How to find time for yourself. How to find time for yourself? How to find extra time

Lack of time - that's it eternal problem of all humanity. This is especially true for women who have to try on several roles at the same time.

In addition, women are less organized, and many simply do not know how or do not want to plan their time.

But, as they say, if you don’t try, you won’t know. Still, it’s worth making an action plan and trying to live by it for at least a month. Who knows, maybe it will work out and time will stop slipping away like water through your fingers. Or maybe even a free one will appear.

Make a list of things that need to be done around the house. Distribute washing, ironing, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking and other equally important tasks that cannot be avoided evenly across the days of the week. For example, you shouldn’t schedule washing and ironing for one day if you don’t have anything planned for the next. This will help free up time and avoid fatigue.

It is worth clearly defining for yourself how much time is wasted. Write down your daily routine, literally minute by minute. Feel free to include “to-dos” such as watching your favorite movie, playing on the computer, playing with your pet, and so on. There is no need to lie here, because you are writing for yourself. Take care of yourself for a few days. Perhaps your friend, who, among other things, manages to go for walks and engage in her favorite hobbies, does not waste her time on such “things”. Eliminate them and you can free extra time.

Try to do everything in a timely manner. For example, if you pay your utilities a little earlier, you won't have to stand in line. And if you take shoes that need repairs to a repair shop before the season starts, you won't have to waste time looking for other shoes. After all, your favorite shoes are left without heels, but you need to wear something to work. This also applies to timely washing of clothes. Indeed, in this case, not only you, but also your husband, who will also rush around in search of a clean shirt, may be left without clothes. Distracting you, naturally.

Don't postpone today's tasks until tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow. This can create a blockage that you will have to clear, spending additional time and nerves. And when you're nervous, you do everything slower. Why create difficulties for yourself when force majeure can arise anyway.

Don't put off unpleasant things. It's better to do them first. It's boring, bad, unpleasant - but I did it and forgot about it. If you decide to do them at the very end of the list, then you will subconsciously delay this moment. In this case, your favorite activities also suffer, because you will be doing them for as long as possible. As a result, there is simply not enough time for the things you don’t like, and you put them off until tomorrow. As a result, there was a rush, and a rush of unpleasant things – it couldn’t be worse!

Involve your family members in household chores. List the responsibilities for each of them. Of course, they will not be delighted with this. Explain to them that if you divide the workload evenly, you will be able to be less tired and spend more time together, devoting it to walks or games together.

Forget about perfect order. Firstly, it is almost impossible to achieve, and secondly, is it really necessary for you and your family. It is much more important for them that you smile and spend more time with them, and not run around with a mop, washing away every speck, and then fall helplessly into bed. It is necessary to strike a balance between the cleanliness of the house and the amount of time spent on cleaning it. Of course, the house should be clean, but there is no need to take it to the point of fanaticism.

It is also worth mastering household appliances. It was created not for beauty or prestige, but in order to really make the life of a modern woman easier.

In the evening, write down your activities for the next day, because your memory may fail you. It is also worth getting ready for work as much as possible in the evening so as not to forget anything in the morning rush.

When entrusting tasks to your husband or children, do not be lazy to call them and remind them of their promises. This is necessary not because you don't trust them. They just get carried away and forget about your request. Write them little reminder notes and leave them in visible places.

There is no need to load yourself to capacity. After all, you are a person, not a robot. Leave short breaks between things. Knowing how much time you spend on this or that matter is not difficult to do.

It’s worth planning not only necessary things, but also leisure time. Firstly, it will help you plan not only time, but also family budget(after all, going to the cinema or theater requires funds). And secondly, how nice it is to look forward to the weekend, knowing that you will go out of town for a picnic or go on a visit. This prospect will make your workday much easier.

Planning is not for bores. This real way have time to do everything necessary, while leaving time for rest.

You are an excellent professional, an exemplary wife and mother, but sometimes you want to scream: “I don’t have time to do anything!”? Stop! Try to make friends with your time, and you will finally have the opportunity to spend it on yourself personally. How? Business coach Yulia Moshak advises.

13:40 17.01.2013

There are, unfortunately, only 24 hours in a day. In the evening you try to remember what precious minutes were spent on, and you cannot answer your question. You envy Julius Caesar, who, according to legend, could do as many as five things at once.

