Russian-British school algorithm. How to prepare for the OGE in history

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Studying material without the help of tutors and experienced teachers not only has a number of advantages, but is also associated with certain difficulties. It is advisable to refuse a tutor if:

  1. You have no difficulty understanding the subject. Perhaps you simply missed some topics due to illness, which created gaps in your knowledge, or some of the material was missed by the teacher himself, who gave topics for home review.
  2. You know the subject generally well and want to brush up on your knowledge. Even if your report card always showed excellent marks, do not neglect preparing for the exam. Over the course of a few years, some information is forgotten, and remembering it won’t hurt at all. Plus, doing it yourself is quite easy.
  3. They will be able to help you. Parents-teachers or professors or even excellent classmates who are willing to spend half an hour explaining a complex topic will greatly help you. If you are confident that you can handle the bulk of the material on your own, and that you will be helped with complex topics, feel free to choose self-study.

Start preparing in advance, don’t put everything off until the last few weeks. The end of the year is already a stressful period, you will have to write tests, complete individual assignments and many other types of work, and there will be very little time to prepare. In addition, it is better to absorb information in small parts, delving into each rule and formula.

Exercise regularly. It is better to set aside 1-2 hours every day than to devote the whole weekend to preparing and sitting at the computer for many hours in a row. Don’t forget, the brain can work effectively for no more than 40-45 minutes, after which you must definitely take a break. If you try to “catch up” on all the classes you missed during the week in one day, the material you read will be forgotten very quickly.

Don't forget about repetition. It is best to repeat the material twice - 6 hours after studying and the next day. Repeat and remember only the key information, and you will not forget it until the day of the exam.

Study in a calm, quiet environment, do not be distracted by any household chores, concentrate.

How to prepare for the OGE yourself: what materials are needed?

First of all, take care of the equipment and stock up on all the necessary materials that you will use.

You shouldn’t immediately go to the library and ask for textbooks from previous years; they are unlikely to help you. The fact is that the material in them is presented with lengthy explanations, the study of which will take a lot of time. In addition, the OGE program changes annually, some topics are skipped. In textbooks you will have to learn and repeat everything, even things that may not be useful at all in the exam.

Special preparation guides will be an excellent alternative to textbooks. The material in them is presented concisely; in fact, basic concepts, formulas, dates, rules and other key information are highlighted. Often the text is accompanied by tables, diagrams, diagrams and other graphic components that simplify the process of systematizing and memorizing information.

In addition to manuals and collections with the theoretical part, you will need materials for practice. It would be a good idea to practice solving tests and problems, answering written questions and writing essays, that is, performing the types of tasks that you will encounter during testing.

A complete database of materials for preparation on the site "site"

In order not to waste extra money and time searching for and purchasing all the necessary manuals and collections with training tasks, register on the website. Here you will find a complete database of materials that will help you prepare for the OGE in all subjects:

  • Russian language and literature
  • English, Spanish, French, German
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Social studies
  • Stories
  • Mathematics
  • Geographies
  • Computer Science

We have collected all the necessary materials for our users:

  1. Theoretical manuals that contain textual information, tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, maps, images and much more.
  2. Practical tasks, including tests, tasks, examples, open tasks with independent formulation of the correct answer, retellings, essays and others.

All materials on the website “site” are divided into separate sections corresponding to subjects and organized by topic. Thanks to this, you can easily find the information you need and prepare yourself as efficiently as possible.

If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam, we offer you online preparation, which will save you time and money.

The question of how to pass the OGE in history concerns few people, because due to the complexity of the subject and the volume of material, few people after finishing 9th grade find the courage to take this exam. History is listed among the elective disciplines, while mathematics and the Russian language are compulsory. In total you will have to pass four exams.

Structure and assessment

The peculiarity of the OGE in history is that children have time to study historical periods up to the 19th century, and the compilers of the exam included the 20th century in the task. General information for the 2018 OGE does not differ from last year’s version. There are two parts with 35 tasks (30 and 5, respectively):

  1. The part where you need to choose the correct option, or answer briefly, following the sequence of numbers or words
  2. The part where a detailed answer is required.

To overcome the minimum threshold and get a C in the OGE history, it is enough to score 13 points by completing, for example, the first 13 tasks. Having answered the first 30 questions correctly, you can already qualify for an A, which will require 35 points and above, up to a maximum of 44 points.

How to properly plan your preparation?

Everyone knows that by deciding to prepare for an exam in advance, you can make your life much easier during the exam. Therefore, first of all, it is important to think about how to prepare for the OGE in history. You can do this yourself, based on the material you have learned and lessons at school. It is better to study from scratch in appropriate courses or with a tutor.

Whatever you decide, good preparation requires hard work and planned actions, which include the following:

  • determining the current level of knowledge;
  • drawing up the right course and setting goals for the future;
  • selection of high-quality manuals and collections for preparation (necessarily developed and approved by FIPI).

