Charles Darwin lived in. Scientist Charles Darwin: biography, theories and discoveries

It is very important to acquire the ability to instantly feel the rhythm separately from the rest of the melody of the composition. Listen to a variety of music and try to identify rhythms by tapping them with your feet or clapping your hands.

When you learn to hear the rhythm of the composition, begin to listen to it even more carefully to highlight the rhythmic accents. Subsequently, you will have to highlight these accents in, and tracking them is very important.

Only if you really begin to feel the rhythmic accents of the melody and begin to convey them own body, becoming a continuation of the melody, you can tectonicist. The ability to perceive music correctly is half of your learning. The remaining half is technology.

Repeat daily simple exercises, developing plasticity - rhythmically lift up right hand and lower the left one, and then switch hands. Then cross your arms in front of your chest, forming a diagonal line, after which place your arms parallel to each other in a vertical position, connecting your elbows.

Swipe smoothly left hand under your right arm, bend your left arm at the elbow and move your right arm to the side. Sharply spread your arms to the sides, forming a straight line, and then alternately cover your head with round ones without touching it.

Train regularly, simultaneously developing your dance technique, sense of rhythm and ear for music. As materials for homeschooling use - and instructions that are easy to find on the Internet. However, remember that in order to become a professional dancer, you need a teacher.

In you can master the basics of the technique, but to develop and improve this technique you will have to find a teacher with whom you will find mutual language, and who will be able to competently evaluate your work and correct mistakes.

Strive not only to memorize movements, but also to improvise, training your body’s reaction to changing musical rhythms and melody. The more you practice, the better you will be at dancing.

Video on the topic


Modern youth dance Tectonics everywhere: in clubs, on the street, and at home, since everyone can learn to dance Tectonics at home: video lessons of Tectonics have flooded the entire Internet! Such an incendiary dance, virtuoso movements of young people and girls, and specific music will not leave any passerby indifferent.

Helpful advice

Tectonic is a dance style that last years gained unprecedented popularity. Tecktonik, or more precisely electro dance, is a dance style-mix based on hip-hop, locking, popping and techno.

Tectonic is a type of dance that requires the person performing it to follow the rhythm perfectly. The music used for the soundtrack, as a rule, is distinguished by several rhythmic accents on which the dance is based. In order to learn how to dance tectonics, use a number of simple recommendations.


First of all, you need to hone your ability to isolate the rhythm section from the overall soundtrack. To do this, use tracks that are suitable for performing this dance. Listen to entire tracks, trying to tap the main rhythm. Once you learn how to do this with ease, try spontaneously switching tracks while changing the rhythm to suit your needs. new track.

Once you have mastered the art of isolating the main rhythm section, learn to isolate and play the secondary one. This is done in the following way: If before this you played the main rhythm by clapping one palm on the table, then you will beat the secondary rhythm with your second hand. Complicate the task in the same way as in the first step - try switching tracks while rearranging the rhythm.

In recent years, it has become increasingly popular among young people modern people picks up the dance style Tecktonik (electrodance). Tectonic is a mix dance style. The style is based on the movements of hip-hop, techno, locking, and popping. Young people dance tectonics everywhere: on the streets, in clubs, in universities, at home. Young people, passionate modern direction, are achieving greater and greater results in its development.

To master tectonics, there are two ways: learn at home or visit a special dance studio. However last option It is quite expensive, which is not always suitable for young people, who often have not yet reached a stable level of income (for example, students). It is quite possible to learn how to dance tectonics at home. To do this, you need to prepare and follow a number of simple rules.

What you will need to practice tectonics at home.

