Phrases of wisdom quotes about mastery. Phrases of statesmen

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival.
Vissarion G. Belinsky
Mastery, Success, Learning and Science

If a craftsman exaggerates his skill, his nature suffers from selfishness. People who argue in madrasahs enter into conversations with self-confidence. One rejects the opinion of this, another of that; each recognizes only his own opinion and himself.
Alisher Navoi
Self-interest, Mastery, Opinion

Men don't lie naturally. Women who do this with amazing skill instantly detect the slightest shade of deceit in those they love. There is a deliberate ease in the tone in which a guilty man speaks, and notes of excessive naturalness betray a lack of naturalness
Andre Maurois
Lies, Skill, Man

Pitiful is the master whose work is ahead of his judgment; that master advances towards the perfection of art, the works of which are surpassed by judgment.
Leonardo da Vinci
Painting, Art, Craftsmanship

Do you want to do without sorrows?
Learn sciences and crafts.
Alisher Navoi
Mastery, Sadness, Learning and Science

Exercise breeds mastery.
Tacitus Publius K.
Skill, Experience

Man is glorified neither by gold nor by silver. The man is famous for his talent and skill.
Jami A.N. and. Ahmad
Gold, Mastery

The piano disappears, and only music is revealed to us.
Heinrich Heine
Craftsmanship, Music

Whoever approaches the temple of the Muses without inspiration, believing that only skill is worthy, will remain inept, and his arrogant verses will fade before the songs of madmen.
Inspiration, Craftsmanship, Wise Quotes

In a fake banknote, which everyone takes for a real one, a complex must arise: they do not admire the skill of its counterfeit!
Stanislav E. Lec

One skilled healer is worth hundreds of warriors.
Doctors, Craftsmanship

When love and craftsmanship come together, you can expect a masterpiece.
John Ruskin
Painting, Crafts

A master is known through self-restraint.
Johann W. Goethe
Mastery, Wise Quotes

Not everything a great craftsman does is great.
Johann W. Goethe
Mastery, Wise Quotes

An uncouth blockhead is never on the side of mastery, he is always against it, and it is precisely the fundamentals of the fundamentals that give the first, most approximate form that seem especially unnatural to him.
Thomas Mann

A bad student is one who does not surpass his teacher.
Leonardo da Vinci
Life Quotes, Mastery, Cognition

Working with great zeal in the political field, Cicero believed that if artisans, dealing with tools and other inanimate instruments of their craft, know their names, place, and suitability for work well, then the statesman, whose activities, to public affairs related, are carried out through the medium of people, and it is even more shameful to be so careless and careless as not to know your fellow citizens.
State, Skill, Diligence

The first guarantee of mastery is
Don't recognize your own perfection.
William Shakespeare
Craftsmanship, Excellence, Man

Be decisive, he said. - You must know where you want to go before you reach your goal.

"Leigh Bardugo"

Everything in life is achievable. Set a goal - Achieve it! And period.

It is inherent in the concept of a person that his final goal should be unattainable, and his path to it should be endless.

Inspiration allows a person to do the maximum of what nature has given him.

"Mikhail Ancharov"

Inspiration comes only while working.

"Gabriel G. Marquez"

Here's Willie. He runs for the sake of running. Here's Jim. He runs because there is a goal ahead.

"Ray Bradbury"

Indeed, without a goal, nothing is great, nothing has value. Greatness does not lie in this world, but rather in the purpose of your life.

A person's dignity is determined by the path he takes to the goal, and not by whether he achieves it.

"Abai Kunanbaev"

If people knew how much work my skill cost me, it would not seem like a miracle to them at all.


If someone insults you, do not immediately pay attention to these people. Just go straight to your goal and achieve it - that will be the best answer.

"Ashley Benson"

If you only do what you know you can do, you will never accomplish very much.

"Tom Krause"

If you want to achieve a goal, don't try to be subtle or smart. Use rough methods. Hit the target immediately. Go back and hit again. Then hit again - with a strong blow from the shoulder.

If they hoped that the goal would justify the means, then, in case of failure, the failed hopes are passed over in silence.

"Evgeniy Vitalievich Antonyuk"

If a problem gets in my way like a mountain in the middle of the road, then I look for detours, other roads, or even change the route. The main thing is the goal, and there are many paths to the goal.

