Educational and methodological material on the topic: “How to maintain the mental balance of a teacher.” How to learn to maintain balance

Many, probably, have more than once encountered such a problem as a sharp decline in mood, frequent nervousness, and breakdowns over trifles with loved ones. There is a reason for all this that needs to be dealt with, because in the end it negatively affects physical health As a human being, everything in our body is interconnected.

In order not to lash out at people, to get sick less often, to be in good mood, look at things positively, the slightest detail is needed - you need to have peace of mind. It is not so easy. As a rule, the greatest blow always falls on the sickest person. So this very patient should not exist. A person must appear invulnerable in order to preserve himself. To do this, a person must always be in friendship with himself. Various emotions should be present in a person in moderation and replace each other.

How to start putting things in order in your inner world?

Firstly, you need to learn to find the positives in any situation, even the most stalemate. Excessive panic and a decadent mood will not improve the situation, but will only make it worse. You should never give up. Do not lose heart under any circumstances and find the strength to continue the journey.

Secondly, you need to set several goals for yourself, concentrate on them and go towards them at all costs. So that there are no obstacles in front of a person, but only goals on the horizon and the desire to achieve them as quickly as possible. Thus, a person isolates himself from unnecessary things, people, problems, and unpleasant little things. For example, if you want to buy yourself a new car, while earning money for this good cause, it will not be so tragic to refuse to attend a movie released in the cinema, because there is an understanding that refusal is for the good. Rather than giving up going to the cinema because the money was spent on trinkets, when you could have saved money and gone to the cinema.

Thirdly, you need to rest with yourself. Holidays in company are always good, fun and interesting, but not always productive. Believe me, by being alone with yourself, you can learn a lot of new things about yourself and put all your thoughts in their place. To be comfortable with people, you must first be comfortable with yourself.

Fourthly, you need to learn to remain silent. To remain silent when you are right, to remain silent when you are wrong, to remain silent when you know something, to remain silent when you are not sure of something. Less words, more to do. With words, emotions often fly out.

Fifthly, it is necessary to protect yourself from unnecessary people. Don't be afraid to throw off unnecessary ballast. Learn to filter people and treat them with respect, understanding, but carefully. Protect yourself from liars, envious people and gossips. Gossipers are especially dangerous - they take your internal energy. It's better to have two around faithful people and to be confident in them, than to trust a bunch of people who smile in your eyes and tell you in the back what the light was on.

And most importantly, believe in yourself! Believe in yourself, in your deeds, in your future and your goals in spite of everything. The main thing is to realistically assess your capabilities and try as hard as possible. In short, you need to learn to concentrate on yourself, not paying attention to external stimuli.

Living a completely stress-free life is only possible in our wildest dreams. In this fantasy paradise, you no longer have to rush to work, worry about your financial accounts, or fight with your romantic partner. In reality, we are faced with a lot of problems most of which weighs heavily on you. However, even in real world There are secrets that will help increase your stress resistance and balance.

Swearing helps get rid of negative emotions

University researchers East Anglia chose the most effective management styles. It turned out that managers who use strong words appropriately are less stressed, and swearing increases the spirit of camaraderie.

Time out to watch a funny video

A good mood helps lower levels of the hormone cortisol. This became clear thanks to an experiment conducted by employees from Loma Linda University in California. In another study, researchers at the University of Maryland showed participants short funny videos. As a result, blood flow to the volunteers' hearts increased by an average of 22 percent.

Use the pronoun "we"

Here’s some valuable advice for lovers: use the pronoun “we” in conversations. This will save your marriage by preventing the lion's share family scandals.

Be calm parents

Children of overly strict parents are at higher risk of obesity. Scientists have found that 7-year-old schoolchildren living in conditions of strict discipline are 5 times more likely to be overweight. Children can't stand it constant stress, so they experience food cravings.

Eat more garlic

Scientists from the University of Alabama are confident that they have uncovered the secret of the positive effect of garlic on the heart. The spice's main phytochemical, allicin, produces hydrogen sulfide when it enters your body, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the heart muscle.

Limit fast carbohydrates

Stress causes your adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol, which puts your body on high alert and makes you crave quick energy. To keep stress hormones in check, limit your intake of sugar and starchy foods, eat vegetables with high content fiber and lean protein.

A little dark chocolate won't hurt

Dark chocolate is the only healthy dessert, but on the condition that we're talking about about moderate consumption product. The flavonoids found in cocoa relax your blood vessels.