No need! It’s quite possible to have time to do everything. It is important to just change your view of your own affairs a little. Don't try to be a model for everyone. Is it worth it when coming home from work and courses? in English, grab a vacuum cleaner, and then cook foie gras and sponge cake for your husband to have a candlelit dinner, while checking your child’s homework? Maybe what you really want is to just sit in a chair and relax?

You can make friends over time only when you put your own “I” first. In the end, your man has connected his life with you, and not with the household. According to psychologists, it is important to set priorities correctly. Your needs, self-realization, and the belief that you are an individual should come first, family should come second, and career should come third. If you respect and value yourself, others will stop trying to manage you and your time.

Let's get things in order

If you work in the office in the usual rush mode, all you need is to manage your time wisely. To start, take a week to figure out where your working hours are spent. Business coaches advise during the week work time Every 15 minutes, write down in two or three words what you did that was useful. You will identify time wasters - people and activities that distract you from your main professional responsibilities.

Don’t try to change anything in the first week, your task now is to paint your portrait in the mirror of time. Once you figure out who and what is bothering you, start planning and dealing with time wasters. If these are excessively talkative employees, just get yourself a player with headphones and a few cassettes with light classical music. If this is an employee who every now and then tries to shift part of his responsibilities onto you, put him in his place. Learn to say no!

When a colleague asks: “ Do you have a minute?" - this question actually means that she wants to take up quite a lot of your time. You might say, “Will this really take a minute?” or “Of course, I have a minute, but if this matter takes more time, let’s do it later.” You will see your productivity increase! Your shares will rise in price: after all, in order to achieve an increase, you need to cope with current affairs on time and do not forget to do something for future achievements.

Hurry up slowly!

Surely you know what time of day you work best, so choose it for intellectual assaults and serious matters. You will complete tasks not only faster, but also with better quality! Neurophysiologists have found that the most productive times are the periods from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00, only for larks the first period is more productive, and for owls the second. Things that don't require a lot of stress - calls,Discussions, letters, editing documents - move them to those hours when the body is resting: from 12.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00. In the evening, write down in a notebook a list of the main things that need to be done tomorrow. Schedule only 60% of the time, then your plans will come true, even despite unforeseen circumstances. Set aside time for breaks: after work that required concentration and attention, the body deserves rest!

Congratulate your friend on her birthday, drink coffee, look out the window. Remember: the more you rush, the less time you have! Besides, you don’t forget about the main thing: enjoy the current moment. Watch the cartoon about the Little Engine from Romashkovo, who was always late everywhere: “If we don’t see the dawn, we’ll be late for the rest of our lives.” Try to feel every minute of your life, listen to yourself!

Try not to do more than two things at once. It usually takes 8 minutes to switch from one activity to another! And yet, you don’t have to do absolutely everything: maintain the house perfect order, take on the work of colleagues and study English with my son. Your task is to correctly distribute responsibilities at work and at home.

Change for the better

The most terrible curse among the Chinese - “so that you live in an era of change.” Yes, any change - a new place of work, moving to another city, getting married - is stress and loss of ground under your feet: tactics and strategies have not yet been formed, there are no established traditions yet. But this time gives so many opportunities and excellent prospects!

The most important thing is not to become like a Tetris player, but to find time to plan. Then the stormy waves of affairs will not overwhelm you, and you will not drown. The planning approach in this case is slightly different. The list should be divided into two columns: things that need to be done and goals that you intend to achieve. Place real problems(global and daily) and compare your to-do list for every day with them!

A moment for a hobby

Do you have a hobby that distracts you and adds a lot to your life? positive emotions. But... family and work don’t make it possible to find a minute for this. It seems so only at first glance! Set a goal: “I want to do this and I will!” Let's say you dream of drawing or sewing. Think about what you do at home. Take inventory of all household chores and pleasures during the week. What is the best time for a hobby? You can go grocery shopping on Sunday, and plan cleaning the apartment for Friday evening.

So, we will draw or sew on Saturday morning: the husband gets enough sleep, the children too, after breakfast everyone will go for a walk. Silence and beauty! There is no need to rush to clean up the mess or rush to the store; now no one is stopping you from doing what you want. Start a tradition: mom has two hours for herself on Saturday morning, she cannot be distracted or touched - over time, family members will get used to this. After all, for Have a good mood you need to be alone, sit quietly and relax!

Healthy eating - easy!

