Now it's easier to find a tutor. Personal Area

The website is engaged in the selection of tutors in Moscow and the region. This service is free. Once upon a time, we, the developers of this site, rehearsed ourselves, so we know well all the nuances and difficulties of working as a tutor. Then, in the fall of 2010, we came up with and created such a website, where the customer can find a tutor, and the tutor can find a student.

How we work: 5 steps

Once Two Three Four Five
Customer Visits the site Leaves a request
or choose a tutor
The operator selects a suitable tutor from the database The customer and the tutor call each other and conduct the first lesson. Continue studying or leave a request for another tutor
Tutor Register on the site Selects items, area, experience and other characteristics Teaches his favorite subject or is looking for a new student

5 tasks of the company website

1. Select a tutor quickly in accordance with the customer’s requests.

2. Make searching for a tutor as simple and convenient as possible.

3. Make it easier for tutors to find a student by doing all the work for them.

4. Provide assistance to inexperienced tutors.

5. Provide high-quality intermediary services in the tutoring services market

Our tutors: 5 selection principles

Our tutors - students, graduate students, teachers of schools and universities. Upon registration, each tutor goes through oral interview, and also provides accreditation or recommendations if desired. When selecting tutors, we are guided by the following principles:

1. There must be a tutor pleasant conversationalist express your thoughts clearly and clearly.

2. The tutor must be well versed in his subject.

3. The tutor must treat the client and the student with respect.

4. The tutor must be as punctual and collected as possible.

5. The tutor must be able to explain an unclear question.

On the other hand, we understand that not all tutors have teaching experience. This mainly concerns students. But we are always ready to give such tutors a chance to prove themselves and show their knowledge.

Contacts and technical support

For any questions write to:

1. The Participant undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

2. The participant must be an adult capable citizen of his country.

3. When registering, the participant must familiarize himself with the conditions of this agreement, know and understand the principles of the services and information products offered by the club.

4. Each participant who decides to take part in the “Easy” club must carefully study these rules. If you agree to our rules, you should review them weekly as additions or changes may be made at any time. If you do not follow this section and take the wrong steps, the administration does not bear any responsibility for your mistakes.

5. Club "Easy" provides the participant with a variety of services -

A. Publications in which secrets will be revealed to you spiritual growth and self-development.

B. Information products in various areas.

C. Daily horoscopes by zodiac sign.

D. Participation in the affiliate program.

Access to the listed services is available for a weekly subscription fee of 1.10 PM.

6. After free registration, after 2 hours, a timer for weekly payment is turned on in your account. If, for example, you top up your balance in a week, you will need to pay for the previous week and the current one. That is, the timer for weekly activity starts working 2 hours after registration. That is, after registration, within 2 hours you must buy a weekly horoscope for an amount of at least 1.1P.M. Only then will you have access to all services.

7. The participant carries out everything financial operations exclusively by at will. You can buy an information product for any amount, but you must take into account that this money was spent on the purchase of information products that you download and, therefore, this product can no longer be returned. This means that the deposited amount is not refundable. Even if you change your mind about being a club member, the bonuses receivedfor the purchased goods will be charged automatically weekly, and corresponding services, weekly horoscopes and additional places in your tables will appear in your account. Therefore, we ask you to take this function responsibly and buy goods for an amount acceptable to you.

8. The participant must provide true personal contact information.

9.. If you send money directly to the club account, then this is your mistake. Due to this error, points will not be awarded to you and will not be added to your balance in the member’s account and the money will not be returned. If you entrust payment for your participation to third parties privately, the administration does not bear any responsibility for the actions of third parties. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you register for the club and purchase information products yourself. IN otherwise The club administration will decline all responsibility.

10. If your partner is overdue subscription fee and the product has not been purchased within two months, then this account can be transferred to another active participant, except for those logins that are already in the Garant club. If you are good reasons If you cannot pay the subscription fee, you need to report this to support. Support details are listed in the "Contacts" section.

11. Those accounts that are located in the "Garant" club and are inactive in the "Easy" club for one year will be blocked or transferred to working partners in both the "Easy" club and the "Garant" club. These issues are considered by the administration on an individual basis. At positive decision the new account owner will have to pay off the debt and pay for this account for a year in advance. If necessary!!! The administration communicates with partners via Skype and email. If the account owner does not contact you within a week, the issues that arise will be resolved without his participation.

12. The Administration has the right to unilaterally and at any time change the terms of this Agreement. By becoming a club member, you agree that all changes to the Agreement apply to you. The Participant undertakes to monitor changes in the terms of this Agreement.