Physical contact can suppress stress through the release of endorphins. So next time, instead of quarreling with your partner over unwashed dishes, find something more enjoyable to do.

Take fish oil

According to a study from the University of Pittsburgh, people with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in their blood are happier and less impulsive. Taking fish oil (400 mg daily) is the simplest and least expensive intervention.


Researchers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University found that pressing on the fleshy part between the index and thumb hands for 30 seconds reduces tension by 39 percent.

Re-read the Greek classics


Find a quiet, private place for a mini-meditation. Focus on your breathing for 10 minutes and it will reduce your stress by almost half.

Swap coffee for tea

In an experiment that took place in university college London, 75 volunteers took part. Before performing a stressful task, some students drank tea. As a result, the level of cortisol in their bodies decreased by 47 percent compared to those who did not drink their drink.

Minimize distractions

If your work often causes headaches, try to minimize the influence of small distractions such as a squeaky chair, notifications Email or flickering light.

Become a planning guru

Planning is the most important thing you can do to avoid stress. Write to-do lists for the day, for the week, for the year. Get used to a daily schedule and your life will become more stable.

Reduce the impact of unforeseen circumstances

Effective performers are very sensitive to overload. They know how to respond to unexpected circumstances before stress paralyzes them. Learn to recognize the physical signals of stress, identify its source, and come up with a solution that you can implement immediately.

Take a break

American researchers have found that taking a 15-minute break while working allows you to calm down and increase productivity.

Define your scope of control

When you are faced with a problem that seems impossible to solve, identify the part of it that you can control. This will give you the opportunity to act from a position of strength, and not be a hostage to circumstances.

Don't underestimate your strength

At first, everything always looks gloomy and hopeless. But in reality, people have more resources to overcome the problem.

Find a partner

If you have ever had a sparring partner in gym, then you know how great it is to have the support of a friend. The same goes for your life outside of the weight room. If you have a friend you can lean on Hard time, you are halfway to success.

Relaxation exercise

Tilt your head back, close your eyes and let them rotate in a circle with a large amplitude. Do this for 30-60 seconds. This will send a signal to your brain to relax.

Foot massage

Use golf balls to drive away anxiety. Sit at a table, take off your shoes and place a ball under each foot. Now roll them along the soles of your feet back and forth. You can create pressure with your foot, this will help you relieve tension.

Increase your competitiveness

Any competition, be it mental or physical, increases the level of positive tension. This increases your heart rate and increases the circulation of cells important for a strong immune system.

Listen to rhythmic music

Italian researchers found that several musical compositions V high tempo with two-minute pauses of silence they lower blood pressure. This measure improves your mood, but does not allow emotional overstimulation.

Breathing practice

In a sitting position, close your eyes, place one hand in the area chest, and the other on the stomach. Inhale on the count of three and feel your stomach press against your hand. Exhale for a count of five, repeat this exercise three times.

Let go of the things you can't control

You can't resist the vagaries of the weather, so consider a flight delay or cancellation as a chance to make the most of your time.

Call your mother

Scientists have found that when a woman hears her mother's voice, her brain releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps reduce the effects of stress.

Don't forget about physical activity

Sport helps you get rid of negative energy and improves mood.

Moderate your alcohol consumption

But alcohol is a powerful depressant. After the initial feeling of relaxation that drinking gives you, you feel aggressive and angry.

Order food

For new mothers, cooking becomes a chore, so you can treat yourself by ordering food.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep

Less sleep leads to increased levels of the hormone cortisol.

Stop smoking

Smoking doesn't actually calm you down. According to studies, one cigarette smoked increases heart rate by 10-20 beats per minute.

Today this question worries almost everyone. We are committed to fighting our internal problems, we want to make our relationships with others better, but we don’t know how to approach this correctly. Below are some tips, following which you will certainly be able to live in harmony with yourself, and, as a result, with the world around you.

How to maintain peace of mind in a stressful situation

When you give something away, you get something in return

Whenever, at moments in life when you are extremely negative and you are haunted by the thought that those around you have forgotten about you, you should not immediately cry into your vest to the first person you meet. Better, look around and think about those friends and acquaintances who may have a more difficult time than you. Maybe they have significant problems for sadness, but you don’t notice them? Think about this and, by showing care, you can always count on a similar attitude towards yourself. When you act towards your loved ones sincerely, with love, and strive to provide support for one of them, you will find peace and tranquility in your soul, and order in your thoughts.

