Requirements for registration of price tags. Price tags for goods: required details


The price tag is a carrier of information about the product unit and the price for this unit in the retail sale of goods.

Sales rules individual species goods (clause 19) provides for the mandatory presence of uniform and clearly written price tags for goods sold, indicating the name of the product, its grade, price per weight or unit of goods, the signature of the financially responsible person or the seal of the organization, and the date the price tag was issued.

In accordance with the letter of Roskomtorg dated March 13, 1995 No. 1-304/32-2, the minimum necessary details when issuing price tags for food goods are: for weight goods - name of the goods, grade (for goods with a grade), price per kilogram or one hundred grams; for goods sold by the glass - the name of the product, the price per unit of container or plumb line; for piece goods and drinks packaged by manufacturers in bottles, cans, boxes, bags, etc. - name of the product, capacity or weight, price for packaging.

For goods packaged directly in retail establishments, the name of the product, weight and price for packaging must be indicated on the insert or packaging.

For non-food products indicates: name of the product, grade (for graded goods), price per kilogram, liter or piece; and for small piece goods (perfumes, haberdashery, etc.) - the name of the product and the price.

The rules for the sale of certain types of goods establish that the packaged goods indicate their name, weight, price per kilogram, cost of the plumb line, packing date, expiration date, number or surname of the packer.

It should be taken into account that there are peculiarities in the details of price tags for some types of goods: jewelry, samples of radio and electrical household goods, etc. For example, products from precious metals and precious stones put up for sale must have sealed labels indicating the name of the product, manufacturer, article number, sample, weight and price per 1 gram of the product, type of inserts, their characteristics, weight and retail price of the product. Labels for samples of radio and electrical household goods must have the name of the product, its brand, article number and price, as well as a brief annotation containing the main technical characteristics of the products.

Price tags for goods are drawn up indicating the name of the trading enterprise and its legal form. On price tags, all data must be written clearly, legibly, without corrections of the indicated details, using ink (stamp), ink or paste.

According to regulatory requirements, price tags for goods sold must comply with documents confirming the announced prices and tariffs. Additional information contained on the price tag depends primarily on the specifics of the information that should be provided to customers in relation to a particular product, since according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

Requirements for registration of individual details of product price tags are presented in Table 1.

Table 1



Price tag details

Registration requirements

Name of product

The name must be indicated in Russian and correspond to the name in the invoice for this product. It is not allowed to indicate “in assortment” on the price tag, except in cases of a similar indication in the invoice, since it is impossible to change the name of goods against that indicated in the receipt documents (this can be regarded as a distortion of information about the product and as an attempt to replace the product when selling it - that is, undocumented product). If a product of one name in the assortment arrives, it is advisable to issue separate price tags for all varieties (for example, Pickwick tea has arrived in 5 varieties: wild berry, tropical fruit, strawberry, cherry, blackberry, and 5 price tags should be issued for it - “PICKWICK Tea” “wild berry”, “PICKWICK cherry tea”, etc.). It is also allowed in these cases to issue a single price tag for a given product item indicating a list of varieties, if they came from the same supplier, according to the same product document, and have the same units of measurement and price. However, when goods of a particular variety are fully sold, this position cannot be crossed out on the price tag, and then the consumer may be provided with incomplete information, which is a negative point in the activities of a trading enterprise.

Unit price

The unit of measurement for which the indicated price is set must correspond to the units of measurement specified in the receipt documents. Prices for goods must correspond to the approved price list or be otherwise documented, depending on the specifics of the organization of document flow of a trading enterprise

Date the price tag was issued

The date of registration of the price tag is usually indicated on the front side of the price tag. In the event that the date of registration of the invoice for the goods, the date of posting and the date of registration of the price tag do not coincide, the fact of receipt of goods at the enterprise must be reflected in accordance with the document flow of the enterprise (for example, an entry was made in the goods report about the receipt of goods indicating the reasons for the impossibility of it receipt on the day of receipt; it is also advisable, when accepting goods, to indicate the actual date of receipt in the accompanying documents) With full consideration of all the requirements of regulatory documents, price tags must be issued for each batch of incoming goods (even, for example, from one supplier at a constant price) indicating the corresponding date.

