Bezhin meadow short. Test on the story Bezhin Meadow

The hero-narrator of “Bezhin Meadows” is a nobleman who is fond of hunting; on one of the hot July days went to the Chernsky forest of the Tula province to shoot black grouse. After a good hunt in good mood the hero moved towards the house, but it was already getting dark, and he lost his way.

Night was approaching like a thundercloud, but the traveler kept getting lost and almost fell into the abyss. But in the distance I saw two lights and some shadows. These were peasant children. The hero settled down by the fire next to the guys and began to admire the marvelous landscape with pleasure. summer night and watch the children.

The eldest Fedya, a handsome blond boy, was fourteen years old. By all indications, he was from a wealthy peasant family. He herded horses not out of necessity, but for fun. He was dressed neatly, well, and even the boots he was wearing were not his father’s, but made especially for him.

The second boy, Pavlush, was unprepossessing in appearance - pockmarked and pale, with black eyes and a disproportionately large head. He was dressed simply, and wore patched trousers. But the narrator liked most of all his strength and clever expression eye. He looked about twelve years old. The same is true for Ilyusha, a boy with dim eyes and a worried look.

Kostya, ten years old, sat thoughtfully and sadly, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. And there was another curly-haired boy, Vanya, seven years old, who could not be immediately noticed: he was sleeping under a matting on the ground.

The boys' temporary confusion after the traveler pretended to be asleep receded, and they continued the conversation they had begun earlier about the brownie. Ilyusha talked about what he and a group of guys heard at night at the brownie factory. He, they say, they remembered about him, came in, coughed, began to open the door and move the shape of the vat.

Kostya decided to tell about the suburban carpenter Gavrila, who once went into the forest to get nuts, got lost and fell asleep. I woke up from the call and laughter of a mermaid. He crossed himself, and she suddenly began to cry and ordered him to suffer for the rest of his life, as she is now suffering from the sign of the cross. Gavrila found his way out of the forest, but from then on he became gloomy.

The guys ate the boiled potatoes, and Ilyushka continued the conversation. His story was about an incident in Varnavitsy: in the remote ravines in these places a drowned man was buried, as evidenced by a barely noticeable tubercle. One day the huntsman Ermila was driving past this place while drunk. I noticed a white lamb on a hillock and took it with me. And on the way they looked into each other’s eyes, and the lamb suddenly repeated after Ermila: “Byasha!”

As soon as Ilyushka said this, the dogs became alarmed, barked, and Pavlusha ran off to calm the horses. When he returned, he explained that he thought there was a wolf there. The master marveled at the boy’s courage and strength and involuntarily fell in love with him.

The guys again started talking about Varnavitsy, which had a reputation as an “unclean place.” About the old gentleman who wandered in those places and looked for the “tear-grass” because the grave was pressing on him. The conversation turned to the dead, and the same connoisseur of horror stories, Ilyushka, assured the children that the future dead could be seen near the church on Parents’ Saturday. He gave examples from life.

Pavel, in turn, spoke about a heavenly foresight, during which they said Trishka would come. Trishka is an amazing person who can save you from any difficulty magically. Pavlusha spoke about how his village once decided that they had attacked last times- we saw a man coming down from the mountain. They got scared, and it was the cooper of Vavil with a jug on his head. The guys burst out laughing at this story.

Suddenly a heron screamed shrilly, and everyone fell silent. They now remembered about the boy, Akim the forester, who had previously been drowned by thieves somewhere here. And then about the fool Akulina, who was dragged into the water by the merman and took away her beauty. Pavel wanted to scoop up water from the river, and the guys began to warn him against meeting the merman. They also remembered little Vasya, who drowned in that river. When Pavel returned, he admitted that he had heard Vasya’s voice in the river. He called him. The guys decided that this was a bad omen.

The master dozed off listening to the guys' stories and woke up when the morning began. He went home, admiring the first rays of the sun. But then he reluctantly added to the reader that Paul still died that same year, but did not drown, but fell from his horse.

