Mtsko monitoring and diagnostics at Kantemirovskaya. Carrying out diagnostic tests

In order for every child in Moscow to receive quality education, exists special organization, which carefully controls this. The main tasks that the MCCE performs are to increase the efficiency of knowledge assessment, as well as to identify and train the most talented youth. Do not forget that this center is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of certification.

Activities of the Education Quality Center

The main task that the quality center confidently achieves is to form an effective regional system assessments. This will contribute to the development of schools and common system metropolitan education.

New technologies are regularly used in the practice of methods for measuring the quality of knowledge, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the nature of assessing the quality of education. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn and optimal measures are proposed that ensure the objective nature of the assessment of education. Among the main activities of the MCCO, the following should be highlighted:

  • conducting examination of educational programs;
  • ensuring the functioning of the vocational education system;
  • introduction into practice of highly efficient technologies and measurement techniques;
  • accounting, storage and write-off of licensing files of educational institutions.

Extra-budgetary services of ICCO


Parents and teachers have the opportunity to use a paid service provided by MCEC. The portal contains specific information regarding the cost of each service, as well as telephone numbers to conclude an agreement for the provision of extra-budgetary services. They fall into three main categories:

  • "Independent diagnostics";
  • "Additional services".

MCCO additional services

The last item on the list includes the “Russian language proficiency exam.” This is necessary for those persons who need to obtain a residence permit or citizenship Russian Federation. Additionally, you can order services for analysis, examination and development of a quality assessment system. Control specialists will help you cope with any task.

Independent diagnostic centers

On the site, everyone can find a section that meets their needs.


Teachers and parents can use the free services of the MCEC to analyze the quality of their education. To do this, you need to contact the Center independent diagnostics, having previously called the phone number to leave a request for a group or individual inspection. Popular free services include laboratory diagnostics in physics in 3D format for grades 7-11. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing students for upcoming exams.

Anyone can use them after pre-registration. There is also a service such as diagnostics subject knowledge for CND students, which costs only five hundred and eighty rubles.

Each educational organization can order independent diagnostics from Unified State Exam format. This is an opportunity for students to test their knowledge and psychologically prepare for passing exams, feeling themselves in the same conditions as they will be during testing.

MCCO personal account


To get full access to MCCO services, you must initially register and visit your personal account. This will allow you to find out the results of queries, take tests online and gain full access to all information that may be of interest to the user.

Registration is not complex process. It will be enough just to indicate the main contact information like phone number and address Email. After this, you need to confirm your identity and you will be able to freely use this service.


How to get there

Of course, on the website of the Center for Educational Quality there is enough useful information, but it is often necessary to consult a specialist in person. It is for this that it is necessary to find information about contacts and office locations.

On the official website you can see images of the “Yandex map” with specific information regarding the best way to get to a specific office. Information regarding hours and days of reception must be indicated.

MCCO is important organization, which controls the education of children in Moscow. It is this authority that conducts every monitoring and analyzes how effectively students study. Based on the results obtained, action plans are created, what and how needs to be implemented for effective achievement goals.

Monitoring and diagnostics

Additionally, comprehensive provision of conditions for the formation and functioning of the quality of education is carried out. At the same time, modern and highly efficient technologies with measurement techniques are regularly introduced into practice, which guarantee an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of students.

