A Russian submarine surfaced off the coast of America. The surfacing of a Soviet nuclear submarine off the coast of America...

Not for the first time foreign funds mass media they write that the relationship between the United States and NATO with Russia is more reminiscent of the “second Cold War” than dialogue and exchange of views. The openly unfriendly policy of the United States towards Russia in last years Many experts raise a reasonable question - how to ensure the security of the country and its integrity? Submarine officers of the Russian Navy and nuclear submarines are ready to answer this question. After all, the impenetrable American “defense” has already been hacked several times by them. Radio engineering ensemble Being the commander of a submarine combat unit is both an honor and a huge one. headache simultaneously. Being the commander of a combat unit of a submarine with missile weapons on board in the midst of a crisis that could turn into a nuclear strike at any moment is a doubly headache. Personnel The warhead-7 had (and still has) hard times in peacetime, but being the eyes and ears of a submarine in difficult times historical period- when two states, Soviet Union and the United States was teetering on the brink of an exchange nuclear strikes, specialists had to “hear” and “look out” for a potential enemy with triple vigilance. It is difficult to say when the first order came to the Navy headquarters to carry out tracking of ships and objects of a potential enemy, but the intensity and severity with which the games of “cat and mouse” took place "underwater and on its surface since the early 60s suggests high hopes for these events. However, in addition to campaigning with missiles to protect friendly Cuba during Cuban missile crisis, submarine commanders received orders to carry out other, to put it mildly, difficult tasks - to get through control zones, not to be detected, to report to right moment, if the situation so requires, make a “deliberate discovery.” By the way, it was the “deliberate discovery” that often became main task campaign - to pass through the blockade ring in Cuba and surface next to an unsuspecting US Navy ship - a cunning psychological trick from which you cannot recover so quickly. Another important task It was necessary to determine at what frequencies, with what parameters and intensity all foreign ship and any other electronics operate. Submarine officers recall that in terms of the coherence of the reconnaissance equipment during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the work of the crew resembled a real radio engineering ensemble - each sailor clearly carried out what he was taught. And although before real war with the use of torpedoes and repelling the attack, the matter never came to fruition; the result of combat campaigns of submarines during the Cuban missile crisis was perhaps the first database on the frequencies and operating ranges of American radars, hydroacoustic stations and much more. Many experts note that the timely extinguishment of the international the crisis helped to reduce tensions and reduce the intensity of combat patrols of Soviet submarines off the coast of the United States, but in reality everything happened exactly the opposite - almost immediately after the Cuban Missile Crisis, four submarines were transferred to the east coast of the United States, including the K-153 submarine of Project 629, in service which contained three R-13 ballistic missiles capable of wiping out an entire state. "Black Prince" and commotion in the White House Detection of a submarine near one's own borders was and remains the main condition for their destruction. There are many ways to detect an enemy submarine - active and passive sensors, electronic intelligence and much more. But none of them guarantees the detection of an object whose secrecy experts design bureaus worked for dozens of years. At the height of “ cold war"The American military took into account the huge number of submarines that were part of the USSR Navy and began to scatter along their own maritime boundaries an extensive network of sensors, modernized their own surface fleet and began to include ships equipped with advanced hydroacoustic stations and modern direction-finding systems. By the beginning of the 80s, everything was ready and it seemed that “the enemy will not get through.” But unexpectedly for the American Navy, an incident occurred, the reality of which even the US President could not immediately believe. In 1983, off the Atlantic coast of the United States, the crew of the frigate USS McCloy began testing the latest towed sonar detection system for submarines. The key component of this system was an ultra-sensitive submersible sonar, which the frigate's crew threw into the sea like a seine. The frigate McCloy was guarded from uninvited guests by the nuclear submarine Philadelphia, a modern nuclear submarine equipped with advanced detection equipment. Routine activities to determine operating parameters and test for failures would have ended quietly, if not for one important circumstance. In parallel with the American frigate, all data about the latest system submarine detections recorded soviet submarine K-324, which moved during the tests of the GAS under the belly of the frigate McCloy. Having finished test work and having received the order to return to base, the frigate McCloy abruptly changed course and began to gain momentum. A moment later, the hull of the Soviet submarine shook, and the reactor, along with the turbine, switched to emergency, or, as it is also called, “safe” mode. The ship’s commander decided not to test fate and gave the order to surface to assess the situation and the nature of the malfunction. After purging the ballast and reaching the surface, it became clear that the boat had wound a submersible hydroacoustic station around the propeller, simultaneously tearing off a hundred meters of durable cable. The fact of the loss of unique secret equipment “in their own backyard” was not immediately realized in the White House. Historians note that the report on the failure of tests caused by the appearance of the “Black Prince” (as the American military called the submarines of this project due to the contours of the hull) was first even raised to the then president The United States was in Reagan’s mood, but when the 40th President of the United States realized that the report about what