Supreme Leader. Crazy Star Wars Theory: Mace Windu - Snoke

Star Wars fans will get a lot of excitement this month thanks to Lucasfilm's annual event. The Star Wars Anniversary Celebration is coming to Orlando, and there are plenty of surprises in store this year. Not only will there be a host of celebrities at the event, but it is also confirmed that the first footage of the movie "" will be shown.

To prepare for the event, fans spent more time than ever online to learn more about The Last Jedi. Earlier, one well-known fan site surprised the fandom when it reported new details about one of the most mysterious Star Wars characters - Snoke.

The editor-in-chief of published a long article in which he talks in detail about Snoke. Jason Ward said the character will have an extravagant new Last Jedi costume.

"Snoke is looking more and more like a new character," Ward writes. “The thing is, old Snoke wore a boring black robe, and in The Last Jedi we see that he looks very decadent. What he wears perhaps matches his image as an evil being. Snoke in The Last Jedi wears a gold-colored silk cloak decorated with a vibrant pattern.

Ward also talked about the villain's guards.

By the way, before we forget. There are not many resources on the Internet now that provide meaningful analytics on films and TV series. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most useful analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones" Subscribe so you don’t have to search later - @SciFiNews. However, back to our topic...

“Things are getting stranger when it comes to the new Praetorian Guards, of which there are six to eight in number. I'm not sure if they are actually called "Praetorian Guards" or if the name was taken because of the resemblance to the Roman Imperial Guard. These guys are the new royal guard used by Emperor Palpatine,” he writes.

Snoke will oversee the First Order's actions in The Last Jedi from a mobile command post on his Mega Destroyer. The article states that the ship could be the largest ever shown in the Star Wars franchise, and Kylo Ren will also benefit somewhat despite failing to stop Rey in The Force Awakens. According to Ward, the nefarious villain will have a brand new TIE fighter - a fighter designed specifically to take on the Resistance.

You all love conspiracy theories that turn the idea of ​​a movie upside down or give rise to thoughts about upcoming plot twists. And this time I decided to cut the famous ones for you again Star Wars.

Recently, a theory appeared on the Internet that turned out to be so convincing that it was even able to answer the questions remaining after The Force Awakens, this theory posted to the Vincent Vendetta network. So I sharpened my scissors to show you that Mace Windu SNOWK!

To fully understand this idea, let's first remember who Mace Windu is.Mace Windu, a representative of the Korun race, head of the Jedi High Council, an excellent warrior and teacher of young students. He had an attractive magnetism and always radiated calm and authority.Also, just as importantly, he created the vaapad, a relentless lightsaber attack. And he was a true connoisseur of the balance of strength and balance.

In the third episode "Revenge of the Sith" While trying to kill the dark lord Sirius, Anakin Skywalker cut off his right hand, thereby depriving Mace of his weapon, which Sirius took advantage of and struck him with lightning bolts of force, which pushed him out the open window to his death.However, could such a strong Jedi, who went through countless battles, really die?

Well, no, not only the crazy fans who build theories do not believe in this, but also the actors themselves who starred in the saga.John Boyega, who played Finn in the seventh episode, admitted in one of his interviews that he believes in the theories in science fiction in which his character is involved and that The Force Awakens there are many more truly significant characters than we think.

The plot can't be that simple, there are some fan theories... I was at a party and someone behind me tapped me on the shoulder and was like "YO BLACK JEDI!", I turned around and there was Samuel L Jackson : “You are my son!”

Yes, Samuel L Jackson actually seriously believes that his character is alive. He even posted his video confession on his Twitter. Samuel:

Blah blah blah the Jedi have fallen from great heights many times and survived... does anyone else think the same as you?... George, he replied that yes, perhaps you survived.. blah blah -blah.

Among other things, Samuel has said many times that he REALLY wants to star in new Star Wars :

I'd like to be in the new ones ZV, I would love to become a part of them.. I also want to act in Star Wars, kamon.

And, apparently, he will still get this chance, because the scene with his death is actually not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

Let's look at the scene of the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine. Let's start with Anakin cutting off Mace's hand, and you all know that cutting off limbs in Star Wars There was never a fatal wound; dozens of Jedi lost their arms and survived. Secondly, he was hit by Palpatine's Force Lightning, which clearly disfigured him and definitely did not kill him.And it’s also worth taking into account the sound with which Mace flew out the window, as if he tensed up and made a leap of power.