  • “Bezhin Meadow”, analysis of the story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • “Fathers and Sons”, a summary of the chapters of Turgenev’s novel
  • “Fathers and Sons”, analysis of the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Here is a summary of Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow”. “Bezhin Meadow” is included in the collection of stories “Notes of a Hunter,” written in 1847-1851.

“It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happen when the weather has settled for a long time. From the very early morning the sky is clear, the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it is distinguished by a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - floats up peacefully under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into its purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their shine is like the shine of forged silver..."

The narrator was hunting in the forest. He "found and shot quite a lot of game."

After that, he decided to return home, but got lost and went to a place known as "Bezhin Meadow" There was a fire burning, near which there were peasant children. They guarded the herd.

“Drive out the herd before the evening and drive in the herd at dawn - big celebration for peasant boys."

The hunter sat down with the boys.

A conversation ensued. It was an amazingly beautiful night. The fire was very beautiful.

« The picture was wonderful: near the lights, a round reddish reflection trembled and seemed to freeze, resting against the darkness: the flame, flaring up, occasionally threw quick reflections beyond the line of that circle; a thin tongue of light will lick the bare branches of the vine and disappear at once; sharp, long shadows, rushing in for a moment, in turn reached the very lights: darkness fought with light».

There are five boys: Fedya, Pavlusha, Ilyusha, Kostya and Vanya.

The author describes the boys in detail - they are completely different, but they have much in common - rigor, self-confidence, hard work. The boys are boiling potatoes in a pot. There is a leisurely conversation about evil spirits.

Fedya asks Ilyusha questions about the brownie:

Well, did you see the brownie?

No, I didn’t see him, and you can’t even see him, answered Ilyusha in a hoarse and weak voice, the sound of which perfectly matched the expression of his face, “but I heard... And I’m not the only one.

Where is he? - asked Pavlusha.

In the old roller.

Do you go to the factory?

Well, let's go. My brother, Avdyushka and I are members of the fox workers.

Look, factory workers!

The boys are very interested in talking about evil spirits. Then the conversation turns to Gavril, the Slobotsk carpenter, whom all the boys know. Gavrila is gloomy and silent. The boys explain his character as a meeting with evil spirits.

“So he went into the forest for nuts, and got lost; I went - God knows where I went. He walked and walked, my brothers - no! can't find the way; and it’s night outside. So he sat down under a tree; “Come on, I’ll wait until morning,” he sat down and dozed off. He fell asleep and suddenly heard someone calling him. He looks - no one. He dozed off again - they called him again. He looks again and looks: and in front of him on a branch a mermaid sits, sways and calls him to her, and she herself is dying of laughter, laughing...

And the moon is shining strongly, the month is shining so strongly, clearly - everything, my brothers, is visible. So she calls him, and all bright and white herself sits on a branch, like some kind of little raft or gudgeon - and then there’s the crucian carp that’s so whitish and silver...”

The mermaid called Gavrila to her. He went first. But then he changed his mind and crossed himself. It was very difficult for him to lay the cross. But after he crossed himself, the mermaid no longer laughed, but cried. Gavrila asked her: “Why are you, forest potion, crying?” And the mermaid answered: “You shouldn’t be baptized,” he says, “man, you should live with me in joy until the end of your days; but I cry, I am killed because you were baptized; Yes, I won’t be the only one who will kill myself: you too will kill yourself until the end of your days.” Kostya continued:

“Then she, my brothers, disappeared, and Gavrila immediately understood how he could get out of the forest, that is, get out... But since then he has been walking around sadly.”

Everyone present is interested in the story. They discuss whether there are mermaids nearby.

Then Ilyusha talks about what happened at Varnavitsy. A drowned man is buried there. This man drowned a long time ago, when the pond was deep. His grave is still visible. The local clerk sent the huntsman Ermila to the post office.

