How to divide household chores. Housework and children: is clutter really that bad?

I used to make a daily to-do list every day. Of course, I didn’t have time to complete all of it, and the list grew like a snowball. And along with it, my dissatisfaction with myself and fatigue from chasing a plan grew.

It would seem that a housewife does not have many household chores. However, I want not only to keep the house clean and tidy, but also to work with my baby, make toys and educational aids for him, and also indulge in my hobbies - reading, knitting, dancing. And I set myself the task of organizing household chores in such a way that there would be time for everything planned.

To start, I made a list of all the things I was going to do during the week and month. After that, I distributed the classes according to the days of the week. At the same time, every day I got my code name, I borrowed this idea from Flylady. Here's what I got.

Monday is cleaning day

  • Clean glass, mirrors, wipe off dust.
  • Change linen and towels.
  • To water flowers.
  • On the first Monday, change the books in the children's library and educational posters on the wall.
  • Play logic games with your child.

Tuesday – love and pamper yourself

  • Knit, read, watch movies, beauty treatments for your pleasure.
  • Wash the refrigerator.
  • Clean the microwave.
  • Play musical games with your child.

Wednesday – day of postponed tasks

  • Repair clothes.
  • Iron the laundry.
  • Make a toy, educational aid for your son.
  • On the second Wednesday of the month, write down the family budget.
  • Play games with your child on the theme of inanimate nature.

Thursday – errands in the city

  • Make a shopping list for the week.
  • Pay the bills.
  • Go to the library.
  • To water flowers.
  • Work with your child on speech development.

Friday - date

  • Take a bath.
  • Conduct romantic evening with husband.
  • Iron the laundry.
  • Play creativity with your child.

Saturday is Family Fun Day

  • Family cultural trip.
  • Do your shopping for the week.
  • Throw away old newspapers, magazines, unnecessary things.
  • Play games with your child on the theme “People’s Lives.”

Sunday is guest day

  • Go visit or host them.
  • On the last Sunday, plan family affairs for the next month.
  • Play nature-themed games with your child.
  • Take a walk with the whole family to the park or along the embankment.

The question arose when to wash, vacuum and wash the floors. Do general cleaning and doing laundry once a week is too tiring and time consuming for me.

Through experience, I came to the following schedule: washing - every day in small batches, cleaning - every day in one room. It turns out that I clean it every day, and I don’t have time to get tired of it, since I work in small steps.

Family life always brings joy to newlyweds; they are happy that they can now live together and do not have to plan meetings in advance. However, you also need to keep your new home clean and take care not only of each other. There are too many tasks on the list of household chores for one person, so being able to competently and honestly distribute household chores is one of the foundations for a happy future family life.

If you remember Ancient Rus', then there was always a woman looking after the house: cooking, washing, cleaning, babysitting children, etc. But now it’s the 21st century, many women don’t have enough time to take care of their own home and their own hobbies.

Distribution of responsibilities between men and women

Before you decide to distribute responsibilities, you need to clearly understand that family members are people with equal rights. Therefore, women's household chores should be done by a woman. Male, respectively, man. This distribution of responsibilities is called zones of influence. Here's how you should look at sharing your home in this case.

Women's zone of influence

To understand who to give a task to, consider it from a man’s and a woman’s perspective.

Anyone will immediately notice that such a task as washing clothes does not lend itself to male logic. Especially when it comes to difficult stains. By chain reaction you can also add ironing, because for men this task is limited to jeans and sometimes a T-shirt, but why iron bedding and underwear- not at all within their competence.

Wet cleaning of the house, without which it is sometimes even difficult to breathe, of course, should be done by a woman. A man may not take this task for granted at all. Such subtle secondary processes are best performed by a woman who has a more heightened sense of cleanliness and order.

Distribution of upper, lower clothing and shoes. A man will most often simply throw his jeans in the closet and his T-shirt on the bed and will not worry about the permanent “place of residence” of his things. At the same time, a woman will always want to keep everything in order and clean - on shelves and drawers. It is better to entrust the task of distributing things to her.

