“Pros and cons”: how to make the right decisions. What are the pros and cons of online taxi aggregators – experts

The buyer of an air conditioner, willy-nilly, has to understand the technical intricacies. How exactly does a split system differ from a monoblock, is it supplied through tubes? Fresh air, is the plasma purifier dangerous? But one of the most frequently asked questions– what is an inverter?

Inverter air conditioners are able to smoothly regulate performance. A conventional air conditioner switches on and off frequently, but a split system with an inverter operates continuously, changing power depending on conditions. The owner is not only free from noise, but also saves up to 40% of electricity.

Toshiba's invention gains popularity

It was Toshiba that created the world's first inverter air conditioner in 1980. Recently, the Japanese Institute of Electrical Engineering awarded Toshiba Carrier Corporation for this invention. The "Step Forward in Electrical Engineering" award is presented by the institute for the most important discoveries and developments in this area throughout the 20th century.

The photo shows the world's first household air conditioner with an inverter. The body of the indoor unit is not plastic, but made of dark wood!

Inverter technology is recognized as one of the revolutionary technologies in air conditioning. A commercial air conditioner with an inverter was released in 1980, and already in December 1981, household inverter air conditioners appeared. Now more than half of the air conditioners in the world and up to 90% in Japan are of the inverter type.

Inverter block. Built into the outdoor unit of a Toshiba split system.

The first household air conditioner with an inverter - outdoor and indoor units, control panel.

Most Toshiba air conditioners that are now sold in Russia are of the inverter type. For example, the Toshiba RAS-13N3KVR-E inverter split system can operate at any power, ranging from as low as 0.8 kW to as high as 4.1 kW. The air conditioner quickly cools or warms the room, and then continues to operate at low power, silently and accurately maintaining the temperature.

Modern inverter air conditioner Toshiba

Advantages of an inverter air conditioner

  1. comfort: The desired temperature is quickly reached and precisely maintained.
  2. savings energy thanks to precise digital power control and an efficient DC compressor.
  3. reliability and more quiet operation thanks to the elimination of compressor on/off cycles

Disadvantages of an inverter air conditioner

Like any technology, inverter control has disadvantages. For the buyer of a home air conditioner, the most noticeable disadvantage is the price. An inverter is more expensive than a conventional air conditioner, although with the development of technology the difference in cost is decreasing (in 2016 it is 2-5 thousand rubles). In addition, the complex electronics unit in an inverter air conditioner is more sensitive to voltage changes in the network.

And finally, the outdoor unit of an inverter air conditioner is heavier ordinary interest at 20-25. However, any household air conditioner can be mounted on the wall of a panel or brick house without any problems.

Differences in the operation of an inverter and a conventional air conditioner

  1. If you have very little money to buy an air conditioner, do not buy the “cheapest inverter”. It is better to choose a decent, high-quality air conditioner without an inverter and with a minimum set of functions - but from a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation.
  2. If you choose an inverter air conditioner, buy it “one size larger.” Yes, the purchase will cost two to three thousand rubles. more expensive, but the air conditioner will be 2-3 dB quieter, and this is a very noticeable difference. Especially in the bedroom or nursery. The fact is that a more powerful air conditioner larger area heat exchanger. Therefore, it is able to cool or warm the room at a lower fan speed. This means no noise, no draft! Important: this advice applies only to inverter air conditioners! If you buy a classic air conditioner that is too powerful, it will, on the contrary, bother you by constantly turning on/off.
  3. The air conditioner must be installed by professionals. According to statistics, up to 80% of air conditioner breakdowns are caused by improper installation. It is better if you buy and install a split system not at the height of the hot season, but in the spring - otherwise you can run into “scavengers” who will carry out the installation quickly, expensively and with poor quality. Buy and order installation from

Communication with a child

Whatever the activities, games and lessons, you do it together. Mom and dad spend time with the child doing something interesting. You sit next to each other, you talk, you laugh... Interaction with parents is very important for proper mental development baby.

New information

The child learns a lot of new and interesting things during classes. Of course, in any case, he will find out who the bear is and will understand what the fox looks like. But with the help of educational books, for example with cards and photographs of animals, the child will learn how a bear and a fox look in reality, and not in pictures.

Brain Development

During developmental activities, you teach your baby to learn. And since in early childhood the brain grasps everything on the fly, the child trains without stress. But at school it will be much easier for him, because the brain is already accustomed to working, remembering, learning.

Acquiring useful skills

Early development is not about learning to count. This is the development of logic, thinking, and skills that will help you count in the future. This is preparing the basis for further training. It's easier if you're already familiar with the letters. Learning to write is easy if you already know how to draw straight lines and circles. The better prepared you are when you start studying, the easier it will be to learn.

