1995 year of the widow or widower. Important moments from history

What will 2019 be like for the widow or widower? This is one of the questions that interests many, especially those who are planning to start a family and want their marriage to be happy and long. Probably, many people know that the year of the widow or widower is considered to be the first and second year following the leap year. What is the situation in reality? International Widows Day, established by the United Nations, is observed on June 23 of every year since 2011 to highlight the 250 million women who have become widows as a result of ongoing military conflicts in the United Nations. various countries peace. 46% of women became widows in at a young age and are doomed to a miserable existence. They raise children in conditions of war. To have full view About the leap year, it would be correct to first familiarize yourself with some points from history.

Important moments from history.

among the people leap year also called the year of Kasyan - vindictive, unkind, unmerciful, stingy, according to V. Dahl's dictionary. It is believed that Kasyan, one of the followers of Christ, refused to help the farmer pull out the stuck cart, which Christ asked him to do, but Nikolai, who was walking next to him, did it. According to legend, Christ said: “You have done a good deed, Nicholas. People will remember you twice a year - in May and December. And you, Kasyan, because you didn’t help, will be remembered only once every four years.” And ever since then, people have considered the year of the unresponsive Kasyan unlucky. This year, according to beliefs, you can’t carol, so as not to waste your happiness, you shouldn’t change your job or place of residence, collect, eat and sell mushrooms, drown kittens, old people shouldn’t buy “mortal” things in reserve... But that’s okay, somehow you can survive . But what should superstitious girls do if they can’t bear to get married? Wait out the ill-fated time? So, following the leap year, according to legend, a year goes by widows, which is followed by the year of widowers. And the chain does not end there until 2042. Why can't you get married before this year? What do astrologers think the next years will be like?

When does it happen?

But where did all these beliefs come from? Studying the history of the origin of the leap year itself, which first appeared in 45 BC, will help you believe in the groundlessness of prejudices. Roman Emperor Caesar decided to add to February additional days, in order to eliminate the backlog in the then-current calendar. Astrologers confirm the absence of subtext in the fact of the existence of a leap year and the prerequisites for the development of this topic for the next two-year period. The coming 2018 of the widower, according to some beliefs, is considered a year of separation, since people who get together during this period will not be able to save the family. Astrologers suggest looking at the topic as mathematical model, associated with the need to eliminate the excess hours in a day, of which there are more than 24, which is why it is necessary to add an extra day in February every 4 years.

So what will 2019 be like? It’s worth calming down right away, this is not a leap year. But according to the above chain of actions and events, this year is also not the most prosperous for starting a family. Although today in society they do not listen too much and believe all these events, because each person has his own destiny, and sometimes we ourselves decide what to do. What does it mean? It’s simple to believe or not to believe in the tragedy of a leap year, the year of a widow or widower, everyone decides for themselves.

The wedding day is important for the newlyweds and for all close relatives and friends. The choice of time of year, date and day of the week is approached responsibly. It is generally accepted that after the leap year 2016, 2017 comes as the year of the widow or widower. Troubles and failures cover the 2 years following the leap year. The first is the year of the black widow, the second is the year of the widower; in both periods it is not recommended to get married.

Folk signs

Some observations, and possibly magical phenomena, told our ancestors about unfavorable years for Wedding. During the entire 12 months of the coming year, you should not get married. As the name suggests, there is high risk the fact that the young wife will very soon become a widow. But the loss of your husband should not be taken literally. Death does not always separate a couple; painful divorce and moral devastation are possible.

Proponents of the “widow” and “widower” theory cite statistical data corresponding to historical dates, in which there was a high mortality rate among men. So, in 1917 during civil war Hundreds of thousands died; in 1941, with the outbreak of war, millions of men died. However, the connection with marriage is not visible in such statistics. There is no information about the wedding date of the deceased.

The Orthodox Church does not recognize popular beliefs associated with the leap year and the years of the widow and widower. Modern psychologists They explain the postponement of the wedding date to a more “favorable time” by problems in relationships and unpreparedness for marriage.

How to Avoid Bad Omens

You can believe in the signs and predictions of the stars or not, but when relatives and friends ask in surprise about the wedding date, you feel uneasy. Doubts are understandable; no one wants to doom themselves or their significant other to suffering. Folk wisdom not only notices unfavorable signs, but also tells you how to get around the misfortune.

In the year of the widow, luck is not on the side of the future husband; it is during matchmaking that a young man can bring disaster upon himself. A girl can bypass superstitions and negate unlucky omens.

It is the bride who must take her fate and the fate of her future husband into her hands.

The matchmaking will take place in the groom's house when the bride comes to get married. This way the man will be protected from the action widow's year.