had happened was not a joke, “heads rolled” at the Navy headquarters, and two American destroyers were transferred to the area of ​​the immobilized submarine. “The plot was purer than Hollywood action films. The Americans really needed the piece of cable and the sonar at the stern of the boat, but most likely the matter would not have been limited to the confiscation of their own top-secret equipment,” says fleet historian and reserve submarine officer Otar Dzhanibekov. The anti-submarine search epic lasted ten days, during which everything happened - the American submarine that arrived in the area and got caught on the same cable, and the operation to rescue K-324, which the commander prepared for an explosion in case the Americans boarded , and the “dancing” of American Navy destroyers around the rescue ship “Aldan”. After being towed to Cuba, Moscow immediately demanded the captured trophy - what an incredible success was the opportunity, instead of the recorded characteristics, to receive the entire product, actually from the factory. No matter how strange it may sound, the device for detecting submarines donated by American sailors is not the main thing in the story of the K-324. The main thing remains the fact that the Soviet submarine went unnoticed by tracking and detection equipment, deceived the acousticians and radio operators of the submarine that was guarding "McCloy" pulled out one of the main US naval secrets from under her nose, a few meters from the ship of a potential enemy. If this happened in conditions real war- both the frigate McCloy and the nuclear submarine Philadelphia would be under the threat of imminent destruction, and the Black Prince would continue to carry out its combat mission. Through the networks Getting into a given area, bypassing the sensors and systems of the detection zone, and not getting caught by anti-submarine ships and aircraft is a very difficult task. Considering that the crew of the K-324 was well trained and consisted of experienced submariners, one should not forget that it will not be easy to pass through an area stuffed with highly sensitive sensors. “Such boats are low-noise in themselves. They were built according to a certain principle, with a certain layout. But we should not forget that the crew has special, let’s say, work algorithms - with their help, the areas in which detection means are located and are overcome,” notes a reserve submarine officer, author of popular stories, in an interview with Zvezda about submarines of the 941st project “Sharks of Steel” by Eduard Ovechkin. A lot of time has passed since the breakthrough of the American anti-submarine shield and the “hijacking” of the hydroacoustic station - at the headquarters of the Navy and the Pentagon they made certain conclusions, modernized their own anti-submarine weapons several times and as far as they could , tried to influence Russia in the early 90s in order to reveal real data on the program for the creation (and modernization) of a submarine fleet. Since the beginning of the 2000s, information about the duty of Russian submarines in neutral waters near the US coast is almost never found, but in 2009 and 2012 Two unpleasant incidents for the United States occur - information leaks to the media that Russian submarines are being discovered off the coast of the most protected country in the world. The second case is especially noteworthy in that the nuclear submarine of the 971st project only discovered at that moment, when the submarine left the Gulf of Mexico. It is difficult to determine and say reliably how long the nuclear submarine with cruise missiles on board actually spent under the very nose of the US Navy, but another hole was made in the anti-submarine barrier of the US Navy. And here it’s time to remember the so-called “deliberate” or “consensual” ascent - a kind of “Shock and Awe” performed by a nuclear-powered multi-purpose submarine, indicating a huge hole through which it would not be difficult for a Russian submarine to penetrate. In February 2016, in The NATO naval command noted, not without excitement, that the activity of Russian submarines had reached Cold War levels. In his statement NATO Naval Commander Clive Johnston noted that the technological level at which modern Russian nuclear submarines are implemented and the tactics of their use have not previously been encountered by NATO specialists. Despite the fact that returning to the operational activity of Soviet times is extremely difficult, primarily due to the difference in the number of submarines, the Russian military-industrial complex is able to resolve this issue. “The presence of modern missile weapons on board eliminates the imbalance with the number of submarines. In addition, the submarines are being modernized not only in terms of weapons, but also in terms of detection equipment, and ultimately, after the work is completed, their noise should also decrease - main reason their detection,” military expert Alexei Leonkov said in an interview with Zvezda. Of course, the efforts of the American military cannot be underestimated. The world's largest military budget allows the United States to experiment with detection and defense capabilities against Russian submarines, including missile submarines. strategic purpose the most serious measures will be taken - including new developments regarding active-passive low-frequency systems. But the potential of Russian design bureaus engaged in the development of promising nuclear submarines, which in the near future will be armed with hypersonic missile weapons, should not be discounted either. In general, drawing parallels between the modernization of the Russian submarine fleet, assessments of NATO, the United States and activities to search for Russian submarines "at home" it is worth noting that in the next few years the US Navy expects difficult times, because if American border guards twice failed to respond in a timely manner to the appearance of Russian submarines near the coast of the country, then promising submarines, the development of which in this moment Russian design bureaus are busy, it will be even more difficult to find them near their own borders. Experts around the world rightly call Russian nuclear submarines with missile weapons “underwater sledgehammers” - these steel giants hint to their confident and aggressive colleagues that a retaliatory strike will come much sooner than it seems .

