Are the Chechens taking revenge on the Krasnodar residents for Tkachev? This creature desecrates the memory of thousands of Russian soldiers, tens of thousands of peaceful Russians killed by the Chechens.

And here is the post I promised a long time ago about the customs of blood feud (ch1ir) among our people. I’ll say right away that I, having lived away from home for many years, may not know some nuances, so I will be grateful for constructive additions.

There is blood feud a large number of myths that I will now try to dispel. Firstly, the adats are about ch1ir often confused with Sharia law. Secondly, blood feud is considered a manifestation of some kind of lawlessness, in the style: someone killed my brother, Magomed probably did it, I’ll go and kill Magomed’s brother, and so on endlessly, until both families are slaughtered.

In fact ch1ir- an ancient and very thoughtful mechanism for preserving human lives, and this is the first thing worth understanding. Murder is the gravest sin, and the fear of blood feud keeps hotheads from committing it. This mechanism is still in effect, although in our time it has greatly weakened and is gradually being replaced partly by Sharia law, partly by the will of Ramzan Kadyrov.


Chechens like to say that they accepted Islam so easily and willingly because our ancient adats coincide in almost everything with Sharia. But this, to put it mildly, is not always the case. There are differences, and quite serious ones. Therefore, probably, before talking in detail about the customs of blood feud, it is easier to talk about what is required for murder according to Sharia.

In Sharia law there are three types of murder: intentional, unintentional and similar to intentional. With the first two, everything is clear, but something like this is intentional - this is when the killer did something to the victim that usually does not cause death (for example, he hit him with his fist), and the victim died.
A trial is taking place. If guilt is established, the khyakim (qadi) prescribes punishment. If the murder is unintentional or similar to intentional, then it cannot be death - only a two-month fast and a ransom in favor of the victim's relatives (or forgiveness by them without ransom).
In case of premeditated murder, the criminal will either be killed in the same way as he killed the victim (and the victim’s relatives have the right to kill him personally), or he will be forgiven by the victims - with or without ransom. Moreover, in order to kill him, the desire and consent of everyone is necessary. established by law heirs of the murdered man.

In no case, according to Sharia, retribution (death) awaits the relatives of the criminal or other people who did not directly kill. The relatives only have the obligation to pay the ransom. This is the main difference between the Sharia principle of retribution and the Caucasian customs of blood feud.


Ch1ir - ancient custom, which includes not only blood feud, but also the possibility of forgiveness. Forgiving when there was an opportunity not to forgive has always been considered very honorable and noble.
Ch1ir- this is almost always the revenge of a Chechen on a Chechen, an equal, carried out in compliance with a whole code of unwritten rules. Usually it is declared for murder, but there are other reasons - most often it is a serious insult.

There is also ordinary revenge - for example, drunken Russian soldiers killed the wife and children of a Chechen. If he can, he will kill them, but it won't ch1ir.
It is also not blood feud and generally a worthy act if you did not take revenge on your bloodline personally, but, for example, reported him to the authorities.

According to adat, if a murder has occurred and the culprit is known, the elders of the clan and teip gather and conduct an investigation. If they come to the conclusion that the suspect is guilty of the murder and the incident in general, close relatives of the murdered person receive the right to blood feud. It comes into force after one of the elders or distant relatives of the murdered person comes to the house of the murderer’s relatives and announces to them ch1ir. The killer and his closest male relatives immediately, if not sooner, hide somewhere far away, fleeing revenge, sometimes selling their houses and all their property. They can ask for reconciliation through intermediaries, but whether they agree to forgive them depends little on them.

If the suspect considers himself innocent, and there is no direct evidence against him, he can swear on the Koran that he did not kill anyone. This oath must be shared with him by the elderly and others dear people from his family, otherwise they won’t believe it. If over time it turns out that he deceived the relatives who swore with him, they will almost certainly abandon him, and his fate will be decided.

Blood feud has no statute of limitations. If someone's bloodline hid all his life and then died a natural death, revenge will be taken on his brother, son or grandson. This is why having bloodlines is so scary, and this is what has kept people from committing murder for centuries.


Since in the old days the mountaineers usually did not have the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged investigation, to declare ch1ir can be for any murder, including that committed in self-defense or the murder of a thief who broke into your house. This is dictated by the fact that it is not always possible to know for sure whether a thief really broke into a house or whether the owner of the house lured a person to his place and killed him, passing him off as a thief.

