Read something interesting for teenagers. Books are friends and mentors

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Adolescence is the most difficult and unpredictable age. And the school-age readership is the most attentive, demanding and emotional. What books should you choose for your teenage child? First of all, fascinating (books should teach something). And, of course, fascinating (a child will close a boring book after the first pages).

Here is a list of the most useful and interesting books for schoolchildren of all ages.

Author of the work: Richard Bach

Jonathan, like other seagulls, also had two wings, a beak and white plumage. But his soul was torn from the rigid framework that it was unclear who had established. Jonathan didn’t understand - how can you live only for food if you want to fly?

What does it feel like to go against the grain, contrary to what most people think?

The answer is in one of the most popular works from a descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Author of the work: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A story about loneliness, realistic and magical, which the author created over 18 months.

Everything in this world ends one day: even the most seemingly indestructible and unshakable things and events disappear over time, erased from reality, history, and memory. And they cannot be returned.

How impossible it is to escape your destiny...

Author of the work: Paulo Coelho

The book about the search for the meaning of life is multi-layered, makes you think and feel, stimulating you to take new right steps towards your dream. A bestseller from the brilliant Brazilian writer, which has become a reference book for millions of readers on earth.

When you're young, it seems like anything is possible. In our youth, we are not afraid to dream and are full of confidence that our dreams are destined to come true. But one day, when we cross the line of growing up, someone from the outside inspires us that nothing depends on us...

Coelho’s novel is a tailwind in the back of everyone who has begun to doubt.

Author of the work: John Kehoe

To move forward, first of all, you need to completely change your way of thinking. The impossible is possible.

But desire alone is not enough!

A special book that will show you the right door and even give you the key to it. Step-by-step instructions, an inspiring program for successful development from a Canadian author, captivating from the first pages.

Author of the work: Andrey Kurpatov

A guide book tested by thousands of readers.

Getting what you want is not so difficult, the main thing is to manage your life correctly.

An easy, fascinating, intelligent book that surprises with its simplicity of solutions, changes views, and helps you find answers.

Author of the work: Dale Carnegie

This book was published back in 1939, but to this day it remains relevant and offers opportunities to those who are able to start with themselves.

Remain a consumer or develop? How to ride the wave of success? Where to look for that same potential?

Look for answers in Carnegie's simple and accessible "how-to" guide.

Author of the work:
Markus Zusak

A girl who lost her family cannot imagine her life without books. She is even ready to steal them. Liesel reads voraciously, again and again plunging into the fictional worlds of writers, while death follows on her heels.

A book about the power of words, about the ability of this word to fill the heart with light. A work in which the angel of Death himself becomes the narrator - multifaceted, tugging at the strings of the soul, making you think.

The book was filmed in 2013 (note – “The Book Thief”).

Author of the work: Ray Bradbury

Re-reading old science fiction, you often come to the conclusion that this or that writer was able to predict the future. But it’s one thing to see the materialization of communication devices once invented by science fiction writers (for example, Skype), and quite another to watch how our life gradually begins to resemble a terrible dystopian world in which we live according to a pattern, do not know how to feel, in which it is forbidden think and read books.

The novel is a warning that mistakes need to be corrected on time.

Author of the work: Mariam Petrosyan

Disabled children live (or live?) in this house. Children who have become unnecessary to their parents. Children whose psychological age is higher than that of any adult.

There are not even names here - only nicknames.

The wrong side of reality, which everyone should look into at least once in their life. At least out of the corner of my eye.

Author of the work: Matvey Bronstein

The book from a talented physicist is a real masterpiece in the field of popular science literature. Simple and exciting, understandable even to a schoolchild.

A book that a child will definitely read from cover to cover.

Author of the work: Valery Voskoboynikov

This series of books is a unique collection of accurate biographical information about famous people, written in simple language that any teenager can understand.

What kind of child was Mozart? What about Catherine the Great and Peter the Great? What about Columbus and Pushkin?

Author of the work: Lev Gendenstein

Does your child not understand math? This problem is easily solved!

