you also need to know who to slash! And often there is more courage in holding back and passing by: and thereby saving yourself for a more worthy enemy!

To whom Chastity is a burden, one should not advise it: lest it become the path to the underworld, turning into dirt and lust of the soul.

Every church is a stone on the grave of the God-Man: it does not want Him to rise again.

Oh, look at these tents that the priests have erected! They call their dens, full of sweet aromas, churches!

Cynicism is the only form in which vulgar souls come into contact with what is called sincerity; and the superior man should prick up his ears at every greater and more subtle manifestation of cynicism, and congratulate himself every time a shameless buffoon or a scientific satyr speaks right before him.

A person who has never thought about money, about honor, about acquiring influential connections, about a position - how can he really know people?

A person's demand to be loved is the greatest of all conceits.

Only where the state ends does a person begin - not superfluous, but necessary: ​​there the song of the one who is needed sounds - the one and only.

For some, the heart ages earlier, for others - the mind. Some are old in their youth, but those who are late in their youth remain so for a long time.

on other topics

“Religious man”, “fool”, “genius”, “criminal”, “tyrant” - all these are bad names and particularities that stand for someone unnameable.

Be who you are!

There is not enough love and goodness in the world to be lavished on an imaginary being.

From time immemorial, honest, free minds lived in the desert and by the lords of the desert; and in the cities live famous sages - fattened beasts of burden. Always, like donkeys, they pull the cart of the people. From time immemorial, honest, free minds lived in the desert and by the lords of the desert; and in the cities live famous sages - fattened beasts of burden. Always, like donkeys, they pull the cart of the people.

There is nothing good about herds, even if they run after you.

They say “pleasure” and think about pleasures; they say “feeling” - and think about sensuality; they say “body”, but think about what is lower, the body, - and in this way the trinity of good things was dishonored.

The highest symbols should speak about time and becoming: they should praise everything that is transitory and be a justification for it!

Oh, this false light, this stale air! Here the soul is not allowed to soar to its height! But their Faith commands them this way: “On your knees and up the steps, sinners!”

He believes in a new way tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow - again in a different way. His feelings are swift, like the crowd, and his moods are just as changeable.

Truly, it always draws us upward - into the kingdom of the clouds: we sit our colorful stuffed animals on them and call them gods and Superman.

After Buddha died, for centuries his shadow was shown in one cave - a monstrous, terrible shadow. God is dead: but such is the nature of people that for thousands of years there may still exist caves in which his shadow is shown. - And we - we must also defeat his shadow!

This is how I want to see a man and a woman: he - capable of war, she - of childbearing, but so that both of them can dance - not only with their feet, but also with their heads.

You must burn yourself in your own flame: how else would you want to be renewed without first turning to ashes!

You are young and dream of a child and marriage. But answer me: are you already such as to have the right to desire a child? ... Have you overcome yourself, are you the master of your feelings, the master of your virtues? ... Or does the animal and the need of your nature speak in your desire? Or loneliness? Or dissatisfaction with yourself?

Do you want to be judged by your intentions and not by your actions? But where did you get your plans? From your actions!

What well? Everything that increases the sense of power, the will to power, power in a person. What's wrong? Everything that comes from weakness.

His books have outlived their era, and his thoughts have long been disassembled into quotes

About truth and reason

1. And you tell me, friends, that there can be no disputes about tastes and views? But all life is a dispute about tastes and views.

2. Beliefs are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.

3. In the end, no one can learn more from things, including books, than he already knows.

About books

4. Generally accepted books are always stinking books: the smell of little people sticks to them.

5. You don’t need to borrow a book that you love, you need to have it.

About time and history

6. He who does not have two-thirds of time for himself is a slave.

7. We are the heirs of the vivisection of conscience and self-crucifixion that took place over two thousand years.

8. We do not live for the sake of the future. We live to preserve our past.

9. The time for small politics is ending. The next century will lead to a struggle for dominance on earth.

About a human

10. People find their own lives much more enjoyable if they stop comparing it with the lives of other people.

11. God died: now we want the superman to live.

12. I looked for great people, but I always found only monkeys of their ideal.

13. The last thing that repels me about respectable people is the evil they carry within themselves.

About power

14. He who wants to become a leader of people must, for a good period of time, be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.

