And decent and honest people. What is honesty and integrity

Decency is a strong commitment to a code of especially important moral values, incorruptibility. Honest, decent people know the difference between what is right and what is wrong, between truth and fiction. Most successful people in economically They highly value honesty and credit it as a factor for success.

Personal integrity is the basis of trust. A lack of integrity can ruin all your attempts to significantly replenish your account in the bank of emotions. You can strive for mutual understanding, be attentive to detail, deliver on promises, clarify criteria and meet them - and still not achieve high trust if you are two-faced.

The concept of integrity includes honesty, but is not limited to it. When we talk about honesty, we most often mean truthfulness: your words match your deeds. If you are decent, you can say that you make your actions match your words. For example, you make and keep promises. This is impossible without consistency and loyalty - to yourself and to life.

One of the most important manifestations of decency is respect for those who are absent. By showing it, you earn the trust of those present. If you speak badly about people behind their backs, those present will stop trusting you.

Let’s say you and I are having a one-on-one conversation—we’re shaking down the boss’s bones, which we would never allow ourselves to do if he were in the same room. What happens if we quarrel? You will be sure that I will discuss your shortcomings with others. After all, we did this in relation to the boss! You know my nature. I say nice things to your face and slander you behind your back.

This is the essence of duplicity. Can we say that it increases confidence?

Now imagine that you began to criticize the absent boss, and I say that I agree with you on some points, and I propose that we go together to his office and try to explain what, in our opinion, he is doing wrong. How do you think I will behave in a situation where someone begins to slander him?

Another example. Suppose, trying to gain your favor, I reveal to you a secret entrusted to me by a third party. “Actually, I shouldn’t say this, but since you’re my friend...” will betrayal increase the degree of trust in me? Or my interlocutor will think: am I passing on his own secrets to someone?

Duplicity creates the illusion of investing in a trusting relationship, but in reality it is a loss because you are demonstrating your dishonesty. Betraying someone, sharing something entrusted to you classified information, you will receive the “golden eggs” of temporary satisfaction, but you will destroy the “goose” and weaken the trusting relationship that could bring you a lot of joy in the future.

Integrity in an interconnected world means that you treat everyone with the same principles. And then they will trust you. People may not immediately appreciate your honesty. Perhaps at first it will lead to conflict. Open confrontation requires enormous courage; most prefer the path least resistance: try to put others down, abuse trust, gossip. But ultimately, if you are decent, kind and open, people will respect and trust you. And they say about trust that it is more expensive than love. I am convinced that someday the words “trust” and “love” will be perceived as synonyms.

“If you lie once, you will have to lie fifteen more times to cover up the first lie.” In order not to strain your mind, not to waste extra energy and to save time, it is much more profitable to always tell the truth and be honest with people.

Every person dreams of good and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About types of honesty

There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into the network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. I was just the first one who wanted to believe it holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully used his principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, to your word. An honest person will always fulfill his promise and help in Hard time. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, to be honest modern world It’s very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment reads: “Blessed are pure in heart, for they will see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways.

Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe

Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, right?

A little about straightforwardness

However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!

A girl’s honesty and equanimity is what irritates other girls and attracts guys)

I want to go back to last summer. Your sincerity was there.

Decent tone is about sincerity and honesty.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Faith. By strictly observing the basic Christian commandments, a person cultivates decency.

There is little merit if a person is honest only because no one tried to bribe him.

He's so fair man that even smiles when he puts a smiley face...

All women value honesty very much, but among them this quality is extremely rare...

Sincerity is the mother of truth and the sign of an honest person.
D. Diderot

Integrity is a bouquet of virtues such as honesty, kindness, generosity, generosity and self-esteem.

You will not get sharp criticism from a person until you make him angry; the harsh truth always speaks out with bitterness.

An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored.

The truth, like a jewel, does not need to be embellished, but it should be positioned so that it is visible in favorable light.