Alexey Ivanovich, what questions do schools ask most often?
- Despite the fact that this form of work has existed in Moscow for three years and we constantly provide explanations on this procedure, we continue to receive various questions concerning the organization and content of external independent diagnostics.
- Then the first question will be: why does the school need to participate in diagnostics?
- Each school has an internal monitoring system for the quality of education. Grade educational achievements students - the most important part this process. If such monitoring is focused only on the use of internal materials (tests, dictations) prepared by school teachers, then teaching staff a subjective picture of assessing educational achievements may emerge. In addition, in this case there is no opportunity to compare the successes of their students with the achievements of students from other educational organizations. Thus, participation in independent diagnostics of educational achievements allows schools to receive objective information about the quality of education, compare the results of their students with the results in the city or district, get acquainted with the achievements of the best educational organizations and focus on them. Analysis of errors and shortcomings based on the results of each diagnostic allows you to timely adjust the learning process to achieve better results in the future.
- How many parallel classes should participate in independent diagnostics and who determines this?
- The school itself decides which diagnostics to sign up for and how many classes will take part in it. Since all diagnostics are carried out according to annual plan, then the school administration has the opportunity even before the start school year familiarize yourself with the list of activities and include the selected diagnostics in the plan for internal monitoring of the quality of education. Of course, there are extremes here. Some schools strive to obtain the most top scores and always exhibit one at all events best class in parallel. Others are trying to transfer all internal monitoring onto the rails of independent diagnostics and claim for each diagnostic all classes of a given parallel at once. Of course, you should not adhere to these extremes, because, for example, in the first case it is not achieved the main objective independent diagnostics - the school administration receives objective information about learning outcomes. In addition, the schedule of independent diagnostics is such that two events can be held on one day for the same class, for example, in September of this academic year, diagnostics in Russian language and mathematics for the 7th grade were held on September 18, and for 9- 1st grade - September 25. It is clear that one class cannot take part in two events at once on one day, therefore, at each stage, within one direction of diagnostics (subject or meta-subject), only one class can be entered. In the second case, when the entire parallel (for example, ten classes) is applied for diagnostics at once, the event becomes extremely costly, because 10 independent observers must come to the school; this is hardly advisable. Since the options for diagnostic work are left at school, it is better to apply for an independent diagnosis of grades 1-2, and then carry out diagnostics on your own using the same materials in other grades.
- The decision on diagnostics is made by the school, but is it necessary to obtain parental consent to participate in the diagnostics?
- As a rule, independent diagnostics of educational achievements is the same assessment exercise as a test or essay, which is usually carried out by a teacher. In this case, the consent of the parents, as with the usual test, no need to receive. However, complex diagnostics are carried out annually in Moscow educational achievements in elementary school, which involves surveying children and parents. A variety of personal data is used here, we're talking about not only about educational achievements, but also about various individual characteristics students. In order for a child to participate in such a comprehensive diagnosis, parental consent must be obtained.
- What happens when the administration is interested in objective information about learning outcomes, but does not want bad results became known outside the school walls?
- In Moscow they implement not only the principle voluntary participation in independent diagnostics, but also the opportunity for schools to make independent decisions about storing diagnostic results in the citywide information network (Moscow Register of Education Quality - MRKO). Within two weeks after the diagnostic results are posted in the MRKO, the administration of the educational organization can analyze the data obtained, using the explanations and recommendations of MCKO specialists, which are posted on the MRKO websites (in personal accounts) and MRKO, and based on the analysis, decide which results to save in the school’s portfolio . Such a system allows the school to check weak classes without the risk of “exposing” poor results. However, it is worth recalling that if within two weeks a decision was not made not to include the result in the MRKO, then the results are automatically saved. Sometimes the administration selects for independent diagnostics those classes in which teachers teaching this subject plan to undergo certification in the near future. Undoubtedly this is very important direction, especially since the results saved by the school are automatically included in the teachers’ portfolios, and therefore will be taken into account in the future during certification.
- When registering for diagnostics, MCCO requests Additional information, for example: names and surnames of students, their grades for the last stage of intermediate certification, textbooks used in this class. Is it necessary to enter this data into the MRKO?
- Regarding the first part of the question, without a list of students, the Moscow Center for Education and Science will not be able to post the diagnostic results in the students’ personal accounts, which means their parents will not have access to this information. True, such a need will soon disappear, since MRKO is an information and analytical system of the Department of Education. In this regard, the integration of MRKO has already taken place with the registry of educational institutions, and integration with the “Contingent” registry is planned. Therefore, in the near future, there will be no need to fill out students’ personal information when applying for diagnostics: they will be entered into the system automatically.
Marks for intermediate certification allow you to assess the correspondence of diagnostic results to school grades. Correlation of test results with school grades allows us to assess the reliability of measuring materials; MCKO constantly monitors this indicator of test quality. On the other hand, discrepancies of 2 or more points between the diagnostic results and the school grade signal the teacher and school administration about the discrepancy between the internal school assessment and the objective test results.
As for the data on the textbooks used, the ICDC conducts an analysis for all diagnostic participants as a whole. Correlation analysis also provides an opportunity to look at differences in study results individual topics or formation individual species activities during the work of schools using different educational and methodological packages. This allows you to identify the advantages and disadvantages of certain educational and methodological kits(MK) and ultimately makes the choice of MK by teachers more meaningful.
