Stories of the day of mourning June 22. “We must provide Russia and the Russian people with all the help we can.”

In 2018, on June 22, our country celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On this day German troops invaded the territory of the USSR without declaring war. Enemy aircraft launched a massive attack on airfields, railway junctions, naval bases, military bases and many cities in the country.

By resolution of the Presidium Supreme Council RF on July 13, 1992, this day was declared the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of the Fatherland. By Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 857 of June 8, 1996 June 22 was declared the “Day of Memory and Sorrow.”

And in 2007, the President of the Russian Federation approved changes to the law “On the Days of military glory And memorable dates Russia”, according to which this list included new date: June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941).

This festival, dedicated to memory victims, is intended to help strengthen the patriotic consciousness of our compatriots.

history of the holiday

This date was established in the Russian Federation during the reign of Boris Yeltsin. The corresponding order was issued on June 8, 1996. Official legislative act regulates the holiday and events to celebrate it. The fact is that the 22nd of 1941 forever changed the history of civilization. At 4 o'clock in the morning, the inhabitants of the Soviet Union learned of the unexpected invasion of hordes of Nazis from the Third Reich. Then it might have seemed that the huge armada could not be stopped, but history decided quite fairly and punished the “fascist dark force.”

This day is intended to remind us of all those who died in numerous battles, were tortured in captivity (especially in concentration camps), and died in the rear from hunger and deprivation. We mourn for everyone who, at the cost of their lives, fulfilled their sacred duty, defending our Fatherland in those harsh years. Mothers and fathers lost sons and daughters, grandparents lost grandchildren. That's why terrible tragedy should not be repeated.

The wonderful tradition of the “Train of Memory” is absolutely unique - a train with passengers in the person of veterans and activists runs from Moscow to Brest via Minsk. He arrives at extreme point 22nd of June. Candles are lit from the flame of the eternal flame, which are later descended into the Bug River. This military-patriotic action became a model for similar initiatives in Russia.

Holiday traditions

On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in Russia people lower their national flags. Wreath-laying ceremonies are held at the memorials of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Minutes of silence are announced. The President of the Russian Federation lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow.

Memorial services are held in churches for those killed during the Second World War.

An all-Russian patriotic event “Memory Watch” is being organized. Eternal flame". Participants light a Candle of Remembrance to pay tribute to the heroism of WWII soldiers. The campaigns “Candle of Memory on June 22 – a candle of memory on my window”, “Line of Memory” are taking place. On the eve of the holiday, the “Train of Memory” campaign is held. The train with WWII veterans and youth organizations follows the route “Moscow-Minsk-Brest”. On June 22, train passengers participate in the requiem meeting “Let us bow to those great years” in Brest Fortress. They light candles from the Eternal Flame and lower them into the Bug River.

Charitable foundations raise money to help participants in military operations. Schools host thematic lessons stories. Young people meet with war veterans.

Exhibitions are organized military equipment. Military song concerts are organized. Cinemas under open air they broadcast films about the war. TV channels and radio stations are removing entertainment programs from their broadcasts.

More than 130 events dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow will be held in Moscow

Celebrating the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in the capital will begin on the night of June 22. The event will open with a patriotic event “Memory Watch. Eternal Flame - 2018." Next, city events will begin on Bolotnaya Embankment. There will be a concert here. Next, all participants in the action will move to the Alexander Garden. On Bersenevskaya embankment there will be an interactive program.

Grand events will begin on June 22 at 10:00. On Poklonnaya Hill will be displayed at the Fire of Memory guard of honor named after Hero of Russia V. Maksimchuk. At 14:00 a concert “Let's remember everyone by name...” is planned here. About 2 thousand people will take part in the event, including war and labor veterans, heroes of the Soviet Union, representatives social activities. There will be a pavilion with chairs for veterans. At the end of the concert, flowers will be laid at the Fire of Memory and Glory.

Flowers will also be laid near the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, which on June 22 will be open free of charge for all visitors. The event will begin at 15:00 near the “Grieving Mother” monument, followed by a memorial lunch for all veterans.

At 17:00 at Tverskaya Zastava the action “Moscow. Belorussky railway station" Creative performances will take place here that are aimed at reminding the younger generation of the times of war. The event will be attended by military personnel, veterans and students. cadet schools. It is also planned to lay flowers on a board at the entrance to the station, from where young guys were sent to the front.

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On June 22, 1941, the pre-dawn silence was suddenly broken by explosions of roaring shells. Thus began the war.

