Lesson plans for English (grade 7). Technological lesson map

1 7 son

Sabaktyn maksaty: Okushylardy okulykpen tanystyru,

matinmen zhumys isteu, present Perfect

shagynyn koldanuluyn kaytalau

Tіlіn okyp zhatkan memleketti

kurmetteuge tәrbieleeu

Este saktau kabiletin damytu

Sabak Adisi: Surak-zhauap

Dog type: Zhana bilimdi mengertu

Kornekiligi: grammar table

Pan aralyk baylanys: Kazak tili

Dog Barysy:


A) Amandas

B) zhoktardy belgeleu

III.Zhana sabak

Okulykpen tanystyru

Sozdik zhumys

jade, ec - memory

elshilik - embassy

America Kurama Shtattary - The United States of America

Italy - Italy

Canada - Canada



talimger - tutor

Exercise 4 Read the text and find the new words in the text.

Hello! I"m Anna Saxby. I"m pleased to welcome you to the English lesson. I"m one of your English tutors of the Embassy School of English in Hastings. I"m 36. I come from Hastings in the United Kingdom. Hastings is a beautiful seaside town in the south of England. Now I work in Almaty at your school.

I have been a teacher for 6 years; I"ve met school children from different countries. I enjoy working with young people. I"ve visited the USA, Canada, Italy and France. Now I"m in Kazakhstan. I love listening to music but I don"t play any instrument. I"m married and have two children. Now you tell me about yourself.


1.Work with memory map

Exercise 5 Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense form the text (exercise 4).

Read the Grammar Reference (Unit one).

I have been a teacher for 6 years; I"ve met school children from different countries. I"ve visited the USA, Canada, Italy and France

Exercise 7Listen to the students talking about themselves

V. Bekit

Exercise 8 Listen to the students talking about themselves again Complete the diagram.

VI. Uyge tapsyrma

Exercise 10


2 7 son

Sabaktyn takyryby: Getting to know each other

Sabaktyn maksaty: Present Perfect, Past Simple shaktardyn

koldanuluyn bekitu

Este saktau kabiletin damytu

Sabak Adisi: Surak-zhauap

Dog type: Bekitu

Kornekiligi: grammar table

Pan aralyk baylanys: Kazak tili

Dog Barysy:


A) Amandas

B) zhoktardy belgeleu

II. Sabaktyn takyrybymen, maksattarymen tanystyru.

Our theme in our lesson is "Getting to know each other"

V. Bekit


Answer the questions. Talk to your partner

Do you have a bike?

    Can you ride a bike?

    Read the text and tell your partner about Stuart.

Money for a Motorbike

It was the month of June and the weather was beautiful. Stuart left school. He was on holiday. But he was not happy. He did not have a motorbike.

Stuart was seventeen years old. He left school, but he did not start work. All his mates started work immediately, but Stuart did not want to work. He wanted a long holiday and he needed a motorbike.

Stuart lived in Leeds - a big city in the North of England. Leeds is a busy city - full of offices, shops and factories. It"s not a good place for a holiday.

Martin, a friend of Stuart's, worked in a garage. Martin had a bike for sale. It was a beauty - a Japanese Suzuki. Martin wanted £350 for the bike, but Stuart did not have £350. He didn't have any money.

Stuart went and looked at the bike every day. It was a beauty. He wanted to buy it.

"Where can I find £350?" Stuart asked himself.

Exercise 19 Match the Kazakh word with the English. Practice the pronunciation

Exercise 21 Read and practice the pronunciation of the words and find them in the text.

England Stuart

Leeds Japanese

Martin dollar

Exercise 22 Give the opposite of the following words and find them in the text.

    happy adj

  1. a busy city n

Exercise 27 Write out the sentences:

    with the Past form of “to be” from the text.

    with the irregular verbs.

    with the regular verbs.

    sentences in the negative.

VI. Uyge tapsyrma

Exercise 18


3 7 son

Sabaktyn maksaty: Present Perfect Tense shagyn engіzu, onyn

koldanuluyn uyretu

Tіlіn okyp zhatkan memleketti

kurmetteuge tәrbieleeu

Oylau kabiletin damytu

Sabak Adisi: Surak-zhauap

Dog type: Zhana bilimdi mengertu

Kornekiligi: grammar table

Pan aralyk baylanys: Kazak tili

Dog Barysy:


A) Amandas

B) zhoktardy belgeleu

II. Sabaktyn takyrybymen, maksattarymen tanystyru.

III.Zhana sabak

She has arrived in Almaty.

Have + Past Particulate

Exercise 1 Match the students" answer to Ann"s questions.