- In what cases can school results be considered unreliable?
- The results of an independent diagnosis of a school (or a specific class) may be considered unreliable; we take into account two factors:
analysis of student answer forms;
analysis of feedback from independent observers on compliance with testing technology.
Class results are considered unreliable if answers to several assignments have been corrected in most forms. In addition, we use special program, which analyzes the frequency of identical incorrect answers in the class and thus records cheating. At the same time, we must take into account the comments made by the independent observer in the observation report: poor discipline, tips from students, non-compliance with testing technology.
- If the day of the diagnostics, which is indicated in the MCCO plan, is not suitable for the school, can it order it to be carried out on another day?
- Independent diagnostics are not a free pleasure. If the diagnostics takes place, for example, on October 2, then after it is carried out, the work options are considered open and you can prepare to work with these options, as happened with the USE KIM options that turned out to be on the eve of the exams on the Internet. Accordingly, the next day, diagnostics with an independent observer must be carried out using new materials, which leads to additional costs of budget funds. Therefore, it is better to either review the schedule of your events and take part in an independent diagnosis on the scheduled day, or conduct it in internal monitoring mode on another day.
- If a school uses a different program in a subject and the proposed diagnostics do not suit it, can it order diagnostics with different content?
- As a rule, subject diagnostics, which are carried out during the academic year, are focused on the programs of the most common educational and methodological kits in the city. In accordance with the instructions of the Department of Education, MCKO prepares one set of options for each diagnosis. If the school wants to receive individual measuring materials, then she can order them at the expense of her own financial resources.
- Who at school decides on the participation of classes in diagnostics?
- In most schools, the plan for internal monitoring of the quality of education and participation in external diagnostic activities is discussed at teacher councils, and approved by the school director. Based on this plan, the administrator responsible for work at MRKO nominates classes to participate in external diagnostics.
- How should the administration work with a teacher if his class has been submitted for independent diagnostics?
- Before conducting diagnostics, you need to ensure that the teacher promptly familiarizes himself with the specification, codifier and demo version. Let me remind you that these documents are posted on the MCCO website a month before the scheduled day of diagnosis. The next important aspect is preparing students for the test form. Here you need to study the instructional materials, which are also posted on the website, and familiarize students in advance with the rules for formatting forms and the features of recording answers to assignments various types. After receiving the diagnostic results, they are automatically uploaded to the schools’ classrooms in MRKO, after which it is necessary to record the detected problems, ensure that all unmastered content elements or skills are organized correctional work. Since all results are also placed in personal accounts students, it is desirable that corrective measures ( Additional tasks, consultation schedule) were also reflected there, so that parents could see how successfully their child was filling the identified gaps. In addition to the instructional and methodological materials posted on the MCKO website in the “Monitoring and Diagnostics” section, materials from webinars regularly held by the MCKO can help at the stages of preparation and analysis of results (see the webinar schedule . During the webinars, they discuss issues related to the content of diagnostic work, the procedure for testing, and analyze the generalized diagnostic results. By directly participating in the webinar, schools and teachers can ask questions that interest them, share their experiences, and by downloading recordings of past webinars, use the materials for methodological meetings with teachers.
- Let’s assume that after the diagnostics, the schools received the results for the class. How to determine whether they received a high or low result?
- In the recommendations of the MCCS, which are posted in the offices of schools in the MRCS simultaneously with the results, there is information about overall results by city and explanations for interpreting the results of classes (schools). Among the indicators that the class participating in the diagnostics receives, there is an indicator called the “performance coefficient”. It is determined by the formula: Ri = Xi / Хср., where Xi is the result of execution diagnostic work students of this class, Xav. - the result of the work performed on average for all OS participating in such diagnostics. The performance coefficient Ri = 1 is average result performing diagnostic work in general for all educational organizations who participated in the diagnosis. A value of Ri >1 means that the class results exceed the city average; performance coefficients exceeding 1.2 are considered the most significant. Ri values< 1 говорят о более низких результатах, чем в среднем по городу, а критическими показателями здесь будут коэффициенты менее 0,8. Кроме этого, необходимо сравнить результаты выполнения по контролируемым элементам содержания или видам деятельности, сравнив их с общегородскими показателями.
- What diagnostics does MCCS offer for schools making the transition to second-generation standards?
- System diagnostic measures MCKO assumes the use of measuring materials in accordance with federal component state educational standard, and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. If only subject tests are developed for the standards of the previous generation, then to accompany the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, schools are offered both subject and meta-subject measurement materials. Activities are planned for grades 1-4 this school year. primary school, 5-6th grades of the basic school and for 10th grades participating in the pilot project for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Here we offer both independent diagnostic procedures and wide range measuring materials for internal monitoring of educational achievements in schools implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. For rate meta-subject results we offer measuring materials in five various directions: diagnostics of cognitive meta-subject skills, interdisciplinary concepts, reading literacy, problem-solving competence and diagnostics of communicative and regulatory skills within the framework of observations project activities students. At the beginning of the school year, we publish an order of the Department of Education on the MCED website, which indicates not only the name and dates of each diagnostic, but also to assess the requirements of which standard the event is aimed at.

Information for your information

Federal Service for intellectual property registered the city of Moscow as the copyright holder of the information and analytical system “Moscow Register of Quality of Education” (IAS MRKO), on behalf of which the Department of Education acts (certificate No. 2013661983 dated December 20, 2013).