Sobyanin announced that the entire country should be concentrated in large agglomerations, but why? This is the psychology of temporary workers. An administration has come that will simply ruin this city.

Portal "Free Press".

The last days of the outgoing year are an excellent occasion to remember the events that Muscovites remember in 2017.

First, of course, is the opening of Zaryadye Park. A wasteland of 13 hectares turned into a park, which has already been visited by more than 2 million people. True, the next day after the opening, a scandal erupted - it was announced that the guests of the park had destroyed 10 thousand planted rare plants. As reported, the cost of building an oasis near the Kremlin amounted to 14 billion rubles - almost three times more than was envisaged at the beginning of the project.

Sergei Sobyanin one of the most important achievements of the outgoing year called the end of work on the “My Street” program. He noted that the reconstruction historical center made it possible to change the appearance of the city, and trees returned to Tverskaya Street and the Garden Ring. Muscovites agree that it turned out beautifully, but they are outraged by the monstrous sums that were spent on it. On many streets, good tiles were re-laid several times in a row. According to RBC, in 2015, expenses for “My Street” amounted to about 20 billion rubles, in 2016 - already 32.9 billion rubles, and in 2017 - a record 40 billion rubles. Figures comparable to the expenditure side of the budget of an average Russian city with a million population.

Another expensive capital project that was widely announced in the past year is renovation. In scale, it is comparable only to the development of Moscow in the 1960s. The authorities are determined to seriously increase the density of development, but experts argue that in this way the metropolis will take on completely unimaginable dimensions, which will lead to collapse. As reported, 97 billion rubles have already been spent on this program in 2017. And this is just the beginning.

The fight against traffic jams has been declared a top priority since the arrival of the current mayor. In November 2017, Yandex published a study in which it analyzed congestion on Moscow roads. According to these data, the situation inside the Garden Ring is recognized as the worst in the last five years: traffic speed in the center has fallen over three years (since 2014) by 24% in the morning and 9% in the evening. Due to the widening of sidewalks, many streets have become much narrower. There is a catastrophic shortage of parking spaces, as well as intercepting parking lots. Experts say that the construction of new microdistricts will further worsen the situation.

I remember the past year (by the way, declared the year of ecology!) and a whole series of garbage scandals. Throughout the fall, there were protests in Moscow and the region - residents protested against smelly landfills and the construction of new waste incineration plants (WIPs). In December, Moscow authorities “could not” find the source of the unpleasant smell in the capital for a whole week - it turned out to be the Kuchino landfill. Environmentalists say that landfills surround Moscow, but the projects of expensive incineration plants promoted by the authorities will not only not solve the garbage problem, but will also worsen environmental situation. The recycling program, which is preferred throughout the world, is not implemented in Moscow.

The Moscow mayor's office managed to make Moscow beautiful, dramatically improve the budget situation, and at the same time turn the entire city against itself, he believes economist Mikhail Delyagin. “It took a lot of effort to cause such anger as now.” Sobyanin’s real rating is about 20% - such estimates were made a couple of months ago.

“SP”: - Why?

The reason is that the Moscow authorities fiercely despise Muscovites, and this is felt in all their actions. It seems that they built Zaryadye Park specifically to accuse Muscovites of stealing 10 thousand plants. In addition, they are diligently inciting hatred of Moscow throughout Russia - after all, with the money that was spent on poorly laid Moscow tiles, several regions could have been equipped.

- Everything that is being done is extremely unprofessional. Politics can be seen everywhere: the budget must be mastered, but what will be done is unimportant,” he says Alexey Krotov, honorary builder of Moscow, member of the Union of Architects of Russia and head of his own architectural studio. - Therefore, it turns out like with landscaping: when first they make the surface beautiful, they spend a lot of money on it, and after six months they dig everything up to make communications. This is blatant mismanagement!

In addition, the budget is created so that decent services are provided in clinics, schools, kindergartens, so that public sector employees are paid salaries. But now in our clinics, the appointments are made only by visiting, unqualified people, and the number of free services is minimal. These funds, intended for Muscovites, are spent on landscaping, relaying tiles, and replanting trees at a huge cost. The budget is simply being spent - officials see Moscow only as a cash cow.

“SP”: - It turns out that no one thinks about the efficiency of using this huge budget, or about priorities?