Have you heard about your friends,

2. Dmitry, have you been to the USA?
* 3. Have you been to the U.K. before, Chan?

    Omar, you have not seen a crocodile, have you?

Exercise 2 Read Ann's interview.

Ann: How long have you studied English?

Omar: I've studied English since 1998

Dmitry: I've studied English since I was 12.

Chan: I've studied English for 3 years.

Asel: I've studied English since I was 6.

Victor: I've studied English for 5 years


Exercise 3 write out the time marker in exercise 2

Say true sentences about your friends in the Present Perfect Tense using the time markers:

since 1998

since they were 11

V. Bekit

Exercise 5

    Now interview 3-4 of your classmates.

2-3 students report back to the class and then they all write about their interview.

VI. Uyge tapsyrma

Exercise 8

4 7 son

Sabaktyn takyryby: English is my Favorite subject.

Sabaktyn maksaty: Present Perfect Tense shagynyn koldanuluy

Boyynsha okushylardyn bilimin bekitu

Tіlіn okyp zhatkan memleketti

kurmetteuge tәrbieleeu

Oylau kabiletin damytu

Sabak Adisi: Surak-zhauap

Dog type: Bekitu

Kornekiligi: grammar table

Pan aralyk baylanys: Kazak tili

Dog Barysy:


A) Amandas

B) zhoktardy belgeleu

II. Sabaktyn takyrybymen, maksattarymen tanystyru.

Our theme in our lesson is "English is my Favorite subject."

V. Bekit

present perfect

Present Perfect steps of business ever, never, already, yet, үsteulerman koldanylady.

She has arrived in Almaty.

Have + Past Particulate

Exercise 9 Read and practice the pronunciation

Exercise 11 Read the words and practice the pronunciation

Empire State Building ["empaia"steit] n

Greenwich ["grind3] n

Chinatown ["tj ainataun] n

Statue of Liberty ["staetju: av libati] n

helicoptor n

nickname ["nickname] n

Read the dialogue

Carol: We"re having a lovely time, Dad.

David: I'm sure there's a lot to do!

Carol: There is! We"ve been for a walk in Central Park. It"s so big!

Everything here is big. We"ve climbed The Empire State Building.

We haven"t been to Greenwich Village yet and we haven"t been to Chinatown either.

We're going to do that tomorrow.

David: Have you seen the Statue of Liberty?

Carol: OhTyes, we have. We"ve just had a helicopter tour of the city.We"re going to see a show on Broadway

Exercise 14 Find the sentences with irregular verbs and read them to your partner. Find the questions in the text and read them to your partner/ class. Choose the correct verb form.

VI. Uyge tapsyrma

Exercise 16


5 7 son

Sabaktyn takyryby: Having friends.

Sabaktyn maksaty: Okushylardyn sozdik koryn molayta

otyryp dos turaly soileuge uyretu

Dostykka, zholdastykka tәrbieleeu

Soileu tilin damytu damytu

Sabak Adisi: Surak-zhauap

Dog type: Zhana bilimdi mengertu

Kornekiligi: grammar table

Pan aralyk baylanys: Kazak tili

Dog Barysy:


A) Amandas

B) zhoktardy belgeleu

II. Sabaktyn takyrybymen, maksattarymen tanystyru.

Our theme in our lesson is "Having friends."

III.Zhana sabak

Exercise 4

A friend is someone who always gives you help when you need it .

“A friend in need is a friend indeed*.” A friend...

A friend is someone who understands you. A friend...

A friend is someone you can trust someone you can play games, do homework together. A friend...A friend is someone you can rely on someone you can share things together.A friend is someone who cares for you. Exercise 3 Match the Kazakh word with the English. Then practice the pronunciation


Exercise 5 Here are some words for people"s character. Tick the words which can describe your friend. Check the meanings of the words if you don"t know.

Lesson plans in English language

(according to the textbook by O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev)

7th grade (third year of study)

Unit 1. Traveling in Russia and Abroad

Step 1.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Introduce students to the new educational and methodological package and its structure.

Tell us about the content and features educational process in the new academic year.

Repeat and consolidate, activating in speech, the grammatical structures covered last year.

Introduce new lexical material, linking it with repeated grammatical material.

Train reading, speaking, listening skills.

Train students in correct articulation and speech intonation.


Photos, illustrations, pictures related to the topic “Attractions in Russia and abroad”

Cards with material for phonetic training.

Disc for listening to audio recordings, computer.

Schemes on the board, tables with grammatical material.

Phonetic material : can-could, get-got, drive-drove, put-put, swim-swam, say-said.

Lexical material : abroad, a tape, a postcard, to practice, complete.