Tog stayed in the city. I went back, not quite sober. When he drove past the pond, he saw a lamb on the grave. This lamb was very beautiful, white, curly. Yermil decided to sculpt it.

However, the horse behaved very strangely: it stared, shook its head, and resisted. But Yermil still took the lamb. He goes and takes him with him. Yermil looks at the lamb and notices that the lamb is looking straight into his eyes.

The man felt terrified. He began to stroke the lamb and say: “Bisha, byasha.” And the ram bared his teeth in response and also said: “Byasha, byasha.”

As soon as the boy told this story, the dogs suddenly jumped up and ran away somewhere, barking loudly. The children were scared. But then it turned out that the dogs simply sensed something. Pavel assumed that they sensed a wolf. The boys continue their conversation. We are talking about a dead man, an old gentleman. It turns out that he often appears in the area and is looking for something. One day Grandfather Trofimych saw him and asked: “What, Father Ivan Ivanovich, do you want to look for on the ground?”

The deceased baria replied that he was looking for a gap - grass. He needs her because “the grave is pressing” and the master “wants to get out...”.

Ilyusha says that on Parents' Saturday on the porch you can see those who are destined to die this year. Last year, Grandma Ulyana walked to the porch. Oma sat for a long time, but then suddenly she saw the boy. He walked and did not raise his head. He died in the spring. Then Ulyana saw herself. Fedya objects that Baba Ulyana did not die. But Ilyusha replied that the year was not over yet. If you look at her, it is not clear “where the soul is held.”

The boys saw a white dove and assumed that it was a righteous soul flying to heaven.

Kostya asked who Trishka was. Ilyusha replied that this is an amazing person who will come when the last times come. Nothing can be done to him; he will seduce the people. Trishka is the Antichrist.

During solar eclipse severe panic began. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that from a distance everyone saw a man with a strange head. Everyone thought it was Trishka coming.

“And the man was our cooper, Vavila: he bought himself a new jug and put an empty jug on his head and put it on.”

The boys laughed and fell silent. A heron screams over the river, the children pay attention to its cry.

Pavlusha remembers that thieves drowned Akim the forester in a hole with water the year before last, and his soul complains. Therefore, if you pass by, you can hear a groan.

The boys begin to talk about the devil, about frogs. The conversation captivates them, they argue. Pavel went to fetch water. Ilyusha warns him, says that he might be dragged away by the merman. This is exactly what happened to Akulina after which she went crazy.

Then Kostya remembers the boy Vasya, who drowned in the river. His mother, Feklista, loved her son very much. She seemed to have a presentiment that her son would die from the water. He drowned just when his mother was nearby. Since then, Feklista has lost her mind.

Pavel returns and says that he heard Vasya’s voice. He called him. However, Pavel managed to leave and even got some water. Fedya says that the merman called him. Ilyusha notices that this is a bad omen. However, Paul objects: “you cannot escape your fate,” so you should not pay attention.

Children listen to the sounds of the night, the cries of birds. Coming wonderful morning, which is described in great detail. The author leaves the fire. The author later learned that Pavel died that same year. “He did not drown: he was killed by falling from a horse.” The author says with pity that Pavel was a wonderful guy.

“Bezhin Meadow” is a story by I. S. Turgenev, included in the collection “Notes of a Hunter.” During the creation of this I spent a lot of time in the village. His main interlocutors were hunters, who were very different from the rest rural residents. It is these stories, as well as amazing nature and served as inspiration for the creation of the series “Notes of a Hunter”. The story “Bezhin Meadow” is a small work, replete with descriptions of beautiful and serene Russian landscapes.

The story begins with the fact that one warm July day a hunter gets lost in the forest. He wanders for a long time along unknown paths, but still cannot find his way home. Already completely desperate and almost falling into a cliff, the hunter suddenly notices a fire. Out of nowhere, two large dogs run out to meet him, barking, followed by village boys. The hunter learns that the guys came to graze the horses at night, since during the day the animals are haunted by insects and heat.