The logical thing to do would be to do something for the poorer people first, and then take care of everything else. And we waste a lot of money on the festive decorations of the city, which are completely tasteless. Renovation is all about criminal activity: it is being promoted instead of relocating communal apartments, reducing the queues of those in need of housing, dealing with emergency housing stock, and high-quality overhauls. They are going to demolish the good housing stock. People say: it would be better if this money were sent to the regions, because many people there live not even in five-story buildings, but with amenities in the yard.

“SP”: - Many experts say that the implementation of this program will also lead to a transport collapse.

Transport scheme in Moscow has developed historically - radial-circular. It is obviously a losing proposition, and the city will still be burdened with big amount housing to attract even more residents is absurd. The city cannot handle even 7 million, the roads are overloaded. New highways will now have to be punched through the living, destroying historical part. They are trying to make Asian buildings out of our historical center. In Beijing they did just that, there is an oversupply of housing, but it is impossible to live there... And there is nowhere for visitors to work - the entire industry has been repurposed.

Sobyanin announced that the entire country must be concentrated in large agglomerations, but why? This is the psychology of temporary workers. An administration has come that will simply ruin this city. They will line their pockets and leave, and we will be left with our problems.

The basic problem is the non-economic thinking of the city leadership, he believes economist Andrey Bunich, Head of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Tenants of Russia. - Private investors could invest money in the same Zaryadye Park, and this would generate income. Instead, they spent a lot of money, and they also have to pay for its maintenance. Or the same renovation - the cost of apartments falls, and the authorities begin a large construction program, which will lead to an even greater drop in prices. The same thing with wasting money on tiles, with huge sidewalks. I think this is general approach The city leadership is spending money without paying attention to whether it will bring a return, whether the residents need it.

“SP”: - But now the situation is not the same...

People need to understand that if the Moscow authorities spend so much, they have no other way to replenish the budget except by increasing the tax burden on residents. This can be very painful. And ordinary Muscovites will receive bills with high taxes, and legal entities - which will be reflected in prices.

In addition, there is no public discussion; everything is done voluntarily. They wanted to spend money, and they spent it - someone decided and that’s it. But such large-scale and costly projects must be submitted to public discussion. This money does not come out of thin air, and residents need to know that they will pay for it all. However, the opinions of residents are completely ignored - everything is told to them after the fact. There was no discussion even with specialists. Everyone understands that this is done for only one purpose - to master as many funds as possible.

On Sunday, December 23, a large-scale rally took place in Moscow with the support of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation against urban planning tyranny, which, according to the white counter, gathered 1,750 people.

The organizers personally invited Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and his deputy for construction, Marat Khusnullin, to the rally. None of them came to communicate with the people and did not send their representatives; not a single official from the areas where heated construction protests have now broken out appeared either. The meeting was attended by representatives of various political forces, including from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, many municipal deputies, including the famous Denis Shenderovich from Kuntsevo and Vyacheslav Borodulin from Khoroshevo-Mnevniki. The flags of the “Left Front”, “Mossovet”, and the Revolutionary Workers’ Party were waving.

Not a single federal or Moscow TV channel with official logos was seen at the rally, but independent media almost fought for a place on the dais for best point shooting. For the first time this year, there was a crowd on the square near the monument and a queue to enter the territory where the rally was held. The frames, by the way, were just decoration and showed no signs of life; the inspection was also very superficial. But there were several paddy wagons, and the territory was guarded by the National Guard.

At the entrance we immediately saw a symbol of corruption in a black cloak with a scythe, waving a long dollar.

Despite the fact that the rally had sufficient time, not even half of those who signed up had time to speak. Activists used visual propaganda: “Residents of Sviblovo are against infill development.” There were a lot of posters against renovation.

The kind of construction hell going on in the capital can be imagined by the number of protest initiative groups. “Vereskovaya, 1 - against compaction development”, “Construction on Tenisty, 6 - NO.” Some initiative groups have just appeared, many have long been trying to have their demands heard by the Moscow authorities. There are also long-awaited victories - representatives of Kravchenko, 16 spoke at the rally. Despite the fact that the construction was officially cancelled, they are still seeking the demolition of the fence around the construction site and the restoration of green spaces and exercise equipment on children's sports grounds captured by the construction.

Yellow vests are gradually becoming a sign of protest against the construction mafia, operating in the city as if it were at home.

“They rolled both the lawn and the law into concrete” - this is a long-lived poster. Back in 2013, protesters against the expansion of Shchelkovskoye Highway came with him to rallies. Alas, the skating rink of the construction mafia continues to roll over Moscow and has no intention of stopping.