For the first time, the Northern Fleet spoke about the operation, which spoiled a lot of nerves for the US Navy command. In 2013, nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet arrived undetected in the Gulf of Mexico and positioned themselves within missile strike range of one of the main bases. American submarines.

Our submarines were tasked with taking positions in the area of ​​the naval bases of the United States of America. The task was completed with honor. The boats remained unnoticed until they identified themselves in these areas, and then secretly returned to the base, the commander of the nuclear-powered submarine division, captain of the first rank, Sergei Starshinov, told the Zvezda TV channel.

Project 971 Shchuka-B submarines took part in the voyage. The names of the ships, of course, are not reported, but the division commander spoke about the operation on the pier among two representatives of this series, also nicknamed “cat” because of the names of the submarines. The submarines "Panther" and "Tiger" are among the newest; they were transferred to the fleet in 1990-93. "Panther" took place in 2006-2008 major renovation with modernization - in particular, the ship’s torpedo tubes were adapted to launch Kalibr-PL cruise missiles. The "Tiger" was originally designed with increased secrecy.

However, invisibility - distinctive property any representative of the series. In 1996, "Pike-B" sailed into the Mediterranean Sea. The US Navy spotted it while passing Gibraltar and tried to pursue it, but the submarine broke away from the surveillance and itself watched unnoticed American submarines- including drums, like Los Angeles.

In the same year, a submarine under the command of Captain First Rank Alexei Burilichev, in a remote area of ​​the Atlantic, was an American strategic nuclear-powered submarine and, without detecting itself, followed its exit to the combat patrol area. After this campaign, Burilichev became a Hero of Russia.

A funny incident occurred during NATO anti-submarine maneuvers off the coast of Great Britain. After the submarine search exercise was successfully completed, an unnoticed submarine surfaced in the middle of the order of British ships and asked for help - the sailor had an attack of appendicitis and needed urgent surgery in the hospital. The sailor was rescued, and the submarine was identified as the same Pike.

Help "RG"

In the southeastern United States in the state of Georgia is the American naval base Kings Bay - one of the two main bases for nuclear submarines on Atlantic coast. Here is the headquarters of the 10th submarine group and two squadrons of strategic nuclear-powered Ohio-class submarines with Trident II ballistic missiles on board. From international waters to Kings Bay - less than 50 miles. For "Caliber" this is a minute of flight...

American media reported that the Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine for a long time cruised along the coast of the United States.

