Order on business trip form T9. Confirmation of travel expenses

From time to time, companies need to send an employee on a business trip to another location, different from the location of the enterprise, to solve production issues in the interests of the company. A business trip is considered to be the performance by an employee of a task for more than one day away from his workplace. To formalize it, the manager must draw up an order to send the employee on a business trip.

Currently, the business trip order remains the main document required to be filled out when sending an employee on a business trip. Since 2015, the organization may not prepare a job assignment, a business trip report and a travel certificate. Their use is left to the discretion of the company, and if these documents are used, information about this must be reflected in the corresponding internal act.

At large enterprises, there is also planning for upcoming business trips to this year, which is drawn up in the form of an approved schedule.

A few days before a business trip, the manager makes a decision on sending an employee in accordance with the needs of the enterprise. He may issue an official assignment or orally instruct the HR department to draw up a business trip order. At the same time, he must indicate the responsible persons, the purpose, place and duration of the business trip. Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, it is still advisable to draw up a documentary justification that will contain all this information.

Based on the received order, the HR department inspector draws up a business trip order and brings its contents to the attention of the employee sent on a business trip. This document is necessary to obtain financing for upcoming expenses, as well as correct design absence of the employee. After familiarization, the employee, as a rule, draws up a memo with a preliminary calculation of the upcoming travel costs, on the basis of which he is allocated cash.

The business trip is marked in the time sheet with a special letter code “K” or digital “06”. IN given time the employee retains his work time and average earnings.

At the discretion of the management, the organization may draw up a travel certificate, in which on the day of departure a note is made about the employee’s departure. Also if this is installed internal rules document flow, then during the departure and arrival of employees, the personnel employee can make notes in the registration log of posted workers.

How to write a business trip order correctly

The order is issued either on or by using standardized forms T-9 or T-9a. Specialized programs provide the ability to fill out orders using standard forms automatically.

At the top of the document is written the name of the company and its registration code in statistics. Next, the date of issue of the order is indicated, its serial number, which is recorded in the enterprise registration book.

After this, it is necessary to fill in the personal data of the employee sent on a business trip, his personnel number, position, name of the structural unit - his place of work in the organization.

A business trip order must necessarily contain information about the place of the business trip with a breakdown of the country, city and name of the receiving organization. Information about the duration of the trip in calendar days is also filled in, with an exact indication of the start and end day of the business trip.

Below you need to make an entry about the purpose of sending the employee on a business trip, and determine the organization that will finance this trip.

The HR Inspector must complete the basis for travel. This could be an agreement, a business trip plan, a job assignment (if one is drawn up), etc.

The document is certified by the signature of the head of the company indicating his position and personal data.

The employee must be familiarized with the order against signature, with the full name deciphered and the date of signing indicated.


When sending a group of company employees, a general order may be issued for standard form T-9a. In it, the data is presented in the form of a table, the columns of which indicate by name all employees sent on a business trip, and the required details in the rows.

Basically, business travel is financed from the funds of organizations sending their employees. In practice, there are cases when these costs may be borne by a third party (for example, the receiving party). In this case, the name of the enterprise other than the employee’s employer is indicated in the corresponding line.

Certificate "Form 9" is a registration document. People often call it “about the composition of the family,” but this is not entirely precise definition. Let's find out what information the Form 9 certificate includes, why it is needed, where to get it and what is needed for this.

What information is contained in the document?

The "Form 9" certificate contains information about all persons registered in a residential premises, be it an apartment or a private house. Sometimes it includes information about people who have been deregistered. The owner of the property is at the top of the list, his full name, then the lines and columns are filled in one by one. They record the names, patronymics and surnames of each person registered in the premises, their date of birth, date of registration (and expiration date), family or other connection with the owner of the property. Both permanent and temporary registration are indicated. If the list includes persons deregistered, information about the reason for deregistration is sometimes added. Thus, the certificate shows how many people were registered at a specific address on the day the document was issued, and, accordingly, could legally use this premises.

Further, in Form 9, information about the apartment or house itself is indicated: residential and total area, number of rooms, type of property and reference Information about debt on utility bills. This full list the information presented, but in some cases the organizations issuing the document are limited to only listing registered residents.

Validity period of the certificate "Form 9"

Legally, this document does not have, that is, the legislation does not indicate how long it is valid. It is generally accepted that information from Form 9 is valid for 1 month from the date of issue. However, some companies that should submit the document independently set its validity period from 10 to 14 calendar days. Therefore, if you need a certificate “Form 9” to on a certain day, apply for it shortly before the required date.