Since the structure of the OGE in history in 2018 does not have any changes or innovations, you can prepare using any of last year’s tests for 9th graders in this subject.

Particular attention should be paid to the volume of information: now there is no need to overload yourself with additional and complex data. It is best when the topics are divided by historical periods, and appropriate thematic collections are used to quickly consolidate them. It is worth purchasing a collection with full-fledged options, but solving them will be easier and more correct after mastering the entire course of Russian history, otherwise you will only get confused.

Also, do not get carried away with diagrams and tables, use them only as assistants. Be sure to pay attention to maps and images; tasks with them usually cause problems for schoolchildren.

By following these tips and dedicating several hours to studying and improving, studying 2-3 days a week, you will stop worrying about how to pass the OGE in history, and a good result will not be long in coming.

The OGE is the main exam for all 9th ​​graders in the country. As we know, students will have to take 2 compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian) and 2 elective subjects. The results of this exam will determine whether the student can proceed to grade 10 or enter a technical school (college), or whether he will only receive a certificate next year. This means preparing for the OGE is a very serious stage.

Let's start off with, What do you need to get permission to take the OGE? The following are allowed to take the exam:

Graduates of 9 classes of general education institutions of the Russian Federation with annual grades in all subjects not lower than “3”;

Graduates with one “2”, with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject;

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general educational institution;

Graduates from previous years who did not receive a certificate.

Accordingly, in order to successfully pass the OGE, it is imperative to fill gaps in knowledge and adjust grades in those subjects in which the student has 2 grades.

Rules for preparing for the OGE with excellent marks:

1. You should start preparing in the fall, because Preparing for 4 subjects at once takes a lot of time.

2. Efficiency does not equal constant cramming. Some students make a huge mistake when they start studying the material, no matter how much they understand it or how tired they are. “The teacher told me that I need to study at least an hour a day!” - they say and after a few months they lose strength. But the main secret of success is in the correct choice of duration and number of classes! Study for the exam only when you have had enough sleep and are not too tired. Prepare for no more than 1 hour, then be sure to take a break. Otherwise, you will get tired, but you won’t remember anything.

3. Choose one tutor. Of course, we are not talking about agreeing to take classes with someone who doesn’t suit you and “endure” the class for a whole year. Quite the opposite, in the fall, start choosing the best tutor to prepare for the OGE, whose teaching style, experience and student results are completely satisfactory to you. Classes with a tutor should give you strength to move forward, not fatigue and hatred of the subject! On TutorOnline, you can take 10-15 minute lessons with different teachers, ask them to explain some small topic and decide whether a particular tutor is right for you or not. You won't have to explain why you didn't schedule a second lesson with him. This way you can easily and quickly find your ideal teacher, whose recommendations you will be happy to follow all year. The tutor will definitely conduct testing and identify your gaps, which he will help you eliminate step by step.

4. Don't waste time traveling, use the time to review. If you think about it, many students lose 2 hours of time traveling to the tutor and back. But it is much better to save energy and spend 1 hour reviewing the material before class or completing homework assigned by the tutor. Proper distribution of time and effort is the best way to prepare for the OGE with maximum results!

Do you want to pass the OGE with excellent marks? and start classes now!, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

The OGE is an important stage for every ninth-grader, because according to its results, the student either goes on to study in the 10th grade, or can become a student in vocational educational institutions. If previously students took the State Exam, which was more like a standard exam, then the modern main state exam is more like a trial version of the Unified State Exam, since all tasks are completed in a similar form. Many people wonder whether it is worth using the services or preparing for the exam on their own.

How to properly prepare for the OGE?

At the moment, ninth-graders take an exam in four disciplines - two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), as well as two more electives. The test program includes tasks from the entire school course, so it is important to thoroughly review all the material studied. Various reference books that you can buy also come to the rescue. In addition, it is worth solving standard examples in mathematics, since, despite the test nature of the questions, most of them will be in the form of problems, and in order to choose the correct answer, you need to solve it correctly in a draft and make correct calculations.

As for the Russian language, you should first repeat all the rules regarding the spelling of words and the use of punctuation marks. Particular attention should be paid to the structure of the essay, because it gives the lion's share of points on the OGE.

Features of some disciplines

Some elective subjects have non-standard tasks, for example, an experimental part is included in the physics exam. The same applies to chemistry, but there you can do without a real experiment. At the OGE in a foreign language, you will need to demonstrate your oral speech, but in computer science, tasks are completed on personal computers.

Is it possible to prepare yourself?

Of course, every student can take a responsible approach to preparing for the OGE, study mountains of methodological literature and repeat all the rules. But the efficiency of such work is 50%. The main reason lies in the fact that if some material was incomprehensible, then there is no one to explain it, and it is also impossible to check the correctness of the algorithm for solving the task yourself. In this case, a qualified tutor would be an ideal option. He will help to eliminate all gaps in knowledge in the shortest possible time, will be able to point out typical mistakes, and will also present all the material in an accessible manner so that the OGE can be passed with the highest grade.