  1. Mirror. There should be a mirror installed in the room where you plan to conduct your home workouts. It would be better if there were several mirrors installed in different projections. So, while performing dance movements, you can correct them using your reflection. You will be better able to see the mistakes made and shortcomings in movements from different angles. It is preferable that you are completely reflected in the mirror.
  2. Rug. For convenience, you need to place a rug on the floor. This will also help to avoid claims from your neighbors that you are disturbing them with your activities. It is better to put a couple of mats, perhaps rubberized.
  3. Training video. Today on the Internet it is presented a large number of various training videos for tectonics style. You can find tectonics lessons on the Internet, using advice from a professional from specialized forums. You can also purchase a training video. Suitable for beginners" Basic course» tectonics.
  4. Music. It is impossible to learn how to dance tectonics without having good tracks at hand. You need to select two or three high-quality melodies. Next, you need to learn how to separate the rhythm section in music. You can listen to a variety of melodies, trying to extract a rhythm from it. You can clap your hands or tap your feet. When you can instantly identify the rhythm in any melody, then you can begin to learn tectonics.
  5. Wish. Free time. Practicing tectonics requires not only a fair amount of physical effort, but also attention and time. To learn how to dance even basic tectonic movements well, you need to spend many hours practicing at home. The main thing is to decide for yourself whether you really want to do this dance? If yes, then you need to take the matter seriously. Spend several hours a day training, and within a month you will achieve certain results.
Initial preparation.
Before starting classes, you need to train your body for two to three weeks. The basic skills in tectonics are coordination and flexibility. Train each of these qualities with simple exercises.
  1. Coordination exercise. Stand in the middle of the room, feet shoulder-width apart. Remove all breakable and fragile items. Hold an apple, tennis ball, or orange in each hand. Spread your arms to the sides and close your eyes. Try to concentrate completely. Imagine that you have maximum control over your body and feel it right down to your fingertips. Throw your chosen object or fruit into the air and try to catch it. Repeat attempts daily until you achieve positive results.
  2. Flexibility exercises. You can follow any flexibility course you find online. Basic movements can be:
    • lean forward, without bending your knees, try to touch the floor with your palms;
    • lean back, try to touch the floor with your hands. Over time, make a bridge from a standing position and return to a vertical position without using your hands;
    • bending to the sides;
    • circular movements head;
    • warming up the feet and hands.
Basic movements of arms and legs in tectonics.
When viewing the tectonics training course, you will see that the trainer shows all the exercises slowly. Start repeating after the teacher. Monitor every movement with a mirror. Next, the trainer will begin to perform the movement faster and faster, bringing it to the required level and forming ligaments. Try to remember the connection and repeat it several times. The next day, when starting classes, start by repeating the learned connection. Only then start learning new movements.

Basic leg movements in tectonics.
The main movements for the legs in tectonics are heel and toe swings. The main point when moving the legs is the clarity of each movement. As you swing your toes, transfer your entire body weight to your heel. The toe makes a sharp lunge to the right if the movement comes from the right leg, and to the left if the movement comes from the left leg. When performing a heel swing, you need to stand up on your toes so that the heel goes to the side.

Do not try to repeat all the movements exactly after the teacher. Improvise, performing all movements accurately and clearly. You can only throw out the heel, only the toe. The main thing is to learn to feel the rhythm of the music.

Basic hand movements in tectonics.
When performing hand movements, the main emphasis should be on speed. Start with simple movements, gradually increasing the speed of their execution. Your brushes will move smoothly up and down. The hands are placed one above the other. The hands make circular movements so that the hands do not collide. With such a simple movement you can improvise. Spin your arms above your head, etc. The basic movement is repeated in many dance combinations. Gradually increasing the pace, combining arm movements with leg movements, you will achieve positive training results.

When starting to learn tectonics at home, you must remember a number of rules. First, you need to prepare a place for classes. Secondly, you need to select music for classes, as well as a video course. It is better to select a training video using the advice of professionals, since at first it will be difficult for a beginner to master difficult combinations. Third, learn to identify the rhythm section in any tune. This will make it easier for you to learn the movements. Fourth, start with the simplest. Repeat the learned sequences daily. Do not start learning new movements without achieving clarity in performing previously learned ones.

After a couple of months of training, you will definitely achieve positive results. However, if you want to study tectonics for more high level, then you should enroll in a dance studio. Professional dancers will be able to point out your main mistakes and correct your movements. The main thing is to have a desire to learn how to dance tectonics!

Darwin, Charles Robert - British naturalist and traveler. Author synthetic theory evolution and the founder of the doctrine of Darwinism.


Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. The father, Robert Darwin, was a financier and a successful doctor, so the family lived quite prosperously. Charles's mother, Suzanne Darwin, died when the boy was 8 years old. He practically didn't remember her.

At school, Charles studied very reluctantly. Not because he was stupid, he was just not interested in subjects school curriculum. At the same time, already in childhood, Charles demonstrated an interest in nature and research. He actively collected minerals and insects, shells. He loved hunting and fishing.

In 1825, Charles's father realized that there would be no benefit from educating his son at school, and sent him to the University of Edinburgh. Charles also did not want to study to become a doctor. He later recalled that for him the lectures were simply incredibly boring. Darwin studied at the university for two years. After this, the father, who really wanted to give his son a decent education, offered him a spiritual career. In 1828 Charles entered Cambridge university to the Faculty of Theology. He was preparing to become a priest, but still did not pay enough attention to his studies. Darwin pays most time hunting and fishing, observing nature, collecting.