Honesty is when you think to say one thing, but tell the truth.
Perlyuk Alexander

The more I try to be honest, the deeper the necessary words sink into darkness...

Decency - moral quality person. Honest man always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others.


An honest soul is restrained by conscience, and a scoundrel grows stronger from his insolence.
Pliny the Younger

To be honest with someone who is dishonest is to be dishonest with yourself.

Living happily means living honestly.

Sincerity does not consist in saying everything you think, but in thinking exactly what you say.

The truly honest person is the one who always asks himself if he is honest enough.
Plautus Titus Maccius

Decency is a strong commitment to a code of especially important moral values, incorruptibility.

An honest poor man can sometimes forget about his poverty. An honest rich man never forgets about his wealth. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Honesty is often reckless. Louis Aragon Statuses about honesty, sincerity, decency

Look for honesty in big politics It's like a needle in a haystack. (Kushner Konstantin)

The first key to integrity and honesty is being sincere with yourself.

The second key to integrity and honesty is to be sincere to all people.

The power of honesty is so great that we value it even among the enemy.

Sincerity in small doses is dangerous; in large ones it is deadly. (WILDE Oscar)

Honesty is even more valuable to decent people than learning to educated people. (RUSSO Jean Jacques)

“If you lie once, you will have to lie fifteen more times to cover up the first lie.” In order not to strain your mind, not to waste extra energy and to save time, it is much more profitable to always tell the truth and be honest with people.

Hiding things from friends is dangerous; but it’s even more dangerous not to hide anything from them. ( Lafontaine Jean de)

Honesty is the best and at the same time the most justified course of action. (Lubbock John)

Honesty beautifies any title. (Schiller F.)

No one is as adept at approaching honesty as scammers. (Sukhorukov Leonid S.)

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. And you shouldn’t expect them from cheap people.

This is a difficult job - to be extremely honest with yourself... Vanity gets in the way. Our life is vanity, because you don’t have time to understand anything, and everything flashes by...

An honest attitude towards something, honest behavior. There is no doubt about his honesty. “When he talks about high honesty, ... his eyes are bloody, his face is burning.” Griboyedov.

We call a person honest who openly expresses his opinion; dishonest - one who either does not speak out or gets off with a forced (or simply) lie.

One of the most important manifestations of decency is respect for those who are absent. By showing it, you earn the trust of those present. If you speak badly about people behind their backs, those present will stop trusting you.

A decent woman manages to do all her personal affairs during working hours.

Sometimes you want to become a bird and fly high, high... if only so that no one shits on your head.

A noble man is everywhere an outcast for his fellow tribesmen and women.
Al Maari

Telling a person the whole truth to his face is sometimes more than a duty - it’s a pleasure.

“We sincerely believe in the decency, honesty and law-abiding nature of Mikhail Alekseevich Lysenko”

I swear to lie only the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth))

Statuses about honesty, sincerity, decency

If I am a decent person, it is because decency itself

good in itself, and not because I will be rewarded for it.

John Galsworthy. The girl is waiting

Decency as a personal quality is the ability to follow the moral standards of the Divine commandments, the requirements of the laws of the Universe; incapacity for low actions, for unethical behavior towards rivals in a difficult situation for them.

A boy of about ten years old entered the cafe and sat down at a table. The waitress approached him. — How much does chocolate ice cream with nuts cost? - asked the boy. “Thirty rubles,” the woman answered. The boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and counted the coins. — How much does a simple ice cream cost, without anything? - asked the child. “Twenty-five rubles,” answered the waitress. The boy counted the coins again. “I want simple ice cream,” he decided. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and left. The child ate the ice cream, paid the bill at the cash register and left. When the waitress returned to clear the table, a lump stuck in her throat when she saw that next to the empty bowl there were neatly folded coins, three rubles - her tip.

When in doubt about what to do to avoid dishonor, act according to your conscience; it will always unmistakably show you the noble and decent path.