X lesson od

  1. Greetings and Organizing time the beginning of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, children. It is so nice to meet you again!

At the first lesson in seventh grade, it is recommended to continue the traditional greeting a meek story about the work of many people thanks to whom it appeared new textbook. Next, you should consider (or recall) together with the students the structure of the textbook, paying attention to the symbols, sections, headings, name some topics for the upcoming lessons, thus partially illustrating the question of the content and some features of the educational process in the new school year. It is necessary to inform about the requirements that the teacher places on students as part of the process of teaching English.

Teacher: So, boys and girls, let's start our lesson and first of all look at the topic of Unit 1 — Do It Together

  1. Phonetic exercise.

As a phonetic exercise, you can use the names of countries from exercise 1

Oral practice of words should be preceded by practice of vowel sounds that are found in exercise 1.

  1. Listening.

Phronetic exercises with vocabulary on the topic “Travel” smoothly flow into listening. Performed exercise 1. Page 3.

Teacher: Listen to the tape and use the example to answer who visited these places last summer?

  1. Speaking.

The teacher talks about some famous places in London, using the material on page 4, accompanying the story with photos and pictures of attractions. Students are then asked to complete Exercise 2.

  1. Grammar.

The teacher talks about the existence of irregular verbs in English. Exercise 4 is being practiced, with new verbs being written into the dictionary.

Exercise in progress. 3., ex. 7

  1. Speaking.

Students' speech is being practiced in exercise. 5, 6, 8, 9 using visual material.

  1. Homework explanation.

Exercise 11. make sentences according to the model

Exercise 12. Make 10 sentences based on what the kids will do next summer and 5 what they did last summer, using the studied forms of irregular verbs.

  1. Summing up the lesson, grading.

Teacher: It was so nice to see you today. I wish you success. You were attentive and active today. Thank you, the lesson is over, see you later, goobye.

Step 2.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Continue practicing vocabulary from the first lesson

Develop students' reading, speaking and listening skills

Review irregular verbs to help students learn new aspects of this section of grammar.

Work on students' correct pronunciation.


Computer, disk for listening to audio recordings

Phonetic material: back, beach, boat, go boating, diary, fun, rain, sand, stay, terrible, trip.

Lexical material : a child prodigy, the Middle Ages, present, past, learn, a page from.., a picture, true, false.

During the classes

Teacher: How do you do, pupils? It's high time to begin our lesson.

Phonetic exercises: practicing new words in chorus p. 13 exercise. 6. Then exercise 4 p. 12 is performed. New forms of irregular verbs are studied.

Checking homework:

Practicing new verbs smoothly transitions into checking homework. Children are asked to remember which forms of irregular verbs were studied in the last lesson. Children dictate the sentences they made at home in a chain, after which they need to collect notebooks for homework.

Grammar: After children have remembered irregular verbs, they are presented with a new verb could. Its development begins by listening to the recording for exercise. 1. page 11. After this, you need to write down the new rule in your grammar notebook.

Teacher: Children, you must write down this rule in your special copybook for grammar rules. After that you must do ex. 3.

Listening: completing task 2 p. 12

Reading: All stages of the lesson are interconnected, so in ex. For reading, students must apply the rule of using verbs in the present simple and past simple tenses. Children perform exercise. 5, 8, 9

After reading the text ex. 8, the audio recording is turned on and the students repeat the text after the speaker.

Explanation of homework: At home, children must complete exercise. 10 and ex. 11., using new learned verbs.

Teacher: Write down your home task. Do it in writing, please.

Summing up the lesson, grading:

Teacher: Thank you for your attention, goodbye, see you later.

Step 3.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1.Continue to practice the vocabulary of the first lesson

2. Develop students’ reading, speaking and listening skills

3.Repeat irregular verbs, help students learn new ones

aspects of this section of grammar.

4.Work on students’ correct pronunciation.


Computer, disk for listening to audio recordings

Cards for practicing phonetic material

Pictures of various activities

Exercise table

Group times table Simple

Phonetic material : do, make, leave, go on, write, play on, swim in, stay in, have

Lexical material : swim, sandcastles, boating, the beach

During the classes

  1. Welcome and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson

The teacher greets the children, the attendant calls the date, which is written on the board and marks those absent from the class

  1. Phonetic exercise

Words from exercise are practiced. 2, verbs first, then nouns.

After which students are asked to remember the forms of verbs in the past tense, i.e. put the verbs from exercise 2. IN Present Simple.

  1. Checking homework. In their homework, the children also worked with the past tense, thus it turns out that the stages of the lesson are inextricably linked.