There was even lamkerst(an outdated mountain-pagan adat, not used in our time), according to which, if a person stole a horse, fell from it and was killed, his blood is on the owner of the horse.
At first glance, this is a monstrous absurdity, but if you think about it, it becomes obvious: horse stealing was usually carried out by dashing and skillful riders, and the coincidence is too strange: he stole someone else’s horse and immediately fell off it and died. I hit my head. And so seven times.

In the case of manslaughter (in our time this could be, for example, a traffic accident or a ricochet during a shooting), the perpetrator will almost certainly be forgiven, but he must pay a certain amount to the victims, and sometimes provide support for the children of the deceased. In such cases, it is considered especially noble to forgive by refusing the ransom.

But if the driver who killed a person was drunk, the relatives of the deceased have every right to blood feud. The elders will definitely try to reconcile the bloodlines, but the last word- for the relatives of the murdered person.


Only a relative of the victim has the right to take revenge. If a friend takes revenge, it will be an ordinary murder. And rightly so, because a stranger can be passed off as a friend - for example, a hired good shooter.
If there are no men left in the family who can take revenge, then a woman can do it too.

There is no revenge against women, children and the elderly. But the murder of a woman takes the lives of two men.

Blood feud does not mean that the first representative of the killer’s family that comes along will be killed. With the concept ch1ir the concept is inextricably linked kug behke stag(literally: the person whose hand is guilty), i.e. direct killer. In the old days, it was only allowed to kill him, and before today he is the primary object of revenge. After him come his close relatives in the male line.

Why do they still take revenge on the murderer’s relatives, and not just on himself?

Firstly, because it is the family, the clan, that takes revenge, and not the state, which has the opportunity to write requests to Interpol. If adats still only allowed revenge on the direct killer, then this person would go somewhere abroad forever, change his name there and become unattainable. And his relatives would hide him and help him. And so - there are cases when siblings hand over their brother to the bloodline for reprisal, so as not to become the object of their revenge.

Secondly, if you could only take revenge yourself kug behke- then a certain clan could persuade one of its representatives - say, a good-for-nothing, without a family, or terminally ill - to commit the murder of an influential enemy of this clan. Even if the killer did not die after this and did not hide, the relatives of the murdered person may consider that his death will not be equivalent retribution for the death of a respected man, the father of a family who brought a lot of good.
In such a situation, it sometimes happened that instead of the murderer, they killed one of his relatives, whose death was more painful and more noticeable for the family.

Thirdly, there are scumbags who don’t mind their lives. He will rob and kill and will eventually die at the hands of his bloodline - and his loved ones will live happily on the money he stole and laugh at the families of the victims. Rules ch1ir deprive them of this opportunity.

That is, a murderer can take revenge on a relative if kug behke is clearly inaccessible, and his relatives cover for him or do not actively contribute to his extradition, or if the killer is some completely worthless person, but killed someone respected (but this happens very rarely).

When a bloodline is killed, he cannot be tormented or tortured.

It is not allowed to take revenge for blood feud carried out according to all the rules. But in real life this sometimes happened and happens - if the party who was declared ch1ir, does not consider herself guilty.


Anyone on whom a blood feud “hangs” tries to somehow solve this problem in his own generation, so as not to pass it on to his descendants. Naturally, he wants to be forgiven. Sometimes it takes a lifetime.

Elders (authoritative people equally distant from both sides of the conflict) act as mediators in negotiations and try to reconcile bloodlines. If success is achieved, then old custom, the conflicting parties meet at some open area, And next of kin the murdered man publicly shaves his bloodline. By this he seems to be saying: if you resisted the temptation to cut your throat, it means you have forgiven.


During war, not only laws, but also traditions weaken. Chechens were pitted against Chechens - as a result, there were an order of magnitude more bloodlines, and revenge became easier. Therefore, there were many cases of violation of the customs of blood feud - in other words, lawlessness.

Since 2010, Ramzan Kadyrov has forcibly pacified the warring parties, and, if you believe official information, on this moment There were practically no families, clans and teips in a state of blood feud left in the territory under his control.

Ramzan himself has bloodlines from almost half of Chechnya, but they cannot take revenge on him, because he has too much power - if necessary, he will take the entire family of his bloodline hostage. But, since ch1ir has no statute of limitations, and the Nokhchi take their blood sooner or later, his life is probably not very calm.

For centuries, the custom of blood feud has preserved the lives of Chechens and our people as a whole. Whether it will remain in the future now depends only on whether the Chechen people survive and save face.

This creature desecrates the memory of thousands of Russian soldiers, tens of thousands of peaceful Russians killed by the Chechens. “As for the status of the city, I personally try not to resolve such issues.
But we will definitely raise this question with the relevant
our structures, which include
and veterans of the Great Patriotic War»
, Putin said
at a press conference following the G20 summit, answering a question from a journalist from Chechnya.