Don't demand anything from people and make concessions

Each of us, of course, has often been disappointed because someone could not live up to our possible expectations. But only we are to blame for this! A person does not have to necessarily correspond to the image or ideal that we have invented. Therefore, in order to maintain peace of mind, initially do not expect anything, but when you receive something good from a loved one, or a friend, sincerely say “thank you” for it. It is equally important to be able to forgive a person, because everyone, both a child and an adult, a friend or relative, has the right to make a mistake. It is more important that the person who committed it should be able to admit this mistake. And by forgiving someone, you will free yourself from the negativity and resentment that clog your soul.

Don't make yourself a victim

Often, people feel like animals driven into traps. The trap is aggression, anger of others and unfavorable situations. To maintain peace of mind, try to free yourself from this trap, throwing aside resentment and anger.

Don't judge the people around you

Sometimes this is incredibly difficult to do. We see how many bad events are happening around us, we strive to make the world a better place through our judgments about the meaning of life, but this is the whole problem! Keep yourself under control, do not criticize others - they themselves, perhaps not now, will be aware of their actions and will try to correct the situation.

It’s even worse to judge people based on external qualities.

Make the world a better place!

When answering the question of how to maintain peace of mind, remember that the world is huge family, where each person is one of the members of this family. Therefore, in order for love to reign in the family, you must first start with yourself. This is how you will find peace in your soul, and receive only positive emotions in response from people!

Your goal is to become as strong as possible inside, so that nothing outside can affect your peace of mind without your permission. That’s right, because calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally gives you a distinct advantage, no matter the circumstances. However, the biggest and most difficult obstacle you will have to overcome is your own mind. So, 18 reminders on how to maintain peace of mind.

1. Calmness begins the moment you take a deep breath and don't allow anyone or anything to control your thoughts. You are not what happened to you. You are who you want to become at this moment. Let go and start again.

2. Be here. Right here. You can only solve the problems of this moment. If you add to them the endless battles of yesterday and tomorrow, life will turn into chaos.

3. Calm does not mean being in a place where there is no chaos, problems or difficulties. Calm means being in the midst of it all and still being mentally, emotionally and physically calm.

4. If you can solve a problem, solve it. If you can't, then accept it and change your thoughts about it. Whatever you do, don't invest more into anything than you need.

5. Remember that you choose what is important and what is not. Only you give or do not give significance to things and events in your life.

6. In most cases the problem is not a problem. The real problem is overthinking and overanalyzing.

7. As we age, we realize how much time we have wasted. So, do your best right now to experience this world and rise above all the petty dramas and tragedies.

8. Whatever you focus on instantly gains power. Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus.

9. Positive thinking is a choice. your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. And remember that being positive is not about ignoring negativity, but about overcoming it.

10. Life is too short to quarrel and... Appreciate the people you love. Calm in the midst of chaos is mastery. Develop this skill in yourself.

11. Don't lower your standards, but remember that having no expectations from others is The best way avoid disappointment.

12. You won't always be a priority to others, and that's why you have to be a priority to yourself. Learn to respect yourself and take care of yourself. Your needs matter. Don't wait to be chosen. Choose yourself today!

13. Don't compare your progress to others. We all need different time to follow your own personal path. Just focus on the steps you are taking now.

14. In ten years, it won't matter what shoes, clothes or hairstyle you wore today. The only thing that will matter is how you lived, how you loved, and what you learned.

15. Sometimes we try so hard to achieve something big that we don’t notice all the little things that give life a special charm. Look carefully around. These little things are everywhere.

16. Think with gratitude about all your accomplishments and missteps, the chances and coincidences that have led you to this moment.

17. Forgive yourself for bad decisions, for times when you lacked understanding, for bad choices that hurt other people and yourself. Forgive yourself for being immature and reckless. These were your life lessons.

18. Nothing is permanent. When you understand this, you are practically omnipotent because you are no longer trying to hold onto anything. It's all about accepting what is, letting go of the past and going your own way.

Peace of mind is ultimately your choice...

If you are now choosing...

stuck in the past
act like a victim
feel angry
ignore useful tips
give up

So maybe it's time to make a different choice. Namely…

Let go
live in the moment
think positively
forgive yourself
forgive others
know your worth
see opportunities
breathe deeply.

Find peace within yourself and make it your superpower!