Ability to direct attention

Early development teaches you to study. It won’t turn out that the baby was running, jumping, watching cartoons, and then suddenly he can no longer run and jump, but needs to sit at the table and listen carefully. Regular, albeit short, simple activities will teach your child perseverance. It will be easier for the child to motivate himself both at school and at college.

Increased self-esteem

Everyone needs praise. Mom, working with her child, feels great. Child performing simple and interesting tasks, hears praise from the mother, sees approval, and this is important for the baby’s self-esteem.

Unlocking talents

Activities with kids will help you understand what interests the child and identify inclinations towards certain things. WITH great pleasure draws, loves counting exercises, loves to tell stories... You will learn a lot about your genius and perhaps choose it in the future.


Parents get carried away

Early development becomes a goal for them. It's a shame that the child has nothing to do with it anymore. This is the goal of the parent himself - to prove and show how he can, because he has such a developed baby. Let's still remember who we are doing this for. This is primarily communication, not a race.

Exercises require strength

Working with a child is a troublesome task. And, who already gives all of herself to the baby, can completely forget about herself. It is important to remember that early development should be a joy.

The interests of the child are not taken into account

By making early development their goal, parents forget about the child. They look at books, study techniques, but do not notice what the children want. Famous methodologist and master early development for children, Frenchwoman Cecile Lupan said that the most important thing in teaching a child is his interest. What interests the child? What is he asking? What games do you like to play the most? This is exactly what you need to think about and dance from this, and not at all from the “need” and in no case from the “don’t want.”

Lack of preparation for classes

Fans of early development sometimes do not notice that their child is not ready. The body (both the brain and the fingers) must be ready to learn and master the skill. It is important in classes to focus not on your desire to boast that your baby is a child prodigy, but on the child’s readiness. If the baby is not ready, and you expect him to draw a straight line and read out loud, he will hear from you not praise, but comments, and will see disappointment. For a small child, this will turn out to be a nightmare and shattered self-confidence.

Reluctance to learn

Incomprehensible activities, pressure from an adult, development beyond one’s age - all this can do a disservice. It will become difficult for your child, uninteresting, your lessons will be torture for him, and the thought will appear that studying is terrible. What do you think next? And then - the eternal “I don’t want to go to school!”


We have listed all the pros and cons. And we realized that there are no downsides. Early development, if understood correctly and practiced correctly and with pleasure, cannot have negative sides.

Thanks to classes, parents spend more time with their children, children develop important life skills and feel more confident. There is a danger of overdoing it: giving difficult tasks, demand a lot. But this is the problem with the parents. Remember that play and fun are important in developmental activities. Then the child will succeed.

Cards of the national payment system “MIR” began to be issued by banks in 2015 after sanctions were introduced against Russia.

A number of Russian banks, including Genbank, Krayinvestbank, Verkhnevolzhsky Bank and Sevastopol Maritime Bank (SMB), as well as Inresbank and Mosoblbank, were disconnected from international systems Visa and MasterCard. The risk of further expansion of sanctions to other banks became one of the main reasons for creating our own payment system. After all, if disconnected, the bank card will turn into an ordinary piece of plastic. However, they wanted to create their own system since the 90s, but this decision was simply shelved all the time. Many countries have their own payment systems, and they work very efficiently. For example, in China there is China UnionPay, which was even able to enter the international market, and in Belarus the Belkart system was created.

On this moment“MIR” cards were issued in Russia, half of which were received by state employees. Three quarters of them can be used for contactless payment

There are a lot of conflicting rumors surrounding the new cards. There are both ardent supporters and opponents who claim that the state is in this way trying to take money from the population. And the mistrust is quite understandable - no one has forgotten how much money was lost in the nineties.

However, let's look at the MIR cards objectively, what are their main advantages and disadvantages?


1.Ours is domestic.

The main advantage of the system is that it is autonomous and independent from foreign payment systems, from political situation. So further sanctions will not jeopardize the operations of ordinary citizens.

2. Free transfer to Visa or Mastercard.

Most banks provide this service free of charge.

3. Accepted as payment in large stores.

The Mir card is accepted for payment in all organizations with a cash turnover of over 40 million rubles. For example, “Auchan”, Metro, “Carousel”, “Lenta”, as well as in fast food restaurants, etc. Every year the list of shops, cafes and other service places where the card is accepted is becoming wider.

4. There is cashback.

The “MIR” card is gradually acquiring partnership projects, whereby spending money on the purchase of goods or services from partners, you can receive interest on your expenses. You can buy household appliances, pay for purchases and gasoline.