Who is authorized to issue the document

Where can I get a Form 9 certificate? In the Department of Settlement and Registration of Citizens at the location in the passport office or housing office. The service for issuing a certificate is provided free of charge upon personal application to the organization that is authorized to issue registration information.

IN different regions In Russia, the system works differently, so before asking for help, check the operating hours of a particular organization and the opening hours for visitors.

What is needed to obtain Form 9

You will need the following papers:

  • Identification document (passport with a registration stamp for the owner of the apartment and any person registered in it).
  • A power of attorney executed in accordance with the established procedure (confirmation of authority individual act on behalf of third parties) and an identity document for a person not registered in this residential premises.

When you contact a specialist to obtain information, you will be issued a “Form 9” certificate. The form must be filled out, indicating your full name, passport details, registration address and date of request. Sometimes passport office employees issue Form 9 upon verbal request, excluding the stage of filling out forms from the work process, because now everyone works with computers, where everything is stored necessary information. The certificate is issued immediately at the time of application. The only thing is that sometimes you need to sign it with your boss after confirming the absence of debts for

Cases of refusal to issue a certificate

It happens that the passport office or registration department refuses to issue a form 9 to a visitor. This happens if the owner’s account has unpaid payments for an apartment or house (electricity, heating, hot and cold water etc.).

In any of two possible situations (you received a verbal refusal to issue a certificate or you were given written confirmation of the refusal of the request), you can contact the prosecutor's office, referring to Article 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Arbitrariness”. Employees of these organizations do not have the right to refuse to issue a Form 9 certificate solely on the basis of utility debt.

Why do you need Form 9?

The most common situations are real estate purchase and sale transactions or resettlement. For example, if you are selling an apartment, you may have to take Form 9 several times during the paperwork process. This is not an unnecessary requirement for the buyer, because it is not so profitable for him to buy an apartment where unknown people, who, like the owner, can claim part of the property. To avoid unpleasant surprises for both parties, such a measure as repeatedly applying for the specified document is justified.

The “Form 9” registration certificate is especially important when moving into communal apartments. It gives real information about which rooms are privatized and which are not. Those who have not previously exercised the right of privatization will have no problem applying for new housing. If someone has already used this opportunity, they may encounter difficulties when resettling.

Other cases when a Form 9 certificate may be required:

  • applying to the Social Protection Center for benefits low-income families with kids;
  • receiving compensation for paying for kindergarten;
  • if in an apartment or house there is less than the established square footage per person registered, you can stand in; for this you need “Form 9” (and not only);
  • as a certificate of family composition for the gas service (when a meter is not installed, and payment is charged for each registered one).

It is important to know

All information contained in the Form 9 certificate is subject to Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”. This means that you cannot obtain information about the place of registration of another person without his consent. Specialists and operators who have received personal information are obliged not to distribute or disclose data to third parties without the consent of the subject, if federal law not otherwise provided.

If documents are needed to apply for benefits or other payments to the whole family, and the spouses are registered at different addresses, you will need to take “Form 9” from each place of residence.

Sometimes the information contained in the document is needed to confirm the footage of living space, since since 1998 the measurement system for determining the size of living space has changed (to tenths, not to hundredths square meter). A note about this should be made in the technical passport, but many citizens leave this fact unnoticed and do not correct the information.

So, we told you how to get a Form 9 certificate and what it is needed for. Don't let any bureaucratic complications ruin your life!

Unified uniform T-9since 2015, it has become the only document certifying the fact that an employee of a company or individual entrepreneur has been sent on a business trip. Let's look at how it is filled out and where you can find the T-9 form.

The meaning of the unified form T-9

The unified form of a business trip order (form T-9) has acquired special meaning: since January, travel certificates and official assignments have been canceled (subclause E, clause 2 of Amendments to government acts approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595), and since August, keeping records of employees leaving and arriving on business trips has become optional (clause 3 Amendments to government acts approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2015 No. 771).

Thus, the quantity mandatory documents related to business trips was reduced to 2:

  • a written order (order) from the head of a company or individual entrepreneur, which defines the goals, duration and approximate start and end dates of the business trip;
  • an advance report with accompanying travel documents, accommodation documents and other documents confirming the costs associated with the completion of the task.

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Due to the optional use of unified forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation since 2013, a written order (order) for a business trip can have its own form for each employer. However, the use of the unified T-9 form remains relevant, which contains all the fields necessary to fill out and is a long-standing and well-known document.

