Where did Luke Skywalker go in episode 7? Star Wars: The Force Awakens

At the end "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Luke Skywalker dies, portrayed again 40 years later by Mark Hamill.

IN "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Skywalker didn't appear on screen until last seconds film. All he did in the finale was turn and remove his hood, and then stare for a long time at the lightsaber in Rey's outstretched hand. He doesn't even say a word! The scene is without a doubt one of the biggest teases in movie history and has fans speculating about what will happen when he returns in Episode VIII.


IN "The Last Jedi" We learned that Luke went into exile after his apprentice and nephew Ben Solo turned to the Dark Side and destroyed the Jedi Temple. Although it was Snoke who poisoned Ben's heart, Luke blamed himself for creating Kylo Ren. In the film we find out how deeply this hurt him. When Rey comes to ask for his help in the battle against the First Order, he refuses, and when she asks him to train her in the ways of the Force, he says: "It's time to end the Jedi".

However, in the finale of the film, Luke still uses the Force to divert the attention of the First Order and give the remnants of the Resistance a chance to escape. The moment with Kylo Ren was a turning point in the film. Their duel is unlike any lightsaber battle seen in "Star Wars". It was intense, although not as spectacular, but its conclusion cannot but be called spectacular. New Supreme Leader understands that former teacher He was deceived, but it was too late - the enemy flew away.

The hatch is an illusion projected through the galaxy using the Force. Rey and Kylo have also previously communicated. Skywalker uses a blue lightsaber, not the green one he left behind Return of the Jedi. After the “battle” with his nephew, Luke comes out of meditation and simply disappears.


Due to the fact that Luke who fought Kylo is simply an astral projection, what happens next is sure to be something fans will be discussing for a long time to come. After the illusion of Luke disappears, the film returns to Ahch-To, to the real Luke. To project his image throughout the galaxy, Luke used the Force, focusing all his energy at the other end.

He looks at the sunset with a serene and hopeful expression on his face - and sees two suns setting, reminding him of Tatooine. As Luke watches the horizon, he slowly disappears, leaving only his clothes as his robe is blown away by the wind.


As Luke watched in horror as Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was shocked to see the old Jedi's body simply disappear. But, as we have already learned, those Jedi who are in balance when they die and are connected to the Force can retain their vital energy and still communicate with the living after death. The first Jedi to learn this ability was Qui-Gon Jinn, although his studies began only after he had already died, so he returned as a voice rather than a Force Ghost.

It was Qui-Gon who then taught Yoda and Obi-Wan this technique, and when they died, they were able to appear as Force Ghosts, communicating with Luke. Luke seems to have learned this as well. We'll likely see him as a Force Ghost in the future.

In this film than your own.