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At that time, no one knew that it would go down in human history as the bloodiest. No one guessed that the Soviet people would have to go through inhuman tests, pass and win. To rid the world of fascism, showing everyone that the spirit of a Red Army soldier cannot be broken by the invaders.



No one could have imagined that the names of the hero cities would become known to the whole world, that Stalingrad would become a symbol of the fortitude of our people, Leningrad - a symbol of courage, Brest - a symbol of courage. That, along with male warriors, old men, women and children will heroically defend the earth from the fascist plague.



1418 days and nights of war.
Over 26 million human lives


Kiev, Riga, Kaunas, Vindava, Libau, Siauliai, Vilnius, Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Zhitomir, Sevastopol and many other cities, railway junctions, airfields, and naval bases of the USSR were bombed. Artillery shelling of border fortifications and deployment areas was carried out Soviet troops near the border.

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At 5-6 o'clock in the morning, fascist German troops crossed state border USSR and launched an offensive in depth Soviet territory. Only an hour and a half after the start of the offensive, the German Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Count Werner von Schulenburg, made a statement declaring war on the USSR

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The beginning of the war. Unique documentary footage

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At 12 noon, all radio stations of the Soviet Union broadcast a government message about the attack on our country fascist Germany.

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In a statement with which on behalf of Central Committee Communist Party and the Soviet government, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov spoke, pointing out that the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR was a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples.



Following the government message, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the mobilization of citizens liable for military service in 1905-1918 was transmitted. birth.

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"Holy war"

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On June 23, the Headquarters of the Main Command was created Armed Forces USSR (later Stavka Supreme High Command) headed by people's commissar defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko.


In border battles and initial period war (until mid-July) the Red Army lost 850 thousand people killed and wounded; 9.5 thousand guns, over 6 thousand tanks, about 3.5 thousand aircraft were destroyed; About 1 million people were captured.



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The German army occupied a significant part of the country and advanced inland to 300-600 km, losing 100 thousand people killed, almost 40% of tanks and 950 aircraft.

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However, the plan lightning war, during which German command intended to capture the entire Soviet Union in a few months, failed.





On July 13, 1992, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was declared the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of the Fatherland.



June 8, 1996 Russian President B.N. Yeltsin declared June 22 a Day of Memory and Sorrow. On this day, national flags are lowered throughout the country and entertainment events and programs are cancelled. The country mourns and remembers its heroes who did not return from that terrible war....



"From the heroes of old times." Performed by V. Lanovoy (the whole hall stood up...)

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The trenches will be overgrown with grass


At the sites of past battles.


Getting better every year


Hundreds of cities will stand still.

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And in good moments


You will remember, and I will remember,


Like from fierce enemy hordes


We cleared the edges.

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Let's remember everything: how we were friends,


How we put out fires


Like our porch


They drank fresh milk


Gray with dust,


A tired fighter.

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Let's not forget those heroes


What lies in the damp ground,


Giving my life on the battlefield


For the people, for you and me...

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Glory to our generals,


Glory to our admirals


And to ordinary soldiers -


On foot, swimming, horseback,


Tired, seasoned!


Glory to the fallen and the living -


Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!

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I didn't see the war...

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Today, June 22, is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. 75 years ago the Great Patriotic War began. Russia remembers the dead. 1,418 days of war claimed the lives of about 27 million Soviet citizens. In their memory today candles are lit, flowers and wreaths are laid, and minutes of silence are declared. At 4 am - the hour when the war began - we started all-Russian actions: "Candle of Memory" and .

The Crimean embankment was illuminated with a “line of memory”. On this night, 1418 candles were lit here - this is the number of days of the Great Patriotic War. Anyone could come up and light a candle on a date memorable specifically for his family.

The fire was brought to the Crimean embankment from the Elokhovsky Monastery by the Night Wolves bikers. Candles symbolizing the first days of the war were lit by veterans, and great date On Victory Day, the candle was entrusted to be lit by the great-granddaughter of Marshal Konev, Anisya.

“I will know that my great-grandfather is so great. He ended the war in 1945 on May 9 in Prague,” said Anisya Bazhanova.

"Book of Memory" - in one of the tents on Crimean embankment. Here search engines help find relatives who disappeared during the war. The more details are known, the more chances find the place of death or even burial.

At the concert, veteran Yevsey Rudinsky, together with the musicians, sings songs of his youth. During the war, he was a navigator and flew the Petlyakov-2 bomber.