Signature of the financially responsible person

The price tag must be certified by the signature of the financially responsible person. The presence of a liability agreement is mandatory and may be subject to verification, as well as a sample signature of the employee. Responsibilities related to the preparation of price tags for goods sold must be enshrined in job descriptions.

Company seal

According to the Sales Rules, when issuing price tags, the presence of a company seal is not a strictly required requisite. However, in the practice of trading enterprises, the price tag is certified by both the signature of the financially responsible person and the seal, especially if instead of a round seal, a rectangular stamp of the enterprise is used.

Country of origin

Information about the country of origin is indicated in the accompanying documents for the goods. In this case, information about the country of origin indicated in the delivery note, invoice, certificate, on the product labeling and on the price tag must be the same. Depending on the characteristics of the product, the name of the product manufacturer may be indicated (for example, for sausages or confectionery products)

Number and date of the invoice for the goods

The number and date of the invoice according to which the goods arrived at the trading enterprise is indicated on back side price tag. These details allow you to more accurately identify the goods in accordance with the documents.

Product expiration date

This requirement may be presented on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and a number of regulatory documents, according to which this information must be brought to the attention of buyers. Mandatory information about expiration dates on the price tag is established at the level of the federal subject. The requirement to indicate the expiration date may also be imposed, for example, when certain features marking of the product item and the method of sale, when the buyer, in the process of familiarization and selection of goods, receives necessary information may be difficult (selling dairy products over the counter).

Certificate number (quality certificate)

This requirement may be presented on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and Sales rules, according to which the buyer has the right to familiarize himself with documents confirming the quality of the goods and information about certification

What are the rules for placing price tags on goods sold in a store?

The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly written price tags for the goods sold, indicating the name of the product, grade (if available), price per weight or unit of goods, signature of the financially responsible person or seal of the organization, date of registration of the price tag (clause 19 of the Rules for the sale of certain types goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998 N 55 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods).

In order to ensure a uniform procedure for issuing price tags for goods sold by trade enterprises, Roskomtorg has issued recommendations on what information should be indicated in price tags.

Thus, the price tag for food products should contain:

for weighted goods - name of the goods, grade (for goods with a grade), price per kilogram or one hundred grams;

for goods sold by glass - name of the product, price per unit of container or plumb line;

for piece goods and drinks packaged by manufacturers in bottles, cans, boxes, bags, etc. - name of the product, capacity or weight, price for packaging.

As for goods packaged directly in retail establishments, the name of the product, weight and price for packaging must be indicated in the insert or on the packaging;

for non-food products:

name of the product, grade (for graded goods), price per kilogram, liter or piece;

for small piece goods (perfumes, haberdashery, etc.) - name of the product and price.

Price tags for all types of goods sold must be certified by the signature of the financially responsible person or other official charged with setting prices.

On price tags and inserts, all details must be written clearly, legibly, without corrections of the indicated details, using ink (stamp), ink or paste.

However, the most important information in the price tag - the price of the product itself.

Can the price of a product be indicated in rubles other than rubles?

Information on the price of goods (work, services) is provided in rubles, which is a mandatory element of any consumer transaction and is fully consistent with the provisions of clause 1 of Art. 317 Civil Code RF (clause 2 of article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”).

By general rule, established in paragraph 1 of Art. 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, monetary obligations must be expressed in rubles.

However, the imperative requirement of paragraph 1 of Art. 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not exclude the possibility of determining the contract price in rubles in the manner provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which “in monetary obligation it may be stipulated that it is payable in rubles in an amount equivalent to a certain amount in foreign currency or in conventional monetary units ah (ecu, “special drawing rights”, etc.).

In this case, the amount payable in rubles is determined by official rate the corresponding currency or conventional monetary units on the day of payment, unless a different rate or another date for its determination is established by law or by agreement of the parties."

The above information about the possibility of indicating the price of goods in conventional units was released by Rospotrebnadzor in a letter dated December 17, 2014.