Every working woman faces the question every day: how to feed her family? I really want the food to be tasty and healthy! At the same time, no one wants to stand at the stove all the time. Follow our recommendations - and you will find a compromise!

· On the weekend, get together with the whole family and make a shopping list for the week, including everything necessary products: vegetables, meat, cereals, juices, etc. You will know that even if you come home late, you can quickly prepare dinner. In addition, make your work at the stove easier by purchasing semi-finished products: for example, ready-made minced meat for cutlets (you don’t have to twist the meat and wash the meat grinder), peeled and gutted fish.

· Always keep food preparations in the freezer: meatballs, puff pastry, frozen vegetables, grated cheese. This will allow you to whip up soup, pizza with vegetables, or spaghetti if necessary. This will save a lot of time and effort!

Successful people work hard to achieve this very success. And the question arises, and where to get this is the time? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day.

That’s the thing, other people who have achieved success also have this same resource - they just manage it differently.

I found a wonderful article on the Internet on this subject, “How to learn to wake up early.” Read and comment.

I noticed that, the earlier I get up, the better I feel and the more I accomplish.

At first it was very difficult to rearrange my daily routine - habit, as we know, is second nature. I'm used to going to bed when I want and getting up at 7-8 in the morning. On weekends, I naturally went to bed later and got up later.

One day I decided to try getting up every day at 5 am for a month and realized that it was healthier, healthier and more productive. Of course, it is very difficult to get up at 5 am if you don’t know how to do it correctly. Everything requires a competent strategy.

There are two main approaches to the issue of sleep. The first approach is to always fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Proponents of the second approach believe that you need to listen to your body and go to bed and wake up when you want. They are sure that our body itself knows how much time it needs to sleep.

Through trial and error, I have come to the conclusion that both of these approaches are not 100% optimal for me. As we have said many times, the choice of approach depends on the goal. My goal is maximum productivity during the day, a feeling of harmony, balance and happiness.

If you try to go to bed at the same time, you will often have to go to bed even when you don’t want to. Each of our days is absolutely different from other days, which means our needs for sleep and rest are completely different. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to set yourself up to the fact that sleep should always last the same time. It seems to me that if you can’t fall asleep within the first 5 minutes, it’s too early to go to bed.

If you follow the second approach, that is, I sleep as much as I want, then you will almost certainly sleep from 8 to 10 hours, and this is an absolutely waste of precious time. Although, if in life there is no big goal, you can sleep 12-15 hours a day.

The less meaning there is in a person’s life, the more time he sleeps. This is obviously because real life occurs during wakefulness. If a person does not see the point in feeling alert and focused, then sleep takes on more meaning for him.

For myself, I found what I think is the optimal solution - to combine these two approaches: I go to bed only when I really want to and wake up 7 days a week at the same time. The body itself senses when it’s time to rest, and I wake up no later than 5 am.

In the evening I trust my body more than my mind, and in the morning everything happens the other way around - the mind takes precedence over the body. At night, the body disconnects from everything human and plunges into an animal unconscious state, so when the alarm clock rings at 5 am, I don’t listen to my body because I don’t trust it. But in the evening, when I am fully conscious and my body requires sleep, I treat it with respect and do what it asks. Sometimes I go to bed at 21:30, sometimes I work productively until 24:00, but on average I go to bed at 22:30. I usually fall asleep while reading a book - my eyes just close on their own.

I put the alarm clock away from the bed, then you have to get up to turn it off. Usually, in the first 5 minutes after sleep, there is a struggle inside me between the mind and the body, which wants to return back to an unconscious state of complete relaxation and bliss. Then the drowsiness passes and pride appears in your first victory of the new day. Very often, immediately after waking up, I read something positive and inspiring for 5-10 minutes - this allows me to stretch my mind, heart and soul.

Now I sleep about 1.5 hours less than I slept before, and I feel much better, more alert, alive and energetic. Assuming that work week on average it lasts 40 hours, then 1.5 hours every day is an additional 14 working weeks a year! On the other hand, if we assume that a person is awake 18 hours a day, we get an extra month per year! And if we take a 10-year perspective, it turns out practically whole year life!

Now draw your conclusions. He who is informed is armed. It's better to know than not to know. It's easy to do, but even easier not to do. This is our freedom - to do or not to do, to know or not to know.