The influence of the Fire Rooster on marriage

The Chinese symbol - the patron of 2017 - is in no way connected with the belief of the year of the widow. The Fire (Red) Rooster, on the contrary, is very optimistic and is happy to contribute to family happiness for a young couple. In fact, the Rooster is very conservative and highly values ​​the family hearth. The wedding in 2017 promises to be very successful.

To achieve the favor of the fire symbol of the year, you should marry according to all the rules, observing traditions. The rooster jealously guards its territory and protects its family. In defense of the chickens, he furiously rushes into battle with any intruder. The symbol of 2017 will definitely like a beautiful and cheerful wedding. The most common rules for a wedding ceremony:

  • A big feast with all relatives and friends. A festive meal can be simple, without frills or delicacies, the main thing is a warm family atmosphere.
  • The bride's dress is traditional white, long with covered shoulders. Inherent attributes The bride's attire includes a veil, gloves and a bridal bouquet. Choose shoes that are closed, without holes. Sandals will not work.
  • During the entire official ceremony, the bride must wear gloves, which can only be removed to put on the ring.
  • The groom's suit is classic, dark with a boutonniere.
  • The toastmaster and witnesses should be cheerful and provide great mood for young spouses and all guests.

You can get married almost any day, but astrologers have already selected the most favorable days. If there is a difficulty in choosing which day to have a wedding, you should focus first on the time of year, then on the month. Favorable days for marriage in 2017 from the point of view of astrologers:

Folk signs, superstitions, the church, astrologers and psychologists agree on one thing: if there is love and a willingness to get married, you can bypass any obstacles. The truth is that a relationship is determined not only by the day and year of the wedding, but also by the spouses themselves.

Taking into account everyone famous beliefs The next year favorable for marriage is 2042. If you don't want to wait another 25 years for the right time, why not get married now?