The prices of goods sold by the seller, as well as other terms of the contract, must be the same for all buyers, except in cases where federal laws or other regulatory legal acts allow the provision of benefits for individual categories buyers (clause 18 of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods).

But how to indicate the price of a product in the price tag if the store is running a promotion to sell products at reduced prices (with discounts)? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain an answer to this question. In this regard, would it be a violation of consumer rights to issue price tags in 2 ways:

1) by indicating the price of the product and the price of the product taking into account the discount on the loyalty card;

2) by indicating a new, reduced price of the product and crossing out the previous, higher price.

Judicial practice has not developed a clear point of view on this issue. Some courts say that issuing price tags in this way is not an indication of 2 prices per unit of goods and does not violate consumer rights (see, for example, the Resolution Arbitration Court Northwestern district dated 09.09.2014 in case No. A56-73200/2013).

In another case, the court did not agree with the indication on the price tags of 2 prices issued in the following way: "Price with card" and "Price without card". At the same time, “Price according to the card” was highlighted more in large print than "Price without card". Also, price tags for the goods sold were issued in both yellow and red. In this case, the court found a violation of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and brought the store to administrative liability.

Thus, the presence of price tags in a store that indicate 2 prices for a product may be a reason for the buyer to contact Rospotrebnadzor with a corresponding application.

According to the changes made to the design of product price tags, they should become more convenient for buyers in terms of information content and reliability of the specified data.

Changes in the design of price tags

After amendments were made to the rules for the formation of product price tags, which were adopted on December 23, 2016 and came into force on January 2, 2017, the use of handwritten and printed stickers is simultaneously prohibited. In accordance with the changes made, information stickers must be of the same format and have the following designations:

  • name of the product being sold;
  • if there are different varieties or types of goods, you must indicate their variety;
  • the price of a product for a certain volume or weight. For example, 100 rubles/100 grams or 1000 rubles. /1 kg.

For merchants who sell takeaway goods, you need to have a price list with you. The price list should contain the following information:

  • price and name of the product;
  • a list of all services provided;
  • the document must be signed and certified with the wet seal of the manager.

Positive aspects of the changes

The accepted requirements for price tags will affect both wholesale and retail trade industries, ranging from small stalls and shops to large companies and hypermarkets.

The main positive requirement for price tags, of course, is same shape stickers and their contents. The stamp and signature of the person in charge is removed from the price tags, thereby simplifying the replacement procedure when the price changes.

In addition to printed ones, you can also use electronic price tags or tables, and making changes to the price becomes much easier and faster. Thanks to electronic displays, the buyer always sees the current price for a particular product.

For entrepreneurs, the costs of paper used to make stickers will be significantly reduced, and the time for replacement will also be reduced.

Interesting to know! According to experts, in the average supermarket it takes about 5 work shifts per month to completely replace all price tags.

Negative aspects of changes

Besides positive aspects There are also negative changes, but they mainly concern entrepreneurs and have nothing to do with consumers.

The main disadvantage is complete replacement and standardization of price tags. That is, they must have the same type and contain full information according to the entered requirements.

The requirements for the design of price tags apply not only to large stores and hypermarkets, but also to small shops and street kiosks. If earlier in kiosks the price of a product was indicated on ordinary pieces of paper or even directly on the packaging, now such groups of entrepreneurs are required to hang up special stickers or electronic price tags.

If an entrepreneur nevertheless decides to switch to more convenient and informative price tags, namely electronic ones, then he may have to face a problem additional training employees for the correct and, most importantly, quick change prices.

Electronic price tags - the future has already arrived

After changes were made to the law on the design of product stickers, all groups entrepreneurial activity Those engaged in wholesale or retail trade are allowed to install electronic price tags or displays. But it should be taken into account that such information media must have a uniform appearance.