5. Free card issue.

Most Russian banks issue the Mir card for free. Today you can get a Mir card in more than 110 banks, including the largest ones, such as Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc. In addition, it is free for those who receive payments from the state, in particular, public sector workers or pensioners.

6. You can withdraw cash from any ATM.

The law obliges all banks to begin accepting MIR cards from July 1, 2017.

Controversial issues

1. Cheapness.

For many citizens, the cost of annual service may be higher than regular Visa and MasterCard cards. The cost of servicing the Mir card in Sberbank is 750 rubles per year, in Gazprombank - 1000 rubles per year. At the same time, the Mir card can also provide free service for pensioners and state employees.

2. Safety.

The developers of the MIR card note that the new card has a chip, a hologram and a magnetic stripe. And the card is also connected to a security system for making payments on the Internet, similar to 3D-Secure that works on Visa and MasterCard bank cards. However, this statement causes a lot of controversy; users believe that the security system is inferior to its foreign colleagues.

3. Obsessiveness.

Many are confused by the fact that the state is imposing the “PEACE” card on the population. According to Federal law dated 05/01/2017 No. 88-FZ, cash payments with state employees must be transferred to new cards before July 1, 2018. Now the “MIR” card will receive salaries of state employees and civil servants, scholarships, pensions and social payments, military salaries and other payments. The forced introduction of a system risks that in the absence of competition its quality will suffer greatly.


1. Geography.

The main disadvantage of the card is that it can only be used to pay in Russia and Armenia. In the future, they plan to expand it to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Thailand and the UAE.

2. Doesn't work with online stores.

Very few online retailers cooperate with MIR. With such a card you cannot make a purchase on such large online platforms as Ebay or Amazon. Among the market giants, the exception is Ali-Express, but owners of such a card should forget about smaller stores for now. In addition, a serious problem remains the fact that the card cannot be connected to the Paypal payment system, and withdrawal of funds to such cards is not yet possible.

3. You cannot make purchases abroad.

Another one serious problem– the card can only be in rubles, and you won’t be able to pay for anything with it abroad. A working option is to purchase a co-branding card, i.e. a card of two payment systems, which in Russia will work as “MIR”, and in the international network as “Maestro”.

4.No support for smartphones.

Payments from smartphones – Apple Pay, Samsung Pay – are gaining popularity in Russia. Integration with these systems was announced a long time ago, but so far the service has become available only to Samsung Pay owners, and the ability to pay with Mir cards using Apple Pay and Android Pay will appear in 2018.

Privatization is the free transfer of housing into common joint or common shared ownership to persons registered in this living space. At the moment, Russia is in the final stage of housing privatization. Deadline application submission - March 1, 2015. The repeated extension of the privatization period shows the ambiguity of this process. On the one hand, citizens do not want to miss the chance to become full owners of square meters, on the other hand, many are delaying privatization until the last minute. And it’s not just about collecting a lot of papers and going to authorities. Let's look at what the pros and cons of privatized housing are and who should hurry up and register their ownership of the apartment.

Privatization is the free transfer of housing into common joint or common shared ownership to persons registered in this living space. At the moment, Russia is in the final stage of housing privatization. The deadline for submitting an application is March 1, 2015. The repeated extension of the privatization period shows the ambiguity of this process. On the one hand, citizens do not want to miss the chance to become full owners of square meters, on the other hand, many are delaying privatization until the last minute. And it’s not just about collecting a lot of papers and going to authorities. Let's look at what the pros and cons of privatized housing are and who should hurry up and register their ownership of the apartment.

Advantages of privatized housing

Perhaps the most significant and undeniable advantage of privatization is the transfer of housing into the ownership of the citizen. This significantly expands the possibilities for disposing of an apartment, because only privatized square meters can be sold, donated, or bequeathed. It follows from this that it is necessary to privatize an apartment for those who plan to leave housing in their will to persons who are not registered with them in the same living space. IN otherwise the right to privatization will be able to be exercised by citizens registered in a given living space, or will go to the state.

Privatization should definitely be considered by those who regularly take or plan to take loans (for example, owners own business). This is due to the fact that only privatized apartment can act as collateral. However, in this case, it will be impossible to sell the home until the debt to the bank is repaid.
Privatization of housing greatly simplifies the process of its operation. It is much easier for the owner to obtain permission to redevelop the apartment. In addition, on privatized meters you have the right to register any person without coordinating this decision with local authorities. In addition, renting from owned property is much easier.

