When there are no words. How does Herluf Bidstrup's cartoon help in psychological counseling? When words are not enough, there are pictures

Bidstrup... Herluf Bidstrup (1912-1988) is the greatest Danish artist.

There is probably no person who has not heard this surname belonging to the famous Danish artist. Someone saw some of his drawings in magazines, books, etc. printed publications. Someone was lucky enough to look at art albums dedicated to his work. Very few of them have been published in our country.

What is sometimes not easy to explain in words can be easily conveyed with the help of pictures and drawings. And here to the aid of psychology and various psychological techniques specific pictures come, called caricatures or comics..

In funny and mild form famous political cartoonist from Denmark, laureate Lenin Prize Herluf Bidstrup depicted the behavior of people of different temperaments. The Danish artist was an excellent professional and a good psychologist, H. Bidstrup could, like no one else, portray comedy in his individual manner various reactions to the same situation.

How many people - so many reactions. Because the division into psychotypes is absolutely arbitrary. There are no ideally pure sanguine people, choleric people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people in life. People even in different periods lives change their expected behavior, their reactions to fellow humans and the surrounding reality.

One could even say that this is one person - only the reaction is different. The undulation of mood over time: from aggression to indifference, from apathy to tearfulness, from grief to laughter...

For example, I observe such dynamics on individual consultations. At first there is aggression: “Why did they do this to me (“my hat”)? Why is my fate so unfair?” Next comes the thinking: “Why do I need all this? What does life want to tell or show me?” Then self-pity arises: “Why do I have a bad streak in my life? When will this bullying in fate end?” And in the end, insight - catharsis - laughter: “Did this really happen to me?”

People in certain professions also tend to have a predictable reaction to what is happening.

Communication between a choleric person and a phlegmatic person. Interesting. Whose nervous system wears out more intensively? And the case is ordinary. And most likely, an accident caused such an explosion of emotions in a choleric passerby. And the phlegmatic janitor has nothing to do with anything - this is clearly visible in the hand-drawn comic by Herluf Bidstrup in the photo.

The manner of speaking also differs from person to person. Sometimes you feel it at the level of intuition. One senses manipulation, insincerity, and an outright drain of negativity. Especially sensitive people it's extremely familiar. This is also familiar to the Danish cartoonist Bidstrup.

The reaction to many events in our lives is different and ambiguous. We are all different and we have different attitudes towards things. What is interesting and necessary for one may cause boredom or complete misunderstanding for another. But the book is the same. Good psychologist in life there was this Dane Herluf Bidstrup.

And such an entertaining caricature for lovely ladies from Herluf Bidstrup. Mirror: no comment.

And youth can be extended. There are many tricks. But the results bring those that bring pleasure and are done with pleasure!

What a different Feng Shui interior! And what’s most interesting is that the minimalist

filling there are obvious errors according to Feng Shui. Not to mention hyper-sophisticated. The errors have intensified - both qualitatively and quantitatively... Have you noticed them? Let's start with the picture...
There is already an article about them on my blog

Probably during the time of the Danish cartoonist Herluf Bidstrup there was an advertising campaign for elixirs for hair growth. And his imagination transformed tragedy into comedy or farce...

Everything in life is relative... And there is a lot of hair on the head.

And here is a comic, as a compliment to beauty female body and its stunning effect on all layers male population. Nudity - horrible power, and H. Bidstrup knew about it.

Sometimes it’s worth wrapping yourself up in shapeless clothes that were fashionable at the time, like in this picture, so that...

Bidstrup drew cartoons, political cartoons, travel notes but most of all he is known for his comics - small funny stories in pictures.

Bidstrup is Danish, but he doesn't have humor national borders. These funny, curious, tragicomic stories in pictures are understandable to anyone, regardless of age and nationality. The topics are completely different - everyday scenes, incidents on the street, in transport, on vacation, various life situations, sometimes brought to the point of absurdity.

If you want to cheer up, take a little break from current problems, relieve stress, laugh heartily, give yourself a few minutes of pleasure, visit the Bidstrup comics gallery, remember what you saw once before or rediscover these drawings and you will not regret it!

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This drawing by H. Bidstrup illustrates the reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (Appendix E).