  • Brad Bird and Matthew Vaughn declined to direct the project. Bird was already signed on for Tomorrowland (2014). Vaughn entered into negotiations and even left the project “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (2014) in order to lead New film about Star Wars, but ultimately declined due to "creative differences".
  • In the summer of 2013, it was revealed that Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill were actively preparing for their roles as Leia and Luke, respectively.
  • Director JJ Abrams made a decision: to build the Millennium Falcon spaceship in great detail especially for the filming of the film. The ship was recreated on a 1:1 scale, that is, life-size, and was also fully furnished inside.
  • The filmmakers tried to use real filming locations and miniature models whenever possible, instead of green screens and computer graphics to achieve aesthetic similarities to the original Star Wars trilogy.
  • While filming a scene on the Millennium Falcon, Harrison Ford sprained his ankle. About a year later, director JJ Abrams said that he almost broke himself while pulling Ford out from under a heavy door.
  • The droids for the filming were made by Lee Towersey and Oliver Steeples, members of the R2-D2 Club (a fan association that creates droids for the franchise). It was decided to resort to the services of Taeursi and Steeples after Kathleen Kennedy was impressed indelible impression their work on a Star Wars fan forum. Executive producer Jason D. McGatlin contacted them and placed Taeursi and Steeples on the special effects team.
  • Before Adam Driver was cast as the villain, Michael Fassbender, Lee Pace and Hugo Weaving were considered for the role.
  • Chloe Grace Moretz, Saoirse Ronan, Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Alex Pettyfer, Sullivan Stapleton and Jack O'Connell admitted that they auditioned for various roles in this film.
  • Michael Arndt was initially hired as a screenwriter, but after a few months he left the project and was replaced by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan.
  • Panavision provided two custom Millennium XL2 cameras for the film. One camera was called the "Death Star" and the second "Millennium Falcon".
  • Cinematographer Daniel Mindel admitted in October 2013 that, unlike previous Star Wars series, this film was shot on 35mm film, like all JJ Abrams films. At first, Mindel was going to shoot on 70mm film, but changed his mind due to technical characteristics(weight and noise) of IMAX cameras. And yet, some scenes of the film were shot with this camera on 70 mm film.
  • British actor Denis Lawson, who played the space fighter pilot in the original Star Wars trilogy, confirmed his refusal from Disney to play the same role in the new series. “No, I don’t want to,” Lawson said in an interview with one of the British publications. I received an offer, but I’m not interested.”
  • The filmmakers decided not to shoot it at a high frame rate (48-60fps). It was also decided not to shoot the film immediately in 3D, but to convert it to this format at the post-production stage.
  • Jesse Plemons, Edward Speleers, John Boyega, Matthew James Thomas and Ray Fisher were considered for the role of Finn. The role went to John Boyega.
  • Judging by an article in the June issue of Vanity Fair magazine, JJ Abrams intended to insert the so-called. "Easter egg" briefly show the skeleton of Jar Jar Binks in the desert.
  • According to Mark Hamill, George Lucas once told him over dinner that the new Star Wars trilogy would be produced by Disney, and that if Hamill didn't like it, his character would simply be removed from the script. Hamill immediately agreed to play Luke Skywalker.
  • The release of the first trailer gave rise to conversations about how, after the clean and brand new images created computer graphics in episodes one through three, the filmmakers returned to the “tired and dusty surroundings” of the fourth episode (“dirty vehicles and used starships in which something is always breaking”). British actor Phill Jupitus said in an interview that “I met a guy in Wessex who works in special effects. So he told me that the filmmakers bought all the air rifles that were available for sale in England. They wanted the recoil to be visible when the Imperial stormtroopers fired."
  • When Oscar Isaac was cast in one of the roles, he told JJ Abrams that his uncle was a longtime Star Wars fan. Abrams allowed Isaac to invite his uncle to the set, where he literally amazed them both with the proposal that his uncle act as an extra. He, of course, agreed.
  • As Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy said, when Han Solo and Chewbacca boarded the Millennium Falcon, the set was shrouded in dead silence. According to Kennedy, there were about 200 people on site, and they all watched it historical moment, holding my breath and afraid to utter a word.
  • One of the first concepts once developed by Ralph McQuarrie for R2-D2 was embodied in the image of the new droid BB-8. Unlike the droid that appeared on the screen with a large spherical body and a dome-shaped head, his initial concept resembled a legless R2-D2 with a small spherical body. This idea had to be discarded due to the technical impossibility of bringing it to life in the mid-1970s.
  • This is the second Star Wars film to be produced using IMAX technology, but the first to use IMAX cameras directly.
  • Simon Pegg was cast in one of the roles in Star Wars. He became the first actor to star in both Star Wars and Star Trek. In both cases, the director was JJ Abrams.
  • Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Tim Rose and Mike Quinn played in the original trilogy" star Wars", while Daniels, Baker and Mayhew played roles in films telling the backstory of the famous saga.
  • Due to the strict secrecy surrounding the project, some actors learned about their inclusion in the cast almost at the last moment. Domhnall Gleeson found out about this the day after the audition and the day before general reading script. Oscar Isaac found out a few hours before reading the script. Before that, he was told to sit in a London hotel room and wait for a call, after which he would either go to a script reading or board a plane to return to the United States.
  • One day, Kevin Smith and Benedict Cumberbatch appeared on the set. The notoriously talkative Smith was immediately forced to sign a non-disclosure document. Moreover, JJ Abrams had posters in the style of the World War II propaganda campaign "Chatterbox - A Spy's Find" hung on the set as reminders for Smith. Subsequently, Smith justified the trust. The only thing he said about the filming was that when he boarded the Millennium Falcon, he began to cry because he was overwhelmed with emotion. early childhood loved Star Wars.
  • Within the first 24 hours after appearing on YouTube, the second trailer received over 20 million views.
  • Poe Dameron, played by Oscar Isaac, received his last name in honor of director Abrams' former personal assistant, and his first name in honor of Morgan Dameron's daughter's stuffed panda.
  • Apart from the animated Clone Wars, this is the first film to open without the traditional 20th Century Fox theme song. The Star Wars saga has a lot in common with this composition. John Williams re-recorded it specifically for The Empire Strikes Back (1980). This was her first re-recording in history.
  • John Boyega was so afraid that he wouldn't be cast that he didn't tell his parents until... official page"Star Wars" Twitter did not publish a general photo of the actors involved in the film.
  • The budget for the seventh episode of The Force Awakens saga was $200 million. This is more than the budget of any other Star Wars series.
  • The second trailer for the film was released in conjunction with a Star Wars fan forum in Anaheim, California. Fans went wild with excitement, especially when watching the final shots of the trailer, where Han Solo and Chewbacca board the Millennium Falcon after a long absence, and Han Solo says, “Chewie, we're home.”
  • This Star Wars series marked the film debut for Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher's daughter.
  • Until now, every Star Wars episode has been released in May. This episode airs in December.
  • In the trailer, the title of the film is given without specification as "Episode VII" in accordance with the tradition established since the time of the original trilogy (1977-1983). It is known, however, that these words will be present in the opening credits of the film.
  • At first, the filmmakers considered casting James McAvoy or Chiwetel Ejiofor in the role of Poe Dameron.