How to fill out form T-9

Form T-9 can be downloaded on our website:

Form T-9 reflects the following information:

  • Name of organization or individual entrepreneur, OKPO code.
  • Order number and date.
  • Full name of the traveler, his personnel number, position, and, if necessary, the name of the unit where he works.
  • Place of destination for business trip: country, name settlement, name of company.
  • The number of days of the business trip, its start and end dates.
  • The purpose of the trip (official assignment) must be indicated, because The accounting of travel expenses depends on this. For example, the cost of traveling to inspect equipment that a firm intends to purchase should increase the cost of that equipment. A trip to conclude an agreement with a supplier of the main raw materials used in production will be accounted for as general business expenses, and support for the sold goods will be recorded as commercial expenses.
  • The source of funds from which the business trip will be paid. Most often, these are funds from the sending organization or individual entrepreneur. But let’s say that if an auditor goes on a business trip from an audit firm, and the expenses for his trip under the terms of the audit agreement are borne by the audited organization, then this organization will be indicated as the source of funds. This point is also important for the accountant, because, say, in the above example, the expenses for the auditor’s trip cannot be attributed to the expenses of the sending company, but must be taken into account as re-billed to another legal entity.
  • Reason for business trip. This item may be left blank if the decision to travel is made directly by the head of the company or individual entrepreneur. But if the trip was initiated by the traveler himself or the head of the department in which he works, then employees usually contact the company management about this memo, the details of which will be reflected in this line of the T-9 form.
  • Position and signature (with transcript) of the head of the company or individual entrepreneur.
  • Signature of the posted worker and the date of familiarization with the order.

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Sending employees on a business trip must always be accompanied by written confirmation this decision by the head of the organization. The role of such a document is an order to be sent on a business trip.

The business trip is intended to carry out work events outside the city in which the main location is located. workplace specific employee. Typically, a business trip order is issued by the human resources department signed by the head of the company if a person is sent to another city or to remote branches of the organization for a period of more than one day. The form of the order and the procedure for its preparation are regulated Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor legislation, as well as internal regulations of the enterprise.

Sample travel order

The order form is filled out based on the appropriate set of accompanying documents. These include job assignments, travel certificates, travel reports, expense reports and a log of employees arriving and leaving on business trips. In addition, the enterprise must have an approved schedule for sending employees on business trips. Those directions that were not planned in advance are called unscheduled or urgent.

A sample order form can be found in the relevant regulatory documents. In order to send one employee on a business trip, the unified T-9 form is used, but if we're talking about about several employees at once, it is advisable to use the T-9a form. These forms require the obligatory indication of the surname and initials of the seconded person, his position and structural unit, as well as a clear statement of the purpose of the business trip, destination and period of such a trip. It is also possible to reflect the sources of payment for travel allowances. For the draft order, you can use the general form of the enterprise.

Business trip order (form T-9, T-9a)administrative document sending an employee of the organization on a business trip. If there is a need to send an employee on a business trip, then first of all you need to draw up an appropriate order. The Ministry of Finance has developed unified forms T-9 for one employee and T-9a for a group of employees; it will be easiest to use these forms. You can download forms T9 and T9a at the end of the article.

How to write a business trip order? Let's look at filling out an order using the example of registering a business trip for one employee using the T9 form.

Sample of filling out a business trip order (form T-9)

IN unified form T-9 everything is thought out, so filling out this form will not cause any difficulties. Let's look at the basic data in the document:

  • We set the date for placing the order and assign it an individual number. Also, at the top of the form, do not forget to indicate the name of the organization and its OKPO.
  • In the body of the order we indicate the personal data of the employee sent on a business trip: full name, position, structural subdivision, as well as the personnel number assigned to him upon hiring.
  • We indicate information about the place of assignment of the employee, that is, to which locality the secondee is sent and to which organization.
  • The duration of the business trip is indicated in numbers, the first day of the business trip is the day of departure from the locality permanent place work, the last day is the day of arrival at the place of permanent work.
  • The purpose of the business trip is specified depending on the document issued to the employee.
  • If necessary, fill in the line “travel at expense” and indicate the source of funding for the trip.

As a rule, the head of the department in which the employee works draws up a job assignment, which is given in the business trip order in the “grounds” line. The head of the organization signs the order, then we familiarize the employee with the order, and he puts his signature as a sign of his consent.

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An example of a business trip order for an employee