THE STRONGEST PASSION BETWEEN THESE ZODIAC COUPLES Often we are drawn to certain people pure passion, although we know that they are not suitable for us long term. Often we are drawn to certain people out of pure passion, even though we know they are not the right person for us in the long run. In astrology, zodiac signs of their own or related elements are traditionally considered compatible. Thus, earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) are compatible with the signs of their earth element or water element(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) get along well with each other and air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). There are also elements that are generally considered incompatible with each other: earth/air, fire/water, air/water, earth/fire. But we do not always act according to the rules and we do not always seek what is good for us, but rather what satisfies us at the moment. Here are incompatible couples who often have strong chemistry:1. Aries and Scorpio This is a couple in which hot feelings often arise. love relationship. Both signs are ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, aggression and energy. Passion will be the real superglue that holds them together. It is worth preparing for endless somersaults in bed, and in the future for conflicts. Such tension will arise between them that they will hardly be able to tear themselves away from each other. Aries men are absolutely reckless and rush into new novel with the head, having a feeling male supremacy. The Scorpio woman will attract him with her calm behavior and hidden passion. Her seductiveness will be his weakness, and his confidence will be her weakness. In a couple, an Aries woman and a Scorpio man will both keep each other on their toes. 2. Libra and Pisces When the dreamy Pisces meets the idealistic Libra, a romance arises between them, built on the imagination of both. The desire to escape from reality will create an idyll that will mask problems until they are completely denied. This is one of the most complex combinations, full of love. Both signs want to make the other happy through sentimental gestures. Pisces wants to live in a distant world, isolated from the reality of daily stress. At the same time, Libra is always in search ideal partner , which will meet all their standards. Pisces will make Libra believe that they are created for them, even if this is just an appearance. Unfortunately, when difficulties arise in life, both signs will begin to evade them and run away from reality. 3. Leo and Taurus A responsive, vibrant and sentimental relationship will arise between Leo and Taurus. This is the couple that annoys everyone by publicly expressing their feelings. Leo, ruled by the Sun, craves admiration, while Taurus, ruled by Venus, simply wants a comfortable life. Leo enjoys the sensuality of Taurus, while Taurus will be flattered by the way Leo can make them feel loved and special. Since These are both fixed signs, they will be devoted to each other, but very stubborn and not inclined to change their habits. They do not agree to changes that could hurt Leo's pride and Taurus's self-satisfaction. When something doesn't go according to plan, both are not ready to admit their guilt. Both are intractable and do everything their own way, which will end in conflict. 4. Sagittarius and Virgo These signs balance each other, but at the same time they can drive each other crazy. Sagittarius is laid-back and inclined to look around in search of new places and people. Virgo, by nature, is restrained and inclined to ask the price rather than rush headlong into a romance. Sagittarius will liberate Virgo from excessive tension and intractability, but sometimes will put her in an uncomfortable situation. For its part, Virgo will keep Sagittarius from reckless actions and make them think about the consequences. These two will have a relationship of constant attraction and repulsion, which will create a unique chemistry in bed. As a rule, these signs meet in their youth in high school and stay together despite their differences. 5. Capricorn and Aquarius These signs will have a connection because both have Saturn as their co-ruler - the planet of limitations and karma. Capricorn is a traditionalist and respects rules and boundaries, expecting the same from others. Aquarius is a rebel who hates boundaries and always tries to break them. Since Capricorns always act like gentlemen or sophisticated ladies in public, they have secret tendencies that no one suspects until they end up in bed with them. Aquarius does not hide their quirks in public or in bed, so this will complement their thirst for experimentation and innovation. Since Aquarius benefits from unpredictability, and Capricorn does not like surprises, this will lead to real explosions, both good and bad. in a bad way. 6. Cancer and Gemini Cancer is prone to mood swings and can go from a state of happiness to a state of depression in a matter of seconds. Geminis are carefree, but change their minds at the slightest provocation. The relationship between Cancer and Gemini will be like a roller coaster, as both signs are unpredictable when trying to deal with emotions. Gemini will not take Cancer's irritability too seriously, as it is a logical sign that thinks with its head and not with its heart. Cancer, on the other hand, is driven by emotions and intuition. This creates a balance where one sign has strong point, which the other does not have. But it will also be a source of frustration and misunderstanding later. In bed, Gemini goes with the flow, while Cancer maintains healthy and romantic relationships. 7. Aquarius and Scorpio Aquarius and Scorpio are two signs that love to explore. the Forbidden fruit and talk about things that many people don't even feel comfortable thinking about. They will be intrigued by each other, and this will lead to long conversations until the morning. Both of these signs are fixed, which means they are unyielding and not ready to compromise when conflict arises. Aquarius can be quite arrogant when someone doesn't support his values, and Scorpio hates being talked down to and can lose his temper if you make him feel inferior. In bed, Aquarius will feed Scorpio's sexuality, revealing a rare form of an intimacy that few people suspect because they rarely show their emotions. 8. Libra and Scorpio Scorpio is reserved and rarely attracts attention to himself. Libras have a radiant look and an open smile that attracts the attention of everyone around them. Since Libras are very social, they will help Scorpio come out of their shell and have a good time. Scorpio will appreciate this as it will introduce him to people he didn't think he had anything in common with. Scorpio rarely talks about what's going on in his head, and Libra will be curious to get to know him better. In bed, Libra will help Scorpios feel loved and adored. Problems will arise when Libra encounters Scorpio's cold behavior, and Scorpio becomes irritated by Libra's desire to find out information that they do not want to share. 9. Aries and Cancer Aries loves to feel like a hero, and Cancer needs protection and salvation. This especially applies to couples of an Aries man and a Cancer woman. She will be the one who needs help all the time, as she often looks quite vulnerable, and he will be happy to conquer her and come to her aid. This good combination For intimate relationships where Aries will lead Cancer to a real fairy tale. For the time being, this will flatter Aries, until he discovers a significant flaw - her emotional dependence. Those born under the sign of Aries need space and independence, and this will offend Cancers, who will feel unloved and unwanted. Without knowing it, Aries will hurt Cancer and feel guilty for simply being themselves. 10. Pisces and Sagittarius Both signs are co-ruled by Jupiter - the planet of expansion and luck. Both signs rely on external forces in matters of direction in life, they love knowledge and the spiritual side of life, which is reflected in the intimate sphere. However, Sagittarius is a man of action and pursues his goals when luck is on his side. Pisces is a water sign that likes to read the intentions of other people and relies on them to act as directed. Sagittarius is fine with this, but doesn't want to deal with the consequences if he makes the wrong decision. This will disappoint Sagittarius, and Pisces will be offended when they are told that they will have to do everything themselves. Since both signs are changeable, they can easily adapt to each other's shortcomings, but their approaches are not the same. 11. Leo and Capricorn Both of these signs love status and authority, and this is what will attract them to each other. Leo is a good-natured and passionate sign, while Capricorn is cool-headed and practical. They look at everything differently, although their values ​​do not coincide. Leo has strong ego and feeling self-esteem, which is easy to shake if you ignore it. Capricorn will put Leo in his place, pointing out his shortcomings with the help of constructive criticism. This can either turn on Leo, who is not used to someone going that far, or it can infuriate him. In turn, Leo can bring a lot of light into the dark nature of Capricorn. However, this is one of the most difficult couples, since both will find it difficult to live up to each other’s expectations. 12. Taurus and Libra This pair will have a special romantic spirit, as both are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus wants beauty and harmony, which at first glance may be a good basis for compatibility. However, Taurus needs comfort and relies on tactile perception and taste. At the same time, Libra loves aesthetically beautiful things, and relies on visual sensations and smell. This will bring a lot of sensuality to their couple, but both signs will consider the other dependent. Libra needs emotional security, while Taurus will be possessive and needs physical security. Libra loves to flirt and this will be a problem for Taurus as they want to know that their partner is all theirs.

