How to explain complex things simply. How inanimate matter becomes alive

Explain, elucidate, elucidate, instruct, expound, describe, convey, comprehend, chew, interpret, construe, explain, illuminate, shed light on something, stipulate, illuminate (prot.), illustrate, comment, ... ... Synonym dictionary

EXPLAIN- EXPLAIN, explain something to someone, clarify, interpret, convey, report, instruct, expound, make something clear, understandable. He explained all his needs to me and expressed them. Explain your actions to me, explain them, I don’t understand them. This business… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

EXPLAIN- EXPLAIN, explain, explain. imperfect to explain. Marx saw the disadvantage of previous philosophy in the fact that philosophers only explained the world, but the task was to change it. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

explain- EXPLAIN, nu, nish; nyonny (yon, ena); Sov., that. Explain to someone or comprehend for oneself, make it clear, understandable. O. rule. O., How to handle the tool. How about. his behavior? (i.e. difficult to explain). Dictionary… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

explain- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN account ... Technical Translator's Guide

explain- verb., nsv., used. often Morphology: I explain, you explain, he/she/it explains, we explain, you explain, they explain, explain, explain, explained, explained, explained, explained, explaining, being explained, explaining, explaining;… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

explain- explain the matter causation, knowledge, understanding explain the absence causation, knowledge, understanding explain behavior causation, knowledge, understanding explain the appearance causation, knowledge, understanding explain the cause causation, knowledge, understanding... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

Explain- Nesov. trans. 1. When explaining something or talking about something, make it clear, understandable, known. 2. Find reasons, grounds for something. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

explain- explain, ya, ya... Russian spelling dictionary

explain- (I), explaining, nya/eat, nya/ut(sya) ... orthographic dictionary Russian language

explain- Syn: translate, interpret, interpret, explain, interpret, explain, elucidate, make clear... Russian thesaurus business vocabulary


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  • The art of explaining. How to make yourself understood perfectly, LeFever L.. When you are understood, this is happiness. And in business there is also money. You made Good work, you have a great product? So tell us about it so that it can be appreciated.…

Each of us is faced with the fact that he was misunderstood or not fully understood throughout the day. The saddest thing is that in most cases we are the culprits. They talked with their mouths full, and instead of showing them on the map, they started telling us the driving directions. Einstein said: " It’s difficult to simply explain something complex. It is difficult to explain the complex simply" With a little effort in explanation, we can improve the result of communications tenfold.

Make sure you are heard. The first of the popular reasons for misunderstanding each other is poor hearing. Reasons for this: poor diction, noisy place or poor telephone connection. And if the interlocutor also talks at the speed of a machine gun, then it is simply impossible to understand him.

Speak the same language. Make sure that you and the other person understand all the words you use in the same way. Imagine that you went to visit relatives one and a half thousand kilometers away and they ask you: “Bring a whisk.” What is this broom, wine or...? By the way, 90% of disputes can be extinguished with one phrase: “ We are arguing because we have not agreed on terms. Let's discuss them».

Create images. It is not enough to use the same words. It is necessary that they create the same images in the head of each of us. What image do you have when you hear the phrase “a smart person”? This is probably someone you know who can easily understand your thoughts. The whole point is that the word smart means the person who imagines images corresponding to those that you present.

Make analogies. It is often useful to go beyond the topic of conversation. Taking a similar situation from the experience of your interlocutor, you can easily explain difficult topic. For example, system administrators very often complain about accountants’ lack of understanding of the basics computer networks. After drawing an analogy between human communication and computer interaction, this problem disappears. The server is a gossipy grandmother on a bench, information is rumors. Now the server will be cherished like the apple of one’s eye, and will be hidden in the event of an inspection from the authorities.

Draw. Almost any complicated thing you can draw. If the complexity lies in the logical relationship of objects, then you can use Euler circles. If the matter is that components so many that you start to get confused in them, you can use mind mapping. Here is an example of a picture that shows which activities should be given the most attention:

Ask clarifying questions. It’s not enough to explain; it’s also worth checking that you were understood correctly. And ideally they wrote it down. You guessed what the intersection of the circles “What I like to do” and “What I can do” is called, but what they don’t get paid for?

The easiest language to explain complex phenomena, processes, ideas - visual. Images are the way to the heart of any person. Dan Roem didn't finish art school, but has already published several bestsellers about visual thinking. IN last book Draw to Win talks about how to teach, explain, persuade and sell using simple pictures.

1. Start with the question “Who?”

People are the main thing in any business. When do you want to captivate people? your idea?, the first thing you have to do is show them who is involved in it. Not just the guilty, the victims or the winners?, but everyone. Should we start with people? - not just politeness. From the point of view of your visual consciousness, this is the law. Visual? way "Who?" defines people? first, because without players there is no game.

I'm interested in other people. Is this my essence? work. I wonder what it means to be you, - Meryl Streep, actress.

If you want to influence the consciousness of your listeners, show them people. If you want to touch their hearts, show them yourself.

Yes? those are yours? idea face, including people? the basis of your explanation. Here are five simple ways draw a face or person:

2. Draw a goal

Behind the question “Who?” followed by the question “Why?” People won't listen to you for long if they can't see the purpose of your message. To successfully draw a goal, you first need to have a clear idea of ​​where you are going. In addition, you need the most visual? a way to describe a destination. That's why yours is next? the drawing should reveal the idea.

Here are a few goals of famous companies and their visual embodiment.

We will return the market share due to us ( Steve Jobs, returning to Apple).

We will destroy the barriers of education (Khan Academy).

We'll close for 47 years, waiting the right moment to return (Vanity Fair magazine).

Will we stick to ours? "stupid?" dreams until everyone finally sees how cool she is (Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream).

3. Draw a map

You need a map to show you how to get where you are going. If you want people to understand every step, visualize them.

To begin, draw the first arrow to show where you are planting. Name it. The image on the far right will be your target. Now fill in the gap between them. There may be several steps; if you have a lot of people? and projects, then most likely there will be many parallel lines?. As a result, you will end up with either something similar to the picture below or something more complex, with branches, different colors and figures.

Example map:

4. Tell a story

Great, now you have nice images to help you lead, sell and innovate, but it’s too early to think you have a good visual history. You have some details, but that's not the story yet. Will they become history? only when you connect them into a visual narrative with a beginning, middle and? and the finale.

A good visual story is one that shows the whole situation. The story starts with a short one? scenes in which? shown about whom/what you speak. The second scene defines quantitative characteristics these people? or objects. Further describes relative positions your players and elements, the following determines subsequence, in which? they interact, following them? illustrates cause and effect effect in the relationship that arises between them, and the final one fails in common? result - reflects main idea.

If you do everything right, your visual story will provide complete? context, which? do you need yours? audience to understand you and all the ideas that they have? need to be realized.

The ideal visual story consists of six increasingly complex drawings that reflect the process visual perception. Describing any idea this way - any? complexity, you can clarify it using the capabilities of the visual perception system.