Sanguine (based on a strong, balanced, mobile type nervous system). What is characteristic of a sanguine person? First of all, his increased reactivity, which manifests itself in the fact that he responds vividly and with great excitement to everything that attracts their attention, is very impressionable. Sanguine is different and increased activity- shows great persistence and energy. His activity and reactivity are balanced - he can easily restrain his reactions and manifestations of feelings. The reaction rate is quite high, which is manifested in fast movements, skipping gait, fast pace of speech. A sanguine person is distinguished by high behavioral plasticity and extroversion. He is inquisitive, cheerful, emotions arise easily, but they are not strong or deep, he quickly forgets insults, and is friendly.

Choleric (based on a strong, unbalanced - with a predominance of excitation - type of nervous system). Choleric people, like sanguine people, are also characterized by high reactivity and activity, and a fast reaction rate. But reactivity prevails over activity. That is why he is so unrestrained and hot-tempered, easily loses his temper, and is impatient. He is less plastic and more rigid than a sanguine person, hence the greater stability and constancy of his interests. They are characterized by feverish speed (facial expressions, gestures, rate of speech, impetuosity). A choleric person takes on any business with passion and is afraid of initiatives. In communication he is quick-tempered, harsh, and does not hold back his emotions.

Melancholic (based on weak type nervous system). Unlike other types of temperament, a melancholic person has high sensitivity, manifested in painful sensuality and touchiness. Low reactivity and reduced activity are manifested in a melancholic person in that he rarely laughs, is not confident in himself, often and easily gets lost, and does not complete his work. He is distinguished by a slow mental tempo - his movements are sluggish, weak, he speaks slowly. Gets tired of people quickly new situation, feelings arise slowly, but manifest themselves in depth. These people are easily vulnerable, although they do not show it outwardly. Tactful, soft, shy. They are characterized by suspiciousness and pessimism.

Phlegmatic (based on a strong, balanced, inert type of nervous system). Unlike sanguine and choleric people, he has low reactivity. This manifests itself in the fact that it is difficult to make him laugh or angry. High activity significantly prevails over low reactivity, which determines patience, endurance, and self-control. The mental pace is slow - movements are unhurried, gait is slow, questions are not answered immediately. It is characterized by low plasticity and high rigidity. He is slow and calm, shows thoroughness in everything, is inclined to order, but slowness interferes with the process of cognition and avoids arguments. He has a stable mood and avoids quarrels. Failures and troubles do not make him angry.

If we highlight the natural connections between the properties inherent in each type of temperament, we will obtain the following table (Appendix B).

IN pure form temperaments are practically non-existent. Each person has predominant traits of one temperament in a combination of the temperament of another. The given characteristics do not pretend to be categorical, since the division of the temperament of all people into four groups is very arbitrary. More broadly, we can only say that temperament mainly determines the course of mental life human, the dynamics of mental activity.

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Temperament- a set of individual mental characteristics personality. Temperament is the basis for the development of human character.

The main personality traits include: temperament and character.
Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate behavioral characteristics.
Temperament expresses a person's attitude to the events occurring around him.
Any person must constantly take into account the temperamental characteristics of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of occurrence conflict situations, avoiding possible stress. There are no better or worse temperaments. Therefore, efforts when contacting a person should not be aimed at correcting him, but at the competent use of the virtues and advantages of temperament while simultaneously neutralizing negative manifestations.
The earliest classification of temperament types was developed in the 2nd century BC. Roman physician Claudius Galen. In this typology, there are four main types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. As a rule, we should talk about the predominance of certain temperament traits, the relationship between temperaments, their percentage in personality. In its "pure form" individual types temperament are rare. However, let us characterize the “pure” types of temperaments.

This Bidstrup cartoon shows all the temperaments
1. Choleric
2. Phlegmatic
3. Melancholic
4. Sanguine

Characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. He is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by a task, he tends to act with all his might and become more exhausted than he should. Having public interest, temperament shows initiative, energy, and integrity. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, affectivity, incontinence, hot temper, and inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.

Quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly gets along with people, and is sociable. Feelings arise and change easily, emotional experiences, as a rule, shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not regulate his impulses sufficiently, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine of life or work system. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity superficiality and inconstancy are developed.


Characterized comparatively low level activity of behavior, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to emotions, having calculated his strengths, brings things to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, and does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy and doesn’t waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform only habitual actions.

His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus; there is depth and stability of feelings with weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on anything for a long time. Strong impacts often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in melancholic people (“give up”). He is characterized by restraint and muted speech and movements, shyness, timidity, and indecisiveness. IN normal conditions melancholic - a deep, meaningful person, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life tasks. At unfavorable conditions may become withdrawn, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person prone to severe internal experiences such life circumstances who don't deserve it.