Grocery shopping. Yes, in almost 100% of cases this task is best performed by a woman. A man can easily buy pork instead of beef, or not buy what he needs at all, but bring some semi-finished products into the house. A woman always has a better understanding of food products, so it is much more reasonable to trust her with money for these products.

Male zone of influence

A man is the support of the family in the literal sense.

If something breaks, he will have to fix it. The spouse is always trusted to fix the sink, furniture, shower, etc. If the problem is too serious, then the husband calls an experienced plumber or gradually learns this art himself. The main thing is that the woman does not interfere in this again.

A woman cannot fully clean the house every other day, especially if it is large. You can entrust your spouse with such tasks as vacuuming the carpet or rearranging some heavy objects. But the woman will do the corrective work.

A good option would be to entrust your husband with throwing out the trash and washing dishes on weekends. Still, a young woman should have time to care for herself, which can be found on weekends.

Common tasks - how to distribute?

But, for example, newlyweds now have common chores that can be done by both one spouse and the other. What to do in this case?

Cooking. Usually, a girl does this in the house, but you don’t need any particularly sophisticated nature to learn how to cook. If a man has a unique ability to cook and is even very good at it, then why not cook food for him from time to time? Thus, you can let your spouse choose what will be for dinner today.

If a woman doesn’t have time to go grocery shopping or she has too many more important things to do, then she can make a detailed shopping list for a man. This list should indicate everything you need, in as much detail as possible. The man will be grateful to the woman for this, because he won’t have to keep a lot of strange names in his head.

Psychology of distribution of household chores

Newlyweds may encounter a small nuance in the distribution of household chores. When do spouses start life together and strive to equally divide household chores, each of them unconsciously wants to organize the same “list” that was in his own family.

If, for example, the wife’s mother was not used to relying on her husband’s help and did everything herself, then the wife is also unlikely to let the man near the stove, washing machine, laundry, etc. But if in the spouse’s family it was shameful to do women’s chores, then he will not go near the kitchen, sink or washing machine.

This factor must be taken into account when joint distribution responsibilities. If the spouse is not used to helping with cleaning around the house, then the spouse may not hope that his willpower will last long. In this case, it is better to only give small tasks from time to time: help carry the laundry.

But if the husband has taken a stubborn position of protest, then there is no need to start a scandal; it is better to resort to a little feminine cunning. The spouse may lie slightly, saying that she can’t cope with the meat grinder, that the vacuum cleaner is acting up, or that the washing machine is not behaving strangely. After all, fixing broken things is always a man's task.

The main thing, of course, is for a woman not to go too far and ask her husband only sometimes, and not hourly. You should not openly complain about your fatigue, wanting to scold your husband and arouse his conscience. In most cases, such a reception ends in quarrels. If a man is not used to helping a woman, then he will not change his character dramatically, but gradually you can try to do something.

If one of the spouses is lazy, it is best to emphasize the importance of completing a particular task, as if between the lines. For example: “Help me put the dishes in the dishwasher, and we will have time to go to the cinema/take a walk together/watch a movie, etc.” Don’t forget to praise your significant other with “what would I do without you” or “I would never be able to carry so many plates at once!” Believe me, anyone will be pleased to hear praise addressed to them.

It's better not to do this!

In no case should you formulate several requests at once, this causes irritation and causes the brain to become unnecessarily tense. Men generally do not know how to accept such requests. If a woman needs help with the dishes and the vacuum cleaner, then she must decide what is important right now. You definitely need to wash the dishes now, but fixing the vacuum cleaner can wait until the evening. Don't create unnecessary stress on your family.

Don't criticize the work. If, for example, a woman’s pilaf is slightly burnt, then there is no need to speak about it too harshly. The husband may hint at this trouble if the woman asks if he likes her. However, you shouldn’t go to extremes and lie that everything is fine, otherwise the pilaf will always be burnt.

