Final literacy lesson. Pedagogical development

Goal: Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the section "Literacy Education" .


Educational: Test children’s acquired knowledge, skills and abilities developed in literacy classes. Practice differentiating sounds; practice sound analysis of words; consolidate the ability to compose and analyze sentence diagrams; consolidate generalizing concepts;

Developmental: consolidate the ability to work at the board, develop logical thinking, memory, attention, speech.

Educational: Develop the ability to listen, be attentive, develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Demonstrative material: cards with the words: RIVER, HAT, YUNGA. Illustrated cards.

Handout: "Candies" - treat with chips (red, blue, green), cash register of letters, pencils, lined notebook, medals.

Q. Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them. And our guest is the Queen ABVGDEIKI, she came to invite us to her country ABVGDEIKU so that we could show our knowledge and how ready we are for school. The Queen will watch us and reward you.

Well, guys, do you agree to go to the country ABVGDEYKA?

Q. And to get there, you need to remember and tell everything you know about sounds, letters, syllables.

Q. Who can tell me what sounds there are?

D. (sounds are: vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless)

Q. What are letters and how do they differ from sounds?

D. (we hear and pronounce sounds, and we see and write letters)

K.A. Well done!

Q. Guys, Queen ABCD has prepared an unusual treat for you, unwrap it and see what’s inside?

D. (inside the chips are red, blue, green)

Q. You found chips that characterize sounds, come up with words with these sounds.

K.A. Well done!

B. Take a seat at the tables. So you and I ended up in the country of ABVGDEYKA.

Guys, we already know that words consist of sounds. Is it possible to divide the words? What are the parts of a word called?

D. (parts of a word are called syllables)

K.A. Well done!

B. To make the word sound correctly, we put emphasis. How to put the emphasis correctly?

D. (the word needs to be called and the syllable that lasts will be stressed)

K.A. Right. Well done!

Q. Here is the task that the queen has prepared for us: ABVGDEKI words RIVER, HAT, they need to be divided into syllables, indicate stress, sounds, and determine the number of letters and sounds in these words.

K.A. Well done!

Q. Guys, did you notice that there is something unusual in the word HAT or did it just seem to me?

D. (in the word cap the first sound Ш is always hard)

K.A. Well done! How attentive you are.

Q. Guys, here’s another word the Queen of ABCD has prepared for us, it’s so difficult, but I think we can handle it - this is the word YUNGA. (one child works at the board, the rest are in their places).

First of all, we divide the word into syllables, put emphasis, designate sounds, and at the end we count the number of letters and sounds

Guys, pay attention to the first letter, what is this letter? What do we know about her?

D. (in the word YUNGA the letter Y gives two sounds Y, U)

K.A. Well done!

V. Guys, we've been sitting too long, let's rest a little!!! (children leave the tables and approach the teacher)

Physical education minute.

Stand up together and stretch!

Walk around, spin around.

Hands to the right, hands to the left,

And then sit down boldly

Stand up again, stretch

And smile at each other.

Well done! did the guys have a rest??

B. Children go to their places.

Guys, listen to the sentence and say how many words there are in it and name the words in order: "Children play together"

D. (in a sentence "Children play together" , 3 words "Children play together" )

V. Now we will analyze the sentence: "We know a lot of fairy tales" .

How many words are there in this sentence?

D. (in a sentence "We know a lot of fairy tales" , 3 words)

B. Name these words in order.

D. ("We know a lot of fairy tales" )

K.A. Well done guys, you answered all the questions correctly!

B. Now the task will become more complicated. You need to make a diagram for this proposal. Let's remember with you what letter each sentence begins?

D. (each sentence starts with capital letters)

K.A. Well done!

Q. What do we put at the end of the sentence?

D. (at the end of the sentence, we will put a period)

K.A. Well done!!!

(one child works at the board)

Q. Guys, tell me what other punctuation marks are placed at the end of a sentence?

D. (question and exclamation marks are placed at the end of the sentence)

K.A. Well done!!!

Q. And if we are at the end of the sentence "We know a lot of fairy tales" let's put a question mark «?» , what will the proposal sound like?

K.A. Well done!