  • The role of Rey was supposed to be played by Elizabeth Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence or Shailene Woodley. Olsen refused to attend the audition due to the fact that she already had a contract with Marvel Studios for the role of Scarlet Witch in the Avengers franchise, and the filming schedule for Star Wars overlapped with the filming schedule for Age of Ultron. In April 2014, director Abrams chose Daisy Ridley. He followed in the footsteps of George Lucas, who at one time cast little-known actors in his first roles. In 1976, Lucas cast Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Harrison Ford as Han Solo, and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.
  • The audio in the second trailer represents the words spoken by Luke Skywalker to Princess Leia on the planet Endor when he revealed to her that he was her brother. The only difference is that in Return of the Jedi, he begins by saying, “You have the power too,” when Leia tells him that he has powers that she doesn't have.
  • This is Abrams' first film not released through Paramount Pictures.
  • Filming wrapped on November 3, 2014.
  • At one time, the filmmakers were going to offer the role of Poe Dameron to Joel Edgerton, who played young Uncle Oeun in the Revenge of the Sith series.
  • They claim that a huge number of people want to watch new series Star Wars crashed sales sites shortly after the announcement of the start of ticket sales.
  • The first to see the new Star Wars series was a longtime fan of the franchise named Daniel Fleetwood from Texas. Fleetwood was only 32 years old, but he was dying of cancer, and he had no chance of living to see the film's release. An online campaign in support of Fleetwood caught the attention of Disney. Her management gave permission to show Fleetwood an unedited version of The Force Awakens at his home. Before the screening, Fleetwood received a call from the film's director, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams. Fleetwood died at 15:59 on November 10, 2015.
  • After the film's release, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford became, like Ian McDermid and Anthony Daniels before them, the only actors to appear in more than three Star Wars episodes.
  • This is the first film to begin the credits with Harrison Ford's name. In all other episodes, the credits begin with the name of the actor playing the role of the Jedi.
  • Initially, there were rumors that the plots of the seventh and subsequent series of the franchise would revolve around the adventures of Ben Skywalker, the son of Luke and Mara Jade, and that the expanded Star Wars universe would be different from the classic one. This turned out to be speculation. The filmmakers announced that the events described in the seventh episode will take place in the classic Star Wars universe.
  • At one point, Oscar Isaac's busy theatrical schedule almost forced him to stop filming The Force Awakens.
  • JJ Abrams always dreamed of casting one of the young actors in the role of General Hux. He wanted this character to radiate tragedy, especially since he commands the base." Star Killer» First Order. Abrams claims that the name of the general was suggested to him by someone’s abandoned tombstone with the name “Hux” carved into the stone.
  • This is the first Star Wars series to feature three producers: Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams and Brian Burke.
  • The title of the seventh episode, "The Force Awakens", first appeared on the official Disney page on November 6, 2014.
  • The third trailer was first shown to the public during halftime of a football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New York Giants. It was watched by 15.9 million viewers.
  • This is the fifth film in director Abrams' career.
  • This is the first film in the history of the franchise whose serial number corresponds to the chronology of the storyline.
  • The Force Awakens is the first film in the third Star Wars trilogy. It is already known for sure that the scripts for the eighth and ninth episodes are in the works.
  • General Hux's uniform, played by Domhnall Gleeson, is similar to that of the Nazis during World War II, with some naval elements added.
  • Actress Daisy Ridley's character was named after Ray-Philip Santos from the film's crew.
  • The first trailer was released on November 28, more than a year before the film's theatrical release. However, the trailer was shown in some theaters and on iTunes.
  • This is the first American Feature Film, which starred Daisy Ridley.
  • Souvenirs from the film “The Force Awakens” appeared on store shelves on September 4, 2015, the so-called. "Power Friday"
  • The Force Awakens comes out ten and a half years after the release of the Revenge of the Sith series.
  • The emblems on the flags hung on the castle include a Mitosaurus skull (that's Boba Fett's banner), black Sun(Hutt Zero) and pirate symbol(Hondo Ohnaka).
  • In the Star Wars expanded universe and in computer games such as the Knights of the Old Republic series, the opposite aspect of the dark side of the force is often associated with good and is called bright side. "The Force Awakens" is the first film to use the term "light side of the force."
  • Ticket sales began on October 19, 2015, 59 days before the premiere.
  • JJ Abrams is the only director who has directed films from the Mission: Impossible, Star Trek and Star Wars series.
  • George Lucas originally planned to include 9 episodes in the Star Wars saga, making the 9th the last.
  • This is the second Star Wars series (the first being Revenge of the Sith) in which some scenes may be inappropriate for children. Parents are advised to watch the film themselves before showing it to their children.
  • From an interview with JJ Abrams regarding online rumors about the film: “Some rumors are true. Some don't. I won’t say which ones.”
  • The film "The Force Awakens" and the subsequent series are a direct continuation of the original trilogy and the three series preceding it. It has no connection to the Star Wars expanded universe and its characters Kyle Katarn, Dash Rendar, Mara Jade, Eileen Vel and Pri Wisla. The events described in the film take place in the classic universe of the franchise. Computer games, the books and comics that came out after Return of the Jedi chronicle what happened in the thirty-year period between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.
  • The filmmakers at one time planned to invite Dayo Okeniyi to play the role of Finn. Okeniyi chose to play the role of Danny Dyson in the film Terminator Genisys.
  • Ello Asti, a fighter pilot in the Resistance, is named after the Beastie Boys' 1998 album Hello Nasty. On his helmet is the inscription “Born to Ill” in the Orebesh alphabet. This is a reference to the Beastie Boys' 1986 album Licensed to Ill.
  • Arndt's version of Finn was named Sam and was depicted as white in early concept art. In Arndt's scripts, Sam was described as "all charm."
  • BB-8, referred to simply as "Grunt" in early drawings, was originally intended to make his first appearance in the droid repair shop on a Star Destroyer. Droids that were beyond repair were simply sent to be melted down.
  • In one version, the Jedi Killer ate solar matter, and one could see him in his meditation chamber catching and devouring the energy of the sun.
  • Production designer Rick Carter once thought of making a double-bladed sword with one blade of blue color, and the other red.
  • An early script involving Rey and Luke focused on the search for Darth Vader's remains.
  • In one version of the script, Rey and Luke were looking for some information about the history of the Jedi hidden in the underwater wreckage of the second Death Star.
  • The now famous scene from the trailers with Kylo Ren, where he wanders through the snow at Starkiller Base and ignites his lightsaber, was cut from the final version of the film because it did not fit into what was happening. “There may be an image or scene in the trailer that makes a strong impression in short form, but are not consistent with what happens in the film itself, Abrams said in an interview with The Associated Press. There were a few more scenes that were shot that didn’t make it into the film because we were trying to make it as perfect as possible, which meant we had to throw out a couple of things.”
  • In one version of the script, Rey found a map in the imperial throne room inside the flooded wreckage of the second Death Star and from this map she learned where the Jedi were and where Luke Skywalker was hiding.