The author invites you, together with your favorite characters from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale, to walk through the land of mathematics - from ancient times to the present day. Fascinating reading, interesting problems, bright illustrations - the basics of mathematics in the form of a fairy tale!

A book that can captivate a child with logic and prepare him for more serious books.

Author of the work: Victor Zaparenko

A book that has no analogues in our country (and abroad too). An exciting journey into the world of creativity!

How to animate characters, how to create special effects, how to draw movement? All questions that parents cannot answer can be answered by this instruction for beginning animators.

Here you will find a detailed description of the most important topics - facial expressions and perspective, gestures, etc. But the most important advantage of the book is that the author easily and simply teaches how to draw movement. This guide is not from an “art teacher” who will help you train your child, but from a practitioner who created a book to develop creativity.

A great option for a gift for a child!

Author of the work: Alexander Dmitriev

Does your child like to play chemicals? Are you interested in doing experiments at home? This book is what you need!

100 simple, interesting and fun experiments that can be done with or without parents. The author will simply, entertainingly and clearly explain to the child how the world around him works, and how familiar things behave according to the laws of physics.

Without complicated explanations and complex formulas - physics is simple and clear!

Author of the work: Austin Kleon

How many talents have been ruined because of one painful phrase thrown by someone in the heat of the moment - “it’s already happened!” Or “this was already drawn before you!” The idea that everything has already been invented before us, and you cannot create anything new, is destructive - it leads to a creative dead end and cuts off the wings of inspiration.

Austin Kleon clearly explains to all creative people that any work (be it a painting or a novel) arises on the basis of plots (phrases, characters, thoughts thrown out loud) that came from outside. There is nothing original in the world. But this is not a reason to give up your creative fulfillment.

Are you inspired by other people's ideas? Take them boldly and do not suffer from remorse, but do something of your own based on them!

Stealing an entire idea and passing it off as your own is plagiarism. To create something of your own based on someone else’s idea is an author’s work.

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Unfortunately, a foreign literature program will not prepare your growing child to share a cultural background with European and American peers. It will probably be up to you to find the “right” reading for your children, following the advice of one of the most authoritative “recommended reading lists” from The Guardian.

Studies conducted in the USA and Great Britain have shown that teenagers read not very serious literature, which indicates a lack of new “strong” books for the younger generation, and therefore in 2014 the British “The Guardian” published a list of the best books for youth reading, compiled according to results of voting by seven thousand readers. The top ten novels are books that help shape the young reader and inspire him to overcome problems on the path to adulthood. A complete list of 50 books helps children “understand themselves”, “change their views”, “learn to love”, make them cry, laugh, be transported to other worlds, get scared and look for the answer to mysterious incidents. And this, you see, is the basis of existence.

There are plenty of “adult” authors on the list: Charlotte and Emily Bronte, George Orwell and Lee Harper, next to whom are Suzanne Collins and John Green. The list covers all genres and themes: from Tolkien's fantasy about elves and orcs to the ironic modern realism of Stephen Chbosky in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. There are classics and moderns: Orwell's 1984 and Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games, and, of course, dramatic works such as The Diary of Anne Frank, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Fault in Our Stars.

Almost all the books on the list are available in translation, the vast majority have been filmed. The postulate remains unchanged that reading is the key to the successful development of a young personality, but is it really so rare that a film is better than a book?

You may find it strange that the Harry Potter series is on the list of best books for teenagers, since this novel started out as a children's book. However, the merit of J. K. Rowling is that, thanks to the massive scale of her success, a global revolution took place unnoticed by everyone in the very attitude of teenagers to reading, who, before the “binge” passion for Harry Potter, believed that reading was for kids and nerds. In addition, J.K. Rowling's characters grow up and raise very important issues: disobedience to generally accepted norms of society, sacrificing everything for the sake of an ideal, opposition to power.

The Twilight saga unexpectedly found itself in the category of books “that will teach you how to love,” while many parents would prefer to see it in the category of books “that will show you what not to want.” However, the list contains books for every taste, for every mood and situation.
What do you think: what books are missing from this list? What does your personal top ten look like?