15. To be great is to give direction.

16. The dominance of virtue can be achieved only with the help of the same means by which dominance is generally achieved, and, in any case, not through virtue.

17. Wherever I found life, I also found the will to power.

About good and evil

18. The most erroneous conclusions of people are the following: a thing exists, therefore, it has the right to it.

19. I hate people who don’t know how to forgive.

About love

20. There are two ways to save you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.

21. “Love your neighbor” - this means, first of all: “Leave your neighbor alone!” “And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties.

22. The requirement of reciprocity is not a requirement of love, but of vanity.

23. A good marriage is based on a talent for friendship.

Sources(books, films, pro-iz-ve-de-ni-ya, etc.) with quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche

about the author

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (German Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, IPA: [?f?i?d??? ?v?lh?lm ?ni?t??]; October 15, 1844 (18441015), Röcken , Prussia - August 25, 1900, Weimar, Germany) - German philosopher, poet, composer, cultural critic, representative of irrationalism. He sharply criticized the religion, culture and morality of his time and developed his own ethical theory. Nietzsche was a literary rather than an academic philosopher, and his writings are aphoristic in nature. Nietzsche's philosophy had a great influence on the formation of existentialism and postmodernism, and also became very popular in literary and artistic circles. The interpretation of his works is quite difficult and still causes a lot of controversy.

Born in Röcken (near Leipzig, eastern Germany), the son of Lutheran pastor Carl Ludwig Nietzsche (1813-1849). While studying at the gymnasium, he showed significant abilities in philology and music. In 1864-69, Nietzsche studied theology and classical philology at the Universities of Bonn and Leipzig. During the same period, he became acquainted with the works of Schopenhauer and became a fan of his philosophy. Nietzsche's development was also favorably influenced by his friendship with Richard Wagner, which lasted for many years. At the age of 23, he was drafted into the Prussian army and enlisted in the horse artillery, but was demobilized after being injured. Three years later, he would enthusiastically accept the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) and volunteer to go to the front.

Nietzsche was a brilliant student and gained an excellent reputation in scientific circles. Thanks to this, he already received the position of professor of classical philology at the University of Basel in 1869 (at the age of only 25 years). He worked there for about 10 years, despite numerous illnesses. The question of Nietzsche's citizenship still causes sharp controversy. According to some sources, he remained stateless after renouncing his Prussian citizenship in 1869; however, other sources state that Nietzsche became a Swiss citizen.

Usually a beautiful surface conceals an unpredictable depth.

Conception without sin? This dogma denigrates conception itself. - Friedrich Nietzsche

If anyone, at least mentally, crossed the line beyond which the mystical lies, upon returning his thoughts were covered with stigmata.

A person who has endured long and severe suffering is bound to become a tyrant.

F. Nietzsche: With the help of philosophy, a person finds a shelter into which there is no path of tyranny, peace within himself, ornate spiritual passages, and this circumstance makes tyrants terribly angry.

Dogmas of religion. It is impossible to live without them! However, no one has yet been able to argue for them. Our existence is by no means proof, since an error could easily creep into the series of its conditions.

The concept of “Christianity” is fraught with a certain erroneous understanding, because the first Christian was Jesus, and he died for his faith. – Nietzsche

A true man is by nature a child who is only interested in games.

The Church, whatever it may be, always clips the wings of the Superman, preventing in every possible way his resurrection.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes of F. Nietzsche on the pages:

Very smart people begin to be distrusted if they see their embarrassment.

Man is a rope stretched between the animal world and the superman - the rope sags over the abyss. The precious thing about a person is that he is a connecting road, not a goal.

Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations.

Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

There is nothing in my head except personal morality, and creating for myself the right to it is the meaning of all my historical questions about morality. It is terribly difficult to create such a right for yourself.

Majestic natures suffer from doubts about their own greatness.