Permission to introduce electronic media into trade has many advantages, the main ones being:

  • electronic price tags are very convenient and easy to use, because you can always correct information on a product in the shortest possible time;
  • information content for clients. For example, when using electronic signs, you can indicate information on all similar products. In this case, the buyer will easily be able to choose a product according to purchasing power;
  • since price tags are interconnected with management programs financial statements, then the costs of product accounting are significantly reduced. Also, electronic trading significantly reduces the possibility of errors.

Are there any peculiarities in the design of price tags in stores in 2018? How to arrange price tags correctly? What should you consider when applying? What are the requirements for price tags for goods, according to regulations? We'll tell you more in our article.

What laws govern the design of price tags for goods?

  1. The RPO Law gives the right to sell goods only with a correctly issued price tag;
  2. Law on Consumer Rights Part 3 Article 15: the seller is obliged to set the cost of the goods;
  3. Order No. 833, para. 2 states that the cost of goods and products is indicated on labels;
  4. Clause 19 of the Sales Rules indicates that the seller’s responsibilities include ensuring uniform design of price tags with the name of the product, its variety, cost per unit or weight, signed by the person responsible and dated;
  5. The Consumer Rights Law contains in paragraph. 1 clause 13 of Instruction No. 2 and para. 2 hours 3 tbsp. 15 rules for designing price tags.

How to write a price tag correctly?

The price tag must be issued before the goods arrive. Price tags for goods can be either printed or handwritten. The retail price of goods is applied in any way: marking, stamp, label gun or ink. It is prohibited to fill out price tags with a pencil. It is necessary to draw up price tags carefully and clearly. The language on price tags complies with current language legislation.

Each type (piece, weight, packaged) and group of goods (non-food/food) has its own design rules. Let's highlight the main ones.

Pricing for food products:

  • Weighted goods contain information: “name”, price per 100 grams or kilograms;
  • Products and drinks on tap - name, cost per unit of weight or container, type;
  • Piece goods: name, grade, capacity or weight, price per piece;
  • Prepackaged goods contain information on the price tags about the name, variety, cost of a kilogram or one hundred grams, weight and cost of a packaging unit.

A program for automating the work of a Business.Ru store helps to easily create price tags for goods that comply with the new legislation. You will also have the opportunity to manage prices without leaving your home, thanks to storing all information in the cloud.

Price lists for non-food products:

  • Products whose price depends on the grade contain information about the grade, price per kg and meter, unit or piece;
  • If the cost of a product does not depend on the type, then on the price tag we put information about the cost per packaging unit and piece, price per meter or kg;
  • For piece goods, the price tag must indicate the name, capacity or weight, unit or piece cost.

Rules for registration of price tags: product details

  1. Name of product
    The name on the product is: “Circus Candy”, “Chocolate Carousel”.
  2. Variety
    There are no special rules, the main thing is to correctly indicate the type of product being sold.
  3. Unit volume or weight
    We indicate the weight of the product: 1000 ml, 1 kg and 1 t, 1 m, 100 g, 1 piece, 1 l.
  4. Cost of one unit
    According to the Law on Consumer Rights, Article 15, the price is indicated for one package of goods. When the product is without packaging, for its unit of measurement. The seller sets the cost of each product unit or category of goods.

How to write a price tag correctly? The price of the product is indicated taking into account all taxes and non-tax payments. It is not necessary to allocate VAT separately. The price tag is signed by the responsible person, the date is indicated, and certified with a seal.

How to properly design a price tag for a retail store

When printing is not needed:

  • There is no need to put a stamp on companies consumer cooperation located outside the city;
  • Enterprises may not affix a stamp in case of export trade. But in this case there must be an invoice;
  • Printing is also not needed by retail businesses that identify products using barcodes. In this case, a price list with the signature of the responsible employee, stamp and date must be located in the sales areas.

How to correctly design a price tag on the other side? There is no ban on placement. The rules state that access to the reverse side should not be difficult.

Important! According to the Consumer Rights Law, the seller is obliged, at the buyer’s request, to present documents that confirm the cost of the goods indicated on the price tag.

From Instruction No. 2 it follows that the price tag (price label) can be interpreted as a means by which the seller informs the consumer about the product available for sale and its retail price.