"When he came to the aviation school, he said that the song from the movie "Fighters" led to aviation schools tens of times more people than those who campaigned to enter this school. This was our favorite song,” recalls Great Patriotic War veteran Evsei Rudinsky.

Memorable. About 3 thousand people came to the “Candle of Memory” rally in Yekaterinburg. The participants marched in a column through the city and lined up in the word “Remember” on 1905 Square.

In the center of Volgograd, the atmosphere of a June evening was recreated, when all plans, hopes and dreams were crossed out younger generation when yesterday's schoolchildren became soldiers.

In Sevastopol, the first candles were lit at 3:15. It was at this time that the first bombs fell on the city. Near the Eternal Flame local residents made a star and the number 75 from candles.

"Eternal Flame" - this event has been taking place in Moscow for the 25th year in a row. It is organized by youth movements and military-patriotic clubs. One of the organizations is the Memory of Generations charity foundation, which helps veterans.

“We are here popularizing our symbol. This is a badge, a red carnation, which is usually worn on June 22, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow,” explains the executive director charitable foundation"Memory of Generations" Ekaterina Kruglova.

Take a photo in front of an anti-tank gun or anti-aircraft gun, watch a movie chronicling the war years on the big screen and try out front-line buckwheat porridge- all those who came to Bolotnaya Square that night could do this and more.

“June 22 is a very important day for our country. Moreover, 75 years have passed since then. We simply had to come here so that we could all be together. To remember what those who went to war were like, that they were the same young, like us,” says Pobeda volunteer Anastasia Tolmacheva.

“The Last Peaceful Day” - a retrospective under this title was shown to the audience. The plot is based on five stories about how people lived in different cities countries at the moment they learned about the start of the war.

At dawn, at 4 o'clock in the morning, all participants in the action in a column reached the Alexander Garden to Eternal Flame. Here Muscovites laid flowers at the Tomb Unknown Soldier and honored the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

admin, 06/14/2018

For the 22nd time in the history of the Russian Federation, the date June 22 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. In the calendar of mourning dates, it was under this name that June 22 was noted on the basis of decree No. 857 of the President of the Russian Federation (at that time Boris Yeltsin) dated June 8, 1996 -

like the day of the invasion Nazi troops to the territory of the Soviet Union.

Full text of the mentioned decree:

The twenty-second of June 1941 is one of the saddest dates in our history, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. This day reminds us of all those who died, were tortured in

fascist captivity, who died in the rear from hunger and deprivation. We mourn for everyone who, at the cost of their lives, fulfilled the sacred duty of protecting the Motherland. Paying tribute to the victims of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as the victims of all wars for freedom and

independence of our Fatherland, I decree:

On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow throughout the country: the State flags of the Russian Federation are lowered; In cultural institutions, on television and radio, entertainment events and programs are canceled throughout the day.

And 77 years after the start of the Great Patriotic War, professional military historians cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion about the losses that the Soviet Union suffered in the confrontation with numerous invaders who crossed the borders of the Fatherland. Data on combat losses at the front are often superimposed on reports

about losses civilian population in Nazi-occupied territories. Total number losses in bloody war in the history of mankind suffered Soviet Union from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, more than 25 million people. These are the soldiers who have fallen

on the battlefield and died from wounds in hospitals, this civilians who faced the horror of Nazism from Brest to Stalingrad, from Murmansk and Leningrad to Sevastopol.

What is 25 million losses? These are still tens of millions of new lives that have not been born, these are millions of families destroyed by grief and brought to the brink of existence, this is also the colossal economic, humanitarian, social damage that the whole

our huge country and all the peoples inhabiting it. What is 25 million losses? At least partially, this meaning can be illustrated by the wonderful action “ Immortal Regiment", which is held annually not only in Russia - thousands and

thousands of floating signs with the faces of those who fell in battles for the Fatherland. Moreover, the “Immortal Regiment” action is not only memory and grief, it is still, first of all, pride in the feat that our ancestors accomplished, and which we all should be worthy of.