Q. Guys, what will our proposal sound like if we change the mark to an exclamation point? «!» ?

K.A. Well done guys, you completed this task!!!

Q. Our journey is coming to an end, and the Queen of ABCD is offering last task the most difficult thing: according to the first sounds of the proposed pictures (COW, CHOCOLATE, SPOON, CLOUCH, WATERMELON) unravel the word.


Well done!!! How smart.

Q. Is it possible to turn sounds into letters? (child works at the blackboard)

D. (you can, you need to write them)

K.A. Well done guys, you got it done difficult task, you turned sounds into letters!!! Now I see you are really ready for school.


Q. Our journey through the country of ABVGDEIKA has ended, let's remember what tests Queen ABVGDEIKA offered us?

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 37 “Friendly Family”, building 2

Final literacy lesson

"Task Machine"

Preparatory group



I qualification category

Provarenko Svetlana Salavatovna

Nizhnevartovsk, 2016

Abstract final lesson

on literacy

"Task Machines"

Target: generalize children's previously acquired knowledge.


Educational:generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about sounds: the syllabic role of the vowel; improve sound analysis skills; improve children’s skills in dividing words into syllables and composing sentences according to a pattern; strengthen children's giving skills full description speech sounds

Educational: develop phonemic awareness, children's thinking and speech; hstrengthen children's ability to divide words into syllables, respond toquestion teacher with a complete answer, practice coming up with sentences based on the reference diagram.

Educational:create good mood, cultivate neatness, kindness, mutual assistance, responsiveness, a sense of camaraderie, the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire and ability to work in a team.

Equipment: projector, screen, envelope with letter; Pictures; chips: red, blue, green; pointer; cards for determining the image of sounds; pictures (aster and peony), cards - tasks for each child; chest;

Preliminary work:writing notes, preparing attributes for the lesson.

Individual work:encourage active speech activity inactive children.

Methodical techniques: verbal, game, practical.

Vocabulary work:sentence, sentence pattern, vowel sound, consonant sound, syllable.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment.

Educator (B): - Guys, many guests came to our group today. Let's say hello to them.

Children (D): - Hello.

Emotional tuning.

Q: Guys, what are your mood today?

D: – Good, joyful, cheerful.

Q: – Let’s hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tighter

And let's smile at each other.

Q: - Guys, I found a letter on the table this morning. It's a strange envelope, nothing written on it.

Q: - Let's open the envelope and see what's there. There is a letter in the envelope, but we will find out who it is from if we assemble the picture from the parts.

Everything is clear, which means Masha sent us the letter. Now we can read it with you. (The teacher reads the letter).

"Hello Dear Guys! I want to congratulate you, because you will soon go to school. And for this wonderful occasion, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can find it if you pass all my tests. And after completing each task, you will receive a hint where she hid a surprise for you. The tasks will be very interesting. Wish you luck".

Task No. 1. “Who is attentive.”

The goal is to correctly show the schematic image of the sound.

But first, let's remember what sounds are there?

D: - Vowels, consonants, and consonants are hard and soft

Q: - What sounds are called vowels and why?

D: - We sing vowel sounds, the air passes freely, without encountering obstacles.

Q: - What sounds are called consonants and why?

D: - Consonants cannot be sung; teeth, lips and tongue interfere.

Q: - I will name the sound, and you show a schematic image. If I say a vowel sound, which card will you show me?

D: - Red.

Q: - If I name a hard consonant, which card will you show?

D: - Blue.

Q: - If you showed the green card, what did I call the sound?

D: - Soft consonant sound.

A, B, C, U, O, B^, I, Z, G, D, P^, L^.

Task No. 2. “Divide the words into syllables.”

Masha has some words for you. You need to determine how many syllables are in this word.

Q: - Educator: How to determine how many syllables are in a word?

D: - The number of vowels in a word equals the number of syllables

(Completing the task).

Well done, you have completed this task.

Task No. 3 “Make a sound analysis of words.”

Guys, look at the flowers we have on our tables.

D: - Peony, Astra

Q: - Boys will make a diagram of the word peony, and girls will make a diagram of the word aster.