At all times, people believed in various beliefs and signs. Thanks to natural signs, it was possible to predict the weather, animal behavior, crop yields and other aspects without which human existence on earth is impossible.

The leap year caused particular trepidation and fear among our ancestors. At this time, many unpleasant and sad events happened, and most often people associated them with the advent of a leap year.

Not only did this period bring misfortunes, but two more years after it were considered unsuccessful. So, 2018 is the year of the widow or widower, judging by the beliefs of our ancestors, so some couples who truly believe in the veracity of these words do not want to organize wedding processions during the period in question.

The whole point is that marriages entered into in the year of the widow or widower were considered doomed and often ended in the death of the husband or wife.

To understand the dangers of the widowhood period, let's look at the history of the leap year. This term first appeared in 45 BC, when the Roman emperor Caesar ordered to add to one of winter months day to get rid of the backlog in the current calendar.

As you can see, the origin of a leap year is not associated with any dangerous or sad events, so there is no need to be afraid of troubles, both in a leap year and in the years after it.

The Orthodox Church also does not approve folk superstitions, which encourage people to give up marriage in the next two years after a leap year. The clergy agree with the official statistics, and therefore do not attribute the misfortunes of the people to an extra day in the winter.

What does 2018 promise?

Proponents of the widow theory are sure that it will be the year of the widower. This means that after a few years, the husband will lose his wife and become a widower. Losing a spouse can be caused by illness, accident or any other misfortune.

It is worth noting that things happen to people at all times. tragic events who take away the most worthy representatives from life human race. Not necessarily, the whole burden of problems falls on us during a leap year.

Spouses constantly get divorced or lose a loved one, but this does not mean that they spend the rest of their lives alone. After the pain in their soul subsides, a healing and sweet feeling - love - comes to the person again.

There is another theory - 2018 will not be the year of the widower, but the year of the “black” widow. This period is characterized early death the husband of the one who took the risk and got married. In addition, even after the death of her husband, a woman will not be able to connect her fate with anyone else until the end of her days, and if the marriage takes place, then the newly-made husband will also go to another world after some time.

Note that 2018 cannot possibly be a widow’s year, since 2013 already was.

Signs for the year of a widow or widower

As you know, throughout the year, people who get married will experience discomfort and misunderstanding on the part of their other half. Superstitions say that one of the spouses will be destined to become a widow within a short period of time.

However, if you look at the statistics, you can understand that tragedies happen in other years, so linking them with a leap year is, to say the least, stupid.

Nowadays, there are not many people who firmly believe in the negativity of leap years. Civil registry office employees claim that the number of couples wishing to legalize their relationship is increasing every year. They are not afraid of the possible, sad consequences that the years of a widow or widower bring with them.

According to the signs that the Year of the Dog has in store for us, marriages in 2018 are doomed to be happy and strong, because this animal is a symbol of family and tranquility. Each spouse will treat their family responsibilities with respect great responsibility and appreciate all the good that is in each other.

What do astrologers say?

Of course, it is difficult for people who are fanatically interested in horoscopes and predictions to put aside all superstitions. Astrologers try to understand the situation of each of us, so they have identified several unsuccessful periods for marriage:

  • Venus retrograde days;
  • Mercury retrograde days;
  • Full Moon Days;
  • Days of lunar eclipses.

If you are afraid of angering fate, then try to avoid going to the registry office within the specified time frame. Then your soul will be calm, and you will not associate failures in marriage with your carelessness.

Love can move mountains!

As we see, many believe that 2018 will be unfavorable time for marriages. But it is worth noting that even at the most happy year Tragedies, divorces, deaths and other disasters happen.

Before you legalize a relationship with your loved one, you need to take a closer look at him, understand his soul and study his habits. In a marriage, people must trust each other and provide daily support and understanding. There is no need to attribute failures to leap years or other signs.

Our entire life depends entirely on the actions we perform, and not on the position of the planets in the sky. Anyone who believes in superstitions, fears the year of a widow or widower, may spend his life “in wenches” until old age and not feel all the delights of a happy marriage.