Long time in Soviet history it was not customary to report that against Soviet people together with German armies Hungarian, Finnish, Slovak, French, Bulgarian, Italian, Romanian and other units came to fight. Now

Russians know about the real price of the so-called “partnership”, when those who call themselves friends today are sometimes not ready to miss their chance to stick a knife in the back tomorrow, hoping to tear off a tasty piece from Russia under any far-fetched

In Russia, June 22 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - one of the most sad days in the history of these countries. It was on June 22, 1941 that the Great Patriotic War began - we know quite well what followed. 30 million Soviet citizens died, tens, hundreds of thousands were kept in concentration camps and suffered from hunger in the rear, the years of post-war devastation claimed their share of human lives. This was a lesson that allowed the world community to understand that war cannot be good - no matter who starts it and why.

In the Russian Federation, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow has been celebrated since 1996 - on June 8, 1996, a decree was issued by the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, establishing June 22 as the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. This day in Russia is not just a date on the calendar: state flags are lowered throughout the country, and television and radio, as well as cultural institutions, are advised not to hold any entertainment programs and events.

On the same day, sad events are also remembered in Ukraine and Belarus, although in each of these countries official name dates are different: “Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War” (in Belarus) and “Day of Mourning and Honoring the Memory of War Victims” (in Ukraine)

There is a special day for Russia,
When all our people mourn.
We honor Memorial Day
And we remember the forty-first year.

When the fascist went on the attack,
Blood was shed throughout the country.
So eternal memory to the soldier
For peaceful peace on Earth!

And, remembering those terrible years,
Any Soviet person
Put all your worries aside
To answer war: “No!”

This is a day to remember
Our whole country.
The day when, scary to think,
The war has begun!

We will light candles today,
Let's bring flowers,
But it won't make my heart any easier -
We remember and mourn.

We remember those who gave their lives.
Those who took Berlin.
We are for life and for freedom
Thank you!

The Day of Remembrance and Sorrow is a special day that reminds all people on earth that evil cannot destroy evil, that no goals justify human sacrifice, and life is the most valuable gift given to us from above and no one has the right to take it away. Let this knowledge and the lessons of history serve as an eternal reminder of the dead, heroes, nobility, and the warmth of hearts will warm your neighbor, make you think about the transience of time and awaken the light of the soul with a spark of goodness.

Many years have passed, but nothing is forgotten.
We remember the events
When in the forty-first in the midst of June
The country learned about the war.

And the peaceful sky turned black,
And life flew by like a moment.
Not many returned from the front in those years
Do not count those who died in the battle!

And on this terrible and even terrible day
We remember them and mourn,
For life, for spring, for love, for victory,
We thank them for their feat.

Twenty second of June -
Day of sorrow and remembrance,
The world was just the day before,
And on the morning of war a shadow fell!

No matter how many years have passed,
We will not forget this day,
We remember that it all happened
And the pain of loss cannot be avoided!

Without the past there is no present
And the memory needs to be honored and preserved.
Let there be enough space for everything in your soul
And there will be something to leave for the grandchildren.

It’s not for nothing that the country celebrates
This means that humanity lives
And that means life goes on.

There is no need for sacrifices or deaths,
May the sky always be clear.
Let's honor all the fallen defenders
And let us bow low to the fallen!

Day of remembrance, sorrow, respect...
And let that horror not return.
Let peace reign on the planet
And humanity will turn away from wars.

On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
Let's take a moment of silence
Those who are not with us, and we will remember them,
We will give them due attention.

After all, they remain in our hearts
And they will remain there forever,
They fought bravely for us
Eternal memory to them, honor and praise!

This day lives in our memory
Despite the years and borders,
He echoes pain everywhere,
In villages, auls, capitals.
June day
With mourning ribbon
The alarm is ringing about war,
The monuments scream about war,
This day is not forgotten by anyone.
Let him remind you again today:
We live alone under the sun,
Let's say "No!" we are fighting wars today,
We will save the world for our children.

On this day we will remember all those who died,
We mourn, and the memory lives in us,
And we will fill our hearts with love,
Our entire people remembers and mourns.

We wish you sun and peace,
Peace, friendship, light to the whole earth,
So that the dawn hour brings
Happiness to everyone on the pink wing.

Today the memory is ringing like an alarm bell,
Thrashes mercilessly into whiskey,
And grief for the dead soldiers
Tears the souls of the living into pieces.

According to them, who were shot then,
He was burned, tortured in captivity,
Whose mothers turned gray in a day,
Cursing the war through sobs, -

Our tears are rolling down them,
About them the cry is like a groan of cranes,
Birch trees are called by name
Their whisper of thin branches...

And we will not forget those terrible days.
And we tell our grandchildren to remember everything!
A moment of silence for all the fallen
In that war, let's honor...
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