Q: - Let's check if you have drawn up the diagram of your words correctly?

(Completing the task).

Now let's take a rest.

Physical education minute


There is a hollow in the old tree.

This is the house of the letter O.

(The children do circular movements hands.)

Next to her on the bitch

The letter U has perched.

(Squat down.)

Visit them from afar

The letter A came running.

(They run in place.)

The letter I has arrived

On the back of a sparrow.

(They wave their arms like wings.)

The letters began to have fun:

And laugh and spin.

Then they jump a little,

Then they clap their hands,

Then they will sit down and rest,

Then they will start dancing again.

(Children accompany the text of the poem with appropriate movements.)

Task No. 4. It’s called “Draw a diagram of the sentence.”

Guys, you need to draw diagrams of the sentences that I will read to you.

1. Spring has come.

2. Migratory birds have arrived.

3. Drops are ringing outside.

Now come up with a proposal according to this scheme. How many words are there in this sentence? (Three)

1___________ ___________ ___________ .

Task No. 5.

Q: - Find and circle only those objects whose names begin with the sound that is in the upper left corner.

(Completing the task).

Q: - Now turn the picture over and make up a word.


Q: - Guys, we completed all the tasks and received pictures of clues where the surprise was hidden. Let's take a closer look and find a surprise.

Q: - First picture, what does it show?

D: - Kindergarten

Q: - So the surprise is hidden in our kindergarten. Then try to find it yourself.

D: - In the second picture is our group, in the third there is a box, in the fourth there is a basket, in the fifth there is a corner where the letters are.

Q: - Guys, here is a box and a note: “Guys, you found a surprise, which means you completed all the tasks. Well done, I congratulate you. There is a gift from me in the box for you. I hope that at school you will only study at “4” and “5”. WITH Best wishes. Masha"


Q: - Guys, before we open the box, remember what we did today in class. (Children's answers).

Fetisova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Educator, MKDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 5 "Buratino", Volgograd region, Frolovo

Fetisova A.A. Final lesson on teaching literacy to preschool children // Sovushka. 2017. N3(9)..02.2019).

Order No. 30871

Type of lesson: Intellectual and developmental.

Type: Speech development.

Section: Literacy teaching.

Form of implementation: Travel on the map.

Topic: Reinforcing the material covered.

Program content: Consolidate knowledge of letters and the sounds that represent them; consolidate and improve the ability to divide words into syllables, perform sound analysis of words, giving a complete description of sounds, select a diagram for given proposal; practice composing sentences of 2, 3 syllables; develop coherent speech: practice retelling familiar fairy tales using mnemonic tables; consolidate knowledge of tongue twisters, the ability to use various means of expression in speech: tempo, strength of voice; develop mental capacity(ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions), attention, logical thinking; develop skills educational activities: listen and hear the teacher, perseverance, teach to monitor your posture, alternate the static position of children; create a positive psychological microclimate in the group.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher draws the children's attention to the alphabet lying on the table. - Guys, look, are all the letters in place? How many letters are missing? (The alphabet is missing four letters.) Name the letters that are not in the alphabet? (The alphabet is missing the letters A, I, N, R.) Where did the letters go? What should we do now? Or maybe the letters that are left will be enough for us? (No, all letters are important in the alphabet. You cannot write or read a word if even one letter is missing. If a letter is lost in a word, the word can become a completely different word.)

So, what is this? A note. I wonder what it says? (The teacher reads.)

“I stole your letters, and now you will not be able to read or write words. You'll never find them. And those who dare to go on a search will face serious trials.” There is also a signature “B - Z”. Guys, who do you think stole the letters from the alphabet and left a note? (Baba Yaga did this.)