  • A vision scene with Luke submerged in sand was conceived and illustrated. “The sand is pouring down on him, but he doesn’t pay attention,” said production designer Ian McCaig, describing the scene. And then suddenly he opens his eyes.”
  • McCaig tried to push the idea of ​​having the ghost of Darth Vader appear in the film, and that ghost could appear as both Vader and Anakin Skywalker.
  • The film should have featured more scenes with Leia, whose first appearance should have been earlier. Her scenes would be about intelligence gathering in different parts galaxy and planning the use of Resistance superweapons. This superweapon was to be called the “War-Hammer” and was a huge ship with a massive bow that could penetrate shields and lead other ships behind it. The War Hammer was several times larger than a Star Destroyer.
  • Captain Phasma was originally a man, but JJ Abrams decided to change the character's gender during casting, feeling that there were a couple more female roles not prevent.
  • A four-seat TIE fighter and a red Star Destroyer were planned, but ultimately did not go into production.
  • There could be a scene in Maz Kanata's castle where various aliens are in a bar watching the battle droids fight.
  • Constable Zuvio, a character who appeared in the first scenes on Jakku, was completely cut out of the film, although an action figure of him had already been released.
  • The film updated the absolute record for opening fees on its debut weekend in the United States and the world (previously the record holder was the film “Jurassic World”).
  • Attention! The following list of facts about the film contains spoilers. Be careful.
  • Michael Arndt wrote the script for this film based on George Lucas's designs for his abandoned sequel to the original Star Wars saga. Some details from these drafts have been released: Dave Pollack confirmed that the story will focus on building a new republic after the fall of the Empire, that the story will feature Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo, and that Luke, Leia and Han's children will be the main characters of this story.
  • Unverified rumors about the film's plot have it that Luke Skywalker disappeared about ten years after Darth Vader's death and victory at the Battle of Endor. Luke spent twenty years alone on a distant island for fear that he would end up on the dark side of the Force.
  • Mark Hamill plays the role of an aged Luke Skywalker, just as Alec Guinness once played the role of Jedi Obi Wan in the film A New Hope. At the time of The Force Awakens' release, Mark Hamill was older than Alec Guinness was when A New Hope premiered in 1977.
  • The third trailer for the film appeared on the Star Wars Instagram page on August 27, 2015. The fifteen-second trailer showed the 501-1 Legion, the heroine Daisy Ridley in the company of the droid BB-8 and the character played by John Boyega with Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber in hand. Some viewers felt that Boyega's character was about to engage in a fight with Kylo Ren.
  • Rey was called Kira in Michael Arndt's early scripts and was characterized as an "impulsive, tech-crazed badass loner." Unlike Rey, who leaves Jakku with great reluctance, Kira dreamed of flying away from the planet, and there was even a scene written where she fantasized about this topic, looking at ships arriving and departing.
  • Poe Dameron in the very first edition was tentatively named John Doe, and in the art he was depicted as black. The character's role in the film changed several times: he was considered as a Jedi, then a bounty hunter, but in the end they decided to make him a Resistance pilot.
  • When Poe Dameron was a hunter, he had his own Wookiee partner.
  • Poe Dameron initially died when a fighter crashed on Jakku, but JJ Abrams decided to leave this hero for the second half of the film.
  • Finn was originally supposed to desert after seeing rebel prisoners being thrown out of the airlock.
  • In one version of the script, Finn was rescued by a tribe of natives after a TIE fighter crashed on Jakku. These natives performed a healing ritual, which marked Finn's rebirth as a hero.
  • Jakku was originally conceived as a huge junkyard planet, inspired by 1960s spaghetti westerns and the Afghan film The Buzkashi Players. The now-famous images of a fallen Star Destroyer and a downed AT-AT were intended from the very beginning.
  • A fallen Star Destroyer was also intended to be a design element for the lush planet where Leia was planned to be introduced, but this planet was cut and it was decided that having two fallen Destroyers in one film would be confusing to the viewer.
  • Starkiller Base was originally supposed to be located on Dantooine, the planet that Princess Leia tried to slip to Grand Moff Tarkin instead of Alderaan in A New Hope. The First Order converted the old rebel base to suit their needs.
  • General Leia's base was intended to be a hidden fortress, in the spirit of the film The Guns of Navarone, and would be located in the sheer cliffs of Moher in Ireland.
  • One of the many iterations of the Jedi Killer was a redesign of the outsiders from the Guavian Death Gang who raid Han Solo's truck.
  • The main antagonist in early scripts was called the Jedi Killer, appearance This character has gone through many changes like Vader. The Jedi Killer would have been accompanied by a flying torture droid, resembling a cross between the torture droid that was on the Death Star in A New Hope and the Imperial probe droid that appears at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back.
  • IN early edition script by Mile Arndt, Luke Skywalker played a more significant role: in the second act, Rey met him, not Han Solo. This idea was abandoned because it upstaged Rey. "Whenever Luke appears on stage, he becomes the main character," Arndt told Entertainment Weekly. And suddenly you lose interest in the real main character, because, damn it, it's Luke Skywalker! I wonder what he's going to do."
  • In the rejected version of the script, the plot was tied to the search for Luke's old sword, and immediately after the crawling text there should have been footage of this sword drifting in space. In the opening scene, Poe Dameron received this very sword from Lor San Tekka, and not a fragment of the map, which he then hides in BB-8.
  • Darth Vader's melted helmet was also considered at one time to be the film's "MacGuffin", but in the end it was left simply as an artifact in Kylo Ren's possession. No explanation is given.
  • The octopus-like rathtar creatures were originally supposed to live near Maz Kanata's castle, but when their scene was cut, JJ Abrams put them on Han Solo's truck because he liked their design.
  • Maz Kanata was originally supposed to bring Luke's sword from her castle to the Resistance base and give it to General Leia. This scene was even filmed, and the moment of handing over the sword can be seen in the second trailer of the film. “As it turned out, there were too many problems with it,” Abrams admitted in an interview with the Associated Press. The film only benefited from the fact that we threw out this moment. He only distracted attention, which was completely unnecessary. It was only later that I realized that I had hired a whole film crew to film this scene, all in order to then throw it away.”
  • Supreme Leader Snoke was originally intended to be a woman, but later began to look like a beautiful but distorted marble statue.
  • The scene in which Maz Kanata asks Rey who she is and she replies "Nobody" was cut, although it takes up a significant portion of the trailer.
  • Han Solo is Corelean, and his cruiser, the Millennium Falcon, is modeled as a Corelean transport. A reference to the Corellian is the "Corelean death rays" mentioned by Agent K in the film
  • The film takes place approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, disappeared. The First Order, successor to the Galactic Empire, scours the galaxy in search of Luke. The Resistance is also looking for him - the troops of the Rebel Alliance, led by Luke's sister, General Leia Organa. Poe Dameron, best pilot Resistance, sent to a village on the planet Jakku to find a map with the location of Luke Skywalker. But stormtroopers, led by Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren, an adept of the Dark Side of the Force, capture Poe and destroy the village. Poe's droid, BB-8, escapes with the map and stumbles upon a flea market settlement whose residents are looking for and selling industrial waste. There he meets the young seeker Rey and befriends her.

