How to determine where to put the future perfect continuous. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Long name, long formation formula and only one function in the language. If you have already guessed, we are talking about the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect Continuous and everything connected with it: rules of formation, cases of use, indicator words.


In English there is more than one, or even two ways of expressing the future tense. But today we are not talking about this, or rather about one of the many means - about the temporary form of the Future Perfect Continuous. It is translated into Russian as Future Perfect Continuous Tense. The concept of Future is simple: it describes an event that will occur in the future. But what kind of action this is - helps to understand the aspect of Perfect Continuous (Perfect-long or Perfect Continuous).

Already from the name it becomes clear that it indicates that the action being described is a process that began and continued before another action or until a certain period of time. Combining these two components - time and aspect, we get the rule: temporary Future form Perfect Continuous means that we have before us an event that will occur before another future event and will last at that moment.

Rules and examples of Future Perfect Continuous tense

An explanation of when the Future Perfect Continuous is used and what it means will become clear with the help of sentences in English with translation:

Nextyear a famous scientist will have been studying animal habits for 10years- IN next year It will be 10 years since the famous scientist studied the habits of animals.

When my sisters come home my mother will have been cleaning the flat for one hour- When my sisters come home, my mother will have already cleaned the room within an hour.

In all three examples before us are extended actions: will have been studying - studies, will have been taking part - takes part, will have been cleaning - cleans. The events described last for a certain period (for 10 years - for 10 years, for how many days - for how many days, for one hour - for one hour) and will last until a specific moment in the future (next year - next year, by that time - by this time).

However, they may stop during this period or continue further. The event can continue not only until the set time, but also until the intended action, as given in the third sentence: when my sisters come - when my sisters come.

Pay attention to the words that describe exact time in future. They are Future Perfect Continuous time markers. You can add other indicator words to the same list: till/until - before, for 5 weeks - for five weeks, by the end of the hour/day/month/year - by the end of the hour/day/month/year.


The long name of the time implies a long formula of formation. Indeed, it consists of several formulas combined into one. Will/Shall is auxiliary future tense (Future). Design aspect Perfect(Perfect) is a combination of auxiliary verb have+ 3rd form of the verb, and Continuous - be + verb + -ing. Their addition leads to the following construction: subjects + will/shall + have been + main verb + -ing. About how it “works” in practice in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences, the table says:

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Subjects + will/shall + have been + verb + -ing



I shall (will) have been cleaning - I will clean

You will have been cleaning - You will clean

He (she, it) will have been cleaning - He (she, it) will clean

We shall (will) have been cleaning - We will clean

You will have been cleaning - You will clean

They will have been cleaning - They will clean

Subjects + will/shall + not + have been + verb + -ing

I shall (will) not have been cleaning - I won’t clean

You will not have been cleaning - You will not clean

He (she, it) will not have been cleaning - He (she, it) will not clean

We shall (will) not have been cleaning - We will not clean

You will not have been cleaning - You will not clean

They will not have been cleaning - They will not clean

Will/shall + subjects + have been + verb + -ing?

Shall I have been cleaning? - Will I clean up?

Will you have been cleaning? -Are you going to clean up?

Will he (she, it) have been cleaning? - Will he (she, it) clean up?

Shall we have been cleaning? - Are we going to clean up?

Will you have been cleaning? - Will you clean up?

Will they have been cleaning? - Will they clean up?

According to the classical rule in English for first person singular and plural The auxiliary verb of the future tense is shall (I/ We shall). But modern language simplifies existing procedures and therefore use will instead of shall is not an error.

What have we learned?

Today we answered a number of questions about the Future Perfect Continuous tense: when is it used, grammatical formula, negative and interrogative construction, basic indicator words.

Test on the topic

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The future perfect continuous is the future tense for processes completed in the future. It describes the activity of future point, emphasizing its duration.

Pre-future long time formed from the future be + have been+ present participle. Pre-future-long-term denial - will/shall not/ won't /shan't.

He will be tired because he will have been exercising so hard – Hegets tired, That's whyWhatintenselyexercising

will/shall have been + -ing

will sb have been doing sth

sb will have been doing sth

sb won't have been doing sth

Values ​​b future perfect continuous

  • future preprocesses

You will have been waiting for more than 2 hours when her plane finally arrives – Youyou'll waitarrivalherflightmore2 hours

They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives – ToarrivalThomasTheythey'll talkmorehours

James will have been teaching at the university for more than a year by the time he leaves for Asia – KotimedepartureVAsiaJameswillteachVuniversitylongerof the year

How long will you have been studying when you graduate? - How manyYoumoreyou'll studybeforerelease?