Well, guys, let's help out the letters? (Yes.) And fairy-tale heroes will help us find the letters whose names contain the sound R. Here are pictures depicting fairy-tale heroes. Name those heroes whose names contain the sound R. So, who will help us? Carlson, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs.) And let's go in search of letters on the map. (Puts out a map.) Baba Yaga hid the letters in the houses. You can see them on the plan. We need to send fairy-tale characters to the right houses. Pay attention to prohibition signs. Look at the map and tell me which one fairy tale character will help you find the letters in the house under No. 1, under No. 2, under No. 3 and under No. 4. Explain why? (Carlson, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs went in search of letters. The Three Little Pigs go to house No. 1, because a prohibitory sign does not allow them to turn right. Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and Carlson turned right.) Edik, tell me where Little Red Riding Hood went to the house, why? (Little Red Riding Hood went straight to house number 4, because she is forbidden to turn left.) Maxim, tell me which houses Pinocchio and Carlson went to? (Carlson and Buratino went to the left. Buratino goes to house No. 3, because Carlson is forbidden to turn towards house No. 3. Carlson went to house No. 2.

So, how did we distribute our assistants? (In house No. 1 - Three Little Pigs, in house No. 2 Carlson, in house No. 3 - Pinocchio, in house No. 4 - Little Red Riding Hood.)

Well, the heroes are in the houses, they will help us cope with the tasks. Serious tests await us. To cope with them you need to warm up and prepare your speech apparatus, so that speech is clear, understandable, and intelligible. I will show the cards, and you will do the exercises.

Articulation gymnastics: Tube, Smile, Knead the dough, Roll the ball, Swing, Mushroom Click.

Breathing exercise “Pump”.

I think we've warmed up well and are ready for the challenge. Now we will find out what task awaits us in the first house of the Three Little Pigs. To free the letter, we must remember the tongue twisters. There are diagrams of tongue twisters on the table. Take any card. We will pronounce tongue twisters according to the models. Whoever I name will pronounce the tongue twister in accordance with the model. (Whisper, loudly, syllable by syllable, with pauses, quickly.)

Well done, you completed this task. But here's another test. Take a seat at the tables. You have cards with pictures on your tables. You need to lay out a diagram of the sound analysis of the word denoting the name of the object in the picture. Check if your neighbor completed the task correctly. (2 children do full analysis.) Tell us about your word? How many sounds does it have? How many vowels? How many consonants? What are they? What are the vowel and consonant sounds in a word? Well done, you passed this test. But the house does not open; there is a lock on the door. You need to find a key for it.

Turn over the cards. They show keys. Which one of you has the key to this castle? Milana, does your key fit this lock? Why do you think so? Maxim, your key fits, explain why? So who has the key to this castle? Why is he coming here? (Open the lock and take out the letter.) What is the name of this letter? What sound does it represent? Katya put the letter in the alphabet. Well done guys, you found one of the stolen letters.

It's time to look for other letters. Let's see what tasks await us in the second house.

Physical exercise.

"In the forest". We walked - walked - walked

Found strawberries

We walked - walked - walked

We found a boletus on the right,

Took it to the basket

Let's go again.

Take punch cards. You need to divide the words into syllables and connect the picture with the desired diagram. Check with each other. Why did you connect this picture with this diagram? What picture did you connect with the two-sound pattern? Well done boys. You completed this task correctly.

But we will release the second letter after we pass one more test. Take a seat at the tables. Guys, you need to read the sentence and choose one correct scheme out of four and mark it with a circle. Read the sentence. Why did you choose the first scheme? Why do you think the second scheme does not fit your proposal? Which scheme did you choose, and why? Well done, you passed this test and freed the second letter. What is the name of this letter? What sound does it represent? Danil, put the letter in the alphabet.

Well, let's look at the tasks in Buratino's third house. The task is called “It happens - it doesn’t happen.” I will read the sentences. If this happens, you squat. If this does not happen, then raise your hands up. - A wolf wanders through the forest. - A wolf is sitting on a tree. - A cup is boiling in a saucepan. - The cat is walking on the roof. - A boat floats across the sky. - The girl draws a house. - The house draws a girl. - The mouse loves cheese.

Mom went to the market. - The cat bought sausage. - The fish is in the frying pan. - An elephant has four legs. - The chicken has two legs. - A chicken is smaller than a turkey. - The grandson is younger than the grandfather. - Grandfather studies at school. - The girl is washing her dress. - There is a rainbow at night. - The rabbit eats grass. - A crocodile is grazing in a meadow.