Decency is spiritual cleanliness. Decency is the ability not to cause harm in word, deed, or thought, to anyone, never, under any circumstances. A decent person will never commit a dishonest act that could have even hypothetically negative consequences for anyone, including himself personally.

Decency is the ability of the soul and mind in every action to be in unison with the Divine commandments and laws of the Universe. For example, a decent person carries the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” through life not only as an inability to kill innocent people, but also as concern for the environment and the well-being of other forms of life. Decency refers to the commandment “Do not steal” in the context of: - it is better to give what is yours than to take someone else’s; - it is better to suffer a loss yourself than to cause damage to someone else; - It is better to live from hand to mouth than to become a thief.

A decent person is one who learned on Earth to be God. Decency is an algorithm in which the first thought before an action is: “What would you do in a in this case God?”, and then, having received the approval of the mind and the applause of the soul, the act itself is performed.

According to the “Definitions” of the Platonic school, decency is “sincerity of character, combined with in the right way thoughts; honesty of character." In translations ethical essays Aristotle's term "decency" is sometimes rendered epieikeya(which is more often translated as kindness). Decent ( epiakes) a person will never do anything bad of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator determined in in general terms, but could not detail it for each individual case.

Decency will act in accordance with one's conscience despite one's own interests. Imbued with a sense of justice, it is friendly with conscience, honor and morality. She never envy anyone. On the contrary, she tries to enjoy other people's successes, does not strive to get what already belongs to someone else, she is honest and truthful. Decency recognizes the shortness of life and hastens to do good. She treats other people with understanding and compassion, while showing kindness and responsiveness.

Decency does not slander, that is, it speaks of the absent person as if he were sitting opposite. Stephen Covey writes: “A lack of integrity can undermine almost any effort to create a High Trust Account. If you are two-faced by nature, then you may strive to understand the other person, pay attention to detail, keep promises, clarify and meet expectations - but you will never be able to accumulate the desired reserve of trust. Integrity includes honesty, but it is broader than that. To be honest is to tell the truth, to provide the correspondence of our words to reality. Being decent means being consistent with reality. in our words, that is, keeping promises and meeting expectations. This requires good character and unity - mainly with oneself, but also with the reality of life. One of the most important manifestations of decency is loyalty to absent. By protecting those who are absent, you gain the trust of those who are present.

Suppose you and I are talking alone and we both criticize our manager in a manner that we would not dare do in his presence. What happens if you and I have a disagreement? You know very well that I will discuss your shortcomings with someone. This is exactly what you and I were doing behind the back of our leader. You know my nature. I say nice things to your face, but slander behind your back. You’ve seen how I can do it.”

A decent person is obliging and respectful of other people. It would never even occur to him to make promises, knowing in advance that he will not fulfill them. He takes his obligations and agreements sacredly. With such a person there is no need to deal with written agreements, signatures, seals and sanctions. It is enough to shake his hand and you can be completely sure that he will break into pieces, but will fulfill his obligations. You can rely on decency; it will not let you down in difficult times, it will not betray you, it will not set you up, and it will not incriminate you.

If you want to be respected, respect others. Respect for people - business card decency. Therefore, she is highly valued by other decent people. One of the richest men in the world, Warren Buffett, said: “When I hire people, I look for three qualities. The first is integrity, the second is intelligence and the third is high energy. But if the first one is missing, the other two will kill you!” The translator used the word “integrity” to describe what in Russia is more commonly called decency. At the same time, due to the predictability of one’s behavior, decency becomes easy prey for manipulators, intriguers, in a word, the entire long gallery of dishonest people.

A person cannot be spiritual until he becomes decent. The power of being decent - minimum requirement to spirituality. You can become a spiritual person by cultivating culture and morality. But to do this, you first need to become a decent person. The road to spirituality is crooked without having decency. If a person cannot behave decently, what kind of spirituality will he have? Such a “spiritual” teacher will sleep with his students without a twinge of conscience and take a bribe for passing an exam. A decent person is not capable of this.