If now you don’t have anything you dreamed of, it’s time to set goals for yourself and achieve them.

If you've come this far, maybe you can go even further?

If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.

"Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"

If you really want something, you don't have to stop for something or anyone until you get it.

And remember: when your wings weaken, your faith runs out and you can no longer fly, you are halfway to your goal!

And in this barely noticeable interval only a great genius will soon be able to find a place for himself.

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

Sometimes blindness helps you focus on your goal.

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

Each goal must be written down. This is half the victory.

I hope you ran to cherished goal, and not just from an unenviable past.

The real goal is not what keeps you up at night, but what gets you out of bed early in the morning.

Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, take care of it. People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do it either. Set a goal - achieve it! And period.

"Gabriel Muccino"

You cannot take one huge step that will immediately ensure you achieve your desired goal. For any the right goal achieved through many small and quite ordinary steps.

"Peter Cohen"

No one will ever achieve everything they strive for. And if he succeeds, it means the bar was set too low.

"Krzysztof Zanussi"

The absence of a goal does not motivate you to do anything, but if the goal is insignificant, then you will not do anything really important or significant.

"D. Diderot"

True virtue is prudence. That which falls must have fallen, that which succeeds must have succeeded. Providence has its own goals: it rewards the worthy.

"Victor Hugo"

The past and present are our means, only the future is our goal.

"Blaise Pascal"

Working just for the sake of material goods, we are building our own prison. And we lock ourselves in alone, and all our riches are dust and ashes, they are powerless to give us something worth living for.

Decide what you want to get out of life and go towards your goal. Yes, at first it will be very difficult, but later you will receive a reward.

Today is the term of the winners. Tomorrow is the word of the losers.

"Robert Kiyosaki"

Now he thinks only about one thing - to become a king: for this purpose he is ready to sacrifice everything he has, and even more so what he does not have.

"Alexandr Duma"

The strong set themselves a dream as a goal, and the weak make a goal as a dream.

Strive for the goal, but live for today.

"Eero Voutilainen"

The existence of such large quantity unnecessary people due to the fact that they are scattered across a lot of things and affairs.

"Nathaniel Emmons"

The work of a teacher is considered one of the most respected and at the same time difficult. Especially in Russia, where salaries are like school teachers, and university teachers leave much to be desired. For children, the teacher is significant figure, obliged to teach not only school wisdom, but also life. Good mentor can find an approach to every child, captivate him with his subject, and teach him to respect his classmates. In a friendly class, where classroom teacher listens to the opinions of students, learning is much more comfortable.

The teacher repeats magical things every day

U famous writers, philosophers, scientists, and politicians had mentors who passed on to their students important or useless - it happens - knowledge. Quotes about teachers give an idea of ​​the difficulties of the profession, the image of an ideal teacher, and the mistakes of education.

Phrases of great people can help adjust the goals of young people who only dream of connecting their destiny with the field of education. Wise and humorous statements will help future teachers communicate correctly with children and set priorities correctly.

Primary School- period of acquaintance with the teaching profession

How important, great and sacred is the rank of a teacher: the fate is in his hands whole life person. A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. (Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky)

All the pride of a teacher in his students is the growth of the seeds he sows. (Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev)

Some people believe that the teacher is stealing from his students. Others say that students rob the teacher. I believe that both are right, and participation in this mutual theft is wonderful. (Lev Davidovich Landau)

To educate others, we must first educate ourselves. (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)

Even professors were once naive students

The teacher must be an artist, an artist, passionately in love with his work. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. (Vladimir Ivanovich Dal)

For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. (Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin)

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself. (Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov)

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. (Maksim Gorky)

Grown-up mothers and fathers - past students

Quotes from foreign writers, poets

A teacher is not the one who teaches something, but the one who helps to reveal to his student what he already knows. (Paulo Coelho)

Knowledge - like heaven - belongs to everyone. No teacher has the right to withhold them from anyone who asks for them. Teaching is the art of giving. (Abraham Joshua Heschel)

A person always learns only from those he loves. Those from whom we learn are rightly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Your teacher is not the one who teaches you, but the one from whom you learn. (Richard Bach)

Everything you need to know cannot be taught; a teacher can only do one thing - show the way. (Richard Aldington)

Which path will you choose?