13. The administration has the right to unilaterally and at any time limit, expand or change the quality of services and the quantity of information goods.

14. The administration guarantees non-disclosure personal information information about participants provided during registration to third parties.

15. The administration has the right to block any account for suspicious actions, as well as any other actions that cause or may harm the existence and development of the club.

16. The administration is not responsible for any kind of malfunctions that occur due to reasons beyond our control.

17. The administration has the right to unilaterally refuse this Agreement and terminate the provision of services to the Legko club.

18. Registration on the site means acceptance of this agreement. If you do not accept these rules, stop registering and leave the site.

19. No more than 20 active accounts can be registered on one IP address per user.

20. Rules for registration in the club "Garant"! A must read for everyone!

20-1. When you have completed five levels in the "Easy" club, you must register in the "Garant" club using the referral link of your mentor from the "Easy" club. If you overtake your mentor, then you take a link from a higher-ranking mentor who is already in the Garant club. For clarification, please contact support.

20-2. When registering for the "Garant" club, you must indicate the same login as in the "Easy" club. If you have clones, then numbers can be added to the main login. (Example: Ivanov Ivan, login in the "Easy" club is ivan, then ivan2, ivan3, ivan4).

a. When registering for the "Garant" club, you must register the same login that is indicated in the "Easy" club account. If you registered with the addition of numbers and any other abbreviation, then the administration has the right to unilaterally make corrections. The exception is released clones, which are registered in separate offices. A number may be added here. But the first login must be completely identical. Example. Login in the "Easy" club - sokol. This means that in the Garant club the first login during registration will be sokol. If a subsequent clone of sokol comes out, and you decide to register it using the link of your main login and make it a follower, then it will be sokol1.

20-3. If you have another clone from the “Easy” club, then there are two options for transferring it to the “Garant” club.

a. You can simply transfer your 500 points to the main login, which is already in the "Garant", and thus create an additional place in the blue account, which does not need qualifications (two personal followers are not needed).

b. You can register independent place via the link of the main login, which is already in the "Garant". In this case, qualification is required (two personal followers).

20-4. If there is a need to change a mentor, the club provides this opportunity subject to certain rules:

A. Your mentor must have two personal followers, and he can transfer only 3, 4, and further partners to another mentor. down its structure.

B. The transfer of followers to another mentor is possible only downward in its structure, either to one’s personally invited followers, or to their personally invited ones, and so on. If someone got into your matrix as an overflow from another structure and is not a member of your referral structure, then you cannot transfer your followers to them. (Having two followers under your login is required!)

C. If a mentor transfers his follower to another mentor, then he must write a letter to the support email support@site from the exact email address that is indicated in his personal account in the Garant club.

Example letter:

Topic - Change of mentor in the club "Garant"

Text of the letter - ‘’I, Ivan Ivanov, login in the “Easy” club ivan, I don’t mind that my personal follower, Fedorov Fedor, login in the “Easy” club fedor, registered for the “Garant” club using another referral link. I will not make any further claims.’’

(Write a letter from your mailing address to Mail: support@site)

20-5. If a participant neglects these rules and incorrectly registers with the “Garant” club, the administration will make amendments without the consent of the participant who made the incorrect registration.

Tutors, speech therapists, psychologists

Terms of cooperation for tutors

Before using our website to search for Clients, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for working on the site, and the fundamental differences between the site and tutoring agencies.

We respect the work of tutoring agencies, but we provide alternative way searching for clients for active tutors. The choice is yours!

You can register for free and create an unlimited number of resumes in different subjects.

Without intermediaries, receive customer contacts for free.

All tutors have an equal opportunity to respond to the Client’s request. Managers do not distribute Student applications! Clients themselves decide which tutor to send their contact information to discuss cooperation.

The search for Students on the website is available at any time convenient for the tutor. 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays.

Terms of payment:

You do not pay the site for registration, placement and storage of a resume on the site, for received Customer contacts, or if you have not found a Customer on the site!

Commission payment is made within 14 calendar days after the first paid lesson with the student.

We do not require payment of a commission before conducting classes and receiving Money from clients. The commission is 25% of the first 4 paid lessons. If you conduct less than 4 classes, then the commission is 25% of total amount conducted classes. If necessary, we always accommodate teachers halfway and postpone payment deadlines.

There is no fee for the 5th and subsequent lessons.

The site's commission for consultations, translations and writing theses, course tests and other works is 15% of the total amount for the work, from each first order of a new client and is paid within 14 calendar days after the start of work and receipt of payment (or prepayment).