Top Ten Books for Teens

1. Suzanne Collins "The Hunger Games"
2. John Green "The Fault in Our Stars"
3. Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"
4. J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
5. George Orwell "1984"
6. Anne Frank “The Diary of Anne Frank”
7. James Bowen "A Street Cat Named Bob"
8. J. R. R. Tolkien “The Lord of the Rings”
9. Stephen Chbosky "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
10. Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"

50 books that...

Will change your thinking

Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"
James Bowen "A Street Cat Named Bob"
Markus Zusak "The Book Thief"
Malorie Blackman "Tic Tac Toe"
R.J. Placio "Miracle"
Mark Haddon "The Mysterious Night-Time Murder of a Dog"
Stephen Chbosky "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"

Help you understand yourself

John Green "The Fault in Our Stars"
J.D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
Patrick Ness "Chaos Walking"
Dodie Smith "I Capture the Castle"
S.E. Hinton "Outlaws"

Will make you cry

Alice Walker "The Color Purple"
John Steinbeck "Of Mice and Men"
Audrey Niffenegger "The Time Traveler's Wife"
Khaled Hosseini "The Kite Runner"
Michael Morpurgo "War Horse"
Jenny Downham "While I Live"
Jodi Picoult "Angel for Sister"

Will make you laugh

Joseph Heller "Catch-22"
Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Sue Townsend "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole"
Holly Smail "Weirdo"
Jeff Kinney "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"
Louise Rennison "Angus, thongs and deep kisses"

They'll scare you

George Orwell "1984"
Darren Shan "Lord of Shadows"
James Herbert "Rats"
Stephen King "The Shining"
Iain Banks "The Wasp Factory"

They will teach you to love

Anne Frank "The Diary of Anne Frank"
Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"
Judy Bloom "Forever"
Stephenie Meyer "Twilight"
Meg Rosoff "How I Live Now"
Emily Bronte "Wuthering Heights"
Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"

Will intrigue you

Suzanne Collins "The Hunger Games"
Cassandra Clare "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones"
Veronica Roth "Divergent"
Michael Grant "Gone"
Daphne du Maurier "Rebecca"
Derek Landy "The Skeleton Dodger"
Anthony Burgess "A Clockwork Orange"

Will inspire you

J. K. Rowling Harry Potter series
J. R. R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings"
Rick Riordan "Percy Jackson"
F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
Yann Martel "Life of Pi"
Philip Pullman "Northern Lights"



deep impression on the young

mind, constitutes an era in life


Smiles S.,

English philosopher

The problem of choosing books at this age is related to two things. Firstly, with the internal state and reading needs of an individual child. Secondly, for parents of a fourteen to fifteen year old child, the task is still urgent not to scare them away from reading, but, on the contrary, to make them want to do this activity in every possible way. The recommended list includes books that are truly beloved by children. S. Averintsev noted that if a person knows only his time, his narrowly modern range of concepts, he is a chronic provincial. In order not to be a chronic provincial, by the age of seventeen you need to read a lot of all sorts of books - just about life, about the way of life and customs of different peoples and eras.

The books in this list are grouped rather conventionally, and the groups are arranged in order of increasing “maturity”. As we present the texts, we offer comments on some of them.

Still “children’s” books

A. Lindgren. Super detective Kalle Blomkvist. Roni is the daughter of a robber. Brothers Lionheart. We are on the island of Saltkroka.

The last book - the most “adult” on the list, but, strictly speaking, all this should have been read by the age of 12-13. As, indeed, other books in this section. They are specifically for teenagers.

V. Krapivin. Knee-deep in the grass. The shadow of the caravel. Squire Kashka. Sailor Wilson's white ball. Captain Rumbaud's briefcase.

Perhaps someone will prefer V. Krapivin’s “mystic-fantasy” cycles. These books contain memories of childhood. The story about Captain Rumba is funny and cheerful.

R. Bradbury. Dandelion wine.

A story about how difficult it is to leave childhood.