We can say for sure that he survived being struck by lightning, because... Force lightning never killed anyone, even in previous parts Star Wars. Palpatine beat Luke and Yoda with such lightning and did not kill, did not kill any of them, Count Dooku hit Anakin with Force Lightning and he did not die either, even when Palpatine’s lightning at full power was reflected back at himself, it did not kill him either.

Windu flew out of a window and fell from a great height, but as Samuel L Jackson said, a Jedi can fall from a great height and still be fine.The fact is that not a single Jedi, in any unit ZV didn't die from the fall. The Jedi fell from greater heights than Windu fell. Even Anakin flew hundreds of feet in the same city of Coruscant and landed safely on a flying car.Of course, Mace, being a Jedi Master, would be able to land absolutely safely.

You're probably thinking that Mace Windu is absolutely notlooks like Snoke: he is old, he has ghostly white skin, a disfigured face with scars.In fact, this is what Mace would look like after everything that happened to him.First, he was hit by Palpatine's most powerful Force Lightning. The same lightning was reflected by Windu into the face of the same Palpatine. Palpatine's skin turned from normal to a ghostly white, also completely disfigured by scars beyond recognition.And she did the same with Mace’s face, disfigured it with scars, changed the color to a pale ghostly white.

Snoke looks quite old, he says that he saw the rise of the Empire and its fall: “I watched the Empire rise and then fall”... That is, he was alive in the prequels, which also connects him with Mace Windu.

Mace was alive in the prequels and saw the Empire rise and fall, and should be a frail old man by now. Even when he lost his arm, he definitely could have had the same mechanical arm as some Jedi who lost their arms. And the scar on his head could have come from a fall on Coruscant. It is also worth noting that one of the similarities with Snoke is his bald head.

But what motivates him, what could make him turn to the dark side?Before we look at his motives, it should be noted that he is not such a good and innocent character as one might think.

The fact is that MW [Mace Windu] uses the dark side of the Force far more than any other Jedi.Note that MV carries a purple Jedi blade. In addition to the cool color, this suggests that MB balances between the dark and light sides of the Force, because... mixing blue and red produces purple.

MB is the only Jedi who used the Vaapad style he created, which allowed him to channel his inner darkness into a duel.This means that when MW fights, he uses the dark side of the Force, but he controls it and balances on the edge of his emotions.

Vaapad is an aggressive and powerful style like its namesake, but risky: diving into vaapad opens the gate behind which darkness lurks. To use Vaapad, a Jedi must enjoy the battle; a chill must run through his skin with delight. Victorious ecstasy. Vaapad is a road that leads to the twilight zone on the border of the Dark Side...

— Mace Windu on Vaapad.

This can be seen when he fights: he blows off Jango Fet's head, and is about to kill Palpatine, when even Anakin says that such killing without trial is not in the way of the Jedi.Snoke is obsessed with balancing the dark and light sides of the Force. He even began training Ben Solo, mainly because he has both the dark and light sides of the Force.

Snoke even says this in the official novel The Force Awakens:

What are you made of? From the Dark Side and the Light Side.

And even in the trailer for the film: “the dark side... and the light..” If Snoke is MW, then he could see himself in Kylo Ren, because... they are both in balance between the Dark and Light sides of the Force.

So why did MV turn to the Dark Side? As we know, he skillfully balanced between the Dark and Light sides.It takes a fairly strong push to move it to one side or the other. Anakin's betrayal could have been such an impetus.He could also begin to take revenge on the Skywalkers, due to the fact that Anakin betrayed him, cut off his hand, and allowed Palpatine to disfigure his face and kill him.

This may be one of the main reasons why he wants to find Luke to end the Skywalker line.He also wants revenge on Palpatine's family, because... Emperor Palpatine almost killed him.

And if the theory that Rey is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine turns out to be true, he wants to kill her too, because... she is the last of the Palpatine line, which is why he was so interested in finding her.

There is also an amazing fan theory that MW thinks he is elected, not Anakin Skywalker.This explains that he was against Anakin's training, always disliked him, and tried to prevent Anakin from getting
the title of Jedi Master on the Jedi Council.

The prophecy was that the Chosen One would bring harmony to the Force, and MV would study the balance of the Force perfectly, with the help of Vaapad, wear a purple sword, symbolizing the balance of the Force, and was going to kill Palpatine, the last of the Sith.So, he can still consider himself the Chosen One and he needs to destroy the remaining Skywalkers to prove to himself that he is the Chosen One and not one of them. Even Han Solo knows that Snoke plans to kill Kylo Ren, who is also Skywalker, after using his power.