Residents protesting against the high-rise building in the courtyard at 30B Michurinsky Avenue are holding their defense heroically. Residents demand the creation green zone and remove the construction fence. “We invited Sobyanin and Khusnullin here to a rally, but they didn’t come, then we brought their portraits here,” residents said from the stage. Earlier, Ekaterina Engalycheva and her neighbors filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights to protect their constitutional rights to a healthy environment.

It turns out that in order to pay off Chinese builders, the city allocated land for the construction of residential skyscrapers under the guise of the Michurinsky Prospekt transport hub. That is why the poster is written in hieroglyphs.

Even an hour and a half after the start of the rally there were so many people, it was literally impossible to push through to the stage.

On Sunday, the Moscow mayor's office deliberately coordinated as many as four rallies in different areas of the city. Motorists protesting against the introduction of parking fees in residential areas and increasing parking fees went to the outskirts, into the forest - to Sokolniki. Representatives of motorists also spoke at the rally against urban planning tyranny. Some activists went to Sokolniki an hour later to catch two rallies at once.

The 82nd block in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki may repeat the fate of the Kuntsevo district, where a developer is in charge on Academician Pavlov and Ivan Franko Street. KROST and PIK are the construction anti-heroes of today's rally.

Slowly but surely the process is underway when the flags of different parties are united for the sake of common goal— saving Moscow from construction locusts.

In one frame are activists from Kuntsevo and Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov. Different developers - one common problem.

The problem of the city's ecology is on a par with the problems of uncontrolled development and demolition in Moscow.

Kuntsevo can now be called the main protest point in the city. The situation is close to critical, people are driven to despair.

In total, according to the white counter, 1,750 people rallied on the street in 1905, and not a single hundred people came to Sokolniki. Obviously not enough to talk about a social explosion. But it will still not be possible to ignore the protest of thousands, even if you use the technology of dispersing activists over several rallies.

Despite the pre-New Year bustle and frost, people came from different parts of the city to talk about the construction chaos in Moscow. The city mayor has something to think about in his spare time.

The silencing of regional riots throughout Moscow in the official media does not in any way interfere with the process of uniting initiative groups. The unification process is very active, and this is encouraging, because only by joining forces will we be able to achieve respect for the rights of Muscovites and protect the institution of property in the capital.

For every public hearings on crazy construction projects, activists are told: “Moscow must develop.” But where is he going this process? To a dead end and to the creation of ghetto areas.

Development natural areas, opening of protected areas for development: Mnevnikovskaya floodplain, Myakininskaya floodplain, Kolomenskoye, Krylatskoye, Losiny Ostrov...

Lobnenskaya, 13 is also suffering from the advent of “PIK” and the cutting down of green areas. There is no longer anything to compensate for the green spaces in the area - they compensate with the territory of the cemetery. Isn't this nonsense?

Cinema center, Serafimovich House of Culture, many other memorable buildings and places... The construction fever in Moscow is as merciless to culture as it is to nature

Photo — Andrey Alexandrov

Neither frost, nor snow, slush, nor attempts to disperse the protesters worked. Thousands of people come out and rally!

Vyacheslav Borodulin said that the construction mafia will lead the city to disaster. The heart of Moscow's nuclear industry—the Kurchatov Institute—is under threat. High-rise towers will create a terrorist threat and put the Kurchatov Institute and the whole of Moscow under attack.

Instead of bakeries there are high-rise buildings in Ingrad. Chew concrete instead of buns?

Only by uniting can Muscovites defeat the construction monster that is devouring the green lungs of the capital, crawling into every yard, forcibly evicting people from their solid homes built to last. And Muscovites are already uniting. Finally!

The last days of the outgoing year are an excellent occasion to remember the events that Muscovites remember in 2017.

First, of course, is the opening of Zaryadye Park. A wasteland of 13 hectares turned into a park, which has already been visited by more than 2 million people. True, the next day after the opening, a scandal broke out - it was announced that the guests of the park had destroyed 10 thousand planted rare plants. As reported, the cost of building an oasis near the Kremlin amounted to 14 billion rubles - almost three times more than was envisaged at the beginning of the project.