Whoever wants to justify existence must also be able to be God’s advocate before the devil.

Virtue only gives happiness and some kind of bliss to those who firmly believe in their own virtue - not at all to refined souls, whose virtue consists in a deep distrust of themselves and of all virtue. In the end, here too, faith makes you blessed! - and not, note this carefully, virtue!

The founder of Christianity believed that people suffered more from nothing than from their sins: this was his delusion, the delusion of one who felt himself without sin, who lacked experience here.

Strange! As soon as I keep silent about some thought and stay away from it, this very thought certainly appears to me embodied in the form of a person, and I now have to be kind to this angel of God!

If you go to a woman, take a whip.

A stupid forehead rightfully requires, as an argument, a clenched fist.

A fact is always stupid.

Perfect knowledge of necessity would eliminate all oughtness, but would also comprehend the necessity of oughtness as a consequence of ignorance.

There is a degree of inveterate deceit that is called a clear conscience.

Anyone who wants to be a manager for people must have a reputation among them for a long period of time as the most dangerous enemy.

Spiritualizes the heart; the spirit sits and inspires courage in danger. Oh, this language!

Anyone who feels lack of free will is mentally ill; whoever denies it is stupid.

To someone who has an aversion to the sublime, not only yes, but also no seems too pathetic - he does not belong to the denying minds, and, if he happens to find himself on their paths, he suddenly stops and runs away - into the thicket of skepticism.

The supreme thesis: God forgives the repentant, - the same in translation: forgives the one who submits to the priest.

Only man resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall - up.

The teaching and the apostle, who does not see the weakness of his teaching, his religion, etc., blinded by the authority of the teacher and reverence for him, usually have greater power than the teacher. Never before had a man's influence and his deeds grown without blind disciples.

Heroism is the desire of a person heading towards his goal; he simply stops noticing and seeing everything else in life. Heroism is a voluntary act of self-destruction.

We praise what suits our taste: this means that when we praise, we praise our own taste - doesn’t this sin against all good taste?

Mystical explanations are considered profound. The truth is that they are not even superficial.

In every religion there is an exception to the religious person.

Pure spirit is pure lie.

On the other side of the North, on the other side of the ice, on the other side today is our life, our happiness.

Blood is the worst witness to truth; blood poisons the purest teaching to the point of madness and hatred of hearts.

Those with fever see only the ghosts of things, and those who have a normal temperature see only the shadows of things; Moreover, both need the same words.

In the heat of struggle, one can sacrifice one’s life: but the one who wins is consumed by the temptation to throw away his life. Every victory has contempt for life.

Faith saves, therefore it lies.

No winner believes in chance.

You have to worship proudly if you can't be an idol.

Moral people feel complacency when they have remorse.

Life would be a mistake without music.

Woman is God's second mistake.

When the gratitude of many to one casts aside all shame, glory arises.

Buddhism does not promise, but keeps its word; Christianity promises everything, but does not keep its word.

God himself cannot exist without wise people, Luther said, and with full right; but God can even less exist without stupid people - Luther didn’t say that!

To laugh means to be malicious, but with a clear conscience.

We lose interest in what we have learned as soon as we share it with others.

The martyrs only harmed the truth.

We need new ears for new music.

A person who never thinks about money, honors and influential acquaintances - how can he know humanity?

An evil god is needed no less than a good one - after all, you do not owe your own existence to tolerance and philanthropy. What is the use of a god who does not know anger, envy, cunning, ridicule, vindictiveness and violence?

A philologist is a teacher of slow reading.

A bad conscience is a tax that the invention of a clear conscience has imposed on people.

A person forgets about his guilt when he repents of it to another, but the latter, as a rule, always remembers it.

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.

Belief in cause and effect is rooted in the strongest of instincts: the instinct of revenge.

Be who you are!

When skepticism and longing combine, mysticism arises.

Anyone who is able to strongly feel the gaze of a thinker cannot escape the terrible impression made by animals whose eyes slowly, as if on a rod, stare out of their heads and look around.