Like other characters Star Wars, MW has a signature lightsaber move that he's basically the only one using. It's the movement that makes him unique, the movement that we see in every fight he has.

It's a sweeping, backslashing slash that he even used to cut off Jango Fet's head, and he used it multiple times in his duel with Palpatine.
In fact, we know another Star Wars character who uses this move - Kylo Ren. We see him use a sweeping backswing cut multiple times in The Force Awakens.

In fact, he uses it at least 3 times in his fight with Rey, and many more times if you count this one (shown in the video). So if MW is Snoke, then he taught Kylo Ren this deadly move during his training in the Dark Side.

Well, perhaps one of the most interesting points of view in this theory is that Finn is possibly the son of MV aka Snoke. Before we get into how and why, it must be said that Finn is definitely Force-sensitive.

When Snoke asked Kylo Ren in Awakening, "did you feel it?", he was referring to the Force awakening in Finn, not Rey, especially in the episode when Finn decided to turn to the light side during the battle on Jaku.

We know this because their dialogue was 50 minutes into the film, before Rey had even shown any powers. The first time she manifested the Force was in the castle, when Rey accidentally used her force vision, 20 minutes after Kyle and Snoke's conversation.

And the scenes where Rey reads Kylo Ren's thoughts and uses all sorts of mental tricks were almost at the end of the film. But Finn decided not to kill for the First Order and decided to switch to the light side on Jaku, before Snoke said that the force had awakened.
And even Kylo Ren noticed that the Force awakened in him when he read it.Finn then helped Poe Dameron, Rey and BB8 escape.

If Finn is Force-sensitive, and his parents must also be Force-sensitive, and if MW is still alive, and if MW is Snoke, it's reasonable to assume that Finn is his son.
It's theoretically possible that Snoke was frustrated that Finn didn't show enough Force potential as a child, and ended up disowning Finn in search of a child with Ben Solo-like potential.

But he didn't leave Finn, hoping to somehow use him in the future. Snoke decided to make him an Imperial stormtrooper in order to keep an eye on him and make sure that he was loyal to the First Order.And no one would be better placed to watch over him than Kylo Ren. This explains why Finn's first assignment was the daunting mission of following Kylo Ren to Jaku. As we later learned, Finn was a plumber on Starkiller.

So the mission with Kylo Ren looks pretty suspicious. This also explains why Kylo Ren looked at him suspiciously before boarding the ship when Finn decided not to serve the First Order while standing on the battlefield on Jaku. Kylo Ren noticed that the power awakened in him at that moment.This also explains why later, when Kylo Ren was informed that an Imperial stormtrooper had helped Poe Dameron escape, Kylo Ren knew for sure that the stormtrooper was Finn.

Kylo Ren knew that Finn was Force-sensitive and that he was Snoke's son and he was not against him making his own decisions and resisting his orders. Kylo Ren also completely lost control of himself when he found out that Finn helped Rey and BB8 escape with Jaku and realized that Finn had betrayed not only the Dark Oneside, but also Snoke.And he, Kylo Ren, had to look after him. It's also noticeable that the film really focuses on Finn's betrayal.

Like when an Imperial stormtrooper furiously calls him a traitor and then tries to kill him. This gives his betrayal even more weight than it might seem.

And finally, when Kylo Ren and Finn meet at the end The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren is absolutely enraged by Finn's betrayal, and it looks like he's taking it personally. This can be seen in his voice when he shouts "TRAITOR!!". But when Kylo Ren fights him, he just plays with him instead of just killing him. When Finn finally gets his hands on Kylo Ren, he just punches him and stabs him in the back instead of easily killing him.

Kylo Ren killed his own father, cut an old man in half at the beginning of the film, and the base for his mask is a pile of ashes from the corpses of the people he killed. And he decides to let Finn live because Finn is still very useful to Snoke and to the Dark Side.

Putting all the thoughts and facts together, we can come to the conclusion that Mace Windu is alive and the disturbed balance of his power tilted him into darkness, making him Supreme Leader Snoke. What do you think, is this true or is this just another attack of the fan’s search for deeper meaning. Leave your answers in the comments below this video and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss new crazy theories.