In order to teach another, it is required more intelligence than to learn it yourself. (Michel de Montaigne)

Teaching means doubly learning. Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

If you wash a cat, they say it will no longer wash itself. A person will never learn what he is taught. (George Bernard Shaw)

What the teachers digest, the students eat. (Karl Kraus)

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it. (Thomas Fuller)

Inner Light- example productive learning

Opinions of famous women about teachers and teaching

You learn fastest and best when you teach others. (German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg)

The most a big joy for a teacher when his student is praised. ( English poetess and novelist Charlotte Brontë)

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? Good teacher develops the student's abilities to the limit, a great teacher immediately sees this limit. (Greek singer Maria Callas)

Education is the knowledge that we receive from books and which no one knows about except our teacher. (Virginia Hudson)

The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intellect as a fertile field in which seeds can be sown to grow in the warmth of a burning imagination. (Maria Montessori - Italian teacher, doctor, philosopher and scientist)

What seeds are sown by the teacher, so will the student reap

Sayings of ancient thinkers

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others - good life. (Aristotle)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher. (French philosopher of the 13th century. Boethius of Dacia)

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher. (Confucius)

A good teacher is one whose words do not differ from his deeds. (Cato the Elder)

One should trust more those who teach, rather than those who command. (Augustine the Blessed)

A phrase uttered by a teacher in anger is etched in the student’s memory for a long time.

Phrases of statesmen

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. Great teacher inspires. (William Ward)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. (Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky)

Strengths and weaknesses are rooted in school, and the keys to well-being lie with teachers. (Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini)

A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person. A teacher is an engineer human souls. (Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin)

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. (Winston Churchill)

Winston Churchill was his own teacher, as he regularly educated himself

What the teachers themselves said about their profession

They have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun. Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice. (Jan Amos Comenius)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, it will, unfortunately, last only his legs. (Alexander Ryzhikov - mathematics teacher, laureate All-Russian competition"Teacher of the Year 2009")

A teacher who does not begin by arousing the student's desire to learn is striking cold iron. (Horace Mann)

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students, but to their mind, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization. (Fyodor Ivanovich Yankovic de Marievo)

The role of the teacher is to open doors, not to push the student through them. (Arthur Schnabel)

The bright world of knowledge is open to everyone

Everyday life of people teaching professions consist not only of tests, essays, exams, admonition of careless students and encouragement of geniuses. Without humor it is very difficult to cope with a huge workload and children's problems. IN school life There are many funny moments that are aptly noted in the aphorisms. Pedagogy has not escaped the sarcasm of witty people.

Ironic, humorous, sarcastic aphorisms

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do. (Tadeusz Kotarbiński)

From the lessons of some teachers, we learn only the ability to sit up straight. (Wladyslaw Katarzynski)

He who teaches himself has a fool as a teacher. (English proverb)

Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers. (Anton Ligov)

According to teachers, eggs do not teach chicken; according to students, chicken is not a bird. (Alexander Botvinnikov)

Oh, this eternal dispute!

The teaching profession provides a lifetime guarantee against kidnapping for ransom. (Stanislav Motsarsky)

Work saves a person from three main evils - boredom, vice and need. - Voltaire

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life. - Confucius *

The best path to success is to fall in love with what you do. - Jackie Chan

Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective. - Dale Carnegie

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.
- Hippocrates

If you don’t have your own goal in life, then you have to work for someone who has it!
- Robert Anthony

A person’s joy is only what he has worked hard on - that’s how he is made. - Exupery

Three things make a person happy: love, interesting job and the opportunity to travel...
- Ivan Bunin

Immersion in work is the most The best way defeat the disease.

Working on yourself is the hardest work, so few people do it.

A life without work is the most miserable life. And when there is work, every life is more than half happy.
“Two Lives” - novel by K. E. Antarova

The real hobby of our generation is whining and stupid chatter about nothing. Unsuccessful relationships, problems with studies, boss is an asshole... It's all complete bullshit. There is only one asshole and that is you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change just by getting your ass off the couch.
- George Carlin

If you want to build a ship, you don’t need to call people, plan, divide the work, get tools. We need to infect people with the desire for the endless sea. Then they will build the ships themselves...
- A. de Saint-Exupéry

When you make art, whether it's good or bad, your soul grows.
- Kurt Vonnegut

What is a person like when he is busy only sleeping and eating? An animal, nothing more.
- William Shakespeare (1564 - 01/23/1616) - English playwright, poet and actor

It is impossible to help someone who does not want to change their life.
- Hippocrates

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

If the egg is broken by an external force, life ends. If an egg is broken by force from within, life begins. Everything great always starts from within.