    Kylo Ren enters Poe's mind and learns about BB-8. The Stormtrooper, repulsed by the First Order's brutality, decides to escape and frees Poe. The TIE fighter they stole crashes on Jakku. Stormtrooper c serial number FN-2187, named "Finn" by Poe, awakens in the desert to see their ship sinking in quicksand. Having lost his partner, Finn wanders through the desert in search of water and finds a settlement. Meeting Rey and BB-8 there, he introduces himself as a Resistance fighter. The First Order tracks down Finn and launches an airstrike on the settlement, forcing Rey, Finn and BB-8 to steal a run-down spaceship - not knowing it is the Millennium Falcon - and fly off the planet.

    Soon, their new ship develops a malfunction that leaves them adrift in space. The Falcon is found by Han Solo and Chewbacca. They tell Rey and Finn that Luke Skywalker disappeared after his student embraced the Dark Side of the Force and called himself Kylo Ren. At Starkiller Base, a planet transformed into a super-weapon capable of destroying entire star systems, Kylo Ren is contacted by his mentor Snoke, Supreme Leader of the First Order. Snoke warns him that the sought-after droid BB-8 has fallen into the hands of Kylo's father, Han Solo, a meeting with whom may make Ren feel the pull again Light side Strength.

    Arriving on the planet Taconada, the Falcon crew meets Maz Kanata, who does not immediately agree to help deliver BB-8 to the Resistance. Finn decides to go his own way. The Force calls Rey to Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber (which later also belonged to Luke), but the sword gives her terrible visions and she flees into the forest. Finn takes the lightsaber for safekeeping.

    The First Order lands on Taconada after learning from a spy about the presence of the droid BB-8 on the planet. At this time, Starkiller Base destroys the Hosnian system, one of star systems New Republic. Han, Chewbacca and Finn engage the First Order and receive unexpected help from a squadron of X-wing ships. The squadron is commanded by Poe, who managed to survive the crash on Jakku. The escaped Rey is captured by Kylo Ren and taken to Starkiller Base. Ren tries to read the map from Rey's mind, but she unexpectedly resists him and herself penetrates the mind of the Master of the Knights of Ren, reading his deepest fear - the fear of never achieving the greatness of Darth Vader. After several attempts, she manages to use a Mind Trick on the stormtrooper guard and escape from the cell. Khan after long separation meets Leia, arriving with Chewbacca and Finn in strong point Resistance on the planet D'Qar, where the droid R2-D2 has been dormant since Luke disappeared.

    As Starkiller Base prepares to strike D'Qar, the Resistance devises a plan to infiltrate Starkiller's surface and lower its force shields so that starfighters can attack the base's weak point. On the Millennium Falcon, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn board the base, lower their shields, and reunite with Rey. Poe Dameron's X-Wing is unable to damage the cannon, so Han and Chewbacca plant explosives to create a passage. Kylo Ren appears to stop them. Khan confronts him, calls him by his real name "Ben" and tries to convince his son to leave the Dark Side. Kylo Ren, experiencing an internal struggle, kills Han. Poe Dameron destroys the cannon, triggering a reaction that will destroy Starkiller.

    Kylo Ren catches up with Finn and Rey on the surface of the base. Finn tries to fight Ren with help lightsaber Anakin, but Ren knocks out Finn's sword and seriously wounds him. Rey uses the Force, summons the sword and defeats Ren, seriously wounding him and destroying his lightsaber. The planet begins to collapse, and a rift forms between them. Both survive. Rey, Finn and Chewbacca are evacuated on the Millennium Falcon, and Kylo Ren orders the evacuation and delivery of Snoke.