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Some people, after experiencing unbearable pain, vow to spend the rest of their lives fighting to ensure that no one else suffers as they did. Others, unable to cope with the agony, release it back into the world, multiplying the pain. Supreme Leader Snoke is one of the latter.

The enigmatic ruler of the First Order will finally emerge from the darkness in The Last Jedi, as actor Andy Serkis talks about the villain's origins and creation story.

“This time you'll see him in real presence,” says Serkis, who plays Snoke using motion capture technology. “In the previous film, we saw him as a huge hologram in telepresence, but this time you meet him in the flesh.”

Serkis describes the cruel master as a 9-foot-tall humanoid who belittles and dominates his two lieutenants: Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson). He is a predator who senses weakness and uses it, luring young and promising people to his side with promises of power, and then simply throws them away as unnecessary.

We see a hologram of him in The Last Jedi, much like The Wizard of Oz, as he chastises Hux for yet another failure. According to Serkis, most of his anger will be directed at Ben Solo.

“Kylo Ren’s training is not going at all the way he wants,” says Serkis. “So his anger towards Kylo Ren intensifies, because he cannot tolerate weakness in others. He manipulates him and turns him against Hux, causing them to feud."

Perhaps the effects of this rivalry have worn off, so Snoke will have to pit Kylo Ren against another of his students (be careful, Rey).

Snoke has an unwavering rage towards the Galactic Republic, which he devastated in The Force Awakens by destroying the capital with a shot from Starkiller Base. And now this anger is directed towards the military force of the wounded Republic - the Resistance.

“As for Snoke, he has a powerful Force, the dark side of the Force. But he’s also a very vulnerable character,” says Serkis. “He had already suffered once and was disfigured. His anger is a reaction to this. His hatred of the Resistance is fueled by what once happened to himself."

The Last Jedi will show that the First Order is far more powerful than anyone in the galaxy. “Even though Starkiller Base has been destroyed and the Resistance has gone on the attack, we will discover that the First Order has limitless resources,” says Serkis.

We don't yet know exactly how Snoke sustained his injuries, but we'll learn more about it in the new film. At least a little more.

"Similar to Rey's origins, Snoke is here to play a role in the story," says The Last Jedi writer and director Rian Johnson. “And, you know, history is not a Wikipedia page.”

This may mean the film won't fill in all the blanks for hardcore Snoke theorists.

“In the original trilogy, we knew nothing about the Emperor other than what we needed to know. We knew Luke knew he was the evil guy behind Vader,” Johnson says. “But then, in the prequels, you knew everything about Palpatine because his rise to power was part of the story. We learn about the same amount about Snoke. Exactly as much as we need. But what's really important to me is that there will be more of him in the film, and Andy Serkis' role will be bigger than in The Force Awakens. This guy is just a force of nature.”

Since Snoke only appeared in the last film as a hologram, Serkis' role was reflected mainly in the villain's face. Now that we see his actual presence, we will be able to get a complete picture of the character and his physical condition.

“His body is twisted like a corkscrew, and therefore his movements are very limited. His aggression and anger are caused, but at the same time restrained by this condition.”

After playing Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, Serkis became accustomed to adapting his body to the physics of the character he was playing, such as imitating the gait of an ape for his role as Caesar in Planet of the Apes. To create the character of Snoke, he needed a few things to achieve the desired effect.

“The only thing I used was his jaw,” Serkis says. “His jaw is completely mangled and the left side of his face is crushed. So I had a way to immobilize the left side of my mouth to limit lip movement on that side."

Snoke's shattered skull and exposed jaw were also inspired by something real from our world. “His ugliness is based on the trauma of World War I, from the trenches,” says Serkis.

In this conflict, modern war machines tore and deformed human bodies like never before, but life-saving modern medicine ensured the survival of people who would otherwise have died on the battlefield. They lived with mutilations that had previously only been seen on corpses.

Perhaps because of his suffering, Snoke tries to surround himself with wealth. Unlike Emperor Palpatine, who wore the black robes of a Sith monk, Snoke's clothes are covered in gold, which can be seen in the palaces of dictators or in the entertainment venues of Las Vegas.

Revenge is only one side of his motivation. Greed is another.

“He’s a bit of an oligarch,” says Serkis. “And he’s not afraid to show off his jewelry. This is absolutely normal for him."

All this can be seen from his throne room and this scarlet armored Praetorian Guard. “His court is presented in a very totalitarian and colorful way,” says Serkis. “I like the theatricality of it.”