Take a seat at the tables, it's waiting for you next task. It's called "Who can make up the most words." Syllables are written in the boxes. From the syllables you need to make as many as possible more words. For each word you will receive a chip; whoever collects the most chips will free the third letter. (Children make up words, receive chips, count them, release the third letter.) Which letter have we released, what sound does it represent?

Guys, we just have to free the last stolen letter, to do this we will complete the task from the fourth house, where Little Red Riding Hood is located. Look carefully at the tables and diagrams. Fairy tales are encrypted in them. You need to guess the fairy tale, remember its name and tell it.

Well done, so you have freed last letter. What is it called, what sound does it mean? Well done guys, you were not afraid of the tests, completed all the tasks and returned the letters to the alphabet. You have learned to read, divide words into syllables, and perform sound analysis of words. You will soon go to school, and I think that you will only get straight A's, I am proud of you. You are the best. Guys, which tasks were easy for you? What tasks were difficult to cope with?

I suggest choosing a figurine of that one as a souvenir fairy tale hero, in whose house you especially liked the task. Why did you choose the Carlson figurine? Why did you choose the Three Little Pigs figurine?

Olga Perkova
Summary of the final lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Summary of the final literacy lesson

preparatory school group No. 9

Educational: consolidate children's knowledge of literacy, improve skills in sound analysis of words, dividing words into syllables, stress placement, graphic image sentence structures.

Developmental: develop fine muscles of the fingers, phonemic awareness, thinking, resourcefulness, speed of reaction, communication skills children.

Educational: cultivate interest in school, love for fiction, the ability to listen to each other, complement the answers of comrades if necessary.

Preliminary work.

Repeat concept "word", "offer", dividing words into syllables, speech sounds, consolidate the concept of synonyms and antonyms (the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning, words with diminutives - endearing meaning, selection of adjectives.

Developmental environment.

An envelope with a letter, a seven-flowered flower, cards - diagrams and chips different colors for sound analysis of words, cards with sentence diagrams, pictures of fairy-tale characters.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Checking readiness for occupation.

2. Greeting guests.

3. Organizational moment.

We have an unusual meeting with you today. Look how many guests came to us. Very soon you will no longer be preschoolers, but will become real students. You have learned a lot, you know and know a lot. And our guests came to see if all of you are ready to go to 1st grade in September. And at the entrance to the kindergarten today, they handed me a strange envelope and told me to open it only in your presence.

What do you think is in it? (answer options)

Here's the letter. Shall we read it? (the teacher reads the letter)

“Hello, our preschool children! We look forward to your arrival at school on September 1st. The path ahead of you is long and full of challenges. But you will meet friends who will help you cope with all the difficulties. We are sending our gift - a seven-flowered flower, with its help it will be easier to overcome obstacles. After completing all the tasks, you will receive something without which it is impossible to get to school. We wish Bon Voyage and believe in your luck. School principal and teachers."

-Guys, they wish us: Bon Voyage!

It will be easier

Go and go.

Will lead, of course,

Bon voyage

Also for something good.

You are ready? Then let's hit the road! Close your eyes and let's talk magic words:


We are calm, we are calm,

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We definitely remember

What was taught at classes.

4. First petal. Warm up.

Answer the questions.

What does our speech consist of? (from words)

What are words made of? (from syllables)

What are syllables made of? (from sounds). Which two groups they divide(vowels and consonants)

What are the vowels? (stressed and unstressed, denoted by a red chip) (explain the answers)

Consonants (hard and soft, indicated by blue and green chips)

5. Second petal. Sound analysis words "school".

Two people working at the board: one child is on the open part, the other is on the closed side of the board. The rest are in place.

We say the word. We determine the number of syllables and name them. Determine the number of sounds in a word. Number of vowels, number of consonants. Determine the stressed syllable.

/sh/ - initial sound, according to, always TV. Remember that there are consonants that do not have a softness-hardness pair. What do you know about them (always soft consonants - /ch/, /sch/, /y/. Always hard - /zh/, /sh/, /ts/

/k/-ag., tv.

/o/-voice, beat.

/l/-ag., tv.

/a/ - voice , bezud.