Military observer Sergei Mikhailov comments:

Our nuclear submarine was allegedly discovered in Gulf of Mexico- and this is almost the inland sea of ​​the United States, and it was detected only when it left the patrol area. True, the American press reassured the worried compatriots with the fact that “a Russian attack submarine was patrolling the waters in close proximity off the coast of the United States for only the second time since 2009.” A tranquilizer, of course, is not the most effective. Maybe American Coast security and the anti-submarine forces of the Navy simply did not detect other submarines?

Many Russian readers, having learned about this message, expressed the opinion that there was no Russian nuclear submarine off the coast of the United States, all this is a “duck” born of those who are trying to prove that our Navy and its submarine fleet are still capable of something. No, let's still believe that our submarine fleet, which is, of course, not in better position, after all, it does go to the World Ocean occasionally, but only occasionally. The information about the “Akula” - as Project 971 submarines are called according to the NATO classification - is interesting. Why should our multi-purpose submarines patrol off the coast of the United States at all? It is believed that these boats were created to hunt strategic submarines and aircraft carrier orders in open ocean. And it makes no sense for them to come close to the shores of America, and besides, it is dangerous - there is a risk of being detected by anti-submarine defense systems. Nevertheless, Soviet strategic nuclear submarines were on combat duty off the coast of the United States, and were accompanied by multi-purpose submarines.

In addition, on the west coast of America, in the state of Washington on the border with Canada, there is a very interesting and important secret facility - a base for American strategic nuclear submarines. The Americans were able to carve out huge hangars in the rocks, where their nuclear submarines began to be based. The entrance to this rock shelter is underwater. Having entered a wide underwater tunnel, the boats pass through a system of locks and find themselves on the surface. After which you can carry out routine maintenance and change the crew.

Once upon a time, something similar was done in Sevastopol. But our facility was designed to receive and service small diesel submarines. They tried to build a rock base similar to the American one in the north, in the Gadzhievo region - where Soviet strategic nuclear-powered ships were based. The work was almost completed, but “perestroika” happened, and the grandiose plans had to be forgotten. Today, only a huge hole in the rock reminds of them.

For Soviet submariners It was very important to take control of the American base of strategic nuclear submarines. This would ensure blocking the exit of nuclear submarines on the eve of a possible " great war" About the existence of the Soviet object itself military intelligence I probably found out during its construction. So it was never secret for Moscow, although even today the Pentagon does not advertise its existence in any way. But it was almost impossible to secretly approach the underwater entrance to the base. It is tightly protected by the most sensitive sonars that would detect a noisy Soviet submarine hundreds of miles from base. In addition, there was a danger of the presence of bottom booby traps.

This was the case until titanium multipurpose submarines of Project 945 “Barracuda” began to enter service with the USSR Navy. Like all submarines of this class, they were supposed to hunt aircraft carriers and Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines. But among the designers who designed titanium boats, there was an opinion: the terms of reference for the project were formulated in such a way that its implementation made it possible to create a submarine that could approach the American base.

When the first Soviet Barracuda quietly approached within torpedo firing distance of the underwater entrance to the Ohio base, it still remains completely classified information of our General Staff. According to the stories of old submariners, who have no reason not to believe, “Barracudas” were on constant duty at the entrance to the base and patrolled along the entire west coast USA and Canada. They were given one task: if the world really came apart at the seams and a nuclear war became inevitable, to block the entrance to the base with a torpedo strike. It can be assumed that torpedoes with nuclear warheads were supposed to be used for this purpose.

Perhaps Washington somehow learned that Soviet titanium submarines were constantly located where, according to the Americans, they should not have been under any circumstances. They found out, but they could not detect the Barracudas - they remained invulnerable. However, still in Soviet time titanium projects of the world's best submarines were closed. And after the collapse of the USSR, the “Barracudas” no longer went to the shores of the United States - we became “friends” with the Americans.

The steel analogs of the “Barracuda” - project 971, the same “Shark” - were inherited by many best qualities titanium submarines. But first of all, they are really designed for hunting aircraft carrier formations. Special equipment allows the submarine to detect a trace and determine the direction of movement of an aircraft carrier order even several days after its passage. And the underwater speed of more than 30 knots is enough to catch up with the enemy.