Actor Andy Serkis, who played Supreme Leader Snoke in the new Star Wars trilogy, has revealed the level of power of the dark and mysterious character. According to Serkis, this villain is much stronger than both Darth Vader and the Emperor himself.

As the site learned, actor Andy Serkis admitted on the eve of the premiere of the film “Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi” that his hero is unusually powerful. Serkis noted that Snoke and Kylo Ren are not Sith in the traditional sense, although both wield the Dark Side of the Force. The position of Supreme Leader of the First Order allows Snoke to make his plans and move towards his vision of order throughout the galaxy. The origin of Snoke remains a terrible secret and mystery throughout the trilogy. It is known that although he looks like a humanoid, he is not human. In Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens, fans only saw an enlarged hologram of the character.

According to Serkis himself, Snoke has “virtually limitless power, and is definitely stronger than both Darth Vader and the Emperor.” The actor also said that Snoke is a "superior and wise manipulator who represents the end of the Force itself." Despite all his horrific injuries, Snoke is capable of impressive displays of his power. Considering that Snoke has already turned Kylo Ren to the Dark Side and forced Han Solo to kill his own father, it is not surprising that Snoke will now try to convert Rey into his ranks.

More information about one of the most mysterious characters in Star Wars history will be available starting December 14, when Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi hits theaters. Previously, you could take a look at the Jedi training with a lightsaber, which the site wrote about.

"left many questions open - including the one that concerns the identity of the head of the First Order, Supreme Leader Snoke. On the screen, he appears before us in the form of a hologram, and his face is severely disfigured - and it seems that no familiar features can be discerned in him. However, true fans of “Star Wars” are able to build fantastic and, in general, sometimes not without foundation theories, even on such meager material. Let's look at them impartially.

Theory #1: Snoke is Palpatine

The temptation to use this sinister but charismatic figure for a third round is strong: few Star Wars villains compare to this cunning Sith, played by the excellent Ian McDiarmid. However, there is one “but”. If you watched Episode VI of Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, then you must remember that Emperor Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, perished in the mine of the second Death Star. After this, the Death Star itself was destroyed, but can we be sure that Palpatine died? After all, he was a diligent student of Darth Plagueis, who was known to have learned to manipulate life and death.

Theory #2: Snoke is Darth Plagueis

This idea captured the minds of Star Wars fans immediately after watching The Force Awakens. They were not embarrassed either by the fact that Plagueis was a Muun (and in no way resembled Snoke), nor by the fact that he died at the hands of his student several decades before the events described in Episode VII. Proponents of this theory were encouraged by the fact that Darth Plagueis, theoretically, could control life and death. True, we only know this from Palpatine’s words, but why aren’t the Sith kidding?..

The theory was debunked by Pablo Hidalgo, who said on his Twitter that Snoke is definitely not Darth Plagueis.

P.S. More precisely, it needs to be clarified that he did not say this directly, but hinted, saying that Lawrence Kasdan (the screenwriter) is unlikely to know who this Plagueis is that everyone is talking about.

Theory #3: Snoke is Darth Vader

Star Wars is a world where the adage “never say never” rings true. We have already witnessed several times how, in a galaxy far, far away, characters were resurrected who, according to all the laws of nature, were unable to survive. Therefore, fans who compared the scars of Vader and Snoke and found some similarities were not at all confused by the fact that Vader died at the end of Episode VI and was solemnly committed to the flames on the funeral pyre. And even more than that, he appeared as a Force ghost during the burial ceremony.

However, this theory is not as absurd as it might seem at first glance. After all, we, in essence, know nothing about how Anakin was born. According to Shmi, his mother, she “gave birth to him herself.” There is a version that Anakin became a product of the Force itself, which created him in response to disturbances brought into the Force by the Dark Side. And Anakin, as we remember, had to restore the balance... if the Jedi correctly interpreted the ancient prophecy. It's hard to say who was wrong: the Force, Anakin, the Jedi, or the unknown soothsayer.

Let's fantasize: no one really knows what happened on the Death Star between Luke and his father after the Emperor's death. And it's quite strange, isn't it, that Vader was burned on a funeral pyre in a suit and helmet? After he seemingly cast aside his dark past and returned to the light, even after death he was not freed from the trappings of this dark past. Does this mean that someone else's body could have been burned at the stake instead of Vader? Is Anakin's ghost just a cruel joke from old Darth?