Name the pairs for the consonant sounds in our word. (/sh/-no pair, /k/-/k/, /l/-/l/)

Checking the child's work on the back of the board.

What words were formed from the word "school"(called cognates words: schoolboy, schoolgirl, schoolboy, schoolboy, schoolboy, schoolboy).

Who it "schoolboy"(obsolete word, same as schoolboy, student)

*Gymnastics while standing at your desk.

Let's spread our legs with the letter L,

As if dancing - hands on hips.

Leaned left, right,

It turns out great.

You need to know the sounds clearly!

We learned to write.

We also know how to relax -

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy - let's breathe easy!

One two three four five!

Let's do it again.

6. Third petal.

We managed to pass the second test and we ended up in a class where each student has his own place at his desk. Guess where each of them sits. To find the right place, define:

1) what sound does the word begin with?

2) what color chip indicates this sound?

Suggested words (Pictures): Mal-vi-na (according to, tv., blue, 3 syllables, Pierro (according to, tv., green, 2 syllables, Ar-le-ki-no (voice, red, 4 syllables, Bu -ra-ti-no (according to, tv, blue, 4 syllables, Ar-te-mon (voice, red, 3 syllables, pi-yav-ka (according, soft, green, 3 syllables)

2 people work at the board, the rest are on the ground.

Describe Malvina, what is she like? Choose adjectives (beautiful, kind, big-eyed, caring, sweet, wonderful)

In what words did /ь/ appear? (Malvina, Pierrot). Name words starting with this sound. Why couldn't they name it? Are there any other similar letters? /ъ/. What do they serve for, what is their role in the word?

*Physical minute.

Pinocchio stretched,

Swung once, swung twice,

He spread his arms to the sides -

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key

We need to stand on our toes.

7. Fourth petal. A game "Say it the other way around".

You know a lot of words. And now our heroes will check whether you can choose a pair of words by their opposite, that is, say the opposite. The game is played in a circle with a ball.

I'll say the word "high", and you will answer -….(low,

I'll say the word "far", and you will answer - (close)

Words: sad-(cheerful, top-(bottom, weak-(strong, high-(low, thick-(thin, big-(small, wide-(narrow), left-(right, speak-(be silent, work- (rest)

8. Fifth petal. A game "Call me kindly"

Beautiful Malvina is grateful that you found her place at her desk so quickly. But this girl is not only beautiful, she is also kind and loves to call all objects affectionately. Malvina offers to play her favorite game "Call me kindly". (choice of words from diminutive value).

(Children take out cards with pictures from the box, name the depicted object and pronounce it affectionately)

Words: pen-…. (little hand) pencil-… (pencil) ruler-…. (ruler) notebook-…. (notebook) doll-…. (pupa) briefcase-…. (briefcase) pencil case-…. (pencil case).

Do all the words you named fit together (extra "doll".)Why? (children's explanations). Come up with a proposal with him.

What do the other words have in common? (these are all school supplies).

* Physical training "Teremok"

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

There is a tower in the field, (the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There's a lock on the door, (fingers clenched)

The wolf opens it - Twitch-twitch, twitch-twitch. (hands clenched in a lock, move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya the Cockerel came and opened the lock with the key (the fingers unclench and connect with each other, forming "teremok")

9. Sixth petal. Exercise "Make a proposal".

With the word "doll" you came up with suggestions. What is the difference between a word and a sentence? (children's answers).

How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (with a capital letter). What comes at the end of a sentence? (dot) What other signs do you know that complete sentences? (exclamation, question marks).

They orally make proposals based on the proposed model. (3-4 models)

Make an outline for proposals (1 person works at the board, the rest are in place):

Back to school soon. We are very happy! Do you want to learn a lot?

The work is being checked and conclusions are drawn.

10. Seventh petal. Petal surprise.

There is no task on the seventh petal, but it is written words:

You have passed many tests

And we moved forward stubbornly

You have encountered many difficulties,

Even more awaits them.

For efforts, for labor, ingenuity

You are handed this new key,

May he open all the doors to knowledge,

May it only bring joy to everyone.

A large Golden Key is awarded.