By the way: price tags are usually used only in retail trade. But at enterprises Catering The function of informing visitors about the establishment’s products and their prices is performed by the menu (price lists for purchased goods). Moreover, price tags notify about individual goods that are on sale at a certain moment, and menus and price lists inform about the list of products (dishes, culinary products) and purchased goods that, in principle, can be ordered at a catering establishment (that is, at a specific moment at what - there may not be a position from it). Now we will focus only on the design features of price tags in retail trade.

Informing the consumer about the retail price of a product is an essential condition for its sale.

The obligation to display price tags on goods intended for the end consumer for personal, non-commercial use is enshrined in several legal acts. Which ones? Firstly, Art. 3 of the Law on RPO allows the sale of goods only if there is a price tag on them. Secondly, part 3 of Art. 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights obliges the seller selling products to indicate the price of each unit of such products or one category of products and the price of one standard unit of this product. Thirdly, in para. 2 clause 20 of Order No. 833 states that retailers must indicate prices for goods and products on labels (price tags) or in price indicators.

As you can see, the price tag is an important bird, so its design must be approached with all responsibility. Now we will find out exactly how they do this. Price tags must be issued before the goods arrive at the sales floor or small retail facility. trading network(Clause 12 of Instructions No. 2). In addition, paragraph 13 of Instruction No. 2 states that price tags for goods should be printed or otherwise (for example, written by hand). But how to designate retail prices for specific goods (stamp, ink, paste, marking with a label gun) is determined independently by the head of the trading enterprise. The main thing is that the price tags are clearly and aesthetically designed (paragraph 1, paragraph 13 of Instruction No. 2 and paragraph 2, part 3, article 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights). And under no circumstances fill out price tags with a pencil. This is expressly prohibited.

In what language should price tags be written? It’s a shame, but Instruction No. 2 is laconic on this matter. She only says that they should be issued in accordance with the current legislation on languages. Currently, this is the Law on Languages, which came into force on August 10, 2012. Therefore, it is in it that the truth must be sought. Read more about the price tag language on page 29 of the current issue.

Now let’s highlight the required price tag details. Let’s say right away: they were grouped according to specific groups (food/non-food products) and types of goods (by weight, piece, packaged).

On the price tags for food products it is necessary to indicate:

  • for goods by weight - name of the product, grade, price per kilogram or one hundred grams;
  • for goods or drinks sold on tap - the name of the product or drink, type, price per unit of container or unit of weight; for piece goods and bottled drinks - name of the product or drink, weight or capacity, type, price per piece;
  • for packaged goods - name of the product, grade, chain per kilogram or per hundred grams, weight of the packaging unit, price per packaging unit.
  • On price tags for non-food products you must write:
  • for goods for which prices are set depending on grade - name of the product, grade, price per meter, kilogram, piece or packaging unit;
  • for goods for which prices by grade are not established - the name of the product, the price per meter, kilogram, piece or packaging unit;
  • for small piece goods (perfumery, haberdashery, etc.) - name of the product, weight or capacity, price per piece or packaging unit.

Let's briefly look at each required price tag detail.

  • Product Name. That is, you need to indicate the “name” of the product. It could be something like: “Candy Poppy” “Pinocchio Juice.”
  • Product type. There should also be no problems with the designation of this detail. We determine the type of product and enter it into the price tag.
  • Weight or volume of a unit. Here you need to indicate: 1 t, 1 kg, 100 g, 1 m, 1 pc., 1 l, 1000 ml.
  • Price per unit. This detail requires the most explanation. As stated in Art. 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights, the price must be indicated for one package of the product, and if the latter is displayed without packaging - for the unit of measurement that is usually applied to such a product. At the same time, the seller is obliged to indicate the price of each unit of goods or one category of goods and the price of one standard unit of such goods.

It is also worth noting: para. 3 hours 3 tbsp. 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights states that the price of a product must include all taxes and non-tax mandatory payments paid by the consumer when purchasing it. So, for example, if transactions for the sale of a particular product are subject to VAT, then the latter should be included in the price of such a product. In addition, it is not necessary to highlight the VAT amount separately in the price tag.