In addition, we already know that Snoke had at least one more student before Kylo Ren - but he turned out to be not as promising as Kylo. If Snoke is Vader, then perhaps he is talking about Ahsoka? Or Starkiller (Galen Marek)? Or even Ezra Bridger?

Theory #4: Snoke is Ezra Bridger

Logically this is quite acceptable. We know from Star Wars Rebels that the Dark Side of the Force persistently tempts young Ezra, and that he met Vader. Vader could well convert him to his faith by manipulating him and cleverly using some sensitive points. True, I don't remember Vader being very skilled at controlling people. Most likely, Tarkin knows a lot about this.

Theory #5: Snoke is Tarkin

This theory is supported by the fact that Snoke clearly possesses the character of a military leader, which allowed him to become the head of an organization such as the First Order. The only confusing thing is that Tarkin was 64 years old at the time of the Battle of Yavin, and by the time of The Force Awakens he should have already approached a hundred. This, of course, does not include the fact that he died during the destruction of the first Death Star.

Theory #6: Snoke is the Grand Inquisitor

As I noted above, in the Star Wars galaxy, the dead do not always truly die - especially for villains. Outwardly, the long-faced Pauan (one of the races on the planet Utapau) does not look much like Snoke, but Snoke’s face looks badly burned and seriously injured, and we parted with the Inquisitor at the moment when he fell into the mouth of the reactor. If he managed to somehow avoid fatal consequences when falling (hello to Darth Maul), then it is easy to imagine what his thirst for revenge could have motivated him to do.

Theory #7: Snoke is Darth Maul

The trailer for the second season of Rebels, which returns on January 20, shows a barely visible, but still recognizable, hooded figure talking to Ezra and telling him to call himself "Old Master." This character clearly appeared in the series for a reason and should play some important role. Could this be the role of the one who will lure Ezra to the Dark Side and later declare himself Supreme Leader Snoke? As you remember, Maul survived after falling into a mine on Naboo, but lost the lower half of his body, and Snoke in The Force Awakens never gets out of his chair. However, this is not an argument, because Maul in the animated “Clone Wars” ran quite briskly on his mechanical legs. And it would be difficult for him to transform from a red-skinned Zabrak with horns and black tattoos into a pale-faced Snoke.

Theory #8: Snoke is Luke Skywalker

The theory seems quite ridiculous, but, in essence, it is no more ridiculous than the others, and in the Star Wars universe - we know this - the most incredible things can happen.

As a primer, consider what I mentioned in the context of the “Snoke is Darth Vader” theory: no one saw what happened between the son and father after Emperor Palpatine ended his existence in the Death Star shaft. Also, no one knows what happened to Luke between Episodes V and VI. Do you remember how dramatically his appearance changed in the film Return of the Jedi? Why did he suddenly start wearing black clothes? Had he already begun to lean towards the Dark Side, and Darth Vader only needed a gentle nudge?

The theory claims that both forms of the Force existed simultaneously in Anakin Skywalker: both the Dark and the Light sides. That's why he was the chosen one, that's why the Force created him - to bring balance to the galaxy. But the Dark Side eventually gained the upper hand. And at the moment of death, Anakin’s soul was divided into two parts, dark and light; the light one went into the Force, and the dark one moved into Luke. And now Luke had become a bipolar, so to speak, personality and led (possibly) a double life, building a further strategy. And in the form of Snoke, he seduced his sister’s son, the future Kylo Ren, with the temptations of the Dark Side.

The only problem is that Luke in The Force Awakens does not look disfigured - which means either his dark hypostasis can inhabit another creature, or Snoke is simply an illusion or an image of Luke distorted by the Dark Side. The second assumption is supported by the fact that he appears in the form of a hologram before Kylo Ren and the rest of the First Order.

Theory #9: Snoke is Snoke

In one of his interviews, actor Andy Serkis, who embodied Snoke on the screen, said that his character is a completely new character in the history of Star Wars. However, we cannot be one hundred percent sure of his words, because there is always an aura of mystery and understatement around Star Wars. Serkis also said that Snoke is an ambiguous character; he is a villain, but there is some kind of fracture inside him that makes him vulnerable.

Of course, Snoke could indeed be a completely new character. But the creators of the new Star Wars trilogy must have found it difficult to resist the temptation to make it a link to the previous films in the saga. This is both a great intrigue and a good marketing solution. However, sometimes a banana is really just a banana.