And most importantly, never command or give orders as if you were at war. The spouses are in equal positions, so if you need help, it is better to ask politely, citing the need for another pair of strong hands. If you do not abuse your “power”, then you can generally avoid quarrels and scandals, and family life will be happy.

Who among us has not faced the problem of lack of time? It happens that the day has already come to an end, and there are many unfulfilled tasks left.
This situation is familiar, oddly enough, mainly to those people who are constantly at home (housewives, women with small children). They have to organize their time independently, and not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

While at home you can be more tired than those who go to work. Here are some tips on how to get more done.

Learning to delegate

If you try to do absolutely everything and for everyone on your own, then this will not lead to anything good. But many women are accustomed to shouldering everything on themselves. There is no need to be shy about using outside help - there is nothing shameful in that. To cope with household chores, you can assign some tasks to your household members.

It would be useful to take an example from managers - they always have deputies and secretaries on their staff who can cope with the instructions of their boss or replace the boss in case of his absence.
A woman in the house can easily be compared to the director of an enterprise.

Routine is paramount

It will be easier to manage your affairs if you create your own daily routine and stick to it every day. This will help teach discipline not only to yourself, but also to your family.
The daily routine will give you an understanding of what needs to be done and in what order.

Planning things

Pledge successful implementation affairs - proper planning.
It is best to plan in advance: plans for the coming week should be prepared on the weekend, and for each day - in the evening. Having compiled a list of tasks for the week, it is worth distributing them by day.
For example, cleaning can be divided into several stages, performing one each day. However, plans should be made no more than 60% of the time, so that there is room for making adjustments.

Distinguish between the main and the secondary

Correctly set priorities will help you highlight the things of paramount importance and deal with them first. This increases the chances of being able to solve problems while they are still relevant and have not developed into more serious problems.

You shouldn’t leave things for later, risking a snowball effect. But there is no need to plan more than one important task per day, since there are still ongoing tasks (for example, cleaning, washing the dishes) that require immediate completion.

Solving problems as they accumulate

We need to learn to deal with current tasks quickly, without forgetting the main to-do list.
For example, we ate, washed the dishes, returned to important matter. There is no need to grab onto everything at the same time; dealing with each task in turn will be much more rational.

Let's stop doing nonsense

It often happens that in order to get more done, some people simply need to turn off the TV or computer.

If you need to do something important, then feel free to turn off these benefits of civilization.

The same rule applies to long telephone conversations– rather than complaining to a friend for half an hour about the lack of time to wash dishes, it’s better to wash everything in 10 minutes.

Time for yourself

It's important to remember own interests. Setting aside some time for yourself is not a crime, but a necessity. Every person should have interests and hobbies that help them develop their personality and grow above themselves.
By doing what you love, you can not only relax and unwind, but also recharge your energy for the upcoming work.

The ratio of time allotted for completing tasks should be approximately this:

  • main things - 40%
  • current affairs – 40%
  • favorite things, hobbies – 20%

A nursing agency is an organization that provides medical care behind financial reward from the patient's side. In some countries, these agencies are in great demand among the population, so opening this business in this area is very profitable. To open a nursing agency you need to take the following steps:

Get education and work experience. To carry out this type of activity, you must have a qualified education and experience in providing these services. If the future entrepreneur does not have this, then you can hire a person with work experience and put him in the position of head of this agency. IN in this case the entrepreneur acts as an investor who heads and has management functions in the future department.

Registration of the agency with the tax authorities. Any business must be registered with the tax authorities. Providing agency medical services must obtain a special license to carry out this type of activity. Be sure to open a current account with entity. Come up with interesting name It is best for the future agency if it is associated with medical services.

Create a business plan.

Receive investments for the implementation of this business.

In order to open a nursing agency, you must have a certain starting amount and a reserve for a certain period of time to pay wages employees. It is best to contact a credit institution, but if a loan is refused, you can take out a loan from a private investor. In order to receive investment, it is necessary to convince the investor of the financial feasibility of this project.