P.S. I’ll get up at 5 am tomorrow and run down the street :)

Psychology of relationships


22.01.14 14:07

Time flies quickly and unnoticed. We strive to be on time for everything, everywhere, especially for women. We run to the kitchen to prepare food, start putting on makeup and putting ourselves in order, then get the child ready for school, feed our husband, sort out important documents, and then rush to work, and so on every day.

At the end of the day, fatigue and self-resentment sets in. The day has passed and you still haven’t been able to find time for yourself? Then you just need to read this article to the end.

As ridiculous as it may sound, try to plan your day. Write down on a separate piece of paper the things that need to be done today. All matters should be arranged in order of importance and urgency. Start doing the things you don't like to do first. At the end of the day, do what you enjoy.

Train yourself to order

Women often spend a lot of time cleaning their apartment. Try to do it differently: don’t litter, put all items in their place, teach your children and husband to do this. In the morning, a woman who is in a hurry to go to work usually cannot find the necessary things the first time. It all starts with grumbling, quickly moving from one room to another, and then the mood spoils for the whole day.

Do what you love

Many women were taught that their place was in the kitchen. Their responsibilities also include washing clothes, cooking, and doing homework with the child. Most men think so, but remember that a woman also works in addition to all this, and, by the way, no less than men. Do something you enjoy doing. For example, knitting, reading books, watching TV series. Find time for yourself, even if it is in the evening or closer to night, but this time is simply necessary for you.

Distribute responsibilities correctly

Discuss this issue with your spouse; if the girl is not yet married, she should talk to her parents. Try to properly divide responsibilities in the family. If it is a husband, then he can also do homework with the child, if parents, they can also help in cleaning the rooms.

Don't remember working at home

If possible, avoid touching work when you're at home, and don't fiddle with paperwork worrying about what may or may not happen at work. It is also strongly recommended to return from work on time, do not stay there for any trifle.

Have a private evening

Give yourself one day a week when you just relax. Let it be in the evening after work, but at this time you should not worry about food, your child’s homework, or unwashed dishes. This " personal evening"should be exclusively your day.

Finding time for yourself is extremely important. This way, you will be able to renew your strength and will not be so tired at work. Besides, free time will make you feel like a full-fledged person who has not yet forgotten how to enjoy life. Use all the above recommendations for yourself to find “lost” time.

4 757 0 Hello, dear readers of our site. Today we will talk about how to find time for yourself, as well as how to use your personal time profitably.

About the problem!

Modern women are endowed with much big amount functions than in previous times. While a woman does not have a husband and children, it is easier to find time for herself, but when building Serious relationships and starting a family, the set of responsibilities expands significantly. There is cleaning, cooking, washing, doctors, children's matinees. And what about me? What about my dancing classes, my work, my appearance, in the end?!

After marriage, a woman needs to develop further: someone gets an education, someone is realized in professionally, earning on an equal basis with men, someone participates in social activities. With all this, a woman always needs to look well-groomed and neat, have time to devote time to her health, hobbies and have enough time for rest and sleep.

If a woman gets bogged down in the routine of everyday events, then sooner or later this will affect all the people around her. After all, a tired, irritated, persecuted woman will not be able to give care, warmth and love to her loved ones. Cases constantly accumulating like a snowball will have an impact psychological pressure, and over time, if a woman is unable to find time for herself, then instead of wanting to solve daily problems, she may experience apathy and severe depression. Therefore, in order not to become driven horse, sooner or later, every woman has a question in her head how to find time for yourself.

How to find time for yourself

Time alone is not selfishness. This doesn't mean you don't care about your husband and children. On the contrary, it means you value your individuality as well as your relationships. You cannot build harmony in your family if you do not have harmony within, if you are not at peace with yourself.

As you know, elements are used to organize and plan working time time management systems. They allow you to optimize tasks, set priorities, and get rid of unnecessary and insignificant tasks. But this system works not only in professional activity, it can easily be used in everyday life.

If a woman is extremely short of time for herself, then first, it is important to analyze all planned tasks and distribute them based on priority.

  • Tip #1 Timetable

You only need to do this 1 time. Everything will happen automatically.

To simplify the task, you should take a sheet of paper and make the following table:

It is better to highlight a separate point/line for each task and describe its essence in detail. You can also indicate approximately how long it takes to solve this problem, so as not to bother with not 3 hours. You can use sticky notes and write tasks on them, this will make it easier to transfer them from one column to another, but it is important to take this seriously and not change your plans because ordinary laziness, otherwise things will accumulate like a snowball, and at one point they will simply knock you off your feet.