I tell myself: I have to grow and learn more. This is the only antidote to old age.
- Kirk Douglas, American actor

“Office work kills the movement of thought... relaxes the potential and weakens the energy force...”

Life is growth. Having stopped growing, technically or spiritual sense, we become no better than the dead.
- Morihei Ueshiba

If you are passionate about what you love, you can even miss the apocalypse.
- Max Fry

A person’s joy is only what he has worked hard on - that’s how he is made.
- Exupery

You can blame others for everything and despair, or you can get up early every day and persistently achieve success.
- Luke Daly

It’s better to move toward your goal at a snail’s pace than to come up with excuses at the speed of light for why you’re standing still.
-Bodo Schaefer

Iron rusts without finding a use, stagnant water rots or freezes in the cold, and the human mind, without finding a use, withers away.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Working for the owner or large company will never be a solution to money problems.
- Robert Kiyosaki

If you are in your place, doing what you want to do, what your soul is about, then this activity will never devastate and tire you, but on the contrary, fill you with energy and stimulate you.

If you're crazy enough to do something you love, you're destined to live a meaningful life.
- Herbert Kelleher

- Jackie Chan

It's better to create work rather than look for it.

When I didn’t have enough money, I sat down to think, and didn’t run to earn money. An idea is the most expensive commodity in the world.
- Steve Jobs

The most pure water- not the one that lingers in a large stagnant puddle, but the one that flows over rocks, overcomes obstacles, and falls over waterfalls - it is the one that ultimately becomes drinkable. This is water that was purified in the process of falling, breaking against stones thousands and thousands of times, water that sang in suffering and weaved white foam of hope, giving birth to a rainbow at every meeting with obstacles on its way.
- Jorge Angel Livraga

If you want to have something you've never had, start doing something you've never done.
- Richard Bach

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.
- Confucius

Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur; professionals built the Titanic.
- Dave Berry

Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.
- Dale Carnegie

The one who doesn’t do what he’s told, and the one who doesn’t do what he’s told, will never make it to the top. Furthermore what they tell him.
- Andrew Carnegie American entrepreneur, major steel industrialist, philanthropist, multimillionaire.

If you think you can, you can. But if you think you can't, then you can't. - Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, one of the most successful businesswomen of the 20th century.

If you want to succeed your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart.
- Thomas J. Watson, former president of IBM.

Your worst clients are your richest source of knowledge.
- Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation.

He who works all day has no time to earn money.
- John Davison Rockefeller

It makes no sense to hire smart people, and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. - Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple Corporation.

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.
- Hippocrates

The average person is concerned with how to kill time, but the talented person strives to use it.
- A. Schopenhauer

The best path to success is to fall in love with what you do.
- Jackie Chan

Work saves a person from three main evils - boredom, vice and need.
- Voltaire

There's only one way to do it great job- to love her. If you haven't come to this, wait. Don't rush into action. As with everything else, your own heart will help you suggest something interesting.
- Steve Jobs

If you haven't found your business yet, look for it. Do not stop. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know it when you find it. And like any a good relationship, they get better and better over the years. So search until you find it. Don't stop.
- Steve Jobs

You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most life and the only way to be completely satisfied - to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.
- Steve Jobs

Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get caught up in a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let others' views drown out your own. inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. We are here to make a contribution to this world. Otherwise why are we here?
- Steve Jobs

Take a step and the road will appear by itself.
- S. Jobs

The brain wears out when it is not used.
- Bernard Werber.

If a person's vocation is to be a street sweeper, he must sweep the streets with the same inspiration as Michelangelo painted vaults or Beethoven composed music. He must sweep the street so that all the spirits of Heaven and Earth will reverently say: “Here lives a great sweeper who does his job flawlessly.”
- Martin Luther King

Who does not go forward; he goes back: there is no standing position.
- V. G. Belinsky

Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens doors.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Know: if, after living a day, you have not done a single good deed or have not learned anything new during the day, the day has been lived in vain.”