Choose a location for the agency office.

On modern market services, you can have a virtual office; for this it is enough to have a website on the Internet, but it is best to rent a room for personal meetings with clients. It should be located in convenient location for workers and clients. To find appropriate place you should contact a realtor who will find the premises for a certain cash payment. Before starting this business, repairs need to be done.

Client base.

To find large quantity clients need to contact all public and private clinics and hospitals. You can hire managers to search and expand client base. Don't forget to visit nursing homes that are in great need of help.

Software. To work in this area you will need to purchase specialized software, which will allow you to easily monitor all the work. Be sure to purchase computer office equipment with access to global network Internet.

Working staff. Conduct a high-quality interview and select the most qualified employees who must have education and experience in the medical field.

Working women are wondering: how to become an ideal housewife? Naturally, it’s hard to go to the office every day and keep up with everything at home. However, housewives often cannot complete all the tasks. How can you manage to do everything around the house and at least find some time for yourself? After all, you get so tired from this everyday hustle and bustle and want at least a little rest.

Planning is the basis of daily routine

Forget about the hustle and bustle, things shouldn't be spontaneous. Plan your time. Do it in a way that makes you feel comfortable. You can create a schedule for the week or plan your “tomorrow” every evening. Good idea– start a diary, it will become an irreplaceable thing in a week and will allow you to put your thoughts in order.

Distribute your time in such a way that doing “unloved” things does not stretch out throughout the day, let them take a minimum of time.

Cooking food

And now cooking. A good idea would be to prepare a side dish for a couple of days, and come up with a new dish each time. Cook a hot dish twice a week and prepare a side dish two or three times. There will be more free time. Try to make breakfast preparations in the evening. In the morning it will be much easier to come up with a healthy and light breakfast; it won’t take much effort to warm it up.

Do your household like borscht? Chop the carrots, onions, and beets and freeze them in advance so you don’t have to bother with dressing later. Cutlets, chops, cabbage rolls, meatballs - make semi-finished products yourself, let them be stored in the freezer.

Plan your menu so that perishable items are used first. If you bought a large piece of meat, divide it into portions and freeze it (minced meat, chops, goulash, etc.).

Buy products in such quantities that you don’t “throw away” half of them later. family budget. Go to the store and market with ready list products and thoughtful menu. Ideally, do this once a week, but you can extend this period. This approach will save budget and time.


Cleaning the apartment seems to be the most difficult task, but this is not a problem if you “scatter” the tasks over the days. Today we sweep, vacuum and wash the floor. Tomorrow we will wash and iron. The day after tomorrow we polish the taps and clean the stove. Getting organized is easy. Much harder to maintain. Therefore, to prevent this activity from becoming a test on the weekend, set aside 20-25 minutes daily to clean the house. Household appliances to help you!

Alone with myself

Let's move on to the fun part. How to give yourself time more attention? Again, it's worth resorting to planning. Get yours notebook. On Monday, take care of your hair - make a mask, experiment with styling. Tuesday is beautiful legs day, take care of your heels, get a pedicure or invite a specialist. Fill every day of the week with self-care.

Don't think this is nonsense! If you devote time only to cleaning and cooking, you can quickly turn into a notorious and unkempt housewife. You need to take care of not only your own appearance, but also health. Why does a man need a wife who only knows how to clean and cook? Remember - your family needs you healthy and happy. Self-care is one of the main tasks for every day.

Develop yourself if you don’t want to degrade. Let's say you are engaged in self-improvement and attend courses. Don't dwell on this. When the children grow up and have more time, you can organize a small business: selling online, selling cupcakes for the nearest coffee shop, knitting or sewing to order. Don't waste your time watching TV series.

All these wisdom will help you organize your time correctly, not get tired and please your loved ones. You are a woman, not a machine gun homework, therefore, such days of idleness are not excluded. Don't feel like doing anything? No need. Take everything easier. And involve your family in the chores. They should help you, especially in difficult matters.