Lipetsk branch of the Belgorod University of Consumer Cooperation. Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation

Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation (branch) of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Lipetsk region. The institute trains economists, managers, commodity experts, specialists in product technology and public catering.

Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation (branch) BUCEP has a rich history. It was created in 1959 as the Lipetsk Cooperative Technical School. Over the past years, the educational institution has been reorganized several times. The Institute has graduated tens of thousands of specialists who have achieved a lot in their professional activities.

Currently, the institute provides two-level training of specialists in higher and secondary vocational education programs.

Scientists and students of the institute are actively publishing, taking part in Russian and international scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars. Major scientific events (conferences, round tables) are regularly held at the institute. The comprehensive development of the student’s personality is helped by the creative studios created at the institute in the following areas: pop and choral singing, choreography, modern dance, KVN, original genre. A significant role is given to sports and recreational work and the promotion of physical culture at the institute. There are sports sections. Students of the institute take part in annual sports events “Cross of Nations”, “Universiade”, “Spartakiad”, and also take part in interuniversity competitions of the city and region in individual disciplines.

In 2013 and 2014, based on the results of monitoring the activities of universities, the institute was recognized as effective and ranked second among higher educational institutions in the Lipetsk region. According to the results of monitoring the effectiveness of universities in 2016, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the institute was recognized as effective, having fulfilled 6 out of seven monitoring indicators.

Graduates of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation work in various areas of the regional and Russian economy: consumer cooperation, trade, public catering, etc.

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Where is it and how to get there

Address of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation: st. Zegelya, 25a.

The nearest public transport bus stop is called "Heroes Square", and you can get to it by buses No. 22, 24, 24a, 36, 300, 306 and 359.

If you decide to go to the institute in a personal car, you can park on the university premises or try to find a parking space on Zegel Street.

History of formation

Today the cooperation is a branch of the BUCEP cooperation). The two universities are inextricably linked, but this was not always the case.

In the middle of the last century, the Lipetsk region was in dire need of accountants, commodity experts and retail workers. In this regard, the local branch of Rospotrebsoyuz decided to establish a technical school that will train future workers in cooperation.

This educational institution existed for almost 50 years, but in 1995 it merged with the Belgorod University of Cooperation. On the one hand, this reform deprived the Lipetsk College of independence. On the other hand, it allowed the school to evolve into a higher education institution.

Admission procedure

The Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation begins accepting documents on June 15 and ends on August 2. The applicant must submit the original certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, a certificate of secondary education, a medical report on the state of health and an application for admission.

This list is enough to be enrolled in one of the faculties of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation, but the university, as a rule, conducts additional internal tests in the form of a formal interview, which are completed no later than August 15.

Part-time students must submit documents by March 15, and information about enrollment will be announced by August 15. This university provides for the second and third “wave” of admissions in September and October. But you can’t count on this option, since all available places can be filled at the first stage of enrollment.

Specialties and areas of training

This educational institution awards diplomas of higher education in the following areas of training:

  • "Organization of public catering enterprises and product technology." Here they train production technologists who have the necessary knowledge of effectively organizing cafes, restaurants, pubs, and so on. A graduate, if desired, can build a career in the restaurant business.
  • "Commodity Science". allows the student to gain knowledge of product quality control, as well as learn market analysis and study factors that influence the degree of popularity of individual products.
  • "Economy". Obtaining a diploma in this area allows you to engage in financial, analytical and marketing activities.
  • "Management". A management diploma gives the graduate the chance to develop himself in the art of managing small and medium-sized enterprises.

Scientific activity

The scientific successes of the institute, unfortunately, are so far limited to the achievements of its teachers. Scientists of this university have published a fairly large number of monographs, manuals, and scientific articles. Even one patent for a useful invention has been registered.

But the educational institution does not hold bright scientific conferences and round tables, which significantly limits the development of students.


There is no traditional monthly stipend at the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation. But there are social support measures for students who excelled in their studies, won a prize at an Olympiad, or made a great contribution to the life of the university.

An outstanding student may be awarded a certificate of gratitude, a certificate or a cash prize.

Cost of education

The institute is non-state, so there are no budget places provided here. The cost of training depends on whether the student chooses a part-time or full-time course.

The price for a year of full-time study is 67 thousand rubles, and for part-time study - 47 thousand rubles. Prices for secondary vocational education are significantly lower.

How the educational process proceeds

The schedule of classes at the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation is approved annually and, as a rule, is not repeated from the previous year. Lectures and seminars are always held one after another, without “windows”, and by the middle of the day the student can be free.

The university employs teachers from state educational institutions. They often perceive teaching here as a part-time job. On the one hand, this makes the learning process quite simple, on the other hand, the quality of knowledge is significantly reduced.

On April 1, 2019, the next scheduled meeting of the Consultation Center was held at the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation with the participation of a representative of the Lipetsk City Employment Center, Zavalkina I.V.

March 29, 2019 At the Sokol cultural center, students of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation took part in a master class on acting. The event was held under the motto: “Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples” in honor of the International Theater Day and as part of the All-Russian action “Cultural Minimum”.

A book exhibition has opened at the scientific and information center of the library of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation, which presents literature on the basics of health, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, organizing a daily routine and active recreation.

On March 29, 2019, the team from the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation took part in the intellectual game What? Where? When?, conducted by the Regional Institution “UMFC in the Lipetsk Region”.

On March 29, 2019, an information hour was held at the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation with a video screening of the films “Deadly Profitable” and “The Hidden Truth about Alcohol.” The purpose of the lesson is to change the stereotype of thinking in relation to alcohol among young people.

If in ancient times tobacco smoking was used only during ritual ceremonies, today this action has become one of the most harmful habits of modern society. Tobacco use is one of the most significant threats to public health and a major risk factor for the development of a range of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung and cardiovascular diseases.

On March 26, 2019, curatorial hours on the topic “History of the use of smoking mixtures” were held at the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation. Students made presentations on the history of smoking mixtures, their composition, the components of which are included in the list of narcotic substances, and the harmful effects of these mixtures on human health.

March 22 for future production technicians of the institute at the PolMedvedya restaurant. A master class was organized on the topic “Equipment of production workshops and retail premises of a restaurant.”

On March 20, the grand opening of the XXII regional festival of student sports “Universiade 2019” took place, in which the team of the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation takes part. The festival represents regional student competitions in various sports and is a summation of the results of mass sports work with youth in educational organizations in the region.

On the eve of World Tuberculosis Day, March 19, 2019. At the Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation, a meeting was held with S.P. Turovtseva, a phthisiatrician at the Lipetsk Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary. Students at the institute learned about the routes of transmission of tuberculosis infection, the main symptoms of the disease, and preventive measures, one of which is regular preventive examinations. As part of the meeting, students were asked to take the test “What do I know about tuberculosis?”