A. Marshall. I can jump over puddles.

R. Kipling. Pack from the hills. Awards and fairies.

Lloyd Alexander. A series of novels about Taren (The Book of Three. The Black Cauldron. Taren the Wanderer).

History, geography, zoology and more

D. London. Northern stories. Smoke Belew. Smoke and baby.

D. Curwood. Vagabonds of the North.

Jules Verne. Everything that hasn't been read yet.

A. Conan Doyle. Lost World. Brigadier Girard.

W. Scott. Ivanhoe. Quenin Dorward.

G. Haggard. Daughter of Montezuma. King Solomon's Mines.

R. Stevenson. Kidnapped. Catriona.

R. Kipling. Kim.

A. Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo.

WITH. Forester. The Saga of Captain Hornblower.

The book was written in the 20th century: the story of an English sailor from midshipman to admiral during the Napoleonic wars. The story is adventurous, authentic, charming. The hero evokes great sympathy, remaining an ordinary, but very worthy person.

I. Efremov. The Journey of Baurjed. On the edge of the Ecumene. Andromeda's nebula. Stories.

These books are a great help in the history of the ancient world (Egypt, Greece), and geography (Africa, Mediterranean). Efremov is good as a popularizer of science. He has a documentary story about paleontological excavations in Mongolia "Wind Road"- very curious.

M. Zagoskin. Yuri Miloslavsky.

A.K. Tolstoy. Prince Silver.

What girls love

S. Bronte. Jane Eyre.

E. Porter. Pollyanna.

D. Webbster. Long-legged uncle. Dear enemy.

A. Egorushkina. A real princess and a traveling bridge.

M. Stewart. Nine carriages. Moon spinners.

This reading is for girls 14-16 years old. English life after the war, Europe (Greece, France), marvelous landscapes, love...

Something from Soviet literature

I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs. Golden calf.

L. Solovyov. The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin.

The text is charming and mischievous. Perhaps the most suitable for getting used to adult conversations “about life”.

V. Astafiev. Theft. Last bow.

“Theft” is a very scary story about an orphanage in the Arctic Circle, where children of exiled and already dead parents survive.

V. Bykov. The dead don't hurt. Obelisk. His battalion.

E. Kazakevich. Star.

N. Dumbadze.Me, grandma, Iliko and Illarion. White flags.

Ch. Aitmatov.White ship.

Memories of upbringing

A. Herzen. Past and thoughts.

TO. Paustovsky.A story about life.

A. Kuprin.Junker. Cadets.

A. Makarenko. Pedagogical poem.

F. Vigdorova.The road to life. This is my home. Chernigovka.

The trilogy is written about an orphanage created by Makarenko’s student back in the 30s. Lots of interesting details about life, schools and problems of that time.

D. Darell. My family and other animals.


A. Belyaev. Amphibian Man. Professor Dowell's Head.

A. Tolstoy. Hyperboloid of engineer Garin. Aelita.

G. Wells. War of the Worlds. Green door.

WITH. Lem.Stories about the pilot Pirx. (Magellan Cloud. Return from the Stars. Star Diaries of Jon the Quiet.)

Smart stories with good humor .

R. Bradbury. 451 ° Fahrenheit. The Martian Chronicles and Other Stories.

A. B. Strugatsky. The road to Almaty. NoonXXIIcentury It's hard to be a god. Attempt to escape. Inhabited island. Monday starts on Saturday.

G. Harrison.Indomitable planet.

An ecological novel, wise in its main idea and charming thanks to its rogue hero.


A. Green. Gold chain. Running on the waves. Brilliant world. Road to nowhere.

D.R.R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings. The Silmarillion.

TO. Simak. Goblin Sanctuary.

Ursula Le Guin. A Wizard of Earthsea.

Diana W. Jones. Haul's walking castle. Castle in the air. Worlds of Chrestomanci. Merlin's conspiracy.

M. And S. Dyachenko. Road magician. Oberon's word. Evil has no power.

S. Lukyanenko. Knights of the Forty Islands.

A book about growing up and moral problems that have to be solved in artificially constructed conditions.