Sergei Sobyanin called the completion of work under the My Street program one of the most important achievements of the past year. He noted that the reconstruction of the historical center made it possible to change the appearance of the city, and trees returned to Tverskaya Street and the Garden Ring. Muscovites agree that it turned out beautifully, but they are outraged by the monstrous sums that were spent on it. On many streets, good tiles were re-laid several times in a row. According to RBC, in 2015, expenses on My Street amounted to about 20 billion rubles, in 2016 - already 32.9 billion rubles, and in 2017 - a record 40 billion rubles. Figures comparable to the expenditure side of the budget of an average Russian city with a million population.

In the photo: planting a linden alley, which is the final stage of improvement of the Tverskaya site under the “My Street” program. A total of 104 trees are being prepared for planting on Tverskaya, of which 90 are large linden trees of the “pallida” variety.

Another expensive capital project that was widely announced in the past year is renovation. In scale, it is comparable only to the development of Moscow in the 1960s. The authorities are determined to seriously increase the density of development, but experts argue that in this way the metropolis will take on completely unimaginable dimensions, which will lead to collapse. As reported, 97 billion rubles have already been spent on this program in 2017. And this is just the beginning.

In the photo: multi-storey residential buildings near Dmitrovskoye Highway for the resettlement of participants in the resettlement program

The fight against traffic jams has been declared a top priority since the arrival of the current mayor. In November 2017, Yandex published a study in which it analyzed congestion on Moscow roads. According to these data, the situation inside the Garden Ring is recognized as the worst in the last five years: traffic speed in the center has fallen over three years (since 2014) by 24% in the morning and 9% in the evening. Due to the widening of sidewalks, many streets have become much narrower. There is a catastrophic shortage of parking spaces, as well as intercepting parking lots. Experts say that the construction of new microdistricts will further worsen the situation.

In the photo: cars on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street in Moscow

I remember the past year (by the way, declared the year of ecology!) and a whole series of garbage scandals. Throughout the fall, there were protests in Moscow and the region - residents protested against smelly landfills and the construction of new waste incineration plants (WIPs). In December, Moscow authorities for a whole week could not find the source of the unpleasant smell in the capital - it turned out to be the Kuchino landfill. Environmentalists say that landfills surround Moscow, but the expensive waste incineration projects promoted by the authorities will not only not solve the garbage problem, but will also worsen the environmental situation. The recycling program, which is preferred throughout the world, is not implemented in Moscow.

“The Moscow mayor’s office managed to make Moscow beautiful, dramatically improve the budget situation, and at the same time turn the entire city against itself,” says economist Mikhail Delyagin. “It took a lot of effort to cause such anger as now.” Sobyanin’s real rating is about 20% - such estimates were made a couple of months ago.

SP: Why?

“The reason is that the Moscow authorities fiercely despise Muscovites, and this is felt in all their actions. It seems that they built Zaryadye Park specifically to accuse Muscovites of stealing 10 thousand plants. In addition, they are diligently inciting hatred of Moscow throughout Russia - after all, with the money that was spent on poorly laid Moscow tiles, several regions could have been equipped.

— Everything that is being done is extremely unprofessional. Politics can be seen everywhere: the budget must be mastered, but what will be done is unimportant,” says Alexey Krotov, an honorary builder in Moscow, a member of the Union of Architects of Russia and the head of his own architectural studio. - Therefore, it turns out like with landscaping: when first they make the surface beautiful, they spend a lot of money on it, and after six months they dig everything up to install communications. This is blatant mismanagement!

In addition, the budget is created so that decent services are provided in clinics, schools, kindergartens, so that public sector employees are paid salaries. But now in our clinics, the appointments are made only by visiting, unqualified people, and the number of free services is minimal. These funds, intended for Muscovites, are spent on landscaping, relaying tiles, and replanting trees at a huge cost. The budget is simply being spent - officials see Moscow only as a cash cow.

SP: — It turns out that no one thinks about the efficiency of using this huge budget, or about priorities?

“It would be logical to first do something for less wealthy people, and then take care of everything else.” And we waste a lot of money on the festive decorations of the city, which are completely tasteless. Renovation is generally a criminal activity: it is promoted instead of relocating communal apartments, reducing the queues of those in need of housing, dealing with emergency housing, and high-quality major repairs. They are going to demolish the good housing stock. People say: it would be better if this money were sent to the regions, because many people there live not even in five-story buildings, but with amenities in the yard.

SP: Many experts say that the implementation of this program will also lead to a transport collapse.