"Laziness and self-pity are the most faithful companions in old age! With their help, only a couple will remain active actions: Look lightly and chew a little. Old age will seat you in a soft chair, carefully wrap you in a soft blanket and undoubtedly lead you to your grave."

"There is work best medicine. Labor is the only basis of life. Labor forges unbreakable perseverance in a person’s character. The most busy people most durable. Labor, constant doing, creation is the best tonic medicine. A healthy joy of work will be the source of a long, fruitful life. Exactly daily work there is an accumulation of fiery treasure. ...Each work gives rise to energy, which in essence is similar to cosmic energy. ...You need to love your work in order to find rest and justification in it. Love for work gives joy, as well as the strength to improve its quality. You can love work only by knowing it. Love of work is the best way to grow and accumulate fiery energy. Work can be accompanied by joy and inspired thought. Joyful work is several times more successful."
- S. V. Stulginsky “The fundamentals of the scientific, philosophical and religious worldview are the key to understanding the new era”

Without goals there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life. The source of interests, goals and activities is the substance of social life.
- V. G. Belinsky

For me, living means working.
- I.K. Aivazovsky

A person is born not to drag out a sad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose cause.
- L. Alberti

He who does not have a goal finds no joy in any activity.
- D Leopardi

The meaning of our life is continuous movement.
- Yakub Kolas

Anyone who cannot have 2/3 of a day for himself should be called a slave.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people.
- Sachs Hans

Man is created for action. Not acting and not existing are the same thing for a person.
- Voltaire

“In order to be healthy, you need: cold, hunger and movement!
And all civilization strives for warmth, satiety and peace.
People do everything in order to die."
- Porfiry Ivanov

Your legs get stronger as you walk!

Rivers flow for the benefit of others, trees bear fruit for the benefit of others, noble people live for the benefit of others.
- Indian wisdom

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.
- Lev Tolstoy

He who has a lot of work has a short day.

The most good job- This is a highly paid hobby.

I beg all people to stand and take their place in nature, it is not occupied by anyone and is not bought, but only by their own deeds and labor.
- P. Ivanov

Man is designed in such a way that when something ignites his soul, everything becomes possible.
- Lafontaine

A person is valuable when his words match his actions.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Desire is not enough, action is necessary...
- Bruce Lee

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
- Bernard Show

If in front of you great goal, and your capabilities are limited, act anyway; for only through action can your capabilities increase.
- Sri Aurobindo

Trying to succeed without doing anything is the same as trying to reap a harvest where you have not sown anything.
- David Bly

If you don’t have your own goal in life, then you have to work for someone who has it!
- Robert Anthony

In order to be healthy, you need cold, hunger and movement! And all civilization strives for warmth, satiety and peace. People do everything in order to die.
- Porfiry Ivanov

Don't rape your soul with something other than your profession. A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience. And before it’s too late, don’t forget that the work of your whole life is not a business, but a life.
- Haruki Murakami

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.
- Confucius

I would rather fail at something I like than succeed at something I hate.
- George Burns

The main troubles of the human race come from the fact that out of a thousand people, nine hundred and ninety-nine live to death without understanding themselves, having been busy their whole lives with something other than their own business.
- Boris Akunin

People who succeed in this world are not lazy and look for the circumstances they need. And if they don’t find them, then they create them.
- Bernard Show

Deep within a person lie dormant forces - powers that can shake his imagination, the possession of which he could never even dream of, such powers that can completely transform his entire life if they are organized and harnessed to work.
- Horizon Sweet Marden

Everyone has enough strength to live life with dignity. And all this talk about what it's like now hard time, this is a clever way to justify your inaction, laziness and various despondencies. You have to work, and then, you see, times will change.
- Lev Davidovich Landau

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

Success is the ability to fail again and again without losing enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill

You'll never write a good book without writing a few bad ones first.
- Bernard Show

You can't give up on a dream without trying to make it come true.
- Jacqueline Susan

The biggest reward for hard labour- this is not what a person gets for it, but who he becomes in the process of this work.
- John Ruskin

Three rules for achieving success: know more than others; work harder than others; expect less than others.
- William Shakespeare

Idleness is the mother of boredom and many vices.
- Catherine the Great

Only in creativity there is joy - everything else is dust and vanity
- Anatoly Fedorovich Koni