  1. Speaking. Exercises 1, 2,3 are performed in turn. Speaking is accompanied by listening, i.e. After completion, children themselves can correct their mistakes and hear the correct answer.

  1. Grammar. Teacher: You already know how to construct questions in the present tense and how to answer them briefly. If we are talking about the past, in questions and answers instead of an auxiliary verb do is used did . Then the audio recording material is listened to. The rule is written down in a grammar notebook, and the teacher writes examples on the board.

Then the new grammar rule is trained, students complete tasks in the textbook. Ex. 4, 5. Exercises are accompanied by audio recordings.

  1. Listening. Students do the exercise. 7.8 on assignment with listening to material.

  1. Homework explanation. At home, students must complete the exercise in writing. 10 in the textbook for a new rule learned.

  1. Summing up the lesson. Grading and analyzing students' work in class.

Step 4.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    1. Train students in reading, speaking and listening.

      Repeat map of Great Britain

      Practice phonetic material

      Remember how to talk about the weather in English


Computer, audio recording.

Weather cards.

Weather pictures.

UK map

Map of Russia

Lexical material : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Phonetic material : north, south, east, west, famous, mountain, river, forest, people, resort, be situated

During the classes

      1. Welcome and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson

The children name the date, the teacher notes those who are absent and checks the class’s readiness for the lesson.

      1. Phonetic exercise: students repeat in chorus after the speaker the words from Exercise 7, page 26. Then students listen to expressions and sentences with new words.

      1. Speaking:

Working with a dictionary. Students should write down new words in the dictionary on page 26 of exercise. 7, practice these expressions in chorus and read them individually in a chain.

Exercises 5, 6 are being performed

Students then talk about the weather on different days in the UK and Russia. Perform the exercise one by one. 1,2, 3.

Working with maps of Great Britain and Russia. Ex. 8

4. Reading: Students read the dialogue p. 25 exercise. 4 by role, after which they complete a task based on the content of what they read. (answer the questions).

Exercise in progress. 5. Listening to an audio recording.

5. Listening: students are asked to listen to the material and complete a task based on the content of the text. Ex. 10.

6. Explanation of homework. Students must complete the assignment in writing. 11 in homework notebooks.

Step 5

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Train students in reading, speaking and listening.

2. Work with maps of Great Britain and Russia

3. Develop students' phonetic skills

4. Replenish students’ knowledge about the countries of the target language


Computer, audio recording

Map of Russia and Great Britain

Pictures of activities.

Table for completing the exercise.

Lexical units : wonderful, terrible, nice, pleasant, interesting, very good, boring

Phonetic charger : north, north-west, south, north-east, west, south-west, east, south-east.

During the classes

1. Greeting and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson. The teacher greets the children, notes those absent from class, and the attendant calls the date and day of the week.

2. Phonetic exercise. Students practice the words that will be worked on in this lesson. Page Exercise 29 1. Listen to an audio recording, students repeat lexical units in chorus.

3. Checking homework. The children completed the assignment in writing, so the teacher needs to collect homework notebooks for checking.

4. Speaking. Using pictures of activities, students begin work in class. Speaking is linked to past lessons as children must continue to use the past tense in their speech.

Students then work with a map of Great Britain and use the names of parts of the world.

New words from the footnote should be written down in a dictionary with transcription for further learning.

Exercises are being performed. 3, 4.

5. Grammar. Definite article the used with nouns denoting mountains, seas, rivers, lakes. However, if the name of the lake is preceded by the word itself lake , there is no article. The names of continents, countries, cities, squares, streets, parks, mountain peaks are used without an article. Then the children practice the learned rule in ex. 5.

Special questions in the past tense are constructed in the same way as in the present, only in the past tense an auxiliary verb is used after question words did.

On the board, the teacher writes examples of question words in the past tense.

The training of grammatical material continues in exercise. 6, 7.

6. Listening. Children listen to the text on page 34 of exercise. 8 and carry it out according to instructions.

7. Explanation of homework. Exercise must be completed in writing. 11. On page 35

8. Summing up the lesson. Giving grades, analyzing the work of students.

Technological map of the lesson.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling(17 hours) Lesson No. 1 on calendar-thematic planning.

Subject: The first day at school

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Introduction by L.E. and their training: the beginning of the school year in Russia.

Strengthening construction skills Tag’s questions.

Planned result

Be able to compose micromonologues about the school based on keywords.

Anwser the questions

Conduct a conversation based on what you listen to

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: schooling, apart, vacation, to be able to see my friends again, to have to get up early, to learn new things, not to be able to play much, to think that holidays are bohring(interesting), not to be able to go to bed late

Work frontally, individually, in pairs.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities


Immerses in language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.5

T-Good morning. Sit down, please. Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you after summer holidays. Did you travel a lot? Where were you? What did you see?