It is also worth noting that since the fall of 2012, the procedure for obtaining consent to register ownership of an apartment from citizens registered in the apartment has been simplified. Now only the opinions of those who have not previously exercised their right to privatization will be taken into account.

The price of responsibility or the disadvantages of privatization

However, acquiring ownership of an apartment entails certain responsibilities. Therefore, when deciding on the privatization of housing, you should think about whether the possible disadvantages will outweigh all of the above advantages.

First of all, privatization will be disadvantageous for residents of rooms in communal apartments with an area of ​​less than 18 square meters. The fact is that according to the law, when resettled, they can count on improved living conditions. If the room is privatized, then the owner will receive housing of the same size as the old one.

Another reason for refusing privatization is the introduction of a unified property tax in 2014. The point is that according to new system homeowners will have to pay a percentage of the real value of their square meters. This makes privatization unprofitable for those who do not plan. Most often this concerns single low-income citizens: it is easier for them to continue to live on their square meters under a social tenancy agreement rather than paying an exorbitant fee.
An unpleasant surprise for new owners may also be the introduction of a fee for major renovation apartment buildings and the risk of losing some benefits.

How not to be late with privatization?

In March current year The State Duma of the Russian Federation extended the deadline for free privatization of housing until March 1, 2015. This means that Russian citizens have the opportunity to see in practice how it will work tax system, and assess whether they can cope with the responsibilities of the owner. However, if you are determined to privatize the apartment, you should not hold out until last days. This will avoid the rush and long queues that could be observed this spring at the authorities. state registration rights on the eve of the next extension of privatization deadlines.

To register ownership of an apartment, you should contact the authorities local government responsible for privatization. Passports, birth certificates, as well as marriage or divorce certificates will be required from all citizens living in this living space. The package of documents includes a social rental agreement, a warrant for an apartment, a passport for the premises, a BTI plan, and duplicate receipts for payment of housing and communal services for the last three months. You will also need an extract from the house register and a certificate containing information that this housing has not previously been privatized.

The head of the Yandex.Taxi service, Tigran Khudaverdyan, said on the radio station that the company works only with official carriers who compensate passengers for damage in the event of any unforeseen situations.

In turn, the chairman of the capital's taxi drivers' union, Vyacheslav Smirnov, said that drivers of such aggregators often carry passengers through traffic jams and work 16 hours a day, which creates the threat of accidents.

According to Khudaverdyan, Yandex.Taxi cooperates only with legal taxi drivers. “Our principled position is that we work only with drivers who have official permission to drive cars, which is popularly called a “licensed taxi”. Unlike other similar services, we do not work with unofficial taxis,” he said.

The head of the service noted that in case of any claims against drivers, service clients can receive compensation. “It’s much easier to recover something from Yandex than from some official taxis. If these incidents had happened with unknown companies, no one would have known about them. We look into all the cases that happen to our passengers and force our partners (taxi companies) to compensate passengers for damages. Yandex works only with legal entities. We have agreements with more than 200 companies in Moscow,” he added.

Khudaverdyan also said that all service drivers must pass a special exam before starting work: “The driver must pass an exam on knowledge of the Russian language, we determine it psychological picture, checking your knowledge of the city. More than 15 thousand drivers have passed this test."

In turn, the chairman of the capital’s taxi drivers’ union, Vyacheslav Smirnov, spoke on Moscow FM about the negative aspects of taxi aggregators.

“Drivers often drive through traffic jams, and passengers end up paying more. They have greatly lowered the price bar, and now drivers work 16-18 hours, which is why the number of accidents has increased. At the same time, the driver earns pennies,” he said.

Khudaverdyan explained that a taxi driver’s shift in the company lasts 10–11 hours. At the same time, daily revenue reaches 6-7 thousand rubles, and after all payments the driver has about 3 thousand rubles left.

Let us recall that in July, taxi drivers asked for legislative recognition of aggregator companies (Yandex.Taxi, GetTaxi and Uber) as charterers, that is, as official representatives of taxis. It is also proposed to introduce criminal liability for organizing massive illegal entrepreneurship in the transportation sector.

Such an appeal was sent to the presidential administration, the government and the State Duma by the chairman of the interregional transport trade union, Roman Kruglov.

Let us remind you that this year the city authorities will allocate 100 million rubles to subsidize city taxis. It is planned to issue about 7 thousand additional taxi licenses. At the end of 2014, approximately 48 thousand permits had been issued. To obtain a permit, the driver must have three years of work experience.

In the capital, the issuance of permits to taxi drivers began on July 15, 2011. Since July 2012, they have been fined 5 thousand rubles for not having a work license.