11. Summing up lesson outcome.

Guys, you really overcame a lot of obstacles and showed your knowledge. What did each of you like most today? (children's answers).

Each child is given his own key to "World of Knowledge" .


  • Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.
  • Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing persistence, determination, mutual assistance.
  • Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge.


  • Improve children's skills in dividing words into syllables, composing sentences according to a diagram, and finding the place of sounds in a word.
  • Develop children's thinking and speech.
  • Develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answer, develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Preliminary work: writing notes, preparing attributes for the lesson.

Individual work: encourage inactive children to engage in active speech activity.

Methodical techniques: verbal, game, practical.

Vocabulary work: sentence, sentence pattern, vowel sound, consonant sound, syllable.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, this morning a ball flew into our window. Look what it is? (the envelope is not signed). It's a strange envelope, nothing written on it.

Let's open the envelope and see what's there. (The teacher opens the envelope; in the envelope there is a cut picture and a letter).

The envelope contains cut-out pictures, let’s collect them now and then maybe we’ll find out who it’s from. (Children collect pictures, the picture shows a wizard).

Everything is clear, which means the Wizard sent us the letter. Now we can read it with you. (The teacher reads the letter).

“Hello, dear guys! I want to congratulate you, because you are going to school. And on such a wonderful occasion, I have prepared a surprise for you, you will be able to find it if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult, but interesting; after completing them, you will find out where is the treasure. Are you ready for the journey? Then good luck.

The balls are in a basket,

basket by the window."

Guys, let's find a basket (children find a basket with balls). Look, there is a number on each ball, the same numbers are located throughout the group, each number is assigned a task that must be completed.

Well guys, let's start the journey? (one of the guys takes out the ball.)
Throughout the journey, the guys take out balls and complete tasks.

Task No. 1"Correct the mistake".

1. A nimble sparrow collects crumbs.

2. The black starling takes up residence in the birdhouse.

3. Black grouse live in the forest.

4. Pine trees grow in the forest.

What did we do? (We tried to make the sentences correctly).

Task No. 2 The game is called "Who is attentive."

I will name the sounds. If it is a vowel sound, you need to raise a red card, if it is a consonant, then a blue one. (Completing the task). Well done boys! You have completed this task.

Let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute

How are you? - Like this.

How are you swimming? - Like this.

How are you running? - Like this.

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this.

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this.

Are you waving after me? - Like this.

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this.

How are you being naughty? - Like this.

Children answer questions and perform movements according to the text.

Task No. 3 It is more difficult, you have to try hard to complete the task. The task is called “Divide the words into syllables.” I will show you pictures, and you will name the word, how many syllables are in this word and put it in the right box. (Completing the task). Well done, you have completed this task.

Task No. 4 Game "Come up with a word with a given sound."

Listen carefully: mmm ama, Rimmm a, comm. What is the same sound in all words? Now you come up with a word with this sound and tell where this sound is: at the beginning, middle or end. (Completing the task). Well done guys, you did a good job with this task too.

Physical education minute

We will stomp first,

And then we'll clap

And then we'll turn around

And we will all smile together.

Task No. 5. It's called "Lay Out the Diagram."

Guys, we need to find out how many words are in a sentence. I will tell you proposals, and you will lay out its diagram.

1. Spring has come.

2. Sasha draws a beautiful flower.

3. Grandfather planted a turnip.

Now come up with a proposal according to this scheme. How many words are there in this sentence? (Three, two).

Task No. 6. How many sounds are there in the word “Home”. What's the first sound? Second? Third? Replace the first sound in the word house with the sound S. What happened?

Guys, we’ve passed all the tests, all our balls are gone, but it’s just not clear where the treasure is? Let's take a look in the basket. (Children find a plan at the bottom of the basket). Guys, this is our group’s plan. And here it is shown where the treasure is. (Search for treasure).

Guys, here is a box and a note: “Guys, you found the treasure, which means you completed all the tasks. Well done, I congratulate you. There is a gift from me in the box for you. I hope that at school you will only study at “4” and “5”. Best wishes. Wizard"

Guys, before we open the box, remember what we did in class today. (Children's answers).