According to the head of state, he is very pleased
that the Chechens are raising the question of assigning such status to Grozny.
"And I want to thank you for that", Putin added.

According to him, the Vainakhs did a lot for victory in the Great Patriotic War.

“Both the Chechens and the Ingush did a lot for victory in the Great Patriotic War,
behaved exceptionally courageously,
proved themselves to be brave warriors and defenders of the fatherland.
This obvious fact, there are numerous documentaries about this
Chechens are a heroic people in mentality,
that's how they behaved when trouble came to our common Home»,
- said the president.

It is clear that here now you can write a lot of indignant text about
that the Vainakhs fought so hard that even Stalin could not stand it and sent them into exile,
about the Russian pogrom in Grozny, about the white horse prepared by the Vainakhs for Hitler,
about mass desertion, etc. and so on.
There is no doubt that in the coming days the Internet will describe in vivid colors how the Vainakhs fought
(all you have to do is read this is a document there is everything about Caucasians there).

But I would like to talk not about mass Chechen desertion,
which they are trying to rewrite retroactively, I would like to talk about something else.

About giving the title of a city military glory(doesn't matter if it's deserved or not)
70 years after the end of the war - madness.
During the war - yes, immediately after the war - yes, 20 years after the war,
when myth-making begins - yes,
but 70 years later, in another country, in another century - madness.

Worse, in Grozny, using the example of an attempt to integrate into the Cult of the Great Victory
Chechens, we see how real Russian history and real military glory are being erased.

Two assaults. Two hells that can only be compared with Stalingrad
(The Wehrmacht, by the way, never reached Grozny,
During the Soviet-Nazi period there were no battles in Grozny at all).
Great, legendary battle behind presidential palace, with bayonet attacks,
with hand-to-hand combat, with unprecedented ferocity.
Area of ​​pain Minute. Basayev's breakthrough through minefields with a mine explosion
and one-legged hobbling further.
Still alive crucified Russian prisoners in the windows.
Militants hanging from the barrels of tanks.
Crazy fights in completely surrounded to the First,
heavy artillery and tank “carousels” in the Second...
Ditches with corpses of Russian civilians...
Boys swearing to the camera that they will not leave until they take revenge on the Chechens...


There was a city of military glory,
bravely resisted the fascists who never reached him,
and what happened there after, and that thousands of Russians fought and died in it
in the fiercest street fighting since Vietnam, it doesn’t matter.
Russian blood shed in the first post-Soviet interethnic war,
Russian blood shed for Russians, Russian strength, Russian rage and Russian revenge,
demolishing entire neighborhoods in a bear frenzy means nothing to Putin.

This is truly a city of military glory, a city of Russian military glory,
the first city in which Russians for the first time since 1922 fought not for an idea,
not for a bright future, but for the mutilated corpses of children that they saw the day before,
a city in which the Russians desperately and uncontrollably took revenge for the Russian city,
the first city to see Russian ETHNIC hatred
(according to the most conservative estimates, 200,000 Chechens were slaughtered in both wars),
the first city to encounter the Evil Russians,
devoted by everyone, from politicians to commanders,
but avenging, avenging, avenging and not seeing anything,
except for the all-consuming fire, which still cannot be drowned by the pouring Chechen blood...

...this is the city of Soviet military glory ?

This is the birthplace of Russian national identity,
a place of awakening from a painful dream about the “friendship of peoples”,
a place where Chechens, Islamists and all other bastards for a moment,
showed a little bit of the future, cleared of Soviet husks.
They showed Marine boys with knives,
cutting frightened bearded Caucasian men.

And Putin's attempt to turn this holy place,
where the stones are soaked with Russian sweat,
where the walls bent from Russian screams,
where houses are smoked from Russian hatred,
to the place of “Soviet military glory”,
in place of the gingerbread myth about Ivan, Ravshan and Magomed,
reflecting the evil Hans, is absolutely insane.

He desecrates the memory of thousands of Russian soldiers who died in the Chechen wars.
He desecrates the memory of tens of thousands of peaceful Russians killed by the Chechens.

The army will not forgive him for this.

Law enforcement officials are looking for an Azerbaijani who took part in a bloody armed brawl.

Representatives of the Chechen and Azerbaijani diasporas in Zelenograd, Moscow Region, are trying to peacefully eliminate the threat of blood feud hanging over the families of young people who participated in an armed conflict in the Dialog cafe early on August 6, as a result of which one person was killed and three were wounded.

This was reported to Sputnik Azerbaijan by sources close to criminal circles and representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Zelenograd.