Having modestly settled under a bush next to the fire, the traveler pretends to be sleeping, although in reality he is watching the boys. The hunter does not want to embarrass them, so he does not show that he sees and hears everything. The guys, having relaxed a little, resume the interrupted communication. The Bezhin meadow rings and shimmers with their voices.

Characteristics of boys. Appearance Features

There are five guys around the fire: Fedya, Pavlusha, Vanya, Kostya and Ilyusha. Bezhin meadow is the name of the place where they drove the horses to graze. Fedya is the oldest in appearance, he is about 14 years old. At first glance, the hunter understands that the boy is from rich family, and that he came with the guys not out of need, but for fun. This can be seen in his manner of communication, in his neat new clothes and in his delicate facial features.

The second boy is Pavlusha. Behind his external unattractiveness lies amazing power character. The boy immediately evokes great sympathy from the hunter. Despite the fact that he is only twelve years old, Pavel behaves like the oldest. He calms the boys down when something frightens them; his every word exudes prudence and courage. The story “Bezhin Meadow” is a work in which Turgenev with special love describes ordinary peasant children, each of whom represents the future of the country.

Ilyusha is the same age as Pavlusha. He has an unremarkable face, on which lies the imprint of painful concern for something. It is Ilyusha who tells the most stories; he is distinguished by his ability to convey the essence of what happened well and captivatingly. The work “Bezhin Meadow” consists of such stories. The characteristics of the boys given in the story emphasize the individuality of each narrator.

Kostya is a boy with attentive and sad eyes. His freckled face is adorned with huge black eyes, shining with an incomprehensible brilliance, as if he wants to say something important, but cannot. He is about ten years old.

The last boy, the youngest, Vanya. At first the hunter does not notice him, since the child lies with his head covered in matting. He is a seven year old boy with curly hair. He doesn't tell a single story, but the author admires his childish purity of thinking.

Each of the guys does his own thing and at the same time carries on a conversation. Bezhin meadow echoes them in silence. The boys' stories are of great interest to the hunter, so he tries with all his might to pretend that he is sleeping.


Ilyusha begins his story first. He says that he heard the brownie when he and the guys stayed overnight on the roller after work. The spirit made a noise and noise over the guys' heads, coughed and disappeared.


The next incident that Kostya heard about from his father. Once Gavrila, a carpenter, went into the forest and met a beautiful mermaid there. She called for Gavrila for a long time, but he did not give in. And when he felt that he had no strength left to resist, he made the sign of the cross over himself. The mermaid began to cry and said that he, too, would shed tears with her all his life. After this, no one saw the carpenter cheerful again. Turgenev ("Bezhin Meadow") seems to put the stories of boys into one big story hunter


Ilyusha talks about the dog dog Ermil, who, returning home late, saw a small lamb on the grave of a drowned man. He took it for himself, but it turned out that the soul of the dead man had entered the animal.

Suddenly the dogs jump from their places and rush into the darkness. Pavlusha, without hesitation, runs after them to check what’s wrong. It seems to him that the wolf has snuck too close to them. It turned out that this was not the case. The hunter involuntarily fell in love with the boy, he was so handsome and brave at that moment. Turgenev paints the image of Pavlusha with special love. “Bezhin Meadow” is a story that, although it ends on a minor note, still glorifies the victory of good over evil.

Restless gentleman

Ilyusha continues his story with rumors about the deceased master. Once his grandfather Trofim met him and asked what he was looking for. The deceased replied that he needed a gap-grass. This means that the master lived too little, he wanted to escape from the grave.


Next, Ilyusha talks about how you can meet those who are about to die soon. Grandma Ulyana first saw the boy Ivashka, who drowned soon after, and then herself. Bezhin Meadow evokes strange and sometimes scary images. The boys' stories are real evidence of this.


Pavlusha picks up the conversation with her story about a solar eclipse. There was a legend in their village that at the moment when the sun closed in the sky, Trishka would come. This will be an unusual and crafty person who will begin to tempt all Christian believers with sin.