    The Resistance celebrates their victory and mourns Khan. Suddenly, R2-D2 wakes up, holding the remaining pieces of the map leading to Luke Skywalker. Rey, Chewbacca and R2-D2 fly on the Falcon to a distant planet indicated by a map. There, Rey finds Luke and presents him with his father's lightsaber.

    First main character famous space saga with which the audience gets acquainted - Luke Skywalker. All the epic battles and cosmic events taking place around Luke are, in a sense, just the backdrop against which internal struggle hero. Many adventures fall to his lot, but no matter what fate sends, the question is always a choice between light and dark side Strength.

    Origin (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, 2005)

    Luke Skywalker was born along with his sister Leia in Polis Massa 19 BBY, in the family of senator and Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. The birth of the children was kept secret because the Great Jedi Purge was taking place at this time. Emperor Palpatine, with the help of an army of clones, achieved absolute power. Most of the Jedi were killed, and those lucky enough to survive were forced into hiding. During childbirth, Padmé dies, entrusting the fate of the children to Anakin's mentor and friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. In order to protect Luke and Leia, he decides to separate the children and hide them. Leia is sent to be raised by the family of Senator Bail Organa from Alderaan, and Luke is sent to his uncle and aunt on Tatooine, where his father grew up.

    Early Years (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977)

    The viewer's first meeting with the main character takes place on Tatooine, where he lives with his aunt and uncle. Despite the kindness of Owen's adoptive father, the young man often does not get along with him because he dreams of being a pilot and spends a lot of time training instead of working on the farm. In addition, Luke loves listening to Obi-Wan Kenobi's stories about the exploits of the Jedi, who control the energy called the Force. It is no coincidence that Kenobi lives on Tatooine: he flew in to keep an eye on young Skywalker. Communicating with Luke, Kenobi became friends with him, leaving, however, secretly his affiliation with the Order of Knights.


    Uncle Owen's purchase of two droids, R2-D2 and s-3PO, changes everything. In one of them, Luke discovered a message from Leia Organa to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke realizes that the old man appeared in his life for a reason, and goes in search of Ben along with the droids to convey a message and get answers to his questions. During the search, the young man is ambushed by sand people. Obi-Wan Kenobi comes to the rescue. It's time for answers.

    Wang Kenobi tells the story of the clone army, the destruction of the Jedi Knights, the Rebels, the Death Star and Emperor Palpatine unleashing endless star wars. Luke Skywalker learns that his father Anakin was a Jedi Knight and fell from the sword of the Dark Lord Darth Vader. Obi-Wan Kenobi encourages the young man to join him and begin training in the use of the Force, but Luke does not want to upset his uncle and declines the offer.

    Returning home, he finds his loved ones dead: they were killed by imperial stormtroopers. Nothing else holds Luke on Tatooine, and he accepts old man Kenobi's offer.

    "Millennium Falcon"

    In the company of droids, they travel to Alderaan to convey a message to the rebels about the plans of the Imperial space station called "Death Star". Thus, Luke was drawn into the rebel fight. Star Wars is now becoming a part of his life. Tatooine is overrun with stormtroopers, making it difficult for the wanted Kenobi and Skywalker to leave. Captain Han Solo gets to work. Having debts in the galactic criminal world, he needs money, so, despite the risk, Solo and Chewbacca, his assistant, agree to take passengers aboard their ship, the Millennium Falcon, and fly to Alderaan. During the journey, Obi-Wan began training Luke, giving him his father's lightsaber and a training droid.

    "The Death Star"

    Upon arriving in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the Death Star's gravitational beam. The heroes were able to get out by hiding in the smuggling compartment on the ship. There was a chance to escape, but one of the droids discovered Princess Leia on the ship. Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the cell block where she was being held. After freeing Leia, the entire group headed back to the Millennium Falcon, but were confronted by Darth Vader. Obi-Wan entered into a duel with him. Pierced by the dark lord's blade, Ben Kenobi merged with the Force and disappeared. Luke was saddened by the death of his teacher. Star Wars continued to take people close to him. After leaving the Death Star, the heroes headed to the Yavin IV rebel base.


    After briefing the rebels on Yavin on how to destroy the Death Star, Luke decides to join them in the fight. Having made friends with Han Solo, young Skywalker invites him to take part in the battle, but he refuses. The day of battle arrives, and Luke, who has the skills of a pilot, along with other rebels prepares to strike weak points"Death Stars". Many rebels die in battle, Luke understands: Star Wars will not be easy to win.

    The original plan doesn't work out, but Han Solo eventually comes to Skywalker's aid. Luke manages to concentrate the Force to direct a proton torpedo into the station’s narrow fuel channel and destroy the Death Star, which was the Empire’s main superweapon. Upon the return of Luke, Han Solo and even Chewbacca, the Rebels and Princess Leia are celebrated as heroes. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader feel a huge disturbance in the Force field and real threat emanating from young Skywalker.

    Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980 Star Wars)

    The second time the viewer meets the matured hero three years later in a new episode of the Star Wars saga. Luke Skywalker had already participated in many battles by this time and was promoted to lieutenant commander of the Alliance forces. At the rebel base on the snowy planet Hoth, Luke could have died during a reconnaissance operation, but his friend, Han Solo, came to his aid.

    While Skywalker was unconscious, the spirit of Obi-Wan appeared to him and insisted on continuing his training in the Jedi arts. Luke had to find Master Yoda on the planet Dagab and become his Padawan.