M. Semyonova. Wolfhound.

D. Rowling. Harry Potter.


A. Conan Doyle. Stories about Sherlock Holmes.

E. Po. Stories.

W. Collins. Moon rock.

A. Christie. Death on the Orient Express.

G.K. Chesterston. Stories about Father Brown.

M. Cheval and P. Valeux. Death of the 31st department.

Dick Francis. Favorite. Driving force.

Francis's novels are an encyclopedia of reality. The author is amazing for shaping your horizons and life attitudes.

A. Haley. Airport. Wheels. Hotel. Final diagnosis.

Great novels and serious stories

V. Hugo. Les Misérables. Notre Dame Cathedral.

Charles Dickens. Oliver Twist. David Copperfield. Cold house. Martin Chuzzlewit. Our mutual friend. Dombey and son.

D. Austin. Pride and Prejudice.

G. Senkevich. Flood. Fire and sword. Crusaders.

D. Galsworthy. The Forsyte Saga.

T. Mann. Buddenbrooks.

R. Pilcher. Shell finders. Homecoming. September. Christmas Eve.

Everyday, charming books about England from the Second World War to the 1980s.

E. Remarque. Three comrades. No change on the Western Front.

E. Hemingway. A Farewell to Arms! Stories.

G. Böll. A house without an owner. Billiards at half past eight.

M. Mitchell. Gone With the Wind.

T. Wilder. Theophilus North. Day eight. Ides of March.

I. Vo. Return to Brideshead.

Student life is described in detail and nostalgically. Where does hypocrisy and rebellion against it lead is the question the author is trying to answer.

M. Stewart. Crystal Grotto. Hollow Hills. The Last Magic.

G.L. Oldie. Odysseus, son of Laertes. The author is not English. These are two Russian-speaking writers from Kharkov. They write fantasy and novels like this - reconstruction of myths. They write very well and very unusually, unexpectedly.

R. Zelazny. Chronicles of Amber.

IN. Kamsha. Red on red. This is the most sober and adequate understanding of our current troubled life. The book is smart and tough.

Here is a large and rather incomplete list of literature for children 14-15 years old that we offer. We really hope that many of these books will be read by your children. These books will open up to them the wonderful world of fiction, teach them how to correctly solve the problem of choice and help your children gain social experience.

Material provided by N.S. Venglinskaya, methodologist of MOUDO "IMC".

Here are the most interesting books for teenagers. There is essentially one list; it is divided into components only for convenience. This division is quite arbitrary, since sometimes a book can be classified into any section.

Teenage literature. Reviews

Literature for teenagers offers young boys and girls answers to many questions. Today in bookstores you can find works devoted to the problems of growing up and social adaptation, finding your place in life, novels about young heroes who consider themselves superfluous. Books about the struggle between good and evil and about love experiences always remain popular. In teenage literature, unlike children's books, sad stories appear - about problems in the family, difficulties, injustice, and they sometimes end very sadly.

Such a variety of themes and trends can be found both in the classics of literature for teenagers and in modern works. And if books from the golden fund receive only positive reviews and high ratings, modern works are often criticized for their primitiveness and poor language. However, unsatisfactory ratings and bad reviews are often explained by the fact that they were read and commented on by people of an older generation: to them, the problems of teenagers seem far-fetched, the plots are predictable, love stories are too sweet, etc.

But the fact of the matter is that these books are intended for teenagers, and they are allowed to be like that: a little naive, simple, written in understandable language. And if individual works of teenage literature are universal, so that they can be read at any age, then readers later outgrow most books of this genre and no longer understand what captivated them so much and forced them to sit with their favorite volume for hours.

There is no need to force teenagers to read the classics instead of their favorite Twilight or The Hunger Games. This behavior can discourage your love of reading forever. It is better to let young people choose books on their own, so they will independently come to the best works of world literature. The road will be a little longer, but at least they won't stop halfway.

Why teenagers don't like to read

Many parents are concerned about this issue. They are sincerely perplexed why their offspring do not want to while away the evenings with a tattered volume of Chekhov or discuss Paustovsky’s work with friends.