Leshy and water goblin

Next in line is a story from Ilyusha. He talks about how a goblin led one village man through the forest, but he barely fought him off. This story smoothly flows into the story about the merman. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Akulina, she was very beautiful. After the merman attacked her, she began to walk. Now Akulina walks all black, in torn clothes and laughs for no reason.

The merman also destroys the local boy Vasya. His mother, anticipating trouble from the water, with great excitement lets him go swimming. However, he still cannot save him. The boy is drowning.

The fate of Pavlusha

At this time, Pavel decides to go down to the river to get water. He returns excited. To the guys’ question, he answers that he heard Vasya’s voice, that he was calling him to him. The boys cross themselves and say that this is a bad omen. It was not for nothing that Bezhin Meadow spoke to him. The characteristics of the boys reveal each individual image, veiledly depicting children.

Morning and return home

Waking up early in the morning, the hunter decides that it is time to return home. He quietly gets ready and approaches the sleeping boys. Everyone is asleep, only Pavlusha raises her head and looks at him. The hunter nods his head to the boy and leaves. Bezhin Meadow says goodbye to him. Characteristics of boys require special attention. After finishing reading it is worth re-watching it.

The story ends with the words that Paul subsequently dies. The boy does not drown, as the boys' stories predict, he falls from his horse and is killed.

On a beautiful July day, the narrator is hunting for black grouse in the Chernsky district of the Tula province. He returns home in the evening and, instead of familiar places, comes across a narrow valley, opposite which a dense aspen tree rises like a wall. Having walked along the aspen tree, the hunter finds himself in a cauldron-shaped hollow with gentle sides.

It’s so deaf and dull in the valley that his heart sank.

He realizes that he is completely lost, and continues to follow the stars. Having climbed a high, abruptly falling hill, he sees below him a huge plain, which is surrounded by a wide river. Right under the cliff, two fires are burning in the dark. “This meadow is famous in our neighborhoods under the name Bezhin meadow.” The hunter is getting tired. He goes down to the fires where children are passing the night, herding horses.

The hunter asks to spend the night, lies down by the fire and watches the boys. The eldest of them, Fedya, is slender, a handsome boy about fourteen years old, belonging, judging by his clothes, to a wealthy family. The unprepossessing Pavlusha has an intelligent and direct look, and strength rings in his voice. Ilyusha’s hook-nosed, elongated and slightly blinded face expresses dull solicitude. Both he and Pavlusha are no more than twelve years old. Kostya is a small, frail boy of about ten years old with a thoughtful and sad look. Vanya, napping on the sidelines, is about seven years old.

The narrator pretends to be asleep and the boys continue their conversation. Ilyusha talks about how he and a group of guys had to spend the night on paper mill. Someone suddenly stomped upstairs, went down the stairs, and approached the door. The door swung open, and there was no one behind it. And suddenly someone coughs! Scared the brownie boys.

New story Kostya begins. Once the carpenter Gavrila went into the forest and got lost. It got dark. He sat down under a tree and dozed off. The carpenter woke up because someone was calling him. Gavrila looks - a mermaid sits on a tree, calls him to her and laughs. Gavrila took it and crossed himself. The mermaid cried pitifully. “You shouldn’t be baptized,” he says, “man, you should live with me in joy until the end of your days; but I cry, I am killed because you were baptized; Yes, I won’t be the only one who will kill myself: you too will kill yourself until the end of your days.” Since then, Gavrila has been walking around sadly.

A drawn-out sound is heard in the distance, and thin laughter echoes in the forest. The boys shudder and cross themselves.

Ilyusha tells a story that happened on a broken dam, an unclean place. A long time ago, a drowned man was buried there. One day the clerk sent the huntsman Yermil to the post office. He returned through the dam late at night. Suddenly he sees a little white lamb sitting on the grave of a drowned man. Yermil decided to take him with him. The lamb does not escape from your hands, it only looks intently into your eyes. Yermil felt terrible, he stroked the lamb and said: “Byasha, byasha!” And the lamb bared his teeth and answered him: “Byasha, byasha!”