It is unlikely that the Sharks can now unnoticed approach the base that the Barracudas once constantly kept in their sights. And their tasks, it’s worth repeating, are different. But they are capable of tracking down an Ohio-class nuclear submarine going on combat duty and “getting on its tail.” It is quite possible, working out learning objectives, Russian multi-purpose submarines now sometimes approach foreign shores, including American ones. And let them think overseas that since 2009 Russia has been able to send long hike only two multi-purpose submarines, which the vigilant Americans naturally spotted.

Or maybe over the past three years they have only managed to discover two boats. Maybe our submariners were deliberately making a noisy splash with their “shark fins” at the end. It's a shame. You walk and walk under the nose of a country that has the most powerful naval forces in the world, but there they don’t see or hear you at point-blank range...

Special for the Centenary

Original taken from nordsky Pindos trolled


Today's appearance of a Russian nuclear submarine a kilometer from Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty caused not only panic in the Pentagon, but breaking news releases and mortal horror that gripped all Americans without exception. Polls public opinion taken an hour after the Borei's ascent showed that frightened Americans, having felt an unpleasant chill from someone else's military presence in their home and had time to examine the "Russian death machine" in every detail off their shores, demand an immediate cessation of the campaign in Afghanistan, as well as the winding down of the military preparations regarding Syria and Iran.
As it turned out, naval forces The United States simply missed the moment when the Borei submarine, also known as Project 955, surfaced within direct visibility of the American coast. The vaunted US tracking systems did not record the movements of our submarine.
According to a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the surfacing of our submarine in the immediate vicinity of New York and its entry into US territorial waters was “an absolutely ridiculous accident. The submarine's navigational instruments failed and, to get its bearings, the commander submarine cruiser was forced to unmask himself and give the command to ascend.” And therefore General base was extremely surprised when the commander attached photographs of the Statue of Liberty and strolling tourists on Manhattan Island to the radiogram reporting his location.
“We ask the Americans not to consider this a response to the regular appearance of US Navy submarines in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation. It’s worth adding that we always record the appearance of American submarines, as well as their movements. But Americans, as it turned out, cannot always do this. And only a case helped us identify this,” the TV reporter’s interlocutor emphasized the word “case” with intonation.
Defense Department experts believe that the Americans simply do not have the ability to reliably track the movements of this class of submarines: “Although it was believed that the Americans had problems exclusively with tracking our titanium-hulled submarines (Project 945 Barracuda), it turns out that submarines with with a steel body they can easily miss,” a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry told an NTV correspondent. “We will continue to carry out combat duty off the coast of the United States, and we will not violate any international agreements.” And the incident that occurred is clean water an accident and should not be regarded as a provocation.”
The Americans' fears are understandable, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, the surfacing of our submarine revealed gaps in the Pentagon's underwater tracking systems, which will not be so easy to eliminate. Secondly, Borei class submarines and their latest modifications can be equipped not only with Granat cruise missiles (the Americans call them SS-N-21 Sampson). Although they can easily fly not only to the shore, but also much further, to almost any large city USA. There is something to worry about. The most offensive thing for the Americans is that international maritime law is not violated by Russia in such cases and they are not able to prohibit us from conducting combat patrols. Our only hope is that we have few submarines of this class and, unfortunately, we will not be able to constantly get on the Pentagon’s nerves.
Independent international experts assure that the Americans will certainly draw conclusions that are beneficial to us: “ Nuclear submarines The US conducts more patrols than the Russian, French, British and Chinese nuclear forces submarine fleets, taken together, they are frequent visitors near your territorial waters. They really get on the nerves of Russians. Perhaps now they will act with an eye to the fact that your submariners can do a lot. Albeit “accidentally.” But here’s what’s characteristic: the pseudo-liberal Russian TV channels seem to have taken their fill of water and are unanimously silent about this obvious military success of the Russian Armed Forces. The only TV channel that was mentioned in detail in the news release was NTV, to which representatives of the Ministry of Defense gave interviews. The rest are bashfully silent. But what joy reigned upon them when the national team left Euro 2012! You begin to believe that indeed among our colleagues there are people who sincerely believe that “the worse for Russia, the better.”