An authority now residing in Germany, the caretaker of the pan-European cash register, Khamzat Gastamirov, known as Sheikh Khamzat, is trying to resolve the conflict and prevent bloodshed, since, according to Chechen adats (customs), the relatives of the 32-year-old father of three children, Ibragim Bechurkayev, who was killed in a fight, vowed to take revenge on the Azerbaijani Rashad Huseynov.

Huseynov is currently in hiding. Not only Chechens, but also law enforcement officers are hunting for him. Note that the custom of blood feud exists among Caucasian peoples from time immemorial. Adat of blood feud among the Caucasians was not able to displace either Russian empire, neither the Soviet regime, nor repression.

In the Caucasus, blood feud has no statute of limitations. It can be implemented in 50 or even 100 years. Therefore, it is believed that it is better to resolve all issues as quickly as possible so that descendants can live in peace. That is why the relatives of the murdered man turned to thief in law Sheikh Khamzat, who used to be the so-called “supervisor” of Zelenograd.

Earlier, Sputnik reported that a conflict occurred between Ingush, Azerbaijanis and Chechens in the establishment of a native of the Beylagan region of Azerbaijan, a former policeman, a certain Jahangir. The latter, according to some sources, is a relative of the crime boss Khadzhibaba Talibkhanly, known as Khadzhi Beylagansky and living in Turkey. In fact, a native of Azerbaijan, Shamkhal Huseynov, who was the first to get involved in the fight between the Uzbeks, was detained. The Ingush who were in the establishment, friends of Huseynov, with whom he had been drinking alcohol shortly before the incident, decided to separate the participants in the fight, and then blood was shed.

Armed with a traumatic pistol, 32-year-old Ibragim Bechurkaev during the conflict inserted the barrel of a weapon into Shamkhal Huseynov’s mouth and threatened to shoot. At that moment, 23-year-old native of Sumgayit Rashad Huseynov pointed a knife at Bechurkayev and demanded that the pistol be removed from his relative. Before Bechurkaev had time to put away his weapon, he received two stab wounds in the side. Three more participants in the incident were injured.

Security forces intercepted the car in which Shamkhal Huseynov and his friends were. Rashad Huseynov managed to escape. According to an eyewitness to the fight, all participants in the conflict were in an insane state because, in addition to alcohol, they were also taking psychotropic drugs.

Meanwhile, the brother of the murdered man, Adam Bechurkaev, on the one hand, thirsts for blood, on the other, he is trying to listen to the advice of the “elders”. According to some reports, the Ingush, who were also injured in the fight, said that they would not leave this matter like that.

Sometimes it is very strange to watch people who, being adults, experienced, and sometimes wise from military experience, wring their hands shouting: “For what?” or “Why is this happening to me?”, although very often, the answers lie on the surface.

Just today, a remark from Russian Armed Forces serviceman Roman Shadrin, regarding his opinion about Chechnya, went viral on the Internet: “Let’s leave 100-120 thousand Chechens and we can sleep peacefully for 30 years. Until they multiply.”

This is said by an adult and sane (military) person.

How does it all fit together? Putin's Russia- unclear. On the one hand, Kadyrov’s men instill such horror in the Russians that they shit their pants right on the move, and on the other hand, they give out such pearls. Somehow, the “Heroes of Russia” who received their awards for wiping entire Chechen villages from the face of the earth and the same “Heroes of Russia” who “killed their first Russian at the age of 16” coexist in the same volume.

On the other hand, in a state of complete and comprehensive absurdity it cannot be otherwise. However, in Lately, events spilled out that, although absurd at their core, themselves broke the pattern of Russian absurdity. Last week, he was shot on the street former fighter special forces, who distinguished themselves with special zeal in Chechnya. Special zeal means torture and extrajudicial executions local population. Someone's unknown hand reached out to him 15 or even 20 years after his “heroism.”

Here it is appropriate to remember Colonel Budanov (see photo), a rapist and murderer whom the court could not convict, but retribution came to him in the form of four bullets in the head.

As it turns out, many of yesterday’s “chicha exterminators” began to learn from acquaintances, neighbors and former colleagues that someone was seriously interested in them, and they were persistently looking for them. Being decisive people, former specialists very quickly find out that it is not the lads or individual Chechens who are interested in their souls, but investigative committee Chechen Republic!

This turn of events brought the situation to new level! The scope of this event also became clear - inquiries from the Chechen prosecutor's office were directed towards hundreds of former Russian soldiers.