    Meanwhile, the Alliance is defeated in battles with Imperial troops for Hoth. Luke realizes that he needs to change tactics and decides to fly to Dagab. Despite his age, Yoda feels young man great potential and becomes his mentor. Luke trains hard. The time finally comes to meet with Yoda and sends Luke to a cave where her influence is great. There, Skywalker has a vision in which he sees himself as Darth Vader. Yoda explains to Luke that the dark side will always tempt him, so to become a true Jedi, Luke still has much to learn.

    The first battle with Darth Vader and the terrible truth

    Anxiety for his friends and constant visions in which Luke sees Leia and Han captured prevent him from completing his training. He goes to help his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City, it was already too late: his friends had become prisoners of the Empire.

    Trying to save Han or Leia, he gets involved in a lightsaber battle with Vader, in which he is defeated and loses his hand. right hand from the dark knight's sword. Darth Vader encourages Luke to switch to dark side and become an ally of the Empire, revealing the secret of who his father is. Luke chose death rather than going over to the dark side, and rushed into the mine of the space city, where he survived thanks to the antenna he grabbed onto.

    He was saved by Princess Leia, who managed to escape with Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon. Since Han was captured and handed over to Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian became the ship's new pilot. The friends had to develop a plan to save Solo, but first Luke had to replace his severed hand with a cybernetic prosthesis and comprehend the truth he had heard.

    Episode VI (Return of the Jedi, 1983, Star Wars): The Force

    Another three years pass, and the viewer meets his favorite hero again. Now Skywalker Luke is busy rescuing Han Solo's friend. Meanwhile, Star Wars continues as the Empire builds a second Death Star. Having set off after Leia, Chewbacca and the droids, who hastened to the rescue of Han Solo, who is languishing in Jabba's captivity on Tatooine, Luke discovers them captured. To free his friends, Skywalker must fight monsters, discovering the extraordinary abilities of a Jedi.

    Sister and father

    With his friends rescued, Luke decides to continue his training with Master Yoda. Returning to Dagab, he finds his teacher dying. Before his death, Yoda gives Luke final instructions and tells one more secret. It turns out that Princess Leia Organa is Luke Skywalker's sister.

    After Dagab, Luke goes with his friends to Endor: the rebels have discovered that the Empire is building a new Death Star in orbit of the planet. To disable the station, it is necessary to turn off its protective field generator. Luke senses Vader's presence in the Force field and decides to meet him, surrendering to the Imperial troops. Leia tries to dissuade Skywalker, then he tells her that they are brother and sister, and meeting their father is fate.

    Having given up, Luke meets with Emperor Palpatine, who tries to tempt him with the power of the dark Force. Luke does not give in, and a battle with Vader begins, during which everyone wants to win the enemy over to their side. After the dark lord threatens to turn Leia to the dark side, Luke fights with ferocity and cuts off Vader's cybernetic arm.

    The Emperor no longer needs Darth, and he orders Luke to kill his father, but is refused. Then Palpatine decides to destroy the young Jedi himself, using the full power of the dark Force, but Vader, turning to the light, prevents him from doing this. Now he is Anakin Skywalker, who, saving his son, throws himself under fatal blows streams of Power and destroys the emperor in the space station reactor. Before his death, Anakin asks Luke to remove his mask so that he can last time look at your son through human eyes. After this, Anakin merged with the Force. The Empire is defeated and Luke returns to his friends.

    Episode VII (The Force Awakens, 2015, Star Wars): Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker

    More than three decades passed before the viewer again met his favorite characters. After the victory of the Alliance, it seemed that the darkness had been defeated, but evil did not sleep, and the Universe was again in danger. Dark forces controlled by the leader of the First Order, Snoke, formed new Empire, which captures and subjugates planets. Snoke's goal is the entire Universe, and the Dark Lord Kylo Ren helps him. The Republicans once again organize a resistance led by Princess Leia. Fight with an enemy who has in his arsenal dark force And powerful weapon"Planet of Death" is almost impossible. The help of the Jedi is required: without mastery of the Force, star wars cannot be won.

    Luke Skywalker is the only Jedi left in the universe. He lives as a hermit, and no one knows where. After defeating the Empire, Master Luke restored the Jedi Order and began training the Padawans. One student, who was very dear to his mentor, went over to the dark side of the Force and killed all his students. Luke blamed himself for everything and went into exile. The rebels find an information carrier with the coordinates of Skywalker's location, Kylo Ren finds out about this and begins the hunt for the map.

    By chance, the droid in which the information is hidden falls into the hands of a girl named Rey. While helping the droid deliver information to Resistance leadership, she becomes embroiled in the rebel struggle. On her way, Rey meets former stormtrooper Finn, who becomes her loyal friend, and Han Solo with Chewbacca. Together they go to Princess Leia.

    Kylo Ren learns that Rey saw the map, and at the first opportunity he captures the girl to extract information from her. Han Solo, Finn and Chewbacca are sent to rescue Rey on the Empire's planet, and they also have the task of destroying the enemy's superweapon.

    Using the energy of the Force, Kylo tries to subjugate Rey’s will to himself and feels strong resistance: the girl possesses energy much more powerful than Ren. It turns out that Kylo’s ability to control the Force field and wage star wars is not enough. Rey is Luke Skywalker's daughter and her capabilities are great, she just didn't know it yet. Now the girl felt in herself the full power of this energy, which Ren himself awakened in her.