Price tags must be signed by the employee responsible for the formation, establishment or application of prices. Then he certifies them with the seal or stamp of the business entity and indicates the date of signing.

However, there are exceptions to any rule. In our case there are several of them. Thus, it is not necessary to certify the price tag with a seal and stamp for consumer cooperation enterprises (except for those located in cities) (paragraph 1, paragraph 9 of Instruction No. 2). Consumer cooperative enterprises can also do without them during off-site (export) trade, but only if there is a permit-invoice signed by the manager and accountant and certified with a seal.

When marking prices on goods with a label gun or sticking price tapes, it is not necessary to sign the employee responsible for forming and setting prices and indicate the date.

And finally, the signature, seal (stamp) need not even be mentioned to retail trade enterprises, which, when making payments to consumers, use modern technology automated identification of goods by their bar codes, and the value of the prices of goods is stored in the memory of the PPO or computer. But in this case, in the departments and sections of the trading floors of such enterprises, in a place accessible to consumers, there must be a price list certified by the signature of the employee responsible for the formation, establishment or application of prices, and a seal indicating the date of signing.

Markdown of goods

First of all, let us remind you: if the value of goods at the balance sheet date has decreased or they are damaged, outdated, or otherwise lost the initially expected economic benefits, then this fact serves as a beacon for their markdown. Specific cases, in which markdown of goods is inevitable, are described in clause 1 of the Regulations on Markdown.

It is clear that the markdown of goods entails, like a needle and thread, the need to relabel them (clause 21 of the Regulations on markdowns and clause 11 of Instruction No. 2). Doing this is like sliding down a mountain. You just need to cross out the previous price (that is, the old one) of the discounted product on the price tag and indicate the new one. Such castlings are confirmed by the signature of the employee responsible for the formation, establishment or application of prices. And if it is impossible to cross out the old price (for example, if it is indicated with a label gun), then new price You can stick it on top of the old one.

For small items that cannot be labeled with a price tag at all, the new prices are indicated on the packaging.

If a discounted product cannot be unpacked, then the new price for it is indicated on the packaging, followed by changes to the price labeling of each product immediately after unpacking.

When re-marking prices on goods discounted due to partial loss of quality, the letter “P” must be placed on product labels, packaging or price tags.

After all this, an announcement about new prices should be posted in the sales area (clause 21 of the Discount Regulations, paragraph 4, clause 11 of Instruction 2).

Sale of goods

In Art. 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights we read: after public notification of the start of a sale, the application of discounts, consumers must be informed about the price of the product that was in effect before the start of the corresponding sale, as well as after it. At the same time, as we have already said, 20 Order No. 833 orders that prices for goods be indicated on price tags or price lists.

Therefore, in fulfillment of the requirements of Art. 15 of the Law on Consumer Rights and 20 of Order No. 833, the old price tag should be left on goods that are being sold out (keep the old price lists, price lists). At the same time, the previous price on price tags, price lists, price lists (that is, the one that was in effect before the start of the sale) must be crossed out, writing down a new one (taking into account the discount) so that the buyer sees both prices of the product

If a retailer offers the purchase of several products for one price or gives the consumer the opportunity to purchase one product to receive another at a reduced price, the consumer must be informed about:

Please note: at the consumer’s request, the seller is obliged to provide him with documents confirming the price of the product, which is indicated on the price tag (Article 17 of the Law on Consumer Rights, paragraph 16 of Instruction No. 2). To comply with this requirement, the seller may show the consumer a register of retail prices. In the latter, retailers must indicate the name of the product, article number, brand, type, wholesale selling price (supplier price) with reference to a document confirming it, the size of the trade markup, and the established retail price.

The price tag, as practice shows, has great value for trading activities. At the legislative level, it is established that certain groups of goods are allowed to be sold only if there are price tags. We also note that the price of goods on price tags must be indicated in hryvnias (this imperative norm law). IN otherwise If this requirement of the legislator is not observed, then the violator will be subject to different types sanctions.