Suddenly the dogs bark and rush away. Pavlusha rushes after them. When he returns, he says that the dogs sensed the wolf. The hunter is amazed at the boy's courage. Meanwhile, Ilyusha talks about how in an “unclean place” they met a late master who was looking for a gap-grass - the grave was putting a lot of pressure on him. The next story is about Baba Ulyana, who went to the porch on her parents’ Saturday night to find out who would die this year. She looks - a woman is walking, takes a closer look - and it’s herself, Ulyana. Then Ilyusha tells a belief about amazing person Trishke, who will come during a solar eclipse.

After a short silence, the boys begin to discuss how a goblin differs from a water goblin. Kostya talks about a boy who was dragged under water by a merman. The boys fall asleep only at dawn.

The narrator, “unfortunately, must add that in the same year Paul passed away. He did not drown: he was killed by falling from his horse. It’s a pity, he was a nice guy!”

We hope you liked the summary of the story Bezhin Meadow. We will be glad if you take the time to read this story in its entirety.

Turgenev's story “Bezhin Meadow” is a work that was included in the “Notes of a Hunter” cycle. It was written in 1851. If we talk about Turgenev’s work “Bezhin Meadow” and its genre, then here we can highlight such a direction as realism with some features of romanticism, while the so-called genre “ scary story" Why are we talking about a scary story here? It is enough to familiarize yourself with Turgenev’s work “Bezhin Meadow” and his summary To understand, the entire work is filled with mystical stories, where the author resorts to folk beliefs and legends, describing various evil spirits.

Thus, Turgenev’s work “Bezhin Meadow” begins with the fact that the author, who is also the narrator and hunter, went hunting and got lost. When he was looking for the way back, he came across the boys who were sitting by the fire, guarding a herd of horses. The author asked to stay with them for the night. Pretending to be asleep, he began to listen to the stories of young children, whose ages ranged from 14 to 7 years. These stories were scary. The boys shared stories about a brownie who lived in a paper factory, about the carpenter Gavril, who met a mermaid at night and who called him to her. The guys also remembered the drowned man who was buried near the dam.

When the dogs rushed barking into the darkness, Pavel ran after them, because he thought that it was the wolves who had sneaked up on the horses, but everything turned out okay.

Having returned, the guys continued to tell stories, so we learn about the late master, who was pressed by the grave, about the old woman who, on Mother’s Day, saw herself in a passing woman, which meant that she would die this year. The guys started talking enthusiastically and touched on the topic of the goblin and the merman. In the conversation, the guys remembered a child who was dragged under water by a merman. So the boys talked until dawn and only fell asleep in the morning.

The hunter himself woke up early in the morning, said goodbye to Pavlusha, and left the guys. It's just a shame that the story doesn't end on a happy note. After all, the author says that this year Paul left this world after crashing on a horse.

Turgenev bezhin meadow heroes

Continuing my essay on Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow” and analyzing it, I would like to highlight the boys in Turgenev’s work “Bezhin Meadow”, who are the heroes of this story.

So the author introduces us to Pavlusha, who was about 12. He was brave, because he was not afraid to run again to look at the horses when the dogs started barking. He was bold, brave, and at the same time he did not boast, because when he rushed to the wolf, he did not boast about it at all. He did not show his fear, as in the case when he heard the voice of a dead man. He only listens and only shares once real case about heavenly foresight. His life was short-lived, as the boy was killed by falling from a horse.
Fedya was the oldest. He was 14. Judging by his clothes, one can say that he was from a rich family. He decided to guard the herd for fun. When talking with guys, he constantly asks questions, puts on airs and is businesslike. He listens to stories, but by his appearance he shows that he does not believe a word.

Another hero is Ilyusha, who had an insignificant appearance, a peasant boy from a poor family.