In the fall of 1983, off the coast of the United States, in the Sargasso Sea, the multi-purpose Soviet nuclear submarine K-324 surfaced. American media published photographs of a boat lying adrift, with a partially exposed propeller. Everything happened at the height of the Cold War, so Western media raised shout O mortal danger for the "free world". The Soviet leadership remained silent, because At that time, I had no idea what had happened to the nuclear submarine, which was on combat duty. As it turned out later, the cause of the fuss was not the surfacing of the boat near the coast of the United States, but what was wound on the submarine’s propeller...

The nuclear submarine “K-324” pr.671-RTM, called “Victor-III” in NATO, was built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and was the seventh in the series, part of Northern Fleet and performed combat service missions off the coast of the United States. At the time being described, the American Navy was testing the latest hydro-acoustic system (HAS) “TacTAS”, and it was the American frigate “McCloy”, equipped with this device, that the nuclear submarine entered. Information about the operating parameters of this state-of-the-art equipment was invaluable to Soviet science and the fleet. And the K-324 managed to accompany a frigate for a long time, which was busy testing the GAS, but also to find out some of the performance characteristics of the towed cable antenna. Moreover, during the tracking, we were lucky enough to identify some features of the interaction of the American frigate’s hydroacoustics with its submarines and other components of the American long-range hydroacoustic detection system.
This was luck and a rare success for the boat in combat service! Work with the frigate "McCloy" could have been continued, but it suddenly stopped testing and quickly left, and therefore the nuclear-powered ship received a command to change its sailing area. But at this moment an emergency happened.

At first glance, it seemed to everyone on board that the submarine’s main turbine had failed. As the speed increased, a strong vibration began in the stern; it became impossible to stand without holding the handrails. The main turbine was stopped, the ship was moving at depth due to the propulsion electric motors - in the turbine compartment the crew began to determine the causes of the incident. However, the reason lay elsewhere; it became clear only after the ascent.
At night, after inspecting the boat on the surface, it turned out that the reason for the loss of speed was not in the turbine, but in the fact that a “cable from a fishing net” was wound around the tail of the submarine - “something wound on the tail of the boat with a tight skein was holding the actions of the ship, forced the ship’s propulsion engines to work under unusual loads, and deprived the boat of maneuverability.” It was impossible to eliminate the interference in the dark. During the day, at sunlight, they saw that it was not the cable from the nets that was hindering the movement of the submarine. On the tail of the submarine was wound a piece of an armored cable antenna of an American towed sonar - the same top-secret newest sonar.

After reporting the incident to fleet headquarters, the command ordered the antenna to be preserved at all costs and delivered to the base. It was not easy to do this - the boat was unable to move, and diving was also associated with danger. In addition, after surfacing, the nuclear submarine was discovered by US Navy patrol aircraft, and surface ships were not long in coming. The destroyers Peterson and Nicolson (Spruance class) arrived at the site of the submarine's ascent with opposite task- by any means necessary to prevent the Russians from obtaining a secret antenna.
It later turned out that a 400-meter piece of cable antenna was hanging behind the stern of the boat. In addition, even antenna receivers were preserved on it, although some were partially destroyed, but one was completely preserved. It was a find!
The rescue ship Aldan was urgently sent to help K-324, but before its arrival the crew had to preserve at any cost, and if they could not save, then destroy the most valuable find.

US high-speed destroyers pursued for almost 10 days Soviet boat, which could move extremely slowly with the help of electric rowing motors. American destroyers repeatedly crossed the submarine's course and passed in close proximity. Towards the end of the protracted pursuit, the actions of the destroyers became especially dangerous and a decision was made to prepare the nuclear submarine for an explosion. K-324 was already ready to fall into the abyss at 5000 m and take all the secrets with it, but then Aldan came to the rescue and began towing the nuclear submarine to Cuba. The situation calmed down, but American destroyers continued escorting all the way to Cuba.
After arriving in Cuba, the boat's damage was repaired and it returned to its home base. The valuable “catch” was immediately transferred for research.