Let's be honest: even if we discard all the physiological reasons for dislike of reading (poor eyesight, emotional and psychological immaturity, hormonal storms, fatigue, etc.), there will still be a large percentage of teenagers who are not friends with books. There are many reasons for this, for example, today great competition for printed publications comes from bright films with an abundance of special effects, computer games with sometimes more complex plots than in any book, and many other entertainments.

But often teenagers do not like to read due to the wrong selection of books. They try one thing, then something else, and eventually, disappointed, they quit. Although, perhaps they simply did not find their shelf in the library. After all, today you can choose a work to suit any literary preferences: there are interesting books about love for teenagers, excellent fantasy books, quest books, books about the life of modern youth, horror for teenagers and simply good literature that will be understandable and attractive at any age.

Books everyone should read

These are literary works for any age - universal and multifaceted. Some might say that an interesting book for teenagers should not be too serious, otherwise interest in it will quickly be lost. In fact, teenagers are more than ready to understand the most complex and confusing issues, and they are able to appreciate high-flying literature:

Domestic classics

Here is a list of interesting books for teenagers, compiled from works included in the school curriculum. During their studies, they are treated rather dismissively, since students are required to read the classics. But later, after re-acquaintance “not under pressure”, these books firmly take their place in the list of favorites for the rest of my life:

  1. “Scarlet Sails”, A. Green.
  2. “Heart of a Dog”, M. Bulgakov.
  3. “Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky.
  4. “Olesya”, A. I. Kuprin.
  5. “The Master and Margarita”, M. Bulgakov.
  6. “Murder in the Rue Morgue”, E. Poe.
  7. “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, O. Wilde.
  8. “Undergrowth”, D. I. Fonvizin.
  9. “Dead Souls”, N.V. Gogol.
  10. “The Queen of Spades”, A. S. Pushkin.

“The Golden Calf”, I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The best satire of Soviet literature, which can only be compared with the stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko.

“And the dawns here are quiet”, B. L. Vasiliev. About girls who sacrificed themselves to win a tiny battle in a big war.

“Gulag Archipelago”, A. Solzhenitsyn. A very difficult book, in addition, there were always rumors that Solzhenitsyn exaggerated a lot. Recommended for older teenagers.

“Lolita”, A. Nabokov. Despite the touch of scandal, this book does not contain shocking explicit scenes and is written in excellent language.

“Amphibian Man”, A. Belyaev. An excellent example of Soviet science fiction.

Love love

Interesting books about love for teenagers are of considerable interest, because they themselves are beginning their first serious relationships. Novels about love help boys and girls learn to understand their own feelings, understand different models of relationships, and accept responsibility for their actions:

  1. “Jane Eyre”, S. Bronte and “Pride and Prejudice” by D. Austen. Two of the best historical novels about love that will be interesting to any girl.
  2. "Twilight", Stephenie Meyer. You can criticize this series as much as you want for being too sweet, but teenage girls really like it, and, in essence, there is nothing wrong with these books.
  3. Howl's Moving Castle by D. W. Jones. A wonderful, unusual fairy tale, based on which a full-length cartoon was filmed.
  4. "Shadowhunters", K. Clare.
  5. “Forever”, D. Bloom.

Of course, these are rather interesting books for teenage girls, while boys prefer detective stories and adventures and choose the works of Astrid Lindgren, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Stevenson, Alexandre Dumas, Robert Heinlein and Ray Bradbury.


For many teenagers, their love for books begins with the fantasy genre. They are usually read when the child has already grown up for fairy tales about Koshchei, Snow White, Gray Wolf, Cinderella, the Great and Terrible Goodwin, but has not yet grown up to serious literature. Most readers who read fantasy in their teens retain a reverent attitude towards it even at 30, 40, 50 years old:

  1. "Harry Potter", JK Rowling.
  2. "The Lord of the Rings", D. R. Tolkien.
  3. “His Dark Materials”, F. Pullman.
  4. "Earthsea", Ursula Le Guin.
  5. The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis

“Chasodei”, Natalya Shcherba. A series of 6 books.