When entering tasks into a spreadsheet, it is important to highlight the tasks and functions that can be delegated. This may apply to family members, relatives, friends, and service personnel. For example, instead of going to the store for a specific purchase, you can take advantage of free home delivery.

Don't forget to include time for planning your vacation, your personal time and family leisure(vacation, dacha, theater).

  • Tip #2 Schedule.

A good way to solve the problem of how to find time for yourself is to create a daily routine. The schedule can be scheduled several days in advance, and based on the above table. Having a routine gives you a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done. Clearly allocate time for daily tasks (30 minutes for cleaning, 1.5 hours for cooking, 2 hours for homework, etc.) and then you will not have “empty” time to be lazy, because... if you don't do something on time, the same snowball will continue to grow. This will avoid unnecessary fuss and additional waste of time. Plus, with a schedule, you can clearly see when you have the most free time for yourself.

It is worth noting that the daily routine will be useful not only for you, but also for your family members. Children will be more organized, which will certainly affect their educational process. In the future, they will spend their time more productively, which will have a positive impact on achieving their goals. At university they will not have problems with academic performance, and at work they will be appreciated for completing assigned tasks on time. The ability to properly manage your time is an excellent leadership skill.

Don't forget to indicate maximum time, When you go to bed.

  • Tip #3 Review your to-do list.

Take a close look at your list and be honest about what you could do without. For example, ironing. Many women are increasingly abandoning this activity for logical reasons. Of course, if you are going “in public”, then you won’t go in wrinkled clothes. But for example, bed linen, a towel or underwear. It was our mothers and grandmothers who ironed and starched things all the time, but we live in the 21st century.

  • Tip #4 Multifunctionality.

Solving the problem of “where to find time for yourself” » One of the solutions is the development of multifunctionality. Each person's ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time is different, however, any skill can be developed if desired. At the same time, it is not necessary to execute several in parallel important functions. While traveling from home to your destination, you can spend your time very effectively and profitably. For example, when traveling to public transport You can listen to an interesting audiobook or your favorite music, which, in turn, will lift your spirits and allow you to get a little distracted. You can cook while watching your favorite TV series or, in parallel with the “movie hour,” you can get your face and nails in order.

  • Tip #5 Technical progress.

Technological progress has allowed modern women simplify the processes of cleaning, washing, cooking. All kinds of household appliances and gadgets can help with some of the household chores, so if possible, you should make the most of these devices. For example, in a slow cooker you can cook both porridge in the morning for children and a two-course lunch. In addition, use your phone wisely, set an alarm so you don’t forget to take your child to school, and throughout the day, let the app count the distance traveled and calories burned.

In addition, remember that you can prepare more soup so that there is enough for 2 days. Here you have a free 1.5 hours.

  • Tip #6 Internet.

Yes, of course, this is also progress and helps us a lot in life. But you need to know when to stop. Didn't find the recipe or new game for children in 15 minutes, turn it off, find it tomorrow. Otherwise, the web of the Runet will suck you in, and then your girlfriends will write on VKontakte and off we go - for 3 hours nothing happened! Sound familiar? Let's draw conclusions!

  • Tip #7 Have a more positive outlook on life.

When performing everyday routine tasks, you should find as much as possible in them. positive points. By treating your tasks with optimism and love, you can cope with them much faster. And thoughts about their benefits will allow you to feel a pleasant feeling of your importance. If you don’t want to take your child to after-school care, think about the fact that you will burn a few calories while going there and back.

Optimization and effective distribution of tasks will allow you to free up time for yourself. But time for relaxation and favorite activities also needs to be organized with maximum benefit for soul and body.

  • Tip No. 8 “NO” and “STOP”

Learn this in simple words, in order to prevent encroachment on your personal time. Say No to your work colleagues, children, if you decide to take a break, to your husband who is encroaching on yours, to your mother-in-law, to annoying friends, etc.

Say Stop to yourself, if the child made a mess of the table today, then it will not fall apart if you wash it tomorrow. Look at the world more simply.

  • Tip #9 You are a director, and your life is not a drama.
  • Tip No. 10 Everything has its time.

Do not rush to apply all the above tips overnight. This will at least scare away the people around you. Gradually introduce new rules into your life.