Neighboring times

As a result of the fusion of the future perfect and the future continuous, the future perfect continuous tense emphasizes both the effectiveness and duration of an activity. With verbs live, work, teach, feel You can use the pre-future and the future continuous equally. However, as a longer time than the perfect tense, the pre-future continuous avoids the rest static verbs. Therefore, this time is a dynamic version of the pre-future.

She’ll have been working here for 10 years soon – SoonshealreadyHow10 yearswill workHere

By 2010, I will have been living in San Francisco for 20 years – K2010 II'll liveVSan-Francisco20 years

They might be tired when you see them because they’ll have been working hard – Theyprobablyget tired, WhenYoutheiryou'll see, - after allTheywill workonwear

By the end of next month, she will have been teaching for 20 years – Kendnextmonthsshewillteach20 years

No, I will not have been living here that long – No, IHereSofor a long timeNotwilllive


  • conjunctions/prepositions

by, for, until/till, when

By the time they reach York, they will have been traveling for 4 hours – KarrivalVYorkTheywill pass4 hours

Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging for over an hour – JasonwilltiredByreturnhome, That's whyWhatruns throughmorehours

You will only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives – Youyou'll waitherarrivalTotala coupleminutes

The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over 6 months by the time it is finished – Beforefinishingpaintingwillbe createdfamousartistmoresix months

By the year 2053, man will have been flying for 300 years – K2053 personwillflyalready300 years

The party will have been going for ages by the time we arrive – Kourarrivalpartywillgokisseternity

In just half an hour from now, we will have been working for 14 hours straight – Morehalf an hour- AndWelet's work it out14 hourscontract

I will have been working here for ten years next week – OnnextweekII'll work on itHere10 years

My father and I will have been breeding sheep for 20 years tomorrow – Tomorrow, my father and I will be breeding sheep for 20 years

English Joke

A young couple that had received many valuable wedding presents established their home in a suburb. One morning they received in the mail two tickets for a popular show in the city, with a single line:

"Guess who sent them."

The pair had much amusement in trying to identify the donor, but failed in the effort. They duly attended the theater, and had a delightful time. On their return home late at night, still trying to guess the identity of the unknown host, they found the house stripped of every article of value. And on the bare table in the dining-room was a piece of paper on which was written in the same hand as the enclosure with the tickets.

Hello, hello, my wonderful readers.

Already from the title of the article it becomes clear: Future Perfect Continuous Tense neither you and I, nor the English themselves use it particularly often. But it still won’t hurt to know it, because you can go to study abroad or even somewhere you will come across an assignment with this time. Therefore, today we will analyze rules and examples, exercises with answers and even a test.

How is it formed

The education of time consists, perhaps, of everything that we have already taught before. Let's take a closer look:

Subject + auxiliary verbs will\shall + have been + predicate ending –ing. + additions and circumstances.

We shall have been producing this range of products for 6 months by the start of the year. -By the beginning of the year we will be producing this line of products for 6 months.

We shall have been spending a vacation in this country for the 10th time by the middle of the year. - By the middle of the year we will be spending our holidays in this country for the 10th time.

To make this tense negative, add the particle not immediately after the particle will or shall.

If we put the auxiliary verb at the very beginning of the sentence, we get an interrogative sentence.

When to use

The use of this tense has one simple function: to emphasize that the action lasted. With all this, we are talking about an event that will begin in the future and continue thereafter. Let's look at example sentences with translation. Note that any example can be translated into Russian with the words: “It will already be [ 2 years, 3 months, 5 years, etc.] How..."

This time in two years I shall have been publishing books for 20 years. - At this time, in two years, I will have been publishing books for 20 years.

By the start of the week we shall have been preparing this financial statement for a month. - By the beginning of the week, we will have been preparing this financial report for a month (By the beginning of the week, it will have been a month since we have been preparing this financial report).

By the middle of the winter I shall have been taking part in this competition for 2 years. - By mid-winter it will be two years since I have taken part in this competition.

This is where the rule, in fact, ends. Apparently this is why it is used so rarely. But still this does not negate the need to secure it well. , where exercises with answers and a test await you. Test yourself and your knowledge and share your results and questions in the comments.

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And I say goodbye for today.