Introduction of the lesson.


Answer the questions about your school!

Students answer questions in Exercise 2, page 5 about their school.



Repetition of previously studied lexical units and introduction of L.E. and their training.

Work with text

To update the acquired knowledge on use haveto Ex. 4 -7 p.6,7

Ex. 3 page 6



"Smileys" technique.

. (Repeat the words of the section, exercises 8-10 p. 8)

T: You have done a good job.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 2 on calendar-thematic planning.

Subject: School supplies

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Countable and uncountable nouns and the use of articles before them. Introduction and training of LE

Planned result

Be able to: - talk based on what you have heard, correctly use articles with countable and uncountable nouns.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: backpack, brush, chalk, dictionary, daybook, exercise book, glue, felt-tip pen, paper, pencil case, pencil sharpener, paint, rubber, ruler, scissors, fall, soccer

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.9

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Do you know there are Br. English and Am. English? Read information on p.9!

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Work with text

Getting to know new LEs

Countable/uncountable nouns and the use of articles before them.

Ex. 2.3 p.9.10

To update the acquired knowledge on the use of new LE. Exercise 4.5 p.10

Update received grammars. knowledge on how to use it. noun Exercises 6.7 p.11


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson: what was accomplished, whether the goals were achieved, what we learned, how we evaluate our work.

Reception "Gymnastics".

The teacher explains homework. Ex. 8 -10, pp. 11 – 12. Learn words.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done much work. I hope you know now the difference between Br. E. and Am. E.

T: Thank you for the lesson. I'm satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 3 on calendar-thematic planning.

Subject: Collocations with nouns “pair”, “piece”

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Introduction and training of new vocabulary. Words piece, pair and their use in speech.

Compose dialogues based on what you listen to.

Planned result

Be able to: - understand English speech;

Make up dialogues based on what you listen to;

Correctly use words in speech: a piece, a pair.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: a piece, a pair

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p. 12

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.

T: What can you see in the picture on p.13? Would you like to help Lucy?


Motivation for students' learning activities:

But at first we remember our new words and describe some things.

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.

(exercises 2-4 pp. 12,13)



Formation of skills of correct use of words in speech: a piece, a pair.

Formation of dialogical speech skills

Ex. 5.6 p.13 Update acquired knowledge


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work) “Smileys” technique.

The teacher explains homework. Ex. 8 – 10, pp. 14 – 15. Learn words.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done a lot of work. I hope you can use new words in different situations. Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education (17 hours) Lesson No. 4 on calendar-thematic planning.

Subject: Schools in England and Wales

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Planned result

Be able to: - perceive and understand English speech;

Title the parts of the read text.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: age, break, college, education, pay, subject, term, uniform, primary, secondary

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.15

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Say where you keep your things?

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.

(exercise 2 p.15)



Getting to know new LEs

Teaching speaking: answers to questions about school supplies And school uniform.

Working with the text “Schools in England and Wales.”

Ex. 3.4 s. 16. LE

Ex. 5.6 p.16.17

Ex. 7 page 17


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

The teacher explains homework. Ex. 8 – 10, pp. 18 – 19.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work. I hope you have known more about St. P.!

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 5 on calendar-thematic planning.

Subject: Subjects studied

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Introduction and training of LE

Formation of grammatical skills: using articles with some nouns

Planned result

Be able to: - answer questions based on what you listened to;

Correctly use new vocabulary in speech.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: history, geography, mathematics, science, physics, biology, chemistry, literature, computer studies, physical education(PE)

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.19

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.

(exercise 5 p.21)



Consolidation of knowledge about British school.

The use of articles with some nouns.

Introduce new LEs

Ex. 4 p.20,21

Update knowledge on use LE Exercises 5-7 p.21,22;


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

"Smileys" technique.

The teacher explains homework. Ex. 8 -10, p. 22. Learn words.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work. I hope you have known more about school!

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education (17 hours) Lesson No. 6 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Speech etiquette phrases

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Getting to know words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Conversation about your school.

Formation of lexical skills: words that need to be distinguished (to say, to tell, to talk, to speak).

Planned result

Be able to: - talk about your school using lexical and grammatical material

Answer questions based on what you listened to.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary:speech etiquette phrases used in the lesson ex.Social Englishp.24

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.23

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.

Listen to the song! Do you like it?


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Conversation about your school.