If you decide to create a daily routine, then you don’t need to immediately force all family members to follow a line. To make implementing new rules painless and more productive, set the time gradually. But start with yourself. Set a goal for yourself this week to introduce a daily routine into your life, next week to delegate chores around the house, and so on.

Remember, the ability to devote time to your needs is not selfishness. This way you show others that your world is wider and does not end with them.

How to use your personal time

Tips for organizing rest and personal affairs

This is true! Therefore, do not waste time and, whenever possible, lie down on a mat or fitball. By doing simple exercises twice a day for fifteen minutes, you can keep your body in good shape. Running and yoga are also good for getting a boost of energy and good spirits.

Don't forget about cosmetic procedures. If at 20 you didn’t have any creams or scrubs, then after 30 it’s time to buy miracle products.

If you feel unwell, you shouldn’t reduce everything to nothing. It is important to pay attention to your health to the extent necessary, even if it takes extra time. If health problems arise, think about what will happen if you fall ill, who will cook, take the children to classes, or how you will look at an important event that is coming up (birthday, matinee, corporate party, etc. .). You don't want people to say, "Oh, she really looks 35." Remember, a sickly appearance takes years. It's better to think about this in advance.

As for self-care, basic cosmetic procedures can be easily performed at home. Various face masks and nail baths can be made independently from natural ingredients, or purchased in stores and pharmacies.

  • Tip #2. You should never stop there.

Women who have recently given birth and are involved in the development of their baby stop paying attention own development, citing the fact that raising a child is much more important to them. But we all know that these are just excuses for the lazy, and you can always devote a little time to education, reading literature, watching trainings and video courses on the Internet.

This point also includes activities such as needlework, singing, drawing and other activities for which there is interest and ability. If possible, you can sign up for a class, but with the same success, these activities are very convenient and enjoyable to do at home, for example, knitting or singing karaoke.

  • Tip #3. Don't focus on family, home and work.

In your free minutes, take time to talk with a friend. You should also not neglect meeting with friends and colleagues in an informal setting. This will help you get a little distracted, relax and tune in to the future. the right mood. For a woman, the exchange of energy and information is important, so communication with friends can sometimes be a sip fresh air. The main thing is not to abuse it and not completely neglect everything.

  • Tip number 4.Tlet's rest!

Having spent the free time usefully for herself, every woman should allow herself to rest. Some women will prefer leisure, but it can rather be attributed to sports activities. It is also not recommended to get carried away by watching TV for a long time and spending free time on the computer. This is especially true when sitting for hours in in social networks. Sometimes it's good to just be alone and meditate.

It is equally important to allow yourself to go for a walk without a specific destination, or to visit places where you have not been yet, but have wanted to go there for a very long time. The same goes for a simple walk to the shops or shopping. Not only will these events lift your spirits, but they can also become a source of new thoughts and inspiration.

  • Tip #5. Sleep is often underestimated!

Under no circumstances should you sacrifice your sleep for other activities. Lack of sleep in a negative way affects appearance and on general condition body. Chronic lack of sleep leads to loss of performance, and, in extreme cases, can even cause mental disorders.

  • Tip #6. Don't be stingy with yourself.

Yes, sometimes you want to buy your child something good. But you shouldn’t skimp on yourself either. This is how we live, we save and save all our lives, but we don’t spend a penny on ourselves. What do we live and work for then the question arises? To get no pleasure at all. No, that will not do.

  • Tip number 7. What are you thinking about?!

It's important to pay attention to your psychological condition. If you do not pay due attention to this, you can fall into a state severe stress and, as a result, find yourself in depression, from which it will be quite difficult to get out of it on your own. Always monitor your thoughts, because they often materialize. Don’t conflict, try to understand people and hear them, always look for a compromise. Even such simple recommendations general will have a positive impact on the overall emotional background.

Remember, all the negativity and dissatisfaction in your thoughts is transferred into your life.

If something goes wrong, don’t criticize yourself too much, because you have the opportunity to make adjustments to your plans. Constant feeling guilt and frustration will not lead to anything good. Moments of despondency will only take up extra time, and this is not at all what you should strive for. A woman needs to love herself and respect her work.

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to do absolutely everything, but you can always strive to get closer to the ideal. And everyone can do this, you just need to approach the issue competently.

Video about how to find time for yourself. Really useful tips!