— The transport scheme in Moscow has developed historically - radial-ring. It is obviously a losing proposition, and loading the city with even more housing in order to attract even more residents is absurd. The city cannot handle even 7 million, the roads are overloaded. New highways will now have to be punched through the living, destroying the historical part. They are trying to make Asian buildings out of our historical center. In Beijing they did just that, there is an oversupply of housing, but it is impossible to live there... And there is nowhere for visitors to work - the entire industry has been repurposed.

Sobyanin announced that the entire country should be concentrated in large agglomerations, but why? This is the psychology of temporary workers. An administration has come that will simply ruin this city. They will line their pockets and leave, and we will be left with our problems.

“The basic problem is the non-economic thinking of the city leadership,” says economist Andrei Bunich, head of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Tenants of Russia. — Private investors could invest money in the same Zaryadye Park, and this would generate income. Instead, they spent a lot of money, and they also have to pay for its maintenance. Or the same renovation - the cost of apartments falls, and the authorities begin a large construction program, which will lead to an even greater drop in prices. The same thing with wasting money on tiles, with huge sidewalks. It seems to me that this is the general approach of the city leadership - to spend money without paying attention to whether it will bring a return, whether the residents need it.

SP: - But now the situation is not the same...

— People need to understand that if the Moscow authorities spend so much, they have no other way to replenish the budget except by increasing the tax burden on residents. This can be very painful. And ordinary Muscovites will receive bills with high taxes, and legal entities will receive bills, which will be reflected in prices.

In addition, there is no public discussion; everything is done voluntarily. They wanted to spend money, and they spent it - someone decided and that’s it. But such large-scale and costly projects must be submitted for public discussion. This money does not come out of thin air, and residents need to know that they will pay for it all. However, the opinions of residents are completely ignored - everything is told to them after the fact. There was no discussion even with specialists. Everyone understands that this is done with only one goal - to master as many funds as possible.

Interesting article?

Muscovites desperate to reach the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin, they themselves will come to him “to talk.” As the correspondent reports RIA "New Day", a call is being circulated on social networks for city residents to join forces - to come to the city hall on December 6 at 12 o'clock and demand that the mayor either immediately stop the urban planning outrage or resign due to loss of trust.

"Residents of Moscow, unite! Sobyanin is out!"- posts and reposts with such a call for several days now “ walking" on social networks. Muscovites are asked to bring statements to the capital's mayor's office on Thursday with a demand for the mayor Sergei Sobyanin either immediately stop construction tyranny and genocide of Moscow residents, or resign as mayor due to loss of confidence.

The organizers of the action expect to find Sobyanin at a meeting of the urban planning commission on December 6. “Since Sobyanin does not conduct personal receptions, and in general, is a rather elusive official and, apparently, does not communicate at all with “ those who elected" its inhabitants, we have A good reason, catch of this citizen on the spot and demand his release to the people , - the publications say.- We will demand from S.S. Sobyanin, appointed to the post of mayor of Moscow, the answer for the construction outrage that is unfolding before our eyes in almost all districts of the Russian capital, when there is a total destruction of natural areas, holy places of Moscow, such as VDNKh, Kolomenskoye, Kuskovo, Elk Island and so on, and the last green islands in our city".

Muscovites intend to demand from the mayor an answer for "the connivance that he allows for construction oligarchs and the courts covering them". Activists believe that the mayor is obliged to help residents in the fight against the construction mafia and to be aware of what is happening in the “hot spots” of the capital - for example, in the Kuntsevo district, which has been boiling for two months now. If the mayor does not pay attention to social protest - "This means he should not hold the post of mayor and should resign".

Messages are distributed in several groups in “ Facebook", V “Odnoklassniki”, and collect dozens of “ likes”.

The Urban Planning Commission is called one of the most closed bodies of the capital's government, controlling all construction issues in Moscow.

Conflict in the Kuntsevo area, where the capital’s authorities gave land for the development of State Enterprise “ PIC" despite the fact that there are strong apartment buildings on the plots, it has become one of the most “hot spots” of the capital. Hundreds of Kuntsevo residents signed petitions and appeals demanding that their property not be touched, but the authorities do not pay attention to them, and the people lost in court.

Last week, a group supporting demolition own houses, took a petition to the mayor of Moscow with a request to begin the reconstruction of the area as soon as possible. Protesters, in turn, gathered over the weekend near the notorious houses on Ivan Franko Street, and once again confirmed their decision: they do not agree with the demolition and do not want to move to the promised “ PIK" apartments - especially since they did not sign any documents guaranteeing relocation.