Consolidating the use of speech etiquette phrases used in the lesson ex. Social English p.24

Formation of lexical skills

Exercise 2, p. 23.24

Update knowledge on the use of RO on the topic


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

The teacher explains homework Exercise 8, page 27. Learn words.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work. I hope you will use Social English at school!

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 7 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Education in Russia

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Introduction and training of LE.

Planned result

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: to speak, to talk, to say, to tell

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson. What are we going to speak about?



Using prepositions before verbs and adjectives.

Update knowledge on use LE and reading the text Ex.4,5 p.25,26;

Learn to correctly use words that need to be distinguished (to say, to tell, to talk, to speak) in speech. Exercise 6, p.2


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

Teacher explains homework Ex. 11, p. 27. LE

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work.

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 8 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Education in England, Wales, Russia

Purpose of the topic

Development of listening skills.

Introduction and training of LE.

Using prepositions before verbs and adjectives.

Planned result

Be able to: - use the introduced vocabulary in speech;

Title the dialogue you listened to.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: mark, classmate, foreign(er), happen, loud(ly), mistake, rule(r), noise, noisy, schooldays (age, mate, year, leaver, house), to happen to smb., a mark for a test, a mark in a subject, to get(give) a mark, to make a mistake, to make rules.

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.28

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.

Listen to the text and say which sentences are true!


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson. What are we going to speak about? Look at the table of ex. 2 p.28!



Introduce new lexical units on the topic.

Using prepositions before verbs and adjectives.

Develop dialogic speech skills

Exercise 2 p. 28. Development of linguistic conjecture

Update knowledge on use LE. Exercises 3-5 p.29,30


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

Teacher explains homework Ex. 8 -10, pp. 31 – 32. LE

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work. I hope you know the differences of education in GB and RF!

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education (17 hours) Lesson No. 9 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Entrance test

Purpose of the topic

Control of lexical and grammatical skills

Control of writing skills.

Planned result

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Writing a test

Test assignments on cards


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

Teacher explains homework

Prepare for a monologue about school

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work.

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling(17 hours) Lesson No. 10 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: "Only Children"

Purpose of the topic

Listening. Word formation. Working with the text “Only Children”.

Planned result

Be able to: - identify your favorite subjects based on what you listen to;

Use phrases and new vocabulary correctly.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary:Word formation. Phrasal verbs:talkinto, over, back, outof

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.32

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Improving the gram. skills: word formation; the use of tense forms of the verb and phrasal verbs.

Develop skills oral speech

Update knowledge on use LE And RO Gr on this topic. Exercise 3 p.32,33

Exercises 4-6 p.33-35


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

"Smileys" technique.

The teacher explains homework Ex. 8 – 11, pp. 35 – 36.

T: You have done a good job.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education (17 hours) Lesson No. 11 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Generalization on the topic “School”

Purpose of the topic

Development and improvement of lexical, grammatical and speaking skills.

Planned result

Be able to: - perceive English speech.

Basic Concepts

Vocabulary: hear, listen Grammar: Conversion

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Reading the text and selecting headings for paragraphs.

Lexico-grammatical exercises.

Develop speaking skills.

Exercise 2 p.37,38

Update knowledge on use LE And RO Gr on the topic Exercise 3 p.38

Exercises 4-7 p.38,39


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Basket of Ideas"

Teacher explains homework Ex. 8 -10, pp. 40;

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done much work. T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education (17 hours) Lessons No. 12 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: check yourself

Purpose of the topic

Development and improvement of lexical, grammatical and speaking skills.

Development of monologue speech skills.

Planned result

Be able to apply lexical and grammatical material Unit 1.

Be able to independently evaluate your achievements

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces you into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses you in the language environment by listening to exercise 1 p.37

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Reading text and making matches

Lexico-grammatical exercises.

Develop speaking skills.

Exercises 3, 4, p.42

Exercise 5, page 42


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Basket of Ideas"

Teacher explains homework Ex. 6, p.43

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done much work. T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and school education(17 hours) Lesson No. 13 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Vocabulary dictation. Writing practice

Purpose of the topic

Development and improvement of lexical, grammatical and speaking skills.

Development of writing skills.

Planned result

Be able to perform exercises independently using previously learned vocabulary and grammar.

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses in the language environment.

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



Writing a dictation

Writing a monologue. Statements about school.

Test your writing knowledge LE And RO on this topic


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Gymnastics".

Teacher explains homework

Workbook, page 22

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work. I hope you will prepare for speaking about schools!

T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That"s all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling(17 hours) Lesson No. 14 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Home reading: "Gulliver's Travels"

Purpose of the topic

Development and improvement of lexical, grammatical and speaking skills.