"Mefodiy Buslaev", Dmitry Yemets.

Star Rangers, Robert Heinlein. Also in this author’s teenage series you can read “Star Beast” and “Tunnel in the Sky.”

“The Three Musketeers”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, A. Dumas and “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, Jules Verne.

“The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, A. K. Doyle and “Ten Little Indians”, A. Christie. A classic of the detective genre.

At this age, it is important to let the child read what he wants, and not what his parents consider useful for development. An interesting book for teenagers 14 years old is an opportunity to take a break from the academic load and many additional activities. Therefore, the list contains only light, entertaining books, which, however, did not prevent them from entering the golden fund of world literature.

While I Live by Jenny Downham. The work will be useful for teenagers who have already acquired some bad habits or have encountered the influence of older and more experienced friends.

“The House in Which”, Mariam Petrosyan. The book raises not only the problems of people with disabilities, but also clearly shows the distribution of roles in a social group.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. At the age of 16, you can already appreciate all the diversity of the satirical perception of the world that this work is replete with.

The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury. At a younger age, the stories in this series may seem boring, but a little later you begin to understand how much hidden meaning there is in them.

"Martin Eden", Jack London. Teenagers more often read “White Fang” or “Hearts of Three,” but this particular work shows how to work on oneself.

An interesting book for teenagers 16 years old can raise pressing social issues, such as prostitution, drug addiction, physical and psychological violence. And this worries parents who do not know whether to bring control to the process of choosing entertainment literature.

Should parents control their child when choosing books?

Every teenager sooner or later learns about everything that is happening in our crazy world. And it will not be a secret for him that there are different sexual relationships, pedophilia, trading in one’s own and another’s body, crime, relationships between partners of the same sex, etc. He will learn about this one way or another: maybe from TV shows, the Internet, magazines, books or friends and classmates will tell him. So forbidding a child to read a work that raises these problems is stupid. After all, somehow he needs to grow up, learn to think about serious things, consequences, his own actions. It is impossible to protect a teenager from all the cruelty of the world until he comes of age, and at the same time receive a full-fledged mature personality by the age of 18.

It’s another matter if all these horrors were written not with the aim of proving something, leading to some idea, but were included in the text so that lovers of such reading matter could enjoy the details. Typically, such texts are marked “18+”, plus electronic versions can be tagged with “slash”, “hentai”, “ecchi”.

So, without directly interfering in the book selection process, parents should still know what exactly the child is reading. An interesting book for teenagers will not always be as entertaining for an adult reader, but you still need to read them in order to understand your child and speak the same language with him.

This article does not cover all the most interesting books for teenagers. The list can be continued for a very long time, but only the elite are represented here, the best of the best. Here is a list of authors of teenage literature who are also more than worthy of attention:

  1. Annabelle Pitcher.
  2. Sally Green.
  3. Jonathan Stroud.
  4. Scott Westefeld.
  5. Natalie Babbitt.
  6. Rachel Mead.
  7. Frank Herbert.
  8. Eduard Verkin.
  9. Veniamin Kaverin.
  10. Kerstin Geer.
  11. Veronica Roth.
  12. Vera Ivanova.
  13. Nikolay Nosov.
  14. Kir Bulychev.
  15. Robert Asprin.
  16. Anna Ustinova.
  17. Andrey Nekrasov.
  18. James Cooper.
  19. Mark Twain.
  20. Terry Pratchett.
  21. Christopher Paolini.
  22. Lauren Oliver.
  23. Vladislav Krapivin.


Back in 2002, a stunning novel was published written by a French writer named Anna Gavalda. This novel is called “35 kilos of hope.” This work tells the reader about a thirteen-year-old schoolboy who hated his school and was sure that it was only ruining his life. But he decides not to give up and not let everything take its course. Some ideas come to his mind, with the help of which he radically changes his life. This work is not only interesting, but also instructive, as it reveals such life values ​​as love, family and devotion.