Here are the heartbreaking interviews of former executioners who, shedding tears right through their balaclavas (even now they don’t show their faces), say something like this: “For what? We were just following orders!” (It’s not my fault! He came on his own) He doesn’t even want to understand that his own tortured initiative cannot be covered up by any order! And now they demand protection.

Now they will not be the brave special forces who destroyed Samashki or proposed to leave only 100 thousand Chechens! Now they are victims! Like this!

This unpleasant discovery shook up the entire militaristic hellhole of the Russian Federation. It’s no joke, requests were sent in full form and in full compliance with the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and not just anywhere, but to central archive Sun. Moreover, data was requested from the personal files of military personnel. Usually this data is classified, but investigative authorities have the right to receive this information.

Then an event occurred that should become a lesson for all Russian military personnel. Due to the fact that very specific data on military personnel was required (where he was stationed) exact time specific day), then we were talking about those matters that seemed to have been successfully buried a long time ago. As they say, a meeting was organized, which was attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Prosecutor General's Office, the archive management and representatives of the investigative authorities of Chechnya.

So, the army tried to go on the attack and force the Chechens to stop the outrage, to which they responded that they had a lot of open cases regarding the torture and murder of “peaceful civilians” committed by Russian military personnel. To the military’s sluggish attempts to tell them that the case was old and unnecessary to anyone, the Chechens objected that they had statements from relatives, corpses and other material evidence, and war crimes have no statute of limitations! On this optimistic note, the meeting was adjourned. Nothing concrete was decided. The archivists admitted that formally, requests are sent in compliance with all norms of current legislation, and they cannot but provide this information. The Ministry of Defense gave a direct command not to give out this data. It is clear that in a state where the law is at a level far below par, such conflicts can only be resolved by the head of state. That's what they decided on. The archive has temporarily suspended the release of archival data, citing instructions higher organization, and both sides turned to the nation's greatest and most unique leader for clarification of the situation. As is known, the national leader did not answer this question.

On the one hand, the laws of the Russian Federation almost do not work on the territory of Chechnya, but if it is demonstrated that they completely do not work on the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation, then no prosecutor’s office, FSB or Investigative Committee will be able to work at all in the territory of the enclave.

This also means the actual loss of control over the subject of the federation, into which gigantic funds were poured only in order to maintain the appearance of loyalty to the center. The refusal to satisfy the legitimate demands of the Chechens destroys this loyalty completely.

On the other hand, allowing the Chechens to receive information about those who tortured and killed tens of thousands of their relatives means betraying the army.
The Chechens have already shown that they will use this data for extrajudicial executions of the perpetrators. By and large, Kadyrov has no choice.
Through repression, he has silenced his ill-wishers, but the unavenged innocent victims are crying out louder.

While there was a flow of budget money and the restoration of Grozny was underway, he had something to cover. However, the prospects for maintaining this situation are increasingly bleak. Now the time has come to answer the question of why the murderers are not punished. Moreover, it is often enough for the relatives of the victims to know who exactly committed the lawlessness and where he can be found. They take judgment and punishment into their own hands.

The process has already begun! It follows from this that Putin cares about his own interests and a small circle of his accomplices. The cannon fodder that he threw into Chechnya to raise his own rating is not interesting to him in principle. Consumables. Now they began to shoot them like mad dogs, at the entrances of their own houses! Later long years, retribution is being accomplished. And most importantly, they now have no tanks or Grads behind them, and no attack aircraft or helicopters in the sky. Now no one needs them and will be destroyed one by one!

What is characteristic is that the Chechens undertook to punish not everyone in a row, but those who specifically committed a crime against specific people. This suggests that these actions are not directed against the entire army, but against individuals who violated the rules of war, that is, war criminals.

Now, on the soil of Ukraine, the new Russian military are committing the same old crimes: murder, torture, violence and robbery. They probably think that in war everything will be written off and they can get away with everything. Nothing like this! War criminals will be punished judicial procedure, and those who escape legal punishment will find a terrible and cruel death!

Now their actions are being documented not only by their own command, but also by our military and civilian enthusiasts! Lists are already being formed. Moreover, lists with descriptions of “feats”, photographs, addresses and everything necessary. There will be no need for archival requests, and they have already greatly motivated people to “say thank you.”

In addition, if such our people need support, then they will only raise a cry and such funds will be collected that they will be quite enough to ensure that every creature that commits atrocities on our land is destroyed right in its own lair! Who has not yet stained their hands with the blood of innocent victims - think!

Putin and military leadership They have already handed over their guardsmen who got dirty in Chechnya to slaughter, and they will also hand over the current ones, because this is the essence of Putin’s power! And yes, God is not a fraer - he sees the truth!