Listening. Working with the text "Gulliver's Travels".

Planned result

Perceive aurally and visually a text with some new words and constructions, understand its content

Expanding the general linguistic horizons of the student

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

The teacher asks students to look at the pictures and determine the name of the topic.

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.



The teacher asks whether the students know J. Swift, whether they are familiar with his work and who Gulliver is, what relation he has to this author.

Who is Jonathan Swift?

Who is Gulliver?

What do you think will happen next?

Develop speaking skills

Students read and translate the text

Students answer the teacher's questions.

Students conduct a dialogue-questioning, using the studied constructions and vocabulary

Students work in pairs.


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

"Smileys" technique.

Teacher explains homework Retelling text

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done much work. T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your work. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

See you tomorrow.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling(17 hours) Lesson No. 15 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Test (written part)

Purpose of the topic

Organization of student activities for written control of the language material of the completed section; application of knowledge and skills in a variety of situations, activation of the work of each student.

Planned result

Plan, control, and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.


. Explains homework: Exercise 7, p.43 . Says goodbye to students

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work.

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling(17 hours) Lesson No. 16 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Test ( oral part)

Purpose of the topic

Organization of student activities for oral control of language material of the completed section

Application of knowledge and skills in a variety of situations,

Activation of the work of each student.

Planned result

Formation of skills of self-analysis and self-control

Plan, control, and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, individual work at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

creates an emotional mood for learning activities

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.

Written control of the studied material

Hands out tests. Gives instructions on how to complete test tasks. Answers student questions. Monitors the execution of work.

The teacher listens and navigates the tasks while explaining them. They ask questions. Perform test tasks


Accepts student work. Invites students to independently express themselves about the content of the lesson, the knowledge gained and the results of the work.

Thanks for the work done . Explains Homework: Review

Says goodbye to students

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We've done a lot of work.

That's all for today. You have worked well today. Thank you).

Goodbye, children. See you next lesson

Technological map of the lesson.

English teacher: Imamova N.B.

Chapter: Section 1.Schools and schooling (17 hours) Lesson No. 17 on calendar-thematic planning

Subject: Lesson presentation: “Old English Schools”

Purpose of the topic

Development of monologue speech skills.

Planned result

Be able to show creativity in performing work.

Evaluate your UD independently.

Be able to talk about your school or a school in the UK, using previously learned vocabulary.

Basic Concepts

Basic and additional resources

● Textbook English: Textbook “English Language”, series “Rainbow English”, grade 7, Authors: O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva.

    ● Workbook for the textbook. - M, Bustard, 2017

● Information and educational environment: Audio files, Computer

Organization of learning space

Work individually at the board.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Training, developmental, diagnostic tasks of each stage


The teacher welcomes the students, gets the children ready to work; introduces into the atmosphere of foreign language speech, immerses in the language environment

T- Children, the lesson has begun. I am glad to see you. Good – morning. Sit down, please.

Introduction of the lesson.


Motivation for students' learning activities:

Independently formulate the educational goals of the lesson.

We speak about education.



Students provide creative works on a given topic.


The teacher sums up the lesson. Offers self-assessment of achievements


Analysis of work in the lesson (what was accomplished, whether goals were achieved, what we learned, what we liked most, how we evaluate our work)

Reception "Basket of Ideas"

The teacher explains homework. Review vocabulary.

T: You have done a good job.

T: My dear children. We"ve done a lot of work. T: Thank you for the lesson. I"m satisfied with your presentations. You were attentive, bright and active. That's all for today.

The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in 7th grade for teachers working according to the educational and methodological package of M.Z. Biboletova and others. “Enjoy English”. In addition, the teacher will find here methodological recommendations for organizing work and rest for schoolchildren, original options for testing the mastery of the material: games, quizzes, thematic test tasks. The publication will be useful for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers.

Summer holidays.
Lesson objectives:
1. Introducing children to the new textbook, its structure and features.
2. Activation of dialogical speech skills on the topic “Summer holidays”.
3. Reading skills training.
4. Introduction of vocabulary and initial consolidation of vocabulary in familiar speech patterns.
Equipment, transcription icons, pictures on the topic “Summer Vacation”.

During the classes
I. Organizational moment
- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)
- I haven’t seen you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too.)
- How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
- I am fine, thank you. Sit down, please.
- Today we shall read the advertisement and learn the new information about the competition “We Live on the Same Planet”.

II. Getting to know the new textbook, its structure and features
- We have a new textbook this year. Before we’ll start our work we must understand its structure.