    Taking advantage of her newly discovered abilities, Rey escapes from captivity. By this time, her friends manage to disable the protective shield of the Planet of Death, but before final victory still far. In the midst of Star Wars, Luke's daughter goes to her father. He must again help the Universe get rid of evil.

    Who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

    The role of the brave Jedi in all three episodes was played by actor Mark Hamill. Before participating in the film "Star Wars", he did not have any significant roles in films; the actor mainly worked in the theater. Interestingly, George Lucas immediately approved Mark for this role. Hamill's open face and demeanor in the frame impressed the director: this is exactly how he imagined the young Skywalker. Luke, played by Mark Hamill, was so liked by the audience that the actor instantly became popular. After the first film, the question no longer arose about who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.

    But, unfortunately, the role of the young Jedi became the only significant one in Hamill’s career. Unlike Harrison Ford, who, thanks to the role of Han Solo, became constantly popular with directors. After finishing work on the episodes of the saga, where the main character was Luke Skywalker, Hamill practically disappeared from the screens. Trying to get rid of the cliche of the image of a space hero, he played in musicals on Broadway. He starred in TV series and did voice-over work for cartoons, and tried his hand at TV shows.

    Thirty years have passed, and the public is having a hard time remembering who played Luke in Star Wars. And now, finally, a new film has been released - The Force Awakens. For viewers long time The plot of the film remained a mystery. The studio kept it in the strictest confidence. In magazines and in social networks discussed various options further development events of the saga. Shortly before the show, information appeared that the hero, having become disillusioned with the Force, decided to go into exile forever. Therefore, the biggest intrigue was the very presence of the character Luke Skywalker in the frame.

    Star Wars 7 was kept a secret until the last moment. Who plays Luke? When the film came out, loyal to the hero fans finally breathed a sigh of relief. Luke is back, now a powerful Jedi, as before, played by Mark Hamill. Let's hope that the hero has many more adventures ahead, and Hamill has many more acting jobs. Moreover, the Universe is in danger again, which means that the history of the Jedi continues. After all, when the plot of the film revealed that Rey from Star Wars is related to Luke, the audience realized that they would meet their favorite heroes more than once.

    To the question: Is it true that Luke Skywalker became a Sith? In episode 7 given by the author Dima Makhlonov the best answer is Thirty years have passed since the Battle of Endor (Return of the Jedi), in which the Emperor and Vader died. In the following decades, the remnants of the Empire were eliminated and the New Republic was formed on its remains. However, she still had enemies. A group of roaming Dark Jedi threaten the fragile stability that the New Republic enjoys.
    The cloud city on Bespin has been transformed into one of the many training centers located throughout the galaxy. The number of Jedi begins to increase to the size of the times of the Old Republic. The new Jedi Order includes approximately 7,000 knights. Bespin became home to both Jedi Masters, Knights and apprentices.
    During training, Bespin is invaded by Dark Jedi equipped with jetpacks that give them the appearance of a swarm of bees falling into upper limits cloud city. They want to revive the legacy of Darth Vader and therefore wear a visually improved version of his mask, helmet and armor in honor of the fallen hero.
    When the Dark Jedi attack Bespin, their battle satellites unleash turbolaser fire on the city. The Jedi are taken by surprise. However, the Sith's plan is not to capture Bespin, but to capture some valuable Jedi holocrons containing a huge amount of information about the ancient knowledge and traditions of the Jedi. While hundreds of lightsaber battles are going on between the Jedi and their dark opponents, several Sith destroy Bespin's upper tier with grenades.
    The Dark Jedi capture several holocrons. With their mission completed, the Sith retreat from Cloud City and use the jetpacks on their backs to fly away from the city. The Dark Jedi fly into the nearby clouds and disappear. While escaping, you can hear the roar of custom-built engines. spaceships hidden in the clouds above Cloud City.
    There are 12 council members in the Council Room at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Several survivors of the battle with the Sith at Bespin inform Luke Skywalker (head of the Jedi Council) about several Jedi holocrons stolen during the battle. Luke informs the Council that the Jedi must track down the missing holocrons and bring them under control of the Sith.
    Meanwhile, right outside the Jedi Order, the shapeshifting Sith Esp transforms into Ben Skywalker and goes inside. Esp heads to the Jedi supercomputer, hoping to shut them down computer network. Padawans Anakin Solo (son of Han Solo and Leia Organa) and Ben Skywalker (son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade) are walking near the computer. They both sensed something and entered the computer room. Ben and Anakin are shocked to see an exact copy of Ben. Esp notices the Padawans and runs out of the room. Ben and Anakin pursue him.
    Esp heads to the Order's garage and steals one of the Jedi swoops (flying motorcycles - approx. transl.). Esp flies into the streets of Coruscant at high speed. Ben and Anakin get on swoops and pursue Espa. After a thrilling chase, Espa's swoop crashes. Nearby is the Coruscant Zoo, where Esp is hiding. Anakin and Ben leave their swoops and quickly follow Esp to the zoo. A spectacular lightsaber duel follows between Espa and Ben and Anakin. As the battle escalates, Esp begins to lose, so using his lightsaber, he frees the Rygor tigers from their cages.
    Ben sees them and says, "I have a bad feeling." The tigers notice Ben and Anakin and attack the two Padawans. Ben and Anakin fight the tigers. Within minutes, the Padawans kill all seven ferocious tigers. However, by the time Ben and Anakin finish fighting the tigers, Esp has fled to an unknown location.
    More details ---starwars-fan.ucoz.ru/publ/novosti_o_star_wars/eshhjo_o_7_ehpizode/1-1-0-16