Of course, students are different, but a decent teacher would rather drown himself before succumbing to voluptuousness. One such student tells her friend: “Can you imagine, he raped me, and I considered him a teacher!” - How did this happen? - How, how... We went to the sauna with him, then he invited me to his place for a drink, I was so lucky, I undressed, climbed into bed, and then he attacked me... - You climbed into his bed naked and say that were you raped?! - Well, I was counting so much on his decency...

Decency is a personality quality that can be cultivated through the gradual cultivation of other virtues. People, faced with an abundance of virtues, sometimes get scared, not understanding how to simultaneously grow them in the “bed” of their soul. There is one trick here: once you cultivate, for example, responsibility, this virtue will pull a whole “armful” of others along with it. positive qualities personality. Along with responsibility, commitment, honesty and decency will become your asset.

One young man at the age of 22 set a goal for himself - to cultivate in himself such virtues that will allow him to become a worthy and decent person. He took this unusually seriously. Knowing that a goal becomes a goal if it is formalized in writing, he started a special notebook in which he formulated the virtues that he decided to develop in himself, and began to monitor them every day, develop them - and give himself grades in the notebook for his successes. Many years passed, but perseverance and perseverance were rewarded - he succeeded: Benjamin Franklin became one of the most decent people of his time.

Peter Kovalev

Decency - a strong commitment to a code of especially important moral values, incorruptibility. Honest, decent people know the difference between what is right and what is wrong, between truth and fiction. Most economically successful people value honesty highly and credit it as a factor in their success.

Personal integrity is the basis of trust. A lack of integrity can ruin all your attempts to significantly replenish your account in the bank of emotions. You can strive for mutual understanding, be attentive to detail, fulfill promises, clarify criteria and meet them - and still not achieve high trust if you are two-faced.

The concept of integrity includes honesty, but is not limited to it. When we talk about honesty, we most often mean truthfulness: your words match your deeds. If you are decent, you can say that you make your actions match your words. For example, you make and keep promises. This is impossible without consistency and loyalty - to yourself and to life.

One of the most important manifestations of decency is respect for those who are absent. By showing it, you earn the trust of those present. If you speak badly about people behind their backs, those present will stop trusting you.

Let’s say you and I are having a one-on-one conversation—we’re shaking down the boss’s bones, which we would never allow ourselves to do if he were in the same room. What happens if we quarrel? You will be sure that I will discuss your shortcomings with others. After all, we did this in relation to the boss! You know my nature. I say nice things to your face and slander you behind your back.

This is the essence of duplicity. Can we say that it increases confidence?

Now imagine that you began to criticize the absent boss, and I say that I agree with you on some points, and I propose that we go together to his office and try to explain what, in our opinion, he is doing wrong. How do you think I will behave in a situation where someone begins to slander him?

Another example. Suppose, trying to gain your favor, I reveal to you a secret entrusted to me by a third party. “Actually, I shouldn’t say this, but since you’re my friend...” will betrayal increase the degree of trust in me? Or my interlocutor will think: am I passing on his own secrets to someone?

Duplicity creates the illusion of investing in a trusting relationship, but in reality it is a loss because you are demonstrating your dishonesty. By betraying someone, by sharing secret information entrusted to you, you will receive “golden eggs” of temporary satisfaction, but you will destroy the “goose” and weaken a trusting relationship that could bring you a lot of joy in the future.

Integrity in an interconnected world means that you treat everyone with the same principles. And then they will trust you. People may not immediately appreciate your honesty. Perhaps at first it will lead to conflict. Open confrontation requires enormous courage; the majority prefer the path of least resistance: they try to belittle others, abuse trust, and gossip. But ultimately, if you are decent, kind and open, people will respect and trust you. And they say about trust that it is more expensive than love. I am convinced that someday the words “trust” and “love” will be perceived as synonyms.

“If you lie once, you will have to lie fifteen more times to cover up the first lie.” In order not to strain your mind, not to waste extra energy and to save time, it is much more profitable to always tell the truth and be honest with people.