The teacher tells students about the structure of the textbook, invites them to read the names of sections and units, draws attention to the fact that the textbook will be used when working in lessons, workbook, reading book, audio and video cassettes. The teacher tells the children that they will be taking part in a virtual teen competition this school year. The children will learn about the way of life of people in English-speaking countries and will compare it with the life of people in Russia.

Publication date: 03/11/2014 09:18 UTC

  • English language, Enjoy English, grade 7, Teacher's book for the textbook English with pleasure, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., 2012
  • English language, 7th grade, English with pleasure, Enjoy English, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., 2014 - English with pleasure (7th grade) continues the series of textbooks with the same name and is one of the components of the educational complex for 7- th... Books on English
  • English language, English with pleasure, Enjoy English, grade 7, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., 2009 - “English with pleasure” (grade 7) continues the series of textbooks with the same name and is one of the components of the educational complex for 7th... Books on English
  • Lesson developments in English, 7th grade, Dzyuina E.V., 2013 - The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in 7th grade for teachers working according to the educational and methodological package of M.Z. Biboletova and... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

The manual presents plans for the English language for grade 7 for the teaching and learning complex Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley and others. “English in Focus” / “Spotlight” (M.: Express Publishing: Education), compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the main general education. The teacher will find here everything necessary to prepare for each lesson: thematic planning of educational material, detailed lesson scenarios, guidelines for organizing student work, test assignments and much more. The publication will be useful for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers.

Description of the textbook

Thematic planning of educational material
Thematic planning
educational material (105 hours)
Lesson No. Lesson topic
Module 1. Lifestyle (11h)
1.2 City mouse or country mouse?
3.4 Better safe than sorry"
5 hanging out
6 Alien Culture: Sights of the British Isles
7 English in use: buying a metro ticket
8 Extensive Reading: Mexico City
9 Progress Check I
10 Unit Test I
11 Peter Pan
Module 2. Talc time (10 hours)
12. 13 bookworms
14. 15 classic reading
16 has disappeared!
17th cultural corner: the gift of storytelling
18 English in 0\e: story about events pasi
19 Extensive Reading: Ghost Cantcrvillc
20 Progress Cheek 2
21 Unit Test 2
Module 3. Profiles (11h)
22. 23 I .CAD in WAV format!
24, 25 Who is who?
26 against all odds
27 Cultural Corner: Overseers
28 English in use: talking about hobbies/work
29 extensive reading: children in the Victorian era
30 Execution Check 3
31 Unit Test 3
32 Peter Pan
Module 4. In the news (10 hours)
33, 34 News
35, 36 did you hear...?
37 take action!
38 Culture Corner: Teen Magazines
39 English in use: deciding what to watch
40 Extensive Reading: Turnon & Tunein
41 Progress Check 4
42 Unit Test 4
Module 5. What awaits us in the future (11h)
43, 44 predictions
45.46 gadget madness
47 what is your opinion?
48 corner of culture: hi-tech teenagers!
49 Using English: Instructions
50 Extensive Reading: Imitating Reality
51 Progress Check 5
52 Unit Test 5
53 Peter Pan
Module 6. Fun (10 hours)
54, 55 the fun starts here!
56.57 camps for teenagers
58 whales of time!
59 Culture Corner: Theme Parks
60 English in use: reserving a place at a summer camp
61 Extensive Reading: Safe to Splash
62 Check Progress 6
63 Unit Test 6
Module 7. Spotlight (11 hours)
64, 65 Walk of Fame
66.67 DVD frenzy!
68 on the charts!
69 cultural corner: England's national sport
70 English in use: buying cinema tickets
71 extensive readings: Does this sound familiar?
72 Check Progress 7
73 Unit Test 7
74 Peter Pan
Module 8. Ecological problems(10 hours)
75.76 save the Earth
77, 78 Eco-helpers
79 born free
80 cultural corner: Scotland's national nature reserves
81 English in Use: Donating money for a cause
82 Extensive Reading: Food Chain
83 Progress Check 8
P4 Unit Test 8
Module 9. Shopping time (I h)
85.86 You are what you eat!
87.88 maybe! help you?
89. Gifts for everyone!
90 cultural corner: idioms and sayings about food
91 English in Use: Expressing Gratitude and Admiration
92 Extensive Reading: Choices
93 Check Progress 9
94 Unit Test 9
95 Peter Pan
Module 10. Healthy body, healthy mind (10 hours)
96.97 stress
Unlucky 98.99
100 Doctor, doctor!
101 cultural corners: RFDSA
102 English in use: nurse at school
103 extensive reading: "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe
104 Check Progress 10
105 Unit Test 10

Spotlight 7. English in focus. 7th grade. Lesson plans.