Another interesting book for teenagers was written by Valery Voskoboynikov. It's called "Everything Will Be Alright." The main character is an eleven-year-old boy who experiences the difficulties and dangers of the world around him. This book teaches the reader qualities such as courage, determination, justice, mercy, kindness, sincerity and devotion. It reveals the problem of tolerance, tolerance and morality. In 2007, the author of this story received the National Prize for Children's Literature and a diploma from the Children's Reading Jury.

I Bet It's a Boy!, written by Terence Blacker, also received positive reviews from its teenage readers. This book is about a boy, Sam, who faced various difficulties in his life and overcame them. The book is written in simple and understandable language and is filled with many amazing and funny stories from the life of the main character. The main problems that the author tried to reflect in his work are relationships between the two sexes, relationships between peers and family.

Klaus Hagerup's work "Markus and Diana" is a little different from other literature intended for teenagers. While other books are most often written in the adventure genre, the author of this work tried to more subtly reveal the psychology of human maturation, filling his book with humor, love and even sadness. The main characters have to understand who they are, who they want to become in life and how they can achieve this. Marcus and Diana will appeal not only to teenage readers, but also to adults.

In 1996, Pavel Sanaev’s book “Bury Me Behind the Plinth” was published and nominated for the Booker Prize. Of course, some may find its title intimidating, but this work is worthy of your attention. Its main character was an eight-year-old boy who lived with his grandparents. This work shows the child's ability to become independent and make their own decisions about certain things.

There are many works in world literature written for teenagers. It is important to choose books from all this variety that will not discourage your love of reading. Fortunately, there are many worthy works in both domestic and foreign teenage literature.

Domestic books for teenagers

In Soviet times, many wonderful works were written for teenagers. The novel “Two Captains” by Veniamin Kaverin was first published in 1944, but has not become outdated since then. Written in a heroic style, Kaverin’s novel talks about eternal values: friendship, love, courage, loyalty to one’s ideals. At the same time, the book cannot be accused of excessive moralizing; first of all, it is an adventure novel, full of events and plot twists that will not let the reader get bored.

The young heroes of Boris Vasiliev’s story “Tomorrow There Was War” are on the verge of growing up. They are worried about essentially the same things as their modern peers: first love, finding oneself, confronting the world around them. Only the youth of the heroes of the story will end very early: the war will soon begin and they will have to grow up quickly.

Vladislav Krapivin is a classic of Soviet adventure literature for youth. The heroes of his books are boys exploring the world, able to find exciting adventures everywhere. They are loyal friends, act nobly and know how to distinguish good from bad. The novels “Three from Place Carronade”, “Lullaby for a Brother”, “A Boy with a Sword” and other works by Krapivin are distinguished by a fascinating plot and amazing insight into the world of teenagers.

The works of another Soviet author, Anatoly Aleksin, are realistic in content. Their heroes are ordinary Soviet children and teenagers who are concerned not only with spiritual, but also with everyday problems. In his novels and short stories (“Crazy Evdokia,” “My Brother Plays the Clarinet,” “Heart Failure” and others), Aleksin manages to raise eternal moral problems in everyday stories. His characters understand from their own experience that selfish actions will sooner or later hit you.

In modern Russian literature for teenagers, worthy works also appear. “Correction Class” by Ekaterina Murashova talks about children who, for various reasons, end up in a class for those behind. It seems that they are forever doomed to be on the sidelines of life, but the guys dream of more. A mystical component appears in the novel, a parallel reality where the characters go when our reality becomes unbearable for them.

Foreign books for teenagers

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is one of the best parenting novels. The story of a girl nicknamed Little Eye touches on many important topics, clearly, but without simplifying, talking about tolerance, personal responsibility for what is happening around, and the need to treat people without prejudice. To Kill a Mockingbird can be re-read at any age: everyone will find something important for themselves in this deep and multi-layered novel.

Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan, Goliath and Behemoth trilogy takes place during the First World War. Despite the fact that the action takes place in some kind of alternative reality, the books contain many historical facts. The novels are accompanied by beautiful drawings, the action is exciting and does not let you get bored.

Dianna Wynne Jones's fairy tale books are loved by many generations of readers. The novel Howl's Moving Castle is about