In 1831, Charles graduated from the university. He became one of those graduates whose knowledge was satisfactory, but did not represent anything special.

Darwin was lucky - they finally helped him find what he loved in life. Soon after graduating from university, he was approached by botany professor John Henslowe, who had previously noticed Charles' penchant for studying nature. Charles is offered to become a member of an expedition that goes to South America. Darwin gladly accepts this offer.

The expedition started on the Beagle ship in 1831 and lasted more than 5 years. The researchers visited Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and the Galapagos Islands. During the journey, Darwin conscientiously fulfilled the duties of an expedition naturalist and carefully examined the flora and fauna of the territories visited by the expedition. Charles collected a large collection of fossils and minerals, stuffed animals, and compiled several herbariums. The progress of the expedition was recorded in detail in Darwin's diary. This diary was later very useful to him when writing scientific works.

In October 1836 the journey was over. Darwin now had a huge amount of collected material, and he decided to concentrate on processing it. This work lasted 20 years. Soon a travel diary was published, which became a very popular book in wide circles of society.

Darwin settled in Cambridge, but spent only a few months here. Then he moved to London. He is a member of a scientific society, and for five years he has been communicating mainly with scientists. Darwin is used to an open, free life, so the city noticeably oppresses him. This period of his life became very fruitful: Charles works a lot, often performs in scientific society, leads discussions. He was elected honorary secretary of the Geological Society.

Darwin married in 1839. His wife was Miss Emma Wedgwood, who was Charles' cousin. He gradually weakens, his body is increasingly taken over by the disease. In 1842, Darwin decided to move away from the bustle of the city and moved to the newly acquired Dawn estate.

Here he spends 40 years of measured and peaceful life. Walking, reading letters, working, observing nature, communicating with relatives. Charles's father left him an inheritance that was enough to allow him to focus entirely on scientific activity. However, Darwin received a lot of money for his books. Charles allocated money to support needy scientists and developed science. He spent very substantial sums on all this.

In 1859, Darwin published his most famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. She, as they would say now, became scandalous. At that time, it was generally accepted that the Earth and all life on it were created as described in the Bible. Darwin stated that nature evolved over millions of years. Despite this, the book was very successful.

Charles then focuses on the plants for a while. In 1862 he published the book Pollination of Orchids. Then the works “Climbing Plants” and “Insectivorous Plants” were published.

The more popular Darwin's works gained, the more favorably they treated him. In 1864 he received the Kopleevskaya gold medal, three years later - the Prussian award Рour le merite. Then he becomes an honorary corresponding member St. Petersburg Academy. He also held an honorary doctorate at the Universities of Breslau, Bonn, and Leiden, and received a number of other awards. At the end of his life he simply became rich thanks to his popularity numerous books. How more money earned, the more he allocated for the needs of science. As for the awards, the scientist was absolutely indifferent to them.

Darwin's Major Achievements

  • He became the first scientist to thoroughly explain the theory that all living organisms have common ancestors from which they evolve.
  • The discoveries made by Darwin became the basis of the synthetic theory of evolution in its modern form. Modern biology is based on the scientist’s ideas.
  • Did significant contribution in the development of genetics, he proved the possibility of changing a species through artificial intervention.

Important dates in Darwin's biography

  • 12 February 1809 – birth in Shrewsbury.
  • 1817 – entry into day school.
  • 1818 - Entered Shrewsbury Anglican School.
  • 1825 – Becomes a student at the University of Edinburgh.
  • 1828 – admission to the University of Cambridge at the Faculty of Theology.
  • 1831-1836 - voyage on the Beagle.
  • 1838 – elected secretary of the Geological Society of London.
  • 1839 - marriage.
  • 1842 - move from London to Doune. Publication of the monograph “Zoology of Travel”.
  • 1859 – publication of Darwin’s most famous book, “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” (“Preservation of Favored Breeds in the Struggle for Life”).
  • 1868: The Variation of Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants is published, considered an addition to the Origin of Species.
  • 1871 – publication of the book “The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection.”
  • April 19, 1882 - Charles Robert Darwin died.
  • The Russian Orthodox Church tried in every possible way to denigrate Darwin, calling him a blasphemer. The priests held lectures in schools, practicing all sorts of accusations against the scientist.
  • Many enlightened people of Russia, including Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, came to Darwin’s defense.
  • Charles Darwin became the main character of the story “The Origin of Species” by Victor Pelevin.
  • In 2009, British director John Amiel released On the Origin of Species, a biopic about Darwin.
  • Recognized as one of the most outstanding Britons of all time.
  • The scientist himself